What hairstyle for a girl is fashionable. European hairstyle for girls

What are the haircut trends of 2017

Women's fashionable haircut 2017 can make a big difference in the image of every woman. In the coming year, the main task of stylists turned out to be to raise a woman's self-confidence and create a truly stylish image. Many of the proposed hairstyles just stunning, but you need to choose the one that suits you. The ideal image directly depends on the length of your hair, as well as what you want to end up with. Are you ready to radically change the image or slightly correct the existing one.

Trending this season long thick bangs. It would be appropriate to wear such a bang with a bohemian chic hairstyle. Another trend of the season is a slight negligence, which is also present in the bangs. Pay special attention to ragged bangs, you can create it with thinning or a hot razor, which goes especially well with smooth hair. As you can see, women's hairstyles with bangs 2017 are varied, more detailed photos can be seen below.

This spring will be especially relevant bob haircut. The bob can be of different lengths, both to the shoulders, and very short with the addition of ragged bangs. If we talk about long hair, then stylists recommend wearing loose hair, minimal styling. Also, for long hair, you can make thinning or. Such hairstyles are suitable for energetic, self-confident girls who are not afraid of experiments. If cardinal changes are not for you, then you can try or, which will update long hair, creating an elegant look. Do not be afraid to experiment, women's haircuts summer 2017 will help with this. Detailed photos of hairstyles are given below.

For all owners of long hair, tired of smooth hairstyles and straight monotonous lines, stylists recommend doing a stylish hairstyle - elongated cascade. With the right selection of a haircut cascade for long hair, the hairstyle will look luxurious. It is important to choose not only the shape of the cascading haircut, but also the look and graduation intensity, which directly depends on the density, length and structure of the hair. Given this, you can choose women's fashionable hairstyles 2017 for long hair. Photos are presented below.

One of the best options to effectively demonstrate long hair is beautiful haircut elongated cascade. This is the perfect solution for those who want to bring freshness and novelty to their image. An elongated cascade haircut is good for its versatility - it will suit almost everyone, it is only important to choose the right silhouette for yourself personally. We have selected several types of hairstyles for an elongated cascade 2017. Photos are offered below.

Haircut ladder for long hair most accurately answers trend of 2017. Individual and very complex images are created due to a non-trivial and beautiful contour. On long hair, this hairstyle looks especially luxurious; it is shaped at the back with multi-level strands that look amazing when cut through. feathers". The short flight of stairs allows not only not to change the length of the hair, but also to give the hairstyle volume and plasticity. For any occasion, a ladder haircut 2017 will be relevant. The photos are presented below.

Shoulder-length hair looks feminine, stylish and requires less maintenance. That is why medium length hair is ideal for all ages and events. A fashionable haircut, in the opinion of experts, will be long asymmetrical bob, as well as hairstyles in the newfangled cascade style. But the main trend of 2017 will be the classic medium-length bob with even bangs to the eyebrow line. As you can see, women's hairstyles 2017 for medium hair are varied. Photos of them can be seen below.

A characteristic feature of the haircut is the blurring of the cut lines, creating a rounded and smooth edge in the hairstyle. Besides, haircut is universal: it is perfect for both young girls and women of age. Often such a haircut suggests the presence of a bang, and it can be either oblique or even. You can change the image with such a haircut depending on the styling method, the type of bangs and the length of the hair. This is the main advantage that the 2017 cascade hairstyle has. The photos are shown below.

Women's haircut Page is suitable for hair of different lengths. But be careful, if you have sparse and thin hair, curly curls, as well as a triangular or round face shape, then such a haircut will absolutely not suit you. For medium length hair, this haircut creates a gentle, romantic look.. You can see all the variations of the Page 2017 haircut on the photos below.

The hairstyle will be able to emphasize the natural beauty and smoothness of straight and slightly wavy lines, but on curly hair it will completely lose its effect. Thanks to the graduation of the tips and the multi-layered design of the strands, it makes it possible to work perfectly with volume. It allows you to visually thicken naughty thin hair. and give the structure thick and hard. Cesson 2017 haircut will help to create a unique festive look, photos are offered below.

This year, short haircuts have become the main focus. This is a great choice for women who prefer simplicity and convenience over intricate styling. But before parting with your hair, creating a short haircut, you should remember that it is not suitable for every type of face. The main spring-summer trends will be bob and bob haircuts, but these are far from all the creative and stylish hairstyles of 2017 for short hair. Photos are offered below.

For several seasons in a row, the universal " bean". Its unique feature is that on the basis of such a fashionable haircut, you can create a huge variety of different hairstyles. For going to the theater or to a party, you can create an enchanting volume, and for the office, make a more modest styling. You can see the 2017 bob style in the photos below.

This trendy haircut looks very good on short hair. The uniqueness of the haircut lies in its styling, which can differ in numerous options. This season, the bob is extremely diverse, on the catwalk you can see models with both clear contours of the hairstyle and torn ends, the effect of a light “wind” in the hair and smooth styling. All this is the style of Kare 2017, the photo of which is given below.

Most girls, having chosen a fashionable haircut for themselves with an emphasis on bangs, do not want to part with it for years. It is great for petite women having fine facial features. The bangs can be long and short, on one or two sides, and also laid in an asymmetric way. This haircut favorably emphasizes the line of the neck, especially in combination with long earrings and large clips. That is why many women choose the Pixie 2017 style, the photo of which is below.

Women's haircut Garcon is epitome of french charm, it is suitable for those who do not like subtle stylistic provocations and stereotyped images. It has a demonstrative simplicity - the key to elegance. Every woman should try this haircut, it surprisingly transforms the appearance, gives the image a sexuality and highlights the face. We recommend every woman who wants a change to try the Garzon style. Photos of hairstyles are given below.

For owners of short hair, a classic bob with elongated strands in front and bangs is suitable. Women with regular facial features and a beautiful head shape can experiment with an ultra-short haircut. under the boy". They will make you look more attractive and younger. Long hair also has a place to be, but they should not be straight: large curls and light waves, structural strands and accents in the form of shorter ones at the back - these are haircuts for full 2017, the photo can be seen below.

A bob on curly hair will look beautiful and stylish. This hairstyle will give the image of romance and some mischief. You can give your hairstyle a spectacular look with the help of a haircut-cascade, which will combine strands of different lengths, forming a beautiful cut on the bottom line of the hairstyle. Haircuts for curly hair 2017 will add zest to your look. Photos of haircuts can be seen below.

In the current 2017, you can update your image with the help of a fashionable haircut. Stylists have created images that are suitable for owners of different hair lengths. Whether your hair is long, short or medium, you can always find the cut that will make your look more expressive, giving it charm. Regardless of the event, you will always look fashionable and stylish. Here you can find a variety of popular, stylish and creative women's haircuts and hairstyles. Photos of all variations, models and styles can be seen below.

It would be nice to first revive and “feed” them with masks, and only then rush to the salon to make a new trendy haircut.

The choice of length in the 2018 season is not relevant, since haircuts are presented in a wide range - it can be smooth long strands or tousled careless "feathers", gentle waves and bouffants, layering and play of lengths.

Also, a wide variety of bangs are supposed for each image: torn and neat, super short and long - up to the very eyes, oblique and straight.

The most fashionable women's haircuts photo

Today, women no longer sit at home, as they did in the past. An active lifestyle is now in fashion: business, sports, and other things that require constant haste. In such a frantic pace, there is simply no time for hair care, which forces many of the fair sex to switch to short haircuts. This article will list the most fashionable women's haircuts of 2015.

Fashionable haircuts for short hair photo for women over 40

1. Haircut cascade– This type of haircut is gaining more and more popularity. Recently, not only even strands have been made, but also asymmetric ones. Styling may not be perfect, hair can even be a little disheveled.

2. Bob- A popular short haircut. There are many varieties of this haircut for short hair. You can make soft contours or make the hairstyle more geometric.

3. Haircut "hat"- a hairstyle that is relevant for the 2015 season. Although this one requires frequent adjustments, it pays for it with more than an indelible effect on others. When choosing this haircut, pay attention to the shape of the face, the cap haircut is only suitable for a classic oval face.

4. Kare- known as a simple haircut. However, she has many variations: elongated, on a leg, with torn strands, and a short bob goes well with straight bangs. However, this type of bob haircut is suitable for owners of straight hair. But for girls with curly hair, it’s better to opt for a slightly careless square, when separately knocked-out strands will not look out of place

5. Pixies- This hairstyle is incredibly stylish and can easily hide age. Any woman with such a hairstyle turns into a kind of tomboy, but without losing the image of a delicate and fragile creature. Great for fine hair. This haircut has already been tried by many Hollywood stars, such as Rihanna, Natalie Portman, Anne Haytway, Halle Berry, and others. It is equally well suited for women of any age and any face shape. Pixie haircut does not need to be carefully styled, slightly tousled hair is not only allowed, but also welcomed.

6. Garson- This hairstyle is ideal for business women whose hair is not very obedient. In the process of creating a hairstyle, the strands are milled on the back of the head, temples, and bangs.

7. Open ears is the trend of the season. When creating this hairstyle, the hair near the ears is cut off or pawned behind them.

8.Shag- a rather creative hairstyle, creating which you need to cut your hair in sections, stretching it as much as possible. This results in a rather original, careless image, full of expression. This haircut gives the look a stylish and sexy look, styling is effortless, as the cutting technique will always make your hairstyle look a little tousled.

The most fashionable haircuts 2015

9. Asymmetrical haircuts for short hair - these haircuts perfectly emphasize all the advantages of classical type faces. Such hairstyles are quite bold and bold, which is perfect for creative natures.

Trendy hairstyles 2016 say "The sooner the better." There is no time to bother with three-layer structures. beauty in simplicity

The concept of a stylish haircut or styling is constantly changing and this year was no exception, fashionable hairstyles for 2016 are so diverse that every woman can find an option to her liking among them. Modern trends invite girls to pay attention to the classics and retro style, but at the same time, daring short haircuts and luxurious braids do not lose their relevance. Let's try to figure out which hairstyles are popular this season, and how to choose your ideal option among them.

What should be the ideal hairstyle?

For a hairstyle, if we are not talking about a one-time solemn event, but about daily wear, there are special requirements. She must be:

  • Simple and does not require long styling.
  • Stylish, capable of emphasizing that a woman takes care of herself and is aware of fashion trends.
  • Good shape keeping and resistant to weather conditions (wind, precipitation).

In addition, a successful hairstyle does not need a lot of styling hairspray and the constant use of an iron or hair curler. An additional plus will be its ability to easily change into another model. It is these criteria, according to most girls, that should be taken into account so that wearing a hairstyle is comfortable and the hair does not lose its healthy look.

long hair trends

For owners of long hair this season there are many interesting options. Consider the most popular of them.

  • Retro

The classic is as relevant as ever. Among the trends of 2016, the “retro” style prevails, which is characterized by styling with wavy bangs and the so-called babettes.

It is not difficult to make this fashionable high hairstyle on your own. First, the hair is collected in a bun at the crown and the tail is divided into two parts. Then, one half is combed, a special roller is placed under it and the structure is fixed with invisibility, the remaining strands are left loose. The babette looks especially good with a long bang combed to one side.

  • Boho style

The boho style is also popular. It implies maximum naturalness of hair and slightly careless styling. Hairstyles in this style can be made in various variations:

  • light wavy curls;
  • straight hair;
  • harnesses;
  • tails and tufts.

The basic rule of boho is the more natural the better. These hairstyles look luxurious on long hair, but are also suitable for medium length. You can complement the image with accessories - a bandage, a hoop, a flower hairpin.

  • pigtails

In 2016, long-haired girls are encouraged not to forget about experimenting with braids. Intricate weaving and patterns are in fashion. Particularly relevant are shifted to one side and circular braids.

If you do not like to fiddle with your hair for a long time, pay attention to the Greek-style flagellum hairstyle. It is very simple to make it - take a strand of medium thickness at the right temple, twist it into a tourniquet and stab it at the back of the head. Do the same on the other side. Fashionable and comfortable hairstyle is ready.

Advice!Before creating a complex braided pattern, it is worth practicing in advance so as not to be nervous if the hairstyle does not work out at the last moment.

  • Bun and ponytail

The fashion for light negligence also touched such long-known hairstyles as a bun and ponytail. Hair gathered in a knot with broken strands looks romantic and appropriate in a festive and everyday setting. The bundle can be diversified by tying it not at the back of the head, but below or on the side.

The ponytail only at first glance seems to be a boring and mundane hairstyle. This season, stylists recommend not to abandon it, but to revive it with weaving or an unusual arrangement (on the side or slightly lowered). An interesting hairstyle will turn out if, after tying a ponytail, wrap part of the hair around the elastic band, thereby hiding it.

  • Ethnic motifs

In almost every season, the traditions of different peoples find their application among fashion designers and stylists. In 2016, African hairstyles are at the peak of fashion - small fluffy curls, corrugations, pigtails. Such ethnic elements do not have to be located along the entire length of the curls and can complement other models and styles.

They are fully revealed on long hair. If you have not too thick curls, it makes sense to pay attention to African motifs, because such hairstyles add volume and splendor.

Fashionable styling for medium hair

The average hair length reduces the choice of suitable hairstyles, but there are still enough options. Among them, haircuts and styling predominate.

  • Cascade

The cascading haircut has held a leading position among women's hairstyles for many years. The 2016 fashion brings fresh notes to it, “playing” with various graduations and bang shapes.

The advantage of this hairstyle is the ease of styling. In the current season, naturalness is in trend, so cascades decorated in the style of artistic disorder are the most relevant.

Advice!To make the cascading haircut look perfect, you need to use special mousses or texturizing agents to create the necessary layered structure.

  • asymmetrical haircuts

Bright and bold girls with medium hair length are invited to try out asymmetrical hairstyles. In such haircuts, the emphasis can be placed on bangs or on elongated strands on one side. A variety of models allows you to use asymmetry in hairstyles for women with any type of face and different age groups. But still, most consider them too extravagant.

Another original solution for this season is haircuts with overhanging strands. They can only slightly protrude beyond the general contours or be quite long. It all depends on how bold the image you want to create.

  • Kare

This hairstyle can not be called a novelty, although some updates have affected her. For medium hair in 2016, a classic bob with slightly tousled strands came into fashion. Graduation is also relevant, which, with the help of curlers or curling irons, is easily transformed into a delicate and romantic hairstyle with curls.
The latest fashion trend is a trapezoidal square. It visually adds volume to the hair and allows you to experiment with styling.

  • Bob with long strands

Stylish fashion-conscious women should pay attention to the bob haircut this year. Its elongated version is ideal for healthy, thick hair of medium length.

Important! Curls should not be too thin, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the desired shape of the bean.

In addition to even classic styling, tousled strands are also appropriate in this hairstyle. The parting is recommended to be done deep, it can be beveled if there is no bangs.

  • Shell

If you like to wear pinned hair or business etiquette requires it, a shell hairstyle, also called a snail, is suitable for medium length. To make it, the curls are smeared with mousse, combed to one side and twisted inward according to the shell principle. On the other hand, the structure is fixed with studs and invisible. The hairstyle will be held more securely if you use a special flat hairpin.

There is also a French version of the shell, in which the strands are parted into two halves and each of them is twisted separately towards the center. You can put all the hair into a hairstyle, but leaving a few curls near the face and twisting them a little, you get an interesting option, suitable for a date or a holiday.

  • Medium length curls

To create a trendy, slightly messy hairstyle on medium hair, just curl it. This length is optimal for curlsbecause they do not lose shape under their own weight as quickly as long ones.

In 2016, large, retro-style curls lying in waves and randomly styled, slightly twisted strands are relevant for medium hair. The first is most convenient to do with a curling iron, and for the second, irons with different nozzles and thermal curlers are suitable. For fixing, a means with a 3rd degree of fixation is usually sufficient.

Advice! If you want an airy hairstyle without clear contours, lightly fluff the curls with your hands before applying the varnish.

Stylish short hairstyles

Owners of hard, thick hair are best suited for short haircuts (length to the earlobe or to the line of the cheekbones). They can be combined with straight or oblique shortened bangs. This is especially recommended if you want to smooth out a square or rectangular face shape. This year, the well-known bob and pixie haircuts are experiencing a rise in popularity. A distinctive feature of the season is the emphasis on long bangs and its combination with short hair, asymmetrical hairstyles are also in fashion.

  • cropped bob

A short bob haircut, especially with oblique bangs, is a great solution for every day. You can make it more interesting and feminine by slightly twisting your hair with a curling iron, and being neatly styled, it will emphasize the business style.

Bean shapes may vary. Torn ends, long front strands and smooth transitions are relevant. But when choosing a shape, you need to consider the type of face and hair color. For example, lush styling on light short curls will fill up, but on dark ones, on the contrary.

Stylish asymmetrical bob pixie haircut with lavender hair

There are many variations of the pixie, but almost all models have a long straight or oblique bangs. Laying it in different ways - on its side, combing it back or slightly curling it, you can change the images at least every day.

  • Under the typewriter

Androgyny is now in vogue - blurred boundaries in the appearance of men and women. Therefore, for outrageous girls this season, a new direction has appeared - ultra-short haircuts for a typewriter. Not everyone will decide on such an experiment, in addition, it must be borne in mind that such a hairstyle is not suitable for everyone. Very short hair or look good only on slender, petite girls.

But such a hairstyle, despite the rather unusual look, has many advantages. It practically does not need to be styled, the hair grows well and dries quickly after washing.

Given the popularity of asymmetry, it is permissible to use it here as well. A partially shaved head on one side and long strands on the other is a fashionable novelty in 2016. The advantage of this haircut is the ability to hide the excessive roundness of the face. The hairstyle looks especially interesting with staining in contrasting colors.

Hair accessories

Accessories play an important role this season. Small hairpins and invisibles are no longer relevant, they are being replaced by large hair ornaments. It is recommended to give preference to massive, openwork hairpins with gilding, rhinestones and large stones. As an addition to high hairstyles, curls and complex braided patterns, large artificial flowers are appropriate.

Gorgeous flower headband Floral motifs are a major trend in hair jewelry. They are present in combs, wreaths and headbands, which are experiencing a new round of popularity. You can also emphasize the hairstyle with a ribbon headband, although recently it has been replaced by elegant hoops stylized as pearls.

Separately, it is worth mentioning accessories made of leather. Leather and suede headbands in the hippie style, as well as their retro versions, have come into fashion. In addition, the material became the basis for an unusual decoration, called the "crocodile tail". This is a flower made of leather, which continues in the form of an elongated jagged strip, resembling a reptile's tail.

A headband with large stones will be a great addition to a festive look.

Among the more restrained and modest jewelry, one cannot fail to note the latest novelty - thin leather cords wrapped around the hair along the entire length. Thus, the tail of a rigid, curved shape is obtained. The hairstyle looks fresh and not tousled, which is convenient for a party, disco and other outdoor activities.

Neat, stylishly styled hair is the touch without which the female image cannot be completed. What to choose, romance or daring extravagance - you decide. This year is the best suited for any bold experiments with hairstyles, the main thing is not to forget about the individual features of the face and appearance in general.

In the upcoming fashion season, fashionistas have dynamic, airy haircuts in their arsenal, the main goal of which is to emphasize the vigor and naturalness of their mistresses.

Fashionable caret - 2019: current models

A bob haircut will never go out of style. Thanks to the stylists every year it is transformed.

Fashionable pixie - 2019 for short and medium hair

The pixie cut is on the runway. Thanks to new solutions, fashionistas are guaranteed a unique style.

Haircut "Cascade" for medium and long hair

Cascade is the favorite haircut of most women. It is able to hide the flaws of any type of face and create volume.

Asymmetrical haircuts: who suits, photo

Asymmetry successfully corrects the square and round shape of the face, and also looks great on full girls.

Bob haircut: fashion models

Haircut Bob for short and medium hair Bob has many options, it can be adapted to any type of face. This haircut is very practical.

"Pixie": popular models

Pixie is a bold choice for business, self-confident women. She is able to rejuvenate the face and refresh the image. Perky "feathers" emphasize the style

Haircut "Hat"

The cap looks gentle and feminine. This is a great choice for romantic girls with short hair.

"Bob-car": a stylish symbiosis

A bob haircut is an impeccably stylish and original "symbiosis" of two famous haircuts.

"Page" for short and medium hair

The page will favorably emphasize the correct oval of the face and will focus on your eyes. This haircut is already considered "retro", but the modern graduation gives it a novelty.

Haircuts on the "leg" for short hair

Short haircuts "on the leg" can have a variety of shapes - straight, oblique, with milling, with a "torn" structure, or, conversely, in the form of a puffy "helmet" in the style of Cleopatra.

Fashionable short haircuts

Women's haircuts for short hair allow you to create the most daring image, emphasize the dignity of appearance.

"Aurora" - a guest from the 80s

Aurora came to us from the distant 80s, but still does not go out of fashion. Modern designers have updated it and the hairstyle "played"

"Ladder" for medium and long hair

The ladder creates flirty steps on the hair that frame the face and give you a feminine look.

Haircut Debut, photo

A distinctive feature of this hairstyle is that the curls frame the face in the shape of an arc. Haircut gives volume.

Haircut Sesson, options

She surprises with her versatility and will look equally harmonious on short and medium hair.

Women's haircut Gavroche

Gavroche provides short strands at the back of the head and temples. Going down, the length of the hair increases slightly.

Haircut "Rhapsody"

Rhapsody is performed by applying one strand to another, while all the hair is combed back and milled.

Haircut "Caprice"

It was created for slender, sophisticated ladies, as well as owners of a "swan" neck.

Shoulder length haircuts

Shoulder-length hair for women will never go out of fashion, because they are very comfortable and feminine.


The versatility of this hairstyle allows you to style your hair in both a classic style and fashionable styling.

french haircut

The main difference between French hairstyles is the volume in the back of the head. And bangs are a must.

Perky "Italian"

The Italian is very similar to a regular cascade, so only a master can immediately distinguish one haircut from another.

Haircut "Fox tail"

This haircut will emphasize the beauty of long thick hair. She looks very fashionable, natural and natural.

Pixie bob haircut

Combining two fashionable haircuts into one, the stylists delighted fashionistas. The elongated strands look original.

Haircut Lob (long-bob)

The long bob is the favorite haircut of Hollywood stars. It allows you to emphasize the beauty and shine of healthy hair and is easy to style.

The trends of the new season promise us many new and fresh solutions. At the same time, they are all united by a single idea - femininity multiplied by elegance.

Trendy haircuts for autumn 2019 are a great opportunity to show your own taste. Global trends promise us a lot of stylish options and the ability to choose only what will make the image individual.

Fashionable women's haircuts for the fall of 2019 and their photos

Fashion, as you know, develops in a spiral. Trends that were popular a few years ago are returning again, acquiring new features and nuances. So, the classic square has become an unchanged and ageless hit this season.

The reason for the popularity of the caret is simple, like everything ingenious. It suits almost everyone - owners of any type of face and hair, and, in addition, will allow you to apply a variety of types of styling, which means changing literally every day.

All three lengths of the square are in fashion today - from ultra-short, barely covering the earlobes, to reaching the shoulders. Her stylists, as before, recommend choosing, focusing not on fashion, but solely on the shape and type of your own face.

But the most fashionable haircut in autumn 2019 promises to be a contrasting bob, or, as hairdressers call it, a “square on a leg”. In it, the long temporal and parietal zones are combined with a very short, sometimes nullified, occipital zone. Bangs can also be made in any length options.

Given the possible combinations of lengths, you can choose a fashionable square very individually. Its invariable advantage is versatility, the square fits perfectly into any style - from business to avant-garde and allows you to experiment with styling at home.

Another test of the eternal classic that awaits us in the fall of 2019 is a fashionable women's bob haircut. In its modern version, having retained all the advantages, it has lost the obligatory strictness of lines, but has acquired lightness and elegance.

One thing remained unchanged - a very feminine and elegant feature of such a haircut - the categorical absence of bangs. , straightened and beautifully arranged chin-length strands form a beautiful and delicate oval that adorns any facial features.

No strictness and stiffness, only light, smooth lines and a strict silhouette: these are the rules of the bean fashionable this season.

Pay attention to how these qualities are combined in fashionable autumn haircuts 2019 in the photo:

A fashionable bean, as well as a caret, is distinguished today by a variety of lengths. The contrast of the shortened occipital area and long strands framing the face looks invariably stylish, especially in combination with raised ones.

The most fashionable short haircuts for autumn 2019 and their photos

There are two favorites in the trend for short haircuts this season. The classic "garcon" has returned to fashion, the name of which speaks for itself. Emphatically laconic haircut "under the boy" perfectly meets the global trend of light provocation and outrageous within a very respectable and feminine style.

She perfectly focuses on the refined features of the face, graceful neck and even the fragility of the overall appearance, and at the same time brings a touch of light outrageousness to the image. Garcon this season is designed in a rather conservative style - no shaved temples and nape - only beautifully disheveled and very well-groomed hair neatly raised above the forehead.

But the title of the most fashionable short haircut in autumn 2019 is predicted by stylists pixies. This frivolous and, at the same time, very feminine haircut is amazingly versatile. If in other short options you need to carefully measure the features of your own appearance and hair style, then the pixie opens up opportunities for everyone to look stylish.

The reason is simple. The shortened occipital and temporal zones are combined in it with an elongated parietal, the characteristic feature of a fashionable pixie - a long straight graduated or asymmetrical bang - adds style.

See how stylish fall 2019 hairstyles look in the photo:

Relevant this season will be falling on the forehead in an "artistic mess", and straightened and laid on its side neat, even bangs. Very gentle and slightly hooligan look in such combinations, a slight disheveledness at the crown and slightly graduated strands at the temples and nape.

Pixie allows you to maintain the thoughtful negligence in the image, which is so valued in modern trends. But at the same time it sets an elegant and stylish tone.

Fashionable hairstyles for autumn 2019 and their photos

At the heart of any beautiful and spectacular hairstyle is an excellent professional haircut. Only she will allow at home to easily repeat the same styling that you did in the salon. And besides this, create new options that allow you to transform every day.

Moreover, even the most eminent stylist will not give you strict instructions on what kind of hairstyles will be fashionable in the fall of 2019. But there are fashion trends in which professionals work and which you should definitely use when creating your own fashionable image.

Fortunately gone are the days when smooth, complex styling was appreciated, which had to spend a lot of time and effort. Today, the fashion for hairstyles is dominated by ease and slight extravagance.

This trend looks especially stylish on short and medium length hair with beautiful trendy autumn 2019 bob and bob haircuts.

The main thing in such hairstyles is to create the “correct” volume, it will look most relevant at the top of the head, gradually fading closer to the face. To achieve this effect, you can use any styling suitable for your hair type.

But keep in mind that traces of explicit styling - gel, varnish, wax - today are considered a sign of bad taste. Fashionable autumn haircut 2019 should look like you just washed your hair and slightly dried it with a hairdryer.

The effect of light disheveledness is also achieved, which is especially important not only for very short garcon and pixie haircuts, but for fantasy options with a bob and bob. You can experiment with them in the fashionable direction of fusion - combining beautifully whipped and fully straightened strands.

Pay attention to how fashionable hairstyles for autumn 2019 are made in these photos:

This styling option will allow you to create a stylish, but not too pretentious. But the individual and slightly curled strands or bangs highlighted by styling are an impeccable everyday option for all occasions.

Creative haircuts and hairstyles for autumn-winter 2019

To implement the most creative ideas, it is not enough just to desire changes in one's own image. First of all, you need to find an excellent professional master, and firmly know the trends that today's fashion lives on.

This year, even competitive and catwalk trends are set by the street. And the most creative haircuts of autumn-winter 2019 are made on the basis of the basic and most popular trends - bob and pixie. But there are key trends that stylists use to create unusual and truly creative haircuts in each individual case.

First of all, it is asymmetry. They look most stylish with long asymmetrical bangs or temples. These techniques, by the way, are a great way to improve the proportions of the face, and in search of a creative hairstyle, you should start with them.

The second, no less relevant trend is graduation. With its help, stylists-hairdressers are able to create non-standard shapes and volumes. Graduation looks especially impressive in basic haircuts for medium length hair - bob and square.

In this case, you should trust the master and his intuition - in each case, the hairstyle will have its own kennel and shape. Graduation flawlessly adds extra volume and visual thickness to the hair.

And the third, very important trend is color design, without which today it is impossible to imagine any fashionable haircut for autumn-winter 2019. Local hair coloring is still in fashion, but bronding and coloring will add charm and style. In fashion today is the effect of natural coloring, a smooth transition of tones without sharp contrasting combinations of colors and shades.

You can choose one of the creative trends, or you can create a very fashionable mix of them. In any case, the image will turn out stylish and unique.
