How to remove fruit juice stains. Effective methods for removing berry stains at home

Stain removal instructions

Method 1. Salt

This method will help to remove the juice no later than two hours after spilling. It will not work to wash old stains in this way, as over time they eat into the fabric more strongly.

Method 2. Alcohol

How to get grape stains out? In this case, you can remove juice stains using ammonia. Grapes are afraid of him. The instruction is presented in the table:

Illustration Procedure

Step 1

Wet the stain with 5% ammonia.

Step 2

Rub the stain with a damp cloth.

Step 3

Rinse under running water and leave to dry.

This method is the fastest and safest for your clothes. It will not harm the fabric and leave its color just as bright.

Method 3. Boiling water

Another old "grandfather" method is the use of boiling water. It is great for removing fruit stains. What needs to be done?

  1. We put wide dishes (basin, pan) on the table.
  2. Over the dishes we stretch the fabric from which it is necessary to remove the blot, and we begin to pour boiled water on it. We pour until the complete disappearance of the stain.
  3. Drying clothes.

Boiling water will help get rid of fruit stains

It is noteworthy that you can watch how the spot disappears before your eyes. You just need to be extremely careful, as you can scald your hands with boiling water or damage the fabric. The method is used only on clothes that do not shed.

Method 4. Peroxide

How to remove a stain from a tangerine? To do this, you need hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Mode of application:

Illustration Procedure
Step 1

Prepare a solution by mixing 1:1 peroxide and ammonia. Add a teaspoon of the resulting mixture to half a glass of hot water.

Step 2

Soak a swab or tissue flap with the prepared solution.

Step 3

Soaked with a swab, rub the place where the stain has formed.

Step 4

Rinse under running cold water.

In the same way, you can remove traces from clothes if you spilled carrot juice.

Method 5. Citric acid

With the help of citric acid, impurities are removed from colored clothes. Lemon acid will not harm the color and gently wash stains while maintaining the appearance of the fabric.

Using citric acid, you can easily remove apple juice, as well as remove orange stains. Instructions with photos are shown below:

Illustration Procedure

Step 1

Fill a container with hot water and stretch over it the clothes on which the juice was spilled.

Step 2

Prepare a solution of citric acid and warm water. Put 1 tablespoon of acid in a glass of hot water and stir.

Step 3

Mix the resulting solution with vodka or methylated spirits in a ratio of 1:1.

Step 4

Soak a piece of cloth with the prepared solution and begin to wipe the trace of juice from the clothes.

Step 5

Rinse clothes and dry.

This method works great if you spilled tomato juice. Citric acid copes with many other contaminants.

Method 6. Glycerin

Illustration Procedure

Step 1

We dilute glycerin and egg yolk in proportions 1: 1.

Step 2

We apply the prepared composition to the clothes where the juice was spilled, and leave it for 2-3 hours.

Step 3

We wash things in powder with our own hands. We rinse and dry.

This method is great for colored fabrics. It removes stubborn old stains and preserves the old color of clothes.


I told you about proven methods that showed excellent results and did not harm my clothes. Now you can easily remove juice stains using my recommendations. The price of the above funds is affordable, and the effect is amazing.

How to remove stains from clothes?

Before removing stains on clothes, you need to determine their origin.

Grease spots have blurred contours, often with divergent "rays". Old fat stains also appear on the reverse side of the fabric.
Stains from juice, tea, wine, etc. have pronounced borders, and their contour is darker than the center of the spot.
Stains from blood, milk, soup, sauces, etc. combine both fatty and non-fatty substances and often require double treatment

It's no secret that fresh stains are washed off much easier than old ones. Many of them can be washed with ordinary laundry soap, soda or other detergents. Older stains are usually difficult to remove and require more complex treatment.

Before removing stains, clothes must be cleaned of dust and dirt. It is better to treat the stain from the inside out by placing several layers of white cloth or white paper napkins under the product.
Remove the stain with a white cloth or cotton pad. First, they treat the place near the stain, then move from the edge to the middle - with this method, the stain will not blur.

Any stain remover should first be tested on a spare piece of fabric or on the hem (fabric stock at the seam). Particular care should be taken with colored and synthetic fabrics.
Spot treatment begins with a weak solution, if necessary, gradually increasing its concentration. Try to avoid using too concentrated solutions - it is better to repeat the treatment with a weak solution several times, alternating it with washing.

How to remove stains from juice, fruits, berries, tea, coffee, wine, beer.

Fresh stains from wine, fruits and berries can be removed with boiling water. The fabric is stretched over any dish and boiling water is poured from the kettle until the stain disappears completely. This method is not applicable to products with unstable color.

Old stains will come off faster if you hold the cloth over a vessel of boiling water and rub it with vinegar or lemon juice, diluting it in half with vodka or denatured alcohol. You can soak the stain in hot milk.

To remove stains from white fabrics, use hydrogen peroxide with ammonia (1 teaspoon in half a glass of hot water). The stain is wiped with a swab moistened with this solution, and then washed with water.

Fruit and fruit juice stains on colored fabrics can be removed with citric acid or lemon juice and salt.

These methods are also suitable for red wine stains. In addition, wine stains on colored products are well removed by a mixture of glycerin with raw egg yolk (1: 1). The stain is smeared with this mixture, left for several hours, and then washed with warm water. On fresh stains from red wine or berries, it is recommended to pour wet table salt and rinse with warm water after a while.

Stains from white wine, champagne, beer and liqueurs remove with a solution of soap, baking soda and water (take 5 g of soap and half a teaspoon of soda for a glass of water). Moisten the stain with this solution and leave, the next day, wash it off with warm water and rinse thoroughly. Be careful - loosely dyed fabrics may shed.

Fresh beer stains usually washed with soap and water. Old stains should be cleaned with a mixture of glycerin, wine and ammonia in equal parts. This mixture is diluted with water (1:3) and the stain is rubbed.

Stains from milk and other products containing proteins

should be washed off immediately with warm, but not hot water. Otherwise, the protein will boil, and it will be more difficult to deal with the stain. You can use a mixture of 2 tablespoons of glycerin, 2 tablespoons of water and a few drops of ammonia. The stain is moistened with the mixture, placed between two layers of white cotton fabric and ironed.

To withdraw chocolate stain. wash it in very salty water or wipe with a solution of ammonia.
Old stains on white things can be removed with hydrogen peroxide by soaking the fabric with it and holding it for 10-15 minutes. After that, the thing is rinsed in cold water.

blood stains washed first with cold water and then with warm soapy water. Soak stained laundry for several hours before washing.
Also, blood stains can be removed by rubbing the stain with cold water, in which an aspirin tablet is dissolved.

Coffee or strong tea stains removed with a brush dipped in warm water. Then the whole thing is thoroughly washed in a warm soapy solution (half a teaspoon of soda ash or 1 teaspoon of ammonia per 1 liter of water). After that, rinse twice in warm and once in cold, slightly acidified with vinegar water.

Other types of stains

Hot iron stains moisten with onion juice and leave for several hours, after which the thing is washed, and the stain disappears. If the stain is large, put a gruel of grated onion on it and leave it for a while, then rinse well in cold water.
It is good to remove tan marks from white fabrics with a mixture of half a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia.

If stuck to clothes chewing gum. put the clothes in the freezer - the frozen gum will not be sticky and it will be easier to remove. If the stain remains, rub it with gasoline.

To withdraw rust stain. moisten the stain with lemon juice and iron it through damp gauze.

Stains from ink or ballpoint pen paste can be removed with lemon juice.
Fresh stains from ballpoint pen paste are removed with a solution of ammonia and baking soda (1-2 teaspoons per 1 glass of water) or glycerin. You can also use sour milk to remove an ink stain or a ballpoint pen stain. The fabric should be soaked in warm milk for several hours, and then the product should be thoroughly washed in warm soapy water with the addition of borax or ammonia.

Green spots (herbal) Can be removed with vodka. In addition, grass stains are removed with a solution of table salt (1 teaspoon in half a glass of warm water).

For spots of unknown origin first, it is better to try ammonia and salt diluted in water.

Incomprehensible stains can also be removed using plumbing or stove cleaners. (It is better to take products that are not based on acids).

Stains can be removed from white fabrics with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

Go to article How to remove a grease stain

More information

Cherry juice is one of the most powerful contaminants that is really hard to get out of clothes. Normal washing in this case most often does not help. However, if you spill juice on your clothes, this is not a reason to get rid of it, because there are a number of ways to deal with the problem. How to wash cherry juice?

How to Remove a Cherry Juice Stain

There are many popular ways to get rid of such a stain. It is very convenient that all methods require the use of available improvised means.

  • If the stain is still wet, pull the thing over the pan and start pouring boiling water over it in a thin stream.
  • If the fabric that got the juice is very delicate, generously sprinkle the stain with table salt. After 2 minutes, shake off the salt and pour fresh. After that, wash the item.
  • A stain that has already dried up well and is outdated can be removed with laundry soap. Rub it thoroughly with this soap. After 10 minutes, pour boiling water over the stain and leave it in soapy water for half an hour.
  • The next method looks weird, but it really works. Immerse the soiled item in a saucepan of milk. After 15 minutes, put it in the washing machine and wash.

If all else fails, head to the hardware store and buy a good stain remover. Select it depending on the type of damaged tissue. Try not to save much on this product, as a cheap stain remover may be of poor quality. He will not only not cope with the problem, but also ruin the thing.

How to remove cherry juice from white

White clothes are especially delicate, so they need a separate approach. Ammonia or hydrogen peroxide (depending on what is in your first aid kit) will effectively help in this case. 1 tsp this substance must be dissolved in half a glass of water, then a cloth or cotton swab should be dipped into the solution and the stain removed, moving from the center to the edges.

You can also use table vinegar. It must be mixed with water in proportions of 2: 5, apply the mixture on the stain, wait half an hour and rinse. If the white fabric is not too delicate, you can simply use bleach. Please read the instructions carefully before using this product.

Removing a red stain from juice is much easier while it is fresh. If you knocked over a glass of this delicacy on yourself, try to start washing or at least sprinkle it with salt as soon as possible. This will increase your chances of saving your favorite thing.

The problem of stains from fruit juices periodically occurs on our clothes. Fruit juices come in different colors, as they are made from different types of berries. So the clarified juice of green apples can not harm the fabric of clothing as much as the juice from blackcurrant berries. But this or that product in any case leaves stains on clothes, which are best dealt with as soon as possible. Let's find out how to extract juice.

The usual way to get rid of juice stains this is to pull the soiled clothes over a small saucepan, and pour boiling water from the kettle directly onto the stain from above. This method is good if the spots are fresh. If the stains from the juice are already old, then rub them with laundry soap and leave them in this state for about ten minutes. After that, place the fabric in hot water and also, in the soaked state, hold for about thirty minutes.

Finally, wash the clothes with regular laundry detergent. A stain remover can also handle the removal of juice stains, in which it is worth soaking soiled things overnight. Then just wash your clothes. The original composition for removing fruit stains is the same amount of vodka and glycerin, mix together, and then rub the stained area with this mixture. You can also use lemon juice, diluting it first with denatured alcohol or vodka in a ratio of one to one. Using ammonia can also help with juice stains.

Berry stains have to be removed by many housewives, taking care of everyday things of adult family members and a child. The removal of these “appetizing” traces is an issue that is of particular relevance in the summer. The problem is exacerbated when there are young children in the family.

Derivation is a problem, the solution of which must be approached with the utmost prudence. The fact is that the trace of far from every berry can be removed easily and quickly. The hardest thing to deal with blackberry and. Their removal should proceed in such a way as not to harm the processed thing of an adult or child.

Most often, the removal of berry traces is carried out using simple and fairly affordable means, which are almost always at hand. This review is dedicated to getting to know them.

If a berry stain has appeared on any of the things, then one of the following improvised means can help us:

The choice is based on the specifics of the spot.

Removing stains from berries and compote: quick and easy

Reliability, simplicity, availability and proven effectiveness are distinguished by such a tool as ... boiling water.

The only condition for its effective use is the freshness of the stain: only in this case, the pollution can be removed without a significant investment of time, nerves and effort, which is extremely important for the parents of a small child.

The technology itself, with which you can remove berry traces, is a certain sequence of actions, the first of which is boiling water.

The soiled fabric, from the surface of which stains can be removed, is pulled over a container of the appropriate size. In order to completely remove old marks from clothes at home, the material must be properly fixed, completely eliminating the slightest hint of sagging.

This method even allows you to completely remove old marks on white clothes - subject to the obligatory observance of the condition: it is necessary to pour boiling water until the stain completely disappears.

Residual marks can be removed by washing with a special soap.

Abundant salting - reliable deliverance

It is quite often possible to remove berry contaminants from various types of things, including leather clothes, furniture, shoes, using ordinary table salt. Possible problems are related to the correct choice of method.

Readers are offered several options to choose from, from which it will certainly be possible to choose the best one for each specific case. An additional tip for any choice: do not waste time and start processing.

Option number 1

The surface of the fabric of any clothing, shoes or furniture is thoroughly covered with salt, which is then gently rubbed with soft and strong movements.

It is necessary to wait a while - until all the paint is absorbed by the salt. After that, making sure of the results, everything is shaken off the furniture or things properly.

If it was about cleaning clothes, you can wash them in cold water. Wet wipe is suitable for furniture.

Option number 2

In order to clean the product, it must be laid out on a flat surface. A tool that allows you to wash a thing is a slurry obtained from water and salt.

When removing stains from berries, the cotton product is wetted in a pre-prepared mixture. To remove dirt, the treatment is carried out by rubbing movements throughout the problem area.

Dirt can be removed completely if the direction "from the edges to the middle" is followed. The same actions are recommended to be performed if traces appeared from any juicy fruit (peach, etc.).

After performing all the above actions, the thing is left in this state for half an hour. And, finally, in order to finally wash off the almost cleaned area, it is permissible to use ordinary running water.

How to quickly remove old traces of berry juice from clothes at home

This technique is characterized by multivariance. In each case, one of the following three remedies is used: vinegar, citric acid, or juice.

Method number 1

The lemon is cut, and the place contaminated with berries or juicy fruit (peach, apricot, etc.) is rubbed with squeezed juice. After that, the thing is ironed hot - always through gauze.

Method number 2

This method is especially used when it is necessary to eliminate traces of currant juice on light colored fabrics.

One teaspoon of citric acid is diluted in one glass of water, an alternative to which is one tablespoon of vinegar. The contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tissue is treated with the prepared solution. Then the product must be washed.

Taking into account the specifics of the material, the method is applicable to shoes - both for a child and an adult.

Method number 3

This method allows you to remove old marks on white clothes. The technique allows you to cope with the pollution that remains from the berries and from a fruit such as a peach.

So, to remove dirt from the fabric, make a solution of 20 g of alcohol (95%) and 2 g of citric acid. It is heated over low heat to 40 degrees. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from which the stains need to be removed is placed in the solution and kept until the material is completely cleaned.

Next, rinsing in warm water is carried out and immersion - for absolute results - in ammonia solution (1%). To be sure that all dirt has been removed, it is recommended to add a little vinegar to the rinse water.

An operational approach and a balanced decision are a guarantee of success!

Timely attention and the choice of the right technique will allow you to put in order a variety of things affected by berry and fruit stains. The versatility of the techniques also includes ways to remove marks from children's shoes, furniture, etc.
