How to become the best mistress for a married man. How to be the perfect lover for a married man: rules and mistakes

A good lover is not one that owns a man only sexually. You can truly subjugate a man by combining spiritual and bodily affection.

  • Since ancient times, there have been special women, the thought of which drove men crazy. In Japanese culture, they are known to us as geishas. In the west - courtesans
  • It was not only women who satisfied men physically. They were the ones who completely controlled the mind and feelings of men
  • There are many cases in history when courtesans were "gray cardinals." In the world of men, they easily manipulated them, participating in the political life of the country
  • In the modern world, feminization has gained momentum. But on the one hand, this is not a strength, but a weakness of women
  • Women who feel their strength can easily conquer any peaks. At the same time, without making any effort, but only using the efforts of men
  • Everyone can learn to be a good lover. Appearance is of course important, but it is not the determining factor.

How to Become the Perfect Lover: Practical Tips and Tricks

These tips apply to women of all ages. It's never too late to improve and win hearts.

  • A good lover is good not only in bed, but also outside of it. Otherwise, the man will come back to you only for sex. And then until you find the best option
  • The main quality of a woman is femininity. This is a topic that requires deep consideration. But in short, this quality is manifested in everything: in appearance, manners, speech, attitude towards people.
  • Appearance is always extremely important for men. You may not shine with natural beauty. But you have to be well-groomed. Get manicures and pedicures, take care of your skin, exercise and eat right
  • A woman's erudition is important to a man. Don't act like a dumbass with nothing to talk about. But at the same time, do not lecture your man, do not point out his shortcomings.
  • Femininity is tenderness and kindness. The essence of women is to give love to the world around them. Men really do not like greedy, angry and quarrelsome women.
  • Be self sufficient. Your world should not be confined to one person. Spend time on yourself and your hobbies
  • Don't be locked in bed. Many men love experiments. If you are too insecure, it will be a hindrance to your goal.
  • Balance between coquetry and restraint. This game is very intriguing and attracts the opposite sex.

How to be a good lover for a husband?

If your relationship has reached an impasse or turned into a routine, it is in your power to fix everything.

  • The strength of a woman is that she can fill any relationship with energy. If your man has become withdrawn, boring and inattentive, think about what you are doing wrong
  • Pay attention to yourself. Without your own happiness, it is difficult to make your partner happy. Sometimes a woman does everything: work, life, children, but not herself. Take time for yourself, do what you love, beauty treatments and just relax
  • When you fill yourself with energy, think about what your husband might miss. Show warmth and care for him, open your soul and let him know that he is the most important person in your life.
  • Do not walk around the house in old, worn out clothes. It depresses even the most loving men
  • Spend time together, but not watching TV or eating. Come up with an interesting pastime for both. Put aside work and household chores for a while and just immerse yourself in happiness
  • Pay special attention to sex. Sometimes married life turns sexual intercourse only into the satisfaction of banal needs.
  • Get your man interested in something new: lingerie, positions, sex toys, or watching an adult movie
  • Learn how to give a man a massage. If necessary, take courses
  • Master the technique of aromatherapy. Pleasant smells can excite the most intimate desires. The easiest way is to purchase an aroma lamp and light it periodically. Smells such as cinnamon, ylang-ylang, rose can revive sensuality
  • Ask what your husband would like to try in bed. You will be surprised how he will come to life after such a question.

How to become a great lover for a guy, a man?

  • The ideal lover is always attractive to a man. Her image is seen in a dream, he cannot forget her even at work. This is what a woman should strive to conquer a man.
  • Dresses are the best weapon of women. Nothing attracts the stronger sex like a dress. Try to wear jeans or trousers less often in the company of your boyfriend.
  • Know how to be strong by exploiting your weaknesses. Many women forget that their strength is in their weakness. Learn to gently ask a man for favors. If you do it right and with love, he will not refuse you.
  • Even if you adore your work, never bring it to the fore in the eyes of a man. This attitude will alienate anyone.
  • Don't be intrusive. Men are hunters. Yes, everyone loves the attention. But if you bother him daily with calls and messages, he will just run away.
  • Be interesting and erudite. The guy will be pleased that he can talk to you. And that in society it is not a shame to imagine
  • Don't be passive and lazy in sex. Let it be known that you enjoy it
  • Praise your man as often as possible. For you, he must be a hero. Just don't confuse it with flattery
  • Don't brainwash him. Try to keep things simple. One way or another, either you accept his shortcomings, or you leave. No need to get on each other's nerves
  • Sensuality is the foundation of good sex. Learning to understand his preferences, to feel his body - this is sensuality. Strive for it
  • Get rid of your own complexes. Childhood traumas, dissatisfaction with one's body, past relationships often become obstacles. Become aware of your complexes and fight them

Video: The formula of a real woman

It so happened that the main decoration of a woman is modesty. But in no case should this saying be transferred to the bed. After all, our loved ones get the greatest pleasure when we turn from exemplary "keepers of the hearth" into passionate, somewhat promiscuous girls in sex. When comprehending the art of seduction, one should not forget that “masquerade” is inappropriate in this regard.

Why do you need to be perfect?

It just so happened that men in bed like proactive young ladies, the very ones who are not averse not only to experimenting and changing positions often, but also to provoke sexual intercourse itself.

Men love women who show desire and get excited at the sight of them. Only with such companions can they be truly confident in themselves, and they definitely won’t decide on treason. And believe me, no matter how trite it may sound, the guy will definitely not leave such a woman!

The question of how to be the perfect lover has been on the minds of women since the sexual revolution.

And indeed, how can you build a strong family and be confident in your husband if you frankly “do not stick” in bed?

To comprehend the basics of sexuality, women go for broke:

  • re-read a lot of literature;
  • review special "educational" videos;
  • and even go to specialized courses that promise them to instantly turn into a priestess of sex.

Moreover, very often the knowledge gained is projected onto the lover himself. The girl, having read practical recommendations, voices them to her lover, as a result of which the entire sexual intercourse turns into a farce, a rehearsed production, played out according to a textbook. But in fact, all that is required of you is to understand and feel the needs of a partner on an intuitive level.

10 things that attract men in bed

Today we decided to bring you 10 main things that men like in bed. They do not have to be executed according to the script. In addition, they include more psychological than technical aspects of the perception of intimacy.

In this article, you will not find boring advice about the need to perform Kegel exercises and become a candidate for master of sports in gymnastics in order to get into a sophisticated pose to please your loved one. But you will draw for yourself a lot of new and useful information, which, perhaps, will not only strengthen, but also save your marriage or union.

So, what exactly do our guys like in bed, and how to become that very “ideal lover”?

Be relaxed

We know it sounds pretty hackneyed, but still, this is almost the most important thing that men like in the same bed with you. This does not mean at all that you should offer him to sleep with you in elevators or parks, playing games. "lustful female". This means that you must honestly want your loved one. And, by the way, such a banality as sexual coldness and betrayal on its basis is the cause of 50% of broken marriages. What guy wants to have a young lady next to him who has hundreds of excuses just not to have sex? This destroys his self-esteem, rebuilds him into destructive thoughts about his sexual viability, awakens in him the feeling that he does not satisfy you.

Take the initiative more often, and try to awaken true sexuality in yourself at a deep level. Engage in women's practices if you feel you need to. Do your best to enjoy sex.

Apply new tricks

A man is an experimenter by nature, so the monotony in bed can quickly bore him. Judge for yourself: even you will probably quickly get tired of insipid food if you eat it on a daily basis.

Sex for a male is as natural as satiation with food. Therefore, try to bring at least a little variety into your intimate life. Change positions, move from tenderness to toughness ... in a word, improvise!

Believe that a routine and boring intimate life quickly forces you to look for something new on the side.

Do not be like the USSR, where "there was no sex"

No need to constantly wrap yourself in sheets and turn off the light. Let a ray of sunshine break through the curtains, or a lit candle stand near your bed. Men are visuals, they love with their eyes, as they say. They are excited by the female body, they are constantly striving to explore it even more. If you ask a dozen representatives of the stronger sex about what exactly men like in bed with a woman, half, without hesitation, will answer - the contemplation of her beautiful body during intercourse. Do not be overly shy - men do not understand this, and regard it as distrust or a personal insult.

Get emotional

If you lie there without showing signs of life, your partner will quite rightly decide that sex with him does not give you any pleasure at all.

You should not be equal to porn actresses and moan picturesquely, provoking the knock of neighbors on the battery.

But try to show at least a little passion, tenderness, bliss. And then your male will definitely be pleased with himself, and this is extremely important for him.


No, of course, not about the latest series of Brazilian "soap", and not about how the woman Nyura from the next entrance dragged a can of milk to the house without outside help. Tell a man that he turns you on wildly, that sex with him is pure euphoria for you, that you almost burn with pleasure. It is difficult to say what words all men like in bed. Some love vulgarity, and some even get excited by insults! Try to catch it yourself.

Give compliments

We have passed the appropriate words, and now let's move on to compliments. This is appropriate not only in bed, but also in everyday life. Every man needs approval and admiration on a subconscious level.

Give it to him! Say that he has an excellent figure or a gorgeous torso that drives you crazy. You will see how this "balm for the soul" will transform your man in every way.

Don't Forget Sexy Underwear

Is it worth mentioning that a woman should look sexy and attractive to her beloved? Speaking about what kind of women like decent men in bed, liberated sexy women in beautiful lingerie almost immediately come to mind. How can a woman in worn cotton shorts impress a man? Also keep an eye on the smoothness of the skin - it incredibly excites the stronger sex. It is the tender, velvety skin that awakens in them the subconscious instincts of protectors and rulers.


As we have already said, all representatives of the stronger sex love experiments. True, every married couple, after several years of living together, finds 1-2 positions for themselves in which they are comfortable and convenient to have sex. But on the basis of this there are many divorces with motivation. "We are bored in bed".

And the point is not at all what sophisticated positions men like in bed. The fact is that they constantly need a challenge. Invite your loved one to make love right at a picnic, or in the pool at your friends' dacha.

Love yourself

They say that selfishness has no place in bed, and this is true. Especially if selfishness is clearly unhealthy. But if you are rightly concerned that,

Women at all times have been tormented by the question of how to become a super perfect lover for a husband, because this is the golden key to a man's heart. A lover is a representative of the weaker sex who has a regular intimate relationship with a man. This word is most often understood as a lady to whom an unfaithful husband runs. Less often they mean a wife with whom it is very good in bed.

According to statistics, half of the male population have mistresses. It has been proven that they do this not only to satisfy sexual needs. There are many reasons and circumstances leading to such a lifestyle.

Why does a man take a mistress?

There are many factors that provoke the appearance of a "third wheel" in the relationship of two partners:

  1. The wife is not satisfied with the quantity and quality of sex with his wife.
  2. The husband is looking for new sensations both in intimacy and in relationships.
  3. Proves masculinity.
  4. Tries to match friends, colleagues, status.
  5. A man is looking for understanding and support.
  6. Wants admiration and respect.
  7. Fell in love with his wife.
  8. Runs away from control and reproaches.
  9. He habitually lives for his own pleasure (in a word, a womanizer).

When a woman is in love, she tries to attract the attention of the chosen one by any means. Wants to be for him the best, the most beautiful and the most tender. To the naked eye, changes in appearance and behavior become noticeable.

After taking the fortress, the representatives of the weaker sex relax, thinking that the trophy will not go anywhere. As a rule, less and less time is devoted to your beloved. This is the most common female mistake.

After all, it has long been no secret that men, in principle, are polygamous beings. They are looking for something new, life and routine depresses them. Suddenly he meets on the way a well-groomed and demanding lady, always ready for sex. A rare man can resist such a temptation.

Therefore, sexologists strongly recommend that wives sometimes radically change their appearance and behavior in order to intrigue their man. Particular attention should be paid to your behavior with a gentleman, both in bed and outside it. After all, to maintain a relationship with a loved one, it is worth working hard.

Look after appearance

Try to devote a little time every day to maintain attractiveness:

  • Hands. Get regular manicures and pedicures. Sometimes you can use bright, defiant colors. You should also pay attention to the skin on the hands, which requires care.
  • Hair. It is known that most men love ladies who have long, well-groomed hair. You need to stick to variety: do hairstyles, let your hair down, use jewelry. Experiments with color also give positive results.
  • Cloth. It's important to keep your style in mind. The best option is to choose things that emphasize femininity, the dignity of the figure. If possible, it is recommended to wear shoes with heels. The sporty style is very comfortable, but not attractive from a male point of view.
  • Stop appearing in front of the chosen one in an unsightly way. It has been proven that a woman in an old dressing gown and curlers repels most men. And if they also make a face mask using sour cream or cucumbers ... So you can completely scare. Therefore, it is better to save the partner from such spectacles.

It is important to be charming and attractive, regardless of the surrounding circumstances. A man should admire his chosen one, and not be annoyed by her sloppy appearance.

Loving your own body

Sexologists are unanimous in asserting that if a person does not love himself, then others cannot love him. If a woman is embarrassed about her body, then what kind of pleasure from sex, for example, can we talk about? The study of special techniques will help to cope with such a complex.

Use expensive perfume

When choosing perfumes, it is recommended to take into account not only your preferences, but also the taste of the chosen one. After all, who are they intended for? Males remember the smell of their favorite perfume for a very long time. Many experts believe that smells are able to maintain long-term sexual relationships.

Wear sexy lingerie

The well-known truth that men love with their eyes does not require proof. The more often a lady will show herself dressed in lace underwear, the more diverse will be the sexual life. Women who wear beautiful panties and bras feel much more confident and sexy. Men lose their heads from such seductresses.

delicious to cook

It has been proven that you do not need to stand at the stove all day to satisfy all the culinary preferences of your loved one. One well-prepared dish is enough. The main thing is to put your tender feelings into it. As a rule, men are happy to have dinner at home, after a hard day's work. It's nice to be welcomed and welcomed with open arms.

be able to listen

Every person needs to speak out from time to time, especially for the female sex. But it's just as important for men to speak up. If a lady always listens with pleasure to her chosen one, supporting the conversation with words of admiration and sincere interest, then the probability of finding another interlocutor will be almost zero.

Don't blame

On the head of an average married man, an average of 3-4 reproaches per day are poured. Not everyone can bear such a load. Men become isolated, try to be at home less often, use alcohol. Reproaches are recommended to be replaced with constructive criticism, and even better not to be used at all.

Don't deny intimacy

Even if there was a quarrel, you can not talk, but it is recommended not to reject sex. Many women use this technique as a punishment for the delinquent chosen one. This deprives him of emotional and physical relaxation, which sets him against himself even more. Both partners suffer from this method of revenge. After all, often after intimacy it is easier to ask for forgiveness and make peace.


Men feel full, needed and loved when women admire them. Only a sincere expression of feelings will give a positive result. It is necessary to find qualities in a loved one that are truly admirable. After all, they are in every person.

Most of all, such male virtues need attention: physical strength, reliability, skills in sex, knowledge in the field of cars or football, achievements in work or sports. You need to admire specifically, paying attention to details.

Manifestation in bed:

    Don't hold back your emotions moan, scream, sigh. This is very exciting for men, because they can deliver so much pleasure to their partner.

    Talk about your feelings and desires. Almost all gentlemen like to hear comments from a woman about how well he does it. Or a request for exactly how she wants to have sex.

    Practice sex in the morning. The stronger sex prefers morning sex. It acts as a charge: improves mood and blood circulation.

    Experiment. If you constantly eat your favorite dish, then it will not take long to wait for it to go into the category of “which makes you sick”. The same thing happens in sex. It is recommended to change the place, poses, time and apply attributes. The use of role-playing games will also add variety to intimate life.

    Take up the running. Men sometimes want to relax and do nothing, just have fun. It is recommended to pamper your chosen ones with sexual activity.

And yet, how to become an ideal lover? The most important thing is to enjoy sex and try to give maximum pleasure to your partner. Every loving woman can feel a man and predict his desires!

Sexologists say that ladies sometimes just need to be a courtesan for a loved one. After all, it diversifies intimate life, warms up the interest of a partner. Men sometimes want quick sex without any foreplay, and even more persuasion. But because of love and respect for the second half, they often cannot say about their desire. And they turn to other women to receive such services ...

This is interesting:

  • In ancient times, a mistress was a woman who fell in love or who fell in love.
  • Peter I called his mistresses "metresses" (an obsolete word).
  • The most famous mistress was recognized as the Marquise de Pompadour. She spent about 5 years in the bedroom of King Louis XV and for 20 years influenced the public life of France.

At a young age, almost all girls dream of marriage with an ideal, loving and beloved man. However, having matured, we understand that life circumstances make their own adjustments to our plans and dreams, and it is possible that this long-awaited and only person is already legally married. To agree to the role of a married man's mistress or not is a personal matter for everyone. However, when building your romance with a non-free person, it is important to understand that these relationships are slightly different from those that our imagination draws. To understand what men are looking for in an affair on the side, psychologists conducted a massive survey and identified 10 signs of a married man's ideal mistress.

So, let's try to understand who she is - the ideal lover according to men?

1. She looks good

Many men begin to cheat on their wives because of dissatisfaction with their appearance. This is not surprising, because, unfortunately, women age earlier than men. However, in their mistresses, men want to see the living embodiment of a dream. Regardless of natural external data, a mistress should always look well-groomed, stylish and attractive.

2. She should be fun

Over the years of family life, spouses plunge headlong into everyday life, raising children and caring for material well-being, while losing that halo of romance, lightness and fun that connected them at the beginning of the relationship. It is the lack of this link that often becomes the reason why men decide to have a relationship with their mistress. Accordingly, in their chosen one, they want to see not a woman tired of life, but a light muse, in whose arms one can forget about everyday worries.

3. She treats him like a hero

Rare spouses manage to live life without quarrels, conflicts and reproaches towards each other. Having lived together for several years, the wife, like no one else, knows all the weaknesses and shortcomings of her husband, while in the eyes of her mistress, a man becomes a hero and an ideal partner. It is this attitude, filled with romance, admiration and respect, that keeps married men close to their mistresses.

4. She is self-sufficient and self-confident

According to men, the ideal lover is a woman who loves and respects herself. In addition to a relationship with an unfree person, she has her own life filled with various events, achievements and adventures. She does not put the novel above all else, devoting a lot of time to her development and her hobbies.

5. She doesn't blame or make scandals.

In relationships on the side, men are looking for a holiday, lightness and an opportunity to take a break from everyday worries. To keep such a romance, you should not make any demands on your partner. And even more so, there is no need to reproach him for a lack of attention, since these reproaches will make him feel guilty, and very soon the man will get tired of being torn between his family and his mistress.

6. She does not claim his freedom

Starting a relationship with a married man, initially a woman must understand that she cannot claim his whole life. This man has a family and everyday duties associated with it, but when meeting with his mistress, he wants to forget about them. Therefore, any questions related to his family life, as well as plans for the future, will cause him unpleasant emotions.

7. She does not pretend to a joint future

Perhaps, in reality, everything is somewhat different and the mistress secretly hopes that sooner or later her partner will divorce his unloved wife and stay with her, but such thoughts should never be shown to a married man. A good lover should carry on a conversation without affecting plans for the future, as well as bypassing conversations about his family life.

8. She doesn't die of love

Of course, every man dreams of becoming an object of fiery and sincere love. However, young ladies who are too in love, ready to do anything for the sake of their loved one, are hardly suitable for the role of mistresses. The fact is that excessive love on the part of a mistress will place a burden of responsibility on a man, which he probably does not want to bear. Relationships of this format should be based on common sense. It is very good when both partners understand that their romance is based on mutual sympathy in the present, and its development in the future is not an obligatory goal.

9. She is outspoken and unpredictable

Another common reason why men have lovers is dissatisfaction in bed. Not all women are ready for experiments and the embodiment of the most secret fantasies in reality. However, excessive modesty is excusable for a wife, but not for a mistress. The lady of the heart should bring a man a holiday, surprising and amazing the imagination.

10 She Acts Like His Wife Doesn't Exist

Talking about family life, and especially about the wife of a married man, should become a taboo in a relationship. A good lover should try to forget that her chosen one has a legal wife. You can build relationships on passion, mutual hobbies and sympathy for each other, while dissolving in momentary happiness and not looking into the future. And, of course, the ideal lover will never give her partner an ultimatum - either I or she.

Married men want their romance to resemble a game with clearly established rules and laws that develops in parallel with their family life and does not intersect with everyday life. But this game should bring joy to both players, so relationships of this format should last as long as they suit the partners. In addition, even at the beginning of the novel, you need to accustom yourself to the idea that such relationships very rarely have a perspective and the opportunity to develop into something more than an ordinary intrigue. And even if an affair with a married person develops, this development cannot go easily and painlessly.

29.04.2015 11:25:42

Every man wants to be successful with the fair sex, strives to become an ideal partner and lover. Consider what needs to be done for this. To be a truly good lover and please your partner every time in bed, you need to know about the method that works flawlessly in any situation. Its essence lies in the fact that a man needs to become an actor in his life. With a little effort, you can think through to the smallest detail an interesting and logical story of your life. After that, it will be necessary to get used to a new, attractive role for women.

The image of a lover

It is important to understand which category of men your mate prefers. All girls are romantic and pay attention to the representatives of the stronger sex, who are distinguished by some kind of mystery. In this case, a man can play the role of a mysterious stranger: disappear when a woman does not expect it at all, not say anything concrete about himself, in general, maintain an atmosphere of mystery, giving tension to the relationship. At the same time, a man must make it clear to his companion that he is decisive and sexy.

Sufficient knowledge will help in playing the difficult role of an intellectual. Such men are loved by beauties with the following features:

  • romanticism;
  • Artistry;
  • Impulsiveness.

An intellectual man should be a model of accuracy and restraint. In no case does he completely let a woman into his world. Such an image can sometimes attract a woman who has a completely opposite character.

Men with money will be able to present themselves as a macho who has found his place under the sun. They can hint to their mistresses that they are constantly in the circle of pretty ladies.

In addition to the above images, women are also attracted by the role of ruler. Strong business women strive to find a man with such a character, believing that he will be an excellent protector and attentive lover.

The main task of a lover

A real man should be able to please his companion and give her emotional pleasure. Equally important is a regular sex life. Only by considering both of these components, you can become a truly good lover. When choosing a woman, you need to pay attention not to stunning beauties, but to the fair sex, who feel their attractiveness, sexuality and are waiting for love.

Every man who wants to make a girlfriend and become her ideal should understand that the above methods will help impress the girl and interest her. Moving on to a longer relationship, you will need to take off the mask and just remain a gentle lover in bed, and also remember to look after your passion beautifully. It is also important to always remain a real gentleman, able to help the girl and support her in any situation.
