How to cut the temple of a female haircut. Straight temples, oblique temples - fashion trends, haircut technology

Well-groomed appearance is important for everyone, but it is not necessary to go to the hairdresser and pay money for a haircut. With patience and the right tools, it is quite possible to cut your own hair right at home. Get your clipper and scissors ready and start by trimming the hair on the sides and then move on to the back of the head and the top of the head. A little patience and attention to detail, and in a matter of time it will be possible to light up with a neat and stylish haircut!


Part 1

Preparing your hair for a haircut

    Wash your hair before cutting. Clean and combed hair will be easier to work with. Wet your hair with water and then use shampoo and conditioner. Be sure to rinse each product thoroughly after using it on your hair.

    Comb your hair. Run the comb through your hair and use your fingers to detangle tangles if needed. So the haircut will be more neat and accurate.

    • If your hair dries before you finish combing it, mist it with water until it's wet.
    • Use a special detangling agent or its natural equivalent to detangle severe tangles.
  1. Dry your head with a towel. It is better to cut hair with scissors slightly damp (but not wet), and a haircut with a machine involves working with dry hair. If water is still dripping from your hair, dry your hair with a towel to dry it. Then use the comb again and detangle the hair if it has tangled again.

    • When cutting wet hair, the result will be slightly different when the head is dry, as dry hair will lie differently.
  2. Find a comfortable place to get your haircut. A haircut can take up to several hours, especially if you have never done it before. Choose a place where you can sit comfortably and not have to worry about a possible mess.

    • It is best to cut your hair in the bathroom, where you will have access to water and a mirror.
  3. Position yourself in front of a mirror. You need to see all your manipulations well. A large wall mirror in the bathroom or on the wardrobe in the bedroom will help you see the hair being cut on the sides and top.

    • If possible, use a second mirror behind your head to improve your view. A large mirror can be hung on the wall behind your back, or you can use a small hand mirror to be held by your assistant.
  4. Divide your hair into sections. Draw side partings from the forehead to the back of the head at the level where the vertical contours of the head begin to round. Then comb the hair between the parting and the ear in a downward direction. Do this with both side sections of hair.

    • If you have long hair, use bobby pins to secure the top of your hair and keep it from falling into the side sections.
  5. Trim the side sections of your hair in sequence. Take the clipper, set to a short length, and bring its blade up to the head in such a way as to cut the side sections of the hair from the bottom up. At the top, tilt the clipper blade slightly away from your head to create a smooth transition from the cut area to the rest of the hair mass. Repeat the procedure with the second side before moving on to cutting the back of the head, and make sure that the smooth transitions on both sides are the same and are on the same level.

    • Working against the direction of hair growth allows you to achieve a better cutting result.
    • Some clippers have special attachments for cutting around the ears, which make it easier to work with these areas. Use them (if available) to get a better cut around the ears.
  6. Move on to cutting the back of the head. After trimming the sides, trim the back of your hair to the same level you trimmed the sides. Make sure your haircut is even. To do this, ask a friend to place or hold an additional mirror behind you to give you the opportunity to see your manipulations during the haircut.

    • If you are going for a regular basic haircut, use the same nozzle setting for the back of the head as for the side sections.
  7. Shorten the bottom section of your hair more. To create a smooth transition in the length of the hair in the haircut, additionally run the clipper along the bottom of the hair, moving the attachment to a slightly shorter setting. Approaching the level of the earlobes and temples, gently move the clipper blade away from the head to smooth the transition from one hair length to another.

    • Work slowly to ensure the smoothest transition of hair length.

Part 3

Cutting the top of the hair with scissors
  1. Use hair clippers to shorten the top of your hair. For more precise cuts, as well as to give the hair the necessary texture, use scissors instead of a clipper. You can buy hair clippers online and in most specialty stores that sell hair care products.

    • Do not cut your hair with utility scissors, as they are not sharp enough for this purpose, which is why there is a high probability of making a mistake.
  2. Trim the top section of your hair in sections. Use your fingers or a flat comb to lift your hair up. Work slowly, separating strands about 5 mm thick for cutting. They should run parallel to the hairline at the front. As you cut each next strand, try to grab some of the previous strand's hair to use as a guide.

    • The quality of the haircut in the upper part is always more noticeable than on the sides and back of the head. Be sure to start your haircut with a conservative hair length. Remember that you can always make your hair shorter, but you can't put back what you've already cut.
    • Once you have finished with the strands parallel to the hairline, you can check the uniformity of the cut by selecting a strand that is perpendicular to the hairline. The hair in it should be the same in length.
    • When trimming the top of the head, be careful, as it is usually more sensitive than the rest of the head.
  3. Also trim your bangs with scissors (if needed). If you go with bangs, divide it into small strands. Comb each strand with a flat comb to the desired level and cut off the ends of the hair along the comb with scissors.

Part 4

finishing touches

    Straighten the sides. Look at yourself in the mirror and make sure that the sides are symmetrical. Comb your hair with a flat comb and select two horizontal strands at the same level from the sides. See if they are the same length. If the strands are different, remove the excess length and any irregularities with scissors, shortening the hair a little bit. Remember that it is always easier to remove less and then adjust the length further than to immediately cut too much.

The stores offer a huge range of hair cutting equipment, which are designed to perform a variety of hairstyles on your own at home. To cut a man's hair with a machine, you must follow some rules for the technique of high-quality hairstyles.

Clipper haircut - the easiest way for home hairdressing

Stylish and new hairstyle allows you to change the image and improves mood. Using a clipper is considered the best and economical option to create a neat hairstyle for short hair.


A simple technique for men's haircuts is as follows. All strands are cut with one specific nozzle. And the neck area and temporal parts are processed without additional nozzles. In this case, the device turns towards the hair.

The technology of a more complex hairstyle is produced as follows:

  • Nozzle No. 1 or No. 2 is installed. The device is held with the blade up. Treatment starts from the neck area, from the hairline. Curls are cut to the occipital region.
  • Then the nozzle changes to No. 3 or 4 and the curls are cut to the crown. Then the nozzles are again replaced and the strands at the temples are cut off. Then nozzle 4 or 3 is fixed again and the strands are cut from the temples to the crown area.

  • The device is led to the crown. It is impossible to cut along the growth of curls, since in this case the strands are obtained in different sizes.
  • In the process, a comb is used, and the curls are removed on top of it.

Clipper haircuts always start at the back of the head. At the end of the procedure, the strands on the temples and neck are trimmed.

Before cutting your hair with a machine, you need to moisten it and comb it thoroughly. The strands are divided into several zones. In this case, parting is carried out from the depressions on the forehead to the back of the head. This is how the temples and the parietal region are separated.

The following zones are obtained:

  1. parietal;
  2. two in the temporal areas;
  3. three in the back of the head.

What matters is the quality edging on the neck. It is trapezoidal or rounded.

To make men's haircuts with a machine at home, professional skills are not required. Doing your own hairstyle will not only save money, but will also allow you to perform stylish and neat hairstyles.

The hairstyle scheme helps to do the job right. But this takes into account the shape of the head and facial features.

A simple option is the zero model. This hairstyle is suitable in the presence of a standard head shape.

Sports hairstyles: boxing or semi-boxing are longer and more difficult to cut, but they can be done with some skills.

With the help of a special device, such short haircuts as a hedgehog are performed. It has a rounded shape and is suitable for hard strands.

With the help of a machine, a semi-box is made. It suits almost all men, except for too elongated faces.

In the traditional version, the back of the head is cut with a device with a small nozzle.

Long strands can start closer to the crown or much lower. The hairstyle is done with or without bangs. This option is not suitable for curly curls. You can not shave your head to zero with an uneven nape.


In order for a model haircut to turn out smooth, you need to make the right transitions. At the same time, the processing process by the device must be accurate and of high quality. The comb must be held in the left hand.

The strands are sheared in stripes. First, the forehead area is cut, then the back of the head. For the back of the head, a smaller nozzle is used.

The haircut is performed from below, and the device is led up. First, the machine is pressed against the surface of the head, and the apparatus is torn off from the top of the head. This evens out the difference between the strands. Then whiskey is cut with the same nozzle.

From the parietal region, it is necessary to perform a smooth transition. From short strands at the edging. The edging is made at the neck and behind the ears without a nozzle. Then the length of the strands is checked throughout the head.

All shortcomings in the haircut are corrected with thinning scissors.


An important step is the edging of the temporal region. Whiskey can be oblique, rectangular, up to the lobe or middle of the ear.

Start laying should be from the temporal areas. In this case, the curl is separated by a diagonal parting. Then the hair is combed over the face, and the corner of the temple is trimmed. Then the strands are combed down, and the temporal part is trimmed.

The movements of the device should be easy and effortless.


Men's haircuts for a typewriter with bangs are complex. For cutting bangs, the largest nozzle is selected. In this case, the bangs are cut with a comb, which lifts the strands to the desired distance. The cut with the device is done over the comb. It comes out right the first time.

Understand the simplest rules for cutting with a machine and go

With the help of a typewriter, you can make a short haircut or create a complex hairstyle.

Anna Lyubimova

There are many people in the world who prefer their own bathroom to beauty salons. If it has a couple of good mirrors, convenient cabinets and shelves on which you can lay out everything you need, it may well turn into a modern hairdressing salon - only without queues, pungent smells of chemicals and strangers who do not take their eyes off the unfinished styling.

Haircut at home "sin" both men and women. All of them can be conditionally divided into three categories:

  • people are busy and undemanding;
  • zealous owners, "thrifty" by nature;
  • creative individuals.

The latter are especially interested in embodying some unusual idea with their own hands, so they are aware of technical innovations and devices with which you can create a trendy hairstyle on your hair. But all the rest fans of the "home salon", although they reject the services of professionals, they want to look attractive and well-groomed.

Publication from Training of male masters( 14 Sep 2017 at 10:36 PDT

Women achieve this goal more easily. Curls and curls hide some of the mistakes of an amateur hairdresser. But men's hairstyles require clear contours to look decent, smooth transitions from one hair length to another, which cannot be created without special devices. Therefore, creative housewives and cheerful young mothers who cut their favorite household members on their own should buy a good clipper. Not a cheap device sold in a tent near the market, but a real quality thing with comfortable ergonomics and a variety of attachments. With their help, both classic and extravagant models are created. All of them can be classified depending on the method of execution.

Haircut under 1 mm

In traditional men's hairstyles this minimal attachment is used to shape the lowest hairline at the back of the head, but now the possibilities of its application have become much wider.

brutal single haircut has been very popular recently. It is very difficult to distinguish it from the familiar “under zero” option, and yet this is a haircut performed by a machine with a special nozzle. She gives men a somewhat stern look with a slight touch of crime. Needless to say, they are very attractive. But athletes, supporters of a healthy lifestyle and hygienic life procedures appreciate it for its simplicity and functionality.

Most of all this image suitable for owners of the correct head shape, with a high forehead, rounded nape, strong and slender neck. Although people with such an appearance to face and many other options for men's hairstyles. They work “one” very carefully, slowly moving from strand to strand, section to section, until you achieve the desired result.

To create such a bow, no other hairdresser's tools are needed. But if over time there is a need to change your style and with it your hair, you will need well-sharpened scissors, a thin comb and a compact hair dryer.

Men's haircut under 2 mm

Another option for a sports-applied style hairstyle is created with a two-millimeter nozzle. You can also start it with a “one”, then moving on to a “two”.

This nozzle leaves hairs a little longer than the previous option, but the resulting hairstyle is no less practical. She has a lot of advantages:

  • just wash your hair and dry it quickly;
  • they do not need expensive shampoos and conditioners;
  • in the heat, the sensations will be fresher, and in winter there will be no anxiety due to the fact that the strands will be pressed under a knitted hat.

Posted by Daniil Rusalejev (@daniil_style) Mar 10, 2017 at 7:20 PST

Two millimeters paired with a single one will come in handy when decorating the temples. They are in the foreground - on the contours of the cheeks, not far from the eyebrows - and are a very important element that can decorate or spoil the whole look. Therefore, it is necessary to work on them especially carefully, without haste and without risk. With some experience, it will be possible to complete this procedure much faster, but at first it is better to move in microscopic steps. Even experienced craftsmen in this case “do not cut off the shoulder”, but act according to the principle “Measure ten times, cut once”.

Men's hairstyle under 3 mm

It is well known to many generations of men "Boxing" and "Half-boxing". Previously, such hairstyles were more often worn by the military, geologists - those who have no time to take care of their appearance and at the same time want to look collected and fit.

Today triple haircut photo often found in glossy magazines for stylish men. This option is often chosen by successful businessmen who want to emphasize their vigor and determination. It looks very organically with a business suit, giving the owner the touch of assertiveness and slight aggressiveness that is necessary in some negotiations.

Traditional trio haircut performed very quickly. Having stuffed your hand, you can finish everything in a maximum of 18 minutes. Moving smoothly with the right nozzle over the entire surface of the head, you can achieve the effect of a velvet cover, even and smooth.

Men's haircut with a machine

Over the "Half-box" will have to work longer. Here you can go two ways:

  • remove the hair at the temples and the back of the head with a “one”;
  • treat the top of the head with nozzle No. 4.

In any case, it is important to get a sufficiently contrasting transition between the top and bottom of the hairstyle. In the most trendy options, bangs and even tiny “tails” are added that bristle above the neck or the back of the head.

Publication from Training of male masters( 12 Sep 2017 at 3:50 PDT

Haircut for guys under 4 mm

This hairstyle is also many years old. Once it was a distinctive touch of the appearance of bespectacled scientists and romantic students, then it was worn out of habit, and not so long ago it again became one of the off-season hits. Familiar from old movies "Hedgehog" returned to our everyday life. Now it is worn mostly by young guys.

Despite the apparent complexity, "Hedgehog" can also be done at home. But before you get down to business, you should critically evaluate your own hair. If they are thick, straight and hard, the haircut will look perfect, for soft and curly it is better to choose a different hairstyle. Otherwise, you will have to constantly wear a certain amount of styling gels, waxes and varnishes on your hair.

Here, too, you will need several nozzles - the minimum ones for edging and the main one - a four-millimeter one - for the main cutting on the crown, back of the head, above the forehead.

In traditional versions, the Hedgehog does not have bangs. It is an integral part of the total mass of hair. Modern young people want to see themselves as more original, and therefore make their own adjustments to their hairstyle:

  • cut bangs;
  • comb it to one side;
  • make out "torn" strands;
  • leave a long thin "tail" on the back of the head.

Clipper haircut

Men's haircut under 6 mm

It has similar features to the "Hedgehog", it is based on the legendary "Tennis", but the overall impression is completely different. Uniqueness and individuality haircut "Beaver" give:

  • square shape;
  • flat crown, resembling a flat area;
  • sides and back of the head cut to transparency.

You need to take on such a haircut only when it is not difficult for a home hairdresser to work with different nozzles and transitions from the microscopic size of the hairline.

When creating this hairstyle, haste is especially contraindicated. Otherwise, the result may not be a fashionable look, but separate “patches” that do not merge into a single image. Then only a haircut “under zero” will save the situation.

One more caveat. Scars on the back of the head (which, of course, adorn a man) are better to “hide” under the “Hedgehog”, but on a well-shaped head, “Beaver” looks very impressive. Young people often add bold touches to their hair - bangs combed to the side, an elongated nape, which is sometimes styled with a hair dryer.

Let's talk about another haircut under 6 mm, where the arsenal of expressive means becomes wider, several nozzles are used in the process, and the length of the strands reaches from 3 to 6 cm. We are talking about a new trend of recent years - the Tomboy men's haircut. The base for Tomboy was the forgotten male "bean", which is "overgrown" (depending on the option) either with an elongated bang, combed to the side, or naturally shaggy strands at the back of the head.

Stylists believe that this haircut will become the most popular in the next few seasons, so there is reason to take a closer look at it and start mastering its elements now.

Men's haircut under 9 mm

Such a haircut cannot be performed without a smooth transition from one hair length to another. If the strands on the parietal or occipital part of the head are too long, the excess can be removed with scissors or the largest attachment, and then you can proceed to the phased processing of different zones - parietal, occipital, crown, temporal.

The pros do it this way:

  • make out the back of the head;
  • from it they pass to the sides and temples;
  • then proceed to cutting

Nine mm nozzle often used in the treatment of the back of the head, but it is quite suitable for the crown. Hair over the forehead is cut last. Depending on the individual characteristics of the appearance of men, they are left longer to be combed to the side, or slightly raised with thinning.

Haircut under the nozzle 12 mm

This is a real piece of work. You can’t start it without washing your hair and walking through it with a fairly thick comb.

At the beginning of the haircut, you can not do without scissors. Clamping individual strands with your hands, you need to remove the excess, and then calmly move on to the nozzles. The experience gained on simple hairstyles will tell you which one to choose for decorating the back of the head, making transitions from one hair length to another.

In today's hairstyles, nape cut with the smallest nozzles prevail. To the crown, if we plan to make it especially expressive, you can also approach with a twelve-millimeter paper. She is useful for romantic strands on the crown, which will beautifully recline back or fall down on the sides.

Clipper with 12 mm nozzle

Video tutorials for men's haircuts with a machine at home

This is a great visual aid for those who want to master the art of hairdressing. On the Internet, you can find many more videos with master classes that will help you with the basics of hairdressing. By reviewing professional and amateur videos, you can master the techniques of qualified professionals and become a real ace stylist for your home. And the money saved on salons should be spent on joint trips to the park or cinema.


Performing a men's haircut of various levels of complexity is not at all difficult, especially if you know where to start and have the necessary equipment at hand. To do this, the home stylist needs:

  • high-quality clipper (preferably from well-known manufacturers);
  • sharp scissors;
  • a pair of combs;

Add to this the desire to see your loved ones beautiful and your love for them, and no famous kuafer can surpass your work.

September 27, 2017, 00:08

Almost every one of us at least once in his life tried himself in the role of a sort of “hairdresser for himself”, tried to cut his own hair, or his girlfriends. For some, it turned out to be, it is worth saying, wonderful.

I would be a barber...

If for some strange reason you missed your chance, then you have a great opportunity to fix it, and the first experiment can be done on the very next Monday. Why on Monday? Because the first day of the working week is considered the most favorable for a haircut, for hair coloring, and in general for solving unresolved problems.

Of course, you will need to choose a “victim”, if there are no volunteers, then you can try to trim yourself first. When the decision is made, it does not hurt to learn how to cut a short haircut, or rather, slightly trim it. It is worth noting that all your “misses”, if they suddenly happen, will be less noticeable on wavy hair, while with straight hair you need to be extremely careful.

To form the simplest short haircut, you will need ordinary scissors, a comb and scissors for thinning strands, by the way, they can correct almost all irregularities.

So let's start

A haircut requires clean and slightly damp hair, the cutting of an existing short haircut itself begins from the parietal zone towards the crown, then the temples are successively aligned, and lastly a haircut is formed at the back of the head.

  1. The very first strand on the frontal-parietal zone will be the “control”, its width should be no more than a couple of centimeters from the hairline, the hair is combed and pulled into strands, after which it is cut to the desired length. All other strands should be equal to it to the crown.
  2. Trimming the hair at the temples begins with a vertical parting made parallel to the hairline above the ear. The first long strand is equal to the trimmed hair on the parietal zone, each subsequent one is the first. In the same way, the hair on the opposite temple is equal.
  3. The crown and occipital area are trimmed in the same way as whiskey.

After a new haircut is formed, all hair must be carefully filed, washed, hair dried with a hair dryer and styled.

It is a bit more difficult to make a short haircut from scratch, that is, to really form a completely new haircut, and not to trim the overgrown ends. But even with this, you should not have difficulty if you know how to cut a short women's haircut correctly.

  • As in the first case, the hair must be washed and slightly dried, and then divided into four zones, make four squares with a common point exactly at the crown. Hair, if it is long, pin up.
  • As a “control” strand, a horizontal strand of hair is taken at the level of the earlobe, all other hair is cut off along its length according to the “strand by strand” pattern, while the angle of pulling and cutting the hair must be strictly straight, that is, 90 degrees.
  • For cutting the upper and occipital zones, vertical strands are formed and cut off, with a pull angle of 45 degrees.

After finishing the main amount of work, the hair needs to be combed, and thinning scissors go through it, after which even the simplest short haircut begins to look modern and fashionable.

Bob haircut: how to cut

Undoubtedly, it’s scary to immediately take on short haircuts, therefore, if the length of the hair allows, then you can try to make a “Kare”. The technique for performing a classic bob haircut is quite simple, first decide on the length of the bob, not forgetting that when it dries, the hair becomes shorter, after which you can safely get to work.

  1. Part your hair in a straight part, and pin up any hair that isn't in work.
  2. Start cutting the hair on the working half from the lowest occipital strand, it will be the “control”.
  3. Then “go” higher, according to the “strand by strand” pattern you know, to the very top of your head. Do not pull the hair, cut it towards the ear.

You need to start cutting whiskey from the lowest horizontal strand, the length of which should be exactly the same as the “control”, it is important to keep your head straight, if you get strands of different lengths, you will have to straighten your hair, shortening them.

Remember that in the end, all hair should have exactly the same length and a clear outline.

Thinning the ends of the hair will help to give additional volume. After the end of the haircut, the hair must be washed, dried with a hairdryer and styled with a “round” comb.

  • Ripped haircuts for short hair
  • Asymmetric haircut for short hair
  • The most fashionable short haircuts
  • Types of bob haircuts for medium hair
  • Short haircuts for a square face

Not all men like to visit a beauty salon. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of your appearance. Some procedures can be successfully carried out at home. For example, you can entrust your household to cut your hair. To do this, they should familiarize themselves with the basics of technology, which are quite accessible even to a person far from hairdressing.

Haircut rules at home

Haircut for men at home does not require super skill. Before starting, take care of preparing all the necessary tools. You will need a clipper, well-sharpened scissors, several combs with different teeth, a shoulder cape, clips and a spray bottle.

A homegrown hairdresser must follow a few simple rules:

  • Haircut is carried out from the back of the head, gradually moving from bottom to top and from left to right.
  • Do not take on the comb unnecessarily wide strands.
  • After finishing work on the back of the head, carefully draw the bottom contour.
  • Move to the whiskey, moving towards the top of the head.
  • Do not rush to cut the bangs much, otherwise you will not be able to comb them.
  • Before finishing the haircut, go over the entire head again.
  • Shave your neck if necessary.

Hairstyle selection at home

Men's haircut is one of the main indicators of the image, so you need to choose it very carefully, taking into account several criteria:

  • Face shape. Facial features are very important. It can be oval, round, square or triangular. Oval and triangular shapes allow you to be creative and without restrictions, creating a deliberate disheveledness (boxing, mohawk, asymmetric options). A square face requires a haircut that can soften rough features and visually stretch the face (hedgehog, classic hairstyles of the 50s). A chubby man needs to be cut so as to create the illusion of a thin face (British, Canadian, Quiff).
  • Hair structure. An equally important circumstance is the texture of your hair. The same haircut fits differently on different types of hair. Also, the presence or absence of curls can play a role.
  • Hair complexity. A man who does not like to waste time is unlikely to be satisfied with an exquisite haircut that requires hourly styling. It's worth thinking about it when considering options.

How to cut with scissors at home

Before you start, read the basic haircut rules at home.

  1. Wet your hair with a spray bottle.
  2. Divide the strands into temporal, occipital and parietal zones.
  3. Since the haircut should start from the back of the head, secure the remaining hair with clips.
  4. Separate a strand (about 1 cm) and comb it.
  5. Pinch the curl with your middle and index fingers.
  6. Cut it off about a centimeter above your fingers.
  7. Take the next strand (do not let go of the cut) and comb them together.
  8. Make a cut along the line first.
  9. Secure the treated hair with a clip, leaving a thin strand to control the desired length.
  10. Carefully process the contours with edging or shading.

The most popular are round, oval and trapezoidal edging. When choosing a bang, rely on your taste: it can be oblique, straight or asymmetrical. Shading is also done with a comb and scissors: cut off the hairs that protrude over the comb when running through the hair. Repeat the process in reverse.

How to cut with a machine

You can perform many men's hairstyles at home using a hair clipper. The process will not cause difficulties for anyone, since the device is very convenient to use. You can easily control the length of your hair by simply changing the attachments.

For beginners, it is better to keep short haircuts, which will reduce the likelihood of mistakes.
