How to make a snowflake ballerina from paper. How to make a ballerina out of paper

A beautiful silhouette of a paper ballerina is an excellent decoration that can be used to complement the interior, stick to a New Year’s card, or make a three-dimensional figurine. It’s easy to find ready-made templates on the Internet. Save and print for yourself, then transfer to sheets of white or colored paper. For beginners, it is better to start with something simple, then gradually complicate the task for yourself.

Why does the ballerina look so attractive? She moves gracefully and seems like an extraterrestrial, fabulous creature. That’s why the image of a ballerina, along with a fairy and an angel, is so popular, especially on New Year’s.

First of all, you will need to choose the silhouette of a beautiful ballerina to cut out. The Internet is full of options. To make the figure voluminous, the skirt (tutu) is made separately.

What you will need:

  • ready-made templates;
  • sheets of paper (white, colored);
  • scissors;
  • pencil, eraser (circle);
  • felt-tip pens, pencils or paints (to color the paper silhouette);
  • rope or ribbon (if the craft is for a Christmas tree).

Manufacturing process

The step-by-step master class will begin with choosing a suitable picture. There are several options. The first is that you need an ordinary white silhouette, a colored ballerina or a real personality. The last option is used when a person’s face cut out from a photograph is glued onto a finished paper craft. The craft is placed inside a holiday card or made into a Christmas tree toy. An original New Year's gift.

For a colored ballerina, you can either choose a picture of a dancer and print it out and cut it out. Or take a regular white outline and then color it using markers or paints. It is not necessary to carefully draw the details; light strokes are enough, especially if the author is not a very skilled artist. You can put such a ballerina on a postcard with your own hands. All that remains is to fill out the wishes inside.

To make the image two-dimensional and viewed equally on both sides, print two identical, but mirrored pictures. Then glue them together with the wrong side. Then the figure will be double-sided. Excellent Christmas tree toy.

Pack. The dress looks more impressive. The easiest way is to cut out a paper snowflake for the pack. Carefully make a small hole in the center or cut to the center to attach the snowflake skirt to the ballerina silhouette. Then glue the cut out part. This tutu looks beautiful and gives the dancer’s image a special charm.

White silhouette or black? If you want to make a garland of several silhouettes of ballerinas, you don’t have to make them white. Take sheets of colored paper and choose colors that match each other. Two or three for contrast. For example, white-black-blue or green-red-gold. By the way, if the garland will be a festive decoration, it is better to take classic colors.

Then the craft will convey the spirit of the event. Carefully attach the cut out ballerinas to a thread and hang them together on one ribbon or strip. Or tie it to one long thread. Then it will seem that the dancers are floating weightlessly.

Ballerina silhouette for cutting

To make a paper ballerina beautiful, you will need a ready-made template, which you need to trace with a pencil, then cut out the figure. It’s easy to decorate an apartment with such crafts: stick them on windows, make long garlands and hang them from the ceiling, attach threads to figurines and hang them like Christmas tree decorations.

You can download the picture you like from the Internet, there are a lot of options there. By the way, by tracing the silhouette, it is easy to correct the features of the dancer’s figure, draw out her skirt or remove it (this is necessary if the tutu is cut out separately). Estimate the size of the future craft.

Craftsmen will draw a little dancer themselves, but if the artist’s skills are limited, it is better to take templates for cutting.

No printer. How to transfer pictures if you can’t print them? It is not difficult. To begin with, display the silhouette you like clearly on your monitor screen. Next, attach a sheet of A4 to it. Thick paper will not work; it is better to use regular office paper. Step by step, trace the visible contours of the drawing with a pencil and the template is ready.

Ballerinas: stencils

Ballerinas of similar sizes and figures who take different poses look more beautiful. It seems as if one dancer is moving, changing position. It is advisable to keep the color of the skirt and the figure itself the same.

For example, make 5-6 similar silhouettes of a ballerina, which will differ only in poses. And hang them in a group from the ceiling or on the Christmas tree (if preparations are underway for the New Year). Find ballerina stencils on the Internet.

Colored figures look good. They add color.

Ballerina - DIY postcard

Why buy ready-made cards, choosing a suitable design and “adequate” congratulation text, when you can make them at home? The graceful silhouette of a ballerina will be an excellent decoration.

What you will need:

  • a sheet of thick paper (the base of the postcard);
  • colored paper (for ballerina);
  • finished stencil;
  • scissors;
  • thin marker;
  • beads or sequins;
  • glue;
  • bow (for a skirt);
  • a pen and a good idea (for congratulations).

Manufacturing process:

  1. First you need to prepare the basis for the future postcard. Fold a sheet of thick paper in half, trim the edges so that they are the same. Imagine where the ballerina will be - outside, inside or on both sides. The last option will require 2 stencils (so that the ballerinas are different or one, but in different poses).
  2. Print the selected stencil with a silhouette and press it firmly onto the paper. Use a thin marker to carefully trace the stencil, drawing the figure of a ballerina. For beginners, it’s better to try your hand at pencil, because with a marker you can’t erase irregular lines. However, it is easier to trace a stencil than a regular template, because the silhouette is there from the inside.
  3. When finished, remove the stencil and color the ballerina with a thick marker. A dark color looks more impressive: black, blue or dark purple.
  4. Skirt. It can be made from a piece of a colored bow or other beautiful fabric. The edge of the material needs to be pulled together by sewing or gluing it to make the skirt airy and voluminous. Carefully glue the finished skirt to the ballerina’s silhouette using PVA glue or stationery glue. Press tightly and hold the material for a couple of minutes until the glue “takes.”
  5. Decorate your head. Ballerinas often decorate their hair with shiny hairpins or wreaths. To do this you will need several beads, beads or sequins of the desired color. Carefully glue them to the ballerina's head, forming a shiny wreath.

That's it, the ballerina is ready. You need to wait until the glue is completely dry and fill the card. If you need two dancers, then it is better to make the second one, inside the card, not voluminous. Draw a skirt or glue a paper one.

All that remains is to write your congratulations beautifully and wait for a reason to give a card!

Snowflake - ballerina

A spectacular decoration, especially for the New Year, when you need to prepare your apartment or office for the holiday. Why cut out regular snowflakes? It is better to make beautiful skirts out of them for little dancers. They will complement any interior.

What you will need:

  • sheets of paper (for ballerinas and snowflakes);
  • scissors;
  • ready-made templates (separate figures of dancers, separately snowflakes);
  • pencil;
  • glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. To begin, select and print graceful silhouettes of dancing ballerinas. Transfer them to sheets of white paper, then carefully cut them out. The beauty of the finished craft will largely depend on the actions with scissors (rough strokes are clearly visible).
  2. Snowflake. It is not necessary to take templates of complex snowflakes; it is enough to understand the manufacturing scheme. Many people made these as children, carefully cutting out intricate patterns from white or colored paper. Only for a skirt a snowflake with sharp patterned edges looks better. The size should be determined by the paper figure of the dancer. It is not necessary to make a snowflake skirt short, the main thing is that it does not exceed the length of your legs.
  3. Figurine assembly. Carefully cut out the middle of the finished snowflake. Then, if the ballerina figurine has folded arms, you can thread it through the hole, securing a beautiful skirt at the waist. If not, you will need to cut the snowflake to the middle, thread it onto the ballerina figure and glue the edge.

White faceless figures will look better. They look the same on both sides, in addition, real snowflakes are white. However, you can leave them white and cut out ballerina figures from sheets of multi-colored paper.

That’s it, the finished craft can be hung through a thread from the ceiling, attached with tape to glass or on a Christmas tree.

Origami - ballerina

Folding origami is a complex matter, requiring care and a step-by-step diagram. You need to follow the pictures arranged in a certain order.

The only material is a sheet of paper. A regular A4 will also do. Fold carefully, clearly forming all fold lines. The finished figurine can be used as a Christmas tree decoration or attached to the ceiling. The result will be a voluminous craft.

Paper ballerina applique

The graceful silhouette of a dancing girl is perfect for creating applique. The ballerina can be decorated with multi-colored rhinestones, and other elements can be painted on, creating a surrounding background.

What you will need:

  • finished stencil;
  • a sheet of light cardboard (the basis of the applique);
  • dark gouache (any color);
  • brush;
  • colorless glue;
  • glitter;
  • satin ribbon;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process

  1. First of all, draw or print a figurine of a ballerina. The difference between the stencil is that the figure is outlined from the inside, not from the outside. Thus, the finished result is neater and more beautiful, even for beginners. All blots remain on the border of the stencil. It is more convenient to use for creating appliqués or decorating postcards when the silhouette is placed on paper rather than cut out.
  2. Here we need the silhouette of the ballerina itself. Carefully cut it out, following the contour and transfer it to the base - a sheet of cardboard. Applying it more tightly, trace the figures along the lines.
  3. Paint the outlined figure with dark colors. If the base is colored, it is better to choose a color that matches it. For example, a black figurine on a white/blue/green background looks beautiful.
  4. When finished, leave the craft and let it dry.
  5. Pack. By cutting off a piece of fabric or fringe, create a skirt (gather the fabric from the edge at the waist and fasten it). The ballerina will hold the ribbon with her hands. In this case, it can be glued either completely or in parts.
  6. Sparkles and small sequins serve as background decoration. After dripping glue onto several areas of the base, sprinkle them with glitter. If instead of them there are beads or sequins, then hold them with your fingers so that the glue is fixed.
  7. Figurine decoration. It is important to show imagination here. Add colors to the image by drawing the ballerina’s pointe shoes and a wreath on her head, add elements for the background - a stage or a round arena, the edge of the curtain, as if the dancer is on stage. Anything.

The finished application looks more like a painting.

Ballerina made of napkin and wire

If you have wire in the house, you can make a figurine of a dancing ballerina out of it, and create a dress from napkins.

You will need: thin wire; napkins; threads; glue.

Watch the manufacturing process in the video:

It’s nice to create a New Year’s fairy tale with your own hands. All you need is paper, scissors, skillful hands and inspiration. Let us remember the magical fairy-tale ballets “The Nutcracker”, “Cinderella”, “Sleeping Beauty”. Let's cut out graceful silhouettes of ballerinas in lace skirts and decorate the Christmas tree and the house with them. They will immediately create a festive mood in it. Usually the windows of houses are decorated with intricate openwork snowflakes for the New Year. But a composition of silhouettes of fairy-tale houses and dancing ballerinas in cut-out skirts in the “vytynanka” style will be much more original and refined.

New Year's composition on the window

Required materials and tools:

  1. Paper.
  2. Scissors.
  3. House templates and ballerina stencils made from snowflakes.
  • Draw fairytale houses yourself. You can copy them from children's coloring books, which can be found on the Internet.
  • Cut out the houses and attach them to the window below. Attach the silhouette of the month, also cut out of paper, to the top.
  • Cut out small snowflakes and attach them occasionally on the window from top to bottom.
  • Print a ballerina stencil from paper. Using a template, cut out flat figures of dancers in lace ballet tutus in the “vytynanka” style and attach them to the window among the snowflakes.
  • The window will become fabulous and elegant.

Mobile of dancing snowflake ballerinas

The figures of ballet dancers can not be glued to the window, but hung on a thin fishing line or on a shiny thread on a cornice, on a chandelier, in a doorway. Delicate, graceful ballerinas made of paper in airy lace skirts will spin in the slightest breeze.

What do you need for work?:


  • Prepare a pattern, template or stencil for cutting out figures. You can involve children in making ballerinas and lacy snowflake skirts. They will be happy to take part in decorating the house and Christmas tree. The manufacturing process is simple, and schoolchildren can handle it.
  • Cut out the required number of silhouettes in different poses characteristic of ballet steps. Don't forget to cut out a small paper tutu to keep the full lace snowflake skirt from falling off.
  • Prepare snowflake skirts. For those who already have experience cutting snowflakes from paper, this will not be difficult. For variety, it’s good to use cutting patterns on the Internet. If you put 2-3 snowflakes on one ballerina, the skirt will be fuller. Skirts can be cut not only from white, but also from colored napkins or with a multi-colored pattern. They can be of different lengths: the bottom one is the longest, the top one is the shortest.
  • Put the skirts on the ballerinas by dropping a little glue. Use a needle to make a hole in the figurine, insert a thread with a knot at the end and hang the ballerinas. You can attach several snowflakes-ballerinas on one fishing line or thread. If you weave several shiny threads or raindrops, you will get an original cord for hanging dancers from ceiling to floor.
  • To attach the ballerina to a branch on the Christmas tree, you can use a thin colored elastic band. A Christmas tree with such decorations also looks elegant and unusual.

If figurines of dancers are used to decorate a birthday party or dance party, then organza, tulle, and light thin lace are used to make skirts for them. Cut a strip of fabric into two skirt lengths, melt the edges over a fire, fold in half and gather at the top. Place on the figurine and attach. Keep your skirts short and fluffy to make the ballerina look light and graceful.

How to make snowflakes

Snowflakes need to be made in advance. They can be cut out of paper thinner than a ballerina figurine. You can use special tissue paper, tracing paper, and multi-colored napkins. When the silhouettes of the girls are ready, then put skirts on them, combining them by color, pattern, and size.

For work you will need: paper, pencil, scissors, sketches of patterns for cutting, protractor.


New Year's garland

Necessary materials:

  1. Colored and white paper.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Rain or tinsel.
  4. Glitter.

Stages of work:

Store shelves are filled with Christmas decorations and toys. But don’t rush to buy them at New Year’s fairs and kiosks. Making New Year's crafts with your own hands will unite the whole family, fill the house with a festive mood and anticipation of magical events. It doesn’t matter if the openwork craft is far from perfect, the little man who worked intently on making it will enthusiastically admire it throughout the holiday.

Attention, TODAY only!

You have probably seen the world famous ballet “The Nutcracker” by P. I. Tchaikovsky and the magical dance of the ballerinas “Waltz of the Snow Flakes,” which means you will understand why today we will attract your attention with the art of dance before the New Year holidays. There is still time to decorate your cozy corner and make it original and fabulous for the New Year.

Elegant snowflakes

We invite you to embody the “dance of snowflakes” in paper ballerinas in a tutu and admire the endless beauty. It is so beautiful and easy that you can watch without taking your eyes off, admiring the flight of a snowflake, as well as the beautiful dance of a ballerina for a long time.

Let's, on the eve of the New Year holidays, try to combine two beauties and express them on paper!

Snowflake ballerina in a tutu

Cutting out snowflakes

Cutting out blanks

A real snowflake is always polygonal. The figure shows the sequence of how to fold paper correctly.

 Fold a square piece of tissue paper in half.

 Calculating by eye, divide the angle by 180 degrees, and then into three equal parts, or by 60 degrees.

 Mark the middle of the rectangle and fold it as shown in the photo.

How to fold paper (napkin) correctly for cutting

 It is important that all lines line up clearly.

 Fold the resulting triangle in half.

 Cut out any excess along the edge of the paper.

Wire ballet dancer

Very beautiful and fragile paper ballerina

The beautiful ballerina is ready!

Garland of ballerinas

You can decorate these ballerinas with tinsel, hang them on a chandelier, above the doorway

Ballerinas on tulle

Hang ballerinas at different lengths and transform the dance of snowflakes

In the afternoon, against the background of the window, the silhouettes of sun dancers in tutus look amazing and very beautiful. And all you have to do is:

  • cut out dancer figures;
  • cut out a snowflake skirt;
  • Dress a beautiful woman and attach her to the tulle with pins.

A festive atmosphere is guaranteed!!

You are in the category coloring ballerina templates. The coloring book you are considering is described by our visitors as follows: "" Here you will find many coloring pages online. You can download coloring templates of ballerinas and also print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of a child. They activate mental activity, form aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the theme of ballerina templates develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps you learn more about the world around you, and introduces you to all the variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog, compiled by category, will make it easier to find the desired picture, and a large selection of coloring books will allow you to find a new interesting topic for coloring every day.
