How to make my wish come true. How to make your wish come true in a week

From year to year, people are looking for ways to find out how to make their wishes come true. You can implement your plans in 1 day if you approach the issue correctly. Today we will study everything that will help achieve our goal.

How to make a wish and have it come true

Start by articulating what you want to achieve. There will be no “not” in desire. For example, say in your head “I will become rich!” instead of “I will never have a shortage of money!” Better yet, formulate a goal as if you have already achieved it. For example: “I am a successful and rich person who will conquer all the mountains of the world!”

No. 1. Use the power of thought

Surely everyone knows that thoughts are material. If the desire is constantly in your head, you will soon find a way to bring it into reality. As a rule, this method appears in the most unexpected way, because you achieved it through self-hypnosis.

No. 2. Set deadlines

If you don't know how to make your wish come true, start by setting deadlines. In 1 day - this is a relative concept; not everything can be realized at such a speed due to circumstances. For example, if you don’t have the funds for a new camera now, then set a deadline - buy it in 15-30 days. There is no point in desire if it has no boundaries in terms of fulfillment.

No. 3. Set the gist

Only what is sincerely desired with all your heart is fulfilled. If it is some trifle that you forgot about and remembered a week later, then the desire is not important. A real dream encourages a person to burn with it and move forward, this is what you need to achieve.

No. 4. Visualize

Successful people who have already received everything they wanted are advised to engage in visualization. First you need to arm yourself with a pen and paper, and then outline all the details of your desire. Then you need to imagine in your head that you have already built a house, bought a luxury car, and made a career. Having a clear vision of your future success is 95% of the job.

No. 5. Be a little selfish

This tip will tell you how to make your wish come true. If the goal is not material (does not require unimaginable costs), then it may well become a reality in 1 day. Show a little selfishness and make a wish for yourself. You can’t ask for friends or family, it won’t work.

Ways to make your wish come true in 1 day

In addition to the ability to form desires, you can resort to other methods.

No. 1. Mascot

1. Nothing helps out more than a personal item that is a talisman for a person. It could be a pendant, a coin or even a pair of scissors. The main thing is to believe that the item brings good luck.

2. Carry the talisman with you and turn to it every time you think about your desire. You can’t just buy a talisman; it must appear in your life after another victory or happy occasion.

No. 2. Dwarf Miracle

1. You can summon the Dwarf Wonderster once in your entire life. Therefore, think about how strong your desire is? Because you can ask for it only once.

2. Take a damn dozen coins with a face value of 1 kopeck and the same amount of sweets. You will need 5 m of wool thread. For the ritual you need to pick up an old oak tree.

3. Is everything ready? Then we’ll tell you how to make your wish come true. The Dwarf Wonderworker will implement it in 1 day.

4. Fasten the free edge of the thread to the tree. Taking the skein, walk around, making an important speech:

  • “I summon the Wonderworker with the power of a centuries-old oak tree. The leaves are not swaying because of the wind, I feel the breath of the Miracle Man!”

5. When the leaves on the trees sway, take the candies with coins that you saved in advance. Throw everything under the oak tree, saying:

  • « Wonderworker, your power is as powerful as this tree. I believe in you, that's why I'm asking for help. Make my wish come true*dream clearly pronounced*in 1 day. For this I will thank you with sweets and gold. Please, take it at your mercy!”

6. Having addressed the magician, you need to move away from the tree without turning around. That's all, all you have to do is wait for the result.

No. 3. A minute to wish

1. It is generally accepted that a channel between worlds opens once a day; only 60 seconds are allotted for this. If you choose the right time, you can ask for your dream to come true.

2. This interval is calculated according to a certain scheme. If you plan to make a wish from the 1st to the 23rd of the month, then the value of the day is hours, and the value of the month is minutes.

3. To make a wish from the 24th to the 31st, you need to do everything in reverse. That is, the value of the month is hours, the value of the day is minutes.

4. Before you make your wish come true, you should take a calendar and write down the cherished minute 1 day in advance.

5. Every day should have such a minute so as not to miss the moment. When it comes, the desire is pronounced loudly.

No. 4. Ritual with a candle

1. The simplest ritual for which you need to prepare a pencil, a candle and a piece of paper. There are certain instructions that must be followed.

2. So, first you need to take a piece of paper and describe your desire. The piece of paper should fit into your fist. Squeeze it and say:

  • “My greatest wish is that no one will know, it will come true, I believe.”

3. Light a candle, hold a leaf and let it burn. Say:

  • “Mighty and hidden flame, great power, let my wish come true in 1 day.”

4. Ashes will remain. Collect it and pour it into a pendant. Do not tell anyone about the ritual performed.

No. 5. Water spell

How to make your wish come true? Perform a small ritual with purified water. You can achieve your desired goal in 1 day.

1. When you wake up in the morning, fill a small cup with water. Leave it until dusk falls. Before going to bed, you need to say the following words 3 times:

  • « The water is pure, you keep limitless and secret power. You will fill what is needed with life, but you will drown everything else forever. Give me strength, I want to get what I want and fulfill all my dreams. Don’t drown my innermost being, but fill it with strength and revive it. My desires are for the good, and not for the sake of harm, I need all this, no one else. Amen".

2. After the conspiracy, wash yourself with this water. After all these steps, you need to take 3 sips and go to bed.

Why doesn't the wish come true?

A wish may not come true for several reasons; let’s look at the most common ones.

No. 1. Obsession

Once you have fully formed what you want, following all the rules, don't obsess over it. Wish, but don't wait, counting the hours. To prevent negativity from being generated, pacify your impatience. Thoughts should be light.

No. 2. Negative desire

It is wrong to make a negative wish that can cause harm to another person. The Universe is designed in such a way that it will not allow anyone’s negative plans to be realized. Such atrocities can turn against you.

No. 3. An impossible wish

Are you wondering how to make your wish come true? Dream about real things, stay in reality with your thoughts. You need to think about something that is really feasible. In 1 day or even in several years you will not learn to fly or run at the speed of light. Remember, you need to stay in reality.

No. 4. Insincere desire

At first glance, the desire may seem very strong. Sometimes, on the contrary, if you delve into your own subconscious, you can understand that you are simply afraid of global changes. Therefore, you are insincerely wishing for what you want. Be more decisive.

No. 5. Own uncertainty

If you often think that you are not worthy of a better life, not a single wish will come true, because your subconscious does not believe in global changes.

No. 6. Inaction

You must control your destiny, and not sit idly by. Every day the Universe rewards you with luck and gives you a chance to fix everything. But if you don’t even grasp at straws, why just sit and dream? Nothing will happen on its own. Take it and do it, all your dreams and desires are possible if you start acting right now!

Think about how to make your wish come true. This can be made a reality with the help of rituals in 1 day. If suddenly it doesn’t work out, don’t be upset. Finally start taking action. This is the only way you can test your strength and achieve what you could only dream of!

How to make your wish come true? This is truly the million dollar question. Many are interested in the secret of successful people, for whom, as it may seem, any word materializes and becomes a reality. But there are really several ways to achieve your desire.

Basic conditions

So, how to make your wish come true. There is a special magic, so to speak. With its help, you not only set yourself up for success, but program the energy around you and direct it in the right direction. But in order for everything to go as it should, you need to know the basic conditions that will allow you to make a wish and have it come true. So, first: we need specifics. You must know for sure what you need. Condition two: brevity. There is no need to make “three-story” wishes in which cause and effect flow here and there. Laconicism is, for example, “I want a cottage.” The phrase “I want a million” is not laconic and specific. Think about what you need it for, and already work in this direction, wishing for specific things. It will be more effective this way. Condition three: you really must feel it and believe in your strength. Do you want to meet the prince? And for what? To marry him. Start from this point. Condition four: the desire affects only you and does not harm others. And the last thing you will definitely like: make a lot of wishes. Don't limit yourself. Do you want a house with eight rooms? Ask!

Basic Rules

Rule number one: do not limit your desires to time frames. It is clear that I would like to do it faster, but such aspirations, as a rule, only slow down the progress of events. By focusing on a specific date, you simply do not allow your desire to come true. Second rule: do not set the path for realizing your desire. You shouldn’t say: “I want to meet my betrothed at the intersection of Sadovaya and Schmidt” or “I want to get money by winning the lottery.” The energy of the universe, like a river, will find its own way to realize your deepest dream. Rule three: do not talk about your desires and the way to realize them. This way you will only waste your energy, which is necessary to start the process.

How to make your wish come true.

Some tips

If you have just begun to realize your desires, you may encounter disbelief. How can you achieve your desires? In order for you to feel your strength, start small. For example: “I want such and such jeans.” You can ask for anything, as long as it’s small. A thing, a trip to the theater, dinner at a restaurant, a teddy bear, and so on. They say about this: “It’s a small thing, but it’s nice.” That is, you should need what you want, but at the same time the globality of your dream should be at an initial level. The second tip, which will not only be useful, but will speed up getting what you want: write down your desires. Make something like a diary in which you will keep “accounts”, writing everything down in detail and ONLY in the present tense. These will be some kind of affirmations. Do not mention particles and words “not”, “no”, “cannot”, “will”, “want”, “dream” and so on. Describe all your dreams as if they have already come true. So, I hope you have learned for sure how to make your wish come true. Dream, let every bright thought of yours come true!

Quick fulfillment of a desire is the dream of many people who have a cherished goal and have tried many ways to realize it. If your wish does not come true, you can turn to magic, which, if all conditions are met, will help bring the cherished minute closer and contribute to the fulfillment of your dream within 1 day. What can you do to make your wish come true quickly? To do this, you can use the power of magical rituals, conspiracies, prayers, mantras, and also wear talismans.

This ritual is one of the simplest. It allows you to fulfill even a child’s wish. To implement it you will need:

The ritual must be performed taking into account the following instructions:

  1. A dream is described on a piece of paper, then it is placed in a fist, and the following phrase is pronounced: “No one will know what I wished for, it will come true, otherwise things will not happen.”
  2. A ball of paper is burned in a candle flame with the words: “Fire flame, hidden power, create so that everything I desire comes true on this very day.
  3. The resulting ashes are buried in the soil.

To implement your plan, you cannot tell anyone about the ritual performed.

Full moon ritual for quick fulfillment of desires

The most powerful ritual that speeds up the process of wish fulfillment is the one performed during the full moon.

  • To carry out you need:
  • high density paper sheet;
  • saucer;
  • a candle bought in church;

Red pen.

After the wish is fulfilled, the ball is heated and poured into water. Then everything spills out the window.

Summon Dwarf Wonder

It has long been believed that once in your entire life you can ask the Dwarf Wonderworker to fulfill your most cherished desire. In order to call it, you will need the following attributes:

The ritual is performed near a mighty oak tree:

  1. One end of the thread is fixed to the tree.
  2. The man takes a skein of thread and begins to walk around the mighty trunk. At this time you should say: “By the power of this age-old oak tree, I summon the Dwarf Wonderworker. It’s not the wind that shakes the leaves, but the Miracle Man who breathes on me.”
  3. When the leaves on the tree begin to sway, you need to get coins and treats. The gift is thrown under the oak trunk with the words:

“Wonder, great is your glory, as great is this oak tree. I believe in your strength, I ask for help. Make my wish (the dream is clearly pronounced) come true in 1 day. I’ll give you gold and sweets for this, please take it.”

Then you need to turn away and walk away from the tree, but you cannot turn around.

Water spell to make your wish come true quickly

In order for your wish to quickly come true, you can perform a ritual with clean water. To implement it, you must use the instructions:

  • In the morning, water is filled into the container and left until dusk.
  • Before going to bed, the following phrases are said three times:

“The water is clean, from a well. You keep secret power within yourself. You fill what you need with life, but you drown what you need forever. Give me the strength to fulfill my wish and receive what I want. Fill me with strength and revive me, don’t drown my innermost. Not for harm, but for good, not for someone, but for me. Amen".

  • Then you need to wash your face with the charmed liquid.

After reading the plot and ablution, the person takes three sips and goes to bed.

A minute of wish fulfillment

It is believed that once a day, for only 60 seconds, a communication channel opens between the worlds. At this time, there is an opportunity to ask for your cherished dream to come true. You can calculate the appropriate time as follows:

When the golden moment arrives, you must clearly state your desire and sincerely believe in its fulfillment.

Rules for making wishes for the New Year

A wish can quickly come true if you make it on New Year's Day. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  1. A cherished wish is displayed on a piece of paper in red ink.
  2. At midnight, when the chimes strike, the paper is brought to a candle flame and burned. In this case, the candle should be red.
  3. The ashes are placed in a glass of champagne, the drink is stirred and drunk.

At the same time, during the procedure you should think that the wish has already come true. You need to complete all the actions before the end of the chimes.

The power of mantra

You can also achieve your plans with the help of a mantra. To do this, you need to find her audio recording. It is best to learn the mantra by heart and then chant it yourself.

This procedure helps to relax the body and fills the energy with favorable vibrations. Taken together, these effects allow you to quickly fulfill your desire.

Tree crown strength

There is another effective way that will help your dream come true. To do this, you need to stand under the crown of a mighty tree and say your desire in all details. Then the person needs to jump and try to reach the branch. The procedure is repeated twice more, while during the jump you need to try to reach a higher branch.

This action helps a person train his will, thanks to his concentration. While jumping, a person helps his desire come true.


A personal talisman will help you make your wish come true. Absolutely any item that brings good luck to a person can be used as it. The selected item should be carried with you at all times, and when uttering a cherished desire, believe in its power.

To determine your talisman, you need to take turns taking your favorite personal items with you, observing how the course of life events changes. Those things in which a person is surrounded by success are his talismans.

Prayer for the fulfillment of desires

Believers can ask God for help in fulfilling their cherished desire. At the same time, it is necessary to often attend church and read prayers. You should also turn to God outside the church, thanking him for all life changes.

To fulfill your own desire, you can turn to a specific saint. One of them is St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. To fulfill your desire, you need to come to church and read a prayer to this saint.

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

In order for your dream to come true faster, you need to know a few things.

It is also worth considering that the request for the fulfillment of a desire should be directed only at oneself.

Why didn't the wish come true?

There are cases in which a wish made according to all the rules is not fulfilled. This can happen for a number of reasons:

Also, a wish may not come true if a person does not believe in his own strength, if he considers his personality unworthy of this dream.

In order to create a favorable environment for the fulfillment of a dream, it is necessary to remain calm and carry out all rituals and pronounce conspiracies in silence. It is best if a person lights a church candle at the same time.

If the ceremony is not tied to a specific day, it is advisable to carry it out on the first day of the month, since they are considered the starting point of a new life stage. After a wish has been made, you should not just wait for it to come true, but rather help this process and direct all your efforts towards achieving your goal.

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Each of us wants to have some kind of magical tool that will easily make everything we want into reality. Genies, goldfish, magic wands... They have to be somewhere! How to make your wish come true?

Don't worry about it. All these tools for fulfilling desires have existed for a long time. Moreover, they are available to everyone! And all the doors of the Universe are open to those who use them.

Magic according to science

Remember fairy tales with the main characters who just happen to receive a gift from fate: a goldfish, a genie from a bottle, or a ring with three gold miners falling into their hands. What do all these lucky people have in common? Ever wondered?

But everything is simple. All of them were “pure in soul,” like Aladdin, and rejoiced at simple things: the stars in the sky, the clear sun, a piece of bread. That is, they observed the abundance of the Universe around them and sincerely rejoiced in their lives. Truly, “there is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it.”

What does it mean to be “pure in soul”? There is an explanation in the New Testament from Jesus: “Be like children.” That is, live today and rejoice like children in every bright day. And believe in miracles. Young children do not tend to be offended for a long time, delve into the past, or do something out of spite. They always justify themselves and do not live with guilt. They play what they like and love everyone around them.

But how can you return yourself to a state of eternal play and lightness? This is especially difficult to do when you have nothing to feed your children, nothing to pay rent and no way to replace your holey shoes with new ones. The good news is: if you are reading this article, it means you are already on the path to a new life.

And very soon the lamp with the genie will fall into your hands. Or rather, you already have it (and always have), you just need to change your perspective and you will immediately discover it. You will “remember” how, with a snap of your fingers, you can force the Universe to do what you want, and not your boss, husband (wife), mother-in-law, etc.

There are several effective techniques on how to become a master (wizard, child) again:

It’s clear that you need to make your dreams playful, so that your inner child (so charming and mega-talented) will help you with this. But first things first. Before you begin virtual-real magic, you need to decide: what do you want?

How to choose the right dream

A person becomes a person only thanks to other people. It is a fact. There are many experiments and evidence on this topic. A person brought up without the participation of other people will never be able to speak, walk correctly and be in society.

But in addition to skills, a way of thinking, habits (they become alcoholics only in society), self-belief or disbelief, aspirations and, of course, desires are imposed on the little person.

Most people who want to fulfill “their” dream, after it comes true, come to the conclusion that a lot of precious time has been wasted. And they don’t need what they got at all. Have you ever thought, perhaps the Universe does not give you the desired car, apartment, dacha, beloved Vasya Pupkin from the next door just because you don’t really need all this? Therefore, you should not wonder how to make your wish come true right now.

To determine the truth of the desired goal, there are two ways to check:

As you can see, separating a true desire from a false one will not be difficult. And it will save a lot of time. If you look at it, all people are chasing “chimeras”. What we want today is yesterday. Yesterday we wanted a home and holiday in Cyprus. It often happens that when an object falls into your hands, it does not evoke the delight that once excited the imagination.

Buddhist monks claim that for a happy life we ​​need to look not for specific things (handbags, trinkets, cars, houses), but for the state of flight. It is the trembling of the soul that will indicate the real values ​​that are worth striving for.

How to revive your goal

If you have already decided on your desires, have a decent list of 30-100 orders to the Universe, get ready to create. Perhaps it will be unusual. At first. Understand, the inner master slept for a long time, they always brushed him aside and did not believe him. And as unnecessary, he settled in a distant dark corner of your consciousness next to dust and cobwebs.

So, initiation...

Once you have decided, you need to correctly write down what you want. It is important. Materialization is like the birth of a baby. Everything must be in place, otherwise the fruit will not take root.

The basic rules for writing a goal can be summarized as follows:

Awakening of the “Master” or Simoron

All Simoron rituals are aimed at removing the boundaries that a person sets for himself. Our brain is designed in such a way that it is difficult for it to get out of its comfort zone, even if it makes you a rich and successful person. The mind takes a long time to settle into new conditions, but when it gets used to it, you can’t pry it out of its home with tongs.

These restrictions can be easily removed if the usual routines are slightly changed. The pattern will break. At this moment you need to push a new idea into your head. It will take root there, and the brain will begin to implement it.

There are many Simoron techniques, all of them are creative and invented by people in the “master” state. All techniques work and give amazing results. When you understand the meaning of rituals, you can easily invent them and even share them with others.

Simoron technique “rewriting the biography”

Since simoron is a playful magic, it allows you to mock the most serious things. Over your destiny for example . You will need:

  1. Paper, pen and 10-15 minutes of free time.
  2. Get ready to create. We will create our own destiny in real time. Let your imagination run wild! You can take as a basis a single episode from life, your whole life from the very beginning, or imagine something new.
  3. You need to write in real time - now. It's like you're describing what you see.

Start by writing down your loved one as incredibly lucky. If you are looking for a job, describe the day you were accepted into the most advanced international company. For example, like this:

“Today is one of my many happiest days in life. Today I found a better job that I could never have dreamed of. In the morning I received a call from OJSC “Super-Happiness-Megaprom” and was offered a position as a salary corrector for directors of banks all over the world. The work is difficult, but interesting - dividing the salary and transferring most of it to my fund “For a dress and a handbag.” The whole team greeted me very cordially - they were waiting for me, dreaming about me. I have a large office overlooking the Eiffel Tower."

There are no limits to imagination. Walk your brain through the expanses of your Universe, beautiful and endless. Changes will begin almost immediately - from your well-being and further along the chain into reality. Everyone who used this trick noted real positive changes in their lives: some found a job, others found a soul mate.

It is better to write a successful, rich and beautiful life. And the realities will catch up. Thus, you can get married or win at a casino, and then give this money to charity. Whatever your soul asks for, give it to it.

By the way, scientists studying brain waves have come to an interesting fact: our minds do not distinguish between what actually happened and what we imagined. The neural signals are the same in both cases.

Alpha visualization

An excellent technique that not only helps to implement your plans, but also trains the imagination, develops the power of thought and extrasensory abilities.

The whole trick of the technique is the ability to relax as much as possible. This state is achieved through training. Alpha - the name comes from the relaxed state of the body in which the brain emits alpha waves. Scientists say that alpha relaxation has a direct impact on events.

The meaning of practice is complex and simple at the same time. Those who find it easy to consciously relax find it easier to visualize the desired object. Those who do not know how to calmly stay in one position will have to practice. So, what needs to be done to make your wish come true:

After practice, you will feel a surge of strength and confidence that the goal is in your hands. It will become completely clear to you how to fulfill your desire in 1 day.

A collage on whatman paper works well for work. Various bright pictures with wishes are glued onto a large sheet of paper, which can be cut out from old magazines or printed. The collage needs to be periodically adjusted: add new pictures, sign and color. Approach the topic creatively, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Practice “Glass of water” by V. Zeland

Its simplicity is reminiscent of Simoron rituals. This is probably why our people liked the method and quickly spread online. Many people write that water helps make a wish come true in just one day. V. Zeland (the author) took the informational properties of water as his assistant. It's simple:

  1. Take a glass of regular drinking water.
  2. Your cherished desire is briefly written on the sheet, and a glass is placed on top.
  3. You need to hug a glass of water with your hands without touching the walls. Mentally fill the water with energy. You can imagine how the water begins to glow. 1-2 minutes will be enough.
  4. Once you feel you have had enough, drink water. Rest assured - your wish will come true.
  5. To enhance the effect, you can leave the water by your bed overnight and drink it in the morning.

Try different methods, look for what you need to do to make your wish come true instantly. Remember, a thought is material; you just need to help it become reality faster. After all, any thinking person is endowed with power, you just need to practice a little magic.

Remember the wise phrase “Beware of your wishes, they tend to come true.” This phrase contains great wisdom that when you make a wish, it will come true. Indeed, sooner or later our dreams come true, but how they come true is also important. An incorrectly formulated desire can bring a lot of trouble to a person, and there are many examples of this. Suffice it to recall the myth about the greedy King Midas, who wished that everything he touched would turn into gold, and he would have died of starvation if not for the mercy of the gods, as well as the food that he took into his hands , also became gold. Or, for example, the sad story about one man who wanted a suitcase with a million dollars, long and passionately imagined it in his imagination until one long-awaited day he finally received it, but from the hands of an insurance agent as an insurance claim. the death of all members of his family in a car accident. Or a story about a woman who was tired of working and dreamed of finally resting, without specifying how, but as a result she broke her leg and then actually rested, only in a hospital bed. It is quite obvious that this was not the kind of vacation she dreamed of.
In fact, the desires of these people came true, only instead of the expected happiness, they brought them grief and suffering. In order to avoid such fatal mistakes and not then wring your hands in despair, repeating that you actually wanted something completely different, you need to know and observe certain precautions when making wishes, since our words and thoughts have enormous power. 1. Firstly, desires must be formulated correctly, that is, with all important clarifications and additions. It is necessary to describe in detail all those desired qualities that you consider important and at the same time give the wise Universe the right to choose where you think it is possible. 2. Don’t start pronouncing your desire with the words “I want.” You want? Well, continue to want to continue for the rest of your life. As they say, there is no harm in wanting. The fact is that the phrase “I want” only implies the expression of a desire, and not its further implementation. 3. Before making your wish, think carefully: “Is this really what you want?” “Is your desire true?” That is, whether it comes from your heart or is imposed on you from the outside: by the concepts of fashion and prestige or by someone or something else. The chances of successful fulfillment of a true desire increase many times over. 4. A phrase indicating a desire should be constructed according to the following formula: I + verb in the present tense + all important clarifications and additions. Your desire should be as specific as possible. For example: I easily start a happy relationship with a loved one who loves me. I easily get a job (what kind? by whom? where?). I'm going to relax and have fun (where? when?). I easily receive (what? how much? when?) or I become a happy owner (what? when?), etc. 3. Do not use the particle “not” when formulating a desire; our brain does not perceive it. 4. Remember your desire daily. Print photographs, pictures depicting the object of your desire, print your desire on sheets of paper, hang them in the most prominent places in your home, repeat your desire out loud and to yourself. The more often you think about your desire and imagine that it has already come true, the better. 5. Be sure to take action. Lying on the couch and dreaming is, of course, very pleasant, but this is where the process of fulfilling a wish may end before it even really begins. Do you want a new car? Go to a car dealership, ask the price, sit behind the wheel, ask the manager about all its technical characteristics, but don’t convince yourself that it’s too expensive for you and you can’t afford it. Do you want to travel? Go to the nearest travel agency, look through the catalogs, select the country where you would like to go, ask about the prices and choose a suitable hotel. The more detailed you imagine all the details of your desire, the sooner it will come true. 6. Ask yourself honestly: “Do you imagine yourself owning this result?” Very often people want, but in fact do not believe in the possibility of fulfilling their desires, and all sorts of “buts” immediately pop up in their heads. For example, you dream of a brand new foreign car, but you are afraid that it will be stolen from you. You want to get a new job, but you are afraid that you will be rejected at the interview. In this case, your fears will win, not your desires. 7. It wouldn’t hurt to think about what you might lose if your wish comes true. Are you ready for this? For example, famous people can no longer calmly walk down the street without frantic attention to their person. Don't forget that a coin always has two sides. If you have cast aside all doubts and fears and are determined, then full speed ahead to realizing your dream. 8.Imagine that your wish has come true. Feel this state and enter it. Remember these pleasant sensations and enjoy them. You must simultaneously feel the result with all five senses. What do you see? What do you hear? What sensations do you experience? Start thinking and behaving as if you actually already got what you dreamed of. 9. The goal must necessarily concern you personally and only you. Check to see if other people are involved in your goal? If you are involved, then think: “Do they want this?” Other people may have completely different life goals and plans, so you shouldn’t waste time and energy making wishes for them. 10. There will definitely come a moment when you feel that you have stopped thinking about your desire and imagining its realization, you have done everything in your power, then know that the time has come to let go of your dream, forget about it for a while. 11. Leave all remaining work on its materialization to the limitless power of the Universe. It's not important to know how it works, it's important to know that it works. It also happens that some of our desires stubbornly do not want to be fulfilled, no matter how much we try and struggle to realize them. In this case, I strongly advise you not to persist: I have verified this from my own experience. Think seven times whether you really need these desires to come true. Remember that the wisest Universe protects us to the last from unreasonable desires; it knows better what is good for us and what is bad. If you continue to insist, then you will be convinced from your own experience that the fulfillment of these desires can be fraught with very sad consequences for you. In the best case, when they come true, you will understand that in fact you were mistaken and wanted something completely different and your happiness, if it can still be returned back. And in the worst case, you will also understand, but it will be too late.
Follow these simple rules, friends, and then all your even the most unrealistic desires will definitely come true.
