How to write to a man why he is the most wonderful. What to write to a guy to make him feel good

Almost always, harmonious relationships between people of the opposite sex depend on the words that were spoken or written to each other. It's not just women who love to receive compliments and praise. It is also important for men to know that their labors are not in vain and that they are not indifferent to their beloved. Pleasant, affectionate words can help establish contact during a period of strained relationships, remove an unpleasant aftertaste after a quarrel or disagreement, and add romance and good mood to a couple’s everyday life.

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Who are the messages addressed to?

All girls have faced doubts and hesitations when writing a letter to a man or boyfriend. It is necessary to choose pleasant words by determining the status of the relationship:love, friendship or business. This division will help you choose the appropriate words, for example:

To whom For what Example phrases
To my beloved guyIt is very important to let your beloved guy know that he is the best and most desirable. This will quickly warm up his feelings and give him confidence in his abilities. He will know for sure that all his attempts to win the heart of his chosen one are going in the right direction. Also in this way you can suggest what you would like from communication
  • “You know, when we are together, I feel very calm! I feel so protected. Thank you, dear."
  • “My dear, I always miss you, I want to hug and kiss you. I look forward to meeting you again."
  • “It’s so good that I have you. My life began to sparkle with new bright colors thanks to my talented artist (It is advisable to write the name in a diminutive form).”
  • “Sunny, I really don’t want to let you go on business even for a minute. I begin to think about your beautiful eyes and feel the lack of oxygen without your passionate kisses.”
  • “When you are near, I simply glow from the fire of our passion. You are my courageous Prometheus"
To my husbandIt is advisable to write pleasant compliments to your husband regularly. This way you can constantly maintain interest and remain a desirable wife, who with her wisdom ensures harmony and stability in the family. The relationship between spouses who have been married for several years and are too immersed in everyday worries, compliments and romantic messages is especially refreshing. You should always leave room and time for flirting with your beloved, so as not to get bored of each other. The woman herself will be pleased when her inspired lover reciprocates
  • “I have the most beloved husband. Mine is the bravest and strongest, only mine. I kiss you tenderly. See you in the evening."
  • “When you appeared in my life, it was as if I came to life. I want to breathe the same air with you and always feel the warmth of your gentle and strong hands.”
  • “You take care of me so much that I don’t even know what I would do without you. I hug you warmly, my beloved sun.”
  • “You are my happiness and my joy. I always want to see your sweet, beloved smile on your face.”
  • “I have everything you can dream of - my only soulmate, who is always desired and dearly loved”
To a friendA reliable friend will be cheered up by positive compliments from a girl for whom he has friendly feelings. He will see that he cares and will value friendship more. He will understand that they communicate with him not because of self-interest, but because they understand his inner world. SMS of an intimate nature would be inappropriate here. You should choose a light, humorous writing style
  • “(Name), you are my best friend in the world! Someone will be lucky to have you! »
  • “Have a nice day, buddy! You are a true friend, I am very lucky to have you.”
  • “Thank God that I have a friend like you! Without our communication, I would be lonely.”
  • “There are many friends and acquaintances, but we still need to look for real and true friends. May everything be fine with you! »
  • “I love my friend, his smile and his warm words. So may everything be wonderful for you today! »
To an ex-manIt is better for an ex-man not to write, not to attract the past into his new life. But there are rare cases when couples break up without negativity and remain on good terms. In such a situation, you need to clearly indicate that the relationship is over, write messages without unnecessary words or flirting, but with humor
  • “You are a beautiful boy, I wish you to find a good girl.”
  • “I know that you will succeed, I remember that you are purposeful.”
  • “Always be as energetic as you are, it suits you! »
  • “Success and recognition among girls is yours. I wish you happiness"
To a strangerThe hardest thing is to find the words to write to a stranger you really like. It is still unknown what his character is, how he reacts to flirting and jokes, so it is better to start with compliments. Before writing anything, it’s worth looking through his page on the Internet with photographs in order to roughly draw up a portrait of his personality. Comments on the photos will help you figure it out (compliments written by other girls)
  • "Hello! You are a very impressive and charismatic man. Keep it up! »
  • “Your eyes are very beautiful, and your smile is simply charming! »
  • “Probably only you have such biceps. Great form, well done! »
  • “And how can I get past such a cute guy? You look good! »
  • “You impress with your courageous and strong look in this photo! You probably have the same beautiful soul.”

You need to write in your own words, sincerely from the bottom of your heart. You can use funny or cute pictures and emoticons. There are many options, but you should avoid pretentious, twisted expressions. Men don’t like very sweet words, it annoys them.

Why do you need to write kind words?

The purpose for which a woman is going to write to a guy is important. But in each specific case, the character of the person must be taken into account. The style of writing phrases must be chosen taking into account the result you want to achieve.

There are several areas of emphasis:

Target Example phrases
To make a guy laugh, you don't have to use only jokes. He will definitely break into a smile if he receives praise and kind words addressed to him. In the text you can laugh at some ridiculous situation you’ve experienced together, attach a funny animation, etc.
  • “My only one, I’m like a raisin in longing for you. Don't think that I have turned black and wrinkled. I just want to get into the sweet cake of your love! »
  • “I am a brave woman, I will disperse your entire army of fans. Only such a beautiful and gentle princess like me is suitable for such a prince.”
You always want your chosen one to love you even more. To do this, it is better to use gentle, romantic messages.
  • “You are my affectionate kitten, I miss you so much.”
  • “You are special to me. I know for sure that I have found my diamond.”
  • “My dear little man, when you appeared, the sun shone and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky of my life.”
  • “I’m so pleased to be with you, spoil you with goodies and look into your bottomless eyes.”
  • “Remember, you are the most desirable for me. I really miss you when you're not around."
If you need to write so that the guy answers immediately, then you should ask a question at the end of the sentence or provoke action
  • “I recently realized that I couldn’t live a day without you. This is probably love. Do you feel the same as me? »
  • “I really want to be on a desert island with you, so that there is no one around. Only the azure ocean coast, warm sun and beautiful jungle. How do you like this proposal? »
  • “I miss you madly, I remember with a smile every minute we spent together. And you? »
  • “When we met our eyes, I was simply lost in the maze of your charming gaze. Can you help me find a way out? »
  • “I really like your care and protection. Don't you want to come? »
Saying certain phrases to a guy to make him smile and melt will not be difficult if the relationship continues for a long time. Emphasis should be placed on how good he is, so that a man understands that he is the best for his soul mate.
  • “I believe in you, my beloved, you never let me down. I don’t know how I would cope without you.”
  • “You're so good at calming me down when I'm not feeling well. Thanks for taking care of me".
  • “You are so talented, because you know how to do... (nailing shelves, cooking dinner, walking with children, etc.) no one can.”
  • “Such a wonderful husband should be cherished like the apple of his eye! »
  • “You understand and feel me so much even without words. How do you do it? I'm so pleased"

The best way to convey that you love a guy is to be open and honest about your feelings.

The selection includes the most pleasant words to your beloved man in your own words in prose, which can be used in an SMS message for a charming declaration of love to your soulmate. And remember:

“Female sensuality is the source in which male spirituality is renewed.” Karl Kraus

“I want to become a drop of rain to quench the thirst of your expectations, a snowflake to melt on your tender cheek. I want to become the moon to illuminate your path home in the evenings. Every morning I want to be a sunbeam to wake you up for work... But, most of all, I want to always be and remain your beloved. I love you, my most affectionate and most tender.”

“Dearest and most beloved, life without you is worse than hell! I will go to the ends of the world after you, I will not leave you in trouble, I will be with you always and everywhere!”

“You are wonderful... Why did I get such joy as you? What did I do to deserve this? Probably because I love you madly. Let my madness of love be and remain your amulet and talisman.”

“Your name is an amber light in the twilight of loneliness. I love your name: it saves and protects me. It is my talisman, I will not give you to anyone! Never to anyone, my love."

“Crazy, the most long-awaited. I want to feel the aroma of your perfume on my clothes, I’m waiting for you with bated breath.”

“Not much time has passed since we parted, but I already miss you. Longing tears my heart into small pieces. But even these small pieces strive for you. Spring is already coming in this gray city. The soul is supposed to open up, the soul wants to sing, rejoice at this time of year. The long distance with you does not allow you to realize and feel spring. The celebration of life is not complete without your tender look, your hugs and warm, tender kisses. Do you remember our walks in the evenings? You gently held my hand and I was silent, afraid to interrupt your story. I don’t remember what you were talking about (forgive me for that), I just remember your voice, your smile and the warmth of your hand. (pleasant words to your beloved man at a distance)

“All your actions are permeated with kindness, all your words come from the heart. You have a real gift for inspiring friends to make changes in their lives! No one is perfect, but you are unique!

“Oh, you are my happiness. A little strange and incomprehensible, sometimes leading to nervous breakdowns and a terrible fear of losing you, but happiness.”

“I walk forward with my eyes wide open and not afraid of the morning fog or the cold September rain. I know that you will always be with me, the sun that gives life to all living things.”

“It’s not often that you come across such romantic men as you! It seems to me that you are the source of my heart wounds...”

“You combine intelligence and charm, adult and childish emotions, seriousness and humor. Everyone needs you. And I don't wonder why I need you so much. You are special. You are great! Don't forget this. Being with you is a blessing."

“You are unique, brilliant, and a very interesting conversationalist! There are no more beautiful minutes than the minutes spent with you, I’m simply in awe of your voice!”

“There is nothing sweeter than your kisses. The best night is the one we spend together."

“The muscles are bas-relief and from the sculpture the torso, the look is warm, the muscles are steel. I always admire you, my dearest one in the world.”

“You are the one whom I could never forget from the very moment we met. You are my dream, you are my happiness, you are my misfortune! I want to walk the road of life with you, both in sorrow and in joy!”

“You are a very charming man! And in general in life, Mister Positive!”

“Beautiful in both soul and body, I melt in your hands.”

“I have never seen a shadow of doubt or confusion on your face. You are a born manager and leader! If you were to head a corporation, you would turn around! This happens very rarely, but you have the ability for everything you undertake! You are an amazing person!

“My love for you is as big as the world. My soul is in your captivity, and most of all in this confused world, I’m afraid of losing you forever.”

“The soul sings and I fly. Believe me, I am completely yours, because you struck my heart with love and filled my desires with passion!”

“I appreciate your look and your hands, on the entire serene planet, you are the most affectionate and gentle.”

“Your gaze beckons and drives me crazy! You’re like an unbridled wild cowboy, I feel incredibly good with you!”

“As if a sorcerer enchanted me, eternity itself flared up in our hearts and we were drawn to each other, despite the fact that we are so different. Now all my thoughts are about you.”

“My prince, mysterious, irresistible. In any trouble without talking, a reliable shield, my support!”

“You just fascinate me. I am ready to shout to the whole planet how much I love you, my treasure. For me, you are the best in the world. May everything go well for you, kitty, may all your cherished dreams come true.”

“My incomparable and dear one! Affectionate and strong, reliable and beautiful, you are my treasure, simply the best in the world!”

“Thinking about you is so pleasant...You are the source of my happiness.”

“Yes, I know, we had reasons to go in different directions. But despite this, you will always be a part of my life. I am always there, I will serve as a barrier to all dangers, a saving bridge, to stand tirelessly between all sorrows, without demanding any reward, without expecting any gratitude. If you ever decide to return or need help, I will welcome you with open arms. We don’t communicate and don’t meet as often as before, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten about you. Just tell me, and we will instantly return to the old days.”

“I’m incredibly interested in you. You are like a giant magnet that attracts me with great force. I can't resist or resist it. It's no use."

“Your scent is simply beautiful, and your athletic figure and masculine features have won my heart!”

“I admire your nobility! Your strong hands and gentle gaze drive me crazy.”

“I want you to always smile with all your teeth next to me. I will try to make you the happiest!”

“Thank you very much for having me. And thank you for giving me a chance to be with you. I love you. And I will always love you. And I will treasure the love that you gave me very much. After all, this is now the only incentive in my life that gives me the strength to go forward. Only thanks to you may life have meaning. I kiss you tenderly and affectionately.”

“How beautiful and pleasant you are, there is nothing in this world that can ever take your place.”

“You are firm in your actions and thoughts, you know your worth, your confidence fascinates me! You have an amazing quality - to make correct, informed decisions!”

“My soul, my light, my air, the elixir of my heart and my soul. I'm yours forever!

“You are the whisper of all the most tender words in the world. You are my luck. You are the beginning of all beginnings. You are the only person for whose sake, if necessary, I will be able to say goodbye to my only life!”

“We found each other among a million, starry and milky paths brought us together. Just know: with my soul, my mind, my heart – I live, love, dream – for you.”

“I will not deceive you for anything in the world. You deserve only the purest truth. Even if the truth is bitter to taste, I will still give it to you, since you deserve truthfulness. And I will make her bitterness sweeter every day with the help of kisses.”

“Without you, I can’t find warmth in the Universe, everything was magical and now... I’m just happy with you...”

This article contains the most pleasant words to your beloved man in your own words in prose, I miss you, which can be used for SMS messages. “Everyone has a fifth element in life... Earth... Water... Fire... Air... become for your chosen one the one without whom all this does not work”

How our world has changed lately - it’s already more common to meet people and start a conversation on social networks than on real life. But there are also advantages to this lifestyle, since the Internet makes dating easier: you don’t have to blush and figure out on the fly how to impress the guy you like, just find his page, find out all the necessary information about him and, with the knowledge gained, figure out how to start communication. Pretty simple, wouldn't you agree?

But when it comes down to it, we all fall into a stupor: what can you write to a stranger in order to both please them and not seem intrusive? Girls are especially worried about the second option - after all, there has long been a tradition in society that acquaintance the guy should start first.

If you are ready to listen only to stereotypes, then you will have to accept the suffering of not being able to write to him. But you can also show initiative, no one will think anything bad about you. And if you find the right words, then perhaps this first conversation of yours will develop into something more. The choice is yours, and if you choose the second option, then we will help you figure out how to do everything in first minutes of communication is correct.

How to start a dialogue to immediately make a good impression?

Let's say right away that the stranger and the one with whom you were connected relationship, you need to write different text.

Here's how you can start communicating with a stranger you like:

  • Address or greeting- what characterizes you. Therefore, you need to think about how to start a dialogue. There is no need to come up with something global, everything is most successful in simplicity - just write “hello” and select the desired emoticon. But still, if you are one of those who loves originality, you can stop at his photo in his profile or ask something about the hobbies that you saw on his page. But don't forget the greeting. If you say hello first, it will speak about your level of upbringing, and guys like logic and common sense.
  • Take the initiative. No matter what guys say, they love girls like this. But don't force yourself. To begin with, limit yourself to a small conversation, radiate positivity, embellished with unpretentious wit.
  • No noah. Especially at the very beginning of communication, there is no need to talk about your problems and troubles, since the man does not know you and is unlikely to waste time trying to calm you down.
  • Develop the theme of what your chosen one likes. If the guy likes hockey, you can talk about his latest impressions of the game or the tactics of one of the players. One can also express indignation (only sincere!) about the performance of his favorite team. The guy will be offended by this and the conversation will start on its own. Just don't overdo it, or you'll push him away.
  • Don't use diminutives like “bunny”, “cat”, etc. This is vulgar and inappropriate. Such words are permissible only when communicating with a loved one.

What to write to a guy on VK (Vkontakte, vkontakte, vk, vk)?

We have figured out the “rules” of communicating with unfamiliar young people, now it’s worth talking about what to write to someone you know, thanks social networks.

You have already passed the period of acquaintance that we wrote about above and have been communicating for quite a long time. There always comes a time when people start exchange with gentle and pleasant words. But how to present them? As practice shows, girls for some reason write a lot of unnecessary things when communicating on the Internet.

How to prevent this mistake?

  • Can write anything, but don’t accompany your messages with boredom like: “I’m sad, bored,” “I have nothing to do,” etc.
  • If you want to talk about your feelings, then on social networks it is easily do. The following formulations are very successful: “I’m glad I met you,” “It’s so nice to feel your support.”
  • Show yours patience, the main thing is not to lose it later. Don’t start a dialogue with the phrases “Where are you?”

Morning SMS

That wonderful time has come when you became meet. And what girl doesn’t love romance, doesn’t want her beloved to see your message in the morning?

Options for morning messages:

  • “Good morning, love. Sleeping with you is so good that I didn’t even notice you left,” “Good morning, my sweetie. How did you sleep without my hugs?” etc. Pay attention to yourself in SMS.
  • If you and your boyfriend have been together for a long time, then don't be afraid write him tenderness: “Darling, the bed smells like you. I’m waiting for you to come home soon.”
  • According to psychologists, it is a good idea to write a poem of your own composition in your morning SMS. But if you don’t have such talent, then you can take rhyme from the Internet.

Good night SMS

  • It's better to write good night messages when you're with a guy. in a relationship, and not after a couple of meetings. This is because men will regard SMS like “I can’t sleep without you” or “I want to be near you at this moment” only as a hint of intimacy.
  • If you and a guy have been dating for a long time, and you don’t fall asleep together, then you can write: “How I would like to fall asleep on your chest now,” “I miss your hugs at night.” Men only seem to be resistant to tenderness, but in fact they find it very pleasant.
  • When you don't know each other well, you can write comic a message like “Pleasant dreams, I wish you to see me in your dreams.” In this case, you need to turn all attention to yourself.
  • Just like in the morning poems are also welcome before your loved one leaves for the kingdom of Morphine.

Tender messages for your loved one

  • Joke. A sense of humor is always welcome and appreciated. Shine with your mind and be lively during correspondence.
  • Own poems. Receiving such SMS, a man will understand that you are a creative and creative person. If your poems are really beautiful, he can show them off to his loved ones, which will raise his self-esteem. But you shouldn’t write such messages often; poetry 2-4 times a year is enough.
  • Praise. Men love to hear how good, smart and beautiful they are.
  • Take advice. Questions like “What is the best way to get to the place you need” or “Where is the best place to refuel the car” will raise a man’s self-esteem: it means that his advice is valued and his opinion is taken into account.
  • Send invitations. What could be nicer than an unexpected surprise? If you want to go somewhere with a young man, present it in the form of an invitation.

Girls' mistakes or what to avoid in conversation

  • Don't make mistakes when writing. Even if your chosen one does not follow the rules of the Russian language, do not repeat after him. Be an example.
  • Don't insist on communication, if you see that they don’t want to continue it. If a man “disappears” for some time, do not bother him with questions: “Where are you lost?”, “Why don’t you write?” etc. Thus, you will push him away from you even more.
  • If a guy doesn't want to talk to you, don't blackmail with his phrases like “If you don’t answer me, I’ll jump off the bridge.” It looks stupid.
  • Don't humiliate. Tease in moderation - yes, but do not humiliate.

They say you should be open, friendly, nice. Don't get hung up on one person, this leads to the disintegration of personality. If you didn’t manage to interest one guy, leave him alone, switch to another.
If you want to return trust men, start a dialogue with him in the same manner as when you were just starting to communicate. Ask something about mutual friends, about what connected you. But don't be annoying.

Try to remember the happiest moments in your relationship with your loved one. Why were you happy? Was it because you and him just spent a lot of happy hours together?

Or was it because of all the little things he did for you? His words and actions that made you feel loved and important to him.

Such as cooking your favorite dish for dinner yourself or booking a table for two at your favorite restaurant for the evening and having a romantic date. Or organize a day of relaxation and pleasure by ordering spa services, massages and seaweed wraps.

Truly, they consist of moments like these - sincere, unexpected, touching.

But what if such manifestations of attention on his part become less and less every day? Perhaps the fact is that you do not respond to him with similar reciprocal actions. You don’t thank and don’t sincerely rejoice at his manifestations of care and love towards you.

It is important for a man to know that you are happy next to him.

SMS to your loved oneman

So where do you start? What to write to your beloved man in SMS?

My suggestion is to start with the simplest thing, with love. SMS to a man , each of which can positively impact your relationship.By the way, at the trainings that I conduct, sending"correct" SMS to a man straight from the hall. The result does not take long to arrive)

Those who visit them know that one of my recommendations is to start messages by addressing them by name, without using identifications and diminutives like"bunny, baby, teddy bear, pie" etc. As an example of one of the nice SMS for a man that he will definitely like if you have been very busy lately:

“Dear Sergei, forgive me for paying so little attention to you lately. Thank you for what you...(we write what he specifically did). I was very pleased! And I promise to improve" .

And now I bring to your attention 19 templates that, in combination with the above recommendation, will help you send win-win messages in any situation.SMS to your beloved man.

  1. I love your (yours, yours)…

Are there people who don't like receiving compliments? When you write erotic or romantic SMS to your beloved man,indicate something specific and not too banal instead of an ellipsis: a sexy voice, pumped up biceps, a languid look, etc.

  1. You are the most... in this world!

Get creative with the blank you need to fill out by sending something like thislove SMS to your loved one: kind, caring, gentle, cheerful, loving, best.

  1. I wish you good luck - you will be great! I believe in you.

Similar SMS to a man it is appropriate to send when he is preparing to participate in some important event (thesis defense, report at a conference, important negotiations on a robot). This seemingly trivial short message can show how much you believe in his capabilities.

  1. I'm just sitting here and thinking about you

Send this SMS to your beloved man, and after a few minutes follow up with something like:“I just heard our song on the radio” .

  1. Miss you

Too corny? Then d add a small clarification: I miss your voice, smell, touch, strong hugs.

  1. I'm so glad to have you in my life

If in this SMS to your beloved manadd a line starting with"because…", you can count on a particularly passionate kiss at your next meeting.

  1. Excuse me, I’m like that)…

For example, if you are very late, write to him“Excuse me like this. I’m late and won’t be able to arrive on time.” Don’t make him wait for hours for your arrival; let him know if you don’t make it by the agreed time.

Such messages make it clear that you value his time, and therefore respect him.

  1. I have a little surprise for you...

It's not just children who love surprises. Grown men also go crazy from all sorts of unexpected things. This kind of spontaneity is the lifeblood of long-term relationships.

  1. Thank you/thank you for helping me/for pampering me...

Breakfast in bed, a gift, a day without household chores, a downloaded new episode of my favorite TV series. Show appreciation for any such actions of your man.

  1. I need you.

Send something like this SMS to boyfriend It’s possible if you already have one, he knows about your feelings. It is important for a man to feel needed. This will be a pleasant reminder for him.

  1. You are the best because... !

Everyone needs praise from time to time. And if a pleasant reason is also indicated, such SMS to a man has a double effect.

Agree, receive message“You are the best because you give a wonderful erotic massage” will be a great boost to his male ego.

  1. Sweet dreams. I fall asleep thinking about you...

If you usually sleep in the same bed, but for some reason you are away from each other, send a gentle messageSMS to your beloved manwith this simple text and it creates the effect of your presence next to him.

  1. Have a nice day, my hero!

All the tricks of love SMS to a man is to indicate the time period that he should have a good one. Thus, you are hinting that after a good day, an even better evening may await him!

  1. Sorry... Let's reschedule our plans to/ I would like to ask to reschedule our plans...

People who love each other do not need thousands of words to express their regret for what they cannot accomplish. Just apologize if plans were disrupted due to your fault.

  1. Can I help you?

Or even better: "Let me take care of..." . Even the smallest help will once again remind him of how important he is to you. Especially if this concerns small everyday moments that distract a man from his global goal. For example, iron his shirt or make coffee.

  1. Be careful! You are playing with fire!

A similar message can be sent when you are sitting at a holiday table with a certain number of guests, and he shows minor signs of attention to other women.

  1. Stop being so wonderful!

Or: cool, sexy, amazing. Despite the seemingly reproach, the subtext turns out to be very pleasant.

  1. Do you want to tell me a secret?

Send this SMS to a man , pause or wait for an affirmative answer and send a phrase like:“I just can’t get last night/evening with you out of my head!” .

  1. Want you!

Many SMS to your loved one can help perk him up and excite a man throughout the day. But this message will definitely set his fantasy into motion and make his heart beat wildly in anticipation.

How else can I help you?

Here are a few simple but importantGood night SMS to your beloved man or instead of “good morning”, which should be enough for quite a long time. Using them, you can show your man that you are constantly thinking about him.

Your support will be especially important for him. And gratitude for the actions he has done, even minor ones, can significantly pamper his ego.

In addition, reminding him of himself in the form of such SMS will have the opposite effect - he will think more about you, and this will have a positive impact on your relationship.

Try sending one of these SMS messages to a man right now, if you really are. He will be really pleased. If you can, post his reaction in the comments. This will be interesting to know!

Read the top materials on my blog:

Girls quite often wonder what to write to a guy to make him feel good. The reason for this concern may be sympathy for this person, which has not yet developed into a relationship, or more serious feelings.

Men are incredibly sensitive to pleasant words addressed to them. With a few lines you can ensure that he, feeling most loved, respected and dear, will not delay reciprocity and surround his soul mate with attention, care and courtship.

What should you write to a guy to make him feel good?

If you write to your loved one something that will make him very happy, undoubtedly, it will be extremely pleasant for both of you. Few people don’t like bringing joy to loved ones, seeing smiles on their faces, making them feel adored.
By writing nice words to your boyfriend, you will give both him and yourself a little happiness.

Exchanging messages between you can become a game that is interesting to both. Even if you have been together for several years, flirting via SMS will not be superfluous; it will only add passion to your relationship. If you suddenly feel that the ardor of your love has begun to fade, do not miss the opportunity to start a romantic correspondence before it is too late.

Usually, what was said out loud cannot be reproduced unless the words were recorded on a voice recorder or video camera. What is written is very easy to save, which is important for many. If you suddenly feel sad, you can re-read these words at any time and remember how dear your existence is to someone, how much someone cares about your happiness, how deeply they love you.

Some girls are convinced that men should show more initiative in relationships, constantly look after their lovers and give them gifts, so they do not particularly pamper their chosen ones with special signs of attention. This is a completely wrong opinion, because it is very important for the stronger sex to feel like someone whom his beloved admires, to be surrounded by her care and warmth, and also to constantly increase his self-esteem through pleasant words spoken to her. Many girls don’t even know what to write to a guy to make him feel good. There are various ways you can send a message to your loved one, some of which are given below.

  • Burning flames of love both must support, which means that girls also need to please their men not only with cooking, but also with romantic surprises. A small but very pleasant surprise can be a letter sent on the same social network, even if you live together. You should not write for everyone to see, this can embarrass him, it is better to write in a private message. In this case, you have the opportunity not only to write a few fiery lines, but also to send a photograph, picture, song or video that matches the text. You can also draw some original graffiti yourself, and you don’t need to have talent for this, because simple hearts pierced with arrows will be enough.
  • If one or both of you are not big on social media, you can write him an email. The only thing is that in this case a couple of lines will not be enough; you will need to prepare a rather long text in which you will tell the guy in detail about your feelings. Be sure to assure him that he is your most beloved and dear man, whom you want to take care of throughout your life. Let him know how much you miss him, how bad you feel when he is not around, and that you are looking forward to seeing him when you are apart from him. The guy will be very pleased to know that you dreamed about him, so be sure to tell him about it if this is really the case. In this case, intimate details will not hurt at all, because they will add piquancy to your frank letter!
  • When there were no modern technologies, which are very developed today, all people used exclusively by regular mail by sending each other handwritten letters. Nowadays everyone mostly uses a keyboard, but not pens. The most ordinary letter can become quite an original surprise, so don’t immediately rule out this option, but be sure to take a closer look at it.

    You can write in it the same thing as in an email, but the guy will be doubly pleased to read the words, written by your own hands.

What to write to a guy to make him feel good at night

If you and your loved one do not live together yet, then most likely you really want to write pleasant words to him every day before going to bed. It is undoubtedly very important for you that he falls asleep and wakes up every day with a smile, thinking about you. Below are some letter options, based on which you can send your guy a message or SMS with very nice words for the night.

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  • My most adored, dearest and most affectionate man! Now you go to bed after a hard day, letting go of all the heavy thoughts. I hope that, lying in bed, you will forget about all possible failures and fall asleep smiling. I really want you to have a wonderful rest and enjoy a wonderful sleep. It’s very sad that I’m not with you now, otherwise this moment would be even more beautiful.
  • My beloved, I know that now you are getting ready for bed. I miss you so much that I can only cherish dreams about us. Come to me in a dream, we will enjoy each other’s company there together. I will gently take your hand, cuddle up to you and we will watch the beautiful sunset, dreaming of our wonderful future. Maybe you will dream something completely different, I just hope that your dreams will be the most wonderful. May you get in your dreams what you have long dreamed of.
  • Darling, I know that you dream of going on vacation to some wonderful place, for example, on a fabulous island, where it will be just the two of us. In such a place, we could perfectly enjoy each other, splashing in the sea or ocean, swinging in a hammock on the beach, eating palm fruits from each other's hands and marveling at the stunning beauty of nature. I wish you to see this fairy tale only in a dream for now. Let all your heavy thoughts evaporate, your body relax, and your dreams fulfill all your desires, bringing you joy and inspiration.
  • My dear, I wish you to see your most pleasant memories in your dreams. Let them save you from sad thoughts, if any, and give warmth to your soul. I hope that I will be in your dreams, delighting you with our memories together. My only and best of all men, relax peacefully and sleep sweetly. I will come into your dream and give you boundless affection and magical tenderness.
  • Baby, I miss you terribly and look forward to our meeting. I'm sure you miss me too, so go to bed soon, then we'll see each other in your dreams. My dear, good night and the best dreams to you. I love you madly!

What to write to a guy in SMS to make him happy

Probably the most common way of remote communication between lovers is writing SMS. A short message sent to a loved one's mobile phone can say a lot. If you really want the guy to smile as soon as he wakes up, wake him up with an SMS with a text like “Good morning, darling! Wake up quickly, my baby.” If you quarreled the day before, it’s better to send an SMS in the morning like “My dear, I love you so much, let’s not quarrel and make up as soon as possible!”

It turns out that writing something to a guy to make him feel good is not at all difficult and you can do it in many ways. It is very important for a man to feel loved and dear, even no less important than for a girl. Appreciate, respect your guys and please them more often with pleasant messages.

Video: Natalya Tolstaya. What does a man want?

Declaration of love to a guy...
