What are the best face masks for winter. Tomato mask

Cosmetologists are firmly convinced: nothing spoils the skin of the face like heating in an apartment / house. It is hard for the skin to “go through” sudden changes in air temperature, and how many times in winter do we go from frosty air into a warm room and go back out? That is why experts recommend paying special attention to skin care in the winter season.

Table of contents:

Basic rules for skin care in winter

In order not to harm their skin and save it from the negative effects of cold and dry air, women must follow some recommendations from cosmetologists.

Changing the tactics of washing

Against cold and dryness, the skin creates its own protection - the so-called hydro-lipid mantle. Washing with plain water, and even more so with the use of soap, cleansing foams and alcohol-based lotions, destroys this very protection and the skin receives all the aggressive effects in full. What to do?

Cosmetologists recommend that women replace the usual washing with cleansing the skin with an alcohol-free lotion, cosmetic milk and a mild tonic. Safe lotions and tonics are loyal to the skin of the face, sparing overly sensitive. But cosmetic milk does not dry the skin at all, which helps prevent the exacerbation of existing dermatological problems.

How to take care of dry skin in winter

Cold rain and sleet do not moisturize the skin at all, they severely injure it. But frosts make any moisturizers generally dangerous! Yes, it will not come to frostbite of the cheeks, but the moisture that is part of the cream literally freezes and spoils the skin of the face, “scratching” it. Of course, this is all exaggerated, but it is important to understand the essence of the potential danger, and not to manipulate complex and incomprehensible terms.

There is another danger of using moisturizers in winter - in too dry indoor air, the ingredients that make up the creams in question can “behave” completely inadequately. These ingredients have the ability to attract moisture, but there is nowhere to take it from in dry air, and then moisture is “taken” from the deep layers of the dermis. The result, oddly enough, is the drying of the skin of the face.

Note:the only exception to this rule is chitosan, since they not only moisturize, but also cover the skin with a protective film, which ensures the preservation of moisture in the deep layers of the dermis. But even these products can be applied to the skin of the face in winter no earlier than 60 minutes before going outside. .

Moisturizers, in principle, can be used in winter, but experts recommend applying them immediately before bed at night and immediately after a shower, directly on wet skin. And during the day, you can spray the skin with thermal water from a can, moreover, right on top of the makeup.

We are not talking about expanding the menu and adding some special dishes to the diet, just do this and you should not do it in order to avoid weight problems. But it is necessary to adjust the nutrition of the skin of the face in the winter. Firstly, it is worth replacing the usual day cream with a nourishing one - it contains active ingredients, oil, beeswax and vitamins and minerals. But be sure to take into account your skin type - for example, for oily skin, the best choice would be a cream with unsaturated fatty acids in the composition.

Secondly, you need to immediately respond to external changes in the skin - if it is hard to tolerate cold, then the face will look grayish, pale, sleepy, all roughness and irregularities will appear. At this moment, it is necessary to provide the skin with enhanced nutrition - retinoids, cedar oil, plant extracts, jojoba oil, antioxidants are present in many cosmetic care products, so there will be no problems with expanding the "menu".

In addition, it is worth remembering some nuances:

"Winter" face masks

Masks are considered natural and effective protection for the skin of the face in winter. Such remedies have no contraindications, but they can solve most of the problems that are associated specifically with the cold time of the skin and skin that is not adapted to this.

At the heart of any "winter" face mask should be vegetable oil (just a few drops are enough) - olive, linseed or pumpkin. It is they who are able to form a protective barrier for the skin, which will save it from low temperatures, wind and dry indoor air, but auxiliary / additional components can be:

Recipes for "winter" masks

Choosing a specific mask recipe for facial skin care in winter should be based on skin type. If there is any doubt, then the best option would be to contact a beautician.

For any skin type

  1. Take ¼ of the ripe, mash and add 1 teaspoon of any nourishing cream to the puree. Stir and add 3 drops of lemon juice and the same amount of olive oil. Now all the ingredients need to be thoroughly beaten with a whisk. This mask is especially effective on dry skin of the face, you can also use it for hand care.
  2. Mix two teaspoons of fat-free cottage cheese with strong brewed tea and, which you need to take 1 teaspoon each.

Anti-aging masks

For oily skin

Beat one egg white until foamy, mix the mass with a teaspoon of lemon juice, bran and chopped lemon peel (these components are taken in 2 teaspoons).

For dry skin

  1. Take 1 teaspoon and plantain, mix, pour a small amount of water (so that it only covers dry raw materials) and boil for 2-3 minutes. Then the broth must be filtered, cooled and starch added to it so much that the result is a thick, creamy mass. This herbal mask will help get rid of severe peeling of the skin of the face, provide full hydration.
  2. Mix one teaspoon of apple juice with 2 teaspoons of fat-free cottage cheese, add a teaspoon of camphor oil and half an egg yolk there.

Toning masks

  1. Heat one teaspoon to a liquid state and mix it with 40 drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of white clay (sold in pharmacies).
  2. Grate carrots on a fine grater, take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mass and add a few drops of olive oil to it.

Anti-inflammatory mask

Beat the egg yolk with a teaspoon and the same amount of medicinal chamomile extract. This mask will relieve the skin of the face from peeling and redness.

Note:all of these masks can provoke the appearance of an allergy, therefore, before using them, you need to make sure that there is no inadequate reaction of the body by applying a small amount of the prepared product to the inside of the elbow bend. Redness, itching or burning indicate that the tested mask should be discarded.

You need to apply "winter" masks in compliance with some rules:

  1. Before applying the mask, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face, using lotions and tonics that do not contain alcohol.
  2. Any mask is applied to the face for a maximum of 15 minutes, and then it must be washed off with warm water. If the skin is oily type, then it is advisable to wash with cool water.
  3. After applying any mask to the skin of the face, it is highly desirable to take a horizontal position, as there will be a complete relaxation of the muscles of the face, and all components of the mask will “work” more productively.
  4. To get the desired result, the mask must be applied every other day.

Taking care of facial skin in winter is not difficult at all, even if you have to learn and get used to the rules of caring procedures, the result will surely please you - in spring the skin will look absolutely healthy.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Each season has its own characteristics and advantages. But in any season, you need to take care of your face equally carefully, as it is always in sight. It cannot be completely hidden in a scarf or hat.

Even if the winter in your city is not very cold, your skin will still need special care during this period, which dictates this particular time of the year. After all, wind, temperature changes, humidity, lack of sunlight - all this is not the best way to affect its condition.

Therefore, it is worth remembering a few recipes for winter face masks in order to be sure to support the skin with vitamins and other beneficial substances.

In the old days, to protect the face from frost, women smeared it with goose fat. The principle of skin protection in modern times has not changed much. After all, all nourishing creams necessarily contain fat. It’s just that the products have become more fragrant and, moreover, fortified. Keep in mind that for the area of ​​​​the eyes and eyelids, you need to select another cream that will protect these particular areas of the skin.

In winter, the skin loses moisture, so it needs to be replenished regularly.

However, remember that they will be useful only if the skin has been previously cleansed of dead cells. A soft base scrub or peeling procedure is the best way to cope with this task. In the cold season, you need to exclude from your cosmetics those that are based on alcohol. After all, the skin will already dry and peel off.

It should also be recalled that indoors, the skin should be “freed” from protective nourishing cream and lighter moisturizers should be applied.

Winter masks for dry and sensitive skin

In winter, it is in a special risk zone, so it needs to be given careful attention. Honey will become an indispensable assistant in. Take the yolk of one egg, add a teaspoon of liquid honey to it, mix everything, and then add a spoonful of wheat flour or crushed in advance. This mask is applied for 15-20 minutes, then removed with a damp cloth, and only then the skin is rinsed with cool water.

Remember that for dry skin, wiping the face is contraindicated. The skin should be lightly blotted with a soft towel.

You can prepare such a mask for dry skin: slowly add a small amount of yeast to a teaspoon of warm milk. The mass should be homogeneous and thick, like sour cream. The product is also applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, and then removed with warm water. After this, the skin will receive the necessary amount of moisture, even out its color, and even small wrinkles will become less noticeable.

Winter masks for aging skin

Signs of aging can appear on the skin in one winter if you do not provide it with timely and proper care. Try from time to time to use other cosmetics. To do this, pre-soak 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of heavy cream, slightly warmed up. After the flakes have swollen, add 1 tablespoon of fresh carrot juice and a teaspoon of honey to them. The mixture is applied to the face and décolleté for 15 minutes, after which it is removed with warm water.

It will be very useful (pulp of one fruit), egg yolk (two pieces), olive oil (tablespoon) and milk (half a glass). Mix all the ingredients to make a smooth puree. The product is kept on the face for about 15 minutes, then gently removed with a piece of cotton wool soaked in warm water.

Dry skin, prone to fading, can be supported with a mask of tomato pulp (grated) with the addition of a teaspoon of starch and a few drops. A thin layer of the mask should lie on the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Winter masks for normal skin types

Normal skin becomes prone to flaking in winter. Do it regularly, and then you can avoid dry skin on the face. So, for example, you can take a tablespoon of your cream, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of sour cream. Let the mixture lie on the skin for 25 minutes and then it can be removed. In this case, it is better to use a cotton swab dipped in a tonic lotion or tonic.

Thoroughly moisturize the skin mask of flour, honey and milk, mixed in the same ratio. In order for all the beneficial substances to penetrate the skin, the mask should be on the face for 30 minutes. You can wash it off with warm water or a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

A simple mask of carrots, which you need to grate on a fine grater, will also improve. The gruel is mixed with a few drops of olive oil, and then applied to the face and neck. Wash off with cool water after 15-20 minutes.

Cottage cheese also moisturizes and nourishes the skin well. Mix 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of strong tea (preferably green) and add a teaspoon of olive (almond, linseed) oil there. You can add some citrus zest. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which it is removed with water at room temperature.

Fruit-based winter face masks

Fruits retain many vitamins even in winter. It is worth resorting to their help to maintain beautiful and healthy skin. Try making a fruity face mask with a finely grated apple and one chicken protein. Mix these two ingredients and apply the resulting mixture on your face. A thin layer of the product should lie on the skin for 20 minutes, and then it can be removed with warm water.

Maintaining the skin of the face in winter is necessary to look young and beautiful for as long as possible. The simplest and least tiring option for skin health and facial beauty is the regular use of a variety of masks. Means that are prepared from natural products cleanse, moisturize, nourish the skin of the face and increase its elasticity. In this article, we will analyze the most popular winter face masks. What properties do they have?

Why do you need to make face masks in winter?

The skin of the face becomes especially sensitive in winter, because constant temperature changes and cold, which tightens and dries the skin, greatly affect its condition. That is why it is necessary to take better care of your face in winter and protect it from wind, snow and cold. Winter masks from the cold will be the best way out when looking for the easiest and fastest way to achieve face protection in winter. It is during this period of time that these products will help the skin to be nourished with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and receive the necessary nutrition in the fight against peeling and dry skin.

Applying winter masks to your face 2-3 times a week, you will achieve smooth and silky skin. However, be sure to monitor the reaction of the skin and at the slightest itching or burning, immediately wash off the product. You may have a hidden allergy to one of the ingredients, so before using on the face, it is still advisable to do an allergy test on the wrist, applying a little mask and waiting 10-13 minutes. If there is no redness and burning, you can safely apply the mask on your face and expect a positive result from its use.

For dry skin

For dry skin, winter masks made from cottage cheese and olive oil, as well as sour cream with egg yolk or egg yolk with vitamins are suitable. They will fill the skin with vitamins and moisturize it, as well as protect it from further exposure to the skin of cold and wind.

To prepare a cottage cheese and butter mask, you need to take 2 teaspoons of soft medium-fat cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of low-fat milk or low-fat cream, 1 teaspoon of coconut or olive oil and a pinch of salt. Everything must be mixed and applied to the face for 10-13 minutes. Next, remove the mixture from the face with a spatula and rinse the face with cold green tea using a moistened cotton pad.

To prepare a nourishing winter mask from sour cream and yolk, you need to mix a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream with yolk and apply on the face for 15-18 minutes, then rinse with a cotton pad with boiled cool water.

For a vitamin mask, you need to grind the yolk and about 2 teaspoons of nourishing face cream. After that, add about 15-18 drops of vitamin A, 8 to 10 drops of vitamin D and a little salt. Apply the mixture for 10-13 minutes, then rinse with a cotton pad with cold green tea.

Masks for normal skin

To nourish normal, non-problem skin during the winter, you can use a banana mask. You need to take half a small banana, mash it into a pulp, add a little fresh lemon juice and an incomplete teaspoon of low-fat milk. Mix all the ingredients together and apply on the face for 15-18 minutes, then rinse with a cotton pad with boiled water.

For oily skin

To cleanse oily skin of the face, a winter mask made of rose hips and sage leaves, yeast and protein, protein and potatoes is perfect. They will help cleanse the skin of impurities, as well as increase its elasticity and narrow pores.

To prepare a rosehip and sage mask, you need to grind a full teaspoon of dry rosehip, 2 teaspoons of sage leaves, add a glass of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes in a warm place. Then moisten the skin with a filtered solution, cover the face with gauze and apply a cake from the infusion over it, then cover with a towel. After 16-18 minutes have elapsed, remove the mask from the face and wipe it with decoction or warm water. This mask works like a winter face mask, it disinfects the skin and protects it.

A mask of protein and yeast is prepared from 50 grams of pounded live yeast with milk until smooth. Then you need to add the protein and apply for 15-20 minutes on the face. Rinse the mixture off your face with warm water with a cotton pad or sponge.

For a protein-potato mask, which perfectly refreshes oily skin, you need to grate a potato on a fine grater, add almost a full tablespoon of sifted flour, 15-18 drops of fresh lemon juice and protein, mix thoroughly and apply on the entire face for 15-18 minutes, then rinse with a soft towel dipped in warm water.

Winter masks for all face types. Diversity

The most popular winter face masks consist of honey, bananas and persimmons. All of them are easy to prepare, use and give just a magical effect! After using such masks, it is necessary to wipe the face with a warm decoction of chamomile, calendula or, for example, mint.

For a mask of honey and oatmeal, you need to take the yolk, half a teaspoon of liquid honey, 5 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil, as well as oatmeal crushed into flour, which you need to add to the mixture until a sour cream consistency is formed. Mix the mask, slightly heat it in a water bath to a tolerable temperature and apply for 15-18 minutes.

To prepare a banana mask, you need a quarter of an overripe banana, 1 teaspoon of nourishing cream and 5 drops each of fresh lemon juice and refined linseed or olive oil. This mixture should be applied to the face for 10-13 minutes and then washed off with a sponge for the face with cool water.

For a persimmon mask, you need to mix a tablespoon of the pulp of a sufficiently ripe persimmon with half a teaspoon of linseed or olive oil, then apply on the face for 18-19 minutes. Then wash off the mask with a facial sponge.

Masks for problem skin

To prepare a mask with lemon and egg white, beat the protein into foam and add the juice of almost half a lemon, mix everything thoroughly and apply with a cotton pad on the face in 3 layers, each time allowing each layer to dry a little. After 20 minutes of the mask on the face, wash it off with a sponge and warm water.

To add moisture to skin irritated by wind and cold, you need to make a mask from sprouted wheat. To do this, wheat grains need to be poured with warm water and allowed to germinate for several days. After the sprouts appear, you need to grind the grains in a blender, add the yolk and a tablespoon of coconut, linseed or olive oil. Next, mix the contents thoroughly and apply on the face for 25-31 minutes, then gently rinse with a cotton pad with warm decoction or water.

Be sure to wipe your face with an antibacterial tonic or decoction of herbs, such as sage, calendula, chamomile, mint, or rosehip. After the mask has already been removed from the face, it is advisable to use a moisturizing face cream, apply it in an even layer, warming up in the palms, and then go to bed, no earlier than 20-30 minutes later. Be sure to let the cream soak in, otherwise all your efforts will go down the drain.

In January and February, due to low temperatures and frosty wind, the skin of the face is subjected to additional stress. Temperature vagaries dry our skin, cause irritation and inflammation. In order to avoid this, in winter you need to take care of your skin in a special way. For example, face masks in winter at home need to be done much more often than at any other time of the year. It is sensitive skin that suffers the most in winter, so you need to stock up on special means to protect it and learn a few simple rules: do not forget about moisturizing, this applies not only to the use of moisturizers, but also to taking care of the air in rooms where you spend maximum time, was not dry; drink as much water as possible per day. For skin care in winter, do not forget to cleanse your face daily with special products with a high PH level, eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible to saturate the body with useful substances and vitamins, consult a dermatologist if you still have skin problems. Try to prepare your skin for winter before it starts.

Face masks in winter - which are the best to use in the winter season? Masks soothe the skin, promote cell regeneration, smooth wrinkles and increase tone, but face masks in winter, in addition to their other beneficial properties, also have a protective effect.

Face masks in winter

  1. For all skin types
  2. For oily skin

For all skin types

For all skin types, you can use a banana face mask in winter. To prepare such a mask, you need to grind a banana to a puree and dilute it with a spoonful of daytime moisturizer. For the best effect, add lemon juice and a couple of drops of vegetable oil to the mixture. This mask can be used for both face and hands. A curd mask also has a good effect. Cottage cheese should be diluted with tea and applied to the face for a short time.

For oily skin

For oily skin, an egg white mask with lemon juice and zest is ideal. Dry skin, on the other hand, perceives masks based on vegetables and fruits better. So, the best solution for dry skin will be a winter face mask based on herbs (plantain, mint and chamomile) and apple.

How to take care of your skin in winter?

Frost doesn't stop us. In winter, the skin on the face can peel off and turn red, which is not surprising, because wind and frost are serious irritants for the skin of the face. What can be done to reduce the influence of irritable factors? It is necessary to follow the main rules for skin care in winter:
Cleaning. With the use of special cosmetic milk. Never use soap to clean your face.

Hydration. Choose the best face cream and lubricate the skin with it every day before going to bed. Moisturizing the skin in the morning, before going out, is not desirable, as under the influence of frost, it receives additional stress.
Protection and nutrition. Facial skin care in winter involves the use of various masks and nourishing creams that renew the supply of missing vitamins.

Caring attitude. Applying various cosmetics - take care of your skin. When rubbing creams, make massage, light movements, do not injure the skin of the face, so as not to cause cracks and wrinkles to appear later.

Face masks in winter

Remember, any product you use should be suitable for your skin type. Be careful when using scrubs. The scrub should not be harsh enough to cause irritation. Choose only those scrubs that are recommended for skin care in winter.

What masks are suitable for facial skin care in winter?

One or two masks will not do here. For deep nutrition of the skin of the face in winter, you need to go through a whole course of masks. The most effective in our opinion are:

Carrot-sour cream mask. Grate the carrots, mix them with sour cream, add a few tablespoons of olive or sunflower oil and apply the mixture on your face. Wait a quarter of an hour and wash off with cold water. This mask nourishes the skin, restores its velvety and pleasant color.

Frozen berry mask. Berries in winter are a source of vitamins for the whole body, including skin. Defrost the berries and grease your face with them.

The yeast mask has a good nutritional effect. Pour the yeast with milk and wait for 10 minutes. Mix until gruel and apply on the face until completely dry. Then wash off with warm water.

When caring for your skin in winter, try to choose high-quality cosmetics. You may need to devote a little more time to your facial skin in winter, but in spring

Photo: Gennadiy Poznyakov/Rusmediabank.ru

In winter, our skin is exposed to frost, wind, snow. Therefore, during this period, she needs especially careful care. What will help keep the skin soft, silky and fresh in the winter? Of course, various creams and masks. Masks can be made at home without buying them in specialized stores. Use natural ingredients and your skin will thank you.

For oily skin

What masks are suitable for oily skin? Those that will help narrow pores, restore a healthy complexion, and avoid inflammation. In winter, care is easier than dry or sensitive. But she also needs care. To prepare masks at home, you can use citrus juice, egg white, decoctions and infusions of herbs, gelatin, berries, vegetables, dairy products.

Vegetables, berries and fruits will help saturate the skin with vitamins and minerals, improve complexion, and moisturize. Protein and gelatin are able to tighten the skin and remove excess fat, narrow pores. And fermented milk products and herbal infusions are necessary for moisturizing and relieving inflammation.

with gelatin
Squeeze the juice from half a lemon (10 g is enough), add 15 g of gelatin, pour hot water and wait for the gelatin to swell. Then pour in 20 drops of grape oil. Steam the skin and apply the mask with a brush in several layers. Wash off the mask after twenty minutes (or rather, remove the resulting film from the face).

With protein
Beat the protein with a little flour. Apply this gruel on your face for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with cool water.

With vegetables and herbs
Mix two parts of pumpkin with one part of liquid honey and the same amount of oatmeal. Pumpkin must be mashed. Prepare a decoction of string or chamomile and add 20 g to the mass. Apply for 15-20 minutes. This mask will cleanse the pores and remove inflammation.

Choose a mask that best suits your skin. Or you can alternate between different options.

For dry skin

requires special care. After all, wind and frost dry the skin even more. Therefore, it must be regularly moisturized and nourished, as well as make masks that will help avoid wrinkles. Dry skin is more prone to wrinkles than oily skin.

What products should be used to make masks? Milk, cream, avocado, honey, various oils, cottage cheese. All these products help to soften and moisturize the skin. Of course, you can also use fruits, berries and various vegetables to nourish the skin with vitamins.

With carrots and cottage cheese

Mix a couple of tablespoons of carrot juice with a tablespoon of fatty cottage cheese and a teaspoon of cream. Lubricate the skin of the face and leave for fifteen minutes. Wash off with warm water. If the skin is very flaky, you can leave the mask for half an hour.

With oil and green tea
Brew strong green tea and mix 15 ml of the drink with two teaspoons of cottage cheese. Add a little almond or linseed oil, orange zest to the mass. Apply the mass on the face for 15 minutes.

With apple and honey

Bake an apple in the oven, then mash it. Add some honey and olive oil. Apply the mixture on your face for twenty minutes. This mask moisturizes well, restores skin elasticity.

with cucumber
Grate half a small fresh cucumber on a fine grater, add a spoonful of fat sour cream. This remedy relieves irritation, nourishes the skin.

Masks for dry skin must soften. Therefore, when using any ingredients, oils or sour-milk fatty products should be added.

For sensitive skin

, like dry, needs careful care in the cold season. So, it is necessary to use masks that will help remove irritation, redness, peeling.

Honey, herbal infusions, egg yolk, dairy products and, of course, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and berries are best suited. Be sure to use different oils, they soften perfectly.

With banana and yolk
Grind one banana and 10 g of avocado, add beaten yolk. Spread the mass over the entire surface of the face in a thick layer. Wash off the mask after half an hour.

with potatoes
Grate raw potatoes, add two teaspoons of olive oil. Apply to the skin for ten minutes.

With oatmeal and milk
Pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with boiling milk. Leave for five minutes. Then add the egg yolk and two teaspoons of olive oil to the mass. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and lubricate the face with cream.

Oatmeal with dairy products perfectly softens, so it can also be added to masks.

For normal skin

requires less maintenance, however, hydration and nutrition are also necessary for her. Therefore, choose any masks that you like best. And do them 2-3 times a week.

With carrots and butter
Grate the carrots on a fine grater, add a little olive oil. All! The mask is ready. Wash off the mass with cool water.

With aloe juice
Mix juice from two leaves of aloe, a little grape seed oil, a couple of drops of peach oil and a teaspoon of sour cream. Do not wash off the mass for half an hour, then cleanse the skin with a decoction of sea buckthorn leaves.

With grapefruit juice
Mix 7 drops of vitamin B2, 2 ml of grapefruit juice and 13 g of white clay. Apply the mass on the skin for seven minutes, then rinse with chamomile infusion.

In winter, any skin needs care, so make masks regularly. This will help protect the skin from the adverse effects of natural phenomena and keep it healthy.
