Abstract of the lesson on the topic: "Rules of the road." Open lesson "rules of the road"

If you are faced with the task of organizing a thematic lesson or a GCD to study the rules of the road, refer to the positive experience of colleagues set out in the publications of this section.

Here you can find plans for conducting and ready-made notes of successfully conducted classes, which contain many valuable ideas and successful pedagogical discoveries. In the course of educational activities, using the format of a conversation and a quiz, supplement and consolidate children's knowledge about the main road signs, traffic signals, the rules for crossing the carriageway and behavior on the streets. Develop the ability to solve problematic situations that pedestrians or passengers may find themselves in. Enrich children's active vocabulary, improve their dialogical speech.

Have a great traffic lesson with us!

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 5245 .
All sections | Traffic rules, traffic lights, traffic. Summaries of classes, GCD

Synopsis of GCD on traffic rules in the younger group "Pedestrian crossing" Software tasks: to give children an initial idea of ​​​​the rules for crossing the roadway. Equipment: layout traffic light; pedestrian crossing, toy "Chanterelle"; big car. move classes Educator : - Hello guys! We have a guest in a hurry. (knock on door, enter...

Synopsis of the GCD in the preparatory group for traffic rules "Observe the rules of the road" Goals: Clarify children's ideas about the rules of behavior on the street. Tasks: pin concepts: "a pedestrian", "crosswalk", "sidewalk"; - to give knowledge that the pedestrian must also follow the rules traffic; - consolidate knowledge of signals traffic light, their purpose ...

Traffic rules, traffic lights, traffic. Summaries of classes, GCD - Scenario of theatrical entertainment lesson "Learn the rules of the road"

Publication “Scenario of the theatrical entertainment lesson “Learn the rules ...” Goals and objectives: To systematize the knowledge of children about the rules of road safety; to educate the culture of children's behavior on the streets of the city and in transport. Equipment: Outdoor game set "ABC of traffic", Pinocchio doll, ball. Contents Children enter...

MAAM Pictures Library

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of the traffic light and its functions. Tasks: learn to stick circles on a rectangle, observing the order of sticking colors (red, yellow, green); to form ideas about the safety of pedestrians on the road; reinforce knowledge of primary colors ...

Summary of the lesson "Safe Road""Safe road" (lesson on the rules of the road in the preparatory group) Purpose: Improving the efficiency of work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries, educating children's safe behavior skills on the streets and roads of the city ....

“Know and remember! Traffic Laws." Purpose: expansion and consolidation of knowledge about the rules of the road Formation of knowledge, skills and practical skills of safe behavior on the road and on the street. Summarize children's knowledge about the Rules of the road. Continue...

Traffic rules, traffic lights, traffic. Lesson notes, GCD - GCD on artistic and aesthetic development "Making a traffic light using various materials" (middle group)

Purpose: to teach children to make a traffic light toy from various waste materials (boxes, bottles, corks, box lids, threads) Program tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge about the traffic light, about its signals; develop the ability to answer questions in full sentences; Develop...

Municipal educational institution secondarygeneral educationschool1 G.Alekseevka


Subject:Extracurricular event "Connoisseurs of traffic rules"

(game lesson according to the rules of the road)for grades 4-8

Zaika Alexander Efimovich,


Explanatory note

Target: creation of conditions for the formation in schoolchildren of sustainable skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads, the involvement of children in the promotion of road safety.


    To form in students the need to study the rules of the road and a conscious attitude towards them;

    • To form stable skills of observance and implementation of traffic rules;

      To increase the interest of schoolchildren in the promotion of road safety;

    To develop in students the ability to navigate in a traffic situation;

    To foster a sense of responsibility, a culture of safe behavior on the roads and streets.

    To develop in students a culture of behavior in transport and road ethics.

Development of personal qualities significant for this activity:

    independence in making the right decisions;

    conviction and activity in the promotion of good faith performance
    rules of the road, as a necessary element of saving one's life;

    care and courtesy in the interaction of participants
    road traffic;

Students must:


    traffic rules, regulatory documents on liability for traffic violations;

    a series of road signs and their representatives;

be able to:

    work with the rules of the road, highlight the necessary information;

    work on tickets offered by the Good Road of Childhood newspaper;

have skills:

    discipline, caution, safe movement as a pedestrian, passenger, cyclist;

    mutual support and revenue in joint activities;

    active life position of an exemplary road user.

Expected Result:

    Formation of a set of sustainable forms of behavior on the roads, in public transport, in cases of emergency;

    Formation of deep theoretical knowledge of traffic rules;

    Formation in children of the desire to work on the prevention of DDTT and advocacy skills;

    Reducing child road traffic injuries caused by children and adolescents.

This methodological development of the game to promote road safety was developed within the framework of the Federal Law "On Road Safety", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Safety", "Rules for the safe behavior of students on the streets and roads".

It is aimed at developing in children and adolescents a culture of behavior on the roads, civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, attitudes towards their lives and the lives of others as a value, as well as active adaptation in the ever-increasing process of automobilization of the country. Methodological development allows to form a set of sustainable forms of behavior on the roads, in public transport, in cases of emergency, as well as the skills and abilities of propaganda work.

The problem of road safety has different aspects. The main one will always be the preservation of human life, especially the lives of children and adolescents. Therefore, the school should be the first to support the idea of ​​the Russian (regional) public movement "Young traffic inspectors", the purpose of which is to unite children and adults interested in reducing road traffic injuries.

The peculiarity of the development is to create conditions for the formation of a safe educational space when interacting with traffic police officers. Methodical development, first of all, is aimed at helping class teachers and teachers in teaching traffic rules to primary and secondary school students.

Equipment and materials: computer, presentation, plasma panel, examination tickets for taking theoretical exams for the right to drive vehicles of categories "A" and "B", the newspaper "Good Road of Childhood".

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

One of the main conditions for traffic safety is the knowledge and strict implementation of the rules of the road - the law of streets and roads.

Drivers of all types of transport know the rules of DD. They are also required to know and clearly comply with all pedestrians, both adults and children.

There are more and more cars on the streets and roads, and traffic is becoming more intense. Transport poses a great danger to humans. Failure to comply with traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians leads to a large number of victims. Dozens of people die every day under the wheels of cars.

And today we will talk about the Law of streets and roads - the Rules of the road. Our task is to repeat and expand knowledge on this topic.

The most important rule is “Discipline on the street is the key to safety.” To maintain health and life, you must strictly follow the rules of the road. And today we will remember them.

Creation of a problem situation.

Road, road

You run from the threshold.

Your first step in life

They trusted you.

Road, road

We need to know a little

Some important rules

In a big, big destiny.

What does the poem say, what alphabet?

(children's answers)

2. Main body:

Guys, remember "What is a rule?" (answer guys)

A rule is something that everyone must know and follow. Rules of the road (SDA) - the rights and obligations of drivers, pedestrians, passengers, and the guys from the UID help us in this (view a presentation about the UID detachment (Appendix No. 1)).

Every day, each of us is a passenger, a pedestrian, and in the summer, a bicycle driver. Peace and order on the streets depend on the discipline and knowledge of traffic rules of all road users. Wrong behavior of children and adolescents is the main cause of traffic accidents - accidents. Traffic rules - the law of streets and roads for everyone. And this law must be strictly enforced. Rules help establish the order of movement on the streets and roads.

The rules of the road include:

Responsibilities of Pedestrians

Obligations of Passengers

General duties of drivers

Road signs

Traffic lights and traffic controller signals (View video (Appendix No. 2)).

And now let's play the game "Connoisseurs of traffic rules".

Team View

Team greetings:

Team "Pedestrian"

A pedestrian! A pedestrian! Remember about the transition!

underground, ground,


Know that only the transition

It will save you from cars.

Team "Traffic Light"

Our house is a traffic light.

We are three siblings.

We've been shining for a long time

On the road to all the guys.

Leading: We start the game. We have to go through 10 rounds of competitions.

First tour. WARM-UP.

Teams take turns asking questions.

    What is the name of the part of the street that pedestrians walk on? (sidewalk)

1. On what part of the street does the transport move? (on the pavement)

2. What is an intersection?

2.What is a traffic light?

3. What is the red traffic light for?

3. At what traffic signal can you cross the road?

4. How to bypass the tram? (front)

4. How to bypass the bus and trolleybus? (behind)

5. Which side of the sidewalk should I walk on? (on the right)

5. How should you walk along the side of the country road? (facing traffic)

6. Through which door do you need to enter the bus, trolleybus, tram? (rear)

6. What is the name of the place of waiting for public transport passengers? (stop)

7. Is it possible to skate next to the roadway on roller skates?

7. Can children under 14 ride a bike outside the yard?

Second round. "THE ROAD SIGN EXPERTS".

There are many different signs

These signs need to be known

To rule on the road

Never violate.


Assignment to commands:

Answer questions about traffic tickets

(Presentation view with student responses)

(Appendix No. 3).

Third round. "ABC of roads".

Do you know road signs?

Teams must guess the riddle and find the right sign.

1. Round sign, and in it a window,

Don't rush in haste

And think a little:

What is this, a brick dump?

2. I am in a circle with a red outline,

That means it's dangerous.

Here, understand, the ban

Pedestrian traffic.

3. Familiar stripes

Children know, adults know.

Leads to the other side


4. Hey driver, be careful!

It's impossible to go fast.

People know everything in the world:

In this place go (children).

5. By cars here, friends,

Nobody can go.

You can go, know the children

Only on (bike).

6. What should I do?

What do i do?

I need to call urgently.

You and he should know

In this place (phone).

Fourth round. Homework.

Teams read poems according to traffic rules

Fifth round. "GUESS A RIDDLE".

The team that guesses the most gets the most points. 1 point for each riddle you solve.

1 On two wheels I roll
I spin with two pedals. (Bike)

1 What are the white stripes
We see at the crossroads. (Transition)

    Jump across the road
    You are always on the streets.
    And advise and help
    Talking colors. (Traffic light)

2. Look at the strong man
On the go with one hand.
stop used to
Five ton truck. (Adjuster)

    Strong man on four legs.

In rubber boots

straight from the store

He brought us a piano.


    The house on the street goes

It takes everyone to work.

Not on thin chicken legs,

And rubber boots.


    Ding - ding - ding. What's the call?

A wagon rolls along the rails

There are armchairs inside

People are sitting in chairs.

Such a car, remember

It's called...


4. I will turn with a long neck -

I will pick up a heavy load.

Where they order, I will put

I serve the person.


    Hey, stay out of the way!

Alarm car rushes

Why is she in such a hurry?

What do you mean why? Extinguish the fire!

(fire engine)

5. For cars - pavement,

For passers-by… (sidewalk)

Sixth round. "Assemble a traffic light"

The teams are given parts of the traffic light, they need to run to the cube and collect the traffic light. Let's see whose team will quickly and correctly complete the task.

Seventh round. Captains competition.

The profession of "driver" is extremely complex and difficult. Sometimes in the shortest fraction of a second, noticing the danger on his way, the driver must orient himself, assess the situation and make a decision. Often, a reaction table helps to check whether the driver has these qualities. Look here she is. I ask you to come to me one by one from the team. You need to find in the table within one minute and show the largest number of digits.

Is the assignment clear? Let's get started. (Participants take turns completing the task)

Eighth round. "Best Chauffeur"

One participant from the team leaves. They are given cars on a string, you need to bring the car closer to you as soon as possible.

Ninth round"Art"

Each team is given a riddle, the answer to which is the name of the road sign. The team draws this sign on paper. It is evaluated: whether the sign is correctly guessed, whether it is correctly named, the aesthetics of the image of the sign on paper.

A pedestrian"

Here is a fork, here is a spoon,
Refueled a little
They also fed the dog
We say "thank you" to the sign.

"Traffic light"

I didn't wash my hands on the road

I ate fruits and vegetables.

Got sick and see the item

Medical (help).

While the teams are doing their job

Let's play with you the game "Be careful on the road"

And now I'll check everything

And I'll make a game for you.

I'll ask you questions now -

It is not easy to answer them.

Let me warm up

You guess riddles.

You guys need to firmly

know traffic rules

It’s all right for me to answer or, hiding, to be silent.

If you agree, then you should answer me: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!”

Which of you, going home,

Keeps the path on the pavement?


Which one of you is moving forward?

Where is the transition?


How many of you run so fast that you don't see a traffic light?

Who knows that the light is green

Does that mean the path is open?


And that the yellow light is always for us

talking about attention?

Who knows that the red light

This means there is no move.

Who is in a hurry, runs

In front of the road closed sign?

I am sure that you are as attentive on the road as in class.

Tenth round "Road tasks"

Guys, let's solve road problems and explain how to behave on the roads.

(Children discuss in groups for 2 minutes. Check.)

Two boys and three girls left the school. When they approached the pedestrian crossing, the green signal had already begun to flash. The boys ran across the road at a run, while the girls stayed to wait for the next signal.

How many children crossed the road correctly?

Seven guys were playing ball on the roadway. Two went home. The rest were left to play on the road.

How many kids did the right thing?

Questions for fans.

Riding fast in the city

Do you know the rules of the movement? (Yes).

The pedestrian traffic light is red.

Can you walk across the street? (No).

But the green light is on, what then?

Can you walk across the street? (Yes).

Going down the roads

Do not forget, kids: sidewalks .... PEDESTRIANS,

The rest is for…. MACHINE.

I went into the trolley bus, did not take a ticket,

Is that how it's supposed to be done? (No).

Old lady, very advanced years.

Will you give up your seat on the tram? (Yes).

Tasks for the fans:

1. That's the sign! I don't believe my eyes

What is the battery for?

Does steam heating help the movement!

Maybe in the blizzard winter here the drivers need to warm themselves?

(railroad crossing)

2. What kind of sign is hanging? Stop says to cars.

Pedestrian - go boldly along the paths in black and white.


3. You can meet such a sign on the expressway,

Where there is a large pit, and it is dangerous to walk straight,

Where a district is being built, a house or a stadium.

(Men at work)

4. Walk boldly young and old, even cats and dogs ...

Only here it’s not the sidewalk – it’s all about the road sign.


Well done boys!

Summarizing. Rewarding.

Everyone should know traffic rules

And they need to be done without delay.

Remember! There are so many difficulties on the roads!

Remember! There are thousands of cars on the roads!

Remember! There are many crossroads on the roads!

Remember! And learn the rules!

Thanks to all the teams for an interesting game, see you soon in our traffic experts club.

Bibliographic list

    Federal Law "On Road Safety", dated December 30, 2001, No. 196-FZ.

    Rules of the road of the Russian Federation. The Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.05. 2003 No. 265. Entered into force on July 1, 2003.

Class hour "Always remember the rules of the road, so that trouble does not happen to you!"


    to acquaint with the history of the emergence of traffic rules;

    repeat traffic rules for pedestrians, road signs;

    develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Preparatory work: reading books on the rules of the road, learning poems on this topic, preparing messages on the history of the emergence of traffic rules, preparing scenes for staging, decorating a class, making traffic lights, making a presentation.

Decor: interactive whiteboard, posters, children's drawings on the rules of the road, traffic light model, road signs, road model.

The course of the classroom.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Dramatization of an excerpt from the book "The ABC of Pedestrians".

Teacher. “All people, both big and small, as soon as they leave the house on the street. Immediately become pedestrians. Is it easy to be a pedestrian?

Student. What is easier! He stepped with his left foot, stepped with his right, left-right, left-right. Only and everything.

Teacher. Walking is really not difficult. Through the room, through the park, along the forest path. But the street is not a park, and the highway is not a path.

A real pedestrian is one who calmly walks through a noisy city and along a quiet road, who does not shy away from cars, motorcycles and buses. A real pedestrian himself never interferes with cars and will never get under a car himself. And how to learn all this?

Cars drive according to strict rules. Every driver knows these rules by heart. Drivers study at driving schools, go to lessons, take exams: do they remember everything?

There are also rules for pedestrians. If you don’t know, you will never become a good pedestrian.” I invite you to a lesson at the Pedestrian School, where we will get acquainted with the history of the road and repeat the rules of pedestrians. ( Annex 1 , slide number 1)

2. The course of the class hour. Lesson in the school of pedestrians.

1) History of appearance and development roads.

Teacher. Guess what it is?

The beginning is a note, then a deer decoration.
And together - a place of lively movement. (road)

Teacher. A road is an artificial structure specially adapted for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. But how did she appear?

Student messages.

    It was a very long time ago. People lived then in impenetrable forests. They raised cattle, hunted, collected honey, fished. It was difficult to get through dense forests, but it was necessary. And people began to cut passages in the forests. They began to be called "Putins".

    Putins connected settlements with each other, they began to be called roads. There are many roads in our country. Driving through them all is like making a trip to the moon and back twice.

Teacher. What do you think is the main quality of the road? (opinions children)

Teacher. It's width and coverage. We really like it when the road is wide and smooth. But what was she like before?

Children's messages.(Slide #2)

    Once upon a time, when there were no cars at all and the only means of transportation were horse carts, so that passers-by and carriages would not get stuck in the mud, the roads began to be covered with a hard surface. In Russia, the first roads were made of round logs laid in rows. Can you imagine how it was shaking on this road?

    The main Moscow streets, it was decided pave stone in 1692. By royal decree, no one was allowed into the city until they handed over to the guards three stones, no less than a goose egg.

    The first road in Russia appeared in 1722 (almost three hundred years ago). By order of Tsar Peter I, it was laid between Moscow and St. Petersburg. The road was covered with gravel.

Teacher. Now the roads are covered with asphalt. But why are roads sometimes called "pavement" in our time? (children's answers)(Slide #3)

Teacher. Roads run from city to city, from village to village. They run across the plains, cross rivers, make their way through dense forests, twist along the slopes of mountains, as if covering the earth with cobwebs. The road to the city will approach, houses with wide streets will part before it.

(Slide number 4) Consider the streets of the city, parts of the road.

Teacher. All roads consist of two parts: the carriageway and the sidewalk.

Children's messages.(Slide number 5)

    Previously, there were no sidewalks on the streets. Every year there were more and more crews, and the number of accidents grew. In 1782, a new theater building was built in Paris. A large number of carriages and pedestrians moved along the streets. Carriages pushed, crushed people. And instead of the theater, people ended up in the hospital.

    Then the city authorities divided the road between carriages and pedestrians. People began to walk along the sidewalk, and in order to prevent carriages or sleighs from driving on the sidewalk, it was raised above the roadway.

Teacher.(Slide number 6) Pavement - translated from French means "road for pedestrians." Now sidewalks are in all cities and villages. This part of the street belongs entirely to the people. On busy streets, sidewalks are separated from the carriageway by brightly colored railings. Sidewalks are arranged higher than the carriageway, so that in the rain water drains from them faster, so that cars do not accidentally drive onto the sidewalk and do not touch passers-by, in order to protect pedestrians and protect them from traffic. In our time it is difficult to imagine that you can do without the sidewalk.

Generalization. (Slide number 7)

2) Staging situations. (groups of children show sketches, and students correct the situation).

Teacher. Imagine that our class is a street. Here is the sidewalk, here is the roadway, and the guys are walking along the sidewalk.

Scene number 1. Children walk in a cheerful company, talking loudly and waving their arms.
Scene number 2. The boys are playing ball on the sidewalk.
Scene number 3. One girl, walking along the sidewalk, jumps over the rope, and the other balances on the edge of the sidewalk.

Teacher. (makes a conclusion) What are the rules to remember when you walk on the sidewalk? (children's answers)

3) History traffic light.

Teacher. As you can see from the history of the road, back in ancient times it became necessary to divide the road into two parts. But how is it now possible to cross from one side of the street to the other? How to cross the bridge? We need a commander who will stop cars and let pedestrians through. And then

Got up from the edge of the street in a long boot
Three-eyed scarecrow on one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converged.
Help people cross the street.

What is this "three-eyed scarecrow"? (children's answers)

Teacher. Previously, it was called "semaphore", translated from Greek - it means the bearer of light.

Children's messages.(Slide number 8)

    Traffic lights originate from semaphores, which were used on railways and had two colors - red and green. Such a semaphore was installed on the streets of London more than a hundred years ago. But in order to avoid collisions, some time interval between green and red signals was needed. And then people came up with the color yellow.

    In our country, the first traffic light appeared on the streets of Moscow in 1929. It was a circle divided into three sectors: red, yellow and green. In a circle, as on a clock face, the arrow moved. Such a traffic light was controlled by a traffic controller specially introduced to it. But for several years now, such a traffic light has been replaced with an electric one, which still operates today.

Teacher.(Slide number 9) What traffic lights do you know? ( children's answers: car, pedestrian, with sound signals)

Teacher. And who knows why these colors were chosen?

Red is the color of danger. It is clearly visible both during the day and at night, both in fog and in rain.

Green color is very different from red. They cannot be confused.

Yellow is an intermediate color, it calls for attention.

The student, using a traffic light model, reads excerpts from poems.

He is both polite and strict.
He is known throughout the world.
He is on the wide street
The most important commander.

He has colored eyes
Not eyes, but three lights!
He took turns by them
Looks down at me.

If the red light is on -
So your path is closed!
If the yellow light is on -
"Get ready!" - speaks.
And the green light is on
The way forward is open to you!

Jump across the road
You are always on the streets
And advise and help
Talking colors.

The work of traffic lights (Slide number 10)

Game "Traffic Light": red - stop, yellow - clap your hands, green - go.

4). Road signs.

Teacher.(Slide number 11) But not only the traffic light helps us to cross the road.

I really need it on the way
Where is the road to cross?
He will tell "what" and "how",
Call him….. road sign.

Go across the street there is a pedestrian
where the sign indicated to you .... Transition

This kind of sign
he is guarding the pedestrian.
Let's go together
we make our way to this place. (crosswalk)

If you put your foot
On the road
Pay attention friend
Road sign - red circle,
Man walking in black
Crossed out with a red line.
And the road seems to be, but it is forbidden to walk here!
(sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited")

Teacher. Where is this sign posted?

What is a zebra in the middle of the road
Every time lies under our feet?
So that you suddenly don’t get into the hospital,
you just need to go through it.
If you guess, then you are ready to go
This is a pedestrian ... .. (crossing)

To cross the bridge.
Look to the left, no car?
Then go to the middle.
Then look to the left
No car - move on!

Role play: How do we cross the street?(children show the work of traffic lights, and drivers and pedestrians follow the established rules)

5) Analysis of situations from pictures.

Teacher. Did the guys do the right thing? (analysis of situations from pictures - slides No. 12, 13, 14)

6) Test survey according to the rules of pedestrians.

Teacher. After all, you and I are conducting a lesson not in a simple school, but in a school of pedestrians. Let's do an exam. Prepared their "traffic lights". If you agree with me, then show the green light, if not, the red one.

    Walk along the sidewalk, keeping to the right.

    On the yellow signal of the traffic light, you can cross the carriageway of the street, as the transport is stopped.

    If the traffic light is red. And the car is far away, then you can quickly cross the road.

    You can talk while crossing the road.

    If I see a slow moving vehicle, I will boldly run across the road.

    Even if the transport is moving slowly, I will still wait until it passes.

    I'll only cross the road if it's on fire ….(show signal color)

3. Summary of the lesson. (Slide number 15)

Teacher. Let's summarize the lesson at the Pedestrian School.

Why did the rules of the road appear?

What does it take to become a real pedestrian?

Why do you need to be a real pedestrian?

What is the most important thing you learned today in the school of pedestrians?

Out on the street
Prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint
And most importantly - attention.
Walking carefully
Follow the street
And only where possible
Pass her!
You can't walk around yawning!
Can't count crows!

On the road - everything is silent!
The mouth was locked up!
On the road, it's clear
Talking is dangerous!

I hope that you will always remember the rules of pedestrians and will always follow them.

Goodbye. I look forward to seeing you at the next lesson at the Pedestrian School.

Topic: "Journey to the country of traffic rules"


Purpose of the lesson . Continue to acquaint with the rules of the road, learn to practically apply them in various situations. Develop thinking, visual attention, the ability to navigate in the world around. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.



Continue to introduce the elements of the road;

Improve dialogic speech, intonation expressiveness of speech;

Continue to reinforce the rules of conduct on the roadway;

To develop in children a sense of responsibility while observing traffic rules;


To develop the basics of traffic literacy in children, to expand children's knowledge about traffic lights, about the meaning of traffic lights;

Develop interest in the art of appliqué, develop the ability to carefully use glue,


To form friendly, benevolent relations between children;

Develop the ability to listen to your peers without interrupting;

To form a desire to obey the rules of the road.

Dictionary activation:

To fix in the speech of children the words: pedestrian, passenger, sidewalk;

Fix the names of road signs in speech.

Methods and techniques:

game moment, art word, display, conversation, task, explanation, examination, consolidation, encouragement, result.

Tasks of integrated educational areas:

"Safety". Expand your understanding of the rules of the road. Continue to introduce the elements of the road. Clarify how traffic lights work.

"Artistic Creation". To introduce children to the art of applique, to form an interest in this type of activity. To form the ability to carefully use glue: spread it with a thin layer on the reverse side of the figure to be glued, apply the side smeared with glue to a sheet of paper and press it tightly with a napkin

"Knowledge". Fix the names of the shapes: circle, rectangle.

"Socialization". To form friendly, benevolent relations between children.

"Communication". Fix in the children's dictionary: rectangle, traffic light, signal, transition, public transport stop. Develop free communication with adults and children.

"Reading Fiction". Develop the ability to guess riddles and correlate them with the image.

Preliminary work:

Conversation “Traffic signals”, “Red, yellow, green”, “Road signs”, “Rules for crossing streets and roads”, “About the striped zebra” and the road sign “Pedestrian crossing”, “In public transport”

Didactic games: "What is a street", "I am a driver", "Road signs"

Reading fiction: Ya. Pishumov "Machines", V. Berestov "I'm going to run", M. Plyatskovsky "Stop the car!", S. Mikhalkov "If the light turned red", S. Yakovlev "You need to obey without a dispute", B. Zhitkov "Traffic light"

Viewing photos of "Streets of our city"

Drawing "Truck", designing "Our street"

Drawing up a story about the traffic situation according to the plot picture.

Course progress.

caregiver : Guys, the boy Luke (toy) came to visit us. He got lost on the street and came to us for help. How can he get home?

caregiver A: Let's help our guest not be afraid to walk the streets. But for this we will go on a little journey. And first guessriddle.

There are two rows of houses

Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.

square eyes

They look at each other.

Children: Street.

The first stop on our street will be called Journey into History. Let's tell the guest what people traveled on for a very long time, when cars had not yet been invented, there were no buses and trains.

How do you think?

Children : on horseback, on carts.

S. Mikhalkov "From the carriage to the rocket." And you, Luke, listen carefully..

From carriage to rocket

People traveled around the world

Putting yourself in a carriage.

But the twentieth century has come -

A man got into the car.

This is where things went!

The cities rumbled.

The noise of engines, the rustle of tires -

Thousands of cars are racing.

In the steam slug

Pedestrians got on.

And could they be on their way

Easy to get off on the go.

And now under the sound of wheels

We are driven by an electric locomotive.

Didn't have time to say two words

Look: you have to get out!

The ships were

They floated like toys.

We sailed for a month, we sailed for a year...

The ship has arrived!

And today in the oceans

Giants emerge.

Amazing white light

The speed of naval missiles.

Well, this is, well, this is

Round the world rocket!

From carriage to rockets!

Is it a miracle or not?

Only obedient to the winds,

The balloon rose.

The man could dream

The man wanted to fly!

Year after year passed...

The plane has arrived!

He sat down in a chair and ate breakfast.

What's happened? Arrived!

caregiver : This is how people lived in the distant past. But people got tired of depending only on horses and they came up with ....

What did they travel on?

Children : trains, cars, planes, etc.

caregiver : What good fellows you guys are, observant. But let's go further.

Our next stop is called "Traffic Light".

caregiver : In one beautiful old city, three lights met at the crossroads: Red, Yellow and Green. A dispute ensued between them about which of the lights was the most important.

Child (red light):

I, red, the most important -

color of fire, fire.

When people see me, they know

that ahead of anxiety, danger.

Child(yellow light):

No, I, yellow, are more important.

My color is the color of the sun.

And it can be both a friend and an enemy.

Therefore I warn:

Be careful!

Attention! Do not rush!

Child(green light) :

Friends of the lights, stop arguing!

This is me - the most important color - the color of grass, forest, leaves.

I remind everyone of safety and tranquility.

Child (traffic light):

Friends, do not argue!

Each of you is a very bright color, and each of you is very important.

Let's be friends!

We will always help all people on the streets of the city together.

caregiver : Did you guys understand why a traffic light is needed on the streets?

Children : yes, so that there are no accidents, etc.

The game "Colored cars" is being held. (whose garage will be assembled faster).

caregiver : and now we will go further and our next stop is called the stop "Riddles about road signs".

caregiver : And why do we need road signs on the streets?

Children: children's answers.

caregiver : Let's now check if you know the road signs or not.

Here I have road signs on my table and your task is not only to solve the riddle, but also to find the road sign that is mentioned in this riddle. And so, let's start. First riddle.

Riddles on traffic rules:

All familiar stripes

Children know, adults know

Leads to the other side ... ("Pedestrian crossing".)

By car here, friends,

Nobody can go

You can go, you know, children,

Just on…. ("Bike Lane".)

And here, guys, no laughing matter,

Nothing can be driven here.

Can only be done on your own

Only for pedestrians. ("Footpath".)

You will notice this sign immediately:

Three colored huge eyes.

Eye color defined:

Red, yellow and green.

The red light is on - it is dangerous to move.

For whom the green light - drive through, there is no ban. (Traffic light)

In the white triangle

With a red border

Little schoolchildren

Very safe.

This road sign

Everyone in the world knows:

Be careful,

On the road ... (children).

What is a road sign?

Red cross on white?

Day and night you can

Feel free to contact!

The doctor will bandage the head

White scarf

And provide first aid. (Point of medical care).

Brake driver. Stop!

The sign is a ban in front of you.

This sign is the strictest

So that you do not enter into a mess.

You must follow the sign

"Under the brick" do not call. (No entry).

Stop, crowds of people.

The bus will be coming soon.

City transport is waiting here,

They go to the office, to the shop, home.

They go to school, kindergarten,

On holiday they go to the parade.

In the street circuit

City transport in high esteem! (bus stop)

Long drive, tired

And stomachs growled

They confessed to us

That have been hungry for a long time.

It hasn't been five minutes

The sign is hanging - dine here. (Point of supply)

I am an expert on the road

I parked my car here

Parking by the fence

She needs to rest too! (parking place)

The game “Answer correctly” is being played, the children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center with the ball, to which of the children the teacher throws the ball, he answers.)


Walking down the street. So this is (pedestrian)

If you are on a bus, car, then you (passenger)

Do cars fly?

Does a traffic light have 8 eyes? (no - 3 beeps: red, yellow, green)

Do cars sleep in beds? (no, in the garage, in the parking lot)

What is the name of the place where people wait for the bus (stop)

What is the name of the place that includes roads, parks, residential courtyards, playgrounds (street)

caregiver : and at the end of our journey, I would like to play one more game with you.

If you act according to the rules of the road, then answer in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all mine

friends”, and if not, then be silent.


1. Which one of you is moving forward

Where is the transition?

2. Who flies forward so soon,

What does not see a traffic light?

3. Who knows that the light is green

It means the way is open.

And that the yellow light is always

Are you talking about attention?

4. Who knows what the red light is

Does that mean there is no move?

5. Which of you, going home,

Keeps the path on the pavement?

6 Which of you is in the narrow carriage

gave way to the old lady?

Topic: "Rules of the road"

Goals and objectives : Expand children's knowledge about the rules of pedestrians on the road (carriageway) and on the sidewalk; consolidate knowledge of the following concepts: "pedestrian", "pedestrian crossing"; generalize students' knowledge of how to behave on the road; to cultivate a culture of behavior, to instill a desire to comply with the rules of the road in life.

Lesson progress:

1 . Organizing time .

Hello guys! I would like to start our today's lesson by guessing a crossword puzzle.

As you may have guessed, today we will talk about the rules of the road.

2. Main part.


- What is a pedestrian? How should you walk the streets? on the way to? (When you walk down the street, you are a pedestrian. Walking on the street is allowed only on sidewalks or footpaths, keeping to the right side so as not to interfere with the movement of oncoming pedestrians. If there is no sidewalk, you need to walk towards traffic along the side of the road or the edge of the road. Then the driver sees you and you see the approaching car.)

How do we cross the street? road? (To cross the street, there are certain places and they are called pedestrian crossings. They are marked with road signs "Pedestrian crossing" and white marking lines "Zebra". Before crossing the road you need to make sure that it is completely safe. To do this, stop at the edge of the carriageway, look left, right and left again and, if there are no cars, walk to the middle of the carriageway. Look right again, and if there are no cars, finish the crossing. The road must be crossed under a straight corner and in places where the road is clearly visible in both directions.If there is a traffic light at a pedestrian crossing or intersection, then you must be guided by its signs.)

Name the colors of traffic lights. What do they mean? (You should never cross the street if the red light is on, even if there are no cars. You can only cross the green one! Cross the road calmly, take your time.)

Can you play near the road? (It is dangerous to play next to the road: ride a bike in summer or winter on sleds or skis; there are special areas and squares for this.)

Why do you need to know and follow traffic rules?

Traffic rules in verse.

Children, know the rules of pedestrian safety, do not break them, learn how to apply them in life!

All people need to know the rules of the road!
These rules must always be followed!

Children do not play ball on the pavement,
Children, run away from the track, you are down!

If suddenly the car got in the way
Run out on the road - do not rush!

Look carefully, you, on the sides,
Is there any danger there, can you see everything?

There is a special crossing for pedestrians,
He will tell the driver that people are coming.

It will be more attentive, the one who is driving
There may be danger here - he knows it!

And another assistant - stands aside
A green light winks at me!

If a red eye looks at me
So you can't go out on the road!

Even if you are very late
Don't go out on this road!

If you see - suddenly trouble happened to someone
Call the inspector quickly, friends!
- Remember! Compliance with traffic rules will save your life and health!

Conducting the game.

- And we continue our work. And now it's time to find out how well you know the rules of the road. Guys, stand in a circle. I will throw the ball and ask a question, and you answer the question and return the ball.

1. Who is walking on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

2. Where are people waiting for transport? (At the stop)

3. Who is called the "driver?" (A person driving a vehicle.)

4. How is a pedestrian crossing marked on the road? (Special markings - "zebra".)

5. What is the name of the intersection of two roads? (crossroad)

6. Why can't you suddenly appear in front of a nearby vehicle? (Vehicles will not be able to stop immediately.)

7. What is the difference between a transport traffic light and a pedestrian one? (The traffic light has three signals - red, yellow, green, and the pedestrian two - red and green.)

8. Who should get off the bus first - an adult or you? (Adult always gets out of any vehicle first, then the child.)

9. How should you walk around the bus correctly, in front or behind? (We have to wait until he leaves.)

10. Can children play near the road?

Well done boys!

Solving riddles.

It's time for mysteries.

It will oblige us to go quietly,
Turn near will show
And remind you what and how
You are on your way...Road sign ).

What kind of "zebra" on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open.
Waiting for the green to blink
So this is…(Transition ).

Got up from the edge of the street in a long boot
Three-eyed scarecrow on one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converged
Helping people cross the road. (Traffic light ).

The house on the rails is right there,
He will kill everyone in five minutes.
You sit down and don't yawn
Heading off… (Tram ).

Drinks petrol like milk
Can run far.
Carries goods and people
You know her, of course.
He wears shoes made of rubber, called ... (Car ).

Blitz-poll (2 teams - who will quickly and correctly answer questions on the topic).

The roadway is paved. (Highway ).

A person traveling in a vehicle. (Passenger ).

A person moving on foot. (A pedestrian ).

It can be prohibitive, permissive, informational. (Sign ).

Bus waiting area. (Stop ).

Vehicles powered by electricity. (Trolleybus, tram ).

Emergency phone number. (03 ).

A place where they leave their vehicles for a while. (Parking ).

A multi-seat vehicle for transporting passengers. (Bus ).

Reckless drivers are very fond of doing it. (Overtaking ).

Three-eyed guard. (Traffic light ).

The most strict road signs. (Forbidding ).

Path along the road, not for cars. (Sidewalk ).

This happens to those who do not follow the rules of the road. (car accident ).

Pedestrian crossing is different. (Zebra ).

The most dangerous place for pedestrians. (crossroads ).

This "says" the yellow light of the traffic light. (Attention ).

Part of the car under which the gap falls. (Wheel ).

Rule breakers fear him. (Inspector ).

A gaping driver gets into it. (Ditch ).

A game

Now we will play another game that you know very well, it is called -

"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!" I I will read out the questions and if you agree with the statement, then unanimously say the phrase “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, If you do not agree, be silent. And now I'll check you:

Which of you goes forward only where there is a pedestrian?

Who walks to school like a merry gang every day?

Who always goes forward with his mouth wide open?

Who lets cars through, does everyone follow the traffic rules?

Who walks indiscriminately at traffic lights?

Who always gives way to the elders in a cramped tram?

Who will cross the road only where the crossing is?

Who kicks the merry ball on the road in front of the house?

To get some air in the trolley bus,

Who stuck his head and torso out the window?

Does anyone know that a red light means there is no move?

Who runs ahead so fast that they don't see a traffic light?

Does anyone know that the green light means the way is open?

Who is merrily chasing a ball near the roadway?

Who helps the traffic police, monitors the order?

- Well done guys, you did a great job.

3. Summing up .

Working with memos "Young Pedestrian"

Read the memos that are on your desks. Follow the rules of the pedestrian and traffic rules!

You know the rules of the road well. Try to be extremely careful on the road so as not to cause trouble either to yourself or to people close to you.
