How to transfer from a mixture to another mixture. Artificial feeding basics

  1. Here's the actual diagram:
    The new mixture is introduced for at least 7 days! Under no circumstances should you suddenly change the mixture from one company to another.
    If you change companies, do this by eliminating the first and introducing a larger dose of the second, for example:
    Day 1 - morning 30 ml new mixture + the rest old (from different bottles). The child is being watched for 24 hours!!! And they don’t give anything new anymore.
    Day 2 (if everything is fine) - morning and afternoon, 30 ml each new mixture+ the rest is old...
    Day 3 - morning and afternoon, 50-60 ml of the new mixture + the rest is old
    4-5 days - morning introduction of full feeding of the new formula + remaining feedings of the old formula
    Day 7 - feeding with a new formula
    Be careful! If you do not adhere to this scheme, you can rupture the baby’s pancreas.
    A justified change of formula can only be if there is an allergy or diarrhea to the previous mixture. Constipation, regurgitation or “bad eating” that did not appear for the above reasons are not reason for changing the mixture!!!
  2. Indications for artificial feeding
    The transition to artificial feeding (IF) depends on the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Some young mothers are forced to take medicines after surgical delivery, gain strength. But it is known that absolutely all medications tend to penetrate into breast milk, thereby harming the health of the newborn baby.

    Sometimes the reason artificial feeding may become infectious disease woman in labor who also excludes breastfeeding. Statistics show that many women today face the problem of insufficient milk production. This may happen due to poor ecology, wrong image life and many other factors. Subsequently, the baby may be significantly underweight, unlike his newborn peers.

    Feeding a newborn baby with formula will not harm him, as people around him and relatives may believe. On the contrary, the child will gain weight well and actively develop. In addition, if desired, when the young mother recovers, it will be possible to save breast milk and feed it to the baby for a while.

  3. Types of existing mixtures.

    Each breast milk substitute is divided into partially or fully adapted. Artificial baby food can be considered fully adapted if its basic composition is as close as possible to breast milk. Quite often you can find manufacturers who put on sale a product with an approximate composition that does not completely imitate mother’s milk.

    Of course, it is almost impossible to completely copy and make a mixture, but it is half possible. Some manufacturers produce baby food based on goat milk. Today it is recognized as the most useful and nutritious. But most manufacturers use as a basis cow's milk, which can cause allergies or diathesis in a child.

    Some mothers consider it advisable to use acidophilus mixtures, which can be compared to regular kefir, for artificial feeding of a newborn. But doctors from world organization Health authorities believe that kefir is a complementary feeding product and cannot be used as a main food.

  4. There are several types of mixtures according to their structure:
    1. Dry or powder. They retain their basic properties much longer and are a little cheaper. They can be easily transported and are lighter in weight. Today, many young mothers give their preference to this type, considering it the most convenient;
    2. Liquid or ready-made. This type has the advantage that such a mixture does not need to be specially prepared and diluted. Therefore, even during night feeding, a young mother will never make a mistake with the proportions.
  5. Breast milk substitutes.

    Absolutely all breast milk substitutes can be divided into several main types - casein and whey. This division was invented because the protein component contained in breast milk is also conventionally divided into its own groups - casein and whey protein. At the same time, protein, unlike casein, occupies a leading position for the production of formula and milk substitute. In fact, all proportions should be observed in equal quantities, but not all manufacturers baby food take this important point into account.

    In addition, mixtures for artificial feeding infant There are specialized and standard ones. Standard infant formulas are soy-based. Such a substitute can be given to a child only as prescribed by a doctor. Most often, indications for use include anemia and anemia, which is associated with a lack of iron in the body. Therefore, to increase the iron level, the baby will be prescribed a mixture with high content such important element For harmonious development and growth.

    But it is worth noting that such substitutes can be given only after three months. New mothers like to make their own decisions and believe that they know better what to feed their baby. But you shouldn’t think like that, since only pediatricians can objectively assess the health status of an infant and also help you choose the optimal formula for feeding. Otherwise, you can not only choose wrong mixture, but also harm the health of your baby.

    Specialized milk formulas for newborns were made using special technologies, which is why they are most often prescribed to children who have some problems with digestive tract. These mixtures are intended for premature babies, allergy sufferers, babies with low weight or food intolerance. The pediatrician also prescribes adapted products for children who often burp and suffer from constipation.

    Particular care should be taken when using soy-based formulas. This food product can only be prescribed by the attending physician. You should not give this mixture to your child without special reasons.

  6. How to choose the right mixture.

    Before buying any formula for newborns, you must carefully study its composition:
    • Squirrels. If a doctor prescribes a breast milk substitute for a child, then it is worth asking which protein dominates in it. Doctors from the World Health Organization recommend giving preference to substitutes that contain large number whey fraction.
    • Fats. They are able to provide the maximum calorie content of the finished product at the most important period child's life.
    • Carbohydrates. Breast milk contains the main carbohydrate for maintaining the baby’s immunity and health – lactose. It makes up approximately 89% of total carbohydrates. Healthy baby can drink a mixture in which carbohydrates are presented only in the form of lactose. In addition to lactose, some breast milk substitutes also contain glucose polymers. Many pediatricians advise parents not to buy formula or milk replacer that contains sucrose.
    • Iron. This component is quite important and integral in any baby food. Total quantity The content of such an element in a product can vary within varying limits. If the baby does not have any indications, then you should not specifically buy a mixture with a large amount of iron. This may lead to frequent regurgitation, changes in the consistency of the child’s stool and significantly worsen the taste of the finished product. But iron provides an excellent environment for the development of intestinal bacteria, which can subsequently lead to a rather dangerous and harmful disease - dysbiosis.
    It is worth noting that you should not choose a formula for newborns based only on reviews. Final selection and determination optimal mixture depends on two factors:
    1. Prescription only according to the indications of a pediatrician, who must objectively assess the weight indicator, the peculiarities of the child’s development, the prevailing circumstances during childbirth and pregnancy, determine the little patient’s tendency to allergies and many other indicators;
    2. Carefully monitor the child's reaction. If he perceives and digests the finished mixture well, then he will eat it with great pleasure. Otherwise, he will not even take a bottle with its smell into his mouth. After eating, he may burp a lot and cry periodically. In this case, the mixture must be replaced immediately.
    Some mothers like to change baby formulas without good reason, because they believe that others may be better or cheaper. A friend may also recommend a certain manufacturer to them and praise the composition. In such cases, every mother believes that she knows better which formula to choose for her newborn baby. But you absolutely cannot do this, because the mixture is selected individually, and if it suits one child, another child may not like it.
  7. Possible situations that indicate that the mixture needs to be changed:
    1. General individual intolerance to any component. Most often it can manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction;
    2. Reaching a certain age, which requires changing one mixture to another, older one. Baby food changes at 6 months and one year. At the same time, every mother should remember that if the child ate a formula from a specific manufacturer, then another should be similar. It is not necessary to change the manufacturer along with the age number;
    3. The need to prescribe and use a medicinal mixture. This case occurs during an allergic reaction, frequent regurgitation and others possible problems. The medicinal mixture should be administered only after a thorough examination of the child by a doctor. He will draw conclusions and appoint the most best option for artificial feeding;
    4. Transition directly from medical to adapted mixture. In this case, you can change the mixture only after all problems have been eliminated.
    It should be noted that during artificial feeding the baby can be given a little water, but this should not be abused. And the total volume of water you drink does not add up to overall indicator drinkable mixture.
  8. How to prepare the mixture.

    First, you need to carefully read the instructions that manufacturers always print on packages. It should be carefully studied and observed during preparation, since many young, and in some cases already experienced parents, I am interested in the following question: how to properly feed a newborn with formula. If you add too much powder, the finished mixture will have a thick consistency and a rich taste. This inattention to the cooking process can lead to a high content of nutrients, and the child will subsequently burp frequently.

    If you add little powder, the final result will be a low-calorie mixture. This is also not considered the norm, because the baby will often be capricious and gain weight poorly. To dilute the mixture, the water must be boiled well. Many pediatricians and manufacturers indicate the optimal temperature regime water for cooking 36 or 37 degrees.

    Therefore, after boiling, the water must be cooled to the required temperature. Using the measuring spoon, which is included in each pack, you should pour the required amount into a separate container, this can be a plate or bottle. The powder is poured into water and quickly stirred until completely dissolved.

    To check your temperature, you need to place a few drops on your wrist. Each mother must strictly observe the temperature regime of the prepared mixture. Because too cold or hot liquid will not bring the expected benefits.

  9. The process of feeding a child on IV.

    Many women may also be interested in how to formula feed a newborn when artificially. The child is gradually growing and needs to increase the amount ready mixture. It is also necessary to take into account the baby’s physique, his appetite and metabolic rate. There are certain days in the week when your baby may eat less food than usual. To determine the optimal amount of baby food for a newborn baby, you need to coordinate all the points with your pediatrician.

    For each individual child, it is necessary to select the diet and amount of formula on an individual basis. But many mothers can periodically get carried away and feed the baby more than necessary. This should not be done, because a newborn or older child may be at risk of obesity.

    As you know, children sometimes do not notice the amount of food they eat. After eating, excess mixture can be released through regurgitation and is not completely absorbed in the small ventricle. Mothers must take into account all the points and rules of feeding, otherwise they can even harm their health little man. Hypoallergenic formulas for newborns also do not provide any benefit.

  10. Contact with mother during breastfeeding.

    Every mother constantly tries to manage everything and do it on time, but with a small child it is very difficult to do this. Children who are on breastfeeding, during feeding they are constantly in contact with their mother.

    Some mothers manage to give their baby a bottle while doing other things around the house. But then the baby has less and less contact with his mother. At a time when it is very important for a little baby in the first days and months of life. Children really need their mother's warmth and care. This contact helps the baby learn the world around us and perceive it correctly.

    Therefore, all actions must be done slowly, without haste. After all, such happy moments They pass quickly and you need to enjoy every moment spent together. Little children feel their mother’s mood, so there is no need to perceive all actions and care as aggravating moments.

  11. Important rules.

    In order to approach the process of artificial feeding as correctly as possible, you need to know how much formula to give a newborn and follow a few simple and uncomplicated rules:
    1. The choice and purchase of formula or breast milk substitute must be approached responsibly so that the baby eats only high-quality food. It must satisfy all the needs of the body;
    2. The mixture should be prepared in strict compliance with all standards and quantities. It is better to do this process slowly, thinking through all the actions. Pediatricians from the World Health Organization do not recommend that young parents prepare the formula in advance and store it in a cool place;
    3. Mothers should constantly monitor how their babies tolerate the formula;
    4. Over time, you can adjust the volume and quantity of the child's food;
    5. After each meal, all bottles and nipples must be thoroughly washed and treated hot water and sterilize. Modern young mothers prefer sterilizers that quickly and efficiently clean baby dishes from germs and food debris;
    6. Some babies may be capricious and not take the pacifier that their mother offers them. Sometimes it is necessary to change several types of nipples in order to choose the most optimal option for the child. During sucking there should be no difficulties with the flow of milk;
    7. It is necessary to constantly monitor and analyze the consumed amount of mixture and liquid consumed per day;
    8. Complementary foods must be added to the diet on time and gradually.
    The pediatrician will tell you all the tips and rules for introducing complementary foods at the next examination.

Not all women are able to breastfeed their babies healthy milk. In force various circumstances There are artificial manufacturers who have to select the best option for baby food - safe and high quality. This is a very responsible task, since in the future the transition to new product will be fraught with a number of difficulties.

This is not a toy: today they gave you a rattle, tomorrow they gave you a bell. Here you need to know all the nuances of how a newborn can switch to another formula without unwanted and even dangerous consequences for his health. In any case, this will become stressful for him, but parents should do everything to minimize it.

Reasons for the transition

Firstly, the mother needs to understand that it is impossible to start feeding the newborn with one formula, and after a while replace it with another just because she suddenly liked it better, because it is now in fashion, or because there was not enough money for the previous one.

The choice from the very beginning must be conscious and competent. After all, this is real stress for small organism and will not pass without a trace for the still unformed stomach.

The younger the baby, the more difficult the transition will be. And it must be dictated by very serious reasons. They could be:

  • individual intolerance to milk proteins or sugar;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • child's refusal to eat;
  • poor weight gain;
  • most often they switch to a different diet if they have allergies;
  • the need for a medicinal mixture;
  • planned age transition (this is later - for those who are six months old).

It is best to consult a pediatrician to see if your child can switch to another formula. One thing - medical indications for this, it is completely different - the desire of the parents, dictated by some of their own principles and preferences.

Do not expose your newborn to unnecessary stress: he already has plenty of it. But if this event still cannot be avoided, be sure to follow the rules and recommendations of specialists.

This is interesting. Man is a mammal, that is, he feeds his children with milk. If in nature a female animal for some reason cannot feed the cub, it dies. Until the 19th century, if a woman lost breast milk, a wet nurse was found for the newborn.

Transition rules

There are unshakable rules on how to switch to a different formula for an infant without health consequences. If they are not observed, there is no guarantee that such a transition will not negatively affect his condition.

As side effects There may be constipation and diarrhea, dysbacteriosis and terrible colic, sleep disturbances and loss of appetite. And in the future this threatens serious problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

So you shouldn’t risk the health of your newborn - it’s better to follow these tips:

  1. Consultation with a pediatrician about whether the newborn needs to switch to a new diet.
  2. If you switch to another formula within the same brand, you don’t have to follow the steps, adding a small amount of new food to 1 feeding. For example, within the Nutrilon 1 brand, mixtures marked Comfort, Fermented Milk, Hypoallergenic, Lactose-Free, Antireflux, Amino Acids, Pepti Allergy, Pepti Gastro and Pre are completely interchangeable.
  3. You need to switch to another formula from a completely different brand gradually so that the newborn can fully adapt to the change in diet.
  4. The last thing in the scheme is replaced by night feeding, since it is unknown how the small body will react to the new food.
  5. A newborn cannot switch to a new formula during vaccination and if he does not feel well: he has a fever, severe colic, bowel problems, insomnia, etc.
  6. You cannot replace one mixture with another without a good reason.

If you switch to a new mixture correctly, this event will pass without consequences and with minimal stress for the small organism. The rules are not that complicated, everything is doable.

Read also: “How much should a newborn eat at one feeding.”

The only one difficult moment during transition - choosing a scheme to replace one product with another. They can be different, although the principle is the same - gradation.

Through the pages of history. The first infant formula was invented at the beginning of the 19th century, but it was not commercially available. It was produced exclusively for orphanages and orphanages where there were not enough wet nurses for all newborns. It began to be supplied to the market only in the middle of the 20th century.

Transition schemes

There are different schemes, how to switch to a new formula for a baby without consequences for his health.

Some are good because they offer a slow introduction of new nutrition and reduce it to almost zero negative reaction body on it. However, they are not suitable for some newborns, as they cover too long an adjustment period - up to 2-3 weeks, while in case of diarrhea or allergies to the old formula, quicker measures need to be taken.

Other regimens require a 6-day replacement, but do not guarantee the absence of side effects. Choose for yourself according to the situation.

Transition scheme for seven meals a day:

  1. Add 10 ml of new formula to the first feeding. But at the same time, you cannot mix it in the same bottle with the old food. First - one thing, then - another.
  2. If nothing has changed in the newborn’s condition during the day (no rashes, fever, diarrhea), the next day add 20 ml of the new product to the first and fifth feedings.
  3. Add 20 ml of new food daily until the first and fifth feedings are completely replaced.
  4. After this, with an interval of one day, transfer one feeding completely (not 20 ml) to the new mixture. It is best to do it in order: 1st day - second feeding, 2nd - third, 3rd - fourth, 4th - sixth, 5th - seventh.

However, according to this scheme, the newborn will have to switch to a new formula for quite a long time: up to 2 weeks. In some situations, parents do not have that much time if the baby is allergic to the old food.

In such cases, you can use the express method (with the permission of the pediatrician), reflected in the table:

Exactly the same schemes work for supplementary feeding if the newborn does not have enough mother's milk or he is not gaining weight well.

In any case, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician so as not to encounter unpleasant surprises. Even before the baby is born, parents should consider the option of artificial feeding and choose good mixture, which you won’t have to change to another later.

It's always gradual. The transition to a new mixture should be carried out within 7 to 10 days.

You need to start with 10 milliliters of the new mixture per day. The remaining amount of food, which is calculated individually based on the child’s age, is supplemented with the old formula.
Under no circumstances should you mix new and old mixtures. Mixtures are always given in different bottles.
On the second day, the multiplicity of the new mixture is increased to 2 - 3 times 10 milliliters, and the rest of the feedings are continued with the old mixture. In parallel with the introduction of a new formula, they monitor the baby’s condition, how he behaves after feeding and whether he sleeps well. Pay attention to skin child, is there any redness or rash. Also special attention give stool - it should not be foamy or watery.

On the third day, the amount of the new mixture is increased to 20 milliliters three times a day. So, the volume of the new mixture on the third day should be 60 milliliters.

On the fourth day, the amount of the mixture is increased to 4 times a day, 30 - 50 milliliters.

On the fifth day, the volume of the mixture doubles, that is, from 60 to 100 milliliters four times a day. This means that on day 5 of switching to a new formula, the volume should be 400 milliliters, approximately half of the baby’s daily diet.

On the seventh day, you can completely replace the child’s diet with a new formula.

The amount of formula per day is most often calculated taking into account the weight of the child. In the first two months, the daily ration is one fifth of the child’s weight. If the child weighs 4 kilograms, then the volume of the mixture will be 800 milliliters. This volume is divided by the frequency of feedings ( 6 – 7 times), and it turns out that for one feeding the child should receive 130 - 115 milliliters of mixture.

Here is an example of introducing a new mixture for two month old baby weighing 4 kilograms, initially calculating that he should receive 800 milliliters of the mixture per day. The volume of the daily ration is divided by the frequency of feedings. For a two-month-old baby, the frequency of feedings should be 6–7 times a day, that is, 115 milliliters per feeding.

  • 1st day: the volume of the new mixture is 10 milliliters, the old mixture is 790 milliliters;
  • 2nd day: the volume of the new mixture is 30 milliliters, the previous mixture is 770 milliliters;
  • 3rd day: the volume of the new mixture is 60 milliliters, the old one is 740 milliliters;
  • 4th day: the volume of the new mixture is 200 milliliters, the old mixture is 600 milliliters;
  • 5th day: the new mixture is 400 milliliters, the old one is 400 milliliters. This means that by the fifth day the volume of the old and new mixture should be equal;
  • 6th day: new mixture – 600 milliliters, old – 200 milliliters;
  • 7th day: The new mixture can replace the baby’s entire diet, that is, all 800 milliliters, 115 milliliters 7 times a day.
Of course, the process of introducing a new formula can be accelerated, but this is not advisable, especially if the child is prone to an allergic reaction.

Such a transition to a new mixture is not typical for everyone medicinal mixtures. Under certain genetic diseases the transfer is carried out immediately. For example, for phenylketonuria, mixtures that do not contain phenylalanine are introduced into the diet almost immediately. Feeding previous formulas containing phenylalanine is not allowed, as this can lead to serious complications.

The situation is similar with lactose-free formulas. In case of primary lactase deficiency, when the lactase enzyme is completely absent in the child’s body, feeding with other formulas is unacceptable. In case of secondary lactase deficiency, the new mixture is introduced gradually, in parallel with the old mixture.

Both the new and previous mixtures should be diluted immediately before meals, each mixture in an individual bottle. It is advisable to introduce a new mixture in the first half of the day, and continue to feed the same mixture in the evening. The doctor recommends replacing with some mixtures not the entire diet, but one third or half of it. For example, this applies fermented milk mixtures. They should not replace the entire diet, otherwise it will lead to increased

Breastfeeding is important for the health and development of children, because along with the product of lactation, maternal antibodies, beneficial bacteria and enzymes enter the baby’s body, helping to improve the functioning of the baby. digestive system. In addition, by slightly changing her diet, a nursing mother can adjust the functioning of the baby’s intestines - “fix” it or, conversely, “loosen” it.

Artificial babies receiving formula are deprived of all this. If there are persistent problems with the baby’s digestion or health, the pediatrician may recommend changing the product and even recommend a specific manufacturer.

When does the mixture need to be changed?

If an artificial baby feels good eating the formula that they started feeding him in the maternity hospital, then there is no need to change it for no reason. The baby’s intestines get used to a specific product, which it has already learned to digest and assimilate, and changing the diet can harm its functionality, which will lead to intestinal disorders.

If you decide to switch to another formula because it is inexpensive compared to what you are giving your newborn now, you should definitely ask your pediatrician for his opinion on this matter. Over many years of working with infants, a pediatric specialist has probably accumulated enough practical knowledge about the reactions of babies to products from different manufacturers. The doctor will help you choose ideal option, which will suit the baby’s body and will be affordable for you.

  • with prolonged disturbances in the baby's stool;
  • with the development of anemia;
  • during manifestations allergic reactions on the product used;
  • with excessive regurgitation of the baby;
  • with regular bloating.

Manufacturers are ready to meet the needs of every artificial baby. So, if the baby suffers from profuse regurgitation, you can solve this problem by switching him to a special anti-reflux product containing gum, which effectively thickens the stomach contents. For children with lactose intolerance, powders have been created without its presence in the composition, and if you are allergic to animal protein, you can purchase food for your child with soy or hydrolyzed protein, which will not cause such a reaction in him.

If anemia is detected in a child, the pediatrician will decide to temporarily switch him to iron-fortified powder. But the most common problem, because of which doctors recommend changing food products, is dysbiosis. Artificial animals have nowhere to get lacto- and bifidobacteria, so they are either additionally given special preparations that populate the microflora, or are switched to a mixture with probiotics.

In any case, you need to change your child’s formula strictly after agreeing on your decision with your pediatrician.

How to change the mixture correctly?

  1. It is impossible to change the mixture suddenly, as this will lead to disruptions in intestinal function. An unsmooth transition to a new product can cause severe diarrhea, the consequences of which can be dysbacteriosis and dehydration.
  2. Rules smooth transition apply not only to products of different brands. Even if you change the same type of mixture, but intended for different ages, you should still do it gradually over 1-2 weeks.
  3. If you change food “according to age,” then the powder can be mixed in one bottle, but if the brands of the product are different, you should dilute them in separate containers and give the baby one feeding at a time, first the new one, and then the old one.
  4. When switching to another formula “according to age,” you need to gradually increase the volume of the new product, every 2-3 days replacing a spoonful of the previous food with a new one.

So, if you eat 180 ml. nutrition, the transition to a new product will look like this:

  • 1-2 days— 1 spoon of new powder + 5 spoons of old;
  • 3-4 day— 2 spoons of new powder + 4 spoons of old;
  • 4-6 day— 3 spoons of new powder + 3 spoons of old;
  • 7-8 day— 4 spoons of new powder + 2 spoons of old;
  • 9-10 day— 5 spoons of new powder + 1 spoon of old;
  • 11-12 day

Changing mixtures of different brands occurs according to the same scheme - every two days you should increase the volume of the new powder in one of the bottles by 30 ml, and in the container with the old one, reduce it accordingly:

  • 1-2 days— 30ml water +1 l. new powder/150 ml. water +5 l. former;
  • 3-4 day— 60ml water +2 l. new powder/120 ml. water +4 l. former;
  • 4-6 day— 90ml water +3 l. new powder/90 ml. water +3 l. former;
  • 7-8 day— 120ml water +4 l. new powder/60 ml. water +2 l. former;
  • 9-10 day— 160ml water +5 l. new powder/30 ml. water +1 l. former;
  • 11-12 day— complete transition to a new mixture.
The child should first be given a bottle with a new formula, and then fed from a container with the same product.

If you see that the child tolerates the food replacement normally, you can speed up the schedule a little by introducing 30 ml into his diet every day. new product, and reducing the same volume of the previous one.

What difficulties might you encounter?

The scheme for introducing a new food is “stretched” over such a long period of time that the baby’s intestines can adapt and begin to digest and assimilate a different product than he is used to. But even with such reasonable caution, the baby’s body will still begin to react negatively. In the first 3-4 days you can notice in your child:

  1. Constipation.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Rapid swelling and colic.
  4. Minor skin rashes.

If after 3-4 days these signs do not go away or intensify, and the baby constantly screams, contact your pediatrician - perhaps the chosen mixture is not suitable for the baby, and you will have to try another one, introducing it into the child’s diet according to the previous scheme.

  1. Keep a feeding diary in which you will record the amount your baby eats and his reaction to the formula. This will make it easier for both you and the pediatrician to understand whether the new product is suitable for your baby.
  2. Dilute the powder strictly in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. If it seems to you that the baby is not getting enough, prepare 30 ml more artificial milk. Under no circumstances should you add more powder to the volume of water in violation of the instructions.
  3. The period of changing baby formula is very difficult for the baby’s digestive system; he will almost certainly suffer from colic, so give your baby a belly massage more often, hold him close to you, warming him with the warmth of your body, to reduce pain.

Very often, pediatricians even in the maternity hospital prescribe a formula for supplementary feeding of the baby. But at home, often unnecessarily, parents decide to choose a different formula without consulting a doctor. As a result of such arbitrariness on the part of parents two week old baby may try several mixtures. And this is not at all correct. The child's body is still too weak to cope with such a load. In this article we will tell you how to properly introduce another formula without harm to the baby.

Take your time!

It should be noted that the adaptation of the child’s digestive system to the new formula may take 1-2 weeks, and during this time there may be changes in the child’s stool, the appetite with which he eats, and his mood may worsen. If, when switching to a new formula, the child’s stool changes, this is not a reason to cancel it. It may take several weeks before you find out if the formula is really not right for your baby. However, if a child develops a rash, he should be immediately shown to a pediatrician. In this case, you will probably really have to refuse to switch to a new mixture.

When switching to a different formula, it is very important to know how to properly introduce the new formula.

Scheme for switching to another mixture

It is necessary to switch from one mixture to another gradually, over several days.

On the first day, give 30-40 ml of the new mixture, the rest of the volume should be the old mixture. On the second and subsequent days, the volume of the new mixture should be increased by 10-20 ml.

For example, a child should receive 120 ml of formula per feeding and we switch from Friso formula to Nutrilon formula.

On the first day, give 40 ml of Nutrilon mixture, 80 ml of Friso.

On the second day, 60 ml of Nutrilon mixture, 60 ml of Friso mixture.

On the third day, 80 ml of Nutrilon mixture, 40 ml of Friso mixture.

On the fourth day, 100 ml of Nutrilon mixture, 20 ml of Friso mixture.

On the fifth day, the child should receive all 120 ml of the Nutrilon mixture.

The following also applies to the rules for switching to another mixture. The new and old mixture must be given from different bottles; you cannot mix different mixtures, even from the same brand.

An exception to the rule of gradual introduction of complementary foods is the prescription of a hypoallergenic formula to a child. IN in this case shown abrupt transition to another mixture, one day in advance.
