DIY Parsley costume for a boy - simple options. How to make Parsley suits for boys with your own hands

The buffoon is a bright and cheerful presenter at the holiday. This is a difficult role. The suit should match and complete the look. It is made in folk style: shirt, trousers, leggings, cap, bast shoes. In this article we propose to take a closer look at the creation of a cap for a buffoon. Pattern of a buffoon's cap:

The pattern shows the approximate construction of the cap; the rim is made of cardboard and covered with fabric. Bells, balls or tassels are attached to the cap. Before sewing the pattern details, you need to pay attention to the fact that the headdress was not too small. therefore, the pattern should be made with a reserve. You should push padding polyester into the corners of the cap so that they hold their shape, and attach the bells on top. The cap can be decorated with colored buttons.

We present to your attention a cap of parsley.

Parsley cap pattern:

Description of work: before starting, you need to take measurements from your head: distance. from the center of the forehead to the crown and circumference of the head. We start the construction with half of the cap. We cut 1 piece from red fabric, the second from blue. Each part should be ground along line c, and then ground together. We cut the band: b plus six centimeters and four centimeters wide. Then we sew it to the cap around the circumference. and stuff it with cotton wool. Upon completion of the work, sew the pompoms to the cap.

New Year's party for children- a special event, because in their lives they had not been to many holidays. Therefore, they look forward to the costume event. Taking care of a colorful, bright costume falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents, but a carnival outfit does not have to be bought in a store at a high price. You can sew it yourself.

Today we offer our readers a Parsley costume for a boy. Despite the fact that the character is not new, he is no less beloved than modern Spongebobs and Pokemon.

How to sew a Parsley costume with your own hands

To create a Parsley costume with your own hands, you first need to carefully study the image of the fairy-tale hero.

Look at the photo: the outfit should be very bright, and the fabric for the suit should be smooth and shiny.

Satin is best suited for this purpose, although velor and velvet can be used. The parsley costume consists of the following elements:

    a cap with two, three, four (optional) horns ending in large buboes;

    a two-color jacket with a wide cape, the ends of which are also decorated with tassels or buboes;

    wide pants, also two-tone, but on them the colors are located opposite the top of the suit;

    bright slippers with pointed toes turned up.

This outfit does not have any specific standard; you just need to follow the basic elements, but otherwise you can give free rein to your imagination and use everything you have at hand:



    large buttons;

    bright ribbons;

    shiny threads.

To sew the parts together you will need a sewing machine.

Parsley costume pattern

We have decided on the fabric and the main elements, it’s time to make a pattern. If you doubt your abilities, take the child's shirt and pants that fit him now, place them on the fabric and outline the details with chalk. Don't forget to leave seam allowances.

It is recommended to make the suit one size larger. Firstly, the image requires it, and secondly, the child will be able to wear it to the next New Year's party. Even if there are small errors on the clothes, the width will hide them.

How to make a Parsley costume so that the trousers fit well and there are no wrinkles between the baby’s legs? To do this, you need to pay special attention to the curves of the middle seams that connect the left leg to the right. The width of the trouser leg at the bottom and at the top can be the same; anyway, the cuffs are decorated with a drawstring into which an elastic band is inserted.

Let's start creating the jacket. This part of the suit can be buttoned or look like a one-piece shirt that does not unbutton. You can, of course, limit yourself to an ordinary turtleneck, but the effect will not be the same.

    We transfer the pattern onto paper or directly onto fabric.

    Add a little volume and seam allowances.

    Cut out the details.

Even a novice seamstress can handle this type of work.

For the sleeves, one part is re-shot, and the second is simply duplicated. The sleeve cuffs are also decorated with an elastic drawstring that will fit tightly around the baby's wrist. Sew the sleeves along the armhole line. We make side seams on the blouse, which smoothly turn into the seams of the sleeves. That's it, this part of the costume is ready, it needs to be decorated with a wide elegant cape with buboes.

The hat is sewn arbitrarily, the main thing is that it is not small. A large hat can be tied at the bottom with an elastic band, and padding can be placed inside. We fill the horns with the same padding polyester, then they will have volume. Since the costume is New Year's, we decorate it with rain tinsel and shiny sequins.

Suit slippers can be made from felt or other suitable material. These slippers are worn directly over the main shoes, and to ensure they stay well on the foot, an elastic band is sewn on top. A long sock should also be sealed with padding polyester.

We described only one of the options for Parsley's costume. In fact, there are many of them, for example, a jumpsuit in which the blouse and panties form a single whole. The main thing is that the suit fits and the child is happy!

If you have children of kindergarten or early school age, then the approach of the New Year holidays becomes an occasion to think about how to dress up your child for the matinee. Naturally, a costume for almost any fairy-tale character will not be difficult to purchase in a store or order on any website. But you must admit, such a costume costs money, and a child can wear it no more than 1-2 times. In addition, creating something with your own hands is not only cheaper, but also more enjoyable. In this article we will tell you how to make a buffoon costume for a child for the New Year.

  1. Before you start work, consult with your child about the costume. Find out how he wants to see him, clarify the details. Only after you have completely agreed on the style of the outfit with your child, start sewing.
  2. Beauty is beauty, but don’t forget about convenience. The suit should be comfortable, not restrict movement, not rub anywhere, not prick or scratch. Only in this case will your child spend the special day with pleasure.

We sew a buffoon costume with our own hands

Necessary tools and materials Before starting any work, you should acquire everything you need. Below is a list of what you might need when creating your outfit. Of course, you can add some details at your own discretion. This could be, for example, a variety of finishing accessories.

So, you will need the following:

  • matter of two different colors. It is better to choose contrasting shades, but the structure of the material should be the same. Silk or satin is optimal for a buffoon costume, but you can use other fabrics
  • a piece of white calico. You will need to sew a lining for the cap from it.
  • scissors
  • threads and needles
  • elastic band
  • zipper or buttons
  • other accessories at your discretion

The process of sewing a buffoon costume

If you have prepared everything you need, you can proceed directly to the process of creating an outfit. Let's consider all stages of work:

  1. First of all, you need to make a pattern for the future buffoon costume. In our case, the outfit is a one-piece jumpsuit, however, at your discretion, you can slightly change the style and sew a shirt and pants separately. So, take all the necessary measurements from your child and write them down on paper. Draw a pattern. After this, transfer the design onto the fabric and cut out the parts from the material. Learn that the fragments of the future costume should take into account an allowance of a couple of centimeters to create seams. When the pieces are ready, bring them together and stitch, then finish the neckline with bias tape. After this, sew a zipper or buttons into the overalls, tuck the sleeve cuffs and the bottom of each pant leg and hem it, leaving a small gap. Thread the elastic bands through the resulting hole, pull them together and tie them.

  2. Having prepared the buffoon's overalls, proceed to the collar. In our case, the collar is made in the form of two semicircles of different colors. The pattern of this part is not complicated. Cut out the required pieces from the fabric and sew them together.

  3. To add fluffiness to the collar, make small folds. To do this, simply pull one end of the thread from the seam.

  4. Sew the piece to the overalls. This completes the main part of the buffoon costume.

  5. Now you need to sew a fairy-tale hero's hat. To do this, take measurements from the child’s head and make a pattern.

  6. Transfer the design to the white fabric and cut out the inner lining.

  7. From colored material, make the necessary parts in the same way, connect them together, sew them to the lining and turn the hat right side out. You can decorate the cap with ringing bells. The buffoon's headdress is ready.

As shoes, bast shoes can be suitable for such a suit. Finding them on sale now is almost impossible, so try crocheting or knitting something similar. You can watch the technique of knitting bast shoes in the video:

In this article, we told you how to sew a buffoon costume for your child’s New Year’s party. If you decide to dress up your son with this particular fairy-tale hero, we hope that our article will be useful to you.

The group announced: the boys at the matinee will be parsleys. In the store I asked the price for suits - I expected to spend 900 rubles. “Well, no, pipes!” - I said, sitting down at the sewing machine.

The costume, as planned and with an eye to the store-bought counterpart, consisted of four parts: a shirt, pants, a hat and boots.


Instead of a pattern, we use any shirt that fits. Fold it in half, place it on a sheet of fabric folded in half and trace it along the contour. For the front part we do the same, but we lower the neck 1 cm deep.

We fold the parts of the back and front with the right side inward and sew down the side and shoulder sections (on the left shoulder we do not sew to the neckline about 5 cm). We cut the allowances to a width of 0.5 cm and finish them with an overcast stitch.

We also process the edges of the bottom and sleeves with an overcast stitch. We turn and stitch them.

For a collar of red and blue fabric, we cut out 8 isosceles triangles, the base of which will be approximately equal to 1/8 of the length of the neck cut. Place every two triangles of the same color right sides together and sew along the sides.

We cut off the excess with an allowance, and at the corners we cut off the allowances close to the stitching. We turn the triangles inside out and iron them.

Using bias tape, we process the neckline and at the same time sew on the collar, alternating red and blue triangles. At the end we make a loop of bias tape. Sew a button on the other end.

Iron the shirt. Ready!


We proceed in the same way when cutting panties. We take those that fit the child, fold them in half and apply them to the folded fabric. We outline and cut out one pant leg from blue fabric, and the second from red.

From the fabric that was used to sew the shirt, we cut out two small rectangles to imitate patches. We treat them with non-woven fabric.

We pin one patch on each leg and sew them with decorative stitching.

Fold each pant leg in half and sew down the crotch seams. We process the cuts. Fold up the bottom of the legs.

We perform the ischial stitch. We process the cuts with an edge stitch.

We turn up the top of the panties, lay a stitch at a distance of about 1.5 cm from the edge, without closing it, leaving 1 cm unstitched at the end. Pull in the rubber band.

The pants are ready.

A cap.

We make a pattern on paper. To do this, take a suitable headdress (I have a winter hat, which my son is currently wearing), fold it in half and trace it on paper.

For the back part of the hat, the one-piece lapel will be in the form of a rectangle.

From fabric of red and blue colors we cut out one front and one back piece.

From the fabric used to sew the shirt, we cut out a separate one-piece lapel (both ends of which will subsequently close on the front part of the hat).

We add two parts of the same color. We sew a line, starting from the middle through the “horns” and ending with the side seam.

We make a central seam, connecting two halves of different colors.

We apply a flap of colored fabric to the lapel of the hat with the right side facing inward. We put a line along the edge. We turn the lapel inside out. Iron the product.

Using bias tape we process the bottom of the product.
We stuff the “horns” with cotton wool. We sew a small bell to each “horn”.


On paper, draw a straight line slightly shorter than the length of the child’s foot. Next, draw out the curled toe of the boot on one side, and on the other, draw a straight line from the heel to the desired height of the boot.

We cut out two parts of the boot from blue and red fabric. From colored fabric we cut out two rectangles for the lapels (the length is equal to the width of the boot, and the width is the desired lapel width, doubled).

All parts are treated with non-woven fabric.

We fold two pieces of different colors with the front side inward. We sew a line along the back of the boot to the foot and along the toe of the boot to the foot.

Cut two pieces of elastic tape slightly smaller than the width of the child’s foot. We process the sections of the foot of the boot, securing an elastic band in the middle of the hole.

Our parsley at the matinee was the most beautiful!

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To attend the New Year's carnival, you will definitely need a New Year's costume. Everyone chooses an image for themselves. On New Year's Eve, someone wants to be a fairy, someone - a snowman or a snowflake, someone - a pirate or a robber, and someone - a buffoon. This cheerful image has been familiar to us since childhood. The buffoon is the leader of games and fun at the holiday. This is a very difficult and responsible role, so it is usually performed by one of the adults or the most lively and cheerful boy.

How to make a Buffoon costume with your own hands:

Skomorokh has a bright and spacious costume in the folk style: a spacious, long shirt, trousers, bast shoes, leggings, and a cap.

1. How to make a shirt for the Buffoon costume

You can make a shirt from your grandmother’s old colorful robe by cutting the length and rolling up the sleeves. For the belt, take a piece of twisted rope or cord, and sew tassels on the ends. The suit will be complemented by trousers or sweatpants of a suitable color - the brighter the better.

It is best, of course, if the clothes are specially sewn from bright scraps of 2-4 contrasting colors, plain and with a pattern.

2. How to make a jumpsuit for a Buffoon costume

Sew the overalls according to the pattern of a sports, work or children's overalls with sleeves.

Gather the bottom of the sleeves and trousers with elastic. Instead of buttons, sew large cardboard circles or ribbons. Ribbon bow ties are also elegant and functional.

3. How to make a collar for a Buffoon costume

Another necessary detail of the costume is a fluffy collar. To sew it, you need a strip of fabric with a length equal to three neck circumferences and a width of about 20 cm. Place folds evenly along the neck line or gather the fabric with a thread (first lay two basting seams). Sew a long braid to create ties. Finish the edges with a zigzag, tuck and hem the edge of the fabric, or sew a braid along the edge to hide the cut.

4. How to make bast shoes for the Buffoon costume

DIY buffoon costume. The buffoon will also need “bast shoes” - large, spacious slippers or footprints crocheted from thick wool.

The buffoon can be dressed up in a regular cap made of bright, colorful material. But it’s better to make a real buffoon headdress from two triangular pieces of fabric. The fabric for the cap must be starched.

DIY buffoon costume. Before sewing the parts, check whether the headdress will not be too small for the artist: it is better to make a pattern with a margin. Sew the lapel so that the sharp corners of the cut are directly above the middle of the forehead. Push padding polyester or soft paper into the corners of the cap so that they hold their shape, and attach bells on top. Decorate the cap with colorful buttons.

Don't forget about makeup. Draw the Buffoon freckles, rouge his cheeks and draw in his eyebrows.
