Paint dark eyes. We paint our eyes with two shadows and create a professional “perfect look”! How to learn to paint your eyes beautifully with a pencil

Every girl dreams of looking perfect. And not only on weekends, after spending hours in the chair of a makeup artist and hairdresser, but every day. This requires preparation, but is quite possible. One of the most difficult moments is how to make up your eyes beautifully. A girl's eyes are the mirror of her soul. Every girl is bright and beautiful with her own soul. Therefore, eye makeup is worth discussing in detail.

How to put on makeup today

When choosing makeup, the same rules apply as when choosing jewelry. Don’t overdo it, choose shades that match each other, think through the whole image completely. Be sure to consider your appearance and where you are going. After all, for example, light daytime Make-up will be lost at a party, and dark evening makeup will be inappropriate in the office in the morning.

Invisible makeup

The main task of makeup is to make a girl more beautiful. That is, it is beneficial to highlight the advantages and make the disadvantages invisible. At the same time, it itself may not be noticeable at all.

Nude style makeup does not create decorative accents. But, it will disguise imperfections and fatigue:

  1. Even out your skin color with foundation. Do not create too thick a layer of cream, this will make the makeup noticeable.
  2. Apply a couple of drops of concealer along the lower eyelids, slightly going beyond the dark circles, if any.
  3. Powder your face.
  4. Paint your eyelashes a little. Touch the brush to the ends and comb them straight away.
  5. Add some nude eyeshadow.

This way you will make your eyes fresh and shining and will spend only a couple of minutes on beautiful eye makeup.

Simple makeup for every day

If you are going to wear makeup during the day, then you will have to do it in bright sunlight. You can go to the window with a mirror, or set up a beauty corner on the balcony. This way you can beautifully paint your eyes with shadows and won’t worry about the appearance of your face.

There are other makeup rules that should not be forgotten:

  • Arrows are very popular now, but they are a component of evening makeup; during the day they are not very appropriate.
  • If you strive for naturalness, try lining your eyes not with a pencil, but with dark shadows, using a thin brush.
  • Matte shadows make the eyes shine and blend well with the skin. And they look much better than shiny ones.
  • If you do makeup before work, choose shades that suit your color type, and add black or gray to the corners.
  • Bright and bold colors look great in sunny weather. Choose a shade that best suits your eyes and add a little color. Don't overdo it.
  • In bright light, heavily colored eyelashes create the appearance of a dark look.

Exquisite evening makeup

To create a beautiful holiday makeup, prepare:

  • Favorite shadows
  • Eyeliner. You can choose black or play with shades. But take delicate colors that are close to natural.
  • Mascara. It is better to choose a waterproof one, it holds up better.

The algorithm is very simple, but requires accuracy and training:

  • Apply base as usual.
  • Highlight the upper eyelids with a thick layer of shadow, a uniform wide stripe.
  • Use a pencil to work out the entire contour of the eye.
  • Use a brush to blend the pencil line.
  • Apply mascara to your eyelashes very thickly. After each coat, brush them out with a clean brush and let them dry.
  • Add some shimmery pearlescent shadows at the inner corners - at the base of the bridge of the nose.

Stylish “Smoky eyes”

Smokey eye is very popular now, so there is a huge selection of ready-made eyeshadow palettes on sale specifically for this type of makeup. All that remains is to choose a combination and apply it, observing the laws of the genre. When choosing the color of eye shadow, choose shades that are in harmony with each other, with the color of your eyes and with your clothes.

The basic rule of smokey eyes is that the shades should blend together, creating the illusion of smoke. The colors should blend completely.

To get a real smokey eye, you need to follow a strict algorithm and apply eye shadow correctly.

  1. Retouch skin unevenness with corrector and concealer, apply foundation.
  2. Don't ignore your eye shadow base. Cosmetics fit better on it and fall off less.
  3. Line your eyelids with a pencil. Blend with a stiff brush.
  4. Paint the narrow triangles in the corners of the eyes with black shadow. Use a flat, thick brush and small tapping movements. Use them to draw a line along the edge of the eyelid. Blend.
  5. Apply the next, slightly lighter shadows above the first ones so that they merge.
  6. Apply the lightest ones even higher.
  7. To give your eyes a beautiful almond shape, arrange the colors so that the outer corners have more darkness and the inner corners are filled with a very light, well-shaded shade.
  8. The base of the bridge of the nose can be emphasized with barely noticeable very light shadows, matte or pearlescent.
  9. The final touch is to apply mascara to your eyes correctly. Eyelashes should be completely painted in several layers. Be sure to comb them to remove any lumps. It is better to take black mascara.

We paint the eyes taking into account their shape

You can spend a lifetime learning how to make up your eyes beautifully. After all, details in a woman’s image are constantly changing, fashion and ideas about ideal appearance are changing, and all this must be taken into account.

But the most important thing is that eye makeup should match their shape. After all, each specific eye has its own rules.

  • For little ones: Shadows are applied over the entire area of ​​the eyelid, from eyelashes to eyebrows. The shades you need to choose are light, pastel. Darken the outer corners and apply a very light, shimmery color to the inner corners. Carefully highlight the upper eyelid with a thin pencil line or eyeliner, and fill in the space between the eyelashes. Tint the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with white.
  • For large ones: Carefully draw them with a thin line along the entire contour. Distribute a moderately dark color over the entire eyelid. Apply mascara in one layer, its excess will catch the eye.
  • For those who are too round: Cover the upper eyelids broadly with light shadows, and darken the inner part of the crease. Use the same shadows to highlight the outer corners of the eyes. It is better to paint eyelashes with strengthening to the outer corners, leaving the inner ones without mascara.
  • For those planted too deep: Don’t get carried away with ink and wings. Use natural eyeshadow colors. Lighten the inner corners, starting at the bridge of the nose; apply darker colors to the outer corners, shade them, achieving smooth transitions.
  • For those who are set too wide: Use shadow to fill the wide area between the eyelashes and the eyebrow. Paint the outer corners with the same shadows as the entire eyelid, or a little darker.
  • For Close Sets: Create a smooth transition from shimmering white at the bridge of the nose to the darker outer edges. Line the corners with a pencil. Eyelashes should be painted with reinforcement towards the outer corners.
  • For swollen ones: Treat the lower eyelids with concealer and do not paint anything else. Use light shades without shimmer. Darken the crease of the upper eyelid. Draw small arrows and apply makeup on the upper eyelashes.
  • For eyes with drooping eyelids: Use a light, non-shimmery eyeshadow on the upper eyelid near the eyelashes, darkening the color towards the crease. Blend. Approximately two-thirds of the space from the eyelashes to the eyebrow should be painted.

Choosing shadows according to eye color

To highlight your eyes, you don't need to use wild shades of eyeshadow. Choose colors that go well with your eye color. Makeup can even change it a little if you apply the right eye shadow with the right shades.

  • For brown ones. Pinks and oranges look good on dark skin. Shades of purple, green, gray, as well as transitions from peach to brown are suitable for any brown eyes.
  • For the gray ones. Gray shades will look best; you can shade them with black. Your eyes will be more interesting and their color cleaner if you choose shadows of the same color, but a little richer.
  • For the green ones. Shades of green can be played with eye color, creating beautiful effects. Properly chosen purple enhances the brightness of the eyes. Blue and yellow colors look great in original makeup.
  • For blue ones. You need to play with bright colors carefully. Gray shadows highlight blue eyes and look perfect in the morning and during the day. Silver and gold shadows, purple, turquoise, and, of course, beige colors are suitable.

Basic components of eye makeup

Everyone's eyes are very different, and makeup looks completely different on them. However, to make up your eyes beautifully, you need to know the universal rules and subtleties. And, of course, be able to use tools and cosmetics.

Learning to paint with eye shadow

This eye makeup looks best when the entire eyelid is painted, using different shades of shadows. At the same time, they can be positioned differently, but there are important rules on how to beautifully make up your eyes.

  • The shape of the eyebrows is brought to perfection by applying pearlescent ones next to them, on a larger area below - a little darker, the area near the eyelashes is painted even a little more richly.
  • Before applying eye shadow, cleanse your skin and apply primer.
  • The darkest shadows are always located at the outer corners of the eyes.
  • The inner corners must be made lighter than the outer ones.
  • Shadow transitions should always be made smooth.
  • The lower eyelid is usually painted with the same colors as the upper eyelid, but much less. Often only the light part of the palette is used.

In addition to the classic one, there is a wet technique for applying shadows. The eyelids are treated with a primer base and powdered, and colored shadows are applied to them with a slightly damp brush. After this, the cosmetics should be allowed to dry so that nothing gets smeared when blinking. This way the shadows lie in a denser layer and look much brighter.

If you don’t know how to use facial concealer, then follow this link to learn more about it.

To make your look even brighter, you can make a beautiful bun on your head. It will highlight your image and give you self-confidence.

You can make curls on your head, but to do this you need to know which hair curling iron to choose. It has been written about this.

Eye makeup is a real art.

If you know exactly how to paint your eyes correctly, you can look your best in any situation.

And with the help of a simple set of cosmetics you can try on dozens of different looks.

How to paint your eyes correctly: a review of cosmetics

To create eye makeup you will need several basic cosmetics: eyelid base, eyeliner, eye shadow, kajal, mascara. The eyeshadow base is most often sold in the form of a cream product that evens out the color of the eyelid, hides small blood vessels and generally gives a slight masking effect. However, the main task is the means - to create an ideal coating on the eyelid, on which the shadows will stay for a long time, without crumbling, without creasing, and will give off all their pigment.

Eyeliner is available in several types:

Simple or automatic pencil;

Felt pen (liner);

Liquid or gel eyeliner;

Eyeliner eyeliner.

For beginners in the art of makeup, it is best to use pencils. They are soft, easy to apply and just as easy to wash off, allow you to draw an even line along the upper or lower eyelid and are generally very convenient to use. The disadvantage of this product is that the pencil smears easily, imprints on the eyelid, and runs in the heat.

In this sense felt-tip pen(or liner) is preferable. It is also simple and convenient to work with; you can draw a perfectly even arrow, giving it the desired thickness. A good quality liner does not leave marks on the upper eyelid, does not fall off during the day and looks perfect. One thing: this product does not last long, and if the felt-tip pen is not closed tightly, it will dry out quickly.

Liquid and gel eyeliner applied with a special brush, which allows you to create an ideal, clear line of classic arrows. This type of makeup is most often created for an evening out, as it looks too bright. Working with a brush is not easy, you need to get used to it, so this method of painting your eyes correctly is suitable for experienced young ladies. However, some manufacturers supply the liquid cosmetic product not with a brush, but with a special stick. Learning to line your eyelids is much easier.

You can also make eyeliner baked eye shadow, applying them with a flat small brush. The makeup turns out more delicate, without clear lines. Shadows can be applied both dry and wet. In the latter case, the line will be brighter.

However, in most cases, eye shadow is not used as eyeliner, but to cover the upper eyelid to create a complete eye makeup. They can be pearlescent (with more or less shimmer) or matte. It is convenient to use ready-made palettes with well-chosen shades of colors. There is no need to rack your brains about how to paint your eyes correctly or what colors to combine. Cream and liquid shadows are sold in the form of “odnushki”.

To line the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, use dark kajal - a special soft pencil, does not cause irritation. With it, the look becomes very expressive. However, for those with small eyes, this product is dangerous, as it can visually narrow the eyelid shape even further.

Regarding mascaras, then this is one of the most popular cosmetic products, with which any beginner’s cosmetic bag begins. There are many options for mascaras: regular, curling, volume-creating, separating, waterproof, caring, and even colorless for styling. Which one to buy depends on the individual characteristics and condition of the eyelashes.

How to paint your eyes correctly: choosing an image

To create a harmonious image, you need to consider two main points: individual color type(that is, a combination of hair color, iris, eyebrows and skin tone) and makeup purpose.

For blondes you need to be very careful when using black for eyeliner: it is too harsh and can make the image vulgar. How to paint your eyes correctly? Preference should be given to softer brown-gray shades. Shadows should help the iris, that is, enhance the natural color. Makeup artists advise using cool shades of gray, blue, and greenish colors.

Bright brunettes They can use black eyeliners more boldly, and when choosing colored ones, give preference to those shades that match the color of their hair and eyes. Warm brown, peach, ocher, emerald tones will allow you to create magnificent makeup.

For red-haired girls there are no prohibitions: they are naturally bright, they can use literally any eyeliner, shadows and don’t really think about how to paint their eyes correctly. However, they need to be careful with brown pencils and pink eye shadow: these pigments can give the impression of tear-stained or sore eyes. But a thick black eyeliner line will not make the look vulgar: red-haired beauties are the only ones who can afford it both day and evening.

Important advice from professional makeup artists: The shadows should not exactly match the color of the iris. This will make the look expressionless. A slight contrast, “irregularity,” on the contrary, will attract attention.

The second point is the purpose of makeup. It's one thing if you're going to work or college. An evening option, when you need to look catchy and bright, is completely different. The clothes in which you plan to go out are also of great importance for creating an image.

That is why in your cosmetic bag you need to keep not just one boring black eyeliner and not just one stand-by palette, but several products of different shades. An excellent daytime look can be created using brown, silver, turquoise, gray, peach, sand lines and shades. Dark brown, blue, green and even red tones will help you create a great evening makeup.

How to properly paint your eyes for work

Makeup for the office is both a very simple and quite complex issue. To find the right solution, you should learn how to properly paint your eyes for work or college. If there is no desire to produce a stunning effect, then you can limit yourself to a simplified version:

Apply base to eyelids;

Cover the entire upper eyelid with a suitable shade of light eyeshadow (peach, silver, crushed ice, champagne, beige, etc.). Young girls can use slightly shimmery, barely shimmering shadows. Women over thirty should avoid glitter and use a matte product;

Tint your eyelashes.

All! All that remains is to highlight the eyebrow and lightly touch the lips with gloss. The result is a natural daytime make-up that requires neither time nor special skills. If you wish, you can additionally line the upper eyelid with a soft pencil and highlight the line of your cheekbones.

A more complex version of daytime eye makeup is creating a hazy effect, or the famous smokey eye. You can use any palette, for example, gray.

How to properly paint your eyes using the classic smoky technology?

1. Cover the entire upper eyelid from the eyebrow to the eyelashes with a neutral light tone (be sure to take into account the skin undertone - pink or yellow).

2. Apply light gray shadows to the moving part of the eyelid.

3. Apply dark gray color into the crease of the eyelid using a special brush.

4. Use a white tint to highlight the area under the eyebrow and the inner corner of the eye.

5. Shade all color transitions.

6. Line the lower eyelid with a dark gray shade of eyeshadow. Shade the line.

7. Line the upper edge of the eyelash with a pencil, and then shade the arrow well.

8. Draw a water line on the lower eyelid with dark kajal.

9. Apply any mascara to your eyelashes: black, gray or even blue.

10. When the first layer of mascara dries, tint the eyelashes again.

The essence of smoky makeup is the complete absence of clear lines.. Both eyeliner and shadow transitions should be completely invisible.

How to properly paint your eyes for a party

Evening makeup simply must be bright, stylish and stunning. How to properly apply eye makeup for a festive evening?

1. First, apply pearlescent monoshadow to your eyelids in a shade that is in harmony with your hair, eyebrows and outfit.

2. To deepen the look, you need to darken the outer corner of the eye with shadows of a darker or even contrasting shade. Apply it into the crease of the eyelid.

3. Shade the transitions.

4. Draw arrows over the shadows. Shiny hands in black, gold, blue, dark brown, and bright blue are welcome. You can make the line graceful or wide. The main thing is that it is perfectly clear. Liquid or gel colored eyeliner is exactly what you need.

5. Paint your eyelashes by applying mascara in two layers. If you want to achieve greater volume, you can stick a few eyelashes near the outer corner of the eye.

Brighter evening makeup with a distinct sexy note is done with black shadows. Additionally, you will need dark brown and any light shadows (for example, champagne or ivory), as well as black kajal.

How to properly paint your eyes this way:

Place black eye shadow on the brush and shake off the brush so that the product does not fall off on your face. Apply to the entire eyelid up to the crease using a tapping, patting motion;

Pick up brown shadows and shade the line at the border of the black shadows;

Draw a line to the temple to stretch the pigment in the form of an arrow tip;

Shade the brown shadows with a clean brush as well;

Take light shadows and draw the area under the eyebrow, be sure to highlight the inner corner of the eyelid;

Use a small flat brush to pick up black shadows and bring the lower eyelid under the eyelashes to the middle, blend well;

Using black kajal, make a line along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, also to the middle;

Line the upper eyelid with a soft black pencil, drawing the skin between the eyelashes to create the perfect “night” on the eyelids;

Apply black mascara and add additional eyelashes if desired.

Eye makeup for a party is a special story. If everything is done correctly, then the admiring glances of men are guaranteed: such make-up looks very impressive. However, you need to remember: if the emphasis is on the eyes, then you should not paint your lips too much, so that the image does not turn out to be vulgar.

Makeup with black shadows is an option that is worthy of the eyes of a fatal seductress. It continues to remain popular, despite the wave of natural makeup, because its power and open sexuality never ceases to drive the stronger half of humanity crazy.


Make-up with black shadows is quite an unusual variety, it is not suitable for every girl. If your complexion has a pronounced pallor and your wardrobe lacks bright things, it is better to avoid such makeup, giving preference to calmer pastel colors.

In addition, even if your skin tone matches black eyeshadow, if applied incorrectly, you can end up with small panda eyes instead of languid cat eyes. The nuance here lies in highlighting the inner corner of the eyes with a light tone and using several shades of shadows - from gray to black.

This look also requires good makeup. The best solution here may be to purchase a professional series. Such products will be well applied and shaded. For the last procedure, you should stock up on brushes of various widths with a beveled edge.

Of course, it is important to understand what type of makeup is right for you. Perhaps it will be a classic smoky eyes or an evening version with sparkles, complemented by a rich color scheme. There can be many options here, which means that a lot of pleasant and stylish experiments with black shadows are already awaiting modern fashionistas.

For women of advanced age, it is better to limit the use of dark shades for the eyes if they wish.

The fact is that in most cases, ladies who exceed the age threshold of 40 years have facial wrinkles on their faces. Crow's feet and fine wrinkles tend to be located around the eyes. The black color will only highlight such age-related changes, clogging and sliding into them. The only possible option here would be to highlight the outer corner of the eyelid with a dark palette.

Which cosmetics to choose?

Makeup in black tones can be made a reality in any beauty salon, but the opportunity to visit it does not always arise. If you want to make this stylish make-up at home, it is important to arm yourself with the right cosmetics.

So, for a fashionable look you will need a small set of cosmetics, such as:

  • black contour pencil;
  • crumbly black shadows;
  • shadows of lighter tones (depending on eye color and type of makeup);
  • shiny light shadows with shimmer;
  • mascara

The tools you will need are a set of brushes.

It is worth remembering that each element of the set must have high durability characteristics.

Falling shadows and mascara will quickly appear under the eyes, creating an untidy image of a tired woman. It is necessary to use and purchase eye shadows with glitter very carefully, because glitter falls off much more often and more than matte shadows.

To smooth out the black and smooth transition, brown shadows are suitable. Their shade can go towards a sandy tone or play on orange notes. For the inner corner of the eye, light tones of beige and brown are suitable.

How to make up your eyes beautifully?

To highlight your eyes with black shadows, it is important not to ignore their shade and color, because the choice of shadows that are “diluents” of black is varied. So, blue eyes look great in pure black, as well as in combination with shades of gray, purple, blue and brown. The beauty of green eyes will become even brighter against the background of graphite, plum and dark green tones. Gray eyes will be filled with magnetism when combined with smoky and dark blue shades. For brown eyes, liquid shadows in a chocolate palette are suitable, highlighting the special depth of the dark “lakes of the soul,” as well as black and white solutions for the image of a fatal seductress.

One of the key links in the entire makeup algorithm is the shape of the eye.. The eyelid may hang over the eye or have a regular shape. Painting eyes of the correct shape is much easier, because you have to apply and shade the shadows along the existing crease. The application technique for an overhanging eyelid involves artificially creating a fold above the moving eyelid. The hollow between the drooping eyelid is darkened in stages (using brown shadows or a face sculptor), becoming deeper and deeper when using shades from dark to light tones.

An easy way to make your eyes look bigger is to draw arrows. A soft and somewhat blurry effect will be achieved if you apply a black pencil and shade it. “Cat” eyes will become more accurate with black eyeliner, which is applied to the moving eyelid and slightly extended beyond the boundaries of the eye area. An interesting option could be “oriental” makeup with arrows drawn not only on the moving eyelid, but also on the lower eyelid.

Whatever method is chosen, the key factor remains preparing the face for makeup. Foundation, eye primer or loose powder will allow the shadows to adhere better and look presentable for a long time. The area under the eyes should be thickly covered with powder, because when dark shadows fall off, it will be easy to remove particles of the black palette from such a surface.

Step by step guide

Makeup with black shadows is not as simple as it seems, because if you exclude any stage, you can irrevocably spoil yourself with small eyes. When applying eye shadow at home, it is important to be patient and take enough time to follow each further step.

So, it is very important to prepare your face for cosmetic procedures. Cleansing and moisturizing will mask any existing flaking, creating the perfect base for foundation. Most make-up artists advise using matte foundations and powder in tandem with black make-up, but for the evening, interspersing small shining particles of foundation is suitable. After foundation that matches the tone of the face, the procedure is continued with a corrector, hiding dark circles under the eyes. If such a feature is not observed, the item can be omitted. This stage is considered important, because against the background of a black tone, the darkening will sparkle even brighter.

The upper eyelid can be complemented with primer or light matte shadows. Next comes the stage of highlighting the eyes with a black pencil. They line both the upper and lower eyelids. It must be applied as close to the eyelashes as possible. An alternative to a soft black pencil can be dark shadows in tandem with a flat brush. When applying eyeliner using any of the above methods, the outer corners are raised slightly upward.

The next step is to carefully shade the borders. On the upper eyelid, strokes are made towards the eyebrows. The moving eyelid is then completely covered with dark shadows, if we are talking about classic smoky eyes. The depression is carefully highlighted (or drawn, in the case of an overhanging eyelid). Just above the moving eyelid, an intermediate shade is applied under the hollow - for example, brown or gray. Light or pearlescent tones cover the eyelids from the eyebrow to the hollow.

The final and most important step is to shade all the tones at the joints. Each transition should be smooth. After achieving the result, further attention is paid to the eyelashes and carefully covering them with mascara in several layers. For celebrations, it is advisable to use false eyelashes.

For an example of a beautiful black smoky eye, see the video below.

Makeup examples

Modern makeup artists create many makeup options with black shadows, however, Smoky eyes are still considered the most popular. Its classic version can be done only with the help of a pencil and black shadows, complemented by an intermediate shade. It does not suit every eye shape, but it captivates with its unconditional depth and contrasts.

Black makeup that challenges everyone is called “avant-garde.” Its peculiarity lies in the dense application of black shadows on the eyelids, sometimes reaching the eyebrow line. The skin should look like white matte porcelain. Makeup with this name can become the highlight of a thematic image.

Beautifully and skillfully applied makeup is an art. And an important part of it is the ability to correctly decorate the eyes with shadows. It is they who create a bewitching look - expressive and seductive. Therefore, every girl needs to know how to apply eye shadow correctly. With their help, you can not only highlight your eyes, emphasize the depth of color, but also correct the shape and even visually change the cut.

Based on their properties, they are divided into dry, liquid and cream. Thanks to the different textures and consistency, you can get a wide variety of makeup - be it natural (daytime) or festive (evening).

  • Dry. The most popular and widespread. They are stored for a long time and do not form lumps. Compact and easy to use, easy to apply and shade. Friable dry ones are very economical.
  • Liquid. They contain liquid wax, so they dry quickly. They are used only for the mobile eyelid. They look impressive and shine. Waterproof shadows of this type have a rich color and apply easily. Ideal for bright evening looks.

Make sure that your cosmetics are hypoallergenic. Before purchasing, check the composition for the presence of harmful components. Pay attention to the expiration date. Don't skimp on your eye health!

General rules

1. Start by cleansing and moisturizing the skin around your eyes.

3. Tidy up your eyebrows. They should look well-groomed. Pluck out excess hairs, style with gel (if necessary), and line with a pencil.

4. Apply a base primer and lightly dust your eyelids with powder.

5. Highlight facial features using highlighter, bronzer, foundation, blush (as needed).

6. Use concealer to conceal dark circles under your eyes.

7. And, of course, prepare different types of brushes: large – for applying light shades; medium size - for applying dark shadows on certain areas of the eyelid; small hard one - for shading shadows or eyeliner; a brush with thin, hard bristles - for fine lines of tinted eyelids.

Before, many people use a regular foundation or don’t use it at all. Very in vain. There is a separate, independent product specifically for eye makeup - a base for shadows that ensures the durability of the makeup. The quality of makeup depends on the base on the eyelids. The special eyelid base has a dense texture, as a result of which the shadows do not crease and lie evenly.

The perfect combination: how to choose eye shadow to match your eye color

For proper makeup, professional makeup artists advise choosing them based on eye color. This is necessary in order to emphasize the shape, richness and depth of the mirror of your soul.


Almost all shades suit brown-eyed girls. Brown, beige, bronze, and gold tones look charming. Perfectly sets off purple, lilac, green, gray, blue, cyan, metallic. It favorably emphasizes the richness of brown eyes with shades of warm colors (peach, pink). A categorical no to orange shadows.

Blue, gray-blue

Warm tones of brown, beige, gold, sand, cream, copper, and gray will add tenderness to blue-eyed girls. It is not recommended to use pink and purple eyeshadow. The former create the effect of tired eyes, the latter – tear-stained ones.


The depth of emerald eyes is emphasized by warm tones. Pay attention to pearlescent, golden, brown and greenish shades. Olive and copper shadows look great. Blue and pink tones are not suitable. To avoid the effect of tired eyelids, do not use shadows with silver glitter.

How to apply eye shadow step by step

The main task is to learn how to apply eye shadow correctly. The key to beautiful eye makeup is to use a pair of shades of eye shadow that harmoniously combine with each other. For daytime makeup, 2 colors are enough, for evening makeup – 3:

  • basic (applied to the moving eyelid, smoothes the skin);
  • light (lighter than the base, applied under the eyebrows and the inner corner of the eye);
  • darker (optional). Suitable for evening make-up and creating a mysterious image.

Shape the upper eyelid

  1. Apply light shadows under the eyebrows and on the inner corner of the eye, and dark shadows on the outer corner.
  2. Light colors under the eyebrows highlight well and visually open up the eyes.
  3. To smooth out all the transitions and boundaries, be sure to shade the shadows. Remember this important rule - it applies to any makeup in which they are used.
  4. You can apply the main shade of eyeshadow to the entire area of ​​the moving upper eyelid, or you can simply make a neat line with eyeliner or a pencil.

See the photo for step-by-step application of eye shadow.

Shaping the lower eyelid

  1. In daytime makeup, the lower eyelid can be left untouched. It is enough to lightly draw beige shadows along the lash line.
  2. To create an evening look, it is better to decorate the lower eyelid with shadows - apply either the contour color or the base shade. To make the bottom contour look beautiful and smoky, do not forget to carefully shade the clear boundaries.
  3. After the shadows are applied and shaded, proceed to painting your eyelashes with mascara. Take your time.

Natural/day makeup

The more natural the makeup, the more effort is required. When highlighting your eyes with the help of shadows, you need to remember harmony; they should not be flashy. Therefore, light daytime makeup is done in natural colors - from light beige to brown. We offer a step-by-step look at a classic example of makeup.

  1. Take, for example, two shades of sand shades: light and darker.
  2. First, decorate the upper eyelid area and eyebrow line with light colors.
  3. A darker tone should be applied along the moving eyelid. Blend. Or draw a thin line with a pencil or eyeliner and then shade it.
  4. Apply mascara to your eyelashes. Your everyday makeup is ready.

Evening smokey ice

Festive makeup has many different techniques. A great idea for a beautiful evening is to apply loose dark shadows with glitter. But the most popular make-up is the widely known and popular smokey eye. The smoky effect can be done in different styles: light, dark, monochrome or colored, your choice. Matte shadows are best. But if you have a pencil eyeshadow, it will be even more impressive. To get the “correct” haze, you need good shading. Perhaps this is the most important thing in this technique. It is she who reveals all the beauty and charm of makeup. Use any shadows - brown, black, purple, etc.

  1. Start according to the scheme described above: cleansing, moisturizing your face, giving your eyebrows a well-groomed appearance.
  2. You need to apply a shadow base on your eyelids.
  3. Close your eyes and draw a line with a soft black pencil from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner.
  4. Create a contour on the upper and lower eyelids. Apply color to the light areas between the eyelashes. Blend the edge of the pencil with a soft brush.
  5. Apply the dark shadow of your choice to the moving eyelid with a flat brush.
  6. Apply a light shade to the area under the eyebrows. Using a blending brush, starting from the outer corner of the eye, soften the edge of the shadows. Carefully work on the eyelid, blending the shadows.
  7. In some techniques for performing such makeup, the lower mucous membrane is thoroughly painted over with a pencil.
  8. The final stage is applying mascara. Paint your eyelashes thickly, preferably in two layers. Smokey eyes provide the effect of smoky eyes with thick, voluminous eyelashes.

  • It is recommended to start with the eyebrows. Then - shadows on the eyelids, and only then begin to draw a line along the lower eyelid;
  • Transitions of shades of shadows should be soft and translucent. They definitely need to be shaded well;
  • remember: light shadows visually make your eyes larger, dark shadows make them smaller. True, good shading corrects this matter (for example, using dark shadows in smokey eye style makeup does not reduce the size of the eyes, but, on the contrary, reveals them more);
  • for an expressive look, carefully draw the space between the eyelashes with a black pencil, followed by shading;
  • If you don't know how to apply eyeliner perfectly, use a pencil eyeshadow. It will give you soft and even lines;
  • Use quality brushes to apply eye makeup. For example, the brush that comes with shadows often does not create the desired effect;
  • Eyeshadow base is a cosmetic product that should be in your makeup bag. It “holds” the shadows, as a result of which they do not roll down or crumble. With such a base, any make-up will be long-lasting and even;
  • Compact powder shadows are perfect for classic daytime makeup; for evening makeup, cream shadows using a black pencil.

The video below is an example of simple but effective makeup for every day.

  1. Oily, creamy shadows are recommended for those with dry skin and those who wear contact lenses.
  2. If you have drooping eyelids: Apply eyeshadow only to open eyes. Otherwise, the makeup will hide behind the crease of the eyelid and get “lost.” A dark tone is applied to the outer corner.
  3. For narrow eyes. If dark shadows, then only on the outer corners of the eyes. Ideally, pearlescent shadows. When creating an outline, paint the outer edge thicker.
  4. For those with round eyes, matte shadows in smoky shades are suitable. Dark shadows visually make them narrower.
  5. For those with almond-shaped eyes, any type of makeup is suitable.
  6. For deep-set eyes, use matte shadows. Eyeliner is not recommended. Applying light shadows to the upper eyelid and its crease will help to visually widen your eyes.
  7. If you have wide-set eyes, your task is to visually reduce the distance between them. Apply light shadows under the eyebrows, a shade darker in the middle of the eyelid, and the darkest color on the inner corner of the eye. Use a pencil.
  8. When eyes are close together, the outer part of the eyelid should be highlighted. Using dark shadows, lift the corners of your eyes towards the temples. Be sure to blend well.

Frequent practice will help you achieve success in makeup. Try different options, experiment. Only in this way will you learn how to apply makeup as well as makeup artists. And don’t discount the quality of cosmetics.

A woman’s gaze is capable of captivating and capturing attention from the first seconds. For this reason, most makeup options focus on the eyes. It is important to know how to paint them correctly in order to emphasize their advantages and visually hide disadvantageous anatomical features.

What do you need for eye makeup?

Stylists advise pre-equipping your cosmetic bag with a basic set, which includes:

  • for shadows, preferably in 2 sizes;
  • (ribbons, bundles);
  • eye pencils;
  • shadows;
  • eyeliner in a convenient form;
  • mascara (preferably black);
  • - optional.

Before applying makeup to your eyes, it is recommended to apply an eyeshadow base to your eyelids. In this area, many (about 80%) women have oily skin. As a result, cosmetics can crumble, roll into sloppy rolls and gather in folds. The database prevents the occurrence of such problems. Additionally, it prolongs the durability of the makeup (up to 16 hours) and enhances the pigmentation of the shadows.

How to make up your eyes beautifully at home?

Flawless makeup from glossy magazines, done by professionals, can be done yourself. Beautiful eye makeup must meet the following rules:

  1. Contrast with iris color. If the shades of cosmetics match it, the look becomes dull and gets lost against the background of the shadows.
  2. Masking flaws. Make-up for narrow, deep-set eyes, drooping eyelids and other defects is performed with certain features.
  3. Accent. Makeup is designed to emphasize the look and focus attention on it.
  4. Persistence. Even the ideal ways to make up your eyes beautifully will not save you when using low-quality products.
  5. Harmony. Cosmetics should go well with the whole image - outfit and hairstyle, the individual style of the woman.

There is a classic scheme on the basis of which most makeup options are made. The standard method for applying eye shadow is shown in the figure. The numbers indicate the brightness levels of the cosmetics:

  • 1 – the lightest tone;
  • 3 – shadows of medium saturation;
  • 4 – more contrasting shade;
  • 5 – darkest shadows.

Intermediate tone (2) is obtained by mixing 1 and 3. In the process of carefully shading, a smooth transition from light to dark shade is formed. If desired, you can add a separate 2nd color to the scheme, between 1 and 3. A simplified method of applying shadows involves using 3 shades - the lightest, medium saturation and dark.

This type of cosmetics helps to emphasize the eyelash line and make them visually thicker. Using a pencil, the shape of the eyes stands out well; you can use it to beautifully draw arrows and even use it instead of shadows using the shading technique. This product is available in 2 versions - with a retractable and stationary stylus. The first type of pencils is softer, they are used more economically and shade well. The second type is harder and needs to be constantly sharpened.

How to apply eyeliner is shown in the diagram below:

  1. Draw a neat, even line along the growth zone of the upper eyelashes, filling the gaps between the hairs. It is better to use black or dark brown.
  2. Using the same pencil, lightly highlight the lower eyelid, starting from its middle.
  3. Paint the inner edge and outer corner white.

The described cosmetic product is necessary for drawing clear lines without shading, so it is used when creating graphic arrows. Before applying eyeliner, you need to decorate them with shadows. If you apply products in the wrong order, the lines will be faded or smudged. Eyeliners are available in different versions, women individually choose the most convenient types:

  • gel;
  • cream;
  • felt-tip pen.

Taking into account the features of this product, it is often used when drawing arrows. The photo below shows how to beautifully apply eyeliner:

  1. Draw a straight line along the eyelashes, preferably in one movement.
  2. Closer to the outer corner of the eye, lift it up a little.
  3. Draw a line that continues the lower eyelid from the outside. Connect it to the top one.
  4. Fill the empty space arrow.

The final stage of makeup is one of the most important. If the eyelashes are painted poorly, the entire makeup effect is lost. In some cases, mascara can serve as the only cosmetic product in a make-up, for example, beautiful eye makeup for large brown eyes with natural thick and curled eyelashes is sometimes done without eyeliner and shadows. Using techniques recommended by experienced stylists, it is easy to achieve the desired result even with budget cosmetics.

The picture below demonstrates how to properly apply mascara to your eyelashes:

  1. Paint the top hairs from the inside, moving from the eyeball to the tips. The brush should not only be directed outward, but also “move” from side to side with a small amplitude.
  2. Apply eyelashes from the outside using gentle curling movements.
  3. Design the hairs in the outer corner of the eye separately. The mascara brush should be at an angle of 100-120 degrees to the line of the moving eyelid. The outer corner is painted only with its end.

How to properly apply makeup to your eyes?

With the help of competent makeup, you can visually smooth out many anatomical defects of the eyelids, including ptosis (drooping) and make the look deep and sensual. Ways to expressively make up your eyes depend on their shape, size and makeup goals. Any make-up should emphasize the shade of the iris and create a pronounced accent, attracting attention to the eye.

How to make your eyes look bigger with makeup?

There are several basic tricks to ensure the desired result. Tips for applying makeup to your eyes to make them appear larger:

  1. Apply a light beige, milky or pink pencil to the entire waterline of the lower eyelid.
  2. Apply white shimmering shadows or a shimmering effect to the inner corner of the eye.
  3. The arrow along the eyelash growth line should be either as thin as possible, or well shaded, with or without a short tail.
  4. It is important to curl your eyelashes and work them well with mascara. A pronounced increase is given by false hairs, tape or bundles.

Before beautifully applying makeup to your eyes and making them visually larger, it is better to familiarize yourself with the work of professionals. The photographs below show the most successful examples of makeup from famous stylists collaborating with Hollywood stars. Most of the options are very simple and can be repeated at home.

How to make up deep-set eyes?

Most women confuse drooping eyelids with this feature of their eyes and apply the wrong makeup. It is important to use the correct methods to apply makeup to your eyes and visually reduce the depth of their setting and push them forward (examples are shown in the photo):

  1. Do not emphasize the natural fold between the moving and fixed eyelids. Make the arrows neat and clear, without shading.
  2. Apply light, shimmering cosmetics to the upper eyelid.
  3. Curl your eyelashes and apply mascara to add volume. If desired, you can use overhead accessories.
  4. Lighten the inner cavity near the nose with concealer.

How to make up narrow eyes?

Women with Asian eyelids tend to visually expand the incision vertically. Beautiful makeup for narrow eyes helps achieve this goal, but it is important not to overdo it by drawing unnatural lines. Successful evening makeup options for the described cases are smoky eyes in any shades. This type of make-up visually widens the shape of the eyes and rounds them. Daytime makeup should be less intense and bright. To create it, follow the following recommendations on how to beautifully make up narrow eyes:

  1. The top arrow should not be too thin; medium and increased thickness, clarity and graphicity of the line are welcome.
  2. It is better to emphasize the lower eyelid with dark shadows or a soft pencil with a shading of 3-4 mm. This expands the boundaries of the eye.
  3. The upper eyelid down to the brow bone is covered with light shades. The dark color is applied only to the outer corner of the eye and above the natural crease.
  4. The longer and rounder the eyelashes, the wider and more open the look.

How to make up big eyes?

A large slit in the eyes does not always look beautiful. Excessively bulging and round eyes have to be visually made smaller and more proportional. The makeup in the situation under consideration is radically opposite to the previous options. Makeup for large eyes is based on the following principles:

  1. Both the upper and lower arrow are drawn along the entire line of both eyelids, like a stroke
  2. It is important to use a dark, soft pencil to shade the lines. The arrows should be thick and unclear.
  3. The moving eyelid is completely covered with dark shadows or a color with medium pigmentation.
  4. The area under the eyebrow should remain clean.
  5. You don't need false eyelashes; applying lengthening mascara will suffice.

How to apply makeup to eyes with drooping eyelids?

The main task of this makeup is to emphasize and lift the natural fold. With this feature of the eyelids, standard methods of how to make up wings on the eyes will not work. In case of severe overhang, it is better to completely abandon them, emphasizing the eyelash line with thin shading of dark shadows. Some useful tips on how to beautifully make up eyes with “heavy” eyelids:

  1. Darken the outer corners as much as possible. The area where rich makeup is applied should be clearly visible with the eye open.
  2. Using a wide eyeshadow brush, apply the dark color to the crease of the eyelid and above it (0.5-1 cm).
  3. There should be a light stripe above the lash line. It can even be emphasized with a white pencil or shadows.
  4. It is important to carefully shade the cosmetics, creating a hazy effect; no sharp transitions are allowed.
  5. Gently highlight the inner corner of the eye, covering a third of the moving eyelid.
  6. Slightly emphasize the growth line of the lower eyelashes, shading the drawing in the same way.
  7. Curl and add volume to your eyelashes.

Beautiful eye makeup for every day

Makeup for work, study and other activities should not be too catchy and bright. Everyday eye makeup strives for naturalness, so when performing it, professionals recommend using a restrained range of cosmetics:

  1. For gray and blue shades of the iris, you can use “cold” (silver, blue) and warm (beige, brown, pink) eyeshadow colors.
  2. Daytime makeup for brown eyes is easier to do than others; any makeup palette will do. For some women, it’s enough to carefully apply eyelashes and highlight their growth line with eyeliner.
  3. Daytime makeup for green eyes looks beautiful with a combination of marsh and brown shades. The most discreet option is pastel nude shades.

Beautiful evening makeup

For special occasions, a rich and contrasting make-up with a pronounced emphasis on the eyes is required. To highlight the color of the iris, it is important to choose the right shades:

  1. Evening makeup for blue (and gray) eyes looks beautiful when using turquoise, purple, bright blue and similar tones. You can invent bold combinations with gradient transitions.
  2. Evening makeup for brown eyes can be done with any eyeshadow palette. The main thing is that the main color does not match the iris.
  3. Evening makeup for green eyes is recommended to be contrasting. Red, orange, yellow shadows are suitable. Herbal and emerald colors look good with a dark iris.
