How to clean a muton fur coat from dust. Mouton fur coat: how to clean it at home, restore the former shine to the fur and store it properly

I must say right away that I work as the right hand of a fashion designer engaged in tailoring outerwear. My task is to ensure that the collection is kept in good shape during the show season. Over the years, I have tried many methods for cleaning and updating them. I will tell you how to clean a muton fur coat at home, because I know that the price of dry cleaning will not please even a wealthy person.

Before I introduce you to the methods of cleaning fur products, I must answer a number of mandatory questions:

For convenience, I have placed the answers to them in this table.

Image Recommendation

Is it possible to wash a muton fur coat?

Do not wash the product in a washing machine - this will damage the material.

What can not be cleaned fur?

Make sure that the product you choose will not ruin the mouton fur coat.

Try the product before washing on the wrong side: if the fur does not react in any way, feel free to clean the rest.

What means cannot be used?

Do not resort to extreme measures. Mouton will not tolerate vinegar, acetone, or alcohol.

Even if you find out that one of these remedies helped someone, most likely it is not a muton - a fake.

How to dry a muton?

To dry a fur coat at home, simply hang it on a coat hanger or on a mannequin and wait until it dries itself.

What spoils the fur?

Avoid getting perfume and hairspray on the fur. It is cosmetics that are the main source of fur pollution.

Cleaning a fur coat from a muton

Unfortunately, few of us keep outerwear in cases, so it is rarely possible for anyone to protect a fur coat from dust. Do not despair, cleaning a fur coat from a muton at home is possible.

Update fur: 4 ways

Before cleaning, carefully inspect the thing, perhaps a fur coat that has sagged for a couple of seasons in the closet will simply be refreshed:

Image How to upgrade fur
Method 1. Shaking.

Cleaning a muton at home can begin with an ordinary carpet cracker. Gently beating her thing, you can easily get rid of the dust.

Method 2. Combing.

A comb will help get rid of motes, feathers, etc. stuck in the pile.

Method 3. Vacuum cleaner.

To get rid of dust and debris, use a vacuum cleaner. By selecting the minimum power and making sure that the device is clean, you can clean both a fur coat and a hat.

Method 4. Roller for clothes.

The simplest method for updating a muton fur coat that has not gotten dirty is to thoroughly clean it with a sticky roller.

Duct tape will attract dust, loose lint, and other dirt.

Standard cleaning in 5 steps

How to clean a fur coat from a muton? In the fight against fresh spots and light dirt, ordinary cleaning with soapy water will help you.

Suitable for preparing a solution:

  • laundry soap;
  • powder without bleach;
  • shampoo;
  • carpet cleaner.

Method of work:

  1. Prepare a solution by diluting the soap in water, and beat until a rich foam.
  2. Hang the fur coat with hangers in the bathroom.
  3. Apply foam to the pile, preferably with a brush.
  4. Use a clean brush to remove any remaining dirt and soap.
  5. Leave clothes to dry.

Dry cleaning: 2 methods

As you know, fur does not like moisture, especially white pile. There are two ways to avoid hitting water. When I tell you about each of them, cleaning a fur coat with your own hands will seem like the simplest job.

You can get rid of unpleasant odors and make the fur of a Mouton fur coat fluffy with the help of a steam generator.

Method 1. The method of working with a steam generator is simple:

  1. Place the fur coat on the shoulders in a bright, well-lit place.
  2. Gently steam the fur along the entire length from top to bottom, barely touching the pile.
  3. Allow the product to cool naturally.

Method 2. How to use cereals:

To clean light things, in particular, to remove fat and stubborn dirt from light fur, you need something white and loose ... Semolina, starch, bran? Everything will do!

Image Procedure

Step 1

Pour the selected product liberally onto the site of contamination.

Step 2

Thoroughly but gently rub the product into the grease stain.

Step 3

Leave the fur coat in this form for a while so that the product properly absorbs dirt and grease - it takes me 1.5 hours.

Step 4

Shake the fur coat and leave the fur alone for a couple of hours.

To finally remove all the grains, you can walk with a soft brush - and the fur will comb out, and the remnants of the grain will fall off.

Fighting heavy pollution: 2 most powerful tools

My experience has shown that getting rid of old dirt on a muton is not an easy task. Out of everything I've tried, I can only recommend two methods. I think cleaning heavy dirt will teach you that care must be timely:

Image Instruction
Remedy 1. Hydrogen peroxide.

This recipe is suitable in the fight against fat and yellowness on light-colored fur coats:

  1. Dissolve 3 teaspoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of peroxide in 500 ml of water.
  2. Using a cotton swab or soft sponge, apply the solution to problem areas, rub gently.
  3. Rinse off the liquid with a clean sponge.

Remedy 2. Refined gasoline.

This tool will get rid of any contaminants, but the method requires utmost care.

Use exclusively refined gasoline, ordinary will destroy your fur coat.

  1. In equal proportions, mix gasoline and starch.
  2. Apply gruel to problem areas.
  3. Wait until the mixture dries.
  4. Carefully remove any remaining starch with a brush.

Don't forget to air your fur coat well, otherwise you will be haunted by a plume of gasoline.


I told about all the tricks that I use to clean Mouton things. Do you know other secrets? Write in the "Comments" section, I will be happy to review and test. You will learn how to care for a fur coat from the video in this article.

In the process of wearing any piece of clothing, be it a dress or a fur coat, it inevitably gets dirty. There is no need to blame carelessness: in a big city, dirt accumulates anywhere: in public transport, shops and even on the street. Dust can get deep into the fur, polluting it and depriving it of shine.

Of course, the question of how to clean, say, a muton fur coat is especially relevant in winter. If you have the opportunity to take a fur coat to dry cleaning, it is better to trust the professionals.

Types of cleaning

If you want to carry out the procedure for cleaning a mouton product yourself, here are a few ways to help you get rid of dirt.

In cleaning products from a muton, it is applicable both dry and wet, using a variety of chemical solutions. Let's take a closer look at both methods.

From dirt

Do you want to know how to clean a muton fur coat at home? Dry cleaning is the ideal method for home use. It is preferred, since this is the most gentle way to process the product and it is quite difficult to spoil its appearance in this way.

Most often, dirt on a fur coat is not greasy stains and not viscous sticky liquids that are difficult to deal with, but ordinary dirt.

If you do not know how to clean a mouton fur coat from dirt at home, we will show you a great way.

A special brush for natural fur products is your indispensable assistant in the daily care of your favorite fur coat. And in the fight against dirt - and even more so! The main thing is to wait until the dirt is completely dry.

Then take the brush and remove the dirt by working the area in the direction of the hair growth several times. Do not press, the dirt will come off without any extra effort.

Folk methods

If you are interested in how to clean a muton fur coat at home with starch, here is the most effective and easiest way to do it.

Spread a fur coat on a horizontal surface and evenly disperse the starch. Then treat every centimeter of the product with your hands, with smooth massage movements. Try not to wring and strongly not to press the fur. Your task is to achieve maximum contact between starch and fur.

The result of your efforts will certainly be noticeable - the starch will turn gray. If this really happened, it means that you have worked in good faith and have already removed some amount of dirt. But in this case, it is worth repeating the manipulations again, then the result will be as effective as possible.


For such cleaning, wheat bran is perfect, which must be heated in the oven and dispersed on the surface of the fur coat, paying particular attention to such areas of contamination as the collar and pockets.

The fact is that bran perfectly relieves the pile of greasy.

For the effective operation of this method, the bran must be slightly driven into the dense fur of the muton, massaged in, avoiding excessively strong pressure.

Then the fur coat needs to be shaken and with patting movements from the inside, knock out small particles of bran from the base of the fur. In conclusion, the fur coat should be treated with a brush for fur products.

Alcohol and vinegar

Dry cleaning techniques are not always applicable to fur contamination. This applies to greasiness, accidental ingress of food, grease and other problematic contaminants, when a simple brush cannot solve the problem.

For a muton fur coat, a solution of alcohol and vinegar is very suitable. You need to take equal parts of the listed ingredients and add the same part of water.

Treat the surface with a brush or a piece of foam rubber moistened with the solution, then dry it with a paper towel and leave the product in the room on a coat hanger until it dries completely.

Hydrogen and ammonia

Over time, the white muton loses its luster and turns yellow. With the help of simple means, you can return the coat to its former whiteness and make the fur more shiny.

Add a few drops of ammonia to a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and treat the surface of the fur coat with this solution using a piece of foam rubber or a brush.

If you have never cleaned your fur coat before, are not entirely sure of the success of this venture, or simply do not know how to clean a Mouton fur coat at home, the video will clearly demonstrate the sequence of actions in the process of dry or wet cleaning.

We hope that the described methods will be useful and will help you keep your Mouton coat clean for many years. We wish you beauty, warmth and comfort!

Dry cleaning of fur products is not cheap, and sometimes it happens that you have soiled a fur coat. Don't worry, you can deal with pollution at home. Let's talk about methods for cleaning a mouton coat from stains, dirt, yellowness.

To answer this question, it is important to understand the degree of contamination. Suppose you slipped and fell into the mud at the moment when you were wearing a Mouton fur coat. In this case, it is better to take the item to dry cleaning. But with superficial and simple pollution can be dealt with at home.

What to use from folk remedies? What is impossible?

As folk remedies for cleaning the muton, you can use:

  • wheat bran;
  • ammonia;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • starch;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Alcohol and vinegar are applicable only to dark-colored furs.

Do-it-yourself cleaning methods

There are several cleaning methods: dry and wet. Before you begin to remove dirt, make sure that the stains are not old or stubborn, otherwise none of the methods will work. In this case, the fur coat must be dry-cleaned. Start processing with a small field. After making sure that everything is in order with the fur, move on.

Dry processing

For dry cleaning, you need starch. Spread the fur coat on the floor, evenly sprinkle the starch on the contaminated areas and massage it into the fur with massage movements. The procedure can be repeated several times. If you see that the starch has turned gray, the cleaning process was successful. The remains of starch must be combed out of their fur with a brush.

Another way of dry processing is with the help of bran. Heat them in the oven to 60-65 degrees, distribute them over the fur, massage, remove the residue with a brush. After cleaning, the product will acquire a natural shine. You can replace the bran with clean sand, but its residues are more difficult to remove from the fur.

Dry processing is only suitable for removing dust, excess villi, unfortunately, it will not get rid of yellowness, greenery or stains. This will require drastic measures.

Wet cleaning

Wet cleaning involves the application of special solutions to contaminated areas of the fur. Means such as ethyl alcohol, ammonia, vinegar are diluted in clean water. Then the solution is applied to the spots. You need to carry out the procedure with a sponge, napkin or cotton pad. Apply the solution only to problem areas, avoiding contact with clean fur.. After the procedure, the fur coat should be dried and ventilated. Only after that the product is suitable for the next wear.

Removing stains

With greasy go greasy spots on the muton, ammonia and salt will help to cope. Mix 4 tablespoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of ammonia with 500 ml of pure water. Apply the mixture to the stain and blot well with a dishwashing sponge. Leave the solution for 10-15 minutes, then remove with a brush.

In addition, a soapy solution works well with stains on a muton. Beat the laundry detergent in water until a thick foam is obtained. Apply it with a sponge on the stain and leave for a while. Remove this field with a napkin dipped in clean water. Let the product dry.

Getting rid of dirt

Sometimes on fur products there are strong pollution. Do not despair, you can also try to cope with them yourself. You will need ethyl alcohol, vinegar and pure water. Dilute them in equal parts. Hang the coat on a coat hanger or lay it on a hard surface. Apply the mixture with a cotton pad or napkin to all contaminated areas. Brush out the rest. After this procedure, the product should dry in a ventilated area..

We eliminate the smell

A few simple steps will help get rid of the smell:

Do not use perfumes, deodorants, or air fresheners to remove odors.

How to remove yellowness?

Most often, yellow spots appear on furs due to cigarette smoke getting on the pile. With yellowness on a fur product, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and clean water will cope. Dilute them in the following proportion: a glass of water + a teaspoon of alcohol + ½ teaspoon of peroxide. Using a cotton pad or cloth, apply the solution to yellowed fur, avoiding clean areas. After that, the fur coat should dry for 30 minutes. Remove the remaining solution with a brush.

How to remove greens?

Unfortunately, sleeves often turn green on Mouton products. You can get rid of greenery with hydrogen peroxide. Dilute it in clean water in a ratio of 1: 1 and apply to the fur with a cotton pad. Leave the fur coat to dry for 20-30 minutes, then remove the remaining peroxide with a brush. If the green tint remains, take the fur coat to the dry cleaners.

The nuances of cleaning a light fur coat

Light fur is best cleaned by dry methods, but if the pollution is strong, then ammonia can be used. Try to get rid of stains in small areas and only if the fur is not damaged, proceed to radically get rid of dirt.

Experts advise giving light furs to dry cleaning and not experimenting on your own.

How to update the lining?

Sometimes pollution does not appear on the fur itself, but on the lining, you can deal with them yourself. If you're good at sewing, peel off the lining, wash it in the washing machine, and sew it back on. Doubt your abilities? Use the easier way. Turn the fur coat inside out, hang it on a coat hanger and clean the stains with soap or soda solution. Remove any remaining solution with a clean damp cloth. Dry the fabric well.

A fur coat is a matter of pride for every woman, as well as evidence of women's and material wealth. However, its main advantage is that it will not let its owner freeze, even in the most severe frost. But sometimes spots appear on the fur pile, which greatly spoil the appearance of the product. How to clean fur clothes, we will tell in this article.

If dirt is found on a fur coat, the best solution would be to take it to dry cleaning. After all, fur products need special, delicate care. Moreover, it will be much more difficult for specialists to eliminate traces of improper processing of the pile than to initially clean the fur. Dry cleaners use several options for fur treatments, often delicate cleaning in perchlorethylene, and cleaning in hydrocarbon solvents. Cleaning with hydrocarbon solvents is rightfully considered more effective, since in the process of such cleaning of the fur, the internal fat is not washed out from the layer of skin and fur. Also, in dry cleaning, you can clean a fur coat with fur polishing, which will give the villi a unique shine. But such cleaning should not be abused, for the entire period of operation, the fur coat should endure no more than 7 dry cleaners.

During the period of wearing a fur coat, anything can happen, even a fall on slippery ice. Once on the fur product, salt and reagents corrode the pile from the inside. If in dry cleaning, experts offer to clean the fur coat from such contaminants, “aqua cleaning” do not agree to this procedure. From such manipulations, the fur coat can jump up and decrease by half a size. Also, be prepared for the human factor. Often, insufficient qualifications of a dry-cleaner can cause poor-quality cleaning of a fur product, or damage it. After all, for example, fur coats made of nutria and arctic fox fur are not durable, but astrakhan products shrink after processing. Having given white fur clothes to dry cleaning, there is a chance to get a yellowed product back, despite the fact that there are special preparations for bleaching fur. In addition to everything, almost every second fur product, after cleaning in dry cleaning, requires minor repairs (during the cleaning process, low-quality accessories can come off and the fur can shed), but not every cleaning company provides such services to the consumer.

How to choose a dry cleaner? To begin with, focus your attention not on colorful signs, but on the list of services provided by the company. Ask all your questions to the manager, and demand to fill out all the necessary papers. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the book of complaints and suggestions, because you trust the dry-cleaner with a rather valuable piece of clothing.

How to clean a fur coat at home

If dry cleaners in your city do not inspire confidence in you, there is always an option to have your fur coat cleaned abroad. For example, Italian dry cleaners are known for their ability to deal with the toughest stains on fur garments and literally bring them back to life. However, this is not a panacea, since the quality of foreign fur coats is somewhat different from domestic ones. Therefore, consider the options for cleaning fur at home.

Fur things need to be cleaned not only in the spring, before storage, but also in the process of wearing. They need to be cleaned of dust and dirt, ventilated and dried in the air. To clean stubborn dirt, the lining should be torn off and cleaned separately from the fur.

For general hair cleaning, mix in equal parts medical alcohol, table vinegar and water. Wipe the fur with a piece of foam rubber soaked in the solution, and wipe it with a dry, paper towel.

Sweat or grease stains, clean with a solution of 1 teaspoon of ammonia, 3 teaspoons of table salt, and half a liter of water. Also, for this purpose, you can use a solution of ammonia and denatured alcohol, in a ratio of one to one.

For large traces of fat use hot bran. Take wheat or rye bran, heat it in a metal bowl over low heat, sprinkle it on the places of contamination, and carefully grind the fur in your hands, thus cleaning each part of the product. For heavy soiling, repeat the procedure several times. After that, shake the fur coat, ridding it of the remnants of bran, and comb the fur with a special brush.

For white fur coat made of hare, or colored astrakhan fur, can be applied except for bran, oatmeal and rye flour.

White fox fur coat, brush potato starch or semolina. To do this, an unlined fur coat is placed in a basin, a large amount of starch is poured on it, and the cleaning is carried out by gently rubbing the fur with starch with your hands. The starch becomes dirty during the cleaning process, and the fur fluffs up and turns white.

To restore the whiteness of a yellowed fur coat, prepare a solution of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia. The fur product treated with the solution is hung out in fresh air to dry and ventilate.

On the long-haired coats, lumps often form on the cuffs and collars. To solve this problem, moisten the fur with a solution of medical alcohol, and carefully disassemble the lumps with your fingers. After that, the treated areas should be combed with a brush, and the product should be dried.
give glitter fur on products, you can use the solution table vinegar or glycerin. For dyed products in black and brown, walnut oil can be used. Place the nut in a three-layer gauze bag, crush it well, and lightly rub the pile with the bag.

How to clean a muton fur coat at home

Mouton is a sheepskin fur processed and dyed in a certain way, which is rightfully considered one of the warmest types of sheepskin. It combines two seemingly completely incompatible parameters - excellent quality and low price. For products from a muton, both dry and wet cleaning are used, using different chemical solutions.

- To clean the product from ordinary dirt, use a special fur brush.

Treat the contaminated areas of the fur product several times, according to the growth of the pile, without pressing, and the dirt will come off without any extra effort.

I must say right away that I work as the right hand of a fashion designer engaged in tailoring outerwear. My task is to ensure that the collection is kept in good shape during the show season. Over the years, I have tried many methods for cleaning and updating them. I will tell you how to clean a muton fur coat at home, because I know that the price of dry cleaning will not please even a wealthy person.

Before I introduce you to the methods of cleaning fur products, I must answer a number of mandatory questions:

For convenience, I have placed the answers to them in this table.

Image Recommendation

Is it possible to wash a muton fur coat?

Do not wash the product in a washing machine - this will damage the material.

What can not be cleaned fur?

Make sure that the product you choose will not ruin the mouton fur coat.

Try the product before washing on the wrong side: if the fur does not react in any way, feel free to clean the rest.

What means cannot be used?

Do not resort to extreme measures. Mouton will not tolerate vinegar, acetone, or alcohol.

Even if you find out that one of these remedies helped someone, most likely it is not a muton - a fake.

How to dry a muton?

To dry a fur coat at home, simply hang it on a coat hanger or on a mannequin and wait until it dries itself.

What spoils the fur?

Avoid getting perfume and hairspray on the fur. It is cosmetics that are the main source of fur pollution.

Cleaning a fur coat from a muton

Unfortunately, few of us keep outerwear in cases, so it is rarely possible for anyone to protect a fur coat from dust. Do not despair, cleaning a fur coat from a muton at home is possible.

Update fur: 4 ways

Before cleaning, carefully inspect the thing, perhaps a fur coat that has sagged for a couple of seasons in the closet will simply be refreshed:

Image How to upgrade fur
Method 1. Shaking.

Cleaning a muton at home can begin with an ordinary carpet cracker. Gently beating her thing, you can easily get rid of the dust.

Method 2. Combing.

A comb will help get rid of motes, feathers, etc. stuck in the pile.

Method 3. Vacuum cleaner.

To get rid of dust and debris, use a vacuum cleaner. By selecting the minimum power and making sure that the device is clean, you can clean both a fur coat and a hat.

Method 4. Roller for clothes.

The simplest method for updating a muton fur coat that has not gotten dirty is to thoroughly clean it with a sticky roller.

Duct tape will attract dust, loose lint, and other dirt.

Standard cleaning in 5 steps

How to clean a fur coat from a muton? In the fight against fresh spots and light dirt, ordinary cleaning with soapy water will help you.

Suitable for preparing a solution:

  • laundry soap;
  • powder without bleach;
  • shampoo;
  • carpet cleaner.

Method of work:

  1. Prepare a solution by diluting the soap in water, and beat until a rich foam.
  2. Hang the fur coat with hangers in the bathroom.
  3. Apply foam to the pile, preferably with a brush.
  4. Use a clean brush to remove any remaining dirt and soap.
  5. Leave clothes to dry.

Dry cleaning: 2 methods

As you know, fur does not like moisture, especially white pile. There are two ways to avoid hitting water. When I tell you about each of them, cleaning a fur coat with your own hands will seem like the simplest job.

You can get rid of unpleasant odors and make the fur of a Mouton fur coat fluffy with the help of a steam generator.

Method 1. The method of working with a steam generator is simple:

  1. Place the fur coat on the shoulders in a bright, well-lit place.
  2. Gently steam the fur along the entire length from top to bottom, barely touching the pile.
  3. Allow the product to cool naturally.

Method 2. How to use cereals:

To clean light things, in particular, to remove fat and stubborn dirt from light fur, you need something white and loose ... Semolina, starch, bran? Everything will do!

Image Procedure

Step 1

Pour the selected product liberally onto the site of contamination.

Step 2

Thoroughly but gently rub the product into the grease stain.

Step 3

Leave the fur coat in this form for a while so that the product properly absorbs dirt and grease - it takes me 1.5 hours.

Step 4

Shake the fur coat and leave the fur alone for a couple of hours.

To finally remove all the grains, you can walk with a soft brush - and the fur will comb out, and the remnants of the grain will fall off.

Fighting heavy pollution: 2 most powerful tools

My experience has shown that getting rid of old dirt on a muton is not an easy task. Out of everything I've tried, I can only recommend two methods. I think cleaning heavy dirt will teach you that care must be timely:

Image Instruction
Remedy 1. Hydrogen peroxide.

This recipe is suitable in the fight against fat and yellowness on light-colored fur coats:

  1. Dissolve 3 teaspoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of peroxide in 500 ml of water.
  2. Using a cotton swab or soft sponge, apply the solution to problem areas, rub gently.
  3. Rinse off the liquid with a clean sponge.

Remedy 2. Refined gasoline.

This tool will get rid of any contaminants, but the method requires utmost care.

Use exclusively refined gasoline, ordinary will destroy your fur coat.

  1. In equal proportions, mix gasoline and starch.
  2. Apply gruel to problem areas.
  3. Wait until the mixture dries.
  4. Carefully remove any remaining starch with a brush.

Don't forget to air your fur coat well, otherwise you will be haunted by a plume of gasoline.


I told about all the tricks that I use to clean Mouton things. Do you know other secrets? Write in the "Comments" section, I will be happy to review and test. You will learn how to care for a fur coat from the video in this article.
