What tie goes with a white shirt. Which tie goes with a blue suit: tips from fashion stylists

Choosing the right tie is an art that every man should master perfectly! If for some reason you do not yet master this art, then I am coming to you with this article especially for you!

So, today we are talking about how to choose a tie for a shirt.

Color combinations.

In the article I wrote about color combinations, today I will remind you about them, because... Matching a tie by color is a win-win option.

The color wheel is a visual aid of which colors can be combined and which ones cannot. It is very easy to use, just choose one of the principles below.

1) Opposite shades in a circle that contrast with each other. For example, red and green.

The image does not look boring;

– there is a risk of turning into a parrot.

2) “Neighboring” colors, which complement each other. For example, blue and purple.

Safe and versatile combination;

– the tie can blend into the shirt, which doesn’t look very nice.

However, choosing colors is only half the battle. It is necessary to look in practice which combinations of shades will be the most successful. And remember that the tie should always be darker than the shirt.

Next, I will look at how to choose a tie to match a specific shirt color. Although in this manual I did not take into account the color of the jacket/suit, however, I want to say that if the suit is in neutral shades (dark gray, blue, etc.) there will be no special changes in the recommendations.

White shirts

The white shirt is a versatile and basic wardrobe item that every man should have in his wardrobe. A white shirt goes very well together, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a textured (knitted), checkered or striped tie. A white shirt will look good with any tie.

Blue shirts

Suitable for blue shirts:

1) Dark ties with patterns (polka dots, stripes).

2) A tie of the opposite shade (orange, yellow, red), which in this case will be an accent color.

3) Complementary (adjacent) color, for blue it is green. This combination will add sophistication to your look.

Pink shirts.

The same principle applies here, for a tie:

1) Similar colors. For pink it is lilac and violet. Choose dark shades and you can't go wrong.

2) Contrasting colors. In this case, it's green. Blue can also be used as an opposite, contrasting color.

Striped shirts.

Choosing a tie to match a striped shirt is a little more difficult. There are several rules here:

1) Stripes go well with stripes, but they don't have to be the same size. If the shirt has small stripes, then the tie should have large stripes and vice versa.

2) The color of the tie (or one of its stripes) must match or be the opposite of one of the stripes of the shirt. It may be difficult to imagine, but below, with examples, you will understand everything. For example, the following shades of tie will suit a blue shirt with pink stripes: blue, red, dark green ties.

3) Stripes go well with other geometric prints: polka dots, diamonds, etc.

Checked shirts.

For checkered shirts, there are also certain subtleties in choosing a tie:

1) The tie should be either plain or with a large pattern. The small print of the tie will simply get lost against the background of the shirt.

2) Plaid can be combined with plaid, but as stated above, it should be larger on a tie than on a shirt.

3) Striped ties go well with a plaid shirt. Choose a tie with large stripes that match the color of the checkered shirt.

I hope you liked the article and learned something useful from it.

Good luck choosing a tie!

A tie has long been a mandatory element of business style and simply an elegant fashion accessory for any man. Nowadays, one's eyes are wide open from the variety of clothing on store shelves, so that even experienced fashionistas and fashionistas sometimes get lost. You can familiarize yourself with the basic rules that will help you choose this small but very important detail of a man’s wardrobe in this article.

Suit – shirt – tie

You should always remember the sequence of selecting clothing items. First we choose a suit, then a shirt, and the finishing touch of the look will be a tie. His choice directly depends on the choice of the first two components of the wardrobe. However, regardless of color, the tie should be no wider than the lapel of the jacket and reach the length of the belt buckle.


A tie, shirt and suit should never be the same color, pattern or print. This is one of the basic rules that you need to remember when choosing a business wardrobe. One of the three things must be a different color and with a different pattern.
The classic combination is a dark suit, a light shirt and a tie that sets off the suit or in a contrasting color.

It’s quite easy to choose a tie for a plain suit and shirt. The choice can be made either plain or with a pattern or design. So, almost any tie will harmonize with a black or blue suit and a white or light blue shirt; it goes especially well with light blue and cherry colors.
The chosen color of a tie can say a lot about the mood of its owner.
For example, red and burgundy colors are chosen by people who want to show their authority and strength, while blue speaks of the loyalty and diplomacy of its owner.
When choosing the colors of your tie, consider what impression and effect you want to make on your interlocutors.

Prints and patterns

Suit and/or striped shirt

When giving preference to this color of these wardrobe elements, you should remember that the stripes should be of different widths so that everything does not merge into a single picture. It is better to choose a tie for such an ensemble that is plain or with a geometric pattern to match the color of the stripes on the suit or shirt. If only the suit has such a print, and you chose a plain shirt, then you can safely choose a striped tie.

Clothes in cage

The cage requires the same careful attitude as the strip. You should not wear more than two checkered items at the same time. You also need to remember that it is better to select a cage of different sizes.


Contrary to the opinion of many that various patterns do not combine in one ensemble, you can experiment. This bold option is no longer suitable for business meetings, but rather for evening gatherings with friends.

When used as a pocket square, you should not choose the same color as other elements of your wardrobe; it should lightly shade the ensemble.

Finding the right tie to go with your suit can sometimes seem like an overwhelming task. However, by remembering simple rules and showing a little imagination, you can create elegant combinations, and sometimes bold, daring solutions that are sometimes lacking in everyday life.

Features of the right combination:

  • Firstly, it is to guess with the harmony of the shades of the shirt, tie and suit material.
  • Secondly, find a design that suits the owner’s character and will not be appropriate for his purposes.

For a person who does not have a subtle artistic vision It’s better to focus on what colors best suit blue jackets.

Advice! The basic rule for matching a tie is that it should be darker than the material of the clothing.

Ideal monochromatic options:

  1. blue;
  2. blue;
  3. grey.


The tie should not be too colorful. Such a neck decoration will disrupt the classic style of the suit. Sometimes the options with drawings amaze the imagination. You should not tempt fate with an avant-garde ornament, especially if the outfit is intended for business meetings, as a gift for a serious person, or for an important event.

However, if the gift is intended for a loved one, then an original, complex ornament can please a man. Simple patterns that go with a blue suit:

When choosing the color of such a pattern, you should focus on the fact that one of the colors is blue, harmonizing in tone with the fabric of the jacket. The second most successful option is black and white and black and gray, which will add severity to the image.

Errors in selection:

  1. Availability of more than 3 colors. This design may look a bit rustic.
  2. Solid colors of yellow, orange, green shades.


If not all plain ties suit the blue shades of a business look, then what about red? Red can often be called an exception. It looks quite festive. However, it is still better to choose a white or blue shirt.

A gray shirt is a bad decision.


The purple color of the neck outfit can be combined with a blue suit, but It is better if it is one of the colors of the design and better on a light blue or white background of the shirt.

Complicated ornaments:

  • geometric pattern;
  • plot;
  • original drawing from the designer.

Such ornaments are complex solutions and when choosing, they must be very stylish, so as not to spoil the impression; it is better not to use a drawing with a plot if you are not completely sure that this is exactly what is needed for a specific purpose and if the gift is chosen for a serious person.

When selecting complex ornaments, the main rule should be observed: the main undertone of the accessory should be combined with the undertone of the jacket. That is, bluish or bluish tones.

Photos of successful options

Shirt selection

Most Shirts of the following colors will be suitable for the blue dress code::

  1. white;
  2. blue;
  3. gray

Rules for choosing a tie:

  • It should be darker and brighter than the shirt.
  • For a shirt with a pattern, choose a plain neck strip.

Style solutions

How can you combine different colors elegantly with a shirt? When buying multi-colored shirts, you should attach it to a jacket and a tie on top. All colors should have the same undertone. However, you can safely look for such an undertone if you have a subtle artistic taste.

If the buyer is not confident in his ability to visually find a single shade, then it is better for him to choose a white shirt.

The benefits of white

White - a simple style solution for a shirt, which is an excellent background for unusual ornaments of the neck attribute. When choosing a white shirt, you can safely follow the basic rule: the color of the tie should match the color of the suit.

If you are not sure how the shades fit together, then it’s better to let them match or are shades of blue, if there are several diagonal stripes, one of them can merge with the color of the fabric of the main toilet. If you are able to distinguish shades of blue colors, you can focus on your taste.

Variety of prints

The color options for the shirt are:

  1. cell;
  2. strip;
  3. peas;
  4. drawing.

There is a variety of these ornaments on the market. If the shirt is selected according to the shade and pattern, then the tie should be plain. A surefire option is dark blue. A more complex style move is to use one of the main colors of the entire image as the basis for the color of the tie.

Men's business fashion

Men's jackets vary by model:

  • blazer;
  • double-breasted;
  • the tuxedo;
  • casual;
  • classical.

What pattern for a tie will suit each of the models:

A blue business suit is a classic of the genre. It can be worn both to the office and to festive events. Choosing a tie is very important, since an unsuccessful option can ruin the entire impression of the suit and its owner, and may look garish or ridiculous.

Features of choosing a neck accessory, such as manufacturer and fabric, are very important, but color, a pattern or ornament is the first thing that catches your eye to others. An elegant blue suit will perfectly highlight the beauty of a man’s figure; a good choice of tie will complete the image.

The harmony of blue shades in a tie is an important component of a strict look.

Choosing a tie for a blue shirt is quite simple if you know the basic secrets of this shade. It is believed that blue color attracts the interlocutor, calms and attracts. In the business world, when you always want to be in demand and hear praise addressed to you, a blue wardrobe is an excellent option.

Before you make a choice in favor of one or another preference, you need to figure out what styles of blue shirts are fashionable this season.

Current trends for blue shirts

Blue color is refreshing and invigorating, so it will always have its favorites. In the warm seasons of this year, this shade is at the peak of popularity, but most of all, designers give preference to shirts of this color. A blue shirt, what kind of tie to go with it have been prescribed by fashion specialists for a long time, all that remains is to make a note for yourself.

The main innovation of 2014 for sky-colored outerwear was the introduction of denim. It was denim shirts or colors with this texture that famous designers and fashion designers prescribed to all fashionistas and fashionistas. Non-standard and rough denim is very delicate in terms of style, so you need to know

Fashion houses have defined blue as a fashionable color, but have not limited shirt styles, so it will be easier to figure out which ties go with a blue shirt. The following cuts are considered popular this season:

  • classic style, with a turn-down stand-up collar;
  • fitted models, also loose-fitting shirts;
  • extended and medium length;
  • long, loose sleeves;
  • very short sleeves or no sleeves at all.

How to choose a tie

The correct combination of a tie and a shirt plays an important role. It's important to know which tie goes with a blue shirt, but it's also useful to know how to choose a tie in general.

  1. For broad shoulders - a narrow tie.
  2. The tie is tied tightly, its length is just below the belt.
  3. Tall - vertical stripes on the tie, short - plain, full - wide and large ties.

In addition, you need to take into account the style of the wardrobe and the occasion of the toilet - evening or everyday. The selection of a tie for a blue shirt should be based on these rules.

An important role is played by the tie's color scheme with other wardrobe details. You can also play with contrast, but the colors of the tie and shirt should be in harmony with each other. If you enter “ties for a blue shirt photo” into a search engine, you can find many interesting options offered by stylists.

Another rule is adherence to color direction. Cool shades are combined with cold ones, and warm shades are combined with warm ones. There are also three color wheels:

  1. Related shades when the colors are nearby: brown with beige, blue with light blue, purple with blue.
  2. A contrasting combination when the colors are opposite and are in different circles: brown with blue, red with green, turquoise with pink.
  3. The color combination of triads is equidistant three color circles: pink with green, yellow with blue, violet with turquoise.

These color wheels are classic combinations, so they will help you decide on the color of a tie for a blue shirt.

If the shirt is plain, you can choose a tie with a pattern, but you need to take into account the above nuances, as well as follow the dress code, because sometimes a particular pattern may simply be inappropriate.
