How to treat varicose veins during pregnancy: safe methods of dealing with the disease. Symptoms of varicose veins during pregnancy

A wonderful time - pregnancy - can provoke a very unpleasant disease - varicose veins (chronic venous insufficiency). According to statistics, 20-30% of women appear after their first pregnancy. In subsequent pregnancies, this percentage grows inexorably and reaches 40-60% in the second pregnancy, as well as up to 80% in the third. As a rule, varicose veins due to pregnancy most often occur in people who are predisposed to the disease. In many women, the first manifestations of varicose veins are visible even before the onset of an “interesting situation”.

Visually, problems with veins can look like "spider veins" and "worms". In the first case, we are talking about translucent small vessels, similar to a cobweb. They are blue or purple in color, but do not rise above the surface of the skin. "Worms" are, on the contrary, an expansion of the main veins. As a rule, at the same time their bulging, swelling is observed. These veins, sometimes the size of a finger, are blue-green in color. But varicose veins are not only a cosmetic defect. This is a disease that is extremely dangerous for its complications. Among them, the most common: thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers, bleeding. The most dangerous is the formation of a blood clot, which can come off and create an immediate threat to the life of the mother and child.

What is varicose veins? Symptoms of the disease

The mechanism of formation of varicose veins during pregnancy is as follows: the blood is "pumped" into the lower extremities through the arteries, but lingers there, since the veins are partially clamped and cannot provide sufficient blood flow. As a result, there is a stagnation of venous blood, which bursts the veins from the inside.

The initial stages of varicose veins are almost asymptomatic for a woman - only a slight deformation of the veins is externally detected. In this case, by the end of the day, it is possible that by morning they completely disappear. As a rule, swelling is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, "fullness" of the legs, fatigue.

With a more neglected condition, calf muscles may occur. Basically, they disturb the pregnant woman at night. Further, the disease is aggravated by severe pain in the legs and itching of the skin, also aggravated at night.

The next stage in the development of varicose veins is a significant deformation of the veins. In this case, the veins protrude above the skin, they are dilated, sometimes intricately curved. It is worth noting that in some cases (even with severe deformation of the veins), a woman may not have unpleasant or painful sensations. At the same time, subtle changes to the eye can often be combined with serious pain symptoms.

As a rule, the causes of the onset or aggravation of this disease during pregnancy are: hormonal changes in the body (which leads to a weakening of the venous wall), increased blood volume in the veins (as a result of which the load on the veins increases significantly), pressure from the growing uterus and fetus, increasing weight pregnant woman. In addition, the individual characteristics of the woman's body also affect, in particular the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, underdevelopment or even the complete absence of venous valves.

Often during pregnancy, not only varicose veins of the lower extremities are observed, but also varicose veins of the labia, vulva, anus (hemorrhoids). If not treated in time, extensive vulvar varicose veins can lead to rupture of the vein, thereby provoking fatal bleeding.

Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy

Preventive measures must be taken both for those women whose disease has only “appeared on the horizon”, and for those who do not have its obvious manifestations. During pregnancy, for this purpose, it is necessary to wear compression stockings (anti-varicose tights are not used during pregnancy) or tightly wrap the legs with elastic bandages. The first option is the most convenient, since it does not require training in the special bandaging technique required in the case of bandages. But you should know that it is unacceptable to pick up stockings on your own, this should be done by a phlebologist. He will take into account the degree of compression you need, teach you how to use this product correctly. For example, the doctor will tell you that you need to put on stockings in the morning in a supine position, without getting out of bed. In addition, you should not wear clothes that interfere with the free circulation of blood in the thighs and knees. Choose shoes with a heel of 3-5 cm.

The next steps to take are to improve circulation in the legs with help and positioning. This means that it is necessary to give the legs a rest and unload them as often as possible. From time to time you should lie down, and so that your legs are on a hill (the option of throwing your legs on the table in the American style is quite suitable). It is also important to perform special simple exercises: circular movements with the feet, “bike”, lifting on toes, “toe-heel” rolls. You can lie on your back, raise your legs at a 90-degree angle (or straighten them) and shake.

During sleep, try to lie on your left side to improve blood flow. Do not cross your legs when sitting and do not stand for long periods of time. If you have to stand for a long time, periodically rise on your toes. Pool visits are helpful.

Make sure that the weight gain is not very significant, that is, in excess of the norm, since this has a very negative effect on the condition of the veins.

Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy

Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy, like other diseases, is unacceptable on its own. This should be done by a specialist.

In most cases, the treatment of this disease in pregnant women should be limited to conservative methods aimed at improving venous outflow. For treatment, all the measures that we described in the previous section are relevant: wearing special stockings, physiotherapy exercises. This can also be attributed to the fresh air, climbing and descending the stairs. The basis of nutrition for a pregnant woman suffering from varicose veins should be vegetables, lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs.

Most often, in the treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy, local preparations are used: gels, ointments. True, it must be taken into account that not any remedy is now suitable, since the active substance penetrates into the bloodstream and can be dangerous for the child. The most famous of them are: ESSAVEN-GEL, LYOTON 1000-GEL, DICLOFENAC-GEL, FASTUM-GEL, VENORUTON-GEL, GINKOR-GEL. The doctor will choose the one

Today, the pharmaceutical market presents a lot of medicines, the action of which is aimed at the treatment of varicose veins. But DETRALEX is recognized as the most preferable during the period of bearing a child. There is another drug - VENORUTON, which is contraindicated for use in the first three months, but is allowed after, as well as during breastfeeding. At the same time, treatment with ENDOTELON, ESCUZAN and DOXIUM is unacceptable. Along with phlebotropic drugs, drugs from other pharmaceutical groups are used: IBUPROFEN, DICLOFENAC, WOBENZYM, FLOGENZYM, PENTOXYFYLIN, ASPIRIN, DIPIRIDAMOL. True, their use is limited and is possible only in accordance with the strict indications of the attending physician.

In particularly difficult cases, with the rapid progression of the disease (or complications such as ascending thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcer), surgical treatment is performed. If there really is a real threat, then doctors decide on surgery, which is usually performed in the first six months of pregnancy. A method of sclerotherapy of veins with special solutions is also possible.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

Making changes to your lifestyle will benefit many, but there are groups of people who are more likely to develop thrombosis than others. They need, firstly, to be regularly observed by a doctor in order to identify the dynamics of their condition, and secondly, to adhere to preventive measures. The risk group includes the following categories of people:

  • men over 40;
  • women with climacteric syndrome;
  • overweight people;
  • patients with diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • patients with diseases that affect blood clotting;
  • people who are addicted to alcohol or smoking;
  • sedentary people;
  • patients with cancer;
  • people who often find themselves in stressful situations;
  • people who eat junk food.

In addition, hereditary predisposition may affect the possibility of thrombosis. The risk of developing the disease increases in pregnant women and people who have to stay in the same position for a long time at work - sitting or standing.

Thrombosis is better to prevent than to subsequently treat, since blockage of blood vessels is fraught with tragic consequences.

At first, the formed thrombus is static, it is attached to a section of a vein or artery, but with further development it becomes larger and can come off. A blood clot moves through the vessels until it clogs one of them, which can lead to a vital organ. Most often, a thrombus affects the heart.

Medicines for prevention

The most radical way to prevent blood clots in the vessels is to take medications. This method should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, since only he can assess the possible benefits and harms to the body from taking certain drugs. Most often, the prevention of blood clots with the help of medications is prescribed after surgery or in the presence of diseases that are likely to be complicated by blockage of blood vessels.

The most sparing medicine in relation to the body in this case is Aspirin. It acts not only as an antipyretic, its influence is quite extensive, in particular, it thins the blood. As a result, stagnation is not formed, which subsequently become blood clots, and it has been proven that Aspirin reduces the risk of developing the disease by almost half. It is recommended to take the drug regularly for those people who have already suffered thrombosis, as well as for those who have cardiovascular diseases, such as varicose veins.

For enhanced prevention, the doctor may prescribe anticoagulants - drugs intended directly for blood thinning. For example, patients are often prescribed Heparin, Sinkumar, Fenilin, Warfarin, etc. All anticoagulants are dispensed from pharmacies by prescription, and the doctor prescribes the exact dosage and duration of the treatment course. Usually the time of admission is no more than 6 weeks.

For a prescription, you need to contact a phlebologist or vascular surgeon. The doctor will analyze the medical history, conduct an examination and prescribe a suitable medicine for prevention.

In addition to tablets, as a prophylaxis, agents for external use are used - ointments, creams and gels. Such drugs can act in several ways - to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, etc. Most often, Venolife, Lyoton, Heparin ointment and Liniment balsamic (according to Vishnevsky) are used as such drugs. For the prevention of thrombosis, the selected drug should be used daily.

Diet change

To reduce the risk of developing the disease, you need to adjust your diet, and it is better to go on a special diet. It is not aimed at weight loss, but at the use of such products that contribute to the normalization of blood circulation. However, if the patient is overweight, he should consult a nutritionist for a suitable diet for both weight loss and thrombosis prevention.

The menu should be varied, it should include more fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, lean meats, milk and dairy products. It is important to eat foods that lower cholesterol levels. It is advisable to fill the food with oils of vegetable origin with the addition of grated garlic or ginger.

The following products should be completely excluded from consumption:

  • margarine and butter;
  • fatty meats, such as pork;
  • sweet;
  • smoked;
  • salo;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • hard cheeses;
  • fast food;
  • confectionery;
  • carbonated drinks.

It is recommended to gradually introduce Omega-3 fatty acids into the diet, for this you should eat more fish - sardines, tuna, mackerel, salmon, mullet, etc. You can also take fish oil in capsules and cook seafood dishes - shrimp, squid, mussels .

You should also eat more foods with vitamin E - liver, nuts, broccoli, asparagus, legumes, sunflower seeds, etc. To avoid blood clots, you need to eat red grapes, grape juice and dry red wine are also useful (no more 100 ml per day).

Vitamin C, useful for the body, can be obtained from citrus fruits, melon, watermelon, blackcurrant, herbs, apple, pomegranate and other fruits and vegetables.

Thus, the diet for the prevention of thrombosis does not imply significant restrictions, you just need to make your diet healthy. You need to refuse only the most harmful products that harm any person. At the same time, from the acceptable options, you can make a menu for every day, which will not be repeated, and at the same time the patient will not feel limited in something.

Physical exercise

Most modern people lead a static lifestyle, since office work involves a constant stay in a sitting position, and on weekends, many want to relax on the couch to relax after a hard week. All this negatively affects the entire body as a whole and the circulatory system in particular: the venous walls become inelastic, blood stagnates, especially in the lower extremities, blood circulation slows down.

To prevent the occurrence of complications, it is necessary to give your body the necessary loads. With concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system, power sports are contraindicated, but you can always find a suitable activity for yourself.

Many women prefer yoga or Pilates, even dancing can bring the desired result if done regularly. Men prefer cycling and swimming in the pool. You can also pick up exercises for daily exercise, which will stimulate the acceleration of blood circulation.

In the prone position, you can perform the exercises “Bicycle”, “Scissors” and “Birch”, familiar to many from school, it is also useful to do swings and rotations with your legs. In a standing or sitting position, you can roll from heel to toe and back, perform rotational movements with your feet. Sitting on a chair, you can pull your knees to your chest and straighten your legs parallel to the floor.

Traditional medicine recipes

Looking for an answer to the question of how to avoid the formation of blood clots, you can turn to folk recipes. Traditional medicine can only be used if approved by the attending physician, since some prescriptions can harm the body in the presence of concomitant pathologies.

The following folk remedies are most often used:

  1. Cranberries must be washed and mixed with honey, the resulting product should be consumed 2 teaspoons on an empty stomach and at bedtime. Cranberries can be frozen and taken every day the required amount.
  2. In the spring, you need to collect rowan bark, rinse, dry and grind in any way. Pour 10 tbsp. l. raw materials with a liter of cold water, bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce it to slow and cook the mixture for 2 hours. Cool the resulting broth, strain and consume 3 tablespoons three times a day.
  3. Grind dried mint, pour 2 tbsp. l. a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and let it brew for several hours. Use the strained broth in the morning on an empty stomach for 2-3 months, then take a break and repeat the course.
  4. To lower your blood cholesterol levels, eat a few cloves of garlic every day.

In addition, you can add any herb to tea that improves blood circulation and strengthens the immune system, such as hawthorn, sage, acacia, cinquefoil, lemon balm, etc. It is best to use natural liquid honey as a tea sweetener, since sugar consumption should be minimized.

If we talk about alternative medicine, then hirudotherapy can be used to prevent thrombosis - treatment with medical leeches. However, when choosing this method, it is necessary to choose only a reliable clinic with an existing certificate for such activities.

Other preventive measures

Thrombus prevention includes other methods, they can be combined in such a way as to choose the most suitable option for yourself. These measures are mostly aimed at adjusting the lifestyle, which anyone can do. Patients are advised:

  1. Alternate work and rest time, for every hour spent in a static position, you need at least 5 minutes of warm-up.
  2. Daily walks in the fresh air for 30-60 minutes.
  3. Give preference to active recreation.
  4. Avoid infectious diseases - temper, consume more vitamins, limit contact with infected people.
  5. Completely or at least partially give up bad habits.
  6. Wear compression underwear - stockings and socks, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, having previously determined the appropriate size together with the doctor. There are both male and female models of slimming underwear.
  7. Avoid wearing tight clothing and high heels.
  8. Limit your time outdoors when the weather is too hot or too cold.
  9. Take a contrast shower, but the water should not be very hot and not very cold.
  10. During air travel or trips in cars or public transport, you need to do simple exercises - turning your feet and rolling from toe to heel, this will help stretch your legs. It is also advisable to drink more fluids.

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it afterwards. If you carefully monitor your health, you can recognize alarming symptoms in time and take preventive measures. It will be useful both for those who have not yet experienced thrombosis, and for those who have already suffered this disease in order to avoid relapses later.

During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences a tremendous load.

The legs are especially hard, because they bear the weight of both the mother herself and her unborn child.

Therefore, quite often, in about every second pregnant woman, vein disease occurs.

Varicose veins - a disease of pregnant women?

Varicose veins are a chronic disease in which, due to clamping of the veins, blood stagnates in them, leading to their enlargement and thinning of the venous walls.

Most often, the disease affects women, especially during pregnancy.

At first, the symptoms of varicose veins may be imperceptible, but in the later stages of bearing a baby, they appear more and more clearly. Cramps of the calf muscles, severe pain and itching in the legs, and deformity of the veins may indicate the disease.

Why does the risk increase during pregnancy?

The fact that expectant mothers suffer from the disease, in most cases, is associated with the active preparation of the body for childbirth:

  • weight increases rapidly, especially when carrying a large child or twins;
  • vascular tone decreases as a result of the influence of progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy. This increases the volume of blood that stagnates in the veins;
  • increased venous pressure;
  • the uterus increases as the fetus grows;
  • there is a hormonal imbalance in the body.

Other reasons may include to be:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • vitamin E deficiency;
  • lack of fiber in the body as a result of malnutrition;
  • stool disorders;
  • exposure of a pregnant woman to the sun for a long time;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

With varicose veins, veins can suffer not only on the legs, but also on the neck, in the rectum (hemorrhoids), and also in the vagina.

Moreover, as the child grows in the womb, the disease usually progresses. With subsequent pregnancy, varicose veins appear even more.

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Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy

To avoid the negative impact of varicose veins, it is necessary to prevent varicose veins at home.

Prevention measures depend on whether pregnancy has already occurred, or is just planned.


In order to protect your veins while waiting for the baby, you need to take care of them in advance. For this, there are quite simple ways:

What to do during pregnancy

Prevention of varicose veins on the legs and arms during pregnancy consists of the following stages:

  1. Diet. A healthy balanced diet will help strengthen blood vessels and avoid constipation, which is the cause of hemorrhoids. The list of foods consumed should include foods with a fiber content, juices from raspberries, blueberries, blueberries or blackberries, fresh pineapples (in small quantities), sunflower seeds, garlic. A pregnant woman should drink about eight glasses of water a day. It is also advisable to take multivitamins approved by the doctor - they will provide the body with the necessary trace elements.
  2. Need to avoid refined foods, semi-finished products, as well as excessive consumption of tea, coffee, milk and cola - they lead to constipation and increase the pain of varicose veins.
  3. Rejection of bad habits. Smoking, in addition to harming the health of the unborn child, also has a detrimental effect on the strength of blood vessels.
  4. Exercises. Leisurely walking, fitness for pregnant women and swimming will help a pregnant woman avoid the deposition of fat masses, increase vascular tone and normalize blood circulation. But you should not give excessive stress to the legs while running or cycling.
  5. Useful sometimes breathe deeply and slowly because it improves blood circulation. Also a great daily exercise would be lying down or sitting with legs elevated so that the feet are above the level of the hips.
  6. It is unacceptable to wear tight clothing while in position, especially in the groin area, as this leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis and, as a result, to varicose veins. Instead of regular underwear, it is better to use compression underwear. Shoes should be loose and stable, without high heels. It is these shoes that will correctly distribute the load on the joints of the legs.
  7. The squatting posture is undesirable. and cross-legged as well. But lying on your side is only welcome.
  8. aromatherapy. Baths with the addition of aromatic oils, as well as a compress with them, have a beneficial effect on the veins. At the same time, massage with aromatic oils can cause pain and increase the disease.
  9. Cool showers and apple cider vinegar lotions, applied twice a day, can relieve pain in the legs. After the approval of the doctor, you can take foot baths with sea salt - they help the legs relax.
  10. With varicose veins, a positive effect is exerted homeopathic preparations selected by an experienced doctor.
  11. Vitamin C intake increases the elasticity of veins, which reduces the risk of varicose veins.

In any case, even if you were overtaken by vein disease during pregnancy, this should not be a reason for unnecessary worries. As statistics show, if varicose veins did not bother you before, then in 3-5 months after childbirth, in most cases, the veins will return to normal again.

If the disease was present before pregnancy

In this case, the woman should consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. Measures to prevent varicose veins in this case will be the following:

So, since very often expectant mothers suffer from varicose veins, even before the onset of pregnancy, special attention should be paid to this problem, performing daily simple preventive measures.

Having thus prepared your vessels for future loads, you will protect them from damage. During pregnancy, do not forget about these methods.

In order for the period of expectation of the unborn child to proceed calmly and pleasantly, it is necessary to take care of your health in advance.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes a serious load, which can lead to the development of health complications. One of the most common problems is varicose veins during pregnancy. What to do if it appeared, how to prevent it and what measures to take, you can learn from this article.

What is varicose veins and where does it come from

Vein is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a great danger to the health and life of the mother and baby. Visually, varicose veins can look like a vascular network, translucent through the skin, or a strong expansion of the main veins that protrude above the skin and look like "worms".

The vascular network, as a rule, has a bluish or purple tint, while swollen and protruding veins are green. With progressive varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or trophic ulcers may develop, but the most dangerous is the formation of blood clots, which, having come off, pose a serious threat to the life of the mother and fetus.

For these reasons, it is important to start the treatment of varicose veins in a timely manner. Reviews of pregnant women about the course and treatment of the disease are so numerous and contradictory that it is worth considering this pathology in more detail.

The mechanism of development of varicose veins is a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities. It turns out that the blood flows to the legs, but does not flow back due to the fact that the vein is pinched somewhere. Stagnation of blood in the lower extremities provokes an increase in pressure and stretching of the vascular wall.

When the venous wall is stretched, the valves located in the veins and ensuring the correct outflow of venous blood cease to function.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Varicose veins in women are an unpleasant phenomenon and can develop due to:

  • pregnancy- the most common cause that causes a lot of unrest among expectant mothers and, in certain cases, poses a threat to the health and even the life of a woman and a baby;
  • rapid weight gain or extra pounds- maintaining an optimal weight ensures the proper functioning of all body systems, since excessive effects on the organs of fat deposits are excluded;
  • the presence of vascular networks before pregnancy- the lack of timely treatment of varicose veins before pregnancy provokes a significant deterioration in the condition of the veins of the lower extremities during the period of gestation;
  • hereditary predisposition to the disease;
  • sedentary lifestyle- in the absence of mobility, swelling, numbness and swelling of the veins in the legs appear; it can be difficult to eliminate these consequences, and the lack of medical intervention is dangerous for the mother and child;
  • frequent wearing of uncomfortable shoes with high heels;
  • prolonged sunbathing- under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the skin becomes thinner, which contributes to the negative effects of radiation on the condition of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • strong physical activity(in particular, weight lifting);
  • waxing.

Of all the causes, pregnancy is the most common. This is especially true in the last trimester, when the weight increases rapidly, the volume of circulating blood also increases markedly. If proper nutrition and other recommendations of the doctor are not followed, the venous walls lose their elasticity and swell, protruding above the surface of the skin.

In addition, the growing uterus puts a lot of pressure on the main vascular highways, causing varicose veins. Treatment and prevention of the disease in the presence of a genetic predisposition must begin at a young age. This is, first of all, proper nutrition, moderate exercise, a contrast shower and wearing comfortable shoes and clothes.

Symptoms of the disease

It is practically asymptomatic, so it is necessary to pay attention to the sharp appearance of swelling, pain and fatigue in the legs, as well as cramps. With the further development of the disease, deformation of the veins occurs.

The increasing volume of blood during pregnancy and the ever-increasing weight exert strong pressure on the vessels of the lower extremities, as a result of which the venous wall weakens and stretches, and the vein begins to protrude strongly above the surface of the skin. This is how varicose veins are formed on the legs during pregnancy. It is difficult to say what to do with a progressive disease without a complete examination of the pregnant woman.

With hormonal changes in the body, some women may experience severe pain in the legs without visible changes in blood vessels, while others may have no pain even in the advanced stage of varicose veins, with severe vascular deformities. Therefore, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves very individually.

Varicose veins in the legs during pregnancy: what to do?

Having found the first symptoms of the disease or already noticeable nets and swollen veins, you need to tell your doctor about them. He, in turn, must conduct an examination and refer the woman to a phlebologist - a doctor who specializes in solving problems with the vessels of the body.

After a full examination, one can draw a conclusion about the condition of the veins and the degree of development of varicose veins. During the first pregnancy, varicose veins develop in about a quarter of pregnant women. With subsequent pregnancies, the risk of developing varicose veins increases greatly, and if the disease was detected earlier, it is aggravated. That is why, with age, a woman needs to more carefully monitor her lifestyle.

All women sooner or later begin to worry about varicose veins in the legs during pregnancy. What to do to prevent this disease, you can learn from specialized literature, from experienced mothers, or better just by consulting a doctor.

Prevention of varicose veins

Preventive measures should apply to all pregnant women without exception. The simplest and most effective way is to wear special stockings. During pregnancy, it is preferable to use pantyhose from varicose veins. Only a doctor should prescribe such clothes, since it is difficult to choose them on your own, especially considering your position, so as not to harm yourself or your unborn baby.

It is necessary to monitor weight gain, since an excessive and rapid increase in it has a very negative effect on the health of the mother and the general condition of the baby, and also provokes the development of complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

If you still have to spend a long time on your feet, periodically you need to rise on your toes to disperse stagnant blood. It is useful to use a special gel for varicose veins, which will relieve fatigue from the legs and improve the condition of the vessels, making the venous wall more elastic.

Shoes should also be comfortable and not cause leg fatigue. You should not go to extremes, going through the entire pregnancy in stilettos, or, on the contrary, in flat-soled ballet shoes. For the physiologically correct location of the foot and the distribution of the load on it, shoes should have a small heel - 3-5 cm.

Treatment of varicose veins

Only a doctor can prescribe the optimal treatment and diet for a pregnant woman with varicose veins. In no case should you buy and use any advertised remedies for local or internal varicose veins on your own, you can also choose pantyhose for varicose veins on your own, all this can harm a developing baby.

During pregnancy, many drugs are contraindicated, so preference is given to ointments, gels or folk remedies for local exposure. Preparations for internal use are prescribed only in the presence of complications of varicose veins, or when the disease is in an advanced stage.

The doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and heredity, will select the appropriate drugs that provide the greatest effectiveness in a particular case. During pregnancy, folk medicines are very popular, for example, chestnut tincture for varicose veins. With especially neglected forms of varicose veins, surgical intervention is allowed. However, it is justified only in case of a real threat to life. It is possible to carry out the operation for pregnant women only up to 6 months. It is also effective to carry out vein sclerotation with the help of special solutions.

Folk methods for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins

At all times, people trusted folk methods of treatment more. For the prevention of varicose veins, it is effective to make lotions and compresses based on medicinal herbs. However, before using any external prescription, you need to consult a doctor so as not to harm the baby.

Kalanchoe tincture will help get rid of fatigue and heaviness in the legs. It is enough to take the crushed plant and vodka in a ratio of 1: 1, insist and rub the lower limbs with tincture daily.

It is the most effective folk remedy. To prepare the tincture, you need to prepare half a liter of vodka and 50 g of crushed chestnut shells. The ingredients are placed in a suitable glass container. After three weeks, the tincture is ready for use.

Note! The container with tincture should be shaken periodically.

For compresses, you can use white cabbage. Cabbage leaves are smeared with soap and placed on damaged areas, which must first be sprinkled with soda. Such a compress should be left overnight, secured with a warm cloth.

Method of delivery for varicose veins

Depending on the condition of the pregnant woman and the degree of varicose veins, the doctor may advise natural childbirth or a caesarean section. In most cases, preference is given to independent childbirth, this process is much better for both the mother and the child.

During natural childbirth, a pregnant woman needs to rewind her legs with an elastic bandage. This will prevent the back flow of blood during attempts. After childbirth, doctors recommend setting aside time for daily therapeutic exercises, it will be necessary to visit a phlebologist.

Caesarean section is prescribed only in extreme cases, basically varicose veins is only an additional contraindication, which is based on other prohibitions. For example, with an incorrect presentation of the fetus, when the child is too large, or when carrying twins.

If during the diagnostic process (usually an ultrasound of the lower extremities) deep vein thrombosis is detected, the patient needs to undergo surgery. Otherwise, the thrombus, breaking away, carries a serious threat to life.

Features of the course of varicose veins during pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a phlebologist and undergo regular examinations. A responsible attitude to your health will prevent or detect the development of thrombosis in time. Massage for varicose veins has a positive effect on the condition of the vessels, preventing stagnation of blood in the legs.

Massage should start from the thigh, capturing the area of ​​the buttocks, then move on to the legs, and only then massage the feet. The technology of massage consists in continuous shaking and rubbing of the muscles. The patient lies on his back with his knees slightly bent. This approach will not only eliminate numbness and heaviness in the legs, but also remove cramps and itching.

You need to carefully monitor your diet, weight gain, activity and comfort in terms of shoes and clothing. It is very useful during pregnancy to visit the pool. Swimming helps not only relieve tension from the muscles and nervous system, but also improves blood circulation, helping to strengthen the vascular walls and saturate the body with enough oxygen. All this will contribute to the proper development of the fetus and the well-being of the pregnant woman.

Physical activity for varicose veins

Moderate physical activity is the key to health and well-being. Sports are not contraindicated, and given that a woman is carrying a baby, moderate loads must be present.

The main thing is to choose the right sport so that it brings pleasure to mom and fills the body with new forces. The best option can be called walking, swimming, after childbirth it will not be superfluous to add jogging.

Note! Before starting any exercise, you should consult with your doctor. This will avoid unforeseen complications and a heavy burden on a weakened and vulnerable female body.

Pregnant women are advised to rest a lot, avoid heavy loads, consume a lot of vitamins and lead an active lifestyle. It will not be superfluous to attend courses for pregnant women or yoga classes. This will not only improve health, but also provide easier labor activity.

The most effective recipe for varicose veins is a healthy lifestyle. A woman who adheres to proper nutrition and leads an active life is not afraid of varicose veins.

And then the visible protruding veins on the lower extremities. Clinical manifestations without external symptoms of varicose veins are experienced by up to 80% of women during pregnancy.

Varicose veins are a disease of the veins that manifests itself in the expansion of the lumen of the veins, the formation of bulging of the vascular wall, a decrease in the elasticity and resistance of the vessels. At the same time, the work of the valvular apparatus of the veins is also disrupted, which entails a violation of the unidirectional blood flow, there is an incorrect distribution of blood, stagnation, which further expands the lumen of the veins.

Over time, in the absence of treatment, the veins acquire pathological tortuosity, increase in length (since elasticity is reduced), and the blood supply to the lower extremities is disturbed.

Predisposing factors in the population are: genetic predisposition, increased static load on the lower limbs (work associated with prolonged standing: surgeons, stewardesses, salesmen, hairdressers, etc.), low physical activity, obesity and wearing the wrong underwear and stockings (round and tight, squeezing elastic bands).

Risk factors in women BEFORE pregnancy: wearing shoes with high heels (above 8 cm), especially with an uncomfortable shoe; hot wax epilation and other types of hot epilation; frequent thermal procedures (bath, hot baths and steaming wraps); frequent fluctuations in weight, sudden weight gain or weight loss; sun exposure, solarium.

In pregnant women, additional risk factors are added.

Change in hormonal background. An increase in the level of progesterone is necessary and physiologically determined, because this hormone maintains the uterus in normotonus and does not allow it to contract. This prevents miscarriage and then premature birth.

The positive effect of progesterone on the uterus is explained by the fact that it relaxes the smooth (involuntary) muscles of the uterus. But the action of progesterone is not selective, the hormone acts on all organ structures in the body that contain smooth muscle elements.

Veins contain in the composition of the wall: endothelium (inner layer), soft connective tissue layer, smooth muscle and dense outer layers. The muscle layer is constantly in a more relaxed state, the resistance and efficiency of the reverse blood flow decreases. Also, progesterone acts on the connective tissue, under its action the tissue becomes looser and more pliable, it becomes loose.

And all this together: a weakened muscle layer, a loose connective tissue wall and stagnation cause the expansion of the veins. By comparison, in the arteries, the second layer is dense, fibrous, so the arteries are much less affected by progesterone.

The growing uterus gradually compresses the veins of the small pelvis, which leads to difficulty in blood flow and an increase in intravenous pressure in them.

Increased load on the limbs. A pregnant woman inevitably gains weight, so the load on the lower limbs increases. If a woman also has a standing job, then the risk increases even more.

An increase in circulating blood volume (CBV). The formation of a new temporary system in the body of the expectant mother leads to an increase in blood volume. The system "mother - placenta - fetus" or the third circle of blood circulation contains from 30 to 70% additionally from the initial volume.

An increase in BCC is also physiologically determined (sufficient blood supply to the fetoplacental complex), but women tolerate it differently. And if there are other risk factors (obesity, arterial hypertension, a sedentary lifestyle), then the possibility of developing varicose veins increases.

Placenta previa is a pathological obstetric condition when the placenta completely or partially covers the area of ​​​​the internal os. Placenta previa is a multifactorial condition for its own reasons. Regarding our today's topic, placenta previa can cause circulatory disorders in the vascular bed of the small pelvis, which entails impaired blood flow in the femoral veins and beyond.

Constipation in pregnant women. Constipation increases intra-abdominal pressure, especially during straining. This risk factor can be prevented or minimized if constipation is prevented.

Symptoms of varicose veins during pregnancy

The feeling of fullness of the lower extremities, more pronounced in the evening and after prolonged exercise,
- burning and discomfort along the veins,
- cramps (usually calf and foot muscles),
- swelling of the legs in the evening, passing or decreasing in the morning,
- the formation of bulging veins, visible veins on the legs and above (this is a far advanced process).

Further, over time (if you do not treat varicose veins after childbirth and breastfeeding), tissue nutrition is disturbed, the skin of the legs becomes denser and darker, dystrophy foci appear and difficult-to-heal ulcers can form.

Complications of varicose veins:

Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory complication of varicose veins that requires immediate treatment,
- thromboembolic complications (separation of a blood clot and its circulation along the vascular bed with blood flow, the consequences can be unpredictable).

Diagnosis of varicose veins

A phlebologist is a doctor who deals with vein problems and their treatment. A consultation with a phlebologist is needed to select a treatment (drug and non-drug) and decide whether it is necessary to consult a vascular surgeon.

A vascular surgeon is a doctor who deals with the surgical treatment of diseases of the arteries and veins.

Required examinations:

Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities. Ultrasound of the vessels helps to determine the degree of damage to the veins, the consistency of the valvular apparatus, the direction of blood flow, the presence of stagnation and small and large blood clots in the lumen of the veins. Based on a competent ultrasound of the veins, indications for surgical treatment and the appointment of blood-thinning drugs are determined.

UAC. In the general blood test, we are interested in the presence of an inflammatory response (leukocytosis and leukocyte formula) and the quantity and quality of blood coagulation elements (platelets).

Coagulogram. A coagulogram is a general term for a set of blood clotting tests. According to the indications, it may be necessary to determine: INR, APTT, PTI, PTT, fibrinogen, D-dimer, RFMK. When prescribing blood-thinning therapy, the coagulogram is repeated (certain indicators, different indicators for different drugs).

Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy:

1. Compression stockings- this is the first stage of treatment of varicose veins, as well as effective prevention and postoperative support. Compression hosiery is designed to reduce stagnation in certain areas of the vascular bed, thereby reducing swelling, easing discomfort (bursting, pain, burning) and preventing further development of the disease.

Compression stockings come in different types, these are compression stockings, stockings, tights. Compression products are made of elastic and wear-resistant materials (nylon, lycra, microfiber) using seamless technology.

There are several degrees of compression, according to this principle, underwear is divided into preventive knitwear, medical and hospital. Hospital jersey is used only in specialized hospitals.

Therapeutic and preventive knitwear can be purchased at the general pharmacy network and specialized orthopedic pharmacies. Be careful, the compression level is always indicated on the packaging of tights or stockings. You should purchase such products only on the recommendation of a doctor; at your own choice, you can buy too weak or, conversely, a strong degree of compression. And the price of knitwear is about 1000 rubles and more.

Prophylactic degrees of compression include levels of 8-15 mm Hg. and 15-20 mm Hg. These degrees of compression are used in the absence of underlying vein disease to prevent varicose veins in pregnant women. Especially if the work of a pregnant woman is associated with a long stay in an upright position.

Therapeutic degree of compression starts from 20 - 30 mm Hg. and higher. Used to treat varicose veins in pregnancy, may be used when traveling or when walking or standing for a long time (although these situations should be avoided if possible by pregnant women).

Putting on compression products is also carried out according to the rules. Stockings/tights are put on lying down, in the morning (there is still no swelling), the product is turned almost inside out and they start to put it on, as if rolling it over the leg and gradually carefully straightening the folds. It is impossible to pull the compression stockings, this leads to a gradual rupture of the tightening threads and a weakening of the compression.

Compression knitwear should not be washed in hot water and with rinse aid (softens the tightening threads), ironed, bleached and dried on a radiator, with a hair dryer or in the sun. Wash such linen gently by hand and lay it to dry on a hard surface.

Compression hosiery is worn from morning until evening, only with this mode the desired clinical effect is achieved. Stockings should also be removed lying down to avoid a sharp overflow of the veins.

2. Venotonics are drugs that act on the venous wall. The venotonic effect is achieved due to the fact that diosmin (the active substance of most venotonics) lengthens the time of action of norepinephrine on the vein wall. Norepinephrine increases its tone and density, has a vasoconstrictive effect, prevents vein expansion and stagnation.

During pregnancy, diosmin is allowed, this is the main active ingredient of such drugs as Phlebodia, Phlebofa, Vasoket, Diosmin. The use of these drugs is allowed from the second trimester and only as prescribed by a doctor (obstetrician - gynecologist or phlebologist).

Any of these drugs take 1 tab. 1 time / day and cancel 2-3 weeks before delivery to avoid an increased risk of bleeding in the afterbirth or early postpartum period. If one or more tablets are missed, the drug should be continued at the usual dosage.

3. local treatment. Taking systemic drugs (diosmin) is allowed only from the second trimester, but you can help yourself from an early date. if you already had varicose veins before pregnancy or close relatives have this common disease, then you can, starting from the early stages, combine compression stockings and local preparations.

Approved for use:

Troxevasin (troxerutin, troxivenol) is applied to the affected areas 1-2 times a day, and left until completely dry. These preparations are usually yellow in color and may stain clothing and underwear. Therefore, it is better to use them at night, and wear compression stockings or stockings from morning to evening.

Heparin gels (lyoton, hepatrombin, trombless, lavenum) are allowed during pregnancy and further while breastfeeding. Apply them to the affected areas, leave until completely absorbed. Apply 1-2 times a day, long-term use is possible, but only after consulting a doctor.

Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy:

In this case, the listed measures will be useful both for those who do not and did not have varicose veins (to prevent its occurrence), and for those who have a history of varicose veins, a aggravated family history, or undergone vein surgery (to prevent the resumption or deterioration process flow).


Our task is to prevent constipation. Nutrition for constipation and a tendency to constipation you will read in our article "Constipation during pregnancy".

General recommendations for rational nutrition are the same as for all pregnant women: lean meat and fish, vegetables, fruits, berries, vegetable oils, cereals, nuts, seeds, dairy and sour-milk products of low fat content (up to 5%), weak tea, mineral water .

Recommended foods: tomato juice, seafood, lemon, garlic, sea buckthorn, grapes, cranberries, pears, apples, brown rice, durum pasta, rye and bran bread, bran in moderation, and cereals. Excessive consumption of bran and oatmeal can hamper calcium absorption due to the high content of phytic acid.

Limit: fried, overly spicy foods, simple carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery and sugary drinks, especially carbonated drinks).

It is also necessary to consume a sufficient amount of useful liquid, if there are no other contraindications.

Prevention of excessive weight gain

The above nutritional recommendations have two goals: to increase blood flow (recommended foods) and to prevent excessive weight gain and/or uneven weight gain. Pay attention to the uniform distribution of meals during the day, do not overeat at night.

Physical activity

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a physiological state of a woman. So physical activity is a must. Recommended: leisurely walks, swimming in safe water (if there are no contraindications), gymnastics for pregnant women (normal and using a fitball - a soft rubber fitness ball).

There are also special simple exercises that help to “disperse” stagnation in the veins, especially if you have a sedentary job.

Exercises for pregnant women with varicose veins

Sit on a chair, bend your knees, put your hands down. Stand up when inhaling, sit down when exhaling.
- Stand in the "feet shoulder-width apart" position and alternately bend your knees, keeping your feet on the floor.
- Sitting on a chair, perform rotational and rolling movements with your feet
- While standing, slowly rise on your toes and also slowly lower, synchronize movements with inhalations and exhalations.
- Walk alternately on the toes and heels, and then on the inner and outer surfaces of the foot.
- Stand with your legs apart, focus on one leg. and rotate the second, starting from the foot, then connecting the lower leg.
- Arbitrary movements in a comfortable rhythm to the music, after all the exercises, dance and you will feel it. that the legs rested, and the heaviness decreased.

Positional Therapy

As in many other cases (heartburn in pregnant women, hernia of the esophagus, etc.), positional therapy helps to improve the quality of life. Alternate between a sitting position and a reclining position with legs raised, do not sit cross-legged. In a chair, the most harmless position is one in which you sit on the very edge of the chair, only the buttocks touch the chair, the back of the thighs is not squeezed. Try it and you will gradually get used to sitting like this, and in the third trimester it is not recommended to sit differently.

Sleep on your left side with a pillow under your belly (usually not very stuffed or a special horseshoe-shaped pillow for pregnant women). This sleeping position is good not only because it is convenient for a woman. In this position, the pressure of the uterus on many vessels located retroperitoneally is reduced, thus improving the outflow from the lower extremities and the blood supply to the kidneys and uterine lavage. In addition to the prevention of varicose veins, the posture on the left side helps to avoid uterine hypertonicity.

Avoid triggers

Eliminate hot baths (this is fraught not only with problems with veins), stockings and stockings with a squeezing elastic band, wearing tight trousers, wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes and high heels.

Clothing and footwear

Shoes should have a small stable heel and, if possible, an anatomically suitable insole - instep support. Shoes without a heel are also wrong, when wearing ballet flats or moccasins, the load on the heel increases and an incorrect balance of the body is created.

Clothing should not have tugging areas, but should not be excessively loose either. Ideally tight uniform fit that does not restrict movement, but at the same time supports the stomach.

Baths and showers

If possible, use a contrast shower, if not on the whole body, then on the lower limbs. Do not go to extremes, the contrast should not be radical, this will inevitably lead to an increased tone of the uterus. Alternating warm and cool water is fine. In the evenings, rinse alternately at least the shins, and then take a position with an elevated foot end, and the bursting sensations will be significantly weakened.

You can also use foot baths with cool water and salt. Salt helps to slightly reduce swelling of the feet, and cool water tones.


Massage is carried out with soft smooth movements in the direction from the bottom up. It is better to combine massage with rubbing anti-varicose gels (lyoton, troxevasin), this enhances the therapeutic effect.

Surgical treatment

1. Sclerosis of veins. This method of treatment involves the introduction of a sclerosing agent into the lumen of the vein, which sticks together the walls of the vessel and completely removes its lumen. Restoration of the outflow of blood occurs through the collateral vessels (daughter and parallel vessels). During pregnancy, the method is rarely used.

2. Phlebectomy is the removal of a vein in whole or in part. The operation is performed under anesthesia and is performed according to vital indications. If the life of the mother is threatened, for example, a large and unstable thrombus in the lumen of the vessel, which risks breaking off and causing thromboembolic complications.

3. Endovascular interventions. These are interventions that involve manipulations inside the vessel, for example, the removal of a blood clot from the lumen of the vessel (if this is technically possible). In pregnant women, it is carried out according to vital indications.


The prognosis for life is favorable. In the case of thrombophlebitis, the prognosis worsens and there is a risk of thromboembolic complications, urgent assistance is needed by a vascular surgeon.

At the moment, medicine has achieved success in many areas, safe drugs and preventive measures have been developed. If you trust your doctor, then follow his recommendations and your pregnancy will be safe. Look after yourself and be healthy!
