How to make a bouquet of socks with your own hands. DIY bouquet of socks for a man DIY roses from men’s underpants

Is it possible to give a man a bouquet? It is possible and even necessary, especially if it is an original bouquet of socks for a man with his own hands. Giving ordinary socks for a men's holiday is boring and banal. For variety, it is better to arrange them in the form of a bouquet.

This is not only a practical gift for a man - it also makes a funny joke gift. You can complement the bouquet for a man with a can of beer or miniature bottles of alcohol.

There is an opinion that items of clothing can only be given to relatives - husband, father or brother. Of course, you can’t give a bouquet of socks to your boss, but you can give it to your beloved husband, son, dad, or brother.

Required tools and materials

For work you will need materials that are always at hand.

  • Socks of the chosen color.
  • Floral sponge.
  • Bucket or flower pot.
  • Wooden skewers.
  • Ribbons.
  • Rubber bands.
  • Paper.
  • Scotch.
  • Beads.
  • Pins.

The main thing you will need is high-quality and, of course, new socks. You can combine colors, the bouquet will only benefit from this. To wrap a bouquet, you can use wrapping paper or, the most popular now, craft paper. You can “plant” “flowers” ​​in a pot - a floral sponge is useful for this.

The list of materials may be reduced or, on the contrary, increased, it all depends only on the chosen style of the bouquet and the imagination of the person who makes such a surprise.

The most important thing in a bouquet is the quality of the socks. It’s better not to save money here and buy high-quality products made from cotton or linen.

How many socks will be needed for the bouquet? You need to consider the thickness of the socks and how you plan to fold them - singly or in pairs. It is worth considering the number of colors.

Note! The number of buds in a bouquet should not be even.

The approximate number of socks to create one small bouquet is about 5 pairs. And so that the number of buds in the bouquet is not even, you can remove one sock and give it later. Or you can make one large flower by folding two socks at once. This flower can be placed in the center of the bouquet.

The only negative: the color of the bouquet depends on the color of the socks. You'll have to experiment here. For example, a bouquet of light-colored socks will look very original. Another interesting combination would be a combination of two different shades in a bouquet - for example, gray and white roses, blue and black tulips from socks. By the way, you can give such a bouquet of socks not only to a man. You can give a newborn baby and his mother a bouquet of bright and colorful socks. For a teenager, a bouquet of socks can be supplemented with miniature headphones or a brightly colored flash drive can be placed in the central flower.

Master classes on creating a bouquet of socks for a man

So, let's try to create a bouquet for a man with our own hands. A bouquet of socks with your own hands is a simple product. By following the step-by-step instructions and our tips, you can easily create your own beautiful bouquet.

Master class 1: lush bouquet of socks

To make a delightful bouquet of socks of rare beauty, first remove the socks from their packaging. We disconnect the threads from the socks if they are fastened together.

  1. We begin to twist the sock. You need to start from the elastic side of the sock. We twist it, forming a tube or roll. Outwardly, it should resemble a rose flower.

Note! You don't need to roll the roll too tightly, otherwise it won't resemble a flower. A weak twist will make the bud loose. Everything should be in moderation, you need to focus on appearance.

  1. Now you need to secure the resulting flowers with a pin. For this purpose, it is better to use a safety pin with a bead.

  1. We form the remaining buds from socks and insert skewers into the resulting flowers; they can be either wooden or plastic. Only their length matters - the height of the resulting bouquet depends on it. To secure the fastening, you can attach the sock to the stick with tape.

Note! To create an original composition, you can use socks of different textures. For example, combine flowers from terry and wool socks in one bouquet.

  1. The final stage is packaging the bouquet in paper. Add ribbons to your liking. The bouquet is ready!

Master class 2: tulips from socks

Of course, what you see in the photo below can hardly be called tulips. But for a man with a rich imagination, such a bouquet will do just fine. So, let's try to make a bouquet of tulips from socks.

For it you will need:

  • Light socks.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Decorations - butterflies, artificial bugs.
  • Green paper.
  • Pot or bucket.
  • Floral sponge.
  • Pins and beads.
  • Sticks or skewers.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Lay out light-colored socks on the table.
  2. Fold the sock as shown in the photo.
  3. We twist the sock, trying to get an elongated roll.

  4. Secure the roll with a pin.

  5. We form the remaining tulips and insert skewers or sticks into the buds.
  6. We cut out leaves from colored paper and glue them to skewers.
  7. Place a sponge in a bucket or pot and secure it with glue.
  8. We insert the resulting flowers into the sponge, carefully distributing them around the circumference of the pot (if you don’t have a sponge, you can use plasticine or alabaster solution).
  9. We decorate the surface of the pot with grass from shavings, arrange bugs and butterflies (optional and to enliven the composition).

The bouquet of tulips is ready!

Master class 3: a beautiful bouquet of socks

The flowers from this bouquet are more reminiscent of roses. To create a bouquet you will need:

  • Plastic balls for a dry pool.
  • Socks.
  • Colored paper.
  • Package.
  • Rubber bands.

Step by step instructions:

  1. We insert the balls into the socks. We tighten the excess part of the sock with an elastic band.
  2. We form several colors.
  3. We make a skirt out of paper, put our balls on it, and tie it with an elastic band that grabs the paper.
  4. We make a cone from wrapping paper.
  5. We insert the resulting balls there and carefully secure them with a stapler to the paper base.
  6. The result is a simple stylized bouquet-ball.

Other sock gifts

You can make a Christmas tree from socks. To do this, a frame is first made from wooden skewers with clothespins glued to it. Socks rolled into tubes are secured to clothespins with rubber bands.

An alternative to a bouquet of socks can be paintings made from socks. For this you will need a frame, cardboard, socks. The cardboard is inserted into the frame, a paper vase is formed, twigs and leaves can be drawn. The socks are glued to double-sided tape in the form of a three-dimensional applique.

Whatever you choose, whatever bouquet you make for your man, the main thing is that it is made with love. Your man will remember this gift with a smile for a long time.

A bouquet of socks is suitable for a man as a main or additional gift. The most important thing is that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to create it. This is a good budget gift for a man. This idea will especially appeal to young mothers, who may not have extra money for a gift, but really want to please their man.

Video: how to make a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands

For greater clarity, we offer you several videos with master classes on making wonderful bouquets from socks with your own hands.

In this article I would like to highlight the issue of choosing a bouquet for a man. This question is quite relevant and includes a lot of nuances.

Are you familiar with the fact that Japanese women have been giving flowers to their men for centuries? On the so-called Boys' Day, ikebana is a traditional offering. This is not typical for our mentality, because even on February 23rd they usually give something else.

Still, bouquets are mainly a gift for ladies. However, representatives of the stronger sex also need congratulations. “What bouquet should I give a man?” - Believe me, more than one woman has a headache over this issue. How can this be? Don't panic! In this article we will cover this issue in as much detail as possible, and you will no longer be afraid of getting into an awkward situation.

How to make a bouquet from men's underpants

For decoration, we will need, in fact, the wardrobe item itself, artificial flower stems, wire, decorative ribbons and packaging in which ordinary flower bouquets are decorated. It will be much more convenient to form buds from underwear if you wrap them around the stems. The stems, in turn, will be held in place thanks to the wire.

It is recommended to attach the buds to the stems with ribbons - it will be quite beautiful. You can additionally decorate the bouquet with some elements in the form of butterflies or dew drops from beads. In addition, if you include socks or ties in the bouquet, you will get a real gentleman's set. You can carefully tie the entire composition with a tie.

IMPORTANT: Is it worth separately stipulating that such a gift should only be given to your loved one? The gift is quite intimate, although it can be decorated with humor.

How to make a bouquet and socks?

A very simple, inexpensive and original way to bring joy to a representative of the stronger sex. There are jokes about gifts in the form of socks, even despite the obvious benefits of this item. Well, what if you design your socks in the shape of bouquet buds? So what we need:

  • Several pairs of socks. Naturally, new and different colors. Although you can keep the gift in the same color scheme, rely on your perception. The combination of dark and light shades looks quite interesting.
  • Scissors
  • Regular or safety pins - at your discretion
  • Scotch
  • Any sticks - these could be balloon sticks, cocktail tubes, skewers for small sandwiches, kebab sticks. In general, everything that is within your reach
  • Wrapping paper used to wrap regular bouquets
  • A variety of accessories to suit your taste - beads, beads, ribbons, toys. You can prepare a decorative basket if you plan to present a gift in it

Although it seems that making a bouquet is not easy, believe me, this is a misconception. You can create it as follows:

  • Unpack your socks and roll them into a tube. This should be done around their axis, starting with the elastic band. Socks twisted in this way are transformed into buds
  • Now bend the edges of the resulting buds - so they will look like blossoming petals. It is not recommended to simply leave socks rolled up, since the similarity with flowers in this case will be minimal

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that it is not recommended to roll socks tightly, you should not do this too loosely, as the item will simply fall apart. It is very important to observe the so-called “golden mean”.

  • Secure the resulting buds with pins - this will guarantee that they will keep the required shape. From an aesthetic point of view, English ones are ideal, thanks to which the finished bouquet will look elegant and festive. Often such pins are decorated with a bead, which will come in handy
  • Make several of these buds - the number depends on the expected volume of the bouquet
  • Now you should add stems to the buds - the prepared sticks are useful for this. They can be either long or short. Don’t be upset if you only managed to get short ones - in this case the bouquet will turn out to be miniature, but no less cute. You can secure the sticks with tape or tape.

  • The finishing touch is to wrap the resulting bouquet in gift paper. If you have never wrapped bouquets before, it doesn’t matter, it’s easy to do. You just need to cut out two rectangles from paper, fold them diagonally and slightly corrugate them, collecting them in the center. At the same stage, you can add decorative elements in the form of ribbons and beads. You can even put candy in the package. The resulting bouquet can also be placed in a decorative basket if you don’t want to bother with wrapping paper

How to make a beer bouquet from fish and beer for men

If a man likes to treat himself to a foamy drink from time to time, a bouquet of beer and fish would be a great gift. You can simply wrap the fish in folded newspaper and tie it with ribbon. Cans of beer can be neatly folded into a cake shape.

Or you can combine all the components of the gift into one composition. To do this we need the following:

  • Big can of beer. You can even buy a small barrel - it will look quite interesting
  • Several fish that will look great if you pack each of them in a transparent package. It is recommended to give dried roach
  • Packages with crackers, smoked meat, snacks, pistachios, squid, nuts, chips

IMPORTANT: All packages with snacks should be small in size - large ones in a bouquet will look sloppy.

  • Special gun for gluing materials
  • Wooden sticks
  • A set consisting of satin ribbons. It is preferable to purchase ribbons in dark shades
  • Decorative mesh, which can be purchased at a store that sells products for florists

So, the material has been prepared. How to start designing it?

  • First of all, glue packs of snacks, crackers or some other snack to the top of the jar or barrel. This can be done using a glue gun. Be sure to leave the opening of the jar untouched.
  • Now take the packaged fish. If you are puzzled about where to get roach in ready-made packaging, simply wrap the fish in decorative cellophane for flowers, which can also be purchased at a florist store. Wrapping the roach, gather the cellophane of each fish at the top into a bundle and tie it with a satin ribbon
  • Take wooden sticks and distribute them along the length of the fish. Do it carefully
  • Now glue the sticks to the beer can. You can also place them in a large beer mug. Or fold it into a bouquet, tied with wrapping paper
  • Now secure the pistachios on wooden sticks and insert them into the overall bouquet. Decorate the entire composition with decorative mesh and ribbons

bouquet in a beer mug

Make a bouquet of panties with your own hands

We talked above about how you can simply wrap the underpants around decorative stems, thus creating a resemblance to buds. You can do it another way, creating a more complex composition that includes socks:

  • First of all, roll up your panties with a roller, holding the elastic
  • Now lift the colored bottom that will create the color design and wrap it around the elastic
  • Now you can create a design for the bud - the composition will then turn out to be quite interesting and somewhat multi-tiered. Socks of the same color range can be used as decoration items. Fold your socks so that the heels and toes are pointing up - you get some kind of petals
  • Fold these petals around the panty bud, securing everything with an elastic band for money
  • Using a similar scheme, make several buds with petals, combining them into a bouquet
  • Wrap the resulting bouquet with florist wrap and decorate with decorative trim of your choice. It would be a great idea to tie a bouquet with a tie.

Bouquet of sweets for a man

This idea is good for several reasons:

  • Many men love sweets no less than women
  • This bouquet, unlike a flower bouquet, is quite functional
  • It will be remembered for a long time, despite the banality of such a gift as candy

Creating a bouquet of sweets is solely a figment of your imagination. The composition can include not only candies, but also snacks, interesting accessories, unusual cards, and alcoholic drinks. Here is one idea for creating a candy bouquet:

  • Take a regular small plastic bottle and cut off the cap
  • Based on the capacity of the bottle, cut a small cylinder from a hard washcloth

IMPORTANT: Check that the cylinder fits into the bottle. It doesn’t have to travel far; you can install it in a bottle closer to the surface.

  • Fill the bottle a little more than half full with candy.
  • Now wrap the cylinder with golden paper, insert it into the bottle on top of the candies already poured there
  • Take the remaining candies and wrap them in some pretty way. It is advisable to attach the candies to the skewers

  • The final step is to place the candies in the bottle above the cylinder. You can hold it all together with tape.

...or in the form of a grenade - just in time for February 23

Bouquets for men on February 23

Whatever bouquet you are considering for a gift to a man on February 23, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • Make sure that the shape of the bouquet is linear. This rule applies to all bouquets - both hand-made and purchased from florists. Baskets and spherical shapes are not welcome - this is a more feminine option. An exception, perhaps, can be made for the option with socks, since not everyone is able to properly attach socks to sticks. But as for the flowers, they should be on high legs, but not create a strong volume

IMPORTANT: It is better to let the bouquet be larger in height than in width. Clear outlines and corners are welcome.

  • Now a few words about the decor - it’s simply wonderful if the decoration is not only ribbon and packaging, but also high-quality coffee, tea, and a bottle of alcoholic beverage. A very good idea is to add themed souvenirs: for example, if you congratulate the driver, you can attach a toy car, if the athlete - a ball

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to minimize brightly colored ribbons and colorful packaging papers. It is best to choose something more neutral, albeit festive.

...or so
  • Leave the pastel colors to the ladies. For men, rich shades are preferable, preferably dark.

Bottle bouquets for men

If a man is not averse to drinking alcoholic beverages from time to time, then he will certainly appreciate a bouquet made from bottles. Bottles should be beautifully tied with ribbons. Even better, wrap each bottle in a separate bag according to the principle by which we described wrapping fish, and attach wooden sticks to the package.

In this case, the sticks, of course, must be thick, because the bottles are much heavier than the fish. Snacks will look natural in such a bouquet. If the bouquet composition turns out to be too massive, place it in a flower pot. The pot can be tied with ribbon.

Men's bouquets of flowers

Despite the fact that women usually receive flowers as a gift, men will also certainly be pleased to receive them. However, it is important to consider some nuances. What flowers are worth paying attention to?

IMPORTANT: Classic roses can also be presented to a man. However, remember that they are a symbol of passionate affection, so they are not suitable as a gift to your boss or friend; it is better to leave them for your beloved man.

Original bouquets for men

The bouquet does not necessarily have to be decorated in a standard way. Men are big children, so they will probably be delighted with a floral gift in the form of a ship or a treasure chest. It is better to entrust such beauty to a professional florist, as it is quite difficult to make.

However, with due diligence and training, you can make something similar with your own hands. You can complement the flowers with a bottle of good wine, cognac or other alcoholic drink, sweets, fruits, a variety of snacks, and decorative elements.

Original design - chest

Cool bouquets for men

It is absolutely not necessary to give flowers. Above, we already wrote about an idea with an interesting design in the form of bouquets of socks, panties, alcoholic drinks and snacks for them, fish, and sweets. In addition, you can beautifully put together and present a set of deodorants, shaving foam, and chocolate bars. It all depends solely on your imagination.

As you can see, men can and even should be given bouquets. Believe me, they will certainly appreciate your original approach, sense of humor and care. Even flowers can be presented in such a way as to highlight the qualities of a man. We hope that we were able to make it easier for you to choose a gift.

Socks are the most trivial gift for a man. But even it can be turned into an original present if you approach the matter with humor. A bouquet of socks combines an extraordinary approach, colorful design, practicality and humor of the moment.

Who should I give unfading roses to?

It so happened that it is customary to give items of underwear only to the closest men: spouse, son, father or brother. However, this rule can be extended to a close colleague, a fellow student, and just a good friend, if they do not lack a sense of humor.

An extravagant, but at the same time whimsical bouquet of various combinations of colors of socks and panties for a man can become a unique addition to the main gift both on February 23 and on the recipient’s birthday. Decorating a bouquet with beads, ribbons, artificial leaves and floral mesh will “blow the mind” of the recipient before he even guesses what the gifted composition consists of.

Advice!A bouquet of socks can also be presented to a female person: here the palette of colors is richer, and there is no need for a reason for gifting.

The process of transforming socks into flowers

For this simple work you need the following tools and materials:

  • socks – several multi-colored pairs;
  • thin elastic bands;
  • wooden skewers or cocktail straws;
  • ribbon for floristry;
  • wrapping paper;
  • scissors;
  • stationery stapler with staples.

Creating a flower arrangement from socks is fun, simple, low-cost and short-lived. Armed with scissors, first cut the labels off the socks. Then we roll each sock into a tube, folding the edges outward. We form a rose bud. We fix it tightly with an elastic band. Then insert a skewer into the resulting product. We do the same with all socks.

Now let's start decorating the bouquet. To begin with, we secure all the flowers into a single composition with an elastic band. Then we wrap the bouquet with floral paper: to give volume to the wrapper, we gather it together using a stapler and tie it with ribbon. That's it, an unforgettable bouquet of socks, intended for a man, and, most importantly, made with your own hands, is ready to become a gift.

Advice! You can add color to the bouquet by placing artificial leaves, dried flowers, and hairpins with beads.

Delicate buds from underwear

For this simple bouquet you will need little: the actual piece of underwear (quantity - according to your wishes and capabilities), kebab skewers, wire or tape, ribbon and green corrugated paper for decoration.

Making roses from panties is not significantly different from how you can make an unusual bouquet of multi-colored socks as a gift for a man. Just follow the instructions and recommendations:

  • We cut strips of corrugated paper approximately 1.5–2 cm wide.
  • We twist them in a spiral around the kebab sticks.
  • We fold the panties in four and tightly twist the roller around the skewer, forming a rosette.
  • We fix the lower part of the flower on a stick using wire or tape.
  • We form paper bags around each of the buds, attaching them with tape to a skewer.
  • We wrap the resulting bouquet in paper and decorate it with ribbon.

Improvised sock-and-pants bouquets look great in baskets, flowerpots, boxes, various flowerpots, the design of which does not take much time and money. Sometimes it is enough to wrap them in colored wrapping paper, securing it with a stapler or tape, and the product will sparkle with new colors. A bouquet of all kinds of socks or panties for a man (photo), presented in a similar design, will not leave any representative of the stronger sex indifferent.

Advice! If you add inclusions of a tie and socks to the composition, the bouquet will be a gentleman’s set.

Floral panty and socks combo

Another option for the extraordinary design of a banal gift, which for one unit of flower requires:

  • socks – 1 pair;
  • panties – 1 piece;
  • elastic band for money – 1 pc.

In this craft, contrasting colors are desirable. For example, if your socks are dark in color, then it is advisable to choose a lighter item of underwear. Family briefs or racer shorts are perfect for this composition.

  • First, roll up the elastic band of the panties. Then we lift the “pants legs” and wrap the edges around the elastic, forming a rose.
  • We remove the socks from the packaging, unfold them and fold their lower part in half diagonally so that the heel and toe are directed in the same direction: they will serve as the lower tier of the bud petals.
  • Then we wrap the socks around the formed flower from the panties so that the heels and toes of the products are directed upward. We grab it under the bud with an elastic band so that the flower does not fall apart, and straighten the petals.

Advice! One flower is charming, but if there are several of them, and even wrapped in wrapping paper, then such a bouquet will be appreciated by its owner.

The decoration part of the bouquet

You can decorate a sock bouquet in various ways:

  • In the middle of each rolled sock roll you can put a round candy wrapped in foil.
  • If the arrangement of socks is depressingly black, then you should wrap each of the flowers in bright paper: then the bouquet will look elegant even in black.
  • If, when forming a rose from a sock, you wrap it with a contrasting ribbon and then roll it into a cylinder, the flower will sparkle with colors.

The bouquet can be a gift for the New Year, Valentine's Day, February 23, May 9: you just need to use the symbolism of a particular holiday in the composition

The bouquet can be a gift for the New Year, Valentine's Day, February 23, May 9: you just need to use the symbolism of a particular holiday in the composition. A heart, snowflakes or a star - any design detail in the bouquet will be iconic.

Advice! If the bouquet is for a child, then it can be supplemented with a toy.

Inedible but romantic “dessert”

Floristry is an entertaining business, but cooking is no less exciting. And even though the confectionery product is indigestible, a homemade sock craft does not cease to be called a cake.

To create a culinary masterpiece, you will need a significant number of pairs of socks, narrow tape, ribbon for decoration and deodorant (you can use shaving foam, shower gel or a bottle of alcohol). The most expensive gift, but the time required to make it is negligible. The cake will be two tiers.

Three-tier sock cake
  • Prepare the bottom “crust”. To do this, place a deodorant in the middle of the table, around which we place pairs of socks rolled up with rollers and secured with tape. Wrap the bottom layer with tape to prevent it from falling apart.
  • We make the second tier of smaller diameter. We roll the socks with rollers, not in pairs, but each one separately. We also wrap the top “crust” with tape.
    Cut out a base for the cake from cardboard and place it under it.
    Tie the product with ribbons and pack in transparent packaging cellophane.

Advice! Ribbons of different widths and colors will look original and expressive on the cake.

Wearable military equipment

We've shown you step by step how to make a bouquet of multi-colored socks and panties for your man. But in addition to the floral theme, a craft in the form of a tank will help add creativity and humor to a gift made from banal socks. To create a piece of military equipment, not only socks are useful: underpants can also be used.

This exciting activity will take very little time and financial costs. You can introduce your child to this creativity: this will serve as an infusion of new creative thoughts into the creation or design of a gift.

To make a tracked vehicle you will need:

  • panties – 4 pcs.;
  • socks – 2 pairs;
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • ribbon for floristry;
  • narrow tape;
  • ballpoint pen (to match the product);
  • scissors.

We start by folding the panties vertically in four and rolling them tightly with a roller. To prevent it from unfolding, we wrap it at both ends with tape or silicone rubber bands. Perform these manipulations on the three remaining items of underwear.

Then, using scissors, we cut a piece of cardboard so that its width is equal to (or slightly less than) the length of the rollers. The length of the folded strip of cardboard should correspond to the cross-section of four rollers folded closely in a row. We put a sock on the prepared cardboard on both sides, which should completely cover the cardboard.

We make a tower of military equipment from the second pair of socks, tightly rolled with a roller. We fix the cylindrical shape of the tower with tape or rubber bands. We insert a ballpoint pen into the center of the roller, forming the barrel of a tank, and place it on the structure of panties. We tie a ribbon around these two components of the craft.

Advice! A tank turret, instead of socks, and a gun barrel, instead of a handle, can serve as a men's perfume, the neck of which just needs to be wrapped in thick paper, forming a gun barrel.

Space themed socks

You can't have too many socks. Therefore, using them as a gift will never be superfluous. And it doesn’t matter in what capacity they are presented: a creative bouquet or a war machine made from socks will be a welcome gift for a man if they are made with care; and a master class on making a rocket from socks will help solve the old problem of decorating gifts in a new way.

To make a rocket you will need:

  • socks – 4 pairs;
  • sushi stick or cocktail tube;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • paper napkins;
  • several bank rubber bands;
  • scotch;
  • markers;
  • scissors.

The needlework procedure takes a short time. A little desire, a little perseverance, a minimum of imagination and voila - the rocket is ready for launch:

  • We lay out four socks, folded in half, in a straight line, overlapping with an offset of 3–3.5 cm.
  • Turn it over and roll it tightly into a roll, which we tie with a rubber band for banknotes.
  • Thread a cocktail tube or wooden skewer into the center.
  • The heel part of the socks is an improvised tail unit of a rocket.
    We turn three socks with the heel side up.
  • We stack them one on top of the other and wrap them around the skewer above the bottom, securing with an elastic band. The result is the central level of the future rocket.
  • We cut out a cone from cardboard - the upper part of the craft.
  • The workpiece should be in the form of a segment with a radius of 10–12 cm and an angle of 100°.
  • Roll the shape into a cone and secure the edges with tape.
  • Fill the cone with napkins and apply it to the sock structure.
  • We put the last sock on the cone and pull it onto the structure up to the tail unit of the future rocket.
  • Fold the bottom of the sock upward.
  • Next, we cut out a strip from colored paper or cardboard, the length of which would cover the structure in volume, and the width would cover the connecting parts of the rocket. The approximate dimensions of the tenderloin are 12x25 cm.
  • We secure the cardboard to the rocket with tape and wrap the edges of the last sock onto the cardboard.
  • We decorate the spacecraft by applying drawings and congratulatory inscriptions on cardboard.

Advice! The rocket can be taller or have a larger diameter, but this will require more socks.

Even the most prosaic and ordinary gift can become extraordinary and bring positive emotions if presented in an extraordinary form.

To some extent, sock flowers are even better than real ones: they are not whimsical, do not fade, and do not need to be watered or the water under them changed. They perform an excellent decorative function: placed in a vase, they can easily be confused with real flowers. Even panels and paintings are made from sock roses. And men will appreciate handicrafts, especially since they were created by the hands of a dear person.

With a little imagination, you can completely transform even the most trivial gift. For example, create a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands. This gift combines several advantages: practicality, originality and beauty of design, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate to the recipient a special approach to both the gift and himself. How to make a bouquet from socks and/or panties?

How difficult is it to make such a masterpiece? Our tips will help you appreciate this in practice.

Why turn socks or panties into bouquets?

It is believed that such wardrobe items can only be presented to the closest people: husband, son, father, brother. However, this rule can be broken - with an original presentation and the hero of the occasion has an excellent sense of humor. A practical and beautiful bouquet of a combination of briefs and socks or these men's wardrobe items taken separately will be an excellent addition to the main gift. By adding floral mesh, beads and artificial leaves to your masterpiece, you will leave the recipient scratching his head before he realizes what the composition presented to him is made of!

So, how to make a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands?

First, decide whether the “flowers” ​​will consist of individual socks or folded in pairs. Remember that the number of colors must be odd. And therefore, when choosing the first option, one pair will need to be added together. This flower will be larger and denser than others, so it can be used to decorate the central part of the composition.

So, let's start creating a gift bouquet.


  • several pairs of multi-colored socks;
  • pins or rubber bands for tightening banknotes;
  • floral tapes, nets, etc.;
  • corrugated paper, decorative bucket, vase or other elements used to finalize the gift.


If you want to create a bouquet of socks for a man, the master class will help you successfully solve this problem.

For greater convenience, you can consider the process of making a gift step by step.

  1. Gently straighten the sock.
  2. Start rolling it into a roll, gradually moving from the toe to the heel, and then to the toes.
  3. In order for the flower to better hold its shape, the sock needs to be bent near the foot.
  4. Carefully wrap the bottom of the sock around the base of your bud and secure it with a pin or rubber band.
  5. Carefully straighten the top part of the resulting flower.
  6. For ease of assembling the bouquet, all tightly rolled socks should be placed on bamboo skewers or cocktail tubes.

To make an original bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands, you can complement it with artificial flowers of a contrasting color. They will enliven the composition and make it truly festive.

Alternatively, your creation can be placed in an original “vase”. A brightly colored decorative bucket is suitable for this purpose. And the picture will be complemented by dried flowers and floral paper, indispensable for arranging bouquets.

In general, use your imagination to the fullest!

A bouquet for a man made from socks and panties will look no less original.

Don't be afraid to be original, especially if your recipient is a fairly close person! A gift in the form of a beautiful bouquet of socks or using it as a non-standard “add-on” to a more substantial gift will appeal to any man with a developed sense of humor. And you will be given the title of a person who knows how to transform even the most ordinary things. Be creative and your talent will not go unappreciated!

On a holiday like February 23, some women present their men with underwear. But how to decorate this gift so that it is not perceived as banal and ordinary? We invite you to make a bouquet of underpants for men.

Simpler option

Making a bouquet with your own hands is very simple, even a beginner can handle it.

We will need:

  • You choose your own panties, color and quantity;
  • rubber bands for money;
  • wrapping paper.

Fold the panties in half crosswise. And we roll them up.

Secure the bud with an elastic band. We roll up the required amount, just remember that there should be an odd number of them.

Wrap in wrapping paper or mesh. We tie it at the base with ribbon.

The collection of such bouquets is always the same and there is not much difference among the master classes. Only the decor and various additions are different, for example, socks, ties, natural and artificial flowers, alcohol, money, etc. However, compositions from men's underwear can be not only in the classic bouquet form.

Underwear tank

This master class will teach you step-by-step technology for packing underwear in the form of a tank. Perfectly suitable as a gift for February 23rd.

We will need:

  • panties – 4 pieces;
  • socks – 2 pairs;
  • cardboard;
  • Chinese chopstick or skewer;
  • scotch;
  • satin ribbon;
  • gift wrapping and bow.

First, we roll the panties into rolls and secure them with tape as we work.

We wrap the ribbon around the skewer.

Then we cut out blanks from cardboard, as shown in the photo.

Please note. The width is equal to the length of the roll, and the length should be such that all the rolled panties fit on it.

We take a pair of socks and put them on cardboard blanks. We place them at the top and bottom of the line of rolls.

From the second pair we make a tower, twisting them into a roll, inserting the barrel of a skewer into the middle and wrapping it with tape. We also wrap the panty blank with tape. Look at the photo below:

We fasten the top and bottom together with a packaging bow.

We'll wrap everything in a transparent bag and include a postcard.

You can also use a ballpoint pen as the barrel of the tank.

If we return to the traditional bouquet, then, no matter how much you would like to add feminine decor, you should avoid this as much as possible. The gift must be brutal. This can be done, for example, by packaging.

For a man with a sweet tooth, add candies; for stability, attach skewers to them.

Or make the center of the composition, for example, shaving gel.

If you don’t have time to form a full-fledged bouquet, then you can put beautiful buds from panties and socks in a beautiful box.

You can include a wallet and alcohol with the gift.

You can also present the linen in the form of a cake. We simply cut out rings of different diameters from cardboard and put them on tubes of foil or cling film. If your man has a favorite drink, then use it. Place roses made from panties and socks on each tier. You can add bath accessories as decoration and an additional gift. And even a toy as a touch of humor.
