When is the communal services day of the year. Day of housing and communal services workers: all the most interesting about the holiday

When is this holiday held? In 2019, the Day of the housing and communal services worker will be celebrated on the third Sunday of March, which falls on the 17th.

How is Community Worker's Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? The Day of Housing and Communal Services Workers is celebrated by specialists whose work is related to the public services sector.

In many collectives, festive evenings are held, at which the best specialists are awarded and congratulations are heard on the Communal Services Day.

History and traditions of the Day of workers of housing and communal services.

Public Worker Day was celebrated in the USSR since 1966. The date of the celebration fell on the fourth Sunday of July.

Then, by the Decree of the President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 1, 1988, it was postponed to the third Sunday of March (in 2019 - March 17).

On Public Utilities Day, we honor specialists of various profiles. This job requires skills and knowledge, responsibility, dedication and the ability to get along with people. The operation of water supply, sewerage, heat supply, and electricity supply depends on these employees.

They are engaged in the current repair of internal common house engineering communications and major repairs of buildings, landscaping of adjacent territories, etc.

How to congratulate the Communal Worker's Day?

Congratulate your colleagues, friends and relatives who have connected their lives with work in the housing and communal services by sending them congratulations on the Public Worker's Day.

Congratulations to the ZhEK employees today!
Friends, we sincerely wish you all
To be healthy and not get sick for a hundred years,
You do not know troubles and have prosperity.

May your work bring you joy
And let us present the solution of problems.
You know: we appreciate and love you very much,
And on a holiday and ordinary everyday life.

We wish you good work
In the service of a communal perform,
Let all worries be only in joy,
We wish you to live and prosper!

Health and, of course, inspiration,
Luck, warmth and kindness.
Still - love, without a doubt,
And let all dreams come true!

On our website, congratulations are presented on the Day of the Communal Service Worker, which will be pleased to receive these specialists working in this service sector.

There is no work more important and necessary
Among the many professions in Russia,
Than the profession is people's life
To do better, warmer and more beautiful!

Therefore, at this festive hour
Let's say to public utilities with excitement:
Will be only for you today
All gifts, poems, congratulations!

To all who give us purity,
Warmth, comfort and light
We want to be honest:
There is nothing more important in the world

Such a profession, because you -
All for the people, always!
We wish you happiness and love
Health and kindness.

Housing and communal services is considered one of the most controversial services, however, the benefits of this work are obvious and indisputable. They do not like when they are late for a call, and are ready to carry them on their hands after the next long-awaited repair.
Housing and communal services, as well as domestic industries, from the time the first large settlements appeared to the present day, have been the main component of the standard of living in megacities. These services improve and decorate settlements, provide comfort and coziness for their residents, maintain cleanliness and order, despite any vagaries of the weather on weekdays and holidays, regardless of the time of year.

Housing and communal services workers also have their own professional holiday. The history of its origin is rooted in the USSR. Initially, the attitude towards these workers was far from being the best. The wording of the holiday was a little different - the day of housing and communal services. In those days, repair and construction teams were equated with trade workers and provided the population with support for public utilities, which were huge under the USSR. Consequently, the holiday fell on the last Sunday of July, along with trade workers.

However, after some time, the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council nevertheless decided to separate the day of the housing and communal services worker and made several amendments to the decree on holiday dates. After that, everyone who worked in this industry before the collapse of the USSR celebrated this holiday on the third Sunday of the month of March. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2013, the day of the housing and communal services worker is a separate holiday and is also disconnected from the day of trade workers.

How is the day of housing and communal services workers celebrated?

There is not a single employee in housing and communal services who would not accept congratulations on their professional holiday. Despite the fact that the holiday falls on Sunday, they begin to celebrate it on Friday. First of all, the management congratulates everyone. On this day, almost every employee receives not only bonuses, but also valuable gifts - from simple souvenirs to luxurious jewelry. The management reminds that housing and communal services workers celebrate the day of one of the most peaceful, necessary and respected professions. Further, after the end of the working day, all employees are gathered in a large hall for the presentation of certificates of honor.

Especially note those who gave the profession 20-30 and 40 years. The honorary mission is accompanied by songs, dances and other entertaining numbers. In some cities, famous pop stars come to this holiday.
Some funny contests and riddles warm up the audience. After the audience perked up, the solemn part continues. The awards program is followed by a traditional feast.

Whom to congratulate on the day of the communal worker?

The current holidays related to the work of trade, communal, domestic services can be safely called nationwide. In Russia, as in any other country, there are a great many hairdressers, salons, dry cleaners, parking lots, workshops, gas and electricity, water and heat wiring companies, household waste removal and rental, various things. After all, whatever you say, it is simply impossible for a modern person to be in time, to do everything on their own with today's rhythm of life. Therefore, all employees who provide such great assistance to the population in overcoming everyday problems are simply obliged to have their own separate day in the year - every third Sunday in March.

What to give on the day of the housing and communal services worker?

So, before the cherished day - the third Sunday in March, you should decide on a gift. To please such a person, it is enough to buy a small cake or something sweet, especially for women and young girls. A jar of coffee or champagne can complement the gift. Any female housing and communal services worker will be happy even with an ordinary bouquet of flowers, and a male public utilities worker with a bottle of good cognac. The janitor will be sincerely grateful, even if nothing is presented to him at all. You simply do not need to litter in the territory adjacent to the house and in the entrance.

What else would be appropriate on this day?

A woman will like a beautiful mug or a set of dishes, a man will like a practical cigarette case or wallet.

If a housing and communal services worker is an expensive member of the family, then jewelry is appropriate here - earrings, chains, necklaces, rings, bracelets. The owner will be especially pleased if natural pebbles show off on them.
A handmade gift will probably be the best for a housing and communal services worker. Let it be a picture, a tree made of beads, embroidery, crafts made from natural materials, etc. Housing and communal services workers appreciate everything that a piece of soul is invested in.

Of practical gifts, thermoses occupy a special place, because these people work in any weather, and warm tea or coffee will be the best protectors from frost.

Compositions of fresh flowers will help express respect to a woman. If a housing and communal services employee likes interesting gifts with a twist, then you should opt for a decorated box or a unique chest made of a large egg. For a man, you should look at a travel bag, a money clip or an elegant cane. The most fashionable gifts for housing and communal services employees are glass holders, figurines, antique telephone sets, coffee or tea sets, leather boxes and the like.

When choosing a souvenir for a housing and communal services employee, it is necessary to take into account not only business features (after all, a gift for the holiday should not always be associated with a profession), but also personal qualities - ways of spending leisure time, hobbies, and so on.

How to spend the day of housing and communal services workers?

The very first thing a person can do on this very important day is not to litter. Everyone can make such a trifle, however, it will be better than many presents. The housing and communal services workers themselves celebrate this day at home in the company of loved ones with a cup of tea and a cake, and perhaps even with something hot. Some people are already storming the forests in order to taste delicious barbecue on holiday.

On the eve of this day, congratulations are being prepared. Some workers rush to the concerts. At the solemn part, the best locksmiths, janitors, mechanics, drivers, engineers, in general, all authorized by numerous professions of the city's housing and communal services, rise to the stage. At the end of the festive part, theater artists perform in front of the audience with a concert.

On this holiday, you can prepare a wall newspaper, hang out collages and photographs of the best workers. Today in the global network you can find hundreds of different wishes regarding this day. How to dilute the feast on this day? You can learn a couple of fresh stories or come up with a horoscope for everyone for this day. Since housing and communal services workers are crazy about everything that is done with their own hands, you can even bake cookies with wishes and predictions.

As for wishes, it is also very important to wish a person health, because the work is extremely difficult. The crisis is not terrible for these people, since this profession is considered one of the most sought after. The most important thing is that all relatives treat them with understanding and constantly support them. Often, housing and communal services workers work without holidays and weekends. Housing and communal services are famous for low turnover in their team. Mostly people with long experience work here, since work in this industry immediately excludes those who cannot understand why at any time, and sometimes in the middle of the night, you need to wake up and rush to work. Only those who understand their duties and fulfill them conscientiously stay here.

On the eve of the Day of Housing and Communal Services Workers, the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall hosted a traditional gala evening. Congratulated from the stage of the capital's communal services and power engineers Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia Mikhail Men, Deputy Mayor of the capital for housing and communal services Petr Biryukov and Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Self-Government and Northern Affairs Dmitry Azarov. They presented awards to the best enterprises and workers in the industry. For the contribution to the development of the housing and communal services of the city of Moscow and in connection with the professional holiday, the Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services Workers, the employees of MOSGAZ JSC were also awarded the Mayor's Gratitude.

Speaking at the opening of the event, Mikhail Men congratulated the audience on behalf of the government of the Russian Federation on their professional holiday.

— On behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, I would like to congratulate you on this wonderful professional holiday. We are used to the fact that we always have water and heat at home, everything works, but people do not always think that tens of thousands of people work behind this. I want to say that life today is changing rapidly, people today want a completely different quality of life, modern public spaces, and improvement. And Moscow is here the initiator of fashion and ideas. We look at how the improvement is going on in the capital and see how this experience can be implemented in other regions of the Russian Federation. I thank Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin and Pyotr Pavlovich Biryukov and his entire team for active work both in terms of the work of the housing and communal services itself, and in terms of improvement and development of the urban environment, - said Mikhail Men.

In its turn Petr Biryukov conveyed congratulations on behalf of the mayor of Moscow.

Dear friends! I congratulate you on the Day of the housing and communal services worker. Every day, the housing and communal services of Moscow perform a colossal amount of work, provide heat and light in the homes of 12 million Muscovites, comfort and cleanliness of 24,000 courtyards and parks, order and comfort on four thousand streets. Summing up the results of the past winter, I want to note that for the seventh year in a row the capital passed the heating season without serious accidents on engineering networks. Streets, roads, courtyards and sidewalks were cleared of snow in a timely manner. Thanks to bright illuminations, numerous fairs and festivals, snow slides and ice skating rinks, Moscow has once again become the best city on Earth. In 2017, the urban economy complex will continue to solve the tasks of creating a high-quality urban environment. Major repairs remain among the priorities, as a result of which Muscovites will receive clean entrances, reliable communications and safe elevators. Much work remains to be done within the framework of the new renovation program for the five-story housing stock. Thank you, dear friends, for conscientious work, for professionalism and love for your native city. I wish you good health, well-being, new successes in your work, - read out the mayor's appeal Petr Biryukov.

He also personally expressed his gratitude to the employees of the capital's housing and communal services.

Muscovites are accustomed to cleanliness and order; for them, the daily appearance of light and warmth in the apartment is commonplace. They do not even think that the 600,000-strong detachment is working on these tasks every day. We have accomplished many grandiose tasks with you, but there is still more to be done in 2017. This is not only the central part of the city, but also its outskirts, the improvement of almost three thousand Moscow courtyards. This is almost 90 park areas, as well as the renovation of the housing stock. Our task is not to forget about this housing stock, which is almost 8,000 houses. Our task is to support this housing stock. Once again, I wish you good luck and success for the benefit of Moscow,” said Pyotr Pavlovich.

Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on the Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Self-Government and Northern Affairs Dmitry Azarov joined the congratulations and read out the greeting Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko.

I cordially greet the participants of the festive event dedicated to the Day of Housing and Public Utilities Workers. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this sphere, because housing and communal services are the most important sector of the economy, the cleanliness and improvement of streets and yards, the quality of domestic services, everything that creates a comfortable environment for human life. You work every day to ensure that every home is warm, light and comfortable. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate the housing and communal services workers on their professional holiday and wish you success in your responsible and difficult work.

We often hear that Muscovites rarely smile, but in my opinion today there are much more smiles and pleasure from living in native Moscow, and this, of course, is largely done by your hands and work. Thank you for that. Today Moscow receives more and more tourists and breaks records in terms of attendance. Moscow is comfortable, hospitable, cordially welcomes not only its residents, but also all Russians, and people go to the capital with pleasure and pride, and return home with a great mood and striving for the best. Thank you for this, for your work and experience, which you so generously share with all regions of the Russian Federation. Happy holidays!

Together with the awarded employees of the Society, the solemn event was attended by General Director of MOSGAZ JSC Gasan Gasangadzhiev. He thanked the city administration for the honorary awards to his colleagues, stressed that the team is the most precious thing the Company has, and noted that the company really makes a significant contribution to the work of the Moscow housing complex. First of all, this applies to Muscovites who use gas in residential buildings. And everyone understands that this is a troublesome and scrupulous job that requires special care, and that is why the city pays attention to those workers who successfully work in this area.

I would like to note that today the Company provides trouble-free maintenance of the housing stock and provides the necessary reliability. In continuation of this topic: we are now starting to work on a program for the overhaul of the housing stock and, accordingly, we will increase our presence in the city's housing and communal services. But in general, our Society ensures the life of the city, because gas is used to generate heat and electricity, and there is water in residential buildings. The contribution is very significant. And it is a great honor for us that our employees were awarded such weighty awards today. The team is the most precious thing the Society has. Because the gas workers are very serious people and the most attached to their enterprise and business, - Gasan Gizbullagovich noted.

Within the framework of the solemn event, two employees of MOSGAZ JSC were awarded the Gratitude of the Mayor of Moscow: Deputy General Director for Economic Security of MOSGAZ JSC Andrey Alekseevich Sindyaev and a labor veteran of the Moscow gas industry, senior foreman of workshop No. 4 for the operation and repair of gas control stations of the Office for the operation and repair of high and medium pressure gas pipelines and gas distribution stations of MOSGAZ JSC Petr Alekseevich Novikov.

Andrey Alekseevich Sindyaev has been successfully working for the benefit of the industry for ten years, seven of which have been in the gas industry of the capital. For his business and professional qualities, dedication to his work, he earned high prestige in the fuel and energy, housing and communal sectors and respect in the Company's team. His merits include achieving significant success in the development of housing and communal services for the population and organizations of the city of Moscow. Thus, in order to ensure fire safety at the facilities of MOSGAZ JSC, a new automatic fire protection system was installed and implemented to replace the morally and technically obsolete one, which ensures constant monitoring of its performance. Under his leadership, in order to ensure the reliability and safety of the facilities of the country's largest gas facilities, as well as to prevent accidents and prepare for their elimination, more than 30 exercises and trainings were held both with the management of the Company and with the involvement of the leadership of city organizations.

In 2014, in a group led by General Director of the Company Gasan Gasangadzhiev, Andrey Alekseevich, having promptly agreed with the city authorities, he quickly joined the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the section of the Park Pobedy - Slavyansky Bulvar stations of the Moscow Metro, which occurred in the city on July 15, 2014. As part of the operational group of MOSGAZ JSC, together with employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, during the day, Andrei Alekseevich supervised the rescue of passengers and the elimination of damaged parts of a crashed and derailed electric train. For this, the staff of MOSGAZ JSC was awarded with the gratitude of the Mayor of Moscow "For the dedication and professionalism shown during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident."

Within the framework of complex exercises, trainings and classes in 2012-2016. civil defense forces, the Moscow city territorial subsystem of the unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergencies in the city of Moscow, Andrey Alekseevich directly supervised the forces and means of MOSGAZ JSC in the deployment of residential towns with elements of housing and communal services, conducted demonstration classes for heads of organizations cities. Thanks to this, the tasks set by the Mayor of Moscow and the Government of Moscow on issues of security, mobilization training, civil defense and protection against emergencies are being carried out in full and with excellent quality.

For valiant work and high production performance Andrey Sindyaev was repeatedly awarded state and departmental awards. According to Andrei Alekseevich, the Mayor's Gratitude is a well-deserved award from the Society, which always goes ahead.

MOSGAZ is an advanced company for me. It instills pride. We have high scores. And I am very pleased that this is a part of my work. I am very proud of our enterprise. And, of course, I want to thank the city administration for appreciating the enormous work of our entire team, - Andrey Alekseevich said.

Hereditary gas worker Petr Alekseevich Novikov, Veteran of Labor in the Gas Industry of Moscow has worked for the company for 30 years. This is only five years younger than his father. His profile is the operation and repair of gas control stations. The work is very responsible, requires high professionalism and qualifications.

My responsibilities include launching and monitoring the operation of gas control station equipment. For example, over the past few years, the Company has carried out a large-scale modernization of the largest gas control stations in the capital, I was involved in the adjustment and launch of the latest modern equipment. The work, of course, is very responsible, because it is connected with the supply of gas to consumers. And here, of course, the most important thing is that it be reliable and safe.

Having gone from a fitter for the operation and repair of gas equipment to a senior foreman for the operation and repair of gas control stations, Petr Alekseevich has established himself as a highly qualified, responsible specialist and demanding leader and never doubted the correctness of his choice of profession.

Today, Petr Alekseevich continues active work on the long-term development and modernization of production, aimed at the safe operation of the gas facilities. Over the past five years, more than 50 gas control points and more than 20 cabinet control points have been reconstructed with his direct participation. It contributes to the promotion of innovative technologies, the use of energy-efficient and energy-saving solutions, and assists in the training of young professionals. In 2010, Petr Alekseevich took an active part in the implementation of a responsible government task to transfer the "Eternal Flame" on Poklonnaya Gora, the reconstruction of the largest gas control stations "Ochakovo", "Shchukino", "Cherkizovo", "Teply Stan", "Yuzhnaya".

The Mayor's gratitude for Petr Alekseevich is a high award, to which he has been striving all his life.

Mayor's gratitude is the highest appreciation of my work and, of course, of our entire team. Many thanks to the city administration and the General Director of our enterprise Gasan Gasangadzhiev for such an honorary award. This is an incentive to continue to develop professionally and work successfully for the benefit of our Society and our native city, - he noted.

Recall that the Day of workers in trade, consumer services and housing and communal services is celebrated annually on March 19.

Housing and communal services workers maintain cleanliness and comfort for the entire population. Their work provides comfortable living conditions and is a sign of social peace. In order to demonstrate the importance of contribution to society, a professional holiday was established in honor of workers providing domestic services.


The first time the holiday was celebrated in 1966. It was combined with Trade Workers' Day until 1988. And on November 1, 1988, it was established by the Decree of the President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as a separate holiday. The very system of providing personal services began to operate after the October Revolution.

After the collapse of the USSR, this holiday continues to be celebrated not only in our country, but also in some CIS countries.

Today, public utilities workers ensure uninterrupted operation and the availability of water, light, heat and gas in homes. Ever since the days of the USSR, the attitude towards structures has not been the best due to the fact that highly professional education is not required for work. Nevertheless, the importance of services is obvious, because no home can do without utility services. Cleaning of streets and roads is also included in their duties. Employees of the consumer services sector provide assistance in the repair of electrical appliances, cars, apartments, they can put personal and household items in order.


On this day, solemn events are held, at which the most active employees are encouraged with awards, prizes, diplomas, letters of gratitude. Friends and relatives arrange a festive banquet and present gifts. The media prepare stories and materials about the importance of the profession.

The high-quality work of employees of the communal and household services sector has a positive impact on the development of the country's economy. Order, comfortable living and working conditions allow you to focus on more global results, without being distracted by everyday problems.

Day of workers of housing and communal services (Day of workers of consumer services of the population and housing and communal services) - a professional holiday of employees of housing and communal services. Employees of the sphere of housing and communal services and services for the provision of personal services take part in the celebrations: household houses, ateliers, workshops, salons. Their relatives, friends, acquaintances join them.

In Russia, the Day of Housing and Utilities Workers is celebrated on the third Sunday of March. In 2020, it falls on March 15 and takes place at the official level 40 times.

Meaning: to draw attention to the problems of housing and communal services.

Classes for advanced training and exchange of experience are timed to coincide with the holiday. Distinguished employees of housing and communal services and consumer services of the population are awarded letters of gratitude, diplomas and certificates of honor. The media publishes articles about significant events in this area.

history of the holiday

The Day of Workers of Consumer Services for the Population and Housing and Communal Services was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days”, as amended on November 1, 1988 No. 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation USSR about holidays and memorable days.

Prior to this, the holiday was called the Day of workers in trade, consumer services to the population and housing and communal services. It has been celebrated in the USSR since 1966 on the fourth Sunday of July. After 1988, two separate events arose with different dates of celebration: and the Day of Workers of Consumer Services for the Population and Housing and Communal Services.

Holiday traditions

On this day, the heads of housing and communal services and consumer services send letters of gratitude to their subordinates. Distinguished specialists are awarded diplomas and certificates of honor. Classes are held to improve skills and exchange experience. In the media, journalists publish materials on significant events in the field of housing and communal services and consumer services.

Task for the day

Analyze your utility bills. Ask how you can save water and electricity and reduce heat loss. Come up with and introduce new rules for households.

  • In South Korea, a unique heating is used - "ondol". It is a battery built into the floor, from which the entire room is heated. In Iceland, houses are heated by heat from geysers.
  • Rainwater harvesting systems are common in Australia due to the scarcity of fresh water. It is used for sanitary needs and irrigation.
  • In Turkey, many residential buildings are equipped with solar panels that are placed on the roofs. Residents of houses do not pay for hot water, as it is heated by solar energy.
  • In the UK, residents of houses, in addition to utilities, pay a council tax, the amount of which depends on the prestige of the area. At the expense of these funds, lawns and flower beds are maintained in cities, roads are repaired, garbage is removed, the work of firefighters, police, and city officials is paid.
  • In Rus', the first housing and communal services were in 1649, when Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a decree “On the City Deanery”, according to which it was necessary to have a janitor in every yard.
  • Since 1959, the first bodies of housing and communal services began to appear in Russia - housing maintenance offices (ZHEK). They were located on the first floors of houses and were engaged in solving housing and communal issues, as well as providing services of hairdressers, photographers, long-distance calls.


“I would like to congratulate workers of housing and communal services on their professional holiday. A lot depends on you in our life, because it is you who monitor the quality of service of our apartments, the order in the entrance and the elevator. You are responsible for our comfortable accommodation, so we want to once again express our gratitude to you. Know that there are a lot of people who appreciate and respect your work, because your work is really priceless. We know how hard it is for you at times, but at the same time you still remain true to your cause. And may your work bring you only joy and satisfaction.

“We wish all housing and communal services workers not to lose optimism and faith in the future! Thank you for your responsible, highly professional and selfless work, for your readiness to help at any moment! We are proud that the housing and communal services industry is developing and holding on thanks to your strong, hardworking, golden hands! Happy Holidays!

“Congratulations on the professional holiday to those who daily face the problems and difficulties of housing and communal services, who steadfastly, courageously and responsibly solve even the most difficult tasks! We need your work, and we sincerely thank you for your work! Allow me to wish you health, well-being, professional success, personal happiness!


Gift Certificate. A gift certificate to a cosmetics, household or electronic goods store will allow you to choose a gift yourself.

Sweets handmade. Chocolate, marshmallow or handmade gingerbread cookies will serve as an unusual and pleasant gift for the holiday.

Tea or coffee set. A set of tea or coffee with exotic flavors will be a practical present that will brighten up breaks during work.


Women versus men
The contestants are divided into two teams - women and men. The first team is given the task to name as many brands of cars as possible, and the second - potato dishes. The team with the most correct answers wins.

Champagne time
Participants of the competition are given a bottle of champagne, which they must open. The building is complicated by the fact that they must hide their right hand behind their backs (for left-handers - the left), using only their left hand. The winner is the participant who can open a bottle of champagne the fastest.

Merry forfeits
For the competition, you must prepare in advance forfeits with the task: sing a song, dance a dance, show an acrobatic number or trick, make a toast, tell a joke, come up with a declaration of love, etc. The number of fans should correspond to the number of guests of the holiday. Each guest must take off and put in an opaque box or bag a personal item: jewelry, watch, tie, scarf, gloves. Then the presenter reads the forfeits in turn and takes out the personal items of the guests. The one who recognizes his thing must complete the task.

About the profession

Housing and communal services create comfort and convenience for the population, guarantee social stability and public peace.

Employees of housing and communal services ensure the availability of water, gas, light and heat in houses and apartments. They clean in yards, parks, streets, on roads.

Consumer services specialists provide services for the repair and cleaning of apartments, cars, household appliances, television and radio equipment, the manufacture and repair of furniture, shoes, clothes, laundry, dry cleaning, rental of household items, etc.

This holiday in other countries

In Ukraine, as in Russia, the Day of Housing and Utilities Workers is celebrated on the third Sunday of March.

In Belarus, on the fourth Sunday of March, the Day of workers in consumer services for the population and housing and communal services is celebrated.
