How to attach a belt to silicone stockings. How to fasten stockings: practical tips

Recently, quite a lot of alternatives to women's tights have appeared. So, for example, it is important to wear long skirts with golfs, and stylists offer sexy stockings for midi length. However, the latter option is less practical. Therefore, along with beautiful stockings, suspenders are often included. To date, the choice of such an accessory is so great that you can buy yourself for all occasions, as well as for a specific outfit. However, stockings have their own pitfalls. For example, if you do not know how to properly wear suspenders over stockings, then you are in danger of getting into an absurd situation. After all, if the suspenders are fastened inaccurately, then the stockings can slip, come unfastened, or even turn so that they will be visible through a skirt or dress. This is especially true for tight clothing models.

So that every time you put on this stylish accessory there is no question of how to fasten suspenders to stockings, you must first choose the right model. When buying stockings and suspenders, you need to consider that these items of underwear do not hinder movement. To do this, the stockings should fit snugly around your legs, and the suspenders should fit your figure, but not press. Suspenders are better to choose with metal fasteners. Plastic fasteners break very often, which leads to unnecessary incidents. It is very important to wear stockings correctly. This must be done from the bottom up, carefully smoothing the fabric. Then adjust the height of the suspenders and distribute them evenly at the same distance from each other. And only after that fasten to the stockings.

Girls in stockings with suspenders look very slim, and their legs are even more attractive. In addition, the belt tends to correct unnecessary roundness in the hips or waist area. Therefore, this accessory is so popular.

Stockings used to be an invariable women's accessory, but today they have been replaced by tights, becoming more popular and comfortable clothing. Despite this, stockings are still a symbol of femininity, and therefore this accessory should not be ignored.

Today there are at least two types of stockings: the first are fastened with elastic adhesive silicone bands and do not require a belt. They have both an advantage - invisibility under tight clothing, and a disadvantage - these stockings are not very reliable, because the adhesive tape cannot always keep them at the proper height, and the stockings fall down a little, peeling off.

In addition, stockings are divided according to the number of ribbons - garters that should hold them. There may be 4 or 6 of them - a larger number is simply inconvenient in everyday life, since the time to fasten the garters will be large. Some believe that the more garters, the more secure the stockings are. This is true, but even with four ribbons, the stockings will not fall off if the fasteners do not break.

And one more important point - the material from which the stockings and belt are sewn must be durable and of high quality. It is better to opt for silk stockings - they are thin, pleasant to the body, but strong enough. Belts for everyday wear should not be lace if they are supposed to be worn under tight-fitting clothing. Common belt materials are lace, vinyl, mesh, and leather.

The second type of stockings are classic, which are fastened with a belt. The one who encounters this set for the first time may have a lot of questions: for example, how to attach a garter belt, because these metal fasteners have a strange shape and the fastening technology can not be unraveled right away. In fact, it is very simple, and further we will explain step by step how to fasten the stockings to the belt.

Instructions - how to fasten a belt to stockings?

So, we need to learn how to put on a belt with stockings. To do this, we need to properly wear both stockings and a belt.

How is the garter belt attached?
  1. We put on the belt so that the clasp is at the back. The wider it is (the more invisible loops), the stronger and more reliable it is. We fasten the loops and align the belt. Before you fasten the garter belt, you need to pick up and put on the appropriate underwear.
  2. It should also be noted that on any belt there are three rows of loops that allow you to adjust the width of the waist. The tighter the belt sits, the better, because in this case the stockings will not twist.
How to fasten stockings to a belt?

What is the garter belt called?

A garter belt is called a garter belt. To wear this belt comfortably, at the end you need to adjust the length of the garters - ribbons with clothespins. To do this, you need to put your foot on a chair and adjust the most convenient length of the back and front tapes.

This article will discuss how to attach a belt to stockings. Consider the options for belts, and methods of fastening. Modern ladies have little experience in wearing such underwear, they often confuse stockings with a regular welt and products with silicone rubber. The latter are not designed to be worn with a belt. But if you really want to try it on and you mistakenly took a product that should stay on your leg on its own, then we will reveal a few secrets of how to attach a belt to stockings with silicone rubber. There are also cases when it is absolutely impossible to find this underwear without an elastic band on sale, but you really want to try on a spicy look.

A girl in stockings with a belt and beautiful underwear is an incredible sight for any man. Now this image has become more of a fetish for love games. But not so long ago, our grandmothers did not even think to ask such a question. Girls wore stockings with a belt from the age of three.

How to choose a garter belt

It should go well with stockings and the whole set of underwear. If the belt is very different in style and quality of fabric and color from the panties and bra, then you will look just ridiculous. All elements should look harmonious, then your image will excite the imagination of a man.

A win-win option is to buy a set of underwear with stockings and a belt. Here, designers and fashion designers have already done everything for you. The only negative is the price of such products is quite high.

Another tip: get a belt first, and then pick up everything else under it. Why in that order? Yes, because the options for belts on sale, as a rule, are much less than underwear. So it will be much easier for you to harmoniously arrange all the products. If you buy panties and a bra (corset and thong) first, then there is some chance that you will not find a suitable belt for it. You will spend money in vain, without bringing a great idea to life. The print and lace pattern on the stockings and belt should be in harmony with the underwear.

Today there are many options for belts. They can be:

  • leather;
  • satin;
  • vinyl;
  • lace;
  • into the net.

Among other things, they can be high and low, wide (corset). High belts look very nice and are more comfortable. Low - look good on fragile figures. A wide (corset) belt looks chic on rounded hips. In addition, it models the curves of the body no worse than good corrective underwear.

The product also differs in the number of garters. They can be from two to twelve. The most common models have four clasps, if you plan to wear the belt all day, look for a model with six garters. This is the so-called American version. The more fasteners on the belt, the more secure the stockings will hold.

Fastening fasteners can be plastic and iron. There are crocodile clasps. This type of attachment resembles men's suspenders. A more common option today is double with a silicone circle.

Types of stockings

Women's stockings are divided into two types depending on the fastening on the leg:

  • products with silicone strips;
  • underwear with a welt without elastic.

Today, the first option can be found in every lingerie store. Such products are practical and correspond to our dynamic time. But sometimes you really want to feel like a real young lady with a belt. Ideally, for this you need to look for the second option. These products simply will not stay on the leg without a belt.

How to wear a belt

Remember that this lingerie originated at a time when women did not wear such tight-fitting skirts. Today, fashion has changed a lot, but no one has canceled the rules of good manners. This sexy type of lingerie can only be worn with fairly loose clothing. The contours of underwear should never be visible under a dress or skirt. If you still decide to wear a belt with stockings under a pencil skirt, then choose a model without embossed details and seams. Bows and lace are contraindicated here.

Also, a belt with stockings is not worn under trousers, and this does not make sense. Do not wear sexy lingerie and pair with too short a skirt. The edge of the stocking that peeks out from under the mini is a good option for role play with your man, but this is unacceptable on the street or at work.

How to attach a belt to stockings?

We have come to the main point of our article. It would seem that this is difficult, but for many young women this causes a lot of problems. Don't worry, with a little practice, you'll be doing this with your eyes closed.

With fasteners in the form of crocodiles, everything is simple: open the clip, insert the edge of the stocking there and fasten it. After all, almost all ladies know how to fasten suspenders. By the way, if you can’t find silicone-free stockings on sale, look for a belt with crocodile fasteners. With this fastening, you can easily attach any kind of stockings.

Let's move on to the second and most common type of fasteners. It looks like a clip or hook. If you turn it in your hands, you will see that it consists of two parts: one is round (usually silicone), the other is in the form of a loop.

So, how to attach a belt to stockings? If these are products with a border without silicone, then everything is quite simple. Put on the belt and fix it at the waist. Straighten the garters so they don't twist. Grasp the welt of the stocking and pass its edge between the parts of the fastener. The convex part should be under the border, and the one that looks like a loop should be on top. Fasten the hook. To do this, you need to connect a wide hole and the mating round part of the fastener.

After you have secured everything, you should adjust the length of the garters. Nothing should sag and hinder your movements. To make it easier to do this, place your leg, bent at the knee, on some kind of elevation. Below you will see in the photo how to attach the belt to the stockings. There is nothing complicated in this process.

Stockings with a seam

The most difficult thing is to wear stockings with a seam at the back and an attached belt. After all, you will need to attach them so that the arrows are even all the time. This will require a large mirror and some skill. This is an option for advanced ladies in this matter. It is better for novice fashionistas to practice on underwear without a pattern.

Stockings with silicone rubber and belt

As mentioned above, it happens that girls make such a mistake. Or they deliberately make such a purchase, if there are no other options. It is possible to attach stockings with silicone rubber to the belt, but it will take a little longer to tinker. Try to make sure that the fastener does not fall on the edge of the silicone. Consider stockings. You will see a gap between the two silicone strips. You must get into it. And then proceed in the same way as with products without silicone.

One more idea. Try detaching or carefully cutting off some of the silicone from the top to make the welt thinner. In this place you will fasten the stockings. You must understand that this is an extreme method and should not be used on a permanent basis.

We hope after reading this article you will choose the best garter belt. How to attach this intriguing accessory to stockings, we have analyzed in detail in this article.

Or laces. Belts are silk, cotton, lace and even leather. Initially, the first belts had up to ten garters, for which the stockings were attached. Today, belts have only four, sometimes six elastic bands, which is no less convenient to use. Soviet industry offered ladies products mainly from pastel and white colors. Modern belts are distinguished by the most unusual colors, execution techniques and, as a rule, form sets with stockings of various models. The elastic bands of the belt are easily adjustable in length, so you can use one belt for several different models of stockings.

A corset with garters is another type of dainty garter belt. The difference between and a garter belt lies in its location on the owner's body. The belt is attached at the waist due to the difference in size between the waist and hips, and itself supports the shape of the waist, abdomen and lifts the chest, thanks to its design and tightening with lacing and a rigid frame. Grace is one of the subspecies of the corset, which has less rigidity and greater elasticity. However, the mechanism for attaching stockings to all these wardrobe accessories is the same - using garters, elastic bands, laces and fasteners.

The so-called alternative stocking models are an attempt to combine tights with stockings. Simply put, these are the same stockings, but with a belt already sewn on for support, or vice versa - tights, but with large cutouts in front, behind and on the hips a la stockings. Such models have not yet received their own name. The disadvantage of such an industrial fastening of stockings is an elastic waistband, which does not have a sufficient supporting effect and a strong fixation at the waist inherent only in a real belt, which allows these tights to gradually slide down.

Modern models of stockings do not require any additional attachments at all. They have sewn-in silicone rubber bands under the lace inserts. These wide elastic bands allow you to firmly fix the stockings on your legs. They can be worn, a corset, and they are much more comfortable and more convenient than tights. The main thing is to choose the right stocking size so that the silicone lining fits snugly against the leg, and does not slide down with the stocking. When wearing such stockings, avoid using lotions or body creams - they deprive the silicone of stickiness, and the support effect disappears, the elastic easily slips off.


  • stockings corset

Tip 2: How to wear stockings with suspenders: basic rules

It turns out that being able to wear stockings correctly is a great art. To do this correctly, you need to know what accessories are required in addition and how to put them on correctly. It is very important that the stockings do not slip and look seductive on the legs.

Not every girl and woman knows how to wear stockings with a belt, because in reality this is a whole science.

How to choose the right belt

Choosing the right belt is very important. If possible, you should buy a whole set, then there will be 100% confidence that the parts will fit together. It is also worth paying attention to the number of garters. It would be better if there were at least three of them. This number of garters will fix the stocking better. The suspenders at the waist are elastic, which gives them strength. Stockings must be put on very carefully.

If the belt and stockings were bought separately, then you need to try everything on and, if possible, fasten the belt. Having put on the whole set, you should spend a couple of minutes in it in order to understand whether it is comfortable for you to walk and whether the belt can hold the stockings.

The purchased belt should be well studied and learn how to fasten. Only after that, a practical accessory should be wrapped around the waist and fastened well. The belt must be straightened, then put on stockings. They are attached to the belt with the provided bandages. It depends on your choice how to put on panties: over the belt or under it. But it is more convenient to wear panties under the belt. Thongs look more sexy, especially those that come with the set.

Subtle nuances on how to wear stockings correctly

All belts are equipped with elastic bands. Outwardly, they are very reminiscent of bra straps. Their ends have small clamps. The belt must be worn so that the back and front of the hips have the same number of straps.

Clamps should be at the same level with the border of the stocking already worn on the leg. The clasp is attached only to the rope of the stocking: from the inside - one side, from the front side - the other. Fasten the clamps only perpendicular to the edge. Consistently performing all the manipulations, you must not forget to follow the elastic band located on the belt. It shouldn't twist.

You can adjust the strength of the straps only after fixing
