How to choose clothes for a girl. How to choose your style of clothing: universal tips

Many women often ask themselves the question: How to find your style in clothes? Unfortunately, far from all the fair sex can boast of the ability to harmoniously combine clothes and always look irresistible.

Some people are born with a sense of style. They, on a subconscious level, understand which image suits them and which does not. "Without looking" can choose an outfit, and it will fit them perfectly. Easily emphasize your look with cool accessories, hair, makeup .... And now, the style icon is walking along the roads of your city.

But what if nature has not rewarded you with an impeccable sense of style? What if your wardrobe leaves a lot to be desired? And continue to wear inconspicuous, inconsistent things with each other?

And you, after all, for sure, want to be elegant, beautiful and arouse the admiration of others. Is it true?

From this article you will learn a simple step-by-step instruction on choosing your irresistible style in clothes. And at any time of the year, in absolutely any place and in any environment - you will look charming.

Well, let's get started, shall we?

How to find your style in clothes, following a simple guide

There are quite a lot of styles in clothes. And just like that, to take and choose one thing, it can be very difficult. For example, wearing classics every day is not always appropriate and annoying.

We girls are fickle natures, today we want to be sweet and romantic. And tomorrow - extravagant and daring. Our image is a reflection of our emotions.

Therefore, in order to choose your style trend (or several) - you need to carefully study your appearance and soul.

So, let's move on to the important steps in finding your dizzying new look!

Step #1 Down with the inconvenience

You should be comfortable and comfortable in what you are wearing. If you are constantly, something presses, interferes and you are haunted by the thought of quickly removing this thing, then most likely this is not your style.

Your outfits should be practical. Try to choose styles that harmoniously fit into your daily life. They will not wrinkle much and quickly get dirty.

And, of course, beauty. Where without her? Any of your image should be beautiful and please, first of all, you. As the saying goes: "There are no comrades for taste and color!". You cannot please everyone. So, the last word on the attractiveness of your bow is always yours!

Step #2 What colors transform you

There are four main appearance color types: cold shades - Winter and Summer; warm - Spring and Autumn.

To determine exactly what kind of figure you have, ask a loved one to take a picture of you in your underwear. The photo should be full-length and from such a distance that all the characteristic features of your body are clearly visible. The pose for such a shot should be in the manner of a “staunch tin soldier”, only in a relaxed state.

Step #4 Clothes are a reflection of your lifestyle

What do you do? What lifestyle do you lead?

Perhaps you are a mother on maternity leave or a housewife. Maybe you are a business woman or you are employed.

Determine what social status you occupy.

You need this in order to make a list of the most necessary clothes for you. If you're a businesswoman, you'll probably need classic-style suits more than frayed jeans. And vice versa.

Write a list of what clothes you wear most often when you are active.

Step #5 To be young or not?

When choosing a style, age is also of no small importance.

Do not forget that some wardrobe items may look awkward on people of different age groups. Decide which styles are suitable for your age.

step #6 What should be in your closet?

But just do not blindly follow the call of high fashion. Not all trends will suit your type of appearance and structural features of the figure.

What to do if clothes, once very fashionable, are no longer pleasing to the eye, if you really want to update your battered wardrobe, but, as always, there are not enough free funds? We offer you a way to create the impression of a new extensive wardrobe at a low cost.

The first step to the appearance of new models of clothing in your wardrobe will be a complete revision of the existing women's clothing. First of all, remove all your belongings from wardrobes, chests of drawers, wardrobes, including underwear, tights, jewelry, women's accessories, etc. - Well, how did it turn out to be a big pile?

Divide everything that is removed from the cabinets into three separate groups:

  • Group 1. Permanent wear
  • Group 2. Clothing worn from time to time
  • Group 3. Clothes that lie idle for a year or even more

As for underwear, it must also be carefully analyzed and tried on, and left only if:

  • the straps of a bra or bodysuit do not cut into the shoulders, and wide straps are more suitable for large breasts;
  • bra cups fit the chest well, not allowing it to stick out from the sides or from below;
  • the length of the straps is such that the bra just lifts and supports the chest;
  • the cut of the bra cups is such that you feel only comfort and no inconvenience, for example, when raising your arms up, turning, tilting, and so on;
  • panties well tighten the stomach and emphasize the waist, if necessary;
  • panties do not dig into the body on the hips and do not move out when walking;
  • linen has not lost its elasticity and shape, has not shed from repeated washings.

Throw away all underwear that does not meet these requirements! Don't spoil yourself!

When sorting out your tights, send to the basket:

  • tights with puffs, and even more so with arrows or holes;
  • pantyhose not your size;
  • tights with lurex, light, if you don't want your legs to look fuller;
  • tights with a pattern if you don't like it or are out of fashion for a long time.

Return to your groups

All your Group 1 clothes should go back to the closet, because getting rid of them will be the strongest stress for the body, besides, most likely, you are comfortable and comfortable in these clothes, and they are still quite new and fashionable.

Most likely, in Group 2 there are various festive, evening clothes for various events (wedding, going out, vacation). You also return it to its place, but be sure to buy something new for all things - give them a new life.

We got to Group 3. Here, show ruthlessness and throw everything away: as they say, out of sight, out of mind. It is not necessary to look at the fact that it is in this group that perhaps the most clothes are a whole mountain. You need to get rid of her! Most likely, this is no longer new, far from fashionable and not stylish clothes that do not suit your type of figure, silhouette and your color type, and finally, it can remind you of the life that has remained for you in the past.

Now deal with the decorations

You don't need:

  • broken, scratched, worn bracelets, brooches, earrings, etc.
  • bracelets are not in size;
  • out of fashion, outdated jewelry;
  • jewelry that doesn't match your facial features.

Similarly, we disassemble our shoes, bags and belts, get rid of everything old, unfashionable, not suitable for the type of figure that does not match your color palette.

Free up space in your closet? Then, having taken into account some rules, we go to replenish our wardrobe.

Step 2: Wardrobe Savings Secrets

You have carried out a complete revision of your wardrobe and got rid of clothes that are not suitable for you in terms of figure and color type of appearance, and now you can start looking for a new wardrobe.

But, before you go to the store to buy new models of clothes, think about which option is closer to you?

  1. A closet full of various women's clothing, but at the same time you are constantly tormented by the question "What to wear?"
  2. At first glance, there are not so many things, but they are all perfectly combined with each other, and there is no end to your outfits.

The first situation happens mainly for the following reasons:

All your clothing models have been purchased:

  • at sales (“Oh! what a discount! Yes, and my size, I’ll take it, perhaps”);
  • impulsively ("Blouse-otpad! And what if it comes in handy!");
  • because it is fashionable (“I simply have to buy this hit of the season”);
  • persuaded ("And nothing color, take it!");
  • I finally need to buy something (“I don’t have a single skirt in my wardrobe, I have to buy it”);
  • they gave me a salary (“I need to buy something for myself!”);
  • other options are also possible.

Of course, a reasonable woman will make her choice in favor of the second option. In this case, you need to remember a few basic rules:

  1. Make up your wardrobe exclusively from mutually compatible things that will complement each other. How to do it? There are two main conditions for this: simplicity of styles and a single color scheme that best suits your appearance color type.
  2. Without stylish, tastefully selected women's accessories for your clothing models, it will not be possible to create an interesting, attractive, memorable look.
  3. Don't buy clothes spontaneously. Plan your purchases carefully. Take a rational approach. First of all, create the basis of your wardrobe, the minimum that will allow you to feel calm in most situations.
  4. You can afford to buy extravagant, decorative women's clothing only after you form a basic wardrobe from simple things.
  5. A great option is a wardrobe in a classic style. It is the classic style that is distinguished by the simplicity of styles, the nobility of silhouettes and the elegance of lines. Classic clothing is always relevant, suitable for almost all occasions. Good, high-quality, classic things will serve their owner for many years and will never go out of fashion.

What is the first thing about classic style clothes? These are things that are not overloaded with details and have a regular, simple, classic cut. These clothes include:

  • blouse with an English or shirt collar;
  • straight skirt, straight trousers;
  • classic jacket;
  • thin smooth jumper;
  • vest, cardigan, etc.

But to prevent your wardrobe from looking simple and boring with such classic pieces, use the following ideas:

  • the fabric from which the clothes are sewn should be modern, fashionable in texture, the nature of the fibers, etc.
  • the cut of the model should be elegant, with noble lines
  • tailoring quality must be impeccable

Learned the basic rules for shopping for fashionable women's clothing. Go ahead.

Step 3. Clothes for an economical wardrobe

Now let's answer a specific question - where to start choosing clothes for a new wardrobe?

Firstly, it would be nice to choose the so-called "primary color" of your future wardrobe. Here, each woman, of course, has her own priorities, but it is necessary that the color be to the face, belong to neutral or near-neutral shades, since it will be present in almost all combinations of your wardrobe. It also does not hurt to remember your color type. Neutral colors include black, white, beige, sand, etc. Near-neutral colors include gray, brown, dark blue, cherry, etc.

Secondly, we choose a direct comfortable plain dress, a suitable shade. The material for the dress can be linen, cotton, wool - it all depends on local weather conditions. The style of the dress is also selected taking into account the features of the figure. We emphasize the advantages as much as possible and hide the shortcomings. Immediately, on the spot, we choose a jacket or cardigan for the dress, knowing for sure that we will wear it with other things too. This means that the length of the jacket should not be higher than the waist line.

Third, we buy ourselves a plain two-piece suit of the same neutral color. The basic rule is that the top and bottom of the suit should be made from the same fabric. Again, we select the style of the skirt and blouse, taking into account the features of the figure.

Fourth, we get another two-piece suit, but already multi-colored. Here we adhere to the following points:

  • in the pattern of the fabric, your main color of the wardrobe, as well as other colors, must be present;
  • the top and bottom of the suit must be sewn, again, from the same fabric;
  • the design of the costume can be absolutely anything, but it will have to match the rest of your clothes;
  • the cut of a multi-colored suit may differ from the cut of a monophonic one; instead of a skirt, there may be trousers;
  • when choosing a suit, remember that we will combine its elements both with the first suit and with the jacket.

Fifth, it's time to choose the second primary color, which should be combined with the first, that is, if the first color was black, then the second will be, for example, gray. We select a sweater (blazer), as well as a skirt or trousers of this color. These things should go well with each other, but do not aim for them to be the same. You can vary with the texture of the fabric.

Next, we select for ourselves two or three tops of one of the colors of our multi-colored suit, but completely different fabrics and styles. There may be buttons, zippers, collars, straps. In any case, all this will be combined with the things already selected. We add a couple more skirts or trousers to everything, again using one of the colors of the multicolor suit.

Thus, we get

  • dress
  • jacket
  • neutral two-piece suit
  • a multi-coloured two-piece suit that will set the tone for your wardrobe and go with everything else
  • blazer or sweater
  • a pair of trousers/skirts in the second base color with an interesting structure
  • several blouses / tops / blouses in a neutral color that can be worn with any things

All this can be combined with each other, giving out many options, especially if you choose the right women's accessories and jewelry. Or add new things in other neutral colors or multi-colored.

Step 4. Clothing patterns for an economical wardrobe. Option two

The first selection of clothing models is here.

Having a limited amount of money, you can create the impression of a very extensive wardrobe. To do this, it is necessary to keep all purchased clothing models in one color scheme, consisting of two tones.

What will it give you?

Firstly, absolutely all your clothing models will be mutually compatible. Thus, having shown a little imagination, you will always look stylish and unique, and others will get the impression that you just have a huge wardrobe.

Secondly By choosing simple, classic clothes without unnecessary details, you will create a wardrobe that will be relevant for several seasons, saving a lot of money.

Third, You will no longer doubt whether it is worth wearing certain things together or not, as you will have a fully compatible wardrobe.

So that a wardrobe designed in just two colors does not turn out to be boring and nondescript, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose two colors (primary and secondary), which, firstly, suit your type of appearance or color type, and secondly, are fashionable and relevant.
  2. Stick to your chosen shades exactly, you don't need to choose things "almost the same tone" or "close to the chosen one" - otherwise your clothes will not be completely mutually compatible.
  3. When choosing clothing models, pay attention not only to plain fabrics, but also striped fabrics, polka dots, checks, floral patterns - everything that suits your appearance, but stick to the chosen two tones.
  4. Experiment with textures and types of fabrics. If you like knitted or knitted things - feel free to take it. Suede, leather, tweed, boucle, corduroy, etc. - thanks to them, the wardrobe will become even more diverse.
  5. Do not forget about the wide variety of different women's accessories. Neckerchiefs, belts, bags, shoes, jewelry and much more will help make the female image interesting, unique and memorable.

We offer several options for win-win color combinations, choose the color pair that suits your appearance color type, or come up with your own.

  • black and white;
  • dark blue and gray;
  • black and light gray;
  • black and walnut;
  • dark blue and white;
  • dark cherry and white;
  • red and white;
  • Red and black;
  • chocolate and beige;
  • light brown and cream;
  • gray plus lilac, etc.

Thus, thanks to this approach to the selection of clothes for your new wardrobe, you will create your own unique style, spend less money and, moreover, all your clothes will be perfectly combined with each other!

Step 5. Spectacular evening dress at no extra cost

Almost every woman, regardless of her age and social status, faces situations when it is simply necessary to look especially elegant and attractive. For some women, such situations happen very often, for others the opportunity to "go out" is extremely rare, however, both the first and second will feel especially confident in a well-chosen evening dress.

When a woman has rather large financial resources, as a rule, it is not difficult for her to choose an evening dress for herself. She can afford to choose outfits for each specific occasion. But what about those who have more modest financial opportunities, or priorities in the family are set differently (perhaps most of the funds go to educate children, or support their parents, etc.).

If you belong to the second category of women, then it would be most reasonable for you to follow the following tips:

Tip 1. Instead of buying an evening dress, give preference to two or three elements of an evening suit, which can later be combined with each other. To get started, purchase, for example, an elegant evening velvet skirt or velvet trousers.

Tip 2. Complement this skirt or trousers with a beautiful, shiny, low-cut top, and the evening outfit is ready.

Tip 3. For another occasion, you can purchase a spectacular blouse made of satin or guipure for the same skirt or trousers - here is a completely new version of evening wear for you.

Tip 4. And for a new blouse, if necessary, you can buy, for example, chiffon trousers.

Tip 5 When buying evening wear, you seem to be leading a single chain and, moreover, save money, since a skirt or blouse is much cheaper than an evening dress.

Tip 6 To make your clothes perfectly match each other, choose the classics without unnecessary additional details. Simplicity and elegance are your true friend.

Tip 7. It's no secret that evening colors are mostly dark colors. First of all, of course, black is the color of nobility and sophistication and elegance. No less spectacular is the red color - the sexiest color. Very good for the evening: dark blue, dark green, dark cherry, burgundy. But the best solution would be to choose the main color for your evening wardrobe from the palette of shades most suitable for your appearance.

Tip 8 Pay special attention to accessories, they will perfectly complement your outfit and add irresistibility to you.

Everyone knows that it is very often difficult for a woman with magnificent forms to find a suitable evening dress for a special occasion. Previously, it was almost impossible to find a beautiful, spectacular and inexpensive evening dress, all the more complete. It is good that today the situation has radically changed. However, it will be easier for you to choose an evening dress if you take into account a few recommendations.

A few tips for choosing an evening dress for a full woman:

  1. The first step in choosing a stunning evening dress is taking your measurements. It is better to entrust such a thing to a professional - for example, in the same store for full ones for a small price they will definitely help you. But, if you prefer to measure yourself, then it is better to use a vinyl or cloth meter for measurements and be sure to measure over your underwear. Measure your waist, hips, bust and write down your measurements in inches (1 inch = 2.5 cm) and centimeters.
  2. When choosing an evening dress, remember that ball gowns perfectly hide excess weight in the abdomen, hips and legs. If you have a large chest, pay attention to V-necklines, if you want to look slimmer, choose an A-line dress. Use different accents to draw attention to the advantages of your figure, such as frills, ruffles, etc.
  3. Remember that evening clothes are usually one or two sizes smaller than everyday clothes, so when choosing an evening dress, be guided not by the size, but by the parameters of your figure.
  4. Do not be discouraged if the first time you do not find anything suitable for yourself, keep looking. Let you spend some time looking for an evening dress, but in the end you will find a dress in which you will be irresistible and feel great.

We hope that now you will no longer have the thought: "nothing to wear"! You can safely be invited to the theater, to a restaurant or just to visit for an anniversary. And you will still choose which evening dress will be most suitable for this particular occasion.

Using these simple tips, you will provide yourself with spectacular evening wear, save your money and look unique and amazing every time.

The article is provided by the clothing website "Closet"


some bullshit in my opinion

02/26/2010 00:14:00, nikav

not too informative

01/27/2010 01:03:09 PM, luzero

Comment on the article "How to choose new clothes for yourself and save money at the same time?"

Wardrobe teenager - girls. Clothes, shoes. Teenagers. Education and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age, problems at school, career guidance, exams, olympiads, the Unified State Examination, preparation for a university.


I'm 12 and this is my advice. First, you need a basic wardrobe.
Usually I have it: Skinny blue jeans, torn blue, white, red, black and pale pink T-shirt, comfortable warm dress, sweater, sweatshirt, sweatshirt, jacket (sweatshirt type) of a delicate shade, longsleeve. And for warmer weather: a skirt, a denim skirt, denim shorts, regular shorts, a top, two T-shirts, a gray oversized cardigan, straight.
Leather Jacket
Jean jacket
Down jacket.
Sandals, sandals with heels, two pairs of sneakers and one pair of sneakers (new ones will be needed soon), warm boots, low black for late autumn and spring with lacing, black with a metal insert for early autumn, flip flops, silver boots on the platform.
To school
2 skirts
2 white shirts
1 blue
1 blue
school jacket
One shirt from the fifth grade is also white.
Sports suit.
On holiday.
One fit. dress, one free (but no less beautiful) blue blouse under the skirt.
In general, in my opinion, this is a worthy example of a wardrobe :) you can add something, but everything suits me

01/23/2019 18:05:33, Marra

I'm 13 and I need to go to school
2 short sleeve
2 long sleeve
1 blouse
2 skirts one sun pleated the other
1 trousers with arrows
1 long vest
1 long warm blue jacket
1 jacket with buttons
1 shoes

08/18/2017 10:18:49 AM, Olya Shkatova

How to choose new clothes and save money at the same time? Don't buy clothes spontaneously. Elegant winter outerwear, but not a fur coat. What then? Clothing for children: choose the right one. For a girl - a schoolgirl for the winter - what to buy? Which winter coat to choose for...


down coat + set of jacket pants ..... otherwise nothing ..... either on a walk like cabbage or at school in the cold

In general, I made my choice, I will take a down coat and a set of jacket / trousers, maybe IcePeak.
Thank you ladies for your patience and advice!

At the same time, the girls were very pretty and would have looked fine in the right clothes. But alas - teenage herd feeling plus Explain that with certain features of the figure it is better to choose certain models? And what suits her friend well isn't...


no matter what I do, my daughter will still wear only what she personally likes. and everything that she does not like, but bought at her mother's request, will hang in the closet.
I scored, I buy only for the season, only with a child BUT only what suits both.
After going to the store, I usually get sick for a couple of days.

09/16/2010 19:17:12, AP WITHOUT REGI

I just can’t understand what kind of jeans a la leggings we are talking about ...
Since last year, mine recognizes only such ones (by reference) - and I must say that they slim unusually! I admire this loudly, without mentioning that some x-shaped legs in them are more visible ...
And from this year (11 years) no advice (tactful and tactless) about clothes is accepted at all. Sharply and completely (All by myself...

How to choose the right jacket, pants, shoes, etc. for autumn, winter Maybe some subtleties in tailoring, fabrics. In terms of size, how to choose, take a little more to go on the trail. a year is enough or not? Should I take double shoes? Last year they wrapped it in an envelope that we ...

Clothing for children: choose the right one. Choosing clothes for the little ones is not an easy task. Each age period of the child Clothes, shoes. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development ...


My eldest from the age of 2 chose things for himself, went to stores with pleasure and tried on half a department, the sellers were always shocked, especially when they chose turtlenecks for kindergarten: a child at 2 and a half years old measured and chose turtlenecks for about an hour, often with a narrow throat, and children do not like such clothes. As a result, we bought 3 turtlenecks, which I wore with great pleasure. And so in everything. Now he has become calmer, but if the clothes are categorically not to his taste, he will not wear them.

As for the shorts, Sevushka has such a structure of her legs (mother's mother) that almost all short shorts rub: ((Shorts like girlish bike shorts go well, i.e. cotton, close-fitting and just below the knees, loves such shorts tenderly , he takes it out of the chest of drawers and changes clothes if I suddenly put on others.Well, he can also agree to long, loose shorts below the knees.
Look carefully, maybe those shorts that you offer the baby are just uncomfortable ??? need other models?
I like T-shirts with a free neck, so that it is easy to take off and put on, sleeveless T-shirts, like T-shirts, both do not like. More precisely T-shirts need to be carefully selected.

I have a child from the age of 3 who chooses his own clothes only, in the store he chooses his T-shirts and sweaters (he doesn’t care much about pants and shorts - they don’t always have a pattern), socks, sneakers and sandals too,
then he wears what he chooses
but we don’t have a special love for old things, when he buys a new thing for himself, he wants to wear only it for some time
problems and conflicts arose before when he wanted to dress for a reason, for example, once his father allowed him to go to the museum in pajamas, nothing, they went normally (well, of course, this was an extreme case)
(now by the age of 6 he no less understands where they go, the clothes are divided into 3 piles - front-dress-day off, for going out to the city and visiting, and for local walks on the playground, and he chooses clothes from desired heap)

maybe you can go with your child to an inexpensive store, bring him to a stand with bright T-shirts with cartoon characters, let him choose, shorts are also bright, what he bought, for sure, he wants to wear, expensive good things in this way, buying, of course, is risky ,
but a few not expensive T-shirts for rest are quite possible

As it is correct, I don't know :). But usually for kids, clothes, first of all, are different in height, the volume is not so much. I'll be my child from birth to a year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Advice on how to choose the right size...

In general, you need to somehow persuade, to bet on something beautiful, or I say that fuu this dirty thing needs to be washed, let's throw it in the washer and put on a clean one :)

You can’t dress out of season with us, because off-season things are removed on the mezzanine. And about the selection of clothes - I choose mostly, Polka does not mind yet. I don’t want to wear a T-shirt at most, for example. Well, he doesn't want to, and he doesn't have to. Or it will be hot in my jacket, then I offer an alternative - a sweater. It seems to me that we need to give a choice, but a limited one, for example, lay out several things that fit together, offer to choose from them which panties we will wear, and which blouse will you choose for them? So the child makes decisions on his own and the mother of the child is pleased to see :) In general, a limited choice in many situations saves.
As a child, my mother told me she had a favorite outfit - green woolen pants, an orange flowered flannelette dress sticking out from under a burgundy jacket from overalls (she refused to wear overalls) and a pink knitted scarf hat, you may remember those in our childhood were. It turned out to be a set - to get numb, if they tried to take it off - she lay down on the floor and screamed, and since I had to go to the garden, and my mother had to go to work, I had to lead in this. Maman says that only the fact that it was winter and it was still dark in the morning saved from shame :)

Every girl strives to look unsurpassed, unique and stylish. Fashion changes every day and it becomes difficult to be in trend all the time. But in order to look stylish, it is not at all necessary to follow all the fashion trends and blindly copy someone else's images. Every girl needs her own and unique style.

Turn on your imagination, have a little courage, consider the following tips and choose your own style.

The first step is to look inside yourself and determine in which image you will be most comfortable, and in which you feel confident and natural. High heels, casual or pin-up dresses? In this case, it is necessary to take into account such factors as age, features of appearance and profession.

No matter how much you want to wear tight cocktail dresses or skinny jeans all the time, you first need to determine the type of figure, and then understand what things will emphasize its advantages, and which can ruin the whole image.

In total, there are 5 types of figure in nature:

Shoulders, waist and hips are the same width. Tight-fitting or baggy things will not decorate the figure. When choosing a style of clothing, it is worth giving preference to styles that repeat the silhouette. These are straight jackets, skirts and loose blouses, but with a round neckline that will emphasize the chest.

Pear-shaped. Slim, well-defined waist and wide hips. In such cases, when choosing clothes, you need to balance the proportions, visually narrowing the hips, and giving a little volume to the shoulders.

V-shaped. The width of the shoulders exceeds the width of the hips. When choosing clothes for this type of figure, you need to increase the volume in the hips. Flared skirts or peplum dresses will help solve this problem. But you should forget about ruffles and flounces on shirts.

Ideal proportions, in which the shoulders and hips are the same width, and the waist is thin and well-defined. For this type of figure, any clothes, chosen with taste, are suitable.

Oh - figurative. This type of figure is characteristic of plump girls. The shoulders are small, and the waist is much larger than the hips. To hide flaws, in no case do not pick up voluminous clothes and bulky accessories. Lines in clothing should be vertical, lengthening the silhouette. The most successful choice would be a dress with a non-cut waist, an elongated and tapered shape.

Much in a stylish look depends on the color scheme, which is almost impossible to choose successfully without determining your own color type.
There are only 4 color types, and they depend on the color of the hair, skin and eyes. Having determined your color type, you should not try on the colors of other seasons, as they will look unsuccessful and unnatural.

Spring: skin is light, pale, with a slight blush, there may be bright freckles; hair is most often yellowish-blonde, golden chestnut, from straw to honey-copper; eyes are grey-green or golden brown. All shades of green, apricot, peach, coral, cream, beige yellow, milk chocolate color are suitable ...

Summer: skin is milky white, pale, cold shade; hair is light blond, almost white, over the years it becomes ashy or dark chestnut; eyes are gray or gray-blue, may be a cold greenish tint. Pale blue colors, silver, pearl, lilac, beige-grayish, crimson, cherry are suitable ...

Autumn: skin with freckles, no blush, translucent white or golden; hair from copper-gold to red-brown; eyes are grey, blue or golden brown. Warm autumn colors are suitable: red, golden, mustard, yellowish-beige, copper and bronze ...

Winter: porcelain skin, with some bluish tint; dark brown to black hair; eyes can be bright blue, blue, brown or black. Suitable colors: white, black, blue, blue, purple, silver, bright crimson, burgundy ...

To create a unique style, choose a distinctive piece that will complement any look. It can be glasses, scarves, bracelets, hats, hair ornaments - whatever comes to mind. But this detail should be appropriate and in harmony with the whole image.

Following fashion does not mean following it. It is not necessary to buy a pair of leather trousers if they are fashionable this season. It's stupid, not practical, expensive and not the fact that they suit you. But you can at least observe the style of celebrities, drawing useful details for yourself. It is equally useful to follow fashion blogs. There you'll find tips on how to style things together, how to make a great look out of your closet, and what to buy as a base for a lot of stylish looks.

Finding your own style is not an easy task, and you can't do without experimenting. The main thing is to be brave and not to be shy. Change your hairstyle and hair color, boldly combine things that seem appropriate to you, wear something that you could not decide on before. Even a negative experience is the key to creating your own style.

The right combination of things is, perhaps, the key to creating a unique image. There are a few rules to help you avoid ridiculous mistakes:
- no need to combine things of cold and warm colors / shades
- in the whole image there should be no more than 3 colors (unless, if they are shades of the same base color)
- it is better to choose clothes of those colors that suit your color type
- clothes made of dense fabrics should be worn only on top of all others
- do not clog the wardrobe with unnecessary, but "cute" things that do not go well with anything. It is better to purchase a couple of quality items that will become the base for most looks (black skinny jeans, a masculine-cut shirt, a pencil skirt ...).

Style icon Victoria Beckham always says that accessories are the perfect complement to any look. Glasses, watches, bag, bracelets, rings, scarves. And this is worth listening to, but you need to know when to stop. Do not use more than 3 different accessories in one look.

A girl can be beautifully dressed, but with gaudy makeup and a bad haircut, she will not look her best. Hair emphasizes and frames the face, so you need to experiment and find a hairstyle that adorns you.

As for makeup, it should be appropriate for the time and place and not be conspicuous. You don’t need to highlight several details on your face at once: if you painted your lips with red lipstick, then refrain from clear arrows and shadows, and if you made yourself smokey ice, then paint your lips with colorless cream lipstick.

Shoes are an important part of the style. It should be not only fashionable, but also comfortable. Heels do not adorn a woman who cannot walk in them.
It is better to get yourself three pairs of quality shoes (ballet flats, stilettos and jockey boots) in neutral colors that will match all your fashionable bows. In addition, fashion changes from season to season, and shoes last for several years. To save money and stay in trend, give preference to classic models that never go out of style.

Follow these simple tips and you are sure to find your unique and inimitable style.

Successful experiments and be unique!

We are all girls, women strive to be attractive. Our attractiveness depends on many factors:t of our appearance, from our natural data, from the ability to select clothes, form our basic wardrobe, use cosmetics, from gait, the ability to behave, from our sense of humor. And there are many more that affect our attractiveness.

Attractive women find it easier to find a life partner and build a career. Let's talk today about one of the not unimportant factors influencing the formation of the opinions of others. About style in clothes. How to choose the right clothes for yourself.

Regardless of wealth and amount of money, a girl can dress tastefully or not. What minimum should be in the basic wardrobe of any self-respecting girl? What things will always be fashionable?

Choosing the right basic wardrobe

1. A business suit is one of the main elements of a basic wardrobe.

Whether you work in an office or not. In everyone's life there are times when you need to look strict and stylish. When I started building my career, I thought: How to choose the right clothes to look decent. Like any girl, I wanted to have a new image as often as possible. And I found a way out - I always have a three-piece suit in my wardrobe. This is a skirt, jacket and trousers.

How to choose the right clothes for the type of fabric:

The fabric should contain predominantly natural ingredients. In this case, in any situation you will feel comfortable. Synthetic fabrics tend to look cheap and make it difficult for the body to breathe in them.

How to choose the right style of clothes

Suit style: Classic cut trousers, straight, slightly widened at the bottom. This form elongates the silhouette. It is better to choose a skirt with a straight cut. Its length is to the middle or below the knee. The jacket is true to size. You should not choose baggy shapes, even if you tend to be overweight. The fitted silhouette always gives femininity to the figure. And what could be sexier as a combination of rigor and femininity? The color palette of the suit is desirable in calmer colors: gray, black, in a classic stripe. Having this option in your basic wardrobe, you can always look different by changing shirts or blouses. Depending on the weather and the situation, you can wear either a pantsuit or a variant with a skirt. With or without a jacket.

As you can see, a business suit is a necessary attribute of a basic wardrobe.

2. Blouses and shirts must be present in the basic wardrobe of any girl.

My weakness is white shirts, there are always several of them in my basic wardrobe: under cufflinks, with a frill, classic, similar to the male version, etc. But you can start with a couple. A white shirt will refresh your look, add style and rigor. It can be worn with a skirt, trousers, jeans. A white shirt is always a win-win. It can be combined with many accessories: brooches, beads, ties and scarves. In addition to a white shirt, you can also buy a couple of plain shirts or in a beautiful strip.

Blouses are a more romantic option. Wearing them with a suit will make you look feminine. It is enough to have a couple of them in the basic wardrobe.

The white shirt is my go-to wardrobe staple.

3. Jeans are simply an indispensable item for any basic wardrobe.

Who doesn't have this versatile item in their basic wardrobe? There probably won't be any! But jeans need to be able to choose the right one.

How to choose the right jeans:

Properly selected jeans will emphasize the dignity of the figure. Poorly matched jeans will only focus on the shortcomings, cut and color are very important, I like deep dark blue, with beautiful scuffs or without them at all. A light version can also look advantageous.

But in the case of a light tone, multiple abrasions can give the appearance of "consumer use". Never buy jeans that are smaller than your own. If, due to the top edge of the jeans, parts of the body that are wider than the belt are visible, this will definitely not play a plus in your image. Baggy wide leg jeans are also not an option. The best styles are classic straight or slightly flared to the bottom. Gum jeans also look very advantageous. It is convenient to tuck them into boots and, in combination with a short jacket, the image will look stylish.

The basic wardrobe of any girl is not complete without jeans.

4. Dresses are the most feminine attribute of a girl's basic wardrobe.

Until recently, I did not pay much attention to this comfortable and beautiful solution in my basic wardrobe. A good dress can be your trump card in both personal and business matters. In addition, it is a very comfortable form of clothing. Now I have a few knitted dresses for winter weather and a few lighter options for the summer in my basic wardrobe. A dress is a piece of clothing that emphasizes your figure and creates an integral feminine look.

It is the girl in the dress that men pay the most attention to. Tested on personal experience more than once!

So, we want to attract the attention of men, then dresses simply must be in the basic wardrobe!

5. Blouses and sweaters are comfortable basic wardrobe items.

Sweatshirts will also help diversify the image and warm you in the cold season. In this case, it is better to turn your attention to brighter, more saturated colors. Then, in combination with a calm skirt or trousers, they will draw attention to you.

Lovely to the heart and caring gizmos of the basic wardrobe are blouses and sweaters.

6. The necessary elements of the basic wardrobe are accessories, they will add uniqueness and completeness to the image of a girl.

Every woman loves to adorn herself with jewelry. If you do not have funds for expensive options, in this case, too, there is a way out.

A small string of even freshwater pearls will look very elegant. In addition, this stone can be suitable for both business and romantic looks. But remember pearls must be worn in pairs. Those. if there are beads, get also small earrings, you can use studs. It is better not to buy artificial pearls, they cost almost the same as natural river pearls, but they look much worse. You just need to learn to distinguish natural pearls from artificial.

You can pick up beautiful silver jewelry. They sometimes look no worse than gold.

Pearls and silver are jewelry that will add sophistication to the look and are desirable for the basic wardrobe.

7. Outerwear will not do without any basic wardrobe.

  • Demi-season coat - the best option is a fitted coat of the Italian dina(slightly below the knee) from a good plain fabric. I once bought such a black coat and combined it with bright scarves and bags. It served me 7 years. And that year, when I was going to buy a new one, one of my friends met me on the street and asked: “Zhenya, where did you buy such a fashionable coat? Just the trend of the season. The Italian length will allow you to wear the coat with both dresses and trousers. I even wore my black coat with jeans, and this option also looked stylish.

Jacket. Now there are so many fashionable options for short demi-season jackets that will be comfortable and beautiful. A well-chosen jacket can be worn not only with trousers, but also with dresses and skirts. The jacket can be leather or made of other material. The main thing is her model. A fitted jacket just below the waist in a solid color can be worn with a skirt and trousers and with a knitted dress.

Winter clothes. Of course, we all dream of a fur coat, preferably a mink one, for those who have higher requests, this article is not relevant at all. But if there is no money for a fur coat, but you want to look luxurious? When I didn’t have the opportunity to buy a mink coat for myself, I bought silver fox fur, came up with a stylish style and ordered a coat with a collar made of this fur from the atelier. The coat was unique and very beautiful. I noticed how many turn around to follow me.

Well, a down jacket for weekend walks in winter does not hurt at all.

In conclusion, I want to say that the right approach to shopping will also help you create the perfect basic wardrobe, and at the same time you will not spend a lot of money.

How to choose the right clothes when buying:

Going to the store, first of all, clearly formulate for yourself what you are looking for. At one time I really wanted to buy myself a white demi-season coat. Not just white, but also my favorite Italian length. In my case, it is generally very difficult to find the right option, because. I am not tall and many models simply do not suit me. I went to different departments, they offered me options for red, black and other colors, but I needed white, and I still found it! And now I enjoy wearing it.

Even when I try on any clothes, I always adhere to the principle, if you don’t want to take it off, then this is my option. And if there are doubts, then you shouldn’t even think about it, I don’t need this thing!

I hope my article was useful for you and now when you go to the store you imagine what things should be present in the basic wardrobe, and which, in the absence of funds, you can ignore))).

And most importantly, now you can answer the question: How to choose the right clothes.

And do not forget about such a feminine and fashionable accessory as a trendy scarf or scarf.

In order to pick up your basic wardrobe, it would be useful to learn how to understand what are
