How to bring back the feminine principle conspiracy. A simple spell for beauty using melt water

Sometimes you look at a woman and cannot understand why she attracts such a mass of fans, why does she attract them like a magnet?

Outwardly she is not at all beautiful, her smile reveals coolness and pretense, and there are no words for the way she speaks at all - intellectuals are resting. But as soon as a man appears near her, he looks into her mouth and is ready to fulfill all her whims. What's the matter you ask?

Perhaps she used the services of special magic - the magic of femininity and beauty, the magic of eternal youth and learned to be charged with female magnetism. It is female magnetism that is sometimes lacking in beauties who are unsuccessfully trying to find their soul mate.

If you want to join the ranks of those who attract the admiring glances of men, do not waste time - master the magic of female perfection, we are ready to share them with you.

It is not enough for men to pay attention to you, but it is important to look stunningly beautiful. If the Lord deprived you of this opportunity and rewarded you with an ordinary appearance, then you can use magic and perform rituals for female attractiveness and beauty, so popular among socialites.

These rituals are easy to perform and make it possible to be irresistibly attractive despite possible shortcomings. After the rituals, people stop noticing all defects in appearance, as if they had never existed.

Full moon rituals

The full moon attracts the eye. When the moon is full, the fire in the hearts of romantics is lit and ardent lovers are ready to sing serenades under the window of their beloved. Is it worth missing out on such a wonderful opportunity to soak up the beauty of the moon itself? Of course not! These rituals are simple to perform, but they are very effective.


The first ritual helps to preserve beauty and youth for many years and also helps those who want to become younger and more beautiful. The ritual has been used by witches and sorceresses for many centuries, why shouldn’t we follow their example? Have you decided? Then we choose a full moon night and go swimming in an open pond. It doesn't matter whether it's a lake, river, pond or pool. You can even fill an open-air bathtub for these purposes.

It is important that there are no obstacles in the way of moonlight before it is reflected in the water. We are in the water only when the moon is reflected in it. If a cloud rolls in or a cloud covers the moon, we urgently leave the pond. Remember, if the light is not reflected in the water during the new moon, it can take away your beauty and youth.

“Luna, unearthly beauty, Luna, look at me, I smile at you, Luna, Moon, share your unearthly beauty with me, servant of God (your name), for many years to come.”

At the end of the ritual, you need to get out of the water and let your body dry, let the water filled with moonlight fill your skin with the beauty of the moon.

Moonlight Ritual

As you can see, the first ritual is suitable for the warm season. What should those who want to fill their bodies with the unearthly beauty of the moon do in the fall, winter and spring? Is it really possible to swim in an ice hole? No! There is another ritual that is no less effective and always gives a positive result. It is also held on the night of the full moon.

On the brightest moonlit night, turn off the lights, open the curtains, stand in the middle of the room facing the window and let the moonlight envelop you from head to toe. It's better if you wear nothing at all. In your left hand you should have a glass of water, in your right hand a whisper of salt. Look at the moonlight, imagine how it envelops you and read a simple plot, just once:

“Pure water, moonlit tear, I drink you, I conjure you! Fill me, servant of God (name), with the freshness of a rose, the tenderness of bread, the charm of the wind. Let people look at me, servant of God (name), every day, and admire me, and never stop looking at me. My word is strong, my deed is faithful.”

After the plot is read, feel free to pour salt into the water and place the glass on the windowsill to be charged with moonlight. In the morning, drink water and say:

“Moon water, give all your beauty to me. My word is strong, it will be according to it.”

There is no need to drink all the moon-charged water at once. The ritual lasts seven days. Water in a glass should be stored in a dark place.

The magic of washing

There is a simple ritual that does not require reading conspiracies, but this does not make it lose any of its power. The morning toilet, namely washing, should end with wiping the face with the underwear that has just been removed. After such a ritual, the face becomes clean and attractive, and its skin does not lose its youth for a long time.

The magic of washing

Well, if your face is very prone to acne and rashes, after drying, throw the laundry on the floor and trample on it - it helps, it’s been tested!

Transition of beauty with roses

But the ritual of transferring beauty from the rose to you will require some equipment and effort. You need to find a fertilized chicken egg, preferably warm, fresh from the chicken. And you also need to find a place where there would be a rose bush and running water (stream, spring, river, etc., maybe even a fountain) not far from each other.

We are left alone with nature and the rose bush, break an egg, smear it on our face and wait 10–15 minutes. Then we wash our face with running water and bury the yolk of the egg under a rose bush.

There are many rituals to attract beauty, it’s up to you to decide which one to use, but it’s enough to restore youth and freshness to your appearance, and beauty will fill your features.

The beauty of youth is a powerful force of attractiveness

Sometimes it is worth using a ritual to restore youth or a rejuvenation ritual. There are also a lot of them, we are ready to offer several for your choice. Moon water will help restore youth.

We take a basin, pour water and leave it in the open air during the full moon: in the yard, on the balcony, so that the moonlight falls on the water and charges it with its energy. In the morning we rinse our face with moon water, let it dry and say:

“Moonlight is an unearthly beauty, it was lunar - now it is mine, fill me with youth and beauty.”

Water is the source of life, youth and beauty. Experts advise drinking a lot of water during the day, at least 2 liters. You can drink not just plain water, but water charged with your youth - a kind of elixir of youth and beauty.

  • We take a 3-liter jar and make a “charger” from it.
  • Let's find a photo in which you like yourself the most and attach it to the jar using tape with the image inside, as if your young double is looking into the jar.
  • Now we install the reflector. This could be a mirror or aluminum foil placed on the other side of the can.
  • We pour water, plain drinking water and set it to recharge for at least 12 hours.

Drink and look younger with every sip.

We enhance the effect of beauty and youth with the power of female magnetism

Using the rituals described above will help restore youth and beauty, but a simple ritual to attract attention and fill you with feminine magnetism will help fill the entire space around you with attractiveness.

The most attractive thing for people is light. Remember the sayings “The light came together like a wedge”, “Became the light in the window”? Remember? This means that you should take advantage of this property of sunlight and fill yourself up and be saturated with it.

To do this, early in the morning, preferably at dawn, stand so that the sunlight falls on you. And turn around it, rotating clockwise 12 times. Spin around and imagine how it envelops you like a baby's swaddle. And then just stretch your arms towards the light and let it fill you like a beautiful vase.

Charge yourself with the light of the sun or moon, as you wish. Become attractive and give your magnetism to others; if you don’t share it, then there will be no effect.

Good luck to you in the magic of female attractiveness!

Subject: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

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I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor can you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

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Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

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But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

“The lunar face of the night disperses the shadows. He fills the earth with life! There is no brighter night than the queen. So I too will be reborn again! So that you have a young face forever. So that beauty pleases any person! Amen!"

Place the photo so that it is illuminated by the moon's rays for as long as possible. And say it yourself:

“Queen of Heaven! My prayer to you! Don't be deceived and don't turn away! They told me to fulfill the request, to fill me with life!”

When you go to nature, don’t be lazy to perform a simple but effective ritual.

  1. It is necessary to take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the ground.
  2. Choose the plant you like (there should be a response from the soul) and bow to it.
  3. Say these words:

“By the grace of the Lord, we met you on the path! Just as your roots are in the earth, so are my feet on it! You are my brother (bush, grass, tree, etc., whatever your soul chooses), and I am your sister! We want the best for each other! I bow low and ask for help! Preserve my beauty forever! Just as you feel warm under the sun, let it be bright for me forever. Give me your strength to be filled with beauty and enjoy health! Thank you for your greetings! You and I may live to be a hundred years old!”

Only on the day when you cast a spell, try not to pick any flowers or herbs. And if you start harvesting, then ask them for forgiveness and explain what you are going to do.

I would also like to say that such a ritual does not have to be carried out only in the summer.

It is very useful in winter to stand in the snow for a couple of minutes and “communicate” with the trees. This helps to maintain freshness and youth for a long time.

Beauty spell for dew

This ancient rite was performed on Trinity Sunday. Although, there are no prohibitions on holding it at any warm time.

  1. Get up before dawn, put on a thin shirt (for example, a night shirt) and go to the meadow.
  2. There, plunge into the grass until you are completely soaked in dew.
  3. At the same time, say these words:

“Grass - ant, I drink your water for health and youth, for beauty and longevity! Share your strength with me, give me your life! Let my beauty bloom, let your water work wonders!”

If it is not possible to bathe in dew completely, then just wash your hands and face, saying the above formula.

Those who will perform the “reduced” ceremony are recommended to wash their feet in the dew. This has a very beneficial effect on the health of the entire body.

Spell for the beauty of face, body, hair

This ritual must be performed in the bathroom. A special decoction is prepared for it.

In principle, there is no special list. It is necessary to recruit those you like in the summer.

To do this, they go “hunting” in the morning. You need to walk barefoot through a meadow (field, forest) and collect those herbs or flowers, leaves that attracted your attention. Bow to everyone and ask for strength.

For example:

“Hello birch tree! I ask you for leaves for my beauty!”

The harvest at home must be dried and crushed. And this collection should be used for ritual.

If you didn’t do this in the summer, then buy aromatic herbs at the store: dill, basil or others that you like. Prepare a decoction with them.

Boil about a liter of water, throw in a handful of the mixture and say:

“The Lord provided the plants with sunshine and rewarded them with eternal power! I take that power for myself. For race and health, with God's love! Amen!"

Cool the slightly cooled broth. When you have washed, pour it over yourself from head to toe, saying:

“I want summer beauty, so that the hair matches the hair, the skin matches the light, the face is white, the body is slim, the eyes are starry! Amen!"

The ritual takes place weekly. It is advisable to start doing it three days in a row, and then once a week.

Our ancestors have left behind a lot of ancient magical rituals that can make the face and body young, attractive and add charm and self-confidence. These rituals are quite simple, and you can easily perform them yourself at home, without turning to professional sorcerers and magicians for help. You just need to follow some rules and remember the possible negative consequences.

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    Rules for reading beauty conspiracies and their consequences

    Beauty conspiracies belong to ritual magic, and therefore must be read according to certain rules:

  1. 1. Most attractiveness rituals must be performed only during the waxing moon, unless otherwise specified in the rules of the ritual. It is at this time that vitality increases, and white magic aimed at improving one’s face and body is most effective.
  2. 2. Conspiracies aimed at eliminating any shortcomings or defects in appearance, on the contrary, are best carried out during the waning of the moon. Along with the decreasing month, troubling problems will gradually go away.
  3. 3. You need to say spells and prayers with great faith in their power and from a pure heart. In addition, intentions must also be pure. White magic will not work in cases where improvement in appearance occurs, for example, with the goal of stealing someone else's husband or wife, thereby destroying the marriage. This is especially true for love spells, which are done in order to become more attractive and beautiful in the eyes of the person being bewitched.
  4. 4. When performing magical rituals, you should take off your jewelry, belt, cross, hair clips, etc. All these items disrupt energy flows.
  5. 5. Conspiracies are pronounced in complete solitude and in a calm environment. No extraneous sounds or conversations should distract during the ritual.
  6. 6. You should not practice such magic on major church holidays. Not only is this considered a sin, but it can also have the opposite effect.
  7. 7. Conspiracies for female beauty and attractiveness can also be pronounced by representatives of the stronger half. However, some adjustments should be made to the text, adjusting it to the masculine gender.
  8. 8. Women should carry out rituals for beauty, youth and attractiveness on women’s days (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday), and men on men’s days (Tuesday, Monday, Thursday). On Sunday you should refrain from performing magical rituals.

    Despite the fact that most beauty rituals belong to white magic, they will have their consequences. The resulting luxurious appearance will have to be paid for with something of great value. Subsequently, you can lose your attractiveness, gain excess weight, or break up with your loved one, to attract whom magic was used.

    Varieties of slander to improve appearance

    The range of magical rituals for beauty is quite rich and varied. There are many types of prayers and incantations for men and women that help improve their appearance and become more attractive in the eyes of their other half. Depending on the purpose of the ritual, there are:

    • conspiracies and prayers to improve appearance, including the beauty of hair, skin, nails, figure, etc.;
    • rituals that help you get rid of any external imperfections and become truly beautiful;
    • rituals that allow you to restore or preserve your natural beauty;
    • conspiracies for rejuvenating the face and body;
    • love spells to increase attractiveness and sexuality.

    Depending on the attributes of the ritual for which the slander is read, the following are distinguished:

    • spells and prayers for your favorite cosmetics (for example, cream or shampoo);
    • rituals for water;
    • food and drink spells;
    • rituals using various magical objects (candles, mirrors, etc.) or personal items;
    • slander about salt, sugar, etc.

    The most powerful rituals and prayers

    There is a wide range of different rituals and prayers that help improve appearance and get rid of blemishes and ailments. Their correct use will help you become more beautiful and attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex and more confident in yourself.

    All rituals are simple to perform and most of them can be performed at home using improvised means. An important factor in this case is that you should not tell anyone about such magical rituals, even your closest people. Otherwise, their effect will come to naught.

    Slanders about water for beauty

    The ritual using water for washing should be performed in the morning for a month. After this, you need to take a break for a couple of weeks and repeat the whole process again. Necessary:

    • early in the morning, fill a basin with water;
    • read the “Our Father” prayer over it three times;
    • then cast a spell;
    • wash your face and hands with the charmed liquid.

    This ritual will make a woman more attractive and desirable to men. And if you turn reading the conspiracy into a daily ritual, then there will be no end to the fans.

    Another ritual using the power of water for facial beauty is carried out as follows:

    • Take cold spring water into a small container;
    • place it on a stool or chair in front of you;
    • whisper magic words over the liquid three times;
    • rinse her face seven times;
    • without drying yourself, go to bed.

    Water will also help get rid of any external defects. For water, you need to read the following spell: “Water, water, take away all the wrinkles (pimples, scars, blemishes, blackheads, etc.) from (name)’s face.” Amen! “You should wash your face with the enchanted liquid every day until the blemishes begin to disappear.

    The melt water spell will also help get rid of skin imperfections. The ritual is performed only during the waning moon. Need to:

    • take seven icicles;
    • bring them home, put them in a basin and wait until they melt;
    • say a curse on melt water 7 times;
    • wash her face.

    You can bewitch the opposite sex with the help of salt water. You should:

    • early in the morning fill the container with cool water;
    • take three pinches of salt with your left hand;
    • throw them one by one into the water;
    • pronounce magic words.

    Powerful prayers to get rid of skin problems

    Both prayers are read in the church in front of the icon of the holy wonderworker Artemy Verkolsky. The first of them will help get rid of pimples and blackheads. This prayer is especially suitable for teenage girls who often face similar skin problems.

    The second prayer to Artemy will help get rid of more serious skin diseases, scars, irritation and other defects. It must also be read in church in front of the image of the saint, and then light a candle in front of the icon. After getting rid of the disease, you should definitely thank the Wonderworker Artemy.

    Anti-aging spells on cream

    The charmed cream will help in the fight against skin aging and wrinkles. It is advisable to carry out such a ritual before sunrise. Necessary:

    • buy a jar of suitable cream in advance;
    • sit in front of a mirror;
    • look carefully at your reflection;
    • rub the cream into the skin;
    • whisper a conspiracy;
    • Every evening for two weeks, apply the prescribed remedy to your face.

    Whispers for various cosmetics are also very effective. Most often they are pronounced on face cream. Need to:

    • buy a good cream in the store;
    • without opening the jar, speak to him like this: “There were 12 sisters, 12 young ladies, 12 beauties, 12 queens. Each one has beauty in a barrel”;
    • wash completely;
    • open the cream;
    • apply it to the face while reading a special plot (see below);
    • close the jar and whisper over it the words that consolidate the result: “12 sisters, everyone in the tent! I open - I gain beauty”;
    • use the prescribed cosmetic product daily. At the same time, each time pronounce incantations to spread the cream and close the jar.

    There is another powerful anti-aging spell for cosmetics. It is usually read on a cream that is used daily. Need to:

    • at noon, open a jar of cream;
    • whisper a curse over her;
    • apply cream to your face, thinking about your beauty and youth.

    Spells for attractiveness on a personal subject

    • wait until 12 o'clock at night;
    • take a personal item;
    • read the plot several times;
    • perform the ritual daily for a week.

    There is another powerful love spell on a personal item, which will later be used as a talisman. This ritual adds femininity, charm, and sexuality. It should be done no more than three times, otherwise you will get tired of male attention. The hex is read on the item three times, after which you need to wash with running water.

    You cannot talk to anyone about enchanted talismanic objects, much less give them into the wrong hands. Otherwise they will lose their power.

    Full moon bathing for a beautiful body

    This ritual must be performed in the summer and always on a full moon. Need to:

    • wait until sunset;
    • enter the river;
    • look at your reflection in the water;
    • say the spell: “Moon, you are beautiful and omnipotent, give my body beauty and youth. Take away all old age and illness. Amen";
    • You cannot dry yourself with a towel; the water on your body must dry on its own.

    Rainbow and reflection spells to make yourself prettier

    This curse should be pronounced three times while looking at the rainbow. You can imagine yourself walking along it.

    It is suitable for both women and men. After a short period of time, your appearance will become much more pleasant, and you will hear a lot of compliments from the opposite sex.

    The ritual of reflection will help not only to become prettier, but also to rejuvenate the body. Unlike the first rainbow spell, the mirror ritual is only suitable for ladies; it will make a man too feminine. You will need a small amount of melted snow, honey, milk, finely chopped white rose petals and a mirror. The ritual must be carried out strictly on the full moon with the first rays of the rising sun.

    • take a transparent bowl;
    • place it on a mirror surface;
    • sequentially place rose petals, honey, melt water, milk into the container;
    • each ingredient must be reflected in the mirror;
    • read the plot;
    • then mix the contents of the bowl with your hands;
    • wash your face and body with this infusion for seven days in a row (you can store the mixture in the refrigerator).

The beauty spell is the most popular among other magical texts. Why? If you are a woman, then you will answer for yourself, because there is no female person who would not want to preserve her youth, beauty from nature and from birth for a long time. There is another option, when nature has not rewarded the girl with a pleasant or sexy appearance, then special spells are the only way to feel confident and please the opposite sex. Beauty spells for water, for example, really work.

How to attract attractiveness worries not only young girls, but also those who have given birth or undergone a complex operation. Also, when the first wrinkles appear, many begin to get nervous and sometimes panic because of the loss of their youth and attractiveness when it was. Nobody wants to grow old. A spell for attractiveness does not always concern the face (although there are spells for nourishing cream). If you get acquainted with the types of conspiracies, you can count more than 20 options.

All about types of conspiracies

Before we talk about the types of conspiracies for attractiveness and beauty, let's define what constitutes female dignity. Yes, probably the whole body, without exception, no matter what kind of girl she is. And, therefore, the spell for beauty should be for all parts of the body. From here you can understand the options:

  • a strong spell for the beauty of the face and body;
  • conspiracy for youth;
  • for beautiful breasts;
  • for good skin;
  • for legs and arms, etc.

We will not list all the parts of the body. All of them have their own special ritual and version of the text. But what are the types of beauty spells? Everything will depend on what the plot is read for:

  • water spells or spells for beauty on water;
  • creamy – read as cream;
  • edible - food;
  • drinking – all liquid consumed;
  • salt - only salt;
  • on the mirror.

Each beauty spell has its own reading and implementation characteristics. There are other secrets and features that we will get to know later, for example, spells for different creams.

Let's return to options and types. The fact is that most conspiracies to be beautiful belong to black magic. White magic recommends using prayers that use creams and water. The treatment, of course, is also different. If you turn to the saints or the Mother of God, then it is already clear that good is used. How can one determine that magic, where beauty spells are used, uses dark forces? After all, a conspiracy to bring beauty may be just that. This is where there is most often a catch. It may not be possible to determine immediately, since, in principle, everything looks decent, without mention of evil spirits. Only after a while does the woman realize that the black side demands retribution, and creams, flowers and even milk are used.

What to do? Provided that you trust the source, for example, you contacted the white witch directly or visited the website of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, then all advice for attracting beauty and attractiveness will be of a white nature. Many people doubt Vanga’s beauty spells only because the Bulgarian healer was rejected by the church for a long time, and her notes have not yet all been deciphered. Although, she didn’t do anything bad to people and her magic spells for beauty are effective.

All about the rules

Many people believe that you can read a spell on beauty and attractiveness whenever, however you want, and all the time. This is a completely wrong opinion, because the plot for youth and beauty needs to be read correctly. It is beauty conspiracies that have their own rules and nuances. If we talk about Vanga’s advice (namely advice for every day), then you can use it at any time of the day or night. A spell for facial beauty, for example, using herbs and infusions, is not entirely considered a magical ritual and does not have any special consequences. In this case, the infusion is simply encoded, and the herbs and other ingredients work for the benefit of the human body.

Every person who uses any texts from books on magic should know about the existence of rules. A conspiracy for attractiveness and youth also refers to ritual magic, which means it will have certain restrictions and laws.

  1. The spell on attractiveness should be read only during periods of the new moon (new moon). From 1 to 12 days according to the lunar calendar, it gives an increase in vital energy, adds everything that a person asks for, turning to magical forces or natural spirits.
  2. If the conspiracy to bring beauty consisted of a curse on the cream, then it is also better to use it only in the first 15 days according to the moon, because the conspiracy for a very beautiful face has its own nuances.
  3. A person who reads beauty conspiracies must indicate his name, ask from the bottom of his heart and not use his requests for evil (for example, to seduce other people’s men or for depraved acts).
  4. It is not advisable to read a conspiracy to be young or to attract beauty, to become attractive, or any other type of conspiracy on days when there are Christian holidays. It is clear that almost every day there is one of the holidays celebrated by the church. We will indicate only the most important ones: Easter, Palm Sunday, Epiphany and especially Red Hill. The last day is considered Antipascha (the day when all dead souls celebrate the resurrection of the Savior). On such a day, not a single witch, sorcerer or person with power will perform even the slightest rituals and incantations. Since ancient times, this has been a mortal sin, as the village people say: “The dead don’t care what you look like. Krasnaya Gorka is their holiday. Having learned about any magical word or action, they will retaliate strongly and painfully.”
  5. There is also a claim that dead souls do not like to be disturbed, especially if it is a plot to become beautiful. You must understand that their bodies have long ceased to shine with beauty, which means that asking the dead for help in such a matter simply offends them.
  6. If you belong to a different faith, for example, Muslim, then all the beauty conspiracies from Christians may not help. Each faith has its own spells and prayers for attractiveness, for a sexy figure, attractiveness. By not following the rules specified by Christian witches, every Muslim can bring disaster upon himself.
  7. Spells for female beauty can also be used by men. Only make adjustments when reading the text. For example, change the adjective everywhere to the masculine gender and indicate your name. Most often, a spell for a beautiful face is applied to cream. In addition, you can use a spell for very beautiful hair. If a man chooses the wrong ritual or conspiracy, the consequences will not be very terrible, but few people will want to walk around with a cute female guise.
  8. It is advisable for women to read beauty conspiracies on women's days (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday), and men on men's days (Tuesday, Monday, Thursday). There are no rituals or actions to be performed on Sunday.
  9. Easter eggs, namely yolks, can also be used. There is a separate category of texts that are used only with the use of holy water, Easter eggs and other paraphernalia set aside by the church. Such readable conspiracies to attract attractiveness and beauty are used once a year. If Easter was in April, then the ritual is carried out in April. Epiphany water is used only during January.
  10. If you have performed a ritual on cream to make your skin softer or shampoo to make your hair thick, then all this is used before bed and once a day. Please read carefully.
  11. In the morning, it is recommended to use water spells and rituals for wild beauty.

The well-known Vanga quite often gave recommendations to women and girls. There were not only tips for use for every day, she also gave spells and spells for natural beauty to many females from the high society of that time. Many claim that such recipes of youth were told to her by the voices of long-living soothsayers. After reading such a spell, any of the men could be attracted. But few of its former visitors talk about such prayers and rituals. They try more to use recommendations related to herbs and flowers. Let's get acquainted with just a few of them.

  1. An infusion made at home from roses is used. It is still advisable to do the ritual only on the full moon in the spring. The infusion must be spoken using whispers: “Beauty, like a magnet, is attracted, dirt and damage are rejected from the body. I will bloom like a rose, my skin will be tender, soft and pleasant to the touch.” After you have read it, you can pour it into the bathroom, use water that is pleasant to the body. Immerse yourself completely and lie in the bathtub for 5-10 minutes. After this, you can use soap and wash your hair if desired.
  2. Collect rainwater during the spring month (April-May). Read the following words on it: “Rain from the sky, water into the ground. Let the rainwater, slave (name), take away all my old age. From the clear sky it gives me strength so that they won’t jinx me or harm me, but they will see my beauty from afar.”

In addition to the beauty spell, there are Vanga’s tips that you can use anytime, anywhere, at any day or hour:

  • the return of youth will be ensured if you wash your face with dew as often as possible;
  • You need to be in the sun less often, but sunbathing should be done in moderation;
  • love flowers and enjoy their attractiveness;
  • wash your face with milk at sunrise and let it dry;
  • walking barefoot is the best way to raise spirits and pheromones;
  • herbs were, are and will be the best helpers in order to attract sexuality and become beautiful.

Attracting beauty

Not all women and girls wear earrings, but they can become one of the conditions for attractiveness and youth. Most often, water is used for all rituals and spells. This spell for earrings is carried out on a full moon. It should be read on the water in which the full moon is reflected. We throw the earrings in the middle. To restore attractiveness, take a transparent container filled halfway with clean running water. You should look at the moon and read the following text:

“You are the moon to all the girls, beautiful, still young and red-faced. Give me slave (name) your youth. Give me the opportunity to become beautiful, give me back my figure, my youth. So that their eyes sparkled and attracted women and men. They attracted attention to themselves. You are the moon, beauty to all girls, give me a youthful face, and return my strength.”

A strong spell on reflection will help you achieve an attractive appearance and rejuvenation. You will need honey, milk, white rose petals (finely chopped), snow (to melt at home), a mirror. The ritual is carried out on the full moon at dawn (already with the first rays). The slander is intended for women and girls. It is contraindicated for men, as it will return youth, but at the same time give femininity. On the mirror side we carry out the entire ritual. The container should be transparent so that each ingredient can be reflected in it.

Consistently add together with the words: petals, honey, melt water, milk. Then mix with your hands:

“I want to become as tender as roses, as sweet as honey, as beautiful as snow. The body will become milk, the skin of the face will attract everyone’s attention, youth will return, and it will turn into health. My eyes sparkle in front of the mirror, I dip my hands in the milk. A strong curse helps you become attractive.”

After this, you can regularly wash your face with this infusion in the morning. 7 days in a row. Keep refrigerated. In addition to your face, you can gently wet the skin of your arms, legs, and entire body.

A strong ancient spell will help restore hair after illness, dye and other chemical influences. Suitable for both men and women. More like whispers, since every person should have thick and voluminous hair. Buy a new comb on your day (men's or women's) and read in a whisper about the new thing, all attention should be focused on the new comb:

“I read for myself, I improve my hair. I should not be like everyone else, I should be the most beautiful, with more beautiful hair. So that beauty does not seem, but really exists. Let the curls curl, grow, gain strength to my delight and to everyone’s surprise.”

You must be prepared for the old hair to fall out. But those that are healthy or half normal will remain. Rituals with combs are aimed at renewal. It’s better to throw out the old comb right away so that your hair doesn’t get bored with it.

The curse associated with the bathhouse has a long gray beard. It cannot be done in a bath, since the bannik (the owner of the bath) will have to take away your fading and ensure eternal youth. Such rituals are carried out no more than once a year in the same bathhouse. It is better to visit the bathhouse at a distance and by yourself, without prying eyes. Before bathing and steaming, go to the stove and, attracting the attention of the bath attendant, wave and tap the broom in the corners of the room:

“Bannik, I don’t ask you to show your face, I want to beg for your assistance and power. Make me more beautiful so that I seem sweeter. Take off the old age from your hands and body, I beg you. Reward me with eternal youth."

Now we read the curse on the broom:

“I am very afraid of old age, I ask you for help. Oak branches, maple branches, help! Take away old age and illness from me.”

Now you can calmly steam, swim, and actively use a broom. Before you leave, leave the bannik something sweet in the corner and burn the broom. Such rituals are performed strictly on the full moon (2nd day of the full moon).

Spell for beauty and attractiveness. Ritual to restore youth from Daria Mironova

A spell for beauty and youth.


Now you know that conspiracies for natural beauty are not at all difficult to read - the main thing is to know all the subtleties and not make mistakes that you will later regret. Conspiracies for beauty and fierce attractiveness can be read by anyone who wants to become special.

A woman wants to be as attractive and delightful as possible, to catch the “hungry” glances of men, and to receive compliments. For many centuries, female beauty was incredibly highly valued; it was an object of worship, an element of creative inspiration. And the question of how to achieve attractiveness has worried lovely ladies at all times.

Often, poems and songs were written for attractive women, they posed for paintings, and sculptures were made in their image. On the other hand, think about it: physical beauty does not always give its owner real happiness. Beautiful girls are rejected lovers, often experience the pangs of loneliness, and become unhappy, gloomy loners.

And it also happens that homely, but very charismatic girls live “like in God’s bosom.”

Fortunately, heavenly forces allow you to change the situation in your favor, regardless of the type of appearance of the person who ordered the conspiracy. For this, there is a conspiracy to attract people, special prayers and rituals. If you use these tools wisely, you will soon be able to achieve tangible progress in all areas of your life and attract the attention of men. The main thing is to ask from the bottom of your heart, then all sorts of prospects will open up for you.

The best conspiracies

If you are experiencing problems with your facial skin, the following powerful spell will help you. It must be carried out during the waxing moon, because this period is characterized as rebirth, a new beginning. A woman needs to wear a long white dress, forget about trousers, jeans, sweaters on this day, you need to emphasize your femininity.

Take a teaspoon of aloe juice, half a spoon of fresh honey. Mix the ingredients in a clay or crystal bowl until smooth. Then the face is thoroughly washed with clean spring water, the resulting mixture is applied to it and the words of the conspiracy are read.

Spell "Attractiveness"

“You, thorny flower, yes you, sweet honey, remove old age from my face, strengthen my feminine beauty, so that all the young girls envy me, the servant of God (name), and the young men all lick their lips at me. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen". “As water is on the face, so is beauty on the face, as water is on the face, so is old age forever from my face.”

Afterwards, the face is cleaned with warm water, reading the plot further.

The procedure is repeated 7 days in a row.

If you want to maintain a youthful appearance, a sexy figure, charisma in the eyes of men, sexuality for a long time - choose the following type of conspiracy. It is not very simple, but quite effective. Buy a linden bath broom, then draw spring water at dawn on the full moon. Bring it home, read the prayer “Our Father”, then the prayer “To Saint Panteleimon the Healer”, then the words of the conspiracy.

“Sexuality” spell on a bath broom

“I drive away old age, I drive away infirmity, I welcome beauty and smoothness. So that the hands of the servant of God (name) are smooth and beautiful, and the legs of the servant of God (name) are smooth and beautiful, and the body of the servant of God (name) is smooth and beautiful, and the face of the servant of God (name) is smooth and beautiful, her eyes sparkle , the hair played, the body was flexible, and beautiful, and desirable for everyone. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After reading, go to the bathhouse, and there the charmed water is poured into a container of hot water for the guy. Then you need to steam yourself with the prepared linden broom, while saying the following words.

Completion of the “Sexuality” plot

“Illness from the yard, beauty and youth at the gate.”

Afterwards, rinse yourself with water from the basin and take the broom to the cemetery.

The words of the following attractiveness spell can increase the sexual attractiveness of a girl of any age, improve her aura, and give her a peculiar charm and charm. First you need to decide on what item the spell will be cast. For example, it could be an ordinary handkerchief, a comb, or something else. When going on a date, to a club, to work, or to study, you need to take the enchanted item with you. It cannot be given to anyone or even shown. Just read the following words above it.

Spell "For sexual attractiveness"

“You are my treasure, a treasure, a love pledge. I’m not putting you in a prison-ground, I’m bewitching you to a girl. In the name of an angel, in the name of an archangel. Pull the suitors to me. God's servant (name). I would be like the dawn, blush, like spicy herb, perfume. Desirable to any man's heart. They would be sad about me, yearn for me, Not seeing me, they grieved: In the world, in the feast, not on earth and in water - Everywhere! Be me like the sun, like the clear moon, like a light warm wave. Among all my pav friends there is only one like this. My words cannot be suppressed, they cannot be whispered, nor can they be reprimanded with a strong word. How people bow to the Mother Church, So that people can love and respect me, Meet me with a smile, see me off with their eyes. My word is first, my deed is strong. What I didn’t say, what I didn’t finish, what I didn’t think about in my thoughts. My plot will bring everything to fruition. Amen."

Focus on results

You can achieve a better result only if you are confident in your abilities and are not going to give up no matter the difficulties. Try to learn the words of the spell and not read it from a piece of paper during the ritual.

This, first of all, will simply help you concentrate better. Secondly, in this way you will demonstrate to higher powers the seriousness of your intentions, which means your chance of winning their favor will increase.

When reading magic words, concentration on the image of what you want to receive is of great importance, or, if we are talking about love, you can visualize a collective image of men.

You should not hope that attractiveness can be achieved only with words. Today there are thousands of types of cosmetics that can really positively affect your appearance when used systematically. But at the same time, it is still very important to believe in your strength and that heavenly forces can help solve the problem.

Video: Conspiracy for attractiveness
