How to intrigue a girl: original ways. Stars light up: how to interest men of different zodiac signs

I listen to women and understand how difficult it is for them sometimes with men. That women simply do not know where to get away from the harassment of men who they do not like at all. And then another situation arises when it is difficult to captivate a man who likes. He does not react to the woman and that's it.

Then the reverse question arises, how to stir it up? In this article, I will talk more about how to captivate a man for the first time, however, for those couples who have already lived together for many years, I think it will be interesting to read this article.

You can probably say that seducing a man is as easy as shelling pears, because the psychology of men in relations with women is simple and primitive. You just need to put on a tight-fitting red dress above the knees with a large cutout on the chest, put on good makeup and walk around in such an outfit for a while in front of a man, “accidentally” touch him.

If we are talking about mature men, about those men with whom you can build long-term relationships and get married, then this is not only not enough - it can generally take you in the other direction. It is a myth that long legs and big breasts are all it takes to get a man's attention and seduce a man. Not all.

If everything were so simple and unambiguous, then the article would have to be called not "How to Captivate a Man", and for example "How to choose a dress in order to seduce a man."

In total, what is the set of the most important things that a man takes into account, to follow a woman and start wooing her? I wrote about this in great detail in my new book. “23 mistakes with men. First date mistakes and in the book "Psychology of men in love". But in this article, I will still try to reveal in some detail the topic of how to captivate a man.

The first and most powerful criterion for a man to court a woman is whether the man himself feels that he can please the woman or not?

The first rule is that if a man feels that he can please and seduce a woman, then he will court her. and to achieve, if he does not feel, then he will not.

Accordingly, and vice versa, if a woman wants a man to take care of her, then she must behave in such a way that the man understands that he will not be “rejected”.

How to behave in such a way that a man feels that he has at least a minimal chance of success with a woman? I have already written about this many times, but I will repeat it again.

First, it's coquetry. If you want to seduce or captivate a man, then flirt with him.

Second, compliment the man. But compliments don't have to be flattery just to get a man's attention. G tell him what you really like about him, and most importantly, what is important to the man himself. If he plays sports, say that he has a great figure and at his age it is rare for anyone to look like that.

If he drives well, say that you like the way he drives. Etc. I think the general principle is clear.

Third. Hear about his exploits. But do not listen with irony on your face or boredom. Try to also understand what is important for a man in these stories and admire his heroism.

If he reinvented the wheel, marvel at the new piece he fitted to the frame or handlebar. Specify how he guessed this "brilliant idea."

If he installed a door in the dacha of his friend, and even if the house itself is already falling apart, but now he tells everyone he meets about the door, ask where he learned this. Say that it is probably difficult to install a door alone, but he did it. Etc.

The rule always works. Even if it seems that it does not work, then these are just errors in the perception of men and women. A man may miscalculate that he has a chance, although he does not have them. It may be vice versa, the man will consider that he has no chance, although there are more than enough of them.

The second rule is this. If a man immediately achieves everything from a woman, then interest in her is largely lost..

By "achieve everything" I mean more - it is to get all the attention, all the admiration, all the time, all the love of a woman, etc.

More than once I have compared the thinking of men with the thinking of a hunter or thinking during a game. This is the main type of thinking of a man. If the game (hunt) is over and cannot be continued, then interest in it is gradually lost. If the game can continue, then the interest in it can last until the end of life.

Let us recall the basic postulates of the game, to which interest remains. The first is that in the game a man often wins, but sometimes he loses. This is the axiom of the game, no matter whether it is communication with a woman or work.

What follows from this? How can you use this feature of men in such a way as to captivate them and keep them?

The answer is almost obvious. In your relationship, the man should win most of the time, but not always.. Periodically, a man must lose.

In total, for the most part, support the initiative and actions of a man. But sometimes a man needs to be refused, sometimes you need to disagree with him, sometimes you need to rest so that you cannot be moved. That is, let a man sometimes lose. This is important enough. And this is especially important in order to keep a man in love for a long time.

A woman who always agrees, always in love, always available, always admires a man will inevitably lose a man's interest. And this is not because men are bad, but this is a manifestation of the laws of nature in action.

Therefore, one must not agree to everything, not always be available and not always admire a man. I wrote about it in great detail in my book. How to fall in love with a man for life? Or Never run after a man, let him run after you.(the first part of the book), but the basic meaning, I think, is already clear.

On the other hand, if a man always loses in a relationship with a woman, then from this interest in the game (woman) is lost with the same pattern as in the first case. What is lost? This is if a woman is always right, always wins in disputes, a woman always has the last opinion in domestic and non-domestic affairs, this is when no matter what a man does, it is always bad, etc.

Therefore, you do not need to make a man lose too often in your relationship. Otherwise, gradually the interest of a man in a woman is also lost. In the best case, a man will find himself another safe game (computer, work, fishing) where he will receive satisfaction, then the relationship can be saved. But in any case, it will be impossible to keep a man for a long time and keep his love and interest in a woman in this case.

In summary, do not always agree with a man, do not always be available, do not always be in love (outwardly), do not always admire a man and he will not lose interest in you.

And on the other hand, do not always win a man in disputes, do not always insist on your own in household chores, do not always redo what a man did, even if he did not do what you think is right.

distance, time.

Other things being equal, it is several times easier to captivate and seduce a man with whom you constantly or periodically communicate and with whom you spend some time together. Than the one with whom you do not communicate and practically do not happen together. It's kind of obvious.

What is the conclusion of this rule? If there is an opportunity and time, then at first it is not at all necessary to even flirt and flirt with a man. It is enough to start talking with him more and closer.

This communication does not even have to be romantic or even consist of positive emotions. Even a small conflict or argument (but not a tantrum) is better than no communication. (Once again, I advise you to watch the beginning of the film "Girls", where it was the conflict that initiated the relationship.) Some aggressiveness of a man at the beginning of a relationship can even serve as one of the signs that a man likes you. (An analogue of the fact that boys pull the pigtails of the girls they like)

However, too close a distance is not the best. Colleagues sitting at neighboring tables are, of course, better than a man and a woman in different cities, but far from the best option.

In summary, come up with or use an existing excuse and start to communicate closer (but not too close) with the man you like. Just do not show excessive initiative in this matter, I have repeatedly written that men themselves like to take the initiative and win the woman they like.

Competition between men and women.

Total, the competition of men for a woman. No matter what they say, this technique works, only it is too often misunderstood. Therefore, first read this paragraph carefully three times before trying to apply it. Applying this technique, women often make many mistakes and often make it worse. Total, description of the reception.

Arrange so that men compete for you and interest in you can increase significantly.

Men seem smart and reasonable, but when they get together, they often behave like a flock of sheep. This usually manifests itself in the fact that if one of the men who enjoys authority among this herd appears some kind of thing (game), or at least he began to achieve something or do something, then all the rest they want the same thing or just start to achieve something and do something.

Accordingly, this can somehow be used. A classic example of the use of this technique is the film "The most charming and attractive." None of the men paid attention to the main character of the film. However, when, on the advice of her friend, a well-dressed man (the husband of a friend) began to look after her a little, who had a new “Six”, which in modern times is similar to some 7th WWII model (that is, an authoritative monkey takes care of her), then they began to look after her pay attention to all the men from her department and neighboring ones in the same way.

That is, in principle, the technique is working, but its use in practice is not so simple and fraught with errors.

The first and most gross mistake, which I already wrote about in the article “How to keep a man in good shape? How to cause jealousy in a man? "- this is a woman's flirting with other men when she already has a permanent partner and in this way she tries to arouse his jealousy. This is a very gross mistake. Note that even in the film "The Most Charming and Attractive" the main character did not flirt with the authoritative "male", and it was he who tried to court her, and according to her, not very successfully.

The second common mistake may be in the definition of an "authoritative" man. An authoritative man for one group may not be so for another group. Money, power and outwardly confident behavior are universal tools, but are not always important for any group of men. And it’s not so easy for a woman to determine on her own.

The third mistake is that you can not focus on the interest of a man, which he shows in competition with other men. After all, when the competition is over, then interest in a woman can significantly decrease. You need to understand this.

If I haven’t scared you too much yet, then you can use this technique.


No wonder there is such a thing as a "holiday romance." What is a "holiday romance"? This is the time when a man is forced to get closer to other women, and most importantly, he forgot about his worries for a while.

You can even derive a law that could look something like this: "A man's attraction to women (as, indeed, vice versa) is directly proportional to his carelessness."

What is the use of this rule? A man who has a lot of big life worries is not predisposed to courting women, even if he likes a woman and there are conditions for the further development of relations.

If, for example, a man unexpectedly loses his job, business, apartment (he is under a real threat of loss), or even just chronically does not fulfill some plan at work, he is chronically short of money, is seriously ill, experiences betrayal of friends, etc. .d., then it is better not to climb into it.

The flirtation of a woman, which in a different situation he would gladly support, will only annoy him. Therefore, it is better not to climb into such a man until he has solved his problems. You can listen to his problems and sympathize with him, and that's enough.

I'm not talking about married men. No matter what they write or say, if everything is fine in the family, a married man will never create problems for himself.

And, accordingly, vice versa. Look for those moments in a man (or in general those men) who are relatively successful in their affairs, no matter how small they are. And avoid those men who have problems they can't handle.

Of course, man is different for man. For someone, a 3-degree cold snap can cause universal worries, and for someone, the loss of work, family, etc. causes only a little stress.

Probably enough for today. Of course, I almost did not mention many more important factors. However, I wrote separate articles about many of them on the Solar Hands website and I will not repeat the content.

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.

Hanging up, not answering texts, ignoring in front of other people, defiantly neglecting, flirting with others - are you sure it will work?

First you inflate your worth, turn the initiative into a challenge and competition, and then you wonder why it doesn't work.

For many men hit on a woman who does not pay attention to him - this is a challenge, a sports passion that awakens the instinct of the hunter.

Keep at a distance

And you do not attract attention, but sell yourself, as a consultant to equipment in a store: you gave it to touch and took it back: "Buy it - you will still touch it."

And you stand, confused, winding yourself up and delving into guesses: to buy or not to buy. Unpleasant? Then why do you women do this to men? Confess in the comments, you did the same!

He will solve you, analyze, draw pictures of yours in his head or simply FORGET ...

Here is the last - the most anticipated option. Nobody needs complexity and conventions.

Who gets hooked?

On everything that concerns her real desires, there is a touch of restrictions and she either knocks them out of her partner by manipulation and provokes emotions, or suffers from loneliness and revels in self-pity.

2. No sustainable self-esteem

To feel good, she needs constant confirmation of her attractiveness.

It's uncomfortable because she can't stand the loneliness and lack of excitement. And from men it always requires increased attention and very often, instead of voicing desires.

She challenges a man to prove her worth. From her radiant mood: “Weak? And you prove it!

Very soon in a relationship 100 percent, where it should and everything ends in a break.

3. Feelings of scarcity… irrepressible

Dissatisfaction, discontent and unhappiness. She has "everything wrong".

Change vector!

To become stronger, build a harmonious relationship with a man and feel happier, "tame" your inner manipulator.

Manipulation is much deeper than it seems. And it is so important what kind of tricks you use to ignore, flatter, lie,

Yes, the man will react, but none of his emotions will benefit your relationship. And your pleasure will be temporary.

Don't spin like a squirrel in a wheel. Stop yourself, forget about women's magazines and the advice of girlfriends who do not have healthy and

Stop ignoring yourself and turn your attention inward. Find "cockroaches" that prevent you from becoming a real, professional woman and attracting men even with one glance.

I believe in you,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

Already in school years, many girls are madly in love with one of classmates or a familiar guy who does not pay attention to her at all. How many sorrows, despondency and tears such a situation brings to the young! It's all about low self-esteem. No need to passively wait for the guy you like to come up and offer you friendship. No well-groomed appearance, no beautiful clothes, no perfect makeup will help you to interest a guy if you yourself do not approach him and talk to him using the following tricks:

1. Smile and make eyes at him. Very often, a guy is not suitable to get acquainted with a girl, because he is afraid of getting rejected. And if he is also courting another girl who accompanies him everywhere, then the chances that he himself will be the first to get to know you is zero. In this case, the guy needs to make it clear that you are interested in getting to know him. Make eye contact with him and smile at him. A face that glows with a smile is perceived as benevolent and friendly. Seeing your smile from afar, the guy will definitely notice you and distinguish you from other girls. The prerequisite for dating has been created, now you need to find a convenient opportunity to start a conversation with him.

2. Call him by his name. Everyone likes to be called by their first name. It has been proven that when a person hears his name, his attention is immediately concentrated. And to hear your name from the lips of girls, men are doubly pleased.

3. Give an appropriate compliment. Not only women love with their ears, in some cases the strong half of humanity also needs to "rinse" their ears with pleasant words. But compliments for a man should not imply admiring his appearance and attractiveness in its context. They should emphasize his masculinity and ability for analytical mental actions. The guy should feel that you like his courage, strength and quick wits. For example, admire his quick wit, ability to quickly solve tests or sense of humor. The appropriateness of the compliment itself is also important. The compliment should follow from the text of the conversation, you should not just approach the guy and say: "How did you act nobly in this situation!". Such a compliment creates rejection. A guy will be interested only in an unobtrusive compliment, which is made taking into account the situation.

4. Be sincere when talking. When telling a guy something about your life, do not exaggerate everything. He will immediately feel it and appreciate it. Do not go into the details of your life, after a conversation, the guy should be interested in learning more about you. To speak in a thin voice and play someone else's role is an ignoble thing. The guy will immediately feel falseness and hypocrisy. Be real and you'll be more likely to get his attention.

5. Ask questions and joke. Do not forget that guys differ from boys only in the cost of the toy. They like to play computer games, show off cell phones to each other, or discuss car models. If you ask questions related to these topics, then the guy will quickly grow interested in talking with you. The more knowledge you have in the field of science of men of interest, the higher your chance of getting to know a guy. Communicating with a girl on topics familiar to him, a man’s self-esteem grows, and this is precisely what needs to be achieved so that he wants to communicate with you again. When talking with a guy, you should not be too serious, he should feel that he is easy and fun in your company. To set communication on a cheerful wave, joke and smile.

6. Tell him about your plans for the future. Topics during a conversation with a guy can be different - this is a movie, a phone model, a program on a computer, an article in a magazine, mutual friends, and others. You can ask a young person to express his opinion about a new film or exhibition that you are going to visit in the near future. Feel free to hint at the same time that he can keep you company. Be an attentive listener and a pleasant conversationalist. The presence of interesting plans for the future, an optimistic outlook on life and sincerity are the best motivation for making a serious acquaintance.

depending on your first conversation and the impression of you at the guy is created. The development of further relations depends on its quality. If a guy likes you, he should ask you for your phone number. But it often happens that a young man is full of modesty. You can offer a timid gentleman to write down your number herself just in case, but if the guy intentionally does not ask for your phone, then this indicates that he is not interested in the further development of your relationship. In this case, you should not be upset - after all, you saved time and found out in time whether you should hope for a serious relationship with the guy you like. Now you have the opportunity to try to build a relationship with another guy who likes you and who suits you much more.

Take a look into the corner, move to the nose, look at the object of interest, shake the crinoline ...

Previously, the art of seduction was taught from adolescence. And now some girls have no idea how to captivate a man and that there are many effective tricks in their natural arsenal for this.

There are many ways to interest the man you like. And we will not stop at one thing, we will fire from all guns! Well, let's start hunting, girls.

Language of the body

We start with eye contact. Believe me, having mastered body language, you will feel like the mistress of the situation.

  • We look at the interested man for a few seconds. Did you get a return look? Smile, try to put as much warmth into it as possible. Turn away slowly. Repeat after a few minutes. In general, a friendly smile and a cheerful laugh, even if it is not addressed to him, always attract attention. After all, it is easier to establish contact with such people.
  • Let's go back to the classic: it always works. A woman adjusting her hair with slight movements of her hand ... With a thoughtful look, sliding the pads of her fingers along the edge of a wine glass ... Demonstrating her neck, tilting her head slightly back or bowing to her shoulder ... Slightly shaking her leg or shoe ... Barely licking or biting lips ... These gestures excite the male consciousness and are able to intrigue no less than outright flirting.
  • Practice your posture. A naturally straight back attracts attention, and if you tilt your head a little more towards the interlocutor, you will demonstrate a clear interest in him.
  • Become his mirror. Repeat some of his movements. But, of course, this should not be very conspicuous. You are still working on your subconscious mind.
  • And one more thing: remember that each of us knows how to read the thoughts of others at least a little. Therefore, give freedom to the energy of thought. For example, when passing by an interesting man, look into his eyes and say to yourself what you would like to tell him, for example, that he is adorable and you would like to be in his arms.

Now let's try to get attention by talking

You can start with a neutral topic, at the same time emphasizing that it was he who was chosen to complete the mission from all those present. Ask to open a bottle of water or drop a scarf in front of him.

  • Get to the point quickly. The priority is the expression of thought, and not attempts to impress.
  • Your voice should sound gentle, confident, without harsh emotional overtones. Not too loud, but not too quiet, so that the interlocutor does not have to strain, trying to recognize your words.
  • How to captivate a man you like: discussing anything in a negative way is not the best choice. Gossip, bad news, the imperfection of the world - it is unlikely that he needs you to discuss these topics. Complaining, telling long tearful stories about yourself is also not suitable. But if you radiate positive, you will become a welcome interlocutor.
  • People, and especially men, tend to have a little selfishness. Be wise: talk about what interests him. Don't understand the topic? Better yet, ask questions. This is a win-win.
  • I'm sure you don't need to be reminded of this, but still: swear words, slang, ridicule of others - this is not about you, right? At least at the stage of hunting for a man, this should be avoided.

Appearance - where without it

  • Clean, well-groomed hair and nails are the hallmark of a woman who is worth attention.
  • Do you have a great figure? Great, highlight only one advantage: either the chest, or the back and shoulders, or the hips. But do it with taste, do not cross the line. A large cutout on the side of a long skirt will emphasize long beautiful legs much more effectively than a vulgar short skirt.
  • A woman in heels is able to conquer the opposite sex. With only one remark: a girl should be able to walk on stilettos as if it were an extension of her legs, and not circus stilts.

  • Bright makeup in the middle of the day may attract male attention, but obviously not in the way you want it. Give preference to natural make-up more often, men like it. But if the situation allows, for example, you are going to a party in a club, you can choose brighter colors. Male red lipstick will make your lips stop looking, but remember that this color has many shades. Just pick yours.

And remember: your shortcomings, especially if you skillfully brighten them up, a man most likely will not notice. But the lack of self-confidence will definitely pay attention.

How to understand that a man is attracted to another woman

Those signs that I will list at the very beginning obviously indicate sympathy for another. But nevertheless, we will also note them, because it happens that even among the most obvious pessimists, hope dies last and they find a thousand excuses for the fact that he did not show simatii, which, of course, he feels only for her.

  • The guy is passionately talking to you, but the most common subject of conversation is the other girl.
  • If he is distracted while communicating with you and it seems that he is not with you at all, and does not let go of the phone ... It seems that there, in the smartphone, someone is more interested in him than you.
  • He does not try to study you, to look into your eyes.
  • To your attempts to captivate him, he responds with complete disregard.

Common Mistakes

There is a category of women who use the bed as bait or as a weapon of manipulation. Why is it wrong? Because you will definitely attract male attention, only then do not be offended that he has a relationship exclusively with your body. Yes, and you will attract clearly narrow-minded guys.

At the same time, too much to get used to the role of an inaccessible woman is also not worth it. Treat a man the way you want to be treated. If you want him to do for you what he did not do for others, you must also keep up. Never danced a striptease, but he likes it? Why not try? I suggest watching a video in which a girl teaches the secrets of a beautiful dance for her beloved:

Being too ambitious out of nowhere is another common mistake. The chances of attracting an interesting partner increase if you constantly improve. Men notice it.

Light shyness is liked by men. But being too shy is a mistake. If you want a serious and long-term relationship, remember: every man is looking for a confident woman.

Obtrusiveness - you wouldn't like that either, right? And he won't be thrilled if you dial his number every 7 minutes, bombard him with pen-pal romance, and meet him before and after work. Show attention, but do not confuse with imposing yourself.

You have the right to not know something, but not having an opinion means being boring. Do you agree with a man in everything? No, few people need it.

And the last thing: do not get carried away by married men. In the end, you will be the loser.

It is important to realize: if he gave up too quickly and began to look for a replacement, you need to be grateful that you avoided an affair with a weak man.

More recently, young people met quite by chance on the street, at a party, but today, thanks to the Internet, you can meet a pretty girl without leaving your home.

Social networks have literally burst into our lives, so why not take advantage of them and charm a cute lady on VKontakte? In order to please your interlocutor and arouse her genuine interest, you should adhere to certain rules and not use standard phrases that are boring to everyone.

The advice of psychologists and experienced pick-up artists will help you figure out how to interest a girl on a social network.

Before writing to the beauty you like, you need to carefully examine your own page in VK for possible compromising evidence and simply not the most pleasant things. For example, a girl is difficult to seduce:

  • photographs where you are presented in an unfavorable light - drunk, in an embrace with depraved girls, just went out unsuccessfully, etc .;
  • pictures in which, in addition to a person, you can see the garbage in the background, a sloppy bed made;
  • obscene or indecent statuses, especially in which you speak badly about female representatives (for example, after breaking up with an ex-girlfriend);
  • being in groups that are unambiguous about your intentions, such as "Pickup for dummies", "How to seduce in 5 minutes", "How to hook up on VK" or "How to trick her into a quickie."

Naturally, it is difficult to talk about uniform requirements for filling out your profile on VK or other social networks, but some principles can still be voiced.

The guy's profile should differ from the girl's page in restraint and conciseness, that is, the information should not be very much, but it must be intriguing.

To interest a girl, it is important to understand what, first of all, her attention is drawn to. So, cute young ladies sitting in contact or on a dating site are interested in:

  1. The age of the potential chosen one. So indicate your real data, so that later you do not cause rejection at a personal meeting;
  2. marital status. If you are in a serious relationship (especially if you are married), it is better to indicate this. A girl looking for certain acquaintances will answer in any case, and by hiding this detail from a decent young lady, you risk ruining her life, since she may fall in love;
  3. Quality photographs. Not all guys will be able to seduce a girl with a naked torso, so it’s better to publish your own photos dressed and without sunglasses. Other people's pictures must also be discarded.

The more pictures in your profile, the more favorable impression you will make on the young lady.

How to hook a girl with your page? Post a photo that shows you:

  • are in the family circle;
  • cuddle with pets (young ladies love cats and dogs);
  • captured at performances or concerts;
  • engaged in physical exercise or sports (cycling, football).

However, it is necessary not to cross that fine line, after which the girl will begin to perceive you as an inveterate egoist, concerned only with her appearance.

Many young people are worried about intriguing a potential interlocutor, attracting her attention and prolonging communication for as long as possible.

The only sure way to interest a girl by correspondence is to avoid patterns, do not use hackneyed phrases and questions: “How are you?”, “What are you doing?”

To intrigue a young lady, who is already basking in the rays of popularity, can only be politeness, an extraordinary approach and sincere attention.

Examples of win-win options are given below:

  1. "Hello. I met your page in the community (name of the group). I decided to write to you, as I am also fond of these issues. This is how you show that you have something in common.
  2. "Greetings! I saw you yesterday in real life, you are even prettier in real life than in the photographs. There are two good points here: firstly, you, and secondly, the girl will begin to find out where you could meet. That is, a conversation is started and questions about how to interest a girl are no longer so acute.
  3. “Imagine, only yesterday I saw you in a dream, and today I noticed VKontakte. Do you believe in such accidents? This is the so-called pickup truck. But if you don’t mind this way of seducing a girl, bombard her with similar questions.

Giving numerous examples and templates for correspondence on the Internet is a thankless task, because only in your own words can you convey your admiration for the appearance and character of a girl. The main thing is that they do not contain vulgarity, overt flattery and sexual innuendo.

10 Rules for Attracting Attention

How to interest a girl by talking to her on VK? Of course, it all depends on your specific goals: a serious relationship, idle chatter on the Internet, a pickup truck. However, there are several basic principles that will help seduce the young lady, intrigue her and encourage her to continue the correspondence.

  1. Be positive. No online beauty can resist a cool guy, so try to show your positive attitude as often as possible. Intriguing jokes, moderately spiced with humor stories, the use of funny emoticons will help simplify communication and hook up a girl.
  2. Don't brag. Self-promotion is, of course, good, but knowing when to stop is even better. It is unlikely that a young lady will positively perceive a guy who constantly boasts, talks about how magnificent he is in any area. Let her draw a conclusion herself, your task is to please and intrigue her.
  3. Show a variety of interests. Again - do not brag, but show how unusual and versatile you are. For example, you appeared before her as a shirt-guy, and then send her touching poems of your own composition. This will definitely help to seduce the impregnable charmer.
  4. Make communication easy. To pick up a young lady, create a relaxed communication situation. Designate those questions that are pleasing to both of you. It can be literature, travel and recreation, a general passion for sports or pets. This is another answer to how to interest a girl.
  5. Leave intrigue. Pickup is an effective method of attracting female attention, no matter how they treat it. Try to stay closer to the interlocutor, then further away. For example, communicate with her for several days, and then disappear from VK for a couple of days. The “reason” can be very different: he helped a sick grandmother, he nursed his niece.
  6. Send media. Writing a message is too boring for social networks with their truly limitless possibilities. In a contact, you can send pictures, music files, video clips, gifs, etc. to your interlocutor. This will help, if not to captivate her, then definitely to interest her.
  7. Don't impose. If you want to know if a girl can pay attention to you, just try to write a message with a similar question. This will show that you value her time and respect her opinion. Otherwise, she will begin to get annoyed, which means that you will definitely not be able to seduce her later.
  8. Be polite. How to attract a girl with the very first questions and messages? Show your courtesy and good manners. We repeat once again - give up swearing, especially since obscene words in writing look much more repulsive than in oral speech. In addition, address the girl by name, this will make you stand out among the crowd of fans.
  9. Don't ask about your personal life. Asking a woman about previous relationships is not a good idea. Perhaps she wants to forget the former, does not want to talk with a stranger about such personal topics at all. Questions like this will only alienate your partner.
  10. Go to SMS. If you managed to pick up a girl and she gave you her phone number, be sure to use this, because with the help of SMS you can date in real life. In SMS, you can confess your feelings, offer to meet, wish good morning.

Perhaps every guy is worried about how to interest a girl in social networks, since dating and flirting have successfully migrated from real life to the virtual space.

To pick up a pretty young lady, you need to make a lot of efforts, but if something does not grow together, you should not worry. It is likely that somewhere in the vastness of the network, true love awaits you. It remains only to write her a short "hello".

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.
