Beautiful envelopes for valentines. The best DIY Valentine's card ideas

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An envelope can be made in different ways, but the most romantic is the one made from a heart. For an A5 envelope, you need to cut out a large heart 1.5-2 times larger than the future size of the envelope.
Even a child can make a romantic envelope made from a heart if he is given a ready-made heart that you cut out of colored paper. Such an envelope can be made for Valentine's Day.

  • Colored paper
  • Stationery glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler

Step-by-step photo lesson:

To create a heart envelope for Valentine's Day, you will first need to choose the color of paper for it. Next, cut out the heart.

Then you should draw the outline of the heart and fit it exactly into the square.

Carefully cut out our heart from the red square.

Bend the sides of the heart into the middle. We make sure that the resulting vertical lines are even.

Flip over and fold the bottom up to the base of the top corners of the envelope.

To ensure they stick well, apply glue and press firmly along the edges. Give the envelope a little time for the glue to dry and secure the sides.

Now you can bend the top corner down and get a finished paper envelope.

However, it can be embellished with a beautiful heart in a contrasting color. Any envelope contains a letter or postcard. You can do the same. If your envelope is of a non-standard shape, then trace it along the outline onto another sheet of paper and cut it out. This romantic heart envelope is ready and can be used to carry love messages for your special someone on Valentine's Day.

Video lesson

A declaration of love on Valentine's Day or simply a beautiful congratulation is one of the most romantic things, although it has already become quite traditional. They need a decent wrapper. And in the literal sense.

A homemade heart envelope is one of the best packaging for postcards and valentines.

Look, your declaration of love or just warm words of congratulations will be sealed in such a beautiful frame. Such a wrapper will make your heart skip a beat even at the delivery stage. By the way, the seal can also be made in the shape of a heart.

To make an envelope from a heart, we need a blank - a paper heart. It is shown in the picture below. Please note that it needs to be slightly stretched up and down. You can save the picture and use it as a template or use a stencil.

Then we fold the two halves towards the center, as shown in the diagram. We bend the upper part of the heart to the lower pointed part. All that remains is to bend the tongue of our handmade heart envelope.

In a spread it will look like this. Now you can put it inside or write a confession directly on the sheet.

Don't forget about flowers and decorations on this day. Your holiday, and the holiday of your loved ones, is in your hands!

Traditionally, the preparatory assault for the celebration of St. Valentine's Day begins for many of us about five days before the holiday date. During this period, there is so much that needs to be done, taking care of a gift, decorating the place where you are planning to spend a romantic evening, as well as buying or making a heartfelt valentine. We showed various variations of garlands of hearts in, you can take them into service, but today we want to tell you and clearly show how to make original valentines.

A Valentine card is most often a red or pink card in the shape of a heart, inside of which lies a romantic congratulations on the holiday or an ardent declaration of love.

How to make a Valentine card.

Valentine card made of cardboard and woolen threads.

You won’t surprise anyone with traditional valentines anymore, or it’s a non-standard fluffy specimen. To make it, you need to cut out a heart from thick cardboard, then remove the inner part so that the side parts are approximately 1-2 cm wide. Then we take woolen threads, the best curly ones and always red, and begin to methodically wrap the cardboard blank. The result is a very beautiful heart, attach a piece of paper with a declaration of love to it with a pin and nail, your other half will be amazed at the work done.

How to make a valentine with your own hands from paper.

Method number 1. Valentine envelope.

Cut out a large heart from paper and you can immediately write a love message on it. Next, fold the side parts inward (see photo below), turn the sharp part up, fold the bottom, then fold the top closing part, and decorate the tongue with a rhinestone.

Method number 2. Volumetric heart.

We cut out two identical hearts from thick cardboard, then prepare two strips 8 mm wide along the length of the side circles. Which we immediately glue to the side parts of one of the valentines, then on top we glue the remaining valentine with a pre-written congratulation by hand.

Method number 3. Volumetric valentine box.

We redraw the template presented below onto thick pink paper, cut it out and bend it along the marked lines, and glue it with PVA glue in the right places. The top of the product can be decorated with a bow or rhinestones.

Method number 4. Beautiful valentine made of voluminous roses.

Cut out a heart-shaped ring from cardboard. Then we start creating roses, for this we draw a spiral on red double-sided colored paper, which we then cut out with scissors and wind from the OUTER end onto a skewer, thereby forming a rose bud; as soon as you remove the winding from the skewer, the bud will take the desired shape. Using this scheme, we create the required number of buds and glue them tightly to each other on a cardboard blank in the shape of a heart. You can glue beads or rhinestones to the center of each bud.

Method number 5. Wicker valentine.

According to the template presented below, we cut out two strips with marks in the center, bend each of them in the center and create slits with scissors. Then we start weaving, simply alternating contrasting stripes. The result is a wicker heart.

Method number 6. Beautiful postcard.

We take beautiful scrapbooking paper, fold it in half, we get a base, then cut out a rectangle from orange paper and glue it to the center of the workpiece, cut out flowers, a bird and a heart, and also glue all the details to the surface of the card (the templates are presented below, you can redraw). We tie a bow from a satin ribbon and also attach it to the surface of the card, and write a love message inside.

Method number 7. Beautiful three-dimensional origami heart.

The detailed method for creating such a beautiful heart is presented in the photo below.

Method number 8. Panoramic heart.

Probably many people had panorama books in their childhood, such a heart is just from that opera. Let's look at all the stages of its creation below, where you will also find the primary template for redrawing. In short, we redraw the template onto paper, cut it out with a sharp knife exclusively along the marked lines, and bend it just above the top part, thereby lifting the structure. We close the postcard.

Method No. 9. Valentine card with paper flowers and carnations.

Fold the red paper in half, cut out a heart, but do not cut all the way through on one side to create the effect of an opening postcard. From pink paper we cut out strips 10 cm long and about 8 mm wide, cut each of them on top of the fringe, then wind it on a skewer, thereby forming a flower bud. We glue the finished flowers to the surface of the valentine; the product can also be decorated with quilling-style patterns or added with rhinestones.

Method number 10. Valentine boat.

We fold a boat out of paper (the stages of creating a boat are shown in the photo below), glue a matcha from a skewer into the center, and instead of a sail and a flag, hearts with a love message.

How to make original valentines from paper clips.

A plain piece of paper with a love message can be decorated with valentine hearts created from red paper clips. To do this, take a paperclip and bend its long edge upward, photo below. At first glance it looks like a krakozyabra, but when you put it on a piece of paper, you will see a cute heart.

How to make a valentine with your own hands from half-pearls and cardboard.

We cut out 2 identical hearts from cardboard, leave one of them whole, cut the second in the form of a heart-ring, so that the middle is empty. Glue it on top of the whole heart, and glue half-pearl beads inside. We glue a ribbon on the back, which can also be glued between valentines, thread a key onto the ribbon, and give it to you with the words “this is the key to my heart.”

Valentine card on a clothespin.

We take a wooden clothespin and write “a message for you” on it with a marker. On the end part, where the clamp is created, draw an envelope with paints. Next, take a tiny rectangular piece of paper, write “I love you” on it, and glue it to the back of the clothespin. When you press on the top of the clothespin, it will reveal a love message.

Valentine's card made from fresh flowers.

Cut out a heart from cardboard and glue rosebuds on short cut stems to it. The result is a very beautiful living valentine.

Felt valentine.

We cut out two hearts of the same size from red felt, and also one smaller heart from white felt, sew a white heart to the center of the red one using a blanket stitch, then sew two red ones.

Valentines made from stones.

On the street you can look for heart-shaped pebbles, which you can then paint with red emulsion paint.

Valentine card made of wire and thread.

It is necessary to form a heart from the wire, which is then generously wrapped with red thread. The result is a very beautiful product, especially considering how easy it is to make.

Valentine in a bottle.

Cut out a big heart from paper, write a declaration of love and a holiday greeting on it, then roll the heart into a tube, insert the message into the neck of the bottle, tie a ribbon and present a surprise to your other half.

Ice valentine.

This is a short-lived surprise, so it should be given as a gift immediately after being removed from the refrigerator. Making such a heart is as easy as shelling pears; place viburnum branches or a rose bud in a plastic heart-shaped mold, fill it with water and put it in the refrigerator until it hardens completely. Then remove it from the refrigerator and lower the mold into a bowl of hot water for a short period of time, the ice will melt a little and the heart can be easily pulled out. Various variations of ice products for decorating a winter garden area can be viewed.

Dear readers, now you know how to make a Valentine card, we are sure that from the ideas presented in this review you will be able to choose the right one, and your significant other will be sincerely surprised by the surprise. Some of the valentines from the list above can be used to decorate your home for February 14th, in particular a festive table with romantic dishes. Well, you can figure out how to use such hearts yourself, the main thing is that you now know how to make original valentines, which are also It's absolutely not difficult to make.

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2019, so that your loved one will definitely like a gift with your own hands - there are many interesting ideas

The custom of celebrating Valentine's Day came to our country from the West in the mid-90s and was very much loved by Ukrainians. Every lover wants to pleasantly surprise on this day and give something special. Such interesting ideas as how to make an envelope and a card for Valentine's Day will not leave any heart indifferent.

Couples love to give each other something in the shape of hearts. How to make an envelope and card for Valentine's Day puzzles many people. But everything is actually quite simple. You will need very little time and effort. The result of your work will certainly please your loved one, because you have invested part of your loving soul in this gift.

Politeka has put together step-by-step instructions on how to make an envelope and a card for Valentine's Day easily and with love.

This unusual envelope will be an exclusive addition to the postcard. The cardboard must be covered on both sides with festive multi-colored paper. You can also put a small gift in such an envelope.

You can make an unusual three-dimensional card from colored paper, beads and rhinestones.

How nice it is to receive on Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14 and dedicated to Valentine's Day, a small gift in the shape of a heart - the so-called “Valentine”! During my youth, such a holiday was unknown in Russia, and we gave gifts exclusively on February 23rd for boys, and on March 8th for girls :)

But the wonderful holiday of St. Valentine, not tied to any political dates or official celebrations, quickly fell in love with many and became very popular in our country. Give and receive valentines, notice symbols of hearts everywhere and plunge into the atmosphere of general mild insanity - why not?

Appeal to mothers and grandmothers!

If you are young in soul and body, if you are in love, give and accept signs of attention! If you are only young at heart, but your body no longer wants to fit into the atmosphere of a youthful holiday, spit on his grumbling and pick up glue and paper - your body is still capable of this?! Make a beautiful and unexpected valentine with your own hands, show your children and grandchildren a master class, prove that there is still “gunpowder on our street”!

And even though there was no such holiday in our youth, we knew how to make crafts better than the current “generation of computer geniuses.” Hands remember!

Of course, you can buy a ready-made postcard. But is it so pleasant for both the giver and the one receiving the gift? After all, by spending effort, thinking about who you are preparing a gift for, creating a surprise with your own hands, you experience unique feelings of joy and anticipation - and this is the very, unique atmosphere of a REAL HOLIDAY!

Moreover, such a thing, amazing in its capabilities, as the World Wide Web, offers us many options and ready-made solutions, even in photos, even in videos, in step-by-step lessons and master classes, with a detailed description and demonstration of the result.

This is the selection I have prepared for you today - choose the most interesting valentine option for you and - forward to creative success!

DIY Valentine's envelope made of paper - make with children!

Such funny animals that give valentine hearts can be easily and simply made from plain paper, together with children - I think they will at least not be bored! After all, you can invent and create absolutely any animal - a bear, a kitten, a bunny, and even one that no one has ever come up with before :) Show imagination in your image and accuracy in your work - and you will get a wonderful, original valentine in the form of an envelope with a secret message for the holiday February 14, and more!

What to prepare:

  • a sheet of cardboard or thick white paper
  • red paper for heart
  • glue
  • colored pencils or markers or paints
  • scissors, ruler, pencil
  1. Take a regular-sized sheet of thick paper or white cardboard.

  2. Fold in half, make a fold.
  3. Make a cut along the fold with scissors - we will get 2 blanks for our valentines.
  4. Place the rectangle as in the photo. Using a ruler, use a simple pencil to mark two points 2.5 cm from the vertical edge and connect them with a line.

  5. Do the same on the other side. The result is a kind of margin 2.5 cm wide.
  6. Now place a line on top in a similar way 5 cm from the top edge, putting two points and connecting them with a line.
  7. Everything above the line will be our character’s muzzle. On the side you need to outline two semicircles - the paws with which he will hold the envelope. Draw the paws below the horizontal line, stepping back from it about 1 cm down.
  8. This is the face and paws of the future dog that appeared on the sheet.
  9. Take scissors and carefully cut out all the contours along the pencil lines. If you are making a Valentine card with children, help them cut out difficult places - like in our example, the ears of the dog.
  10. We bend the lower part upward - corner to corner. We color the pencil face with colored felt-tip pens or pencils. You can also make an applique from colored paper - here only your imagination will tell you how best.
  11. We bend the paws over the top and draw claws on them.
  12. From a piece of red paper, cut out a heart of any size you like and glue it in the center. Be sure to use red - this is traditionally the case on Valentine's Day - for some reason the hearts are always red or pink.
  13. Now let's make an imitation of an envelope - draw diagonal lines from the corners to the heart.
  14. Open our Valentine's envelope and use a colored pencil or marker to draw writing lines inside our gift.
  15. You can draw several hearts - it will be even more interesting. Well, don’t forget to write the message itself - after all, any Valentine’s card is a declaration of Love and Friendship!
  16. These are the kind of funny little animals you can create. Colored parts can be painted or pasted with an additional layer of paper of the desired color.

DIY voluminous paper valentine - 3D hearts for Valentine's Day.

Very beautiful, three-dimensional Valentine's card with 3D hearts. The postcard is beautiful, but quite difficult for possible beginners due to the numerous folds and slits - everything needs to be done carefully, so immediately make sure your hands are clean, press the paper not with your fingers, but with the plastic handle of scissors or another object. You will have to tinker, but we will definitely cope with you, because we have step-by-step photographs of the entire process!

To make it we will need to take:

  • 2 sheets of pretty red paper for the hearts
  • 2 sheets of standard size white cardstock (thick paper)
  • black marker or felt-tip pen for outlining hearts
  • strips with rhinestones on adhesive tape for decoration
  • a simple pencil, a ruler, scissors, double-sided tape (but glue can also be used)

  1. Fold each sheet of cardboard in half, aligning the corners exactly so that there is no distortion.
  2. Let's put one cardboard aside and work with the second one - the base. Place the folded sheet with the fold facing you and measure a line 4 cm high, which is 3.5 cm from the edge. Symmetrically make the same line on the other side. We make the cut exactly along these lines.
  3. Now we remove the concept of two-dimensional space from our heads and move on to volumetric 3D modeling - we bend the bend between the two slots in the other direction. The design should look like the one in the photo below.
    This is the outer side, and on the inside (open our postcard like you open a book) you get this step. Did you manage? Wait, rejoice, these are just flowers!
  4. Now let's wrap our step inside the postcard and close it, moving to the outside. The outside of our card should look like this. Now we must do a similar procedure with the inner fold of the card - we will put 2 cm inward and 3 cm upward from the edges of the fold.
  5. We make cuts again along the marking lines.
  6. To make it easier to bend the sheet in this place, attach a ruler to the ends of the cuts and fold the sheet onto the ruler, iron the fold line.

    Now open the card again and redirect our fold in the opposite direction - so that you again get a protrusion-step on the inside of the card.
    Do this on the other side - now we should have 3 steps.
  7. At this stage we could have stopped, but we are not looking for easy ways. Let's take it one more step! Along the inner fold we again set aside the markings for the last cut - 2 cm from the edge and up.
  8. But we will only cut through one upper fold (and not the entire thickness!).
  9. Thus, we have another upper small step. Phew, you can breathe out, everything will go much easier from here on!
  10. We take our first cardboard - it will be the outer, front side - we need to attach our “stepped” model to it. It’s convenient to do this with double-sided tape, but you can also get by with regular glue - the main thing is not to pour a lot of it so that our valentine doesn’t wrinkle or warp. We glue both parts together and get a smooth cover on the outside and a stepped design on the inside of the valentine. Now you need to decorate it with hearts.
  11. Let's make a heart template - preferably 3 different sizes. Two or three large hearts, many medium ones and two or three small ones.
  12. Let's trace our pencil sketches of the hearts with a black marker and cut them out with scissors.
  13. Now is the time to show your artistic abilities - beautifully and highly artistically, with the taste of a true designer, we need to scatter our hearts at different levels so that it looks beautiful. If you can’t trust your taste, do it exactly according to the photo, maybe it will be good.
    It is very convenient to attach hearts to pieces of double-sided tape, but you can also use glue.

  14. Well, this is approximately how it all looks. Everything already looks elegant, but there is no limit to perfection - let’s do the last part of the design - decorate it with strips of rhinestones.

This is the kind of “heart-rhinestone” splendor we achieved! True, there was no room left for text congratulations, but with such an abundance of red hearts, words would probably have been superfluous! What do you think?

“Heart in the palms” is a very simple and quick paper valentine. Can be done with children.

What materials are needed:

  • red and white paper
  • glue, pencil, ruler, scissors
  • pink or red pencil (felt-tip pen)
  • needle and thread

  1. We take our (or someone else’s!) hand with the thumb pressed, put it on a sheet of paper and trace it. Cut out the palm stencil.
  2. We bend thick white paper (or cardboard) in half and place our stencil on the fold line so that the “little finger” is along this line. We cut everything out to the fold so that the card can open like a book.
  3. From red, double-sided colored paper, cut out identical squares, approximately 6 cm per side. On one of them we make a diagonal fold and draw half a heart. This will be our template.
  4. We bend the remaining squares in the same way, fold them one by one and, attaching the template, cut out the hearts.
  5. We sew the resulting stack of hearts with a fold in the middle onto the inside of the fold of our “palms”, leaving a knot of thread on the side of the hearts. Then we'll close it.
  6. We glue the halves of the hearts that are outermost to the palms with glue.
  7. We also glue together the two halves of the topmost heart, at the same time hiding the stitching marks.
  8. We outline the “palms” with a pink felt-tip pen, not forgetting to draw on the details inside - folds and lines on the fingers. All! Our voluminous paper valentine is completely ready - you can give your loved one your heart in the palms of your hands!

Making this valentine is very simple, but there are some supplies that you will need to prepare. In particular, it is difficult to do without a hole punch - to create identical, even holes, and special curly scissors, since cutting out all these waves by hand on many parts is not at all interesting and will not be possible to do evenly - and here the sameness of parts and accuracy are important.

We will need:

  • pink and white paper
  • acrylic paints (yellow and white)
  • glue
  • green pencil or felt-tip pen
  • round head pin
  • a piece of beautiful ribbon
  • hole puncher
  • curly scissors

So let's get started!

  1. We “clone” the heart template of the size we need to the number of 7 pieces from a sheet of pink paper.

  2. Glue the pink heart onto a larger white sheet.
  3. Using curly scissors, we make a beautiful edge treatment, so that a white wavy outline appears around the pink heart, reminiscent of processing with braid when sewing.
  4. We will need 7 pieces of such blanks.
  5. Each heart needs to be decorated with daisies. To do this, take a pin with a round head and, dipping it in yellow paint, draw the centers of the flowers - 3 daisies, as in the photo below. Around each center we draw white petals in the same way.
  6. Using a green pencil, draw leaves - two for each flower.
  7. Use a hole puncher to make neat holes in each heart. We thread a piece of holiday ribbon through them.
  8. We tie a bow and trim the edges evenly with sharp scissors.
  9. Our gentle valentine with a chamomile mood is ready. It remains to write on the back of the first heart the name of the object of our donation, and on the remaining ones - your wishes, and everything that you would like to convey in words.

Exquisite valentine using scrapbooking technique - Master class with step-by-step photos.

This is what a closed valentine card looks like.

By turning the paper lever, we open our postcard and there we see a surprise message.

To make this stunningly beautiful and elegant valentine, we will need materials sold in craft stores or scrapbooking departments (bookstores). There you can always find all the necessary parts, components and tools. It’s good that now all this can be ordered directly through online stores.

What to prepare:

  • pink and white paper for scrapbooking (can be used for watercolors, or other thick paper)
  • sticky half beads
  • artificial flowers for scrapbooking
  • piece of braid, piece of lace
  • rivet with forked tips - brads (these are stud buttons with a flat flexible forked leg made of soft metal)
  • glue and glue gun (can be replaced with colorless superglue)
  • curly and regular scissors

When everything necessary is prepared, the process of creating a Valentine heart itself will not give us any problems - everything is quite simple.

  1. From plain white paper we cut out a heart template of the shape and size we need.
  2. Using the template, cut out a heart from pink construction paper.
  3. Tint the edges of the heart with a slightly pink pencil, a darker shade, to visually darken the border.
  4. We cut out a blank from red thick paper with a template applied to it, using curly scissors. We cut it so that the wavy edge protrudes beyond the edge of our template size.
  5. Glue the pink heart onto the red blank with a curly edge.

  6. Cut out a rectangle from red paper and paste it on top of the pink layer.
  7. Now cut out a slightly smaller rectangle from white paper and glue it onto the red one.
  8. And on the corner we will glue another small red heart. Our blank No. 1 is ready.
  9. Now let’s transfer the heart template onto red paper with a pencil, but we won’t cut it out yet. Our task is to make another red heart, slightly smaller in size than our template. To do this, inside the pencil outline we will manually draw another one - a little smaller. We will do the cutting according to it. This will be the second blank.
    This is what it should look like when you put the second piece on top of the first.
  10. For the second heart you need to make a bouquet decoration. Let's start with the ribbon - make two loops and glue them together at the base.
  11. We will make one larger loop from the lace braid and place it at the base, on the bottom layer. Glue this beauty onto the heart - place it not in the center, but slightly asymmetrically, as done in the photo below.
  12. Now we need 3 flowers. If there is a stem, cut it off to the very root. Using a glue gun, attach three flowers to the base of our decoration, covering the places where the braid is cut and attached.
  13. We transfer one half bead to our heart, gluing them along the edge of the heart.
  14. Now let’s cut out a “lever” from pink paper - cut a strip of paper in the shape of an arrow, cutting off the corners. Let's glue it to the back side of our second piece.
  15. Let's combine both blanks and use a sharp knife to make a small hole in the base of the heart.
  16. Take our rivet in your hands and insert it with its legs into the hole from the front side.
  17. On the reverse side, spread the legs of the bradsa ​​to the sides and press tightly to the paper.
  18. So that these legs do not stand out, we will cover them with an applique in the shape of a small red heart.
  19. Check how our “mechanism” works - the upper heart should easily move over the lower one, revealing to us a secret message... Which we still need to manage to write on a small piece of white paper. But that’s a completely different story... :)

Valentine's card with moving rainbow hearts - Master class on video.

The fastest and easiest Valentine card in 2 minutes!

If you “slept” all February and only came to your senses on the 14th, when it’s too late to prepare surprises, but you definitely need to give something as a gift.. catch a simple way - How to quickly and easily make a Valentine card from paper with your own hands in just 2 minutes. This video clip lasts exactly that long, and by repeating all the simple steps after it, you will definitely succeed!

You can draw these hearts yourself or download them as ready-made templates.

Download stencils of hearts of different sizes (for cutting out of paper) from the link below - they can be printed on any printer, they are selected in the size needed for printing.

Tricky question!

PS. Please share in the comments examples of your valentines - what did you give or make yourself, and what did they give to you? And, by the way, I have had an unresolved question for a long time - what is more pleasant - giving gifts yourself or receiving them from other people? How do you think?
