How to dress properly in cold weather and what not to do in extreme cold. How not to freeze outside in winter

Using several layers of clothing helps, on the one hand, and on the other, to remove excess moisture from the body.

First of all, this rule applies to the torso. It is its insufficient insulation that often becomes the cause of frostbite in the extremities, since the body is forced to devote all its resources to heating vital organs. To avoid this, you should use a three-layer system of winter equipment:

  1. Moisture-wicking base layer (thermal underwear: long-sleeve T-shirt and leggings).
  2. Medium insulating layer (jacket or sweater).
  3. Top layer that protects from wind and moisture (jacket or down jacket).

The principle of multi-layering should also be followed when insulating other parts of the body:

  1. Wear two pairs of socks on your feet.
  2. Use shoes with an additional insole.
  3. Place a hood over the hat.
  4. Wear gloves under the mittens.

In this case, the top layer (jacket, shoes) should be spacious enough to accommodate everything else. If you do not take this nuance into account, you will be constrained in your movements or freeze faster (thus, narrow shoes interfere with normal blood circulation, that is, the natural heating of the feet).

Principle 2: The right materials

Base layer

Forget about cotton all winter. It perfectly absorbs the moisture that the body releases, but leaves it inside. As a result, you find yourself in a wet and cold T-shirt and frozen to the bone.

The best alternative to cotton is thermal underwear made from high-tech synthetics or merino wool. It wicks moisture away from the body, allowing it to stay dry and maintain a comfortable temperature. However, synthetics have one drawback: they quickly accumulate an unpleasant odor, so they have to be washed often.

Silk thermal underwear is also a good choice. It retains heat well and does not absorb moisture as much as cotton.

Middle and top layers

The best option for the middle layer would be a fleece jacket or a sweater made of natural wool.

When choosing a top layer, it's worth considering what you'll be doing outside. While heavy fur coats and sheepskin coats are still suitable for walking, they will be terribly uncomfortable during active activities. Jackets and down jackets are the ideal choice here. These models remove moisture and do not allow it to penetrate inside, they are resistant to wind and are also quite lightweight.


When choosing socks, again avoid cotton in favor of high-quality synthetics (for example, polypropylene) and wool. The heat will definitely not leave your feet if you combine both options, that is, wear two socks.

Choose shoes with high and non-rubber soles (rubber quickly lets the cold through). The lining and additional insole should be made of natural fur.


Avoid loose and cotton hats. Much better is a headwear made of wool or acrylic with fleece that fits tightly to the head.

Principle 3. Consideration of external factors and type of load

  1. Always consider the strength of the frost and choose clothes depending on it. For example, thermal underwear made of synthetics and wool can be selected for different temperatures. In severe cold weather, you can give preference to expensive silk.
  2. Also, depending on the weather, adjust the number of layers of clothing. If necessary, wear not two, but three socks, several sweaters. Do not forget that there may be gloves under the mittens, and a hood on the hat.
  3. Always consider the planned type of load. If you are going for a long walk in a forest park, make sure that the wind will not blow under your jacket. If you intend to, give preference to outerwear with sections for ventilation. In the case of intense outdoor training, it is generally better if you are a little cool at first, otherwise you will start to sweat after just a couple of minutes.
  4. The situation with winter tourism deserves special attention. If you plan to be outdoors for a long time, you should take care of an additional set of clothes. Take with you spare mittens, socks and even a down jacket: a light jacket will allow you to move comfortably, and a more serious option will protect you during severe frosts.

If, despite all the tricks, you feel that you are starting to sweat, try adjusting your body temperature yourself.

  1. Remove an item of clothing, such as mittens or a hat, to release excess heat from your body.
  2. Slow down. Try to synchronize the movement with calm breathing: take a step as you inhale and a step as you exhale. This way you can cover a long distance and avoid profuse sweating.

And remember: there is no perfect advice for everyone. Approach the choice of clothing individually, taking into account your own thermoregulation, reaction to different materials and other factors.

Experiment. This is the only way you can create a set that will be dry, warm and comfortable for you.

Winter this year does not favor us with above-zero temperatures. It seems that she mixed up the latitudes and decided that she was in Siberia. Temperatures of -20 may not be the limit, forecasters warn. Locking yourself at home is not an option, because you need to go to work and at least sometimes stick your nose out of the house to go for a walk with friends. But how can you not freeze and turn into a snow woman? And then there are the insidious viruses just waiting to sneak into our body, weakened by the cold...

Of course, against the backdrop of such weather, even the idea of ​​dressing in grandma’s mittens and grandpa’s hat with earflaps, completing the “look” with ten sweaters and an old, but warm down jacket, may seem tempting. And yet, don’t forget that you are a woman who can (and should!) look stylish and beautiful, regardless of the weather. But this does not mean that you should freeze in 20 denier nylon tights and miniskirts - and there are such unfortunate heroines! Instead, we will give you some useful tips on how to dress beautifully and at the same time warmly.

1.Create an air gap

First, forget about short or tight outerwear. In winter, there should be something called an “air cushion” between your clothes and your body, only then will you be warm.

2. Wear a hat

And a hat will protect not only from colds. From extreme cold, as doctors warn us, you can even... go bald. And for us, as representatives of the fair sex, a hairstyle in the style of Vin Diesel is definitely not suitable. By the way, if you are not a fan of his, then it wouldn’t hurt to inform your boyfriend about this fact. You should choose either a woolen hat, always with two layers of warm thick fabric, or a fur hat (but the second option, naturally, will cost more).

3.Wear natural

The warmest clothes are made from natural fabric. This applies to both underwear, blouses, jackets, sweaters, and outerwear.

4. Let's remember multi-layering

The main principle of insulation is multi-layering. Choose underwear from cotton fabrics. Knitwear is perfect for underwear. No matter how warm your sweater is, if you don’t have underwear in the form of a T-shirt or T-shirt, you will freeze. It is much better to wear three thin knitted blouses than one thick sweater. Ideally, you should have three layers under your outerwear: underwear, a shirt or body shirt, and a jacket or sweater. Each additional layer increases heat retention significantly; take this fact into account in particularly severe frosts.

5.What is thermal underwear for?

Now they have begun to produce special clothing for extreme cold - thermal underwear. It will save you from having to wear a cardigan under your sweater, which could (oh, horror!) add heels of extra pounds to you. Thermal underwear can be made from both natural and synthetic materials. In this case, you can choose both types of fabric, since even special synthetics are used here, which helps the body “breathe”, but at the same time retains heat.

6.Economical down jackets

It is clear that a natural sheepskin coat or fur coat will best keep you warm in severe frosts, but do not forget about warm, practical down jackets. Fortunately, now stores offer a wide selection of stylish models that do not at all look like “grandmother’s” oversized clothes. Therefore, down jackets are now at the peak of popularity and are the best option that combines practicality and style. And they cost much less than sheepskin coats or fur coats: a beautiful, fashionable down jacket can be purchased for 1,500 UAH. or even cheaper if you “know the places.” We just don’t recommend buying too cheap options for 500-700 UAH: even if at first it looks good, very soon the quality will make itself felt, and it will turn into a thing that can only be worn in the above-mentioned set with mittens and earflaps.

7.Collar or scarf?

Make sure that your outerwear - down jacket, coat, sheepskin coat or fur coat - has a high and insulated collar. But you can replace it with a warm, preferably cashmere or knitted scarf.

8. Warm your hands

It wouldn’t be out of place to mention warming your hands. Know that knitted, felt, cashmere gloves, especially those with a double layer, are much warmer than leather products. But mittens are even warmer: even single-layer models will keep you warm in severe frost better than the most insulated leather gloves. Leave fashionable leather for positive weather, feel free to warm yourself up in cozy fabric models, fortunately, now there is a huge selection of beautiful and stylish mittens and mittens for every taste!

9. We insulate the legs

And don’t forget about warm and comfortable shoes. Whatever they say about UGG boots, they are the best compromise between comfort, warmth and style. Not many of those who tried to walk in these most comfortable and warm shoes were able to refuse them. In addition, you can consider options for felt felt boots; now there are companies on the market that make these products not only warm and high-quality, but also incredibly stylish and beautiful. The main argument in favor of felt boots is the dry warmth they give your feet. You won't freeze in them in any frost!

Consider also, as an alternative, membrane shoes, the production of which uses the latest technologies to keep you warm and dry in 20-degree frosts and any slush.

As for popular leather shoes, they have more disadvantages when used in our winter conditions than advantages. We recommend giving preference to shoes made of nubuck and suede - they are more resistant to temperature changes, salt that is sprinkled on roads and, oddly enough, moisture, especially if properly cared for.

That's it, you are now equipped from head to toe. And, let me note, you are dressed not only stylishly, but also warmly!

In winter, especially cold and windy ones, you want to dress as warmly as possible. But it happens that, even after wearing warm clothes, you freeze, or, on the contrary, you sweat and easily catch a cold. Wet clothes cool down quickly and may well overcool your body, which will certainly threaten you with a cold. How to dress properly in cold weather? What rules must be followed?

Rule 1. Layer clothing

In order to remove excess moisture and retain body heat, it is best to use several layers of clothing. You definitely need to insulate your torso well, because if your body begins to cool down, then the body immediately throws all its energy into heating the most important organs, and this is what can cause frostbite on your hands and feet. To protect yourself from these unpleasant moments, you need to use the principle of a three-layer clothing system during the winter cold.

  • Base. An important layer that wicks away excess moisture is a long-sleeved T-shirt and thin sweatpants or thermal underwear.
  • Middle. A layer that retains heat is a warm jacket, fleece golf or sweater.
  • Top. Warm clothing that protects from humidity and wind is a down jacket or a thick jacket.

Please note that your outerwear should be loose enough to accommodate all the necessary basic and intermediate clothing, and not restrict your normal movements or interfere with active activities. In addition, tight clothes, and even more so, too tight shoes, disrupt normal blood circulation, which is the main natural way of heating the human body.

We need layers to keep us warm and retain heat in other areas of the body. Be sure to wear two pairs of socks on your feet, don’t forget to put extra wool or felt insoles in your winter shoes, and it’s best to add a hood to a tight-fitting hat. Warm gloves will help keep your hands warm, and if you also wear mittens on top, you will definitely not be in danger of frostbite.

Rule 2. Properly selected fabric

First of all, you need to know that cotton is not a winter option for even the very first layer of your clothes. Although it perfectly absorbs moisture, it leaves it inside and does not remove it from the body, as the fabrics used to make thermal underwear do. High-tech synthetics are excellent at wicking moisture away from the body and keeping you dry while keeping you warm, but they quickly accumulate unpleasant odors. But, I think, everyone here will agree that it’s better to wash your clothes an extra time than to freeze through and through in a wet T-shirt and get an inflammation. But for the middle layer of clothing, a warm fleece golf jacket or a sweater knitted from natural wool is perfect.

Outerwear should match the type of outdoor activity you are doing; if you are just going for a walk, then a fur coat or a thick, heavy jacket is quite suitable. And if you plan to actively move, play sports or play outdoor games, then a light down jacket or sports jacket will be just right. They wick away moisture perfectly and keep you warm without allowing the wind to blow right through you. Socks should also be chosen not from cotton, but from wool or high-quality synthetics. You can combine 2 different pairs of socks, which will only add warmth to you.

When putting on shoes, pay attention to the fact that they should not only be loose, but also have high soles that retain heat for a long time. It is important that the sole is not made of rubber, since this is the material that allows cold to pass through most quickly. Be sure to use fur insoles made from natural material, they will warm your feet, even in the coldest weather. Remember that the hat should not be cotton and especially spacious; it is better if the woolen or fleece hat with fur fits tightly to the head, and a hood is placed on top.

Rule 3. Correct assessment of weather conditions and type of load

Before getting dressed, properly assess the weather conditions and wear the right amount of clothing accordingly. If it's very cold, don't be afraid to wear an extra sweater or extra pants. When dressing, do not forget about such an important factor as the type of load: a regular walk, running, outdoor games. Your comfort depends on this; if you choose the right clothes, you will not sweat or freeze while outside in winter.

Special attention should be paid to clothing; if you are engaged in winter tourism, you should definitely have a spare set of clothes with you while hiking and know simple techniques that can be used when you sweat a lot when you are hot. When your body temperature rises during physical activity, you need to take off some small piece of clothing, such as a hat or gloves, to allow your body to give off excess heat rather than getting wet. You can monitor your breathing and build a rhythm of movement that matches the rhythm of your breathing, while trying to gradually slow down, this will help normalize your body temperature and avoid catching a cold.

Important tip:
When choosing the right clothes, you need to take into account the individual physical capabilities and characteristics of your body. Remember - you should be comfortable!

Cold and frosty days are not a reason to stay at home. There are many interesting places around us that only become more beautiful with snow. To enjoy outdoor activities, you need to dress warmly and do everything possible to avoid getting sick or getting wet. In this article we will talk about how to stay warm outside and what to wear to avoid freezing in winter.

What to do in the cold season: active entertainment

Here are a few options to make your December days richer:

  • Organize a skiing trip. This event is suitable for the whole family, young and old. Things to consider: You will need sports equipment and warm, comfortable clothing. You can buy it in the Stayer online store, which offers a wide selection of models and a large size range.
  • Go to public ice skating. It can be either outdoors or indoors. This determines how many items the equipment will consist of. If you choose an indoor skating rink, all you need to do is wear warm socks, a hat, a sweater and thin gloves. But if you prefer a street option, then you should think about wadded pants or overalls, a down jacket and mittens.
  • Long walks under the moonlight are a romantic, but not the safest way to spend an evening. You should seriously think about yourself and your other half, so as not to catch a cold the same evening. When walking, pay special attention to your shoes. It should be leather, with natural fur and with large soles. The size should not be small or large - a compressed leg quickly freezes.
  • Find a suitable slope to return to your childhood and go down the mountain on a sled or ice skate. Make sure in advance that snow does not get under your outerwear, and that it itself has water-repellent properties - like Stayer jackets.
  • If you like extreme sports, then master snowboarding or alpine skiing - a large amount of adrenaline is guaranteed.

When you have chosen what you will do, the most important thing remains - choosing the right wardrobe. We'll tell you about this.

How to dress in the cold so as not to freeze outside in winter

There are a number of basic rules, they remain the same for all pieces of equipment:

  • Remember comfort. Make sure there is nothing restricting, limiting mobility, pinching or chafing.
  • Buy things by size. If there is too much space between the body and the fabric, the wind will get in there, and no sweater will change that. In the opposite situation, there will be no layer at all, which will also reduce the heat preservation function.
  • Get rid of excess weight. All elements of ammunition should be light but durable. New technological fabrics will help achieve this. Natural fur is beautiful, it warms well, but it is not always practical and definitely not affordable for everyone.
  • Pay attention to the moisture resistance of both shoes and clothing. Getting wet in the cold is the first step to illness.
  • Make sure every part of your body is protected from wind and snow.

Now let's talk in more detail about each piece of equipment.

Thermal underwear

Underwear has several functions necessary in winter:

  • It absorbs sweat and wicks moisture away from the body, while drying quickly. This property protects against a common phenomenon – a wet back during physical activity.
  • It consists of two layers: one retains heat, the second gets rid of dampness. There are models with a third additive – hypoallergenic. It is made from natural fabrics and is pleasant to the touch.
  • Based on the method of weaving the fabric, all thermal underwear can be divided into everyday and intended for sports. In the second option, there are zones that are made accordingly for each specific part of the body.
  • The standard set consists of long johns and a long-sleeve T-shirt. Women's options have a wide variety of models: leggings, T-shirts, shorts appear.


Insulated trousers have gained popularity thanks to athletes. First as equipment, and then as simply comfortable and warm clothes for walking, they won the hearts of all segments of the population.

We'll tell you what to look for when choosing them and how to dress so as not to freeze in severe frost:

  • The fabric should guarantee protection from wind and moisture, keep you warm, but have ventilation so that your feet don’t immediately sweat when you enter the room. These are materials such as: Meryl, polyamide, membrane fabric and other synthetic new textiles.
  • Elastic bands at the shins are important - they can be in the form of gaiters, which protect against snow getting into the legs.
  • Suspenders would be a good addition. They will not restrict movement, but will ensure that your lower back will not be exposed even during active movements.
  • Sports models are characterized by denser inserts, for example, in the knee area. They protect joints from falls.
  • The adjustable belt will help you choose a model that best suits your height, taking into account your waist size.
  • Elastic under the heel is not noticeable under shoes, but is indispensable when trousers need to be put inside boots.


Find the optimal balance between functionality and design. Everyone is thinking about how to dress in winter so as not to freeze outside, but at the same time look stylish.

We'll tell you what to look for when choosing outerwear:

  • Pay attention to the material. Natural fur is beautiful. But it is not suitable in all situations. Down jackets are more suitable for hiking with children, for active recreation and sports. They will also cost much less. The Stayer online store offers jackets for parents of restless children. They use membrane fabric that wicks moisture away from the body, retains heat and has waterproof properties. In such outerwear you won’t be afraid to fall and play in the snow.
  • The cuffs are held on by a tight-fitting elastic band, which protects against snow penetration. If the jacket is short, then the same advice applies to the belt.
  • Each fastener must be windproof. The zipper can be covered with a rubber or fabric insert.
  • Choose water-repellent fabric. This is important for winter walks: the jacket will not get wet even during snowfall.
  • Please ensure that the model is relevant for several seasons in advance. It should be a timeless design that will go with all your outfits. Pay attention to the print - it’s bad if it’s too bright and specific, because there’s a chance that in a year you won’t like SpongeBob or the Smurfs.


Choose not high-heeled boots, but casual low-cut boots - comfortable, warm and stylish. They are suitable for both walking and sports.

  • Pay attention to the size. The pair should fit easily onto a wool sock. In this position, do not press and sit comfortably on your leg.
  • The width of the pads is also important - too narrow ones look more elegant, but they actually increase the chance of freezing. A stiff, immobile foot is much more susceptible to cold than one that has room to move.
  • The thickness and material of the sole will provide protection from the chilly ground and snow. The further you are from the surface, the less chill your ankles will feel.
  • The height of the boots should, on the one hand, become a barrier from water ingress, and on the other, not interfere with mobility, that is, allow the leg to bend easily.
  • The material from which the shoes are made must be suitable for the purpose. Remember that modern synthetic fabrics are better suited for sports, while natural wool retains heat more effectively during long walks and naturally deodorizes the boots from the inside.
  • Fastening mechanism. Mechanical lacing is preferable to a zipper because it allows you to individually select the drawstring and is easier to replace if broken than a broken pawl.

Additional accessories

When the main parts of the uniform have already been purchased, it remains to take care of equally important details:

  • A cap. It should be two-layer, preferably made from natural materials - wool or fur. Ushankas are trendy; they have not gone out of fashion and are the warmest.
  • Many people prefer knitted bibs to scarves - they tightly wrap around the neck and cover the chest. Down scarves will never cease to be in demand. They will keep you warm even in the most severe frosts.
  • Gloves. Presentable leather often turns out to be very impractical. Give preference to puffed synthetic options or mittens. The first ones are good because they are convenient for playing snowballs and making a snowman - they won’t get wet. The latter look more aesthetically pleasing and can be made of natural wool or down.
  • Socks. This piece of underwear is diverse. There are special products for winter sports and classic models: thin regular and insulated. Choose a product based on weather conditions. The frostier it is outside, the thicker the socks.
  • Balaclava. A black rag mask with slits for the eyes is needed not only by bandits, but also by athletes. Every lover of speed at low temperatures knows how the skin of the face freezes. This wardrobe item will protect you from the piercing wind.
  • Glasses. The more the sun reflects off the snow, the higher the chances of losing the pleasure of a day's walk. Dark glasses will help prevent loss of vision.
  • Cosmetics that will help protect against frost: hygienic lipstick and special face cream.

When we find out what we need, it is reasonable to ask: “Where can I buy all this?”

Stayer online store is your opportunity to purchase quality equipment

The company offers a wide selection of winter clothing, which is suitable for both professional sports and everyday walks and active recreation. The quality of their products is evidenced by the fact that in 2016 they received the “Best Sports Product of the Year” award. And the freestyle federation made Stayer its official partner.

The main feature of the entire line is its stylish, timeless design, which harmoniously complements the high functionality of all jackets, trousers and related products. This image looks relevant both on the ski slope and in the city park.

European technologies and workmanship are not inferior to popular brands, but significantly benefit in price.

On the website you can fully equip yourself for winter and purchase the things you need for sports activities.

Let's sum it up

Finally, a few short tips on what to do to avoid freezing in the cold and how to behave to stay warm outside:

  • For drinks, give preference to herbal teas with honey and lemon.
  • Breathe through your nose, not your mouth.
  • When you return from your walk, take a bath or steam your feet.
  • Starting in late autumn, review your menu - add fatty, high-calorie foods and more spices. The body spends a lot of energy on warming up.
  • Temper yourself gradually. Then no temperature can bother you.

Follow these simple rules and wear high-quality, warm and beautiful clothes, this is the only way that no cold or frost will harm you.

Winter is always a challenge. In the morning, cars have difficulty starting, people put on as much clothing as possible. And now a period of severe frosts has begun again in the Altai Territory. How to dress, what not to do and how to properly walk in such low temperatures?

Beware of wind and frostbite

Wind plus frost is a dangerous combination. In such weather it is much easier to get frostbite. Try to dress so that almost your entire body is covered. Mittens, high scarves, hats and hoods. And it doesn’t matter that only the eyes are visible. But my hands, nose and cheeks are warm.

Don't get your skin wet. Remember that water conducts heat better than air. You should not go outside with poorly dried hair or wear wet or damp clothes. If you get wet (for example, fall into water), then you need to take off your clothes as quickly as possible, wipe your body dry and get to a warm room (car) as quickly as possible.

Never take off your shoes in the cold if you have frostbite on your limbs. Your feet will swell and you won't be able to put it on again. In this case, again, you need to get to a warm place as quickly as possible.

If you feel like you are freezing, go to a store (cafe, entrance) to warm up. This will prevent hypothermia.

The frostbitten area of ​​skin must not freeze again. This will only increase the damage. As soon as you come home from the cold, make sure you don't get frostbite.

Solid "no"

Not to drink! During low temperatures, forget about alcohol. Alcohol causes greater heat loss. However, strong drinks can give a deceptive feeling of warmth. People who are intoxicated are much more at risk of frostbite because they do not feel the cold.

No smoking! Smoking in the cold can also play a cruel joke. Tobacco reduces peripheral blood circulation. This means your limbs become more vulnerable.

Don't go outside without a scarf, mittens and hat. The best option is mittens made of water-repellent and windproof fabric with fur inside. Protect your cheeks and chin with a scarf. Choose natural fabrics. The ideal option is wool.

Don't wear jewelry. This also applies to products made of precious metals. We are talking about rings and earrings. The metal cools very quickly and can “stick” to the skin. This is fraught with pain. Rings on the fingers impede normal blood circulation.

How to dress properly in the cold?

Choose clothes made from natural fabrics. For example, from cotton and wool. They retain heat longer. It is important that in cold weather you need to wear several things. For example, a T-shirt, a long-sleeved jacket, a warm sweater. Thus, between layers of clothing there are always layers of air that perfectly retain heat. Outerwear must be waterproof.
