Round table on promoting kindness to nature. Round table with parents "education with kindness"

1. Help parents see the relevance of the need and possibility of fostering kindness and a humane attitude towards others.
2. Formation of personal meaning in parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge that helps raise a child.

3.Development of parents’ communication skills and pedagogical reflection.

Progress of the event

The problem of education is undoubtedly relevant. And every parent today would like to know: who can he raise? There are many answers, and maybe not. After all, every family has its own secret in education. Everyone has their own position, and sometimes it’s just intuition. It’s a pity, but sometimes parents lack the knowledge and patience to establish a personal and trusting relationship with their child. And that’s why we, parents and teachers, will try to solve the problem together, because we have the same goal... The problem of raising children today forced us to pay attention to the following rules:

Let's think together about what you want your child to be like when he grows up? The main thing is that the child grows up to be a kind, decent person. But sometimes there is a whole abyss from what is desired to reality. Therefore, first I ask you to read 10 commandments. Perhaps they will help you open the door. to the world of kindness.

    Never humiliate a child.

    Know how to love someone else's child.

What good deeds can a teenager do? How to teach this? (reasoning).
If we want our child to be kind, we must exclude from communication unkind conversations about people and animals in the presence of children. A child's ear hears and absorbs literally everything.

Training "Kindness Pie". (game "Ring")

Imagine that you need to divide the pie, give it to family members and say the kindest and warmest words. How will you do this?

(2-4 parents are asked to play out the situation).

How do you understand what it means to teach children goodness? (discussion).
To teach children to be kind means to teach them to have compassion and empathy when looking at misfortune. This is the ability to rejoice and experience the joys of others as your own.

    Don't expect your child to be what you want. Help him become not you, but himself.

    Do not think that the child belongs only to you, he is not your property.

    Do not demand payment from your child for everything you do for him. You gave a child life, how can he thank you?

    Do not take out your grievances on your child, so that in old age you do not eat bitter bread, for what you sow is what you reap.

    Don’t look down on his problems: the burden in life is given to everyone within their strength, and rest assured, his burden is no less heavy for him than yours.

    Never humiliate a child.

    Remember, not enough has been done for the child if everything has not been done.

    Know how to love someone else's child.

    Love your child in any way: untalented, unlucky, adult.

    Enjoy communicating with your child, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

10 commandments for parents in a world of kindness.

    Don't expect your child to be what you want. Help him become not you, but himself.

    Do not think that the child belongs only to you, he is not your property.

    Do not demand payment from your child for everything you do for him. You gave a child life, how can he thank you?

    Do not take out your grievances on your child, so that in old age you do not eat bitter bread, for what you sow is what you reap.

    Don’t look down on his problems: the burden in life is given to everyone within their strength, and rest assured, his burden is no less heavy for him than yours.

    Never humiliate a child.

    Remember, not enough has been done for the child if everything has not been done.

    Know how to love someone else's child.

    Love your child in any way: untalented, unlucky, adult.

    Enjoy communicating with your child, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

10 commandments for parents in a world of kindness.

    Don't expect your child to be what you want. Help him become not you, but himself.

    Do not think that the child belongs only to you, he is not your property.

    Do not demand payment from your child for everything you do for him. You gave a child life, how can he thank you?

    Do not take out your grievances on your child, so that in old age you do not eat bitter bread, for what you sow is what you reap.

    Don’t look down on his problems: the burden in life is given to everyone within their strength, and rest assured, his burden is no less heavy for him than yours.

    Never humiliate a child.

    Remember, not enough has been done for the child if everything has not been done.

    Know how to love someone else's child.

    Love your child in any way: untalented, unlucky, adult.

    Enjoy communicating with your child, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

Love your child first, then teach him.

Whatever the child is, accept him as such.

Recognize the child’s right to make mistakes.

Help your child act independently.

A child must learn about himself and improve himself.


1. Help parents see the relevance of the need and possibility of fostering kindness and a humane attitude towards others.
2. Formation of personal meaning in parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge that helps raise a child.

3.Development of parents’ communication skills and pedagogical reflection.

Progress of the event

The problem of education is undoubtedly relevant. And every parent today would like to know: who can he raise? There are many answers, and maybe not. After all, every family has its own secret in education. Everyone has their own position, and sometimes it’s just intuition. It’s a pity, but sometimes parents lack the knowledge and patience to establish a personal and trusting relationship with their child. And that’s why we, parents and teachers, will try to solve the problem together, because we have the same goal... The problem of raising children today forced us to pay attention to the following rules:





Let's think together about what you want your child to be like when he grows up? The main thing is that the child grows up to be a kind, decent person. But sometimes there is a whole abyss from what is desired to reality. Therefore, first I ask you to read 10 commandments. Perhaps they will help you open the door. to the world of kindness.

What good deeds can a teenager do? How to teach this? (reasoning).
If we want our child to be kind, we must exclude from communication unkind conversations about people and animals in the presence of children. A child's ear hears and absorbs literally everything.

Training "Kindness Pie". (game "Ring")

Imagine that you need to divide the pie, give it to family members and say the kindest and warmest words. How will you do this?

(2-4 parents are asked to play out the situation).

How do you understand what it means to teach children goodness? (discussion).
To teach children to be kind means to teach them to have compassion and empathy when looking at misfortune. This is the ability to rejoice and experience the joys of others as your own.

1. Don't expect your child to be the way you want. Help him become not you, but himself.

2. Do not think that the child belongs only to you, he is not your property.

3. Do not demand payment from your child for everything you do for him. You gave a child life, how can he thank you?

4. Do not take out your grievances on your child, so that in old age you do not eat bitter bread, for what you sow is what you reap.

5. Don’t look down on his problems: the burden in life is given to everyone within their strength, and rest assured, his burden is no less heavy for him than yours.

6. Never humiliate a child.

7. Remember - not enough has been done for the child if everything has not been done.

8. Know how to love someone else’s child.

9. Love your child in any way: untalented, unlucky, adult.

10. Enjoy communication with your child, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

10 commandments for parents in a world of kindness.

1. Don't expect your child to be the way you want. Help him become not you, but himself.

2. Do not think that the child belongs only to you, he is not your property.

3. Do not demand payment from your child for everything you do for him. You gave a child life, how can he thank you?

4. Do not take out your grievances on your child, so that in old age you do not eat bitter bread, for what you sow is what you reap.

5. Don’t look down on his problems: the burden in life is given to everyone within their strength, and rest assured, his burden is no less heavy for him than yours.

6. Never humiliate a child.

7. Remember - not enough has been done for the child if everything has not been done.

8. Know how to love someone else’s child.

9. Love your child in any way: untalented, unlucky, adult.

10. Enjoy communication with your child, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

10 commandments for parents in a world of kindness.

1. Don't expect your child to be the way you want. Help him become not you, but himself.

2. Do not think that the child belongs only to you, he is not your property.

3. Do not demand payment from your child for everything you do for him. You gave a child life, how can he thank you?

4. Do not take out your grievances on your child, so that in old age you do not eat bitter bread, for what you sow is what you reap.

5. Don’t look down on his problems: the burden in life is given to everyone within their strength, and rest assured, his burden is no less heavy for him than yours.

6. Never humiliate a child.

7. Remember - not enough has been done for the child if everything has not been done.

8. Know how to love someone else’s child.

9. Love your child in any way: untalented, unlucky, adult.

10. Enjoy communication with your child, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

Love your child first, then teach him.

Whatever the child is, accept him as such.

Recognize the child’s right to make mistakes.

Help your child act independently.

A child must learn about himself and improve himself.

Round table

on the topic “Socio-moral education of preschool children” for teachers and parents of preschool institutions.

Purpose of the round table: to intensify the mental activity of teachers by improving the educational process aimed at developing children's knowledge on the topic of social and moral education and effective activities in this direction. To reveal a wide range of opinions of preschool teachers on the topic chosen for discussion from different points of view, to discuss unclear and controversial issues related to the problems of creating a cognitive development environment in accordance withFederal State Educational Standardpreschool education, and reach consensus.

Leading: Modern society needs to restore traditional values, including caring for the family and promoting a family lifestyle. The results of research conducted by sociologists and psychologists in recent years are alarming. There is more and more talk about a family crisis.

Watch the video “On child abuse.”

Leading: Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. And the greatest danger facing our society today is not the collapse of the economy, not the change of the political system, but the destruction of the individual. Today, material values ​​are exalted over spiritual ones, so children have distorted ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism.

“The Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Personality Education of a Russian Citizen” defined a system of basic national values, which are revealed in the system of moral concepts: patriotism, social solidarity, citizenship, family, work and creativity, science, art and literature, nature, humanity. Spiritual and moral education of the personality of a citizen of Russia is a pedagogically organized process of assimilation and acceptance by children of basic national values.
Leading: The high level of child crime is caused by a general increase in aggressiveness and cruelty in society. Children are distinguished by emotional, volitional and spiritual immaturity. Therefore, spiritual exercises of the child’s mind, feelings and heart are the main means of spiritual and moral education, and the main form is service to good, service to people.

The teachers of our institution do a lot of work on the social and moral education of preschoolers. The teacher of group No. 7 will introduce us to his activities in this area.


Interview with parents


1. In your opinion, at what age should spiritual and moral education begin?

2. Do you know the history and traditions of your village?

3. Is it a tradition for your family to celebrate national holidays, if so, which ones? (Christmas, Easter, Maslenitsa, etc.)

4. What do you think should be achieved in preschool educational institutions for spiritual and moral education (familiarity with national ritual holidays, knowledge of folk customs and signs, the formation of moral feelings)?

5. Do you instill moral feelings in your children?

Leading: Teacher of group No. 5 will introduce us to his work on social and moral education.

Teacher presentation

Round table with parents "Raising with kindness"

Working with parents - Parent meetings

Target: Help parents see the relevance of the need and possibility of fostering kindness and a humane attitude towards others.

    Formation of personal meaning in parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge that helps raise a child.

    Development of self-reflection in parents, teachers and children.

    Development of trusting relationships between parents and children.

Material: pencils, pens, A4 sheets, hearts cut out of colored paper, a small ball.

Progress of the event:

Good afternoon, dear parents, children and teachers, I am glad to see you all today at our joint event. We will hold this event in the form of a round table and will focus on the problems of education and relationships between parents and children.

Discussion of the rules and acceptance of them:

To make the work of our round table comfortable and effective for all participants, I propose to adopt the rules by which we will work.

The first rule is treat each other with respect.

Second rule - when someone speaks, others remain silent and do not interrupt.

Third rule - We actively participate in the event and complete all tasks.

Fourth rule - if someone is not comfortable and finds it difficult to discuss something, then you can say “stop”, this will mean that the person may not discuss a topic that is problematic for him. Also I likepresenter, I can say “stop” if the rules are broken, and remind them again.

As Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky wrote:

The problem of education is undoubtedly relevant. And every parent today would like to know: who can he raise? There are many answers, and maybe not. After all, every family has its own secret in education. Everyone has their own position, and sometimes it’s just intuition. It’s a pity, but sometimes parents lack the knowledge and patience to establish a personal and trusting relationship with their child. And that’s why we, parents, children and teachers, will try to solve the problem together, because we have the same goal...

Which one do you think?

“When we give birth to a child, we separate a piece of our heart. There is no nobler, higher mission for a human creator than fatherhood and motherhood. From the moment a particle of your flesh began to breathe and opened its eyes to the world, you took on a huge responsibility: every moment, seeing your child, you educate yourself, affirm your human dignity.

There are tens of hundreds of professions, specialties, jobs: one builds houses, another grows bread, a third heals people, a fourth sews clothes. But there is the most universal - the most complex and most noble work, the same for everyone and at the same time unique and unique in every family - this is the creation of man. A distinctive feature of this work is that a person finds incomparable happiness in it. Continuing the human race, the father and mother repeat themselves in the child, and moral responsibility for a person, for his future, depends on how conscious this repetition is. Every moment of this work, which is called education, is a creation of the future and a look into the future...

Human creation is the highest tension of all your spiritual powers. This is life wisdom, skill, and art. Children are not only and not so much a source of happiness. Children are happiness created by your work..."

Task 1

Now I suggest you do one thingexercise

"If I were a mother.."

Target: development of trusting relationships.

Progress of the exercise. The exercise is carried out in a circle. The presenter first turns to all the adults and asks them to imagine a little: what would happen if they became children for a while - daughters, sons, and their children became parents. Then the ball is passed around the circle and the adults are asked to take turns saying literally one sentence at a time what they would like to do in this situation or have, etc., for example: “If I were a daughter, I would walk on the street all day…” If a child sitting next to him wants to ask his mother about something, he can do this, for example: “Wouldn’t you even eat?” Mom answers in one sentence.

Then they ask the children to imagine that they would become adult mothers and fathers for a while. And also take turns, throwing the ball, and answer these questions. Parents can also ask clarifying questions.

Task 2

Let's think together about what you want your child to be?

What kind of people would you like your parents to be?

You can write down your thoughts on pieces of paper.

Participants are then invited to read or say their reflections if they wish.

Now I will read you a parable.Parable “Two Mothers” (Appendix 1).

The main thing is that the child grows up to be a kind, decent and happy person.

But sometimes there is a whole abyss from what is desired to reality. Therefore, first we ask you to read the 10 commandments. Perhaps they will help you open the door to the world of kindness.

Each adult participant is given commandments for parents (Appendix 2).

I would also like to quote the words of Janusz Korczyk about children, he says this:

“We will always find something to reproach, and we greedily demand more and more.

Do we yield tactfully, avoid unnecessary friction, and make life together easier? Aren't we ourselves stubborn, picky, cocky and capricious?

A child attracts our attention when he interferes and causes confusion; we notice and remember only these moments. And we don’t see him when he’s calm, serious, and focused. We underestimate sinless moments of conversation with ourselves, the world, and God. The child is forced to hide his melancholy and inner impulses from ridicule and harsh remarks; conceals the desire to explain himself, and does not express a decision to improve.

Bad deeds and bad children speak loudly about themselves, drowning out the whisper of good, but there is a thousand times more good than evil. Good is strong and indestructible. It's not true that it's easier to mess up than to fix.

We train our attention and ingenuity in looking out for evil, in investigating, in sniffing out, in tracking, in pursuing, in catching red-handed, in bad foresights and in offensive suspicions.

I became convinced that there is more good, ten times more, than evil, and therefore you can calmly wait until the anger passes. Not only man, every living creature prefers peace to war, and therefore children should not be accused of being addicted to quarrels.”

Without self-demandingness there is no teacher. The teacher constantly works on himself so as not to lose sensitivity to children. A child enriches me, gives me experience, influences my views and feelings. I receive orders from him. I demand, blame, condone and forgive. The child teaches and educates me. For me he is a living book of human nature, and reading it teaches me maturity. You can't underestimate a child. He knows more about himself than I do about him.

But a child feels differently than an adult. Means. You must not only be aware, but also feel like a child: like a child, you must rejoice and grieve with them, love and hate, be offended and ashamed, fear and believe.

I want to teach you to understand and love a wonderful child, full of life and bright, illuminating, unexpected joy... The main thing is for parents to understand that not a single book, not a single doctor can replace your own observation, premonitions and thoughts.”.

Task 3

Now I suggest you do one more exercise:

"General drawing"

Target: unity of the family dyad.

Progress of the exercise. For two people, a piece of paper and a pencil are given. At the leader’s command, the child and parent take a pencil (one for two) and simultaneously draw a picture. You cannot talk or discuss the progress of work. Everything must be done silently.

At the end of the exercise, you are given the opportunity to discuss your drawing, what you especially liked, and what could have been done better. How they worked together.

This exercise can be performed by a teacher and a student or a parent, depending on the number of participants.

Listen to one Chinese folk tale“Okay family”

Once upon a time there lived a family. She was not simple. There were more than 100 people in this family. And she occupied the whole village. This is how the whole family and the whole village lived. You will say: so what, there aren’t many big families in the world. But the fact is that the family was special - peace and harmony reigned in that family, and, therefore, in the village. No quarrels, no swearing, no, God forbid, fights and strife.

Rumors about this family reached the very ruler of the country. And he decided to check whether people were telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was purity, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. The lord was surprised. I decided to find out how the villagers achieved such harmony, and came to the head of the family; Tell me, how do you achieve such harmony and peace in your family. He took a sheet of paper and began to write something. He wrote for a long time - apparently, he was not very strong in reading and writing. Then he handed the sheet to the bishop. He took the paper and began to sort out the old man’s scribbles. I took it apart with difficulty and was surprised. Three words were written on paper: love, forgiveness, patience (see Appendix 2). And at the end of the sheet: a hundred times love, a hundred times petition, a hundred times patience. The bishop read it, scratched his ear, as usual, and asked:

- That's all?

“Yes,” answered the old man, “this is the basis of the life of any good family.”

- And the world too.

Do you agree with what the head of the family wrote on the piece of paper?

Task 4

Exercise “Blitz Interview”

Now you need to write on a piece of paper a question to which you would like to receive an answer from the private participants of our round table. Then you can ask a question to any participant in turn, and the participant can answer this question, for which each person is given 2 minutes for a question and answer. If one of the participants does not want to ask questions, then he can give the allotted time to another participant. If the questions are very complex and require a lot of time to answer, then you can recommend special literature or offer to answer it in more detail after the end of the event.

Task 5

How do you understand what it means to teach children goodness? (discussion).
To teach children kindness means to teach them compassion, to empathize when looking at misfortune, and to teach them to be grateful. This is the ability to rejoice and experience the joys of others as your own.

Task 6

Exercise "Kind words"

Now you will be given cut out hearts, on them you need to write kind, warm words to your family members. Anyone who wishes can read them out loud.

You can give these hearts to your loved ones to express your gratitude and love.

Our event has come to an end and I want to quote Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinky:

“Know how to cherish and respect, exalt and improve human love - the most subtle and most capricious, the most tender and the strongest, the most fragile and the strongest, the wisest and most noble wealth of the human spirit.”

Parents share their impressions of the information received during the meeting and draw up a set of moral laws for the family and class. Each group makes their proposals and writes them down on a piece of paper. The sheet is passed around until each group makes its proposals. Those provisions that are often encountered will be the moral laws of the class. On the board- Whatman paper, where a house is drawn, a sheet with moral laws is attached to it.

Appendix 1

Two mothers

In a small hospital on the outskirts of a big city there were two mothers - Black-Boxed and White-Balled. They gave birth to sons. The sons were born on the same day: to the Black-Boxed Mother in the morning, to the White-Boxed Mother in the evening. Both mothers were happy. They dreamed about the future of their sons.

- “I want my son to become an outstanding person,” said the White-haired mother, “a musician or writer, known throughout the world.” Or a sculptor who created a work of art that will live for centuries. Or an engineer who built a spaceship that will fly to a distant star... That's what you want to live for...

- “And I want my son to become a kind person,” said the Black-haired mother. - So that he never forgets his mother and home. To love the Motherland and hate enemies.

Every day, fathers came to visit young mothers. They looked for a long time at the small faces of their sons, in the eyesThey were filled with happiness, amazement and tenderness. Then they sat by the beds of their wives and talked to them about something in whispers for a long, long time.At the cradle of a newborn they dream about the future - of course, only about a happy one. A week later, happy husbands, who have now become fathers,

They took their wives and sons home.

Thirty years have passed. Two women came to the same small hospital on the outskirts of a big city - Black-Boxed and White-Balled. There was already silver in their braids, their faces were criss-crossed with wrinkles, but the women were as beautiful as they had been thirty years ago.

They recognized each other. They were both admitted to treatment in the same ward where they gave birth to their sons three decades ago. They talked about their lives. Both had many joys and even more sorrow. Their husbands died at the front, defending their homeland. But for some reason, while talking about their lives, they were silent about their sons. Finally, the Black-haired mother asked:

- Who has your son become?

- “An outstanding musician,” the White-haired mother answered proudly. - He is now conducting an orchestra that is performing in the largest theater in our city. He is a huge success. Don't you know my son? - And the White-haired mother named the musician’s name.

Yes, of course, the Black-Boxed Mother knew this name well, it was known to many. Recently she read about the great success of this musician abroad.

- And what has your son become? - White-haired asked.

- Grain grower. Well, just to make it clear to you, you have to work as a machine operator on a collective farm, that is, as a tractor driver, as a combine operator, and on a livestock farm. From early spring to late autumn, until the snow covers the ground, my son plows the land and sows grain, harvests and plows the land again, sows and harvests again... We live in a village about a hundred kilometers from here. My son has two children - a three-year-old boy and a girl recently born...

- Still, happiness passed you by,” said White-Beared. - Your son has become a simple, unknown person.

The black-haired mother did not answer.

Not even a day had passed, and a son came from the village to see the Black-Boxed mother. In a white robe, he sat on a white bench and whispered for a long, long time about something with his mother. Joy shone in the eyes of the Black-Boxed Mother. She seemed to have forgotten about everything in the world at those moments. She held her son's strong, sun-tanned hand in hers and smiled. Parting with his mother, the son, as if apologizing, put grapes, honey, and oil out of his bag onto a small table. “Get well, Mom,” he said goodbye and kissed her.

But no one came to the White-haired mother. In the evening, when silence reigned in the room and the Black-haired mother, lying in bed, quietly smiled at her thoughts, the White-haired mother said:

- My son has a concert now... If it weren’t for the concert, he, of course, would come...

On the second day, before evening, her son, a grain grower from a distant village, came to see the Black-Bosed mother again. Again he sat for a long time on the white bench, and the White-haired mother heard that it was busy time in the field, they were working day and night... Parting with his mother, the son laid out honeycombs, white palyanitsa (white bread) and apples on a small table. The Black-haired woman's face lit up with happiness and her wrinkles straightened out.

No one came to see the White-haired mother.

In the evening the women lay in silence. Black-haired smiled, and White-haired sighed quietly, afraid that her neighbor would hear her sighs.

On the third day, before evening, her son, a grain grower from a distant village, came again to the Black-Boxed Mother, bringing two large watermelons, grapes, apples... Together with her son, a three-year-old black-eyed grandson arrived. The son and grandson sat for a long time at the bedside of the Black-Boxed mother; happiness shone in her eyes, she looked younger. With a pain in her heart, the white-haired mother heard her grandson telling his grandmother: yesterday he and his dad rode on the “captain’s bridge” of the combine for half a day.

- “I will also be a combine operator,” the boy said, and his grandmother kissed him...

Two mothers lay in the hospital for a month, every day the son, a grain grower from a distant village, came to see the Black-Boxed mother, bringing her filial smile, and it seemed that the mother was recovering only from that smile.

No one came to the White-haired mother.

Black-Boxed Mother recovered within a month, she was discharged from the hospital, and White-Boxed Mother was told by the doctors: she still needs to stay in bed.

The son came for the Black-Boxed mother. He brought several large bouquets of red roses. He gave flowers to doctors and nurses. Everyone in the hospital was smiling.

Saying goodbye to the White-haired Mother, Black-haired Mother said:

- How unfortunate you are...

Appendix 2

10 commandments of parents

1. Don't expect your child to be like you or what you want. Help him become not you, but himself.

2. Do not demand payment from your child for everything you have done for him. You gave him life, how can he thank you? He will give life to another, and he will give life to a third, and this is an irreversible law of gratitude.

3. Do not take out your grievances on your child, so that in old age you do not eat bitter bread. For whatever you sow, that will come back.

4. Don't look down on his problems. Life is given to everyone according to their strength and, rest assured, it is no less difficult for him than for you, and maybe more, since he has no experience.

5. Don't humiliate!

6. Don't forget that a person's most important meetings are with his children. Pay more attention to them - we can never know who we meet in a child.

7. Don't beat yourself up if you can't do something for your child. Torture if you can, but you don’t. Remember, not enough has been done for the child if everything has not been done.

8. A child is not a tyrant who takes over your whole life, not just a fruit of flesh and blood. This is the precious cup that Life has given you to store and develop creative fire within. This is the liberated love of a mother and father, who will grow not “our”, “their” child, but a soul given for safekeeping.

9. Learn to love someone else's child. Never do to someone else what you would not want done to yours.

10. Love your child in any way - untalented, unlucky, adult. When communicating with him, rejoice, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.


the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate;
the child lives in hostility, he learns to be aggressive;
the child is ridiculed and becomes withdrawn;
a child grows up in reproaches, he learns to live with a feeling of guilt;
the child grows up in tolerance, he learns to understand others;
the child is praised, he learns to be noble;
a child grows in honesty, he learns to be fair;
the child grows up in safety, he learns to believe in people;
the child is supported, he learns to value himself;
the child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world.

Appendix 3









































































































































































Target. Show parents the need to purposefully instill kindness in their children and encourage them to do so.

Posters. “Kindness is the sun that warms a person’s soul. Everything good in nature comes from the sun, and everything good in life comes from man.” (M. Prishvin)

“It’s better to be good in the world; there’s enough evil in the world as it is.” (E. Asadov)

Progress of the meeting

Rules of work.

The topic of today’s parent debate meeting is “Cultivating kindness.”

I have a request to you: please close your eyes for a minute, smile (necessarily from the bottom of your heart), relax and say mentally: I feel good! (At this time, B. Okudzhava’s song “Let’s pay compliments” sounds)

We know how kind words give rise to a wonderful human feeling - kindness.

I looked at your smiling faces and noticed that the room had become lighter. This is probably because good, warm-hearted people have gathered here. After all, kindness is the sun... (Read Prishvin’s words on the board)

So today we will talk about kindness.

1. Let’s discuss the following questions in groups: What is kindness? What does it mean to be a “kind person”?

Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

Now let’s listen to how our children understand kindness. (Application of ICT)

Children correctly understand what kindness is, but, unfortunately, their actions are not always kind. And our task is to instill in them from early childhood the need to do good deeds.

Let's discuss the following questions in groups: What do the words “kind” and “kind” mean? How do you understand the words “Goodness must come with fists”? (Discussion in groups)

So, “good must come with fists.” In other words, it can be expressed this way: good must be active, strong. Kindness is a sign of strength, not weakness. A strong person shows generosity, he is truly kind, but a weak person is kind only in words and inactive in actions.

How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Good is repaid with good”? (Discussion in groups, expressing opinions)

Indeed, for the good that was done to you, you want to pay back in kind.

Now please think. How to teach a person to feel and understand another person? (Discussion in groups)

In fostering kindness, family is the priority. A person begins from childhood. Different children come to kindergarten: selfish, spoiled, selfish and open, simple, loving all living things.

A child is a sunflower: he turns to goodness, like to the sun.

Children are drawn to kind people. They enjoy being around them, playing with children who won't hurt them.

If we are attentive to any person with whom we enter into a relationship - be it a random fellow traveler or someone close to us - this will be a manifestation of kindness. Every person is vulnerable, everyone needs respect and attention, and we cannot cause him inconvenience, trouble, and even more so grief, cruel insult, or wound for any reason.

Adult remember...


And now, as a warm-up, we will conduct a short training.

Let's all stand in a small circle. Do you like when people call you affectionately? Let's imagine that this doll is your child - call him affectionately!

Tell me, was it difficult for you to find the right word?

It can also be difficult for a child or a couple to say or do the “right” thing, which is called doing a good deed. Especially if at home they constantly say: “Give me some change.”

There are three concepts of kindness.

The smallest kindness is passive. A person will not hit the weak, will not hurt the pride of the easily vulnerable. But he will pass by evil and will not rush to do good.

Active kindness is when a person does good deeds. But also pass by evil.

Creative is the most valuable thing a person can have. Such kindness chooses its owner - a person who will help in trouble, who will truly feel the injustice, the humiliation of one person by another, who is able to fight evil.

I propose problematic situations for discussion in groups.

Very soon our children will go to school. So I propose to consider this situation:

In front of the welcoming parents, a first-grader, leaving school, hit the girl on the head with a briefcase.

What are you doing? - the boy’s mother shouted indignantly. – The handle of the briefcase is very weak, it will fly off. What will you go to school with?

Is it possible, boy! – was heard from all sides.

And don’t let him spit during recess! – he answered with sincere conviction that what he had done was right.

Do you see? – you see, inspired by her son’s explanation, the woman turned to the people. - He defended himself. That's right, son, don't let yourself be offended. Next time he won't spit. But you still need to take care of your briefcase. After all, the year has just begun.

What would you do if you were the boy's mother? (Opinions are expressed)

Learning to fight back is not learning to defend yourself, but learning to be aggressive and unfriendly, which will remain for the rest of your life. In no case should you teach a child to fight back; on the contrary, it is necessary to reinforce those innate traits that the child has at the moment - goodwill.

Teaching to fight back can only teach aggression and distrust of other people.

After all, it often happens that before a child is born, the first thing they teach is to hit it in the eye. And then everyone wonders why our children are so angry and ungrateful:

You can teach how to give back correctly, you can teach it later, when there is a real need for it, and you can give it to fight when the child is ready Right perceive and adequately this information. At this age, protection and love are the main things required from parents. Then the child will grow up calm, balanced, friendly, caring; and not an aggressive and distrustful egoist.

It is very sad that so many parents base their education on aggression.

We have now talked, argued, and thought a lot about raising kindness in children. Now let's try to summarize your thoughts.

You will end up with a kind of memo, a code about cultivating kindness in children.

  1. Kindness begins with love for nature and people.
  2. As much love for the child as possible, as much demands on him as possible.
  3. Let's do good. Good deeds. Children learn kindness from us.
  4. We must give the child the joy of communicating with us.
  5. Let's learn to control ourselves. Excerpt! (Work in groups, drawing up a memo)

The following rules, principles, commandments of reasonable education, formulated by A. Tolstykh, can be an addition to our memo.

  1. Never raise someone in a bad mood.
  2. Be clear about what you want from your child (and explain it to him), and also find out what he thinks about it.
  3. Give your child independence, do not control his every step.
  4. Evaluate the action, not the person. The essence of a person and his individual actions are not the same thing.
  5. Let your child feel (smile, touch) that you sympathize with him, believe in him, despite his mistake.
  6. The teacher must be firm. But kind.
  7. At the end there is a poem read by the parent: “Give joy to people.”

Medals are awarded for participation in the debate.
