How to paint a picture of my inner world. Map of your inner world

The life of children is filled with various emotions and feelings. However, it is problematic for a child to express them correctly, here art therapy comes to the rescue. In the process of drawing, the child fully reveals his inner world and expresses his feelings, experiences and other emotions on a piece of paper. The main task of parents is to learn how to correctly and regularly “read” the art of their baby, this will allow them to get to know the child better and, if necessary, turn to specialists for help in time.

What does a child's drawing say about a child and his attitude towards others?

While drawing, children do not control their emotions, they create a “masterpiece” with their soul, not their mind. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to all the details of the picture, because this allows you to draw certain conclusions about the psychological state of the child and about his attitude to everything that surrounds him. Let us consider below how, by some features and details of a child's drawing, one can understand what the child thinks and feels.

Color selection

Each child feels very subtly and compares his feelings with a certain color. For accurate testing, it is important that the baby has the maximum set of colors to create a pattern.

What does the predominant color in the picture say?

Color What personality traits do children have who prefer a certain color? What does the predominance or absence of a given color in the figure indicate?
Red Aggressiveness, willpower, irascibility, excitability, eccentricity, increased activity and determination. The predominance of the red tint in the picture indicates openness and activity. Such a child is restless, naughty, excitable, often breaking toys.

In the future, such children strive to achieve recognition, success, praise against the background of assertiveness and selfishness.

The absence of this color may indicate an inferiority complex and a desire for solitude. Most often these are children brought up in a family with frequent scandals between parents.

Pink Refinement, tenderness, sentimentality, weakness, compassion, timidity and optimism. There is dependence on others, looking for constant support, needs the manifestation of love from parents and constant tactile contact.
Yellow The child is inquisitive and optimistic, spontaneous and sociable, positively emotional, but dependent and jealous. Love for yellow is characteristic of creative individuals. Dreaminess and fabulousness, originality and dissent distinguish a child who chooses this color. He prefers loneliness and abstract toys (sticks, pebbles, etc.) He always believes in something and hopes. Irresponsibility and impracticality may appear.

If the child does not like the color, then he is somewhat closed and focused on his inner world.

Orange The main qualities of the child: cheerfulness, rich imagination, daydreaming, energy and good intuition. Increased excitability that has no way out, fun, pranks and screams for no reason are signs that characterize the condition of the baby. The excessive use of this color should alert.
Green It symbolizes stubbornness and perseverance, independence and poise, high intellectual abilities, the desire for security and spiritual tension. The use of this color in large quantities indicates a lack of motherly love and a feeling of abandonment.

In the future, conservatism and fear of change develop. The child needs to feel secure and have a sense of security.

Blue The child is distinguished by concentration and focus on the problems of his inner world, he is looking for peace and satisfaction, calmness and fidelity, he often resorts to introspection. The prevailing emotions of the young "artist" who loves to paint in blue are calmness and balance, a tendency to self-sacrifice. The choice of this color indicates that the child needs rest at the moment.
Blue Frequent change of lifestyle, optionality, carelessness and carelessness are characteristic of lovers of blue. If there is a lot of blue in the drawing, then this indicates the balance and calmness of the child at the time of drawing.
blue green Willpower, serious disposition, pedantry, concern for others and adherence to principles. The predominance of a blue-green hue in the figure characterizes a special state of the nervous system, or rather, its overexcitation. The child needs more freedom and encouragement, perhaps even a reduction in the requirements.
Violet It is characteristic of children with a rich imagination, excellent intuition, sensitive and vulnerable, with a rich inner world, as well as immaturity, both intellectual and emotional. Impressionable, vulnerable, excitable, suggestible, in need of support - these characteristics are suitable for children whose drawings are dominated by purple.
purple Children who love this color are weak, tender, lonely and defenseless, honest, often closed in themselves and musical. The child uses this color when he is immersed in himself, feels lonely, weak and defenseless.
Brown Slowness, discomfort, negative emotional state. A lot of brown in the picture signals poor health, family troubles, dramatic events experienced, mental disability.
Grey Indifference, prudence, avoidance of anxiety, detachment. A lot of gray in the picture speaks of a feeling of hopelessness, routine, poverty and rejection. The child is distinguished by isolation and timidity. Perhaps the child is just tired.
Black Depression, destruction and protest. A black drawing indicates that the child is experiencing stress, he is not self-confident and unhappy. This color symbolizes the premature maturation of a complex psyche.
White The child is honest and clean, often suffering from loneliness and emptiness. A child uses white for drawing when he feels lonely, experiences nervous strain and mental anxiety. The baby lacks vitality and curiosity.

Bright iridescent colors indicate a good mood and positive emotions of the child, and a pale pattern with a predominance of gloomy colors indicates a reduced emotional state or a bad mood, the child may be unwell.

Pictures of people, facial expressions

In young years children draw people in the form of cephalopod circles with sticks instead of arms and legs. In this case, pay attention to the colors and the force of pressing the pencil, the proportionality of each character relative to each other. At an older age, children begin to draw the head and face, arms and legs.

  • Normally, a child most often draws people of his own gender, otherwise we can talk about internal discord.
  • The size of the head symbolizes mental development and abilities, and the presence of a headdress shows that the child needs protection.
  • The presence of a face and the clarity of its features speaks of the openness of the baby and his sociability.
  • The worse the face is drawn, the more “closed” the character of the child is.
  • Ask the child about the emotions and mood of the characters depicted, this will allow you to reflect on the situation from the child's point of view.
  • The presence of ears is an indicator of receiving information through hearing and the ability to listen.
  • The mouth and teeth are drawn by children with an aggressive attitude, and large eyes indicate children's fears, especially if the pupils are drawn.
  • The size of the hands is an indicator of physical development, and the hidden ones indicate the child's insecurity.
  • Raised hands are drawn by aggressively minded kids, and a wide swing indicates a readiness to act.
  • Long legs indicate the independence of the child, and a wide setting indicates the self-confidence of the baby.
  • A disproportionate torso of small size is drawn by children with a sense of inferiority.
  • Demonstrativeness and expression of aggression in the drawings of children over 4 years old is manifested through the image of the genitals.

Figure sizes

The more important a person or object is for a child, the larger he depicts them and vice versa. The figure depicts the most significant characters in the life of the baby.

Often a manifestation of aggression or a protective form of behavior is the image of large fists, traced nails and teeth, the presence of a threatening posture and even weapons.

Line outlines

  • Clear, bold and even lines, drawn confidently and without doubt, testify to the child's self-confidence and that he is happy.
  • Weak pressing speaks of the indecision of the young "artist", his fatigue, emotional sensitivity and unstable psyche.
  • Strong pressure and frequent breaking of the stylus is characteristic of aggressive children.
  • Different pressing force while drawing indicates a frequent change of mood.
  • Soft in nature, the baby uses sinuous and smooth lines, and in the presence of a strong-willed character, angles and straight, clear lines predominate in the drawing.
  • A sign of impulsiveness is lines that have not been completed to the end or a sweeping, careless manner of writing.
  • Self-corrections, especially if they did not lead to an improvement in the image, indicate increased anxiety of the baby, which is also evidenced by shading.

Layout of a drawing on a sheet

Self-doubt in children is manifested in the layout of the picture. They place it compressed in some part of the sheet, and not on its entire area. There is frequent erasure of details, the child's doubts about the correctness of the image, the border (line) of the earth or floor is drawn above the bottom border of the sheet.

Drawing of my family

  • Children begin to draw a family from the most significant person for them, and the larger he is drawn, the more authoritative he is for the “artist”. It is better drawn and decorated.
  • If a child has poor contact with someone, then his child does not draw, or depicts him schematically.
  • The child's family is friendly if everyone holds hands, and vice versa, if everyone is busy with their own business.
  • If there are separating objects between people (for example, a tree), then the child feels there is a problem in communication.
  • The image of the game indicates the presence of rivalry in the family. If someone is drawn with their hands up, then aggression comes from him, or he needs help.
  • The presence of false information in the picture (dead or non-existent people) indicates the child's discomfort, his desire to change the situation.
  • If a young "artist" portrayed himself larger than adults, then he feels unique and significant. But about when you feel superfluous, the absence of the child himself in the picture speaks.

How to decipher a children's drawing: 5 examples

It should be remembered that the child transfers to paper in the form of a drawing what he feels and experiences at the moment. For a correct assessment of the psycho-emotional state of the baby, several drawings are required, made at different times.

It may be that the child is generally positive, open and everything is in order, but at the time of drawing he was in a quarrel or was under the influence of a not very pleasant moment, it is natural that a negative will appear in the drawing, but this is only now. Or maybe the child draws a “cry for help” day after day, but the parents do not understand.

Examples of decoding children's drawings

Figure #1.

What does picture #1 say?

Somewhat chaotic, but at the same time bright and dynamic pattern. The child singles out the mother as the emotional center of the family, decorates her dress and places the sun (a symbol of warmth), herself and the dog nearby. The author portrays herself on an equal footing with adults, but at the same time lacking to the ground - most likely she is an impulsive, fighting girl with a boyish character. The level of self-control is low, this is evidenced by the sweeping manner of writing with strong pressure.

Figure #2.

What does picture #2 say?

The drawing is typical for children over 6 years old, therefore the child develops ahead of schedule. The family is depicted dynamically, brightly and at the same time restlessly. The color scheme suggests the gender identification of the “artist” with his father, but he is still closer to his mother. Judging by the picture, it can be assumed that the boy does not have enough space, he does not stand firmly on his feet. At the same time, the purple color indicates a possible psycho-emotional instability and frequent mood swings. Large and angular figures indicate straightforwardness in communication and a tendency to conflict. Drawn pupils and the presence of shading indicate an existing hidden anxiety.

Figure #3.

What does picture #3 say?

The overall composition indicates that everyone is happy and the child is growing up in a friendly atmosphere. The author grouped all family members, children and cats to the right, and adults to the left of the tree, this indicates a clear hierarchy, dad, mom and grandmother enjoy great authority, only the depicted late grandfather is alarming, and the presence of a tree between him and grandmother indicates their irresistible separation barrier.

Figure #4.

What does Figure 4 say?

The girl drew her prototype. You should pay attention to a large and bright drawing, however, located in the upper part of the sheet, this indicates positive self-esteem, activity and emotionality, a high level of self-control, sociability and developed intelligence against the backdrop of uncertainty and lack of stability (small legs and a clear emphasis on the earth line) . This situation is observed in families where they pay a lot of attention to the child, which deprives him of the opportunity to show independence.

Figure #5.

What does picture #5 say?

The image in the figure indicates a positive perception of the world. Mom and dad are drawn together, although they are divorced. Dad brings flowers, which speaks of the boy's hope that his parents will be together again. The depicted birds, as a symbol of hope, only confirm this assumption. The boy wants to be like his father, this is evidenced by the similar colors of the clothes of the father and son.

Let your child draw more often, because this way he can throw out his emotions, and you can get to know your baby better, the main thing is to read the messages of the child's subconscious correctly. You can also understand your child with the help of which you can read about on our website.

All these pictures that people unconsciously draw when talking to someone on the phone or in a meeting can tell a lot about the character traits of people, as well as the motivation for their actions. When a person draws, his pencil is guided by his subconscious, which contains his thoughts and secrets, and also controls his behavior. In this article, you will find out what these pictures that people unconsciously draw every day really mean.

little people

If you are drawing little people, most likely you feel insecure and defenseless, or you are trying to avoid responsibility. If you draw primitive stick men, you are emotionally unstable and want to isolate yourself from other people.


Eye drawings represent the inner world of the person who drew them. Large eyes show an open person, gazing eyes show a sense of being watched, and closed eyes can symbolize a refusal to look within.


If you draw your signature, then you are self-centered and arrogant. If you do this constantly and without thinking, while talking or trying to solve a problem, then you demonstrate that you are selfish.


Which animals you draw says a lot about your current emotional state and your personality. A tiger or a wolf shows hidden unexpressed anger, a fox means that you want to do something insidious, a squirrel shows that you need care and protection, and lions are most often drawn by people who consider themselves better than others. If you draw the same animal over and over again, this means that you are unconsciously trying to compare yourself with him and trying to imitate his character traits.

Squares, diamonds and other geometric shapes

You have clearly defined your goals and beliefs and never keep your opinions to yourself. You are stubborn and persistent. You are also usually overly cautious.


The arrows symbolize the vector, your direction in life. If the arrow points up, you are people-oriented, down - you are focused on yourself, to the left - you are stuck in the past, to the right - you are looking forward to the future.


You want to be the center of attention, you want everyone to look at you when you enter a room and turn their heads in the direction you are moving. But if the arrows you draw have too many ends, it could be a sign of depression.

Flowers, clouds and sun

If you draw cheerful flowers and the sun while talking on the phone, it means that you are satisfied with what is happening around you, and also fantasize about the good things that can happen to you in the future. Such drawings show that you have a positive attitude towards life and are also in a good mood.


This may mean that you feel guilty about something or that you blame yourself for the mistakes you made earlier.

houses and boxes

Symmetrical shapes demonstrate your love of order, as well as your tendency to carefully plan and calculate everything. You know exactly what you want, your goals in life are set, and you will stick to your opinion no matter what.

chess boards

This may mean that you recently found yourself in an unpleasant and uncomfortable situation. If you get these drawings all the time, chances are that you are dealing with some hidden issues related to your inability to resolve a particular situation, or you are trying to find yourself and your purpose in life, having doubts about the path you are on. are now.


Your main priority is to maintain peace and harmony in your life, you may want to settle down and start a family.


You don't really care about other people's problems. In your head, you usually solve a wide variety of problems and think about different tasks. Perhaps you are a genius?

Circles and rings

Round shapes indicate the need for unity. "I feel alone in this world" - that's what these drawings say about you. If you subconsciously draw circles, it may mean that you need a friend or at least some attention, which in turn can lead to depression, so you need to pay special attention to this. Or it could be that you're just an introvert and don't need a lot of communication.

Each person would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from the outside. The best way for self-knowledge is a psychological projection drawing, which will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something that we don’t think about, the result shows not the logical, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can erupt unconsciously projected on paper.

You will need privacy to take the test below. No one should distract you from the process. Take piece of paper, preferably A4, handle or pencil. Divide the sheet into equal four parts and number them so that it looks something like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like this:

  • in the first sector, draw a dot in the middle
  • in the second sector draw a small square or rectangle
  • in the third sector there should be something similar to the "=" sign
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should get something similar:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what comes to your mind right away.

In the first three sectors, just draw what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. You don't need to draw something complicated - spend about 10 seconds per sector. After that, move on to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that floats on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also do not spend a lot of time on it.

Deciphering the drawings

Sector one

This section represents your isolation or openness. If there are round figures in this sector, then you are a closed person. The same applies, for example, to a drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of dots, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, the more elements you applied, the better. The only exception is circles. They should be as few as possible.

Sector two

This section shows your kindness and responsiveness, as well as the level selfishness. You can consider yourself a kind person if what you have drawn is somehow connected to the original rectangle. The smaller the contact area, the more selfish you are. Open people often draw a wall, which indicates their focus on the company and the team. Many draw a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this indicates that you need to think - maybe you are selfish.

Sector three

This sector will show how you consider yourself successful or successful with the opposite sex - is it easy for you to communicate and flirt. There should be as few drawing elements as possible and they should not touch the equal sign (as most people call it). People who are satisfied with their relationship with the opposite sex usually draw a smiley face to make something like "=)". Worst of all, if the drawing turns out to be symmetrical and heavily piled up, this is an indicator of your self-doubt in communicating with the opposite sex.

Sector four

Everything is extremely simple here. This sector shows you what you are in love and in relations. If the sea turned out to be restless, then you prefer dynamic love that breaks your head. If the sea is calm, then love for you is calm, warm and only pleasant, ordered emotions. As for the boat itself, you should pay attention to whether it is difficult to draw, as well as what is happening around it. Any excesses like sails or people (which were not discussed), stars, living creatures, the Moon, the Sun - speak of your romance. If none of this is there, then you are strong in character, and romance is alien to you.

Thus, the simplest at first glance test can show each person his true face. Psychological personality tests of this kind are the most accurate, since the test subject does not need to think - he is driven only by the emotional part of the brain. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Psychologists are well aware that the easiest way to find out something about a person's personality, character or mood at the moment is to ask him to draw something. We can also use this psychological test and, under some pretext, conduct it with one of our acquaintances or a potential partner.

It is best to ask to draw a human figure. If a piece of paper is drawn a few little people then your partner feels insecure or wants to avoid unpleasant responsibilities. Perhaps he feels discomfort in communicating with you.

The man pictured schematically- “stick, stick, cucumber” - indicates that your counterpart is closed in himself and does not want to let anyone into his soul.

Suppose you are presented with something that looks like a real portrait. Pay attention to the details of the appearance of the drawn person. If head and body turned full face, then your friend or acquaintance is open for communication. Head turned to profile, and the body full face He has communication problems.

Many people during lectures, meetings and even conversations tend to draw something on paper, if it is at hand, in a notebook, in the margins of notebooks or even books. They do this automatically, but meanwhile such "subconscious" drawings can tell a lot about. By the way, most often this is done by men, not women.

For example, if a man draws cars, then he is most likely obsessed with sex. But he thinks not so much about the pleasure of his partner, but about his own. Decide for yourself if you need such a life partner.

Man painting hearts, has sincerity and spontaneity. He is a romantic at heart, but he tries to hide it carefully. However, his "art" will certainly betray him. Not the worst option, right?

If a man draws trees he is honest, friendly and kind. He will behave towards you as he will never hide his feelings.

Flowers draw men with a romantic and sentimental nature, prone to playfulness. Such a person may sometimes hurt you with his jokes, but he is capable of fidelity and will never make you bored.

If a man portrays fantastic animals and plants he is a dreamer and dreamer. He may turn out to be a good person in general, but he is not easy to bring down from heaven to earth.

It happens that a man in your society persistently draws triangles. It speaks of his strength towards you. But such people have a critical mindset, and they are selfish. It is unlikely that this type will be able to love you wholeheartedly.

Sometimes a man leaves a kiss on paper picture: a house, smoke comes out of the chimney, trees grow around, there is a group of little men, and so on. Such a landscape testifies to the rich inner world of the author. He can turn out to be a very noble person and a wonderful lover, although he is not always easy to understand.

From broken lines and strange shapes they say that you have a complex, perhaps pathological nature in front of you. Either the man is currently experiencing depression or stress. You need to take a closer look at such a potential partner before trying to build a relationship with him.

Finally, drawing helps to look into the inner world of children. If something is bothering your child, then give him a sheet of paper and colored pencils and ask him to draw his family as he imagines it. You can ask to draw an abstract family.

Usually children draw themselves, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, pets (if any).

Pay attention to which colors child uses for drawing. He will most likely portray himself and his beloved family members in bright colors. But if someone from the household causes negative emotions in him - for example, fear - then they can be depicted in black or gray. In general, if the tones of the picture are bright and warm, then the family is likely to be fine. If black and white or gray colors predominate, there are definitely problems.

Take a look also at sizes. Did the child portray himself as too small? He, perhaps, in the family does not consider him at all. If he painted himself too big, this indicates his selfishness: such a baby is used to the fact that the whole family “revolves” around him.

How located shapes in the picture? In the center of the sheet, the one whom the child considers the main one in the house is most often placed. On the edges and in the background are less authoritative personalities who do not have "the right to vote."

Are the characters on the sheet holding hands? This means that the family has good, warm, “correct” relations. Are there "hands at the seams"? Bad sign. Is there something wrong!

See what eyes the depicted characters. If someone has very large eyes, this person is too restless - perhaps he constantly pulls the baby ... With eyes in the form of dots or slits, children usually supply those who are inclined to forbid something to them or are weak and helpless.

If the kid drew not only members of his own family, but also strangers, then he lacks parental warmth. Subconsciously, he is looking for a person who can satisfy his need for intimacy.

Often in the drawings there is Sun. It is subconsciously perceived by children as a symbol of warmth and protection. Those people and objects that are in the picture between the child and the luminary prevent him from feeling confident and harmonious.

Have you noticed the habit of moving a pen over paper during, for example, a telephone conversation? Many of us automatically draw various primitive patterns, objects or figures when we are thinking or having an easy conversation. According to psychologists, such drawings can tell a lot about a person’s inner experiences, since the subconscious comes to the fore here.

So, let's try to figure out what the mechanical images made on the margins of the paper that came to hand are talking about.

Circles that are connected to each other, according to psychologists, signal the inner loneliness of a person. Most often, such symbols speak of the desire for friendly complicity. A person who draws all kinds of circles in the fields lacks the attention and complicity of loved ones.

Rhombuses, squares and other geometric shapes with corners.
And such drawings clearly indicate that we have a purposeful and even stubborn person, who is characterized by straightforwardness and perseverance. At the same time, such people are often overly wary and they hardly open up to others.

Little people.
Drawn human figures can also tell a lot about a person. For example, drawn little men speak of an inner feeling of helplessness, but a schematic image indicates emotional confusion and a desire to protect themselves from others.

Hearts give out a sentimental person who is currently overwhelmed with feelings. It is likely that a person is in a state of love or is simply experiencing a strong emotional outburst. Moreover, from the outside, such people may look restrained and impregnable, but the drawing easily betrays true feelings.

The stars drawn on the margins give out a person who is ambitious and striving for success. Stars are evidence of natural optimism and the ability to cope with any difficulties.

Sun, clouds, flowers.
Such drawings speak of a cheerful mood of a person. Such images are characteristic of soft and calm people who always come to the aid of others in difficult times. They are positive, optimistic and a bit sentimental.

houses and boxes.
Lovers in thoughtfulness to depict on paper all sorts of symmetrical forms have a fair amount of self-confidence. Such people are used to planning and calculating everything, so it is difficult to take them by surprise.

Spiral lines.
Spirals and wavy lines are a sure sign that a person is at the mercy of his own experiences. The problems of those around him do not worry much, since all attention is focused on personal emotions and the search for inner harmony.

The image of crosses (strict forms or stylized) always indicates that a person feels guilty. It is possible that he feels similar emotions in relation to the person with whom he is talking at the moment (if, for example, there is a telephone conversation). However, it can also be a feeling that is not directly related to the interlocutor. In any case, if you notice a tendency to such images, you should understand your own inner experiences and draw the right conclusions.

Chess cells.
Images of a chessboard may indicate that a person is in a difficult situation and does not know how to get out of it correctly. Perhaps he is afraid of something or feels a certain tightness, lack of self-confidence and constraint. In any case, on a subconscious level, the author seeks to break out of the current situation and find the right solution.

Honeycombs betray a person who dreams of a harmonious and peaceful life. In addition, this drawing may indicate that the author really wants to create his own family nest. It is likely that a person does not admit this desire even to himself, but it is the realization of this secret dream that can become his pass to the long-awaited balanced and stable world of inner comfort.

Trees can tell a lot about the author of an image. If the branches of the painted tree are thin and dry, then the person most likely feels lost, he lacks inner self-confidence. A strong trunk and a spreading crown, on the contrary, betray a calm and cheerful person who is currently satisfied with everything in life.

Senseless scribbles indicate that we have a person in front of us who is in an unenviable position. Perhaps something is bothering him and he does not know how to cope with the problems that have piled up. Inner restlessness is the main message of such images.

Signatures, generously left by a person, indicate that we have a vain and selfish nature before us. The derivation of one's own initials at the moment when the painter is thinking or reasoning about something indicates a certain obsession with himself and his problems. Such a person is extremely selfish and loves to be the center of attention.
