Ship from a zucchini. Crafts from a zucchini on the theme of autumn

It is never too late to show imagination, especially when crafts are made from vegetables for kindergarten. Cabbage or zucchini can make a wonderful lamb, hare or poodle. And from potatoes, a whale, a sheep or a ship. In this article, we will talk about how to make crafts from different vegetable crops with your own hands.

It’s never too late to show imagination, especially when crafts are made from vegetables for kindergarten

There are a huge number of ideas for such crafts! The work depends not only on the chosen material, that is, the vegetable, but also on the craftsman himself. Each person can make the same craft in completely different ways, even if the same material was used.

From vegetables you can make a snowman, a lion, a snake, a little man, a dachshund, a boat, a hare, a carriage, etc.

It is worth remembering that the best work is obtained from vegetables of the correct form. The vegetable should be not only even, but also symmetrical. To get a really high-quality work, it is worth considering all its details: material, size, use of additional tools (scissors, colored paper, sequins, fabrics, etc.).

Gallery: crafts from vegetables (25 photos)

Cucumber crocodile (video)

What do you need to prepare for work?

  • A vegetable from which crafts will be made.
  • Colored paper or cardboard.
  • Paints.
  • Plasticine.
  • Natural materials (moss, leaves, cones).
  • Toothpicks or matches (to hold parts together).

The more details are used in the work, the more difficult and painstaking it is.

The more details are used in the work, the more difficult and painstaking it is.. But a kindergarten is just the place where children are taught painstaking work. You can also make these vegetable toys for school. So why not start creating vegetable crafts right now?

Cabbage Hare: step by step instructions

For such work it is necessary to prepare:

  • Cabbage (3 small ones).
  • Cucumber.
  • Carrot (the hare will hold it).
  • Eggplant.
  • Orange colored paper.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Fresh flowers (eg carnations).
  • Bow.

A hare can be made quite simple

To make such a bunny, you should follow this step-by-step plan:

  1. The upper leaves of each cabbage are cut off.
  2. The lower cabbage is attached to the upper cabbage with toothpicks. You can not feel sorry for them, because the more toothpicks will be used when fastening, the stronger the work will be.
  3. After that, the eggplant is cut in half. Bunny legs will be made from it. On each half of the eggplant, 3 lines are cut out - these are claws.
  4. Eggplant legs are attached in the same way, using toothpicks.
  5. Now from another cabbage, which was not attached to the other two, you need to cut a head of cabbage. He will serve as the hands of a hare. On each side of the head, you need to cut a little pulp to make a visible cut. Now heads of cabbage resemble pens. They are attached to the lower cabbage on the right and left side symmetrically.
  6. Then a cucumber is taken and cut into two halves along the length. The cucumber will serve as the bunny's ears. When both halves of it are symmetrically attached to the upper cabbage, you can do additional decoration of the craft.
  7. The rabbit skeleton is ready. Decorate it from the bottom. A carrot is placed in one of the heads. Bunny is holding it in his hands. It is recommended to attach it to the cabbage with toothpicks so that it does not fall off.
  8. After that, a bow is attached between the cabbages. You can use a bow of any color, the main thing is that it be bright!
  9. A bunny's mouth is cut out of orange colored paper. It is glued to the head with tape. Buttons will do as the eyes of the animal.
  10. What is a bunny without a mustache? That's right, none. You should use toothpicks. They are stuck symmetrically just below the eyes on the upper cabbage.

The flower decoration of the head completes the craft. Flowers can be fastened with paper clips or toothpicks.

How to make a boat or a whale from a zucchini?

What is needed for this:

  • Zucchini.
  • Plasticine.
  • Colored cardboard.
  • Shells.

An adult can help the kid decorate his boat

This work is carried out in stages:

  1. First of all, you need to wash and dry the zucchini well. Plasticine will not stick to a wet surface.
  2. Next, you need to make a tail for the whale. To do this, use colored cardboard, preferably blue. The tail is cut out standard: the line expands towards the end and sharp corners form on the right and left sides. How to attach the tail to the eggplant? For this, plasticine is used. A small piece of it is applied to the lower end of the vegetable, and then a tail is attached to it. It should look up with its sharp corners.
  3. The body of the whale should be covered with shells, which are attached in the same way, using plasticine. The more shells there are, the more beautiful the craft will turn out!
  4. At the other end of the eggplant (on the face of the whale) his mouth should be made. First, a piece of blue plasticine is taken, and red plasticine is glued on top of it.
  5. The eyes of the whale will also be made from this material. Red or black plasticine is attached to white.

If desired, you can decorate the eggplant with felt-tip pens, for example, draw wavy stripes on it.

Cauliflower lamb

This is perhaps one of the simplest and, at the same time, beautiful vegetable crafts. The lambs turn out great!

For work you will need:

  • Cauliflower.
  • Olive.
  • White plasticine.
  • Apple tails.

This is perhaps one of the simplest and, at the same time, beautiful vegetable crafts.

What do we have to do?

  1. Each piece of cauliflower makes one lamb. It is recommended to make a lot of animals, because they look charming.
  2. Apple ponytails will be used as legs for the lamb. With a thin side, they are stuck into the cauliflower, two pieces on each side symmetrically.
  3. Then you need to attach the animal's head. It will serve as an olive. It is best to take black olives without bones. Attach it with a toothpick. It is recommended to break the toothpick in half, because the craft turns out to be small, so the whole toothpick can be seen.
  4. The eyes of the lamb should be made of white plasticine. You need to roll up 2 tiny white balls and glue them to the olive. To give the lamb a more realistic look, you can stick an even smaller ball of black plasticine on the white plasticine.
  5. In order for the apple tails to keep the lamb well on the surface, it is worth using a plasticine surface. So the lamb will always be in a standing position, without falling.

What can be done from potatoes?

Potatoes can make a wonderful teddy bear. For this craft, you need to use only potatoes and colored black paper.

  1. Large and flat potatoes should be used to serve as the body of the bear. It is to the body that the rest of the details will be attached.
  2. Small potatoes should be cut in half. The two resulting halves will be the legs of the bear. They are attached to the body with toothpicks.
  3. Another small vegetable is also cut, but now into 4 equal parts. The arm of the little animal should be made of two parts. Parts are attached with the skin up symmetrically.
  4. Now you need to find an oblong-shaped vegetable and attach it to the body from above. This will be the head.
  5. 2 bear eyes are cut out of colored paper.

You can also cut out a mustache for him from paper.

How to make a turtle out of vegetables (video)

There are a lot of ideas for creating vegetable crafts! Educators who create conditions for children's leisure should keep this in mind. Then the kids will obviously have something to do with themselves. But the best crafts will be for those kids who not only find all the materials necessary for work, but also try hard.


And my daughter and I in kindergarten for the holiday "autumn fun" made a caterpillar from apples. Apples are connected to each other with toothpicks, we took five pieces. And we attached legs from carrots. Eyes glued from an old toy.

Today we will talk about how to make beautiful children's crafts from vegetables and fruits for school and kindergarten with our own hands. Why do we love autumn? One of the reasons is the long-awaited. When the summer heat begins to leave, it becomes cold and rainy outside, delicious, juicy fruits and vegetables delight the eye and encourage you to do something new and creative. This is not surprising, because in autumn nature is so beautiful that we are inspired to create something.

You can collect bouquets of leaves or find the last beautiful flower and dry it in a book, or you can make your children happy by making children's fakes from the same collected fruits and vegetables! This is really an amazing thing, because we are used to using food for its intended purpose - to eat it, but food can not only saturate the stomach, but also please the eye. We will present you some types of beautiful fakes from vegetables and fruits with our own hands, let your child also be involved in the manufacturing process, but remember that in this kind of fakes you need to skillfully work with a knife and other sharp equipment, so it’s better for the baby to work under the supervision of adults . And so let's get started, let's move on to learning how to make crafts from vegetables and fruits for school and kindergarten that you can do with your own hands.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits with their own hands

Now your attention will be given a large number of crafts that can be made from fruits and vegetables with your own hands for children for kindergarten or school. Let's move on to practice.

The first children's apple craft that we will make ourselves, which we will tell you about, is called “Apple Men”. In order to make them, we need large apples, some pumpkin seeds, toothpicks and a knife. Manufacturing:

  • Take two such apples so that one is larger than the other, and place it on top of each other (the larger one is on the bottom, the smaller one is on top). Then carefully fasten the fruit with a toothpick. The body of our little man is ready!
  • Cut 4 small pieces from another apple. Two of them will be the legs of the little man, and the remaining 2, respectively, the arms. Also use toothpicks to attach the body parts to the torso.
  • Next, take a smaller apple and cut it in half. One of the halves will serve as a hat.
  • And in conclusion, we take pumpkin seeds and use them to make eyes and a nose. The mouth can be made separately by cutting off a piece from an apple, or you can carefully cut it with a knife right on the “head”.

A fake apple for kindergarten and school made by yourself is ready! Let's move on to the second children's craft.

Carrot or Potato Giraffe

The second children's craft that we will make from vegetables includes potatoes or carrots. From these vegetables we will make a giraffe with our own hands from carrots and potatoes. So, the cooking method: we take two potatoes of unequal size. The larger potato is the body of the giraffe, and the other, respectively, is the head. We make the neck of the animal from carrots, which need to be cut off the tip. Fasten the torso and neck with the same, ordinary, toothpicks. The ears of a giraffe from carrots can be made from seeds, or you can also from matches, gently sticking them into the “head” of the animal. It is best and easiest to make the eyes of a giraffe from cereals, for this, simply press it into the potatoes, in this case buckwheat is suitable as a cereal.

And you can also make a giraffe from vegetables with your own hands, using only one carrot. For this, as you might have guessed, you will need 7 carrots (4 for the legs and one for the neck, torso and head). Fasten the whole structure with toothpicks and our homemade carrot giraffe is ready!

Let's go back to fruit again, only this time to pears. The next do-it-yourself pear craft is called « Pear mouse. The list of ingredients differs from the previous ones only in that, in addition to everything, we need a small piece of wire. Making: take a pear and make two small cuts on the top on different sides, and then bend them slightly. These will be the ears of our mouse. Now let's start preparing the eyes. We take pumpkin seeds, draw pupils on them with a black felt-tip pen, make small cuts on the pear where we want to place the eyes, and insert our finished eyes there. It remains only to make a tail. To do this, gently stick the wire into the pear and do not forget to leave part of it outside, as if it were a tail. A couple of minutes and the pear mouse craft is ready for kindergarten!

People made of pears

Let's not move away from the pear and consider another type of apple craft in the form of men. Let's go back to the same little men that we made from apples. Only with pears everything is much easier! If you want to cheer yourself up, you can make a funny little man, and using the minimum amount of products! Take a pear and a knife. Carefully cut out the eyes, nose and mouth - done! Also with the help of toothpicks, you can attach arms and legs. However, if this is too simple for you and you want something more original, you can add other components to the pear. We need another pear, grapes and a banana.

Production: cut off two circles from a banana and draw two dots with a black felt-tip pen - these are the eyes. We fasten them to the pear with the help of toothpicks. As you probably already guessed, the grapes will play the role of the nose, and the circle cut out of the second pear is the hat. The smile can also be carefully cut out with a knife. That's all, a pear in the form of a man is made by ourselves.

The next craft is called "Rat Lariska". Yes, just like the old woman Shapoklyak! To make a radish rat with our own hands, we need a radish, lettuce, a radish, a few olives, and, of course, toothpicks. And now the preparation steps:

  • We wash and properly dry the radish. This is the body of the future rat. We remove unnecessary leaves, except for the place where we will have a tail, and we remove the roots, except for the front, where the antennae will be.
  • Then cut off the front part of the radish and, using a toothpick, fix the radish, the spout of our Lariska, on the cut place. You can also stick a couple of toothpicks next to the radish, these will be the mustaches.
  • In order to make ears for a rat from leaves, it is necessary, as in other fakes, to simply make notches on the body in the appropriate places, and carefully place and fasten the lettuce leaves in them.
  • In conclusion, we make the eyes of the rat. To do this, cut the olives in half and attach them with toothpicks to the body. Ready!

Teapot and cup of apple and orange

Did you know that with the help of apples and oranges you can make a real tea set with your own hands? Let's try! To do this, you only need two fruits and a knife. Using a knife, carefully remove the pulp from an apple or orange - it will be a mug or a cup, whichever you want. Use your imagination and you can even carve an intricate pattern on your dishes!

Yes, we forgot about such a beautiful product as eggplant. Let's make beautiful baby penguins out of eggplant! There is nothing complicated, we need a couple of eggplants and, as in the previous craft, a knife. Penguin eyes can be made from beads. We cut the eggplant in half, the two halves are two separate bodies. We fix the eyes and make cuts where the penguins are supposed to have wings. You can use other vegetables in this fake, for example, carrots will serve as legs and nose, and peppers will serve as wings.

Cabbage duck and eggplant

How to make a duck from cabbage and eggplant with your own hands in the form of crafts for children in kindergarten, for example. To do this, simply take a curved vegetable and one head of Chinese cabbage. The cabbage will serve as the body for the duck, and the eggplant, you guessed it, the neck. We fix the products with toothpicks, and the eyes and beak can be made from the same pepper.

From eggplant, you can make not only animal crafts, but also home furnishings, for example, a vase! To do this, take a medium-sized eggplant, carefully remove the pulp from it, and on the outside, use a knife to give your vase an interesting and original pattern!

With the help of zucchini and your sleight of hand, you can make a DIY shark model! To do this, just take a knife to cut out the fins and tail! If there is no zucchini on hand, replace it with a large cucumber.

From the same zucchini, make beautiful shoes at home! Only here you should not walk in them, let them be just decoration. We take a zucchini, carefully cut out the flesh, leaving only a place for the strap. Such a fake as do-it-yourself zucchini shoes will be more to the liking of girls.

How to make a cute do-it-yourself zucchini pig for a child. We need a zucchini, a couple of rowan berries and a small cucumber. Manufacturing:

  • Peel the entire skin from the zucchini.
  • Cut the cucumber into circles of medium diameter and take 5 circles.
  • One circle, cut in half, can be used as ears.
  • The other two circles are the pig's nose.
  • And fix the rowan berries in place of the eyes. Piglet is ready!

Go ahead. Let's get back to children's crafts from cucumbers. You can make a wonderful cucumber train out of them yourself! To do this, take 4 cucumbers. Two of them are wagons. Fix the third one on top of the first trailer for beauty, but cut the fourth one into round pieces - these are the future train wheels. Everything, it remains only to fasten the ingredients with toothpicks.

Racing cars, crafts for kids

With the help of the same cucumbers, you can make racing cars in kindergarten and school. Boys will love this job. We need cucumbers and carrots. Cucumbers are the machines themselves. With a knife, you can give them the appropriate shape, and carrots will serve as your wheels. And, of course, the case will not do without toothpicks, which will secure the frame and wheels together.

How to make flowers from vegetables

For the next flower craft from vegetables, we need carrots and corn. We will make beautiful children's flowers. We take a carrot and with the help of a knife we ​​give it the shape of a flower, carefully cutting out the petals. These are the buds of our future vegetable flowers. After that, we put them on toothpicks - stalks. Make more of these flowers and you will already get a beautiful bouquet. Carrots can be replaced with corn. It is enough just to cut it into roundels for cups of flowers. Everything, flowers made from vegetables with their own hands are ready.

Carrot ice cream

How do you and I make carrot ice cream in the form of crafts. It will turn out just like the real thing, only the taste will be vegetable. For this vegetable fake, we need carrots and cauliflower. Preparation: Wash the carrots well and place in a glass with the tapered end down. Take as many pieces as you want to get servings of ice cream. On top of the carrots, acting as a waffle cup, fix the cauliflower. The sight is very appetizing! A beautiful children's craft made of carrots in the form of ice cream is ready.

Cabbage sheep

We make a children's craft in the form of a lamb from cabbage, how to do it? This does not require any effort, except to attach the eyes of an animal with toothpicks, it can be a currant, and with a knife to slightly shape the cabbage into a sheep shape.

Man from vegetables crafts to school

To make a person and a do-it-yourself cheburashka for kindergarten and school, that is, crafts, we need one medium carrot for the human body, and potatoes or onions for the head. Fasten these two ingredients with toothpicks, and also, with their help, make arms and legs for a person. In order for a person made of vegetables to look natural, you must not forget about the eyes. They can be made from peas or any other grains. The final step is cutting out the mouth with a knife. The vegetable man for kindergarten is ready!

Craft cheburashka from potatoes

We proceed to the next crafts from potatoes, cheburashka. To make cheburashka from vegetables with your own hands, you will need potatoes. And so how to make cheburashka from potatoes? Cut it into circles of medium diameter. Count on the fact that you will have to fasten them with toothpicks, which means they should not be very thin. Don't forget: body, arms, legs and ears. For the legs, it is best to take another small potato, cut it in half and attach the paws on both sides. You can also use black pepper for the eyes.

Hedgehog from pear and grapes

Add another fake pear to your piggy bank - a cute hedgehog. How to make a hedgehog from a pear and grapes, photo example above. We will need: a large pear, toothpicks, some raisins and a cherry in sugar. If you initially want to peel the pear, then do not forget to sprinkle the peeled pear with lemon juice, otherwise your hedgehog will quickly darken. Making crafts with your own hands: cut the pear in half, cutting off the very end of it a little. After that, stick toothpicks into it, they will serve as needles. Well, for the nose, of course, use our cherries in sugar, and for the eyes - raisins. This is how a do-it-yourself hedgehog made of pear and grapes for a kindergarten or school turned out!

We have already made Cheburashka from potatoes, but we forgot about his friend Gena. In order to make Gena the crocodile from cucumbers in the form of crafts with our own hands, we need cucumbers. We take a curved cucumber, which will serve as the body. Cut the second cucumber in half: one half is the head of the crocodile, and the second is the tail. For the half that will go as the head and mouth, carefully shape the teeth with a knife, cutting out small triangles. Using the third cucumber, cut out Gene's legs. For the eyes, you can use any berries.

Baba Yaga vegetable craft

All children love fairy tales. We think that any kid will be interested in making some kind of fairy-tale character! We are sure that your imagination will help you with this, but we, in turn, offer you to make Babu Yaga crafts. And so what do we need and how to make a woman's craft with our own hands. To do this, we need 3 potatoes, 1 apple and 1 banana, our indispensable toothpicks, matches and, of course, a knife. Let's move on to the cooking process.

  • We take a large potato and make a stupa out of it. To do this, just carefully cut off a little of the top of the vegetable.
  • Then we make the body of Baba Yaga from a smaller potato, and cut off strips of medium diameter from the third to make arms. Do not forget about the nose, the nose is also made from potatoes, a small piece is enough for this. Attach the arms to the body with a toothpick.
  • Next, take an apple. An apple should be smaller than all the potatoes, as this will be the future head. With the help of toothpicks, we fix a nose made from potatoes in advance on the head, and in place of the eyes, gently pierce 2 matches with their heads forward. We attach the head to the body in the same way with toothpicks.
  • We peel the banana, and use the peel itself as Baba Yaga's hair.
  • The stupa is ready, only the broom remains! What is Baba Yaga without a broom. It is very easy to make, also using the peel of a banana, only this time, starting with the tail. We attach the broom to one of the hands, and our fake is ready!

Winter is an equally wonderful time of the year for children: New Year, you can skate, play snowballs and make snowmen. But while it’s only autumn in the yard, you can independently “blind” a snowman at home with your own hands from vegetables! Please your little one and give him the opportunity to remember the winter fun. In order to make a vegetable snowman craft, you will need 3 potatoes of different sizes, carrots, green peas, parsley, cucumbers and mayonnaise (or sour cream). So, the manufacturing method:

  • Boil potatoes, peel and fasten with toothpicks in descending order: the largest at the bottom, the smaller in the middle, and the last one is the smallest.
  • Then cut out the snowman's hat, hands and nose from the carrots. Fasten your hands with toothpicks on a medium potato, and your nose, respectively, on the last, smallest one.
  • Make eyes and buttons from peas.
  • In order to diversify your vegetable craft and make it more realistic, take a plate, cut cucumbers into thin plastics and lay them out so that they cover the dish. Then place the finished snowman on them. Top with mayonnaise or sour cream as snow. A real winter picture is ready! You can not only admire such a dish, but even eat it.

Bouquet of berries

DIY crafts can be made not only from fruits and vegetables, but also from berries! Here is one such example that we are now with you and will try to do. The next craft that we will do at home is called "Sweet bouquet from the year." To make it, we need the following ingredients: berries (cherries, strawberries and others), skewers (or the same toothpicks), any greens (dill or parsley). For decoration: tall glasses, beautiful napkins and always salty dough. The process of making a bouquet of berries, craft:

  • First, prepare the support of the bouquet, and it will consist of salt dough. It is very easy to make it: mix 1 tablespoon of flour, the same amount of salt, half a glass of water and half a tablespoon of sunflower oil. After that, knead the resulting dough well. It should turn out elastic and not stick to your hands, just like yeast. If this does happen, add some water (maybe you just need to wet your hands and knead again). The base of the bouquet is ready.
  • Then we wrap the kneaded dough in a napkin so that the top of the wrapped bag is open. There we will stick the very component of the bouquet. Put the wrapped dough into a glass.
  • Let's start making a bouquet of berries in the form of crafts. You can start with any ingredients, such as cherries. Wash the berries thoroughly, dry and carefully put on skewers. Let it be, a kind of buds that have not yet opened. After you have fixed the berries on wooden sticks, stick them into the dough, which is in our glass, in a chaotic way. The main thing is to end up with a beautiful composition.
  • Next, we take strawberries, also wash and dry them, and then put them on other free skewers. Strawberries are recommended to be worn directly with the leaves, so there is less chance that the berry will soften and slide down. That's it, now add the strawberries to the cherry. Arrange the skewers so that the berries do not interfere with each other and can stand freely, but, at the same time, nearby.
  • And now the final part - the design. After we stuck our “flowers” ​​into the dough, the part not wrapped in a napkin still remains visible. We disguise it with our greens (parsley or dill). It will be very good if, for example, parsley is curly, just like flowers. Don't be afraid to overdo it with green, it's still a composition of flowers.
  • The last step is to take the most beautiful napkin, pack a glass in it so that the napkin that is inside is not visible and tie the dishes with a ribbon. Here is such a bouquet we got with you. We are sure that it will not only please the eye, but also awaken the appetite! Those who come to visit you will definitely not refuse such a delicacy.

And finally. Crafts for kindergarten and school from bananas have become very popular. We offer you to make a dachshund from bananas with your own hands. For her torso, we need a large banana, and for her head - a little less. With the help of a knife, you can make dog ears, carefully peeling off the peel and removing the pulp from this place, and, of course, do not forget about the eyes. Decorate them with raisins. Everything, a faithful friend of man is ready! We also suggest that you read the article on the same topic, which is also very interesting and informative, there is something to try to do yourself.

Autumn is not a reason to be sad at all! On warm, autumn evenings, do not sit at the TV or computer, but make crafts from vegetables and fruits with your own hands, please your children and loved ones. What we have described to you today is just some of what can be made from vegetables and fruits for children. Use your imagination and, perhaps, you will come up with new, your own crafts that can not only please the eye, but also, for example, have a delicious dinner! Who knows, suddenly after a while, someone, just like you, now, will go to the site in search of something unusual, and will find your personal article! So feel free to experiment and share your experience. Remember, there are no failures in this business, you will still have fruits and vegetables anyway! Good luck, you will succeed!

In autumn, exhibitions of handicrafts from vegetables and bouquets of flowers are very popular in kindergartens and schools. Most often, parents have to figure out for a very long time how to help their child in making crafts. We bring to your attention a bright selection of 40 crafts for kindergarten from vegetables, with descriptions and pictures. The process of creating crafts will be an exciting activity for both children and parents.


For a vegetable ram, a minimum of material is needed. The body of a ram itself is a very branched head of cauliflower. Horns can either be attached in the form of separate twisted pieces of cabbage, or cut with a knife (without cutting to the end) from the ram's body itself. You can take special purchased eyes or make them from improvised materials (buttons, plasticine, beads). Attach parts with glue or toothpicks.



  • round gourd;
  • eggplant;
  • toothpicks;
  • plasticine.

Cut the side of the pumpkin 2-3 centimeters (do not cut to the pulp and seeds). Cut off the tail of the eggplant. Cut 5-6 centimeters from the nose of the eggplant and so exactly from the tail. Cut out Roman numerals from the eggplant skin. Arrows to form from plasticine. Fasten all parts of the alarm clock with toothpicks.



  • 2 medium zucchini;
  • 2 small zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • toothpicks or skewers.

One medium-sized zucchini is the main body of the helicopter. We cut the second zucchini and make wings for the helicopter, as shown in the picture. From a small zucchini we form the tail of a helicopter, and from a thin plate of zucchini and a carrot ring we attach a propeller.

mushroom clearing


  • base for a clearing (boxes, board, cardboard);
  • leaves or greens for grass;
  • carrot;
  • apple;
  • potato;
  • toothpicks.

On the basis of form grass or fallen leaves. Make mushroom legs from carrots, and caps from apples and potatoes. Fasten all parts with toothpicks. You can decorate the composition as you wish.



  • apples;
  • carrot;
  • greenery;
  • base-stand;
  • olives;
  • toothpicks.

Connect the apples into a caterpillar with toothpicks. Form horns from olives (string on toothpicks). Eyes and a nose can be made from improvised materials (buttons, plasticine, beads). Attach legs from carrot rings. Place the caterpillar on the base. Decorate as desired.

Cabbage Lady


  • head of cabbage;
  • red sweet pepper;
  • carrot;
  • parsley;
  • hat;
  • toothpicks.

Form a composition of cabbage, parsley and a hat. Set on a stable base. Attach a nose from carrots, a mouth from pepper and eyes from plasticine or olives.



  • base (cardboard or board);
  • gourd oblong;
  • carrot;
  • grapes or olives;
  • potato;
  • apples;
  • mushrooms;
  • toothpicks.

Based on the formation of a clearing. Make a hedgehog from carrots, pumpkins and potatoes, as shown in the picture. Attach eyes, nose and spines. Put leaves, mushrooms, apples on the thorns. You can decorate as you wish.

Hare “Krosh”


  • a medium-sized head of cabbage;
  • 2 cabbage leaves;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • parsley.

From two zucchini rings, make hare legs. Put the body-cabbage on the legs. Cut ears out of cabbage leaves and insert them into the slits in the hare's head. Attach handles from zucchini pieces. Attach a small carrot to the hare's hand. Make hare hair and carrot tops out of parsley. Eyes can be attached purchased or drawn. The nose and teeth should be made from a suitable improvised material.



  • large potato or sweet pepper;
  • cucumber;
  • toothpicks.

Visually divide the potato into three parts and cut off ⅔. Scrub the indentation in the potato with a spoon and decorate the edge with carved cloves. You can do the same with sweet peppers. The pot is ready. Insert the cucumber into the recess. Make cactus spines out of toothpicks. You can paint the spines. Decorate the face of a cactus using improvised materials.



  • large round pumpkin;
  • 4 small patissons;
  • toothpicks;
  • decorative material (flowers, ribbons, beads, rhinestones).

Using the carving method, you need to cut a pumpkin, form windows and carriage doors. Make wheels out of squash (can be replaced with thick zucchini rings). Decorate the carriage as desired. You can seat the coachman and add horses.



  • oblong watermelon;
  • 2 pineapple rings;
  • 2 rings of zucchini or orange;
  • 4 olives.
  • toothpicks.

Extract the pulp from the watermelon, keeping the integrity of the peel in the form of a stroller, as indicated in the picture. Make a pen out of the rest of the peel. Make wheels out of an orange or zucchini. Insert a berry or olive into the middle of the wheels. Decorate the roof of the stroller with flowers made from pineapple and watermelon pulp. Fasten all parts with toothpicks.

Pig candy bowl


  • oblong watermelon;
  • pink felt;
  • buttons;
  • toothpicks.

Make an incision in the watermelon and remove the pulp, keeping the peel intact, as indicated in the picture. With the help of buttons, shape the muzzle of the pig. Make ears and tail out of felt. Piggy legs are made from pieces of watermelon peel.



  • zucchini squash or large eggplant;
  • red sweet pepper;
  • 4 cabbage leaves;
  • long skewers;
  • toothpicks.

Cut out the shape of a ship with a knife from a vegetable, as in the picture. Make sails out of skewers and cabbage leaves. Make a flag out of sweet pepper.


Cut out a basket from one large round pumpkin, select seeds and pulp. You can decorate the basket at your own request with carvings or improvised decorative materials. You can put fruits and vegetables in the basket.


Peel the bulb very carefully, leaving the tendrils. Put it on the onion ring. Make small incisions on the pig's ears. Cut out eyes and mouth. Make a tail from improvised materials.

Crocodile in helicopter


  • zucchini squash;
  • many small cucumbers;
  • toothpicks;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

Form the base of the helicopter from the zucchini (cut out the cockpit). Make a tail and wings for a helicopter from cucumber slices. Make a beetroot propeller. Form wheels and steering wheel from carrots. Collect a crocodile from cucumbers and put it in the cabin. You can make protective glass out of plastic. Attach eyes and a hat to a crocodile from improvised materials.

Bast shoes

2 long zucchini must be cut into the shape of the bast shoes, as shown in the picture. Select all the contents of the zucchini. Bast shoes can be painted or scratched pattern.


A medium-sized zucchini needs to be seated in a clearing. Make a clearing from leaves, flowers and branches. Make clothes for the forester at your own request. Draw a face, attach hair, put on a hat.



  • 1 green apple;
  • 1 dark grape or olive;
  • small cucumber;
  • 5 light grapes;
  • toothpicks.

From an apple, make the body of a frog by cutting out the mouth. Attach handles, legs, eyes from grapes. Cut and attach a crown from a cucumber.



  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 small and 1 large grape;
  • zucchini ring;
  • toothpicks.

The cucumber will act as the machine itself. Make wheels out of carrot rings. From the peeled half-ring of zucchini, make a cabin. Fix the grapes in the form of headlights.



  • 3 large oval potatoes;
  • 1 medium potato;
  • 1 small potato;
  • toothpicks.

From two large potatoes, fasten the body and head of the bear. From the third large potato, make hands and ears. Cut a medium-sized potato and make legs. make a pot of honey from a small potato and put it in the hands of a bear. Draw eyes and nose.

fly agaric


  • green zucchini;
  • gourd oblong;
  • plasticine;
  • colored paper and glue;
  • toothpicks.

Cut off the nose of the pumpkin, leaving about 8-10 centimeters, this will be the mushroom cap. Form a cylinder from the zucchini, which will serve as the leg of the mushroom. Fasten the parts with a toothpick. The mushroom cap can be painted and put white dots. From colored paper and plasticine, decorate the face of the fungus.



  • watermelon with white rind;
  • 2 dark grapes or olives;
  • small melon;
  • toothpicks.

Using a carving knife, carve eyes, mouth and teeth on the watermelon, scratch the antennae. Attach halves of grapes or olives as pupils. Make a nose out of a whole olive. From the two halves of the melon, attach the ears.



  • a pineapple;
  • large orange;
  • small orange;
  • 2 olives;
  • small white-skinned watermelon;
  • toothpicks.

Slice the pineapple straight from both ends. Attach pineapple to watermelon. On the watermelon, make small thin slices where the eyes will be. Attach half an olive as pupils. Cut a mouth out of a large orange and attach the muzzle to the head. Attach spout olive. Cut a small orange in half and attach as ears.


To create this composition, you need to find two carrots branched at the end. From improvised materials, make eyes and mouths ready for octopus-carrots. Decorate as you wish.

palm trees


  • 1 green bell pepper;
  • 1 red bell pepper;
  • 1 orange;
  • green onions;
  • olives (black and green);
  • skewers.

Cut the orange in half. Insert skewers into half an orange and put on them, along the entire length, olives. Cut out the tops of the palm trees from the peppers, as in the picture. Make one palm tree with a bow. Put olives on the tops of the trees.



  • oblong yellow pumpkin or squash;
  • round flat green pumpkin;
  • 12 small identical carrots;
  • base-clearing;
  • leaves;
  • toothpicks.

Cut an oblong pumpkin and insert it into a green one (pre-make a hole). From carrots form legs, as in the picture. Put the spider in the clearing. From plasticine or other improvised materials, draw eyes and mouth.


Take the required amount of eggplant and cut them into penguin bodies, as in the picture. Make paws and beaks out of carrots.


From young small zucchini to make wagons. Make wheels out of zucchini rings. Decorate with sticks the finish, as in the picture. From carrots make a pipe and spout.


Take the required number of oblong potatoes (preferably pink). Shape the ears, tails and nickels with pink plasticine and attach to the pigs. Make eyes out of black plasticine. You can seat piglets in a clearing or in an imaginary fence.

retro car

Take an oblong, but not very long, zucchini. Attach wheels to it. You can make wheels from golden or silver cardboard (you can use discs). From black cardboard, you need to cut and glue the roof and cabin and connect it to the zucchini. You can make a small steering wheel out of wire.


Take a suitable long zucchini with a wrapped tail. Using cardboard, plasticine and paints, create a fish. Glue the tail, shape the face. You can decorate the fish as you wish.



  • 1 large round pumpkin;
  • 2 small round pumpkins;
  • pieces of flexible thin hose.

Cut the caps off the pumpkins and remove the seeds and pulp. For a large kettle, make a handle and spout from a hose. The lid will fit previously cut off. Attach two handles to the sides of the sugar bowl. Make one handle for the cup, and cut off the lid for the saucer. You can decorate the service.



  • round potato;
  • round apple;
  • round onion;
  • pear;
  • plasticine;
  • zucchini squash;
  • toothpicks.

Make a car out of a zucchini. Make car wheels from zucchini rings. Plastic headlights. Use plasticine to shape each vegetable's face, as in the photo.

  • 1 carrot;
  • plasticine;
  • cardboard base.
  • Design the base as a clearing or road. From one zucchini to make the basis of the tractor. Cut a cabin from the second zucchini. Attach zucchini rings as wheels. Make a tube out of carrots. Make a steering wheel and headlights from carrot rings. You can seat a plasticine driver in the cab.

    pumpkin house

    Put a round pumpkin on a cardboard base decorated with leaves and grass. Cut out windows and doors in the pumpkin. Decorate the roof with grass. You can decorate the house at your own will, with any suitable improvised materials (fabric, sticks, flowers, toy residents).


    Trim the zucchini and pumpkin as shown in the picture. On a cardboard basis, connect the details of the snail. From beads and buttons to make eyes, nose, mouth and horns of the snail. Decorate with rhinestones, sequins, fabric, artificial butterflies and flowers.


    By carving with a thin and sharp knife, cut out the details of the owl from the watermelon, as in the picture. From improvised materials to make the eyes and eyelids of a bird. Make a beak out of carrots.



    • 3 cucumbers;
    • head of cabbage;
    • wire;
    • toothpicks;
    • cardboard base.

    Cut the cabbage so that it lies steadily on the base. Form a tortoise shell from identical cucumber rings. From a third of the cucumber, make the head of a turtle. Attach bead eyes to the head and put on wire glasses. You can make a small hat.

    In early autumn, schools and kindergartens host competitions and exhibitions of handicrafts and bouquets from autumn gifts - vegetables, fruits, flowers, leaves, branches. Beautiful and unusual handmade compositions amaze the imagination with their individuality and creativity. It is not so easy for a child to make crafts from natural material, especially if he is a preschooler or an elementary school student. Parents have to take the reins of government into their own hands.

    On the Internet you can find a huge number of photos of crafts made from natural material: applications from dried flowers and leaves, all kinds of little men from acorns and chestnuts, bouquets from branches and carved vegetables. But you always want to do something original and at the same time not too laborious in terms of manufacturing. It is such a craft that a ship made of zucchini and cabbage leaves can become. Zucchini is ideal for the base of the future ship, and cabbage leaves for the sail of the ship.

    Advice! It is not at all necessary to do the craft for the child - it will be enough to help him, tell the nuances of working with natural material and explain the safety precautions for working with cutting objects.

    Master class on creating a vegetable ship

    In order to make an original craft from natural material, you should prepare the following set of tools and materials necessary for work:

    • medium-sized zucchini (an oblong fruit of the zucchini variety is suitable);
    • a few cabbage leaves (it is best to take the top leaves from the head - even if they turn out to be too large, they can always be cut to the desired size);
    • a few carrots (take fruits of different sizes, for example, 1 large and 2 small ones);
    • toothpicks and wooden skewers (can be replaced with matches and even twigs);
    • tablespoon (dessert) spoon;
    • knife with a sharp end;
    • decor elements for the captain of the ship: plastic eyes, beads, a small piece of plasticine for making a cap.

    Step-by-step instructions for making crafts

    1. We take an unpeeled zucchini and cut off the stem. Thoroughly wash the fruit and wipe dry.
    2. We cut the vegetable lengthwise into 2 parts so that one blank is larger, and the second is only one third.
    3. Further in the work we use most of the zucchini. Using a spoon and a knife, we cut out the core with pulp and seeds inside the vegetable, trying not to damage the edges of the future vessel.
    1. Cut the peeled carrots into rings. Cut out the anchor from the carrot. In the future, we will use small circles of carrots as portholes.
    2. We fasten the anchor and windows with toothpicks (matches). To do this, we first pierce the carrot blanks, and stick the opposite end of the toothpick into the zucchini base.
    3. From the remaining upper part of the zucchini, we cut out the details of the ship: ladders, benches, the basis for the steering wheel and other necessary elements. We connect all the details with toothpicks.
    1. The steering wheel can be made from a circle of carrots by sticking pieces of matches in a circle.
    2. We decorate the edges of the deck with the help of stuck matches (head up) or cut out teeth and through windows with a knife.
    3. We decorate the nose of the ship with a carrot tail.
    4. We cut the cabbage leaves to the desired size and string them on long skewers, forming a sail. If you have chosen a medium-sized zucchini, you can install several sails at once, but for a small boat, one small sail will be quite sufficient.
    5. Insert the sharp end of the skewer into the deck. From above we decorate the mast with a carrot flag.
    1. Now let's make a captain. It can be made from carrots or any other suitable vegetables and fruits (potatoes, cucumbers, acorns, chestnuts). We glue the eyes and put a plasticine captain's cap on the man's head.
    2. We install the captain of the ship near the helm. If you wish, you can make the whole team - sailors, cabin boy, etc.

    The ship is ready - you can safely demonstrate it at the exhibition! The only thing that is not too pleasant is that crafts made from fresh vegetables and fruits cannot be stored for too long. You will have to play with such figures for no longer than a week - vegetables and fruits will begin to wither and even rot. However, there will be enough time to demonstrate the work at the exhibition so that the craft does not have time to lose its presentable appearance.

    Thanks to the step-by-step detailed description, you can easily cope with the task. And your handmade work will earn high marks from the jury and will certainly become a favorite in any competition and exhibition of crafts made from natural materials!

    This craft was sent to our children's competition by Irina Vladimirovna Usacheva (village of Spasskoye Gorodishche, Vladimir Region). And performed by her son Irina Vladimirovna Usachev Anton (8 years old).

    How to make a boat out of vegetables: the first version of the craft

    Step 1. Cut a medium-sized zucchini in half or cut off the top third (depending on the thickness of the vegetable).

    Step 2 Stick three bamboo skewers into the zucchini with the sharpened end up (you can simply replace with wooden sticks).

    Step 3 String maple leaves on skewers - sails: two sheets on the first skewer and three leaves on the remaining skewers.

    Step 4 Cut out 3 flags and 6 circles from the carrots - portholes.

    Step 5 Cut out the anchor from the zucchini.

    Step 6 Put the flags on the tops of the skewers, and attach the anchor and circles to the boat with pointed matches.

    The craft is ready!

    In addition to Anton's idea, I found several videos about vegetable crafts.

    How to make a boat out of vegetables: the second version of the craft

    Boat from the zucchini "Scarlet Sails"

    Kuznetsova Svetlana and her son Artemy (2 years 2 months) - participants in our competition "Autumn Workshop of Children's Crafts" - tell about how to make such a squash boat with a child.

    You will need to make a vegetable boat:

    1. Zucchini
    2. Wooden sticks (I used wooden barbecue skewers)
    3. Color double-sided paper
    4. Threads
    5. Knife, spoon

    How to make a boat "Scarlet Sails" with your own hands

    Step 1. Cut off the top of the zucchini.

    Step 2 We clean the insides of the zucchini with a spoon (it turns out a boat).

    Step 3 We cut colored paper: you need to cut out 10 rectangles (of different sizes from larger to smaller), 3 triangles. These are sails.

    Step 4 We put the sails on sticks, fasten the triangles to the mast with threads.

    Craft from the zucchini "Scarlet Sails" is ready. It looks very nice and can be done very quickly. It took me about an hour. Artemy wielded a spoon :).

    What other crafts can be made from zucchini?

    Vegetable sailboat
