How to make bows from napkins. How to make a bow from corrugated paper with your own hands? Handmade gift packaging

There are different reasons for feasts: birthdays and significant dates, Defender of the Fatherland Day and International Women's Day, Valentine's Day and numerous professional holidays. And for some, a special occasion is not needed to create a festive atmosphere in the house. Yesterday we talked to you about how to beautifully fold paper napkins for any celebration, but today we will use them to decorate the New Year's table, inviting the spirit of our favorite holiday into the house.

How to fold napkins for the New Year's table?

Let's decorate the holiday table together with napkins in the shape of a New Year's tree, a bright snowflake, a playful bunny and a romantic swan. I hope the detailed photo instructions will make your task easier and help you make your holiday unforgettable.

Napkins in the shape of a Christmas tree

To decorate napkins in the shape of a spruce, green napkins are best suited for greater realism. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any on hand, so I will demonstrate this method of folding napkins on orange napkins. You can also make a very beautiful Christmas tree from napkins with New Year or Christmas ornaments.

1. Take the napkin out of the package. 2. Bend one corner down, as in figure two. 3. Bend another corner, trying to make single indents. 4. Bend down the third corner. 5. Bend down the fourth corner. 6. Turn the napkin over. 7. Fold the two sides of the napkin, as shown in Figure seven. 8. Turn the napkin over again. 9. Take the first corner and gently pull it towards you. 10. We also bend the second corner and tuck it under the first. 11. We fill all the corners one by one. 12. Decorate our Christmas tree with “toys” and a bow.

Bunny shaped napkin

You can also please your guests with bunny-shaped napkins. Such napkins of various sizes and several contrasting colors will look especially cool.

1. Fold a square napkin in half. 2. Fold it in half again (take it from bottom to center). 3. Find the middle and bend part of the napkin down, as in the third picture. 4. We bend the second part in the same way. 5. Now bend the lower corners towards the center. 6. We bend each side of the napkin again towards the center, as in figure six. 7. Turn the napkin over. 8. Lower the top corner down. 9. Turn the napkin over. 10. Connect the two ends of the napkin, pinching one end after the other. 11. Turn the napkin over and straighten our bunny’s ears. 12. Tie the napkin with a string, tie a bow and trim it so that you get a mustache.

Napkin in the shape of a swan

Napkins in the shape of swans will look very romantic on the holiday table. White and black napkins are best suited for these purposes.

1. Place a square napkin on the table. 2. Fold it in half, carefully ironing the edge - this is very important. 3. Open the napkin and bend the corner so that the next corner can be bent exactly the same distance. 4. Bend the second corner and iron it thoroughly. 5. Now we fold the parts of the napkin, as in figure five. 6. Fold the napkin in half, but so that its sharp tip protrudes beyond the napkin for some distance. 7. Bend this tip back. 8. Turn the napkin over. 9. Bend it in half. 10. We take the swan in our hands. 11. We bend the bottom of the napkin (the base of the swan) on each side, otherwise the swan simply will not be able to stand. 12. Place the swan on a plate or table.

Fold the napkin into the shape of a snowflake (star)

Napkins in the shape of snowflakes will look very bright and festive on the New Year's table. It is best to use multi-colored napkins with New Year's ornaments.

1. Fold the bottom and top sides of the laid out square napkin towards the center. 2. Turn the napkin towards you. 3. Fold the napkin like an accordion. 4. You must have at least five edges, otherwise it will be difficult to ultimately fold the napkin into a snowflake. 5. Bend down the corners, as in figure number five. 6. We do this on each side. 7. Pin the napkin in the center and straighten it into a snowflake. If you have made too few edges and it does not straighten out, you can staple the opposite ends together. 8. Place the napkin on the festive table.

Everyone loves to receive and give good gifts. It's no secret that the best gift is made with your own hands. Thanks to our article, which will present: master classes, diagrams, videos, you will get an interesting idea on how beautifully and unusually you can decorate a gift or card. Let's start creating. Let's start with a simpler version of the usual origami bow!

Making an original bow using the origami technique with your own hands

The key to good and high-quality work depends on the workplace. We will remove everything unnecessary and prepare everything necessary. We will need:

  • Scissors
  • Sheet of colored paper

Let's prepare the necessary templates, as shown in the pictures. You will need a strip for fastening in the center, the center of the bow and the back part on which everything is attached.

We take a part that consists of two wings. The ends of these wings must be bent towards the center, and wrapped in the center with a thin strip of paper, which we cut out according to the template. The wrapped strip must be glued to the back of the part so that the gluing points are not visible. All that remains is to take the bow and glue it to the base; you should glue it in the central part so that the wings of the bow are free and look more voluminous.

Now we have three main parts. To begin with, let's take a part that consists of two wings. The ends of these wings must be bent towards the center, and wrapped in the center with a thin strip of paper, which we cut out according to the template. The wrapped strip must be glued to the back of the part so that the gluing points are not visible. All that remains is to take the bow and glue it to the base, you should glue it in the central part so that the wings of our bow are free and look more voluminous

This is how easy it is for us to create original bows that can be used to decorate gifts, cards, or simply be used in the home for decoration.

Master class on creating a butterfly bow for a celebration

Let's move on to a more complex task, let's make a bow using the origami technique in the shape of a butterfly. We stock up on patience, put in a lot of effort and desire.

We take a sheet of colored paper in our hands.

We form a square and draw diagonals along it.

Using diagonal lines we make a double square.

We patch the corner bend about a centimeter wide.

We open the sheet from the same side, pinch the edges of the visible small square.

Now you need to fold the same double square again, and the small central one should be inside. Its lateral folds bend inward.

The upper sides of the base need to be bent towards the center. The small top segment should line up exactly with the center vertical line.

The same must be done with the remaining upper sides. At both sides.

Carefully unroll the workpiece. In this case, the central part of the bow will be ready.

To form the “wings” of the bow, we make cuts on the back side, i.e. where there is no square-core bow. Between the large square parts and the narrow stripes there are protruding folds in the shape of a “mountain”. It is along them that you need to cut almost to the core.

Laying the sides of the bow is done like this: turn one side down, make folds on one half of the bow, directed towards the middle and forming a right angle with respect to the vertical.

oh do the same on all sides. It’s better not to look at the front of the bow, don’t get distracted. Working with the bottom square. Fold the corners parallel to the vertical line.

Cut along the most vertical line.

We bend the inner side corners.

The only small thing left to do is put the corners of the bow into the core, which fit easily into it, and cut out sharp corners on the lower parts.

Video selection on the topic of the article

So our butterfly bow is ready. Now put it to good use. Also, to make it easier and more understandable, we have attached a video collection on this topic so that you can make even more and more varied paper bows.

This one is unusual present-surprise can be made in almost any conditions and it will take you no more than a minute to make. And for this you only need napkin and the desire to please present- surprise for your loved one. Well, and of course, in order for the folding process roses proceeded smoothly, it’s worth practicing a little first.

Create rose possible from any napkins, but high-quality colored ones are more preferable.

And you can achieve even greater amazement by first dipping the tip of your finger into an oil that has a scent roses, and moisten the bud roses this oil.

Instructions for making a rose from a napkin

Step 1. Fold the top edge of the napkin approximately 5 cm. Then, as shown in the picture, catch the fold of the napkin in the upper left corner between your middle and index fingers. With your right hand, grab the top right corner of the napkin. Wrap the napkin, starting with your right hand, moving away from you, around your middle and index fingers so that the edge of the napkin is curved 5 cm on the outside.

Step 2. Napkin wrap around fingers until completely wrapped. You need to wrap it securely, but not very tightly, since your fingers are made of napkins in the next step you will need to extract. Bend at napkins corner in the upper edge - we received the outer petal of our paper roses.

Step 3. Now pinch napkin with your right hand slightly below the level of the bend. The part located above the bend is the bud roses, and the part located below is its future leaf and stem. While two fingers of your left hand are still in napkin, make several revolutions around the axis. Then, removing your fingers from the bud, continue along the length napkins twist the stem. When you reach the vertical middle napkins, stop.

Step 5. And the final touch. Hold the stem securely where you stopped rotating and continue twisting the stem roses below this place. Roll until you reach the end napkins.

Handmade gift packaging

After present chosen, you should think about beautiful packaging for it. Agree that present in a beautiful packaging It’s more pleasant to give and to receive. You can ask for help from a specialist - department packaging works in any large store, but you can use gift packaging, made by hand

Below is a description of the manufacture gift packaging in pictures. Size packaging depends on size gift, and in our case also on the size of the piece of fabric.

Like this gift packaging can be done with your own hands. Further registration packaging depends only on your imagination and desire.

Valentine flowers - a gift for Valentine's Day

Valentine flowers- original gift for Valentine's Day. It's very easy to make.

For the base flower in this case we take a candy on a stick. But valentine flower You can make it without candy. Cut out 6 hearts from colored paper to make the top of the head flower-valentines. We make a hole at the base of each heart and thread it through it onto a stick. Above are the petals of our valentine flower the candy sticks, and you can grab them with tape from below.

That's all! Valentine's Day Gift - bouquet of valentine flowers-ready!

How to tie a bow

The holidays are coming, and you want to wrap a gift beautifully. It’s always a problem for me, how to tie a bow that doesn’t turn but lies flat?

So, to tie a bow you only need an ordinary dining room
a fork, the size of which will determine the size of the bow itself. On the fork
Bows made from ribbons of small width - up to 1 cm - work well. More
Wide ribbons will be very difficult to tie on a fork. After you
tighten this knot, carefully make another one to secure it

And this is what you get on the back of the fork. We take off the bow,
straighten all the ribbons, trim the ends (you can cut them with corners).
Little tips. 1. Try not to twist the tape when working. 2.
Practice a few times first, I have the first few bows
were very ugly.

To tie large bows using ribbons
larger width, it is very convenient to use the following template. His
must be printed and pasted onto cardboard. At its edges you can
tie bows of any size.
(MK video on the website

    To make bow from corrugated paper we will need:

    colored corrugated paper multi-colored

    scissors are a must

    office glue for gluing

    threads by color

    And initially, of course, you need to draw a template from any paper, according to which we will make our bow. To make one bow, three paper blanks are required.

    The bow itself is made from a blank with oval oblong petals. We take glue and thoroughly coat the jumper between them. Now we bend the petals in the middle so that the edges match. Take the second part of the bow and grease its center with glue. Glue the first piece on top, trying to align it strictly in the center. Now, for the final stage, lubricate a piece of tape (the third part) on the back side with glue, and wrap it around both parts along the jumper.

    And we get this cute bow from two layers.

    We can make very beautiful and bright bows from corrugated and plain colored paper with our own hands in a short time. You can use such bows to decorate gifts for loved ones and even attach it to the Christmas tree.

    Roses that can be made from corrugated paper will be very beautiful. Watch the video tutorial.

    A master class on making paper crafts with your own hands (bows, flowers, toys and origami) can be viewed by clicking on this link: Master Class.

    Please note that on the first site for making paper crafts registration is required, but you can view the materials if you have a program installed that removes pop-up banners, and on the second site viewing is free.

    As for needlework, we will also need scissors, ribbons for fastening, glue and a pencil for marking. We also need a purpose in the form of an occasion, because we can make flowers for ourselves and decorate our home with them, as well as for loved ones and friends.

    For friends and relatives, the products and crafts made from fabric and paper that we have considered are just suitable as a gift or an original accessory, since this will always mean to the person who received such a gift from you that he is dear to you. Because a handmade craft will always warm your eyes and delight your soul with memories. Good photographs will also help remind you of past events.

    Don't be afraid to start. Be patient and have plenty of corrugated and plain colored paper.

    In order to buy everything we need, we must go to an art store, where we can ask the sales consultant what is the best paper to buy. We buy many different colors in order to get a varied palette of shades, and also to practice at home, and decide for ourselves which colors and textures of paper will be more successful or appropriate in this particular case. Always start by preparing your work area. It is best to sit at the table on a chair with a back and armrests. This will help you maintain correct posture, and will also give you the opportunity to sometimes relax during hard work. The surface of the table should be well lit, preferably with a table lamp. There should be no foreign objects on the surface of the table that are not related to handicrafts. But this is the maximum, of course.

    By following all these rules, your work will be easy and comfortable, and then we carefully watch the video lessons (Masterclass) and create our own little masterpieces.

    In order to make a flower from corrugated paper with your own hands we need.

    First, we divide the wire that we bought into 4 parts and we need to cut the thin ribbon that we will need.

    Then you need to use scissors to cut the corrugated paper into several pieces.

    the next step will be this - you need to take the candy and wrap it with pieces of paper that we cut and get a flower.

    Then you need to secure the flower to the wire using tape.

    We get a flower. You can make several of these flowers and we will have a bouquet of flowers.

    You can make a bow very easily using photo diagram, which I will attach after this text. I made it myself, in 10 minutes I got a very beautiful bow made of corrugated paper.

    To learn how to make beautiful flowers from paper/corrugated paper or fabric, you can watch ready-made master classes.

    Making an elegant bow with your own hands will help you decorate a room, the interior for a holiday, or decorate clothes with your own hands.

    For a bow, just roll up a ribbon of corrugated paper and secure it in the middle with threads, rope, adhesive tape or a knot.

    Everyone knows how to tie a simple bow from a ribbon; just repeat the same thing from paper:

    To make a bow out of paper, you need to take a square sheet of paper and draw diagonals from opposite corners, you will get a square drawn into four parts. We cut out one of the parts, form a bow from the other three, watch the master class:

    An elegant bow can be cut out of fabric and pulled together in the middle, then secured.

    A paper bow can be folded from a napkin if you first make an accordion, then drag it in the middle. These bows, when spread out, make beautiful DIY paper flowers.

    A flower made from a bow folded with folds of paper can also be made lush and voluminous. This is how carnations and peonies are made from corrugated paper:

    A flower can be made from a strip of corrugated paper by sewing along the edge, then pulling the thread into a knot:

    You can make a flower by first folding a napkin into a bow and then straightening it into a bud:

    This is how you can festively and elegantly decorate gift wrapping with flowers or make decorations for a room for a celebration:

    You can make a flower from a napkin if you wrap individual parts around a ball, this gives volume to the petals and will help you quickly assemble a flower from such petals.

    The ribbon should be cut into pieces from which the loops of the bow are folded. Then all the parts are sewn into a lush and elegant bow. This is how brooches, hairpins, headbands and other decorations are made.

    The photographs show step by step how to make a bow from corrugated paper. You can decorate a gift with this bow or make several of them and hang them on a ribbon in the form of a garland to decorate your room for the holiday.

Holidays and special occasions constantly accompany our lives, and there are regularly occasions to give gifts. Agree, wouldn’t it be great to learn how to package them beautifully? has already offered, and today we offer instructions on tying bright creative bows for a gift!

Ribbon bows

To make gift bows from ribbons, you will need satin ribbons, or pieces of braid or fabric that does not fray. For some designs, you can use paper or thin plastic, securing the components with a stapler or glue.

Strict horizontal bows are perfect for stylish minimalist gift packaging. In this case, you can use several ribbons of different shades.

You can make this cute bow from scraps of multi-colored ribbons:

We make larger fluffy bows according to the following schemes:

We make a bright contrasting bow from two narrow and one wide ribbon like this:

You can tie a gift with real hair bows. Gentle, beautiful and reminiscent of school childhood! This option is great for wrapping a gift for a teacher.

Animal bows made from ribbons and braid

We use the idea of ​​animal bows to wrap gifts for children and themed celebrations. Look what a cute elephant or bunny you can make!

A dog owner will be pleased to receive a gift decorated with an elegant dog face.

Paper bows

Fold paper ribbons for quilling or strips of colored paper in the shape of various rings, cut out an inscription with a wish or anniversary dates from other paper. Pin them together to create a custom gift bow.

You can make a large flower from paper curls; in the center there is a place for wishes and additional decoration.

We make a holly flower from many cut out paper circles. We roll them into a cone and glue them along the edge. Then we collect it in the shape of a flower.

Paper bow with - simple and beautiful!

If you really want to surprise your loved ones with your originally packaged gift, then you should familiarize yourself with the detailed diagrams for cutting, folding and attaching extraordinary bows. Let's take a look and get down to business!

Even a child can make such a bow: fold the paper into a fan, fasten it with thread - and the bow is ready! You can use colored paper, newspaper and magazine clippings, wallpaper, and geographic maps.

Men's bows

We are preparing a special bow for a gift for a man. This could be decorating a gift with a tie or suspenders.

A paper bag with a gift inside can be shaped like a shirt and tie. We use colored ribbons or paper.

You can also use the shirt itself as wrapping paper and a bow. See what you can come up with!

Jewelry for gifts made from natural materials

A bow made of grass or straw is an original and simple solution.

Combining decoration and bouquet is a great idea. We decorate the gift with fresh flowers!

We use fresh green leaves and branches to decorate the gift.

We decorate the gift with a vintage masterpiece: sequins, a flower made of beaded threads and a real feather.

Unconventional solutions

The gift can simply be closed with a button.

It would be very useful to decorate a gift related to photographs or a gift for a photographer with old film from photographs.

You can make fabric packaging and a bow from a single piece of fabric.

How to beautifully wrap a round gift? A package made from a piece of fabric with a handle and double rows of bows is suitable.

When a pie is given as a gift, it is usually brought on a baking sheet in a towel. What if you complement your work of culinary art with beautiful packaging? An edible gift can be decorated with a fabric napkin and decorated with a “bow” of spoons.

Combination of simple bows

Everything ingenious is simple. If you don't want to spend a lot of time tying an original bow, make a lot of simple bows. The main thing is to maintain their harmonious combination.

Flower bows

Flowers are always bright, solemn and tender. Therefore, we take note of decorating gifts with bows and flowers.

We make a flower from two different ribbons.

Simple paper flower:

You can make a flower with leaves from paper according to the diagram:

Delicate voluminous flowers can be made from crepe paper or ordinary napkins.

See what kind of flower can be made from ordinary newsprint paper.

Fabric flowers are very similar to real ones. If you “burn” the edges of the fabric, you can get the effect of real petals. Similar flowers can be made from a plastic bottle by heating its edges.

We hope that our ideas will definitely inspire your creativity. wishes you and your loved ones pleasant gifts!

Photo sources:
