Chinese New Year greetings in postcards. congratulations on chinese new year

In Russia, the New Year is usually celebrated twice. But, there is another New Year, which is also sometimes celebrated in our country. It's Chinese New Year. This holiday is celebrated in February, and this holiday symbolizes not just the beginning of a new year, but the beginning of a new life cycle, the arrival of spring, warmth and life. Chinese wishes for the new year play a huge role for the person receiving them, especially if they are Chinese.

Chinese wishes for the new year

The Chinese celebrate the beginning of the new year according to the lunar calendar. New Year is celebrated during the end after the end of winter and lasts for three whole days. All this time, the Chinese spend with their family and friends, receive and give gifts, and also eat a traditional New Year's dish - dumplings.

The Chinese pay great attention to traditions. That is why it is very important to properly congratulate the Chinese on the Chinese New Year. Congratulations must begin with the name of the recipient, after which, you should indicate his last name, and then the phrase that you congratulate him or her on the Chinese New Year. The best option for congratulations is a postcard. It can be sent either by regular mail or by e-mail. There is a huge selection of postcards on the Internet for all occasions, so finding the right one for you will not be difficult.

Chinese wishes for the new year also usually include a wish for wealth. And a traditional gift for the Chinese New Year is a red envelope with a certain amount of money. But it is worth considering that the number 4 in the donated amount will be regarded as an insult, because. it symbolizes death. But a gift with the number eight will please the Chinese, because. thus you wish him to get rich.

The traditional color scheme for the holiday is red and gold. Therefore, it is best to choose a red postcard with gold or black hieroglyphs. Chinese New Year wishes usually look like this:

  • 祝你学习取得好成绩
  • 祝你找到一个好工作
  • 祝你在新的一年里万事如意

This is a traditional wish for a happy year, however, it should be supplemented with wishes for health and happiness.

Chinese New Year Gifts

If there are Chinese among your acquaintances, and you are going to congratulate them on the Chinese New Year, be careful. Symbolism pervades almost every aspect of Chinese life, and gifts are no exception.

Never give a watch as a gift. This will be regarded as a death wish and will cause deep offense to the one to whom you give them.

If you decide to congratulate such acquaintances with a small banquet, then do not forget that there must be dumplings on the table.

You need to know that paired gifts will please any Chinese, because a pair means family well-being and harmony. Such a gift as a tea pair will be appreciated, but you should not give one cup, it will mean loneliness. Also, a pair of tangerines is considered a traditional gift for the Chinese New Year. Their color resembles gold, and the phrase “tangerine pair” in Chinese sounds very similar to the word “gold”, and therefore such a gift will mean that you wish your friend well-being.

If you plan to please a Chinese who works for you, give him a bonus. It is not customary to give expensive gifts on this holiday, but the amount of the monetary reward does not matter if it does not contain the number 8.

If there is a whole family of Chinese among your acquaintances, then their children will be very happy with a small gift that you hide in their sock hanging on the wall. Children will be sure that this gift was brought to them by the real Dong Che Lao Ren, i.е. Chinese Santa Claus.

Russians, of course, do not know all the traditions of the Chinese New Year. However, if you and your loved ones decide to celebrate it, try to still give traditional Chinese gifts. Only in this way you can feel the real spirit of the Chinese New Year.

Wishes for Chinese New Year

On this holiday, symbolizing the beginning of a new life cycle, it is customary to get rid of everything old and dress in everything new. These days are considered the beginning of a new life and therefore, congratulating the New Year, it is customary to wish well-being, happiness, health and good luck.

Just on this holiday, as in any other, it is customary to make wishes. But the Chinese do it differently. You can make wishes for the Chinese New Year with the help of an air lantern. Lanterns are usually made independently from special paper in red and gold. During the process of making a flashlight and during its launch, one should make a wish. If you were focused and did everything right, then your wish will definitely come true next year.

  • 新年快乐! Happy New Year!
  • 恭贺新禧! Happy New Year!
  • 全体大家新年快乐! 万事如意!身体健康!阖家幸福! Happy new year everyone! Fulfillment of all desires! Good health! Happiness to the whole family!
  • 祝您龙年吉祥!万事如意!幸福安康! I wish you a happy year of the dragon! Fulfillment of all desires! Happiness, prosperity and health!
  • 祝你和你的全家拜年了!龙腾虎跃! Happy New Year to you and your family! Fly high like a dragon and move to success with tiger jumps!
  • 祝你新年大吉大利! I wish you extraordinary luck in the new year!
  • 新春祝你事事好,生活妙,工资高! In the new year I wish you success in business, a wonderful life and a high salary!
  • 新年到,短信早,祝福绕,人欢笑,生活好,步步高,重环保,健康牢,多关照,新目标,加力跑,乐淘淘! The New Year is coming, we send congratulatory sms, we wish everyone happiness, people laugh merrily, everything in life is good, we walk high, we wish everyone good health, we quickly achieve new goals and joy flows to us like a river! (Poem, literal translation)
  • 2012年新年快乐! 合家幸福! 在新的一年里好事多多! 笑容多多! 开心每一秒,快乐每一天,幸福每一年,健康到永远! Happy New Year 2012! Happiness to the whole family! A lot of joyful events throughout the new year! A lot of smiles! Joy every second, fun every day, happiness for a whole year, health for centuries!

happy birthday greetings in chinese

  • 生日快乐! Happy Birthday!
  • 愿你今生和幸福一起走过,祝你生日快乐! I wish you and happiness go hand in hand all your life, happy birthday!
  • 今天是你的生日,在这个美好的日子里, 请接受我衷心的祝福. 生日快乐! 永远快乐! Today is your birthday, and on this beautiful day, I sincerely wish you happiness. Joy on your birthday and all your life!
  • 让我的祝福像那悦耳的铃声飘进你的耳畔,留驻你的心间。祝你生日快乐! Let my wish of happiness as a harmonious melody fly to your ears and stay in your heart. I wish you a happy birthday!
  • 做你想做的事,去你想去的地方,爱你想爱的人,追求你想追求的梦想,许下美好的愿望,拥抱美好的明天,享受美好的时光。愿你生日快乐,快乐一生。 Do what you want to do, go where you want to go, love who you love, go for the dreams you want to go. Do not leave wonderful hopes, hold a wonderful future in your hands, enjoy your wonderful age. I wish you a happy birthday and a happy life.
  • 生日快乐!愿你:一天一天,天天快乐;一时一时,时时微笑;一分一分,分分愉快;一秒一秒,秒秒幸运。 Happy Birthday! I wish you to have fun every day, smile every hour, rejoice every minute, be happy every second.

Chinese wedding congratulations

In China, newlyweds shout "Bitter!" so 亲一下! , which translates simply to "Kiss!"

  • 祝你们永结同心,百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜! I wish you to be together forever, happiness for many years! Happiness to the newlyweds and sweet life!
  • 祝福你们新婚愉快,幸福美满,激情永在,白头偕老! I wish the newlyweds joy, a lot of happiness, unquenchable passion, and live in peace and harmony until gray hair!
  • 愿你俩永浴爱河,白头偕老! I wish you two to bathe in love and live in peace and harmony until your gray hair!
  • 愿你俩恩恩爱爱,意笃情深,此生爱情永恒,爱心与日俱增! I wish you to be devoted to each other, love each other forever and that your love grows day by day!
  • 天是你们喜结良缘的日子,我代表我家人祝贺你们,祝你俩幸福美满,永俦偕老! Today, on your wedding day, I congratulate you on behalf of my entire family, I wish you long and happy years together!
  • 相亲相爱幸福永,同德同心幸福长。愿你俩情比海深! I wish that your family always has love, kindness and happiness, and mutual understanding multiplies your happiness. I wish your feelings to be as deep as the sea!

Happy Valentine's Day in Chinese

七夕节 (seventh day of the seventh lunar month, celebrated in China in August), 情人节 Valentine's Day (February 14)

  • 七夕快乐! Happy Valentines Day!
  • 情人节快乐! Happy Valentine's Day!
  • 祝你七夕情人节快乐!有情人一生幸福! Congratulations on the day of all lovers! I wish you a happy life with your loved one!
  • 情人的七夕两人过,朋友的七夕有我的祝福:愿运气将你围住,愿浪漫将你罩住,愿开心将你拽住,让友谊在心头常驻! This is a holiday for couples in love, I want to wish my friends to meet their fate, so that romance covers you with your head, and always surrounds happiness, but at the same time, so that there is always room in your heart for friendship!
  • 愿你每一天都快乐;每个月都顺利;每一年都吉祥;祝您七夕情人节快乐! I wish you that every day be filled with joy, every month with well-being, every year with happiness. Happy Valentines Day!

Congratulations on March 8

  • 妇女节快乐! Since March 8! (Happy women's day!)

In Chinese culture, it is customary to celebrate this bright and cheerful holiday on a special scale. The Chinese believe that with the advent of the New Year, a new life cycle comes into its own - nature wakes up and everything comes to life. According to tradition, in China, the New Year is usually celebrated from January 21 to February 21. However, due to the rare use of the old calendar, most Chinese celebrate this holiday in early January as well.

According to the Eastern calendar, each year corresponds to one of the twelve animals, as well as one of the five elements. It is believed that this custom originated from an ancient Chinese legend. This belief says that it was on the days of the arrival of the New Year that a terrible monster appeared and ate people. However, one smart old man cheated, telling the beast that people are insignificant in front of him, therefore it is unworthy to kill them. After a while, the old man added that it was better to fight animals of equal strength. Since then, every year the monster has chosen one of the twelve animals as rivals. By the time the animals calmed down and hid from the formidable monster, people had already learned how to protect their home from him. It was all about the scarlet lanterns, the bright color of which the terrible monster was afraid of more than anything in the world. Since then, a tradition has been led in China with the advent of the first New Year's day to light red lanterns.

But not only hundreds of thousands of red lights distinguish Chinese New Year from other holidays. On the first day of this celebration, fireworks soar into the sky with a whistle. The Chinese believe that in this way they will scare away evil spirits and the next year will bring only happiness. In addition, according to tradition, at the end of the holiday, friends and family members give each other “money of happiness” with wishes to live for many years.

Of course, we are not Chinese,
But welcome to the New Year.
May there be more happiness
And in Russian you'll be lucky.

Money - full pockets,
Well, it's better to have a bank account.
We are pleased to meet
We are Chinese New Year!

Again the smell of tangerines,
The sky is brightly lit.
We all wish to live beautifully
And with a smile on your lips.

Winter is coming and it's here
It's Chinese New Year.
Let him bring you
Prosperity in the house, peace of mind.

Love in the heart, good luck in business,
Let everyone laugh and not cry
May the sky be peaceful
And only joy for a whole year!

Happy Chinese New Year everyone,
I want to live - without the hassle,
Swimming in the sea of ​​joy
Enjoy life in paradise
Don't be sad, don't be sad
Celebrate the holiday together!

And on a positive note
I wish you life - stylish,
cheerful, beautiful,
In a word, only - happy!
In the New Year I wish:
"Be happy, friends!".

Hundreds of thousands of fireworks
Fly to the sky...
On this night, according to all beliefs
Miracles happen.

Happy Chinese New Year everyone
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Let there be prosperity in the house,
Let dreams come true.

And the flashlight is scarlet again
May it bring good luck
Become the best in life
Coming New Year!

New Year, favorite holiday,
You can meet many times.
Here is the tradition of China
Why not support?

Let's release the fire dragons
Let's fire up the fireworks...
Happy New Chinese Year to you,
Congratulations to all-all-all!

I want to congratulate you
Happy New Year, but Chinese!
I want to wish, friends
Lots of joy and happiness!

May the Chinese New Year
It will bring you good luck.
And health and love.
And, of course, beauty!

May the new year and the new moon
They will give you, pour you in full:
Health is a big cart and three buckets of the mind,
Happy children, let the darkness run out of money.
Do all the work faster
And failures to pass quickly.
Own what you have in your hands.
A distant neighborhood so that grief bypasses you.
Strong friendship, real!

Once a career - something brilliant!
You make everything perfect!

Happy New Year! Kind of weird
Celebrate the New Year again.
But we still won't get tired
Congratulations, good wishes.

Happy New Year to you Chinese!
Wisdom of the East to all,
Let life seem heavenly
No worries or problems!

May the Chinese New Year
Give joy and fun
And bring in a lot of money
So that life gives pleasure!

I wish you happiness, prosperity,
For luck to follow!
May wishes come true
So that the heart always sings sweetly!

This holiday in 2019 will be celebrated for 15 days - from February 5 to February 19. Do you have business partners, work colleagues or Chinese friends? Send them Happy New Year greetings in Chinese.

How to wish a Chinese man a Happy New Year 2019?

In this country they traditionally say:

新年快乐! (Xīnnián kuàilè) Happy New Year!

恭贺新禧! (Gōnghè xīnxǐ) Happy New Year!

全体大家新年快乐! 万事如意!身体健康!阖家幸福! Happy New Year everyone! Fulfillment of all desires! Good health! Happiness to the whole family!

On our site you will find beautiful Chinese New Year greetings. Such Chinese wishes for the New Year can be sent via email or SMS.

祝你新年大吉大利! (Zhù nǐ xīnnián dàjí dàlì!) I wish you extraordinary luck in the new year!

新春祝你事事好,生活妙,工资高! (Xīnchūn zhù nǐ shì shì hǎo, shēnghuó miào, gōngzī gāo!) In the new year, I wish you success in business, a wonderful life and a high salary!

Happy New Year Greetings in Chinese

Your business partners and friends will be pleased to receive congratulations from you on this holiday in Chinese. We will show you how to congratulate the Chinese on the New Year.

2019 年新年快乐! 合家幸福! 在新的一年里好事多多! 笑容多多! 开心每一秒,快乐每一天,幸福每一年,健康到永远! (2019 nián Xīnnián kuàilè! Héjiā xìngfú! Zài xīn de yī nián lǐ hǎoshì duōduō! Xiàoróng duōduō! Kāixīn miǎo, kuàilè yǒgf availa
Happy New Year 2019! Happiness to the whole family! A lot of joyful events throughout the new year! A lot of smiles! Joy every second, fun every day, happiness for a whole year, health for centuries!

Choose the best Chinese New Year greetings and send to your business partners. We have compiled here Chinese New Year Wishes related to career, business and wealth.

金生意兴隆 (shēng yì xīng lóng). A prosperous business.

万事如意 (wàn shì rú yì). Good luck in all things.

事业有成 (shì yè yǒu chéng). Success in your career.

吉星高照 (jí xīng gāo zhào). Good luck (shiny lucky star).

吉祥如意 (jí xiáng rú yì). Good luck (I wish you all the best).

恭喜發財 (gōng xǐ fā cái). Happiness and prosperity (usually said when receiving gifts or a lucky New Year's coin).

玉滿堂 (Jīnyùmǎntáng). May wealth fill your home.

The Chinese New Year is on its way and the wechat, qq and weibo feed is already full of congratulations (). Today, a huge part of the world's population will sit down at the festive table to eat dumplings with the whole family, to congratulate each other on the arrival of spring.

Of all the traditions associated with the Chinese New Year, I like red envelopes, decorations on the doors, New Year cards, tangerine trees the most.

The tradition of giving small gifts, usually 红包 (hongbao - red envelopes with money), is considered burdensome by some young Chinese, especially if they do not earn much, and every friend, colleague, family member needs to give a few banknotes. Well, for children it is always a holiday, many of my students said that they love the new year and hongbao.

On a window or door in the house, you can hang a hieroglyph like the one above, or one of those that bring good luck. We had a picture of happiness at home - 福 (fú).

You can also say that this is a blessing, and you can also hang it upside down and this will mean that happiness has already come to your home. There are a couple more popular characters in this series and even in the wish - 福 (lù) and 寿 (shòu). Connect the hieroglyphs together and get good congratulations: 福禄寿 - happiness, prosperity and longevity!

In Kuala Lumpur, where I first saw this celebration, the Chinese blew up firecrackers to drive away evil spirits. It was loud, and the poor people crowded around the temples, and people coming out of there presented them with red envelopes. A few hours after midnight, the market area on Petaling Street (Chinatown) was already very quiet.

The following year, we happened to be in Hong Kong for the New Year, where we walked around the city and did not notice the violent celebrations at all, such as they show on TV on January 1st. We saw family dinners in restaurants on New Year's Eve. In the morning, we saw crowds of people when we went to one of the Hong Kong temples. In the morning, the Hong Kong people asked their gods for good luck and prosperity. In the evening, the first day of the new year, we watched a magnificent one.

And last year, like this year, we celebrated outside of China. There is an opinion that this is the best option, because everything closes for the holidays, business costs, it’s especially hard if you still need to get somewhere by train - tickets are sold out in three weeks, on the day the sales start.

happy new year

But this is no reason not to congratulate your Chinese friends and acquaintances, they will be very pleased. We write the most traditional: 新年快乐 - Happy New Year! This year you can: 羊年快乐 - Happy Year of the Goat.

羊年大吉 (yáng nián dàjí) - Good luck in the year of the Goat. 恭贺新禧 (gōnghèxīnxǐ) - Happy Holidays.

心想事成 (xīnxiǎng shì chéng) - May your dreams come true. 恭喜发财 (gōngxǐfācái) - Prosperity (when you receive a gift). 身体健康 (shēntǐ jiànkāng) - Health.

Wish, wish, in Chinese, it will be 祝 - zhù, respectively, we wish the above and make combinations.

祝您新的一年快乐幸福 - I wish you a happy new year!

恭祝健康、幸运,新年快乐。 - I wish you health, good luck and a happy new year.

祝您生意兴隆 - I wish you a profitable business.

恭贺新禧、万事如意 - Happy new year and may everything go as planned!

祝你吉祥如意 - All the best to you, whatever you wish.

The next one on the astrological calendar is the year of the Monkey 猴 (hóu), and you already know what to wish your friends.

useful links

On the eve of the new year, it is useful to gain new knowledge, look at the picture where popular words are indicated, some of which people even fill themselves in the form of a tattoo. No matter how cool everyone looks, it probably won’t make much sense if they put together in a tattoo: “love, beauty, happiness.” Don't make mistakes!
