Easy to cut bangs. Ragged haircut without fringing

Many of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in their youth had to do it more than once. And if the first mistake was not visible - especially on long hair, then with the second, a bad hand-made result caused panic horror - the situation should be corrected immediately. Now with detailed instructions to cope with the task much easier. Today we will take a master class in this burning issue - how to cut bangs with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself haircut

Choosing a shape according to the type of face

Any woman knows her face shape from the moment she begins to be interested in makeup and hairstyles.

The bangs will help make it visually thinner or, conversely, open if the features are small. Detail:

  1. Childishly accepts any options - from thick to milled oblique strands up to the chin. It is only important not to make the shape wider than the temporal regions, otherwise the face will give the impression of being full.
  2. The oval face is universal. Short and thick suit him. However, you should not make symmetrical long strands along the edges to the chin - they will stretch the shape even more.
  3. Square face. The task is to soften the hardness of the chin, hence the need for asymmetry. An oblique strand will fit, going into the total mass of hair.
  4. . The face accepts bangs thick to the eyebrows, laid in a perfectly even wave. If the hair density does not differ, then the strand is slightly twisted and combed, creating the necessary volume.
  5. Small facial features need open space. It is ideal to make torn strands of asymmetrical length.
  6. Wide or high cheekbones do not need to be hidden, but if their owner is unhappy with the shape, then the average profiled bang is what you need.

The hair itself also matters - the type of hair. will give the owner a direct effect, it is only once to pass in the humid air. Requires maximum fixing styling. Thin and sparse hair also cannot boast of any form of bangs.

In order to somehow acquire the effect of density, they must be collected in volume from the crown or even from the back of the head.

Tools for creating bangs at home

First of all, these are scissors. Better if they are professional. Otherwise, tailoring or paper cutting will not work to create a stylish look. Except them:

  1. Milling scissors. They will help to make thick bangs less frequent, create torn edges, play with different lengths on parts of the face.
  2. The comb is double-sided. One part with rare teeth, the other with frequent.
  3. Clamps, crabs.
  4. Means of fixation.

This is a necessary minimum for self-creation of the image. Before starting the experiment, you should carefully study your own bangs - perhaps a new styling will save you from having to change the image dramatically, with the help of tools.

Home tricks - change correctly without scissors

Now, to create the beauty of hair with your own hands, a lot of tools have been proposed.

For example, irons or tongs will help to make straight bangs.

Bangs with flat iron

  • The comb selects the required amount of hair. To do this, I separate the strands with a parting.
  • The total mass is divided into dense. So, a small volume is easier to straighten.
  • Smoothing starts from the lower layers, gradually stretching all the strands, clamping them with an iron. If you slightly bevel the movement towards the edge, you get a slightly rounded shape. It lies more naturally than absolutely straight.

Making bangs without cutting hair

  • Parts are separated from the total mass on the sides. Their length should be up to the chin.
  • The middle is pinned back with a decorative clip.
  • The selected strands are smoothed with tongs, rounding under the chin.
The effect of an elongated face is guaranteed

Bouffant and perm

  • The cool coudel has disappeared from fashion since the time of Balzaminov. Therefore, we will postpone small curlers. Large or the same irons will come in handy.
  • The entire intended volume of the bangs is wound on the curlers. Before fixing, it is moistened with water. Then dry with a hair dryer. Having untwisted the curlers, the mass is lightly combed at the roots and smoothed from above - the bangs for the caret are ready.
  • With an iron, the mass is rounded from the very roots. It is important to follow the same movements in order to achieve an even position of each strand. Next, bouffant and styling.

Bangs are smooth, pointed, soft, waves. This is achieved with the help of styling products. Experimentation is required before deciding to cut hair.

How to make the most beautiful and correct bangs at home

So, if the decision to work with scissors is still ripe, then we will describe three ways to change the look of your own bangs. So:

Straight: short or long

First, the required mass of hair is separated from the main one. Then a control strand is chosen - it is usually the lowest. Next, determine its length. Now, pulling the hair strongly, they cut off the excess.

Strongly pulling the hair, cut off the excess

The rest of the strands are leveled according to the control. Smooth bangs are ready, it remains to lay.

Oblique or on the side

Volume, like the direct version, is allocated forward.

Volume, like the direct version, is allocated forward

The lower control part is cut from the bottom of the chin or cheek to the forehead along an oblique line.


Torn strands or rounded

This effect is achieved with milling scissors. First, I model an oblique or straight shape. Then, holding the scissors strictly vertically, cut the ends.

Depth or height vary, resulting in different effects

It is worth remembering that independent work for the first time will not give the desired effect - there is no experience. If this scares the owner of the hair, then the right decision is the road to the salon to the master. Already there, they will create strands of dreams for you.

Many women want to know how to cut bangs: after all, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the hairdresser. With the help of bangs, you can quickly transform and refresh your face. The main thing is to choose the right haircut option and follow the rules.

Choosing the Right Option

To radically change the image, you should know how to cut bangs yourself. It should be selected taking into account the shape of the face and type of hair:

Popular varieties of bangs

Each type has its own effect and a special haircut technique. Before you start cutting, it is very important to make the right choice. After all, you need to choose the right length and shape.

Bangs can be:

  • long;
  • elongated;
  • middle;
  • short.

Basic forms:

  • straight or even;
  • oblique or lateral;
  • semicircle or arc;
  • torn.

Proper cutting technique

Having chosen the appropriate option, buy tools on which the quality of the haircut will depend. These tools include:

If you do not know how to cut bangs at home, you should familiarize yourself with the technique with which you can achieve the desired result.

Smooth shape

The straight version is a classic that will always be in fashion. But, choosing this form, it should be remembered that it will have to be constantly trimmed. In order for you to get an even result, you need to follow important rules.

First you need to separate part of the hair from the rest and stab them with a hairpin. All other hair should be collected in a ponytail, otherwise they will interfere. Then you need to take one strand in your hand and hold it between your fingers, and then pull it down. It is required to cut the length below the eyebrow line. In this case, it is important to hold the scissors at an angle of 45 degrees.

The procedure must be repeated with all the strands, comparing them with the cut length. The bangs line should be horizontal. After all the cut strands must be carefully combed. Evenness can be checked by pressing the strands to the forehead. All kinks can be removed with scissors, which must be held at an angle of 90 degrees. It is advisable to dry the strands with a hairdryer and lay them with a round brush.

Oblique option

Thanks to the beveled or side bangs, a feminine look is created. It is ideal for any hair and hairstyles. It's easy to cut it. Before cutting a short strand, you need to decide in which direction you will lay it. First you need to select a part, and collect the rest of the hair in a ponytail. The strands must be carefully combed and cut along an oblique line. At the same time, it is necessary to cut from the bottom up so that the scissors are at an angle of 45 degrees. After that, the hair can be dried and styled with a hairdryer.

Cutting in a semicircle

Cutting a concave shape is easy, but it is necessary to adhere to the exact symmetry. The finished version should resemble a neat semicircle. First you need to separate the strands from the rest of the hair and fix so that no extra strands are caught. It should be cut off by pinching with your fingers. Gradually, you need to move towards the sides, while increasing the length by 1 mm. The result should resemble a neat arc. If the bangs are too thick, they can be profiled.

torn strands

To get torn strands, it is necessary to divide them into several parts. The bangs should be equal to the width of the forehead. At first, you need to cut your hair evenly, and then cut your hair obliquely. The bangs should be divided into strands: the width of each is 1 cm. The strand must be placed between two fingers and lifted, cutting off all protruding hairs. The cut must be straight. The final touch is thinning. The length can be any, depending on your preferences.

If you are looking for the answer to the question of how to cut bangs and have never cut them before, you should remember not to cut them too short. For starters, it is better to choose an extended version. If you don’t like the result, you can always remove it beautifully using hairpins or a headband.

How to cut bangs at home on dry or wet hair, no one can say with certainty, since everything is quite individual. Some people like to cut their hair wet, while others find it much easier when their hair is dry. If you want to cut wet hair, remember that when they dry, the length will be shorter.

To make thinning, you need to purchase special scissors, the blade of which has small teeth. Thanks to such scissors, the hair is not cut completely. For thinning, it is necessary to remove excess hair from the face, and then separate the resulting strands and twist into a light tourniquet. From the tips at a distance of 2-3 cm, it is necessary to thin out all the desired areas.

If your bangs have grown, trimming it is easy. To do this, it is enough to repeat the haircut technique, observing its shape. It is important not to cut your hair too short. It is much harder to do on your own the option that you originally planned. But if you do everything exactly as described in the technique, you can easily and quickly achieve the desired result without any problems.

14 429 0 Hello, today we will share with you all the secrets of how to cut bangs on your own, without any hassle at home.

Before you cut your own bangs, you should choose a model. The length, shape and density depend on the shape of the face and the condition of the hair.

Table of correspondence between facial contours and bang length.

When choosing a bang model, take into account the nuances:

  • wide cheekbones are smoothed by bangs of medium length;
  • a model for wavy hair requires daily adjustment with an iron and fixation with varnish;
  • sparse and thin hair fit voluminous options that cover the eyebrows.

But not everything is so simple. Hairdressers call many types of bangs. After comparing all the data, choose the best option.

Masters classify this part of the hairstyle according to several parameters. This is the length, edge, parting.

Edging and length

Bangs are distinguished by the type of edging:

  • smooth;
  • oblique;
  • bent inwards;
  • torn;
  • oval;
  • stepped;
  • triangular;
  • serrated.

There are options with length - short, medium, long bangs, two-level. Models can be voluminous, rare, smooth.

Correspondence table for edging and bang shape.


Choosing a new model, take into account the shape of the parting, its depth. There is a rectangular and triangular parting. Depth is selected from the planned density. A light, rare variant is made with a parting above the forehead. A thick bang will turn out if you make a parting from the middle of the head.

When making a choice, it should be noted that the hair should cover all frontal bulges. In the standard version, the width reaches the temples. Some models cover this part of the head.

Not the last role is played by how the hair is combed. For the option with bangs on the side, you should choose the shape that is most advantageous for the open part of the forehead.

The front part of the hair is easily adjusted. The procedure is carried out independently. It is important to do everything neatly and evenly.

How to cut your own bangs at home

More often, regrown ends are trimmed according to the existing shape. This is carried out if the model suits, but it is necessary to make a length correction.

How to make thinning

Another name for the procedure is hair thinning. Most often it is used for thick hair. For rare and thin curls, such manipulation is contraindicated. Hairdressers perform the operation on all hair, as it makes the hairstyle look natural.

The work is done with thinning scissors. Some clients are limited to the processing of bangs. This is the most visible part of the hairstyle. The procedure is easy to do on your own, having the appropriate tool:

  1. We separate a small part from the main part of the bangs.
  2. We twist it into a bundle.
  3. We make 2 small cuts. One in the center, the second at a distance of 2.5 cm.
  4. We do the same with the next strands.
  5. When the hair of the entire bang is processed, thinning is completed.

After that, comb the curls to remove the cut hairs.

We do the trimming ourselves.

Cooking Tools

A special set for work is not required. It is important that the scissors are sharp. Otherwise, it will not be possible to successfully cut the bangs. Household paper scissors are not suitable. For home adjustments you will need:

  • ordinary scissors;
  • comb with thick teeth;
  • mirror;
  • thinning scissors;
  • clamps;
  • comb with a sharp end.

To properly cut the bangs, moisten it with water. Wet hair is more manageable, easier to straighten and cut. This is especially important for wavy hair. Work should be done in a well-lit area. It is ideal to use a mirror with magnification. In this case, it is impossible to make an uneven bang.

How to cut bangs with a machine: step by step instructions

Haircut machine requires certain skills. Without special experience, it is difficult to make an even haircut.

Important! Hairdressers cut bangs with scissors.

If you still have a desire to work with a typewriter, you should first practice. Before starting work, you must protect your eyes.

  • The cut level should be limited to a clear line;
  • the machine is held with 2 hands to avoid jerks;
  • move the blade along the intended line;
  • gradually move along the entire length of the bangs.

The bangs are the first to catch the eye. The impression we make on others depends on her condition. At the same time, this element of the hairstyle is easily changed and adjusted. It is important to keep your bangs in good condition, and this is not difficult to do. There would be a desire.

Useful articles:

Bangs are an important element of the image, with which you can radically change the appearance. If you want something new, start with it. Today we will tell you how to cut bangs and choose the most suitable option in accordance with the shape of the face. Well-chosen, she makes a woman more young, mysterious, playful, creative. In the worst case, it spoils the appearance, emphasizes the flaws.

Varieties of bangs

These hairstyles differ in characteristics such as shape, length and style. The bangs can be short, long, thick, sparse, two-level, torn, curled in or out, fluffy or smooth, etc.

The bang itself is a constructive part of the hairstyle, which is created after the rest of the hair is cut. When the haircut is over, the strands for the bangs need to be combed, directed in the right direction and cut off (make a border).

The edging is a contour line that limits the curls along the edge and gives the bangs a final look. It can be straight, oblique, oval, triangular, stepped, wavy, swallow-shaped, curly, with teeth, etc.

There are models that do not depend on a haircut. These are absolutely independent details of the hairstyle, the rest of the strands can be of any length.

Selection rules

To look fashionable and harmonious, you need to choose the right bangs option. In this case, it is worth considering the shape and features of the face, hair type.

If you are cutting your bangs for the first time, then make them a little longer than you planned at first. If you don't like it, you can put it in your hair, and it will grow back quickly.

A set of tools and haircut technology

Any novice hairdresser cannot do without straight sharp scissors and a comb with rare teeth. With the help of a comb with frequent teeth and a sharp tip, you will separate thin strands. You also need special scissors for thinning and shading hair, clips.

The technology is quite simple:

If you need a short model, make a cut above the bridge of the nose, and if it is long, then just below the bridge of the nose.

Even bangs

If you choose the direct model, then you need to know that it requires constant updating of the form. The procedure is simple, and therefore it can be carried out independently.


  • First of all, take care of the lighting, it should be bright.
  • Make a triangular parting, secure the rest of the strands with hairpins.
  • Carefully comb the bangs, divide it into 3 identical strands.
  • Take the central strand, hold it between your fingers, pull it up, lift it up and cut off the excess. To make it straight, hold the scissors obliquely (at an angle of 45 °).
  • Align the right and left strands in the center.
  • Divide the right strand into 2 layers, trim the bottom one along the central strand, and make the top one a little longer.

Repeat the process for the left strand. You will get bangs, the tips of which are bent inward.

  • Correct, treat with gel. Ready!

Bangs and hair of the same length

This is a model without a clear border. It is ideal for fine hair that is curly.

  1. Moisturize your strands.
  2. Make a parting, collect the rest of the strands in the tail.
  3. Separate the first thin curl, cut to the desired length. This will be the control curl that you need to focus on.
  4. Separate the next curl 1 cm wide.
  5. Take 2 strands, lift perpendicular to the head, cut along the control.
  6. Continue to gradually separate the curls and cut them to the length of the previous ones. Use one of two cutting methods - straight (with a 90° pullback) or serrated.

  7. Comb, correct the contour line.
  8. If you want, the strand can be profiled.

Smooth fluffy bangs

You don't have to be a professional to cut your bangs beautifully.


A bang, which consists of two levels, will help create an interesting, original image. The top layer is slightly longer than the bottom, it looks very unusual.


"Rvanka" with edging

This model is very popular. To cut your own bangs, follow these steps:

"Rvanka" without edging

  1. Make a deep triangular or rectangular parting, wet your hair. Collect the rest of the hair in a ponytail.
  2. Comb the strand carefully. Go deep into the bangs with the tips of the scissors and cut the teeth to the desired length. Strands can be cut at different levels.
  3. Cut the teeth across the entire width.
  4. Divide the bangs into vertical curls.
  5. Separate a vertical strand (thickness 1 cm), comb and lift at an angle of 90°. Squeeze it with your index and middle fingers, something like a triangle of hair ends forms between them - cut it off.
  6. Repeat the process for all strands.
  7. Profile.
  8. Adjust to your liking.
  9. Dry, lay down. Ready!

How to make a torn bang - video

oblique bangs

The model, made obliquely, looks unusually feminine and elegant.

Haircut technique:

Milled bangs

Milling is an artificial hair thinning procedure. In this way, the gap between long and short strands is smoothed out, the haircut looks more natural, its shape improves. To do this, use special thinning scissors.

Filling procedure at home:

  1. Divide the bangs across the entire width into strands (thickness 1-2 cm).
  2. Take a strand, twist it into a bundle.
  3. Using thinning scissors, make an incision in the middle of the tourniquet, and then a little lower 2.5 cm to the end.
  4. Repeat the process for the rest of the strands.
  5. Ready!

Correct hair thinning - video

Many people wonder if it is possible to cut bangs during pregnancy. According to popular belief, pregnant women are forbidden to cut their hair, as this will harm the health of the expectant mother and child. It all depends on you and on the degree of your superstition.

As for medicine, then, from her point of view, haircuts are not contraindicated. If a new hairstyle will cheer you up, it will only be useful. The choice is yours!

  • Remember the difference between dry and wet strands, in the second case they seem longer. And therefore, if you cut wet hair, then cut it a couple of millimeters, lower than you want. Otherwise, after drying, the haircut will be a little shorter than you intended.
  • Do not pull the strand too hard so as not to break the cut lines.
  • Before cutting, remove excess strands so that they do not interfere. After all, there is a risk that you accidentally cut them off.
  • Professional hairdressing scissors can be replaced with any new ones that will be used only for cutting.

A bang is not just a part of a haircut, it is an important element of it, with which you can radically change your appearance.

Thanks to the above techniques, you can cut bangs of any shape. Follow the recommendations of professionals, do not skip a single step of the haircut, and you will always look great!

Cutting oblique bangs on your own is not a dream, but a real opportunity. Creating an attractive fashionable look at home is much easier than you might think. Before you start cutting at home, you should choose the shape and length of the new element.

Self-haircut bangs at home: the choice of performance

The most important point is the shape of the bangs. Glossy magazines are full of photos of stars with fashionable hairstyles and original haircuts. But let's not forget that each star has his own stylist. It is to him that the ladies on the red carpet owe their perfect hair. On the other hand, you do not have such a stylist. And if there is, then not every day. This means that the haircut should be not only beautiful, but also easy to style. Luckily, side bangs are very easy to maintain.

Now let's define the face type:

  • oval;
  • round;
  • square;
  • triangular.

The first three types are suitable for long oblique bangs. To make it easier to determine the length of the curls, you should cut them at the level of the eyelashes. Short oblique bangs will help to give expressiveness to small facial features. If you have wavy or curly hair, forget about asymmetrical haircut details. This option will not only be uncomfortable, but due to the special structure of the hair, it will not even be noticeable.

Ladies who decide to get bangs for the first time are not recommended to cut their hair at home. It is best to consult a stylist. But if you insist on doing it yourself, then stock up on sharp scissors, hairpins and clips.

Create a new look at home

So, how to cut oblique bangs at home? First, let's determine your hair type. Here the main role is played not by density and thickness, but by the “obedience” of your curls. If the hair does not rise at the roots, is obedient and fits well, it should be lightly moistened with water. If the strands constantly strive to “break out” of the hands and do not lend themselves to styling with such ease, they need to be cut dry. The side where the curls rise at the roots should be long.

Be sure to wash your hair before cutting. Dry your curls with a hair dryer. The bangs must be separated from the total mass of hair. Tie the rest in a ponytail or remove with clips.

  • Imagine the angle of the future oblique bangs. Focus on the border of hair growth. This refers to the growth line of a small “gun” on the forehead. The angle of inclination should not go beyond it.

  • To cut your hair more conveniently, you can use a photo of the desired result.
  • When the shape and angle of inclination are determined, you can start cutting.
  • Pinch a strand between your fingers and cut to the desired length. Keep your hair upright. You need to cut from the top border to the bottom. For convenience, the strands can be combed forward on the forehead.
  • It is strictly forbidden to cut curls across the forehead.
  • When the length is determined, you need to give the bangs a neat look. Carefully comb the strands and trim the bumps.
  • For thinning, use special scissors. Lightly wet the strands, comb and trim the ends with the sharp side of thinning scissors. Point the tip up.

Note! Do not use regular scissors for cutting. It is better to buy a special tool in a professional store. Here you will also find thinning scissors and clamps.

To get a guaranteed result, watch a video tutorial on cutting your own bangs at home:
