Magical power and energy of stones and crystals. How to identify your stone and use its magical energy

Spinel and tourmaline increase efficiency, strengthen the body's defenses, improve resistance to disease. They help purify the blood, make it move faster. These are active crystals that encourage activity, do not tolerate laziness and passive waiting. Crystals of fortitude are ready to give a lot, but they will also demand a lot in return. Red is the color of passion, not only in love, but also in hate. Using red crystals of power, you can attract the attention of others, arouse interest and attraction, but you risk increasing the aggressiveness of both yourself and others. Under the influence of red crystals, it is difficult to control emotions.

Citrine, jadeite, beryl, zircon, and other yellow power crystals affect mood. They are able to cope with even the most severe bouts of depression. Sometimes just a minute contemplation of a yellow crystal improves mood, helps to cope with stress, overcome any difficulty and move on, because life goes on! They awaken the appetite and not only in the physical plane. Yellow and orange crystals bring the taste back to life.

Green and blue crystals of strength and energy

Green crystals of vital energy - emerald, beryl, tourmaline, some types of jasper, aventurine, chrysoprase - are endowed with the power of nature. They have a stabilizing, relaxing effect, but all this is not passive - it is an active holiday that allows you to quickly restore strength and return to vigorous activity. Green crystals are the most powerful in healing practice. Even a non-specialist can muffle the pain, even out the heart rhythm, relieve neuropsychic stress by holding a green crystal in his hand for 10-15 minutes. It has been proven that under the influence of green crystals, wounds heal better, patients recover faster after operations, and it takes less time to rest. Contemplation of a green crystal, especially a transparent one, helps restore vision, distracts from discomfort, pain and tension.

Blue crystals of power - amazonite and celestine - help to relax, relieve mental stress. Unlike green, blue does not give an energetic urge to activity, but allows you to achieve the maximum level of relaxation. The magical power of these crystals calms, extinguishes emotional outbursts, both positive and negative. Blue and blue crystals help to cope with anger and quarrels, come to an understanding. Blue color relieves pain, especially headache. At the same time, it is too relaxing, plunging into complete passivity. Such a state is necessary for a person only in extreme cases. The use of blue and blue crystals in combination with lavender aromatic oil is very effective. The crystal is lubricated with a few drops of essential oil, which enhances its effect.

Stones and crystals of wish fulfillment

The magical possibilities of crystals are manifested not only in healing. Stones help to concentrate energy in mystical rites, enhance positive qualities and weaken negative ones, allow you to find an internal resource to achieve your goal, serve as guides and intermediaries in divination.

In addition to all of the above, crystals have an amazing feature: their power can change the course of events in such a way as to bring the fulfillment of your desire closer!

Long noted: if you strive for something with all the strength of your soul, the events in your life begin to take shape so that your desire is fulfilled. However, this simple principle only works if two necessary conditions are met. First, the desire must be sincere and intimate. Simple dreams that do not touch the deepest strings in your soul may not come true. Sometimes it happens even worse: a person verbally strives for one thing, but internally, sometimes even unconsciously, strives for another. As a result, his desire is fulfilled in a completely different form that he imagined. Secondly, it is important to be clear about what you want to achieve.

Stage 1. Determining the key color. The ritual uses a colorless wishing crystal that can take on any color you imagine. This color will become a "trigger" for activation and resource mobilization for the fulfillment of desire. Think about what color your desire is associated with?

This is a very important question, so you should spend as much time as you need on the preparatory stage.

Stage 2. Projection. Make sure you don't get in the way. You should not be distracted by extraneous sounds from the apartment or from the street, the seat should be as comfortable as possible. To create an atmosphere, you can draw the curtains, turn off the lights, light candles. These are optional elements of the ritual, but they will help you tune in the right way. Try to relax and drive away extraneous thoughts.

Take a crystal of wish fulfillment in your hands and imagine how it gradually turns into the color of your choice. Try to convey to the crystal all the power of your desire.

Bring the crystal to your mouth and blow on it, imagining how all the energy of your desire fills the stone. Slowly rotate the crystal in your hands clockwise, peering into its facets for several minutes.

Stage 3. Visualization. Try to imagine your dream in detail. Think over a variety of little things and details. Imagine: your dream has come true! What's going on around?

What do you see? What do you hear? What are your feelings? If your dream came true, what time of year and time of day is it? What is the weather outside the window? If you imagined the fulfillment of a wish on a sunny day, try to feel the touch of the sun on your skin, its brightness and warmth. Concentrate on the physical sensations, try to be at least for a moment in the world of your fantasies and survive his touch. Throughout this time, do not let go of the crystal from your hands, constantly return to the realization that you are holding it.

It is customary to repeat such a ritual three times, at any time convenient for you, the interval between repetitions can be any - it all depends on your capabilities and mood. Do not program the crystal when you are in a bad mood, depressed or tired - the stone can intercept and internalize your negative feelings as part of the program.

In the future, it will be enough for you to touch the crystal to evoke a feeling of a dream come true. When you are faced with a difficult choice, when it seems to you that the fulfillment of a desire is impossible, when you almost decide to give up - ask the crystal for help, and it will fill your soul with positive feelings.

The more often you turn your thoughts to the crystal and reproduce the situation of success (fulfillment of desire), the more likely it is that the dream will come true.

The healing power of stones in jewelry with crystals

Humanity began to use jewelry and jewelry in ancient times, however, only a modern person can call these ancient necklaces, bracelets and rings “ornaments”. For the people of that time, these were amulets, spiritual symbols of protection, personal growth and control of fate. Only echoes of ancient knowledge about the magical properties of jewelry have come down to us. Often we intuitively feel the correctness of the choice of a particular piece of jewelry, but you should not completely rely on intuition.

The influence of the healing power of crystals on the body and soul of a person is especially clearly seen in Ayurveda. Practitioners of this Indian alternative medicine have developed a whole system of using jewelry.

If we correlate the chakras (concentrated whirlwinds of energy in Ayurveda) with the possible arrangements of jewelry, seven positions will become clearly visible: the crown - above the head, the diadem - between the eyebrows, the necklace - the neck, the pendant - the chest, the belt - the waist, the pendants - the hips, the bracelets - the wrists. The influence that a crystal has on a piece of jewelry placed in a certain position is subject to the essence of the chakra. The crystal strengthens and structures energy, having a beneficial effect on the body.

Each chakra corresponds to a certain color, and one of the most important rules says that the discrepancy between the crystals in the purchased jewelry and the chakra on which it is placed can lead to inhibition of energy metabolism and dysfunction of the organs in this area. That is why it is especially important to pay attention to the selection of jewelry.

Jewelry in the form of crowns and high tiaras have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person. They help to relieve anxiety, help to put feelings and thoughts in order, to find peace of mind. The use of crystals to influence the crown chakra awakens the energy resources of the body, provides a stimulus in situations where intense mental activity, increased performance and self-confidence are required.

Jewelry between the eyebrows enhances female attractiveness, awakens maternal feelings. Stimulating the third eye chakra with crystals in jewelry can enhance the intuitive senses. The development of intuition, hidden talents associated with providence, divination, clairvoyance and other skills based on the sixth sense - all these qualities of the third eye chakra are enhanced by crystals. The use of such decorations is especially important at times when you need to make a decision with a lack of objective information.

From the eastern lands, the idea came to us that all the organs of the human body are projected onto the surface of the earlobe. Stimulation of these active points helps to activate the corresponding organ, normalize its work, get rid of pain or health problems.

It is widely believed that ear piercing has a serious negative effect on the active zones of the earlobe, irrevocably destroying the energy integrity of the body, which subsequently results in poor health, decreased tone and even diseases. However, there is another point of view. Its adherents are sure that ear piercing helps to stimulate the active zones of the lobe, strengthening the immune system. They are convinced: by piercing your ears, you get the opportunity to constantly stimulate the lobe, especially if you wear earrings with crystals, precious or semi-precious stones.

Despite the fact that the neck chakra is energetically focused on the consciousness of a person, the main influence of the crystal is projected outside, on relations with society. A person becomes more sociable, his social status grows. Enhanced speaking and leadership skills. The ability to find compromises, flexibility in relationships with loved ones, emotional harmony - all these gifts of crystals in a necklace help to improve the atmosphere in the family, strengthen family ties.

The most favorable for wearing around the neck are jewelry with green and blue transparent and translucent crystals.

The brightest and strongest emotions are associated with the heart chakra. The impact on it can be different: from enhancing feelings through the use of "consonant" colors to weakening feelings through "dissonant" colors. In this regard, the use of crystals in pendants can strengthen and intensify love, and can contribute to the rapid fading of feelings, helping to cope with feelings about unhappy love. In addition, the crystals in the pendant are responsible for friendly feelings and higher emotions.

Such jewelry with crystals can stimulate inspiration:

The belt with crystals enhances the volitional qualities of a person, increases the ability to self-control.

The will chakra covers not only the inner plane. Effort is manifested in the ability to manage the masses of the people, to successfully manage enterprises, in a word, it gives leadership qualities that are so good for a real leader.

Crystals in the area of ​​the sacral chakra contribute to the preservation of health, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the reproductive organs of a woman, and enhance the protective functions of the body.

Crystals in the area of ​​the root chakra are responsible for relationships, bring harmony between the physical and spiritual planes. They take care of health, especially for women, strengthen immunity, give longevity.

Crystals in bracelets affect the body as a whole, they are focused on stabilizing and harmonizing a variety of life goals. The bracelet on the left hand is aimed at beneficial changes in the body, the bracelet on the right - acts inward and outward, that is, it will help to align relations with others, improve reputation, acquire the skills necessary in society.

The Eastern tradition emphasizes crystals, primarily because each finger is associated with the influence of a particular chakra.

There is an irreconcilable dispute between those who consider it possible to use artificial crystals in jewelry, and supporters of natural stones. Not everyone has access to gems in jewelry, but this does not deprive you of the opportunity to turn to the power of crystals! Of course, natural crystals, created by nature itself and having absorbed its power, have a more pronounced effect, but even imitation of the correct crystalline form creates a certain concentration of energy. However, choosing the right artificial jewelry is incomparably more difficult. Only personal experience will help you here.

The key to good health, success, peace of mind and peace of mind is now an important element in the life of a modern person. Ecological situation, stress and signs of fatigue coupled with depression undermine our health and immunity. Many people avoid unnecessary worries and problems, but in real life this is not always possible to do. In life, we always meet people who are able to disturb our balance and tranquility.

What stones give strength and energy?

A healthy lifestyle and craving for peace of mind will always be a hot topic. We are all human and we all want to live happily ever after. However, few people know that stones also contribute to ensuring well-being and well-being! I met a lot of works and books both on the Internet and in bookstores about how easily stones can help us. I recently read a blog about a healer - I didn’t take everything into account, but some of her theses were very convincing. So she talked about the power of the stones of the Urals, that there are stones that can bring health to any person. I have known for a long time - since childhood, that the stone has powers. Even as a little girl, I often ran up the mountain, where there was a huge flat boulder. There, from above, I watched the life of our huge village. It seemed to me that I derive pleasure from beholding and blissful. After a long time, nothing gave me such true peace. When later I again got to that place and that stone - I sat - I realized how my muscles were filled with strength; it becomes easy in my head, as if I am filled with energy! All this is difficult to explain - but each person has his own element - one has water, another has earth, the third has trees! And everyone has their own. And I have rocks! After some time, I began to read certain books, where my doubts were fully confirmed - is it a suggestion or something - but some stones really give me strength. I especially feel this tide in the caves and on the mountain, sitting on that very stone. It is not necessary to constantly feed on energy, but when you really feel a strong decline, you drop everything and go there.

Stones - helpers and protectors?

Perhaps, even believing in different religions, feeling like a whole modern society, we still remain - the children of Nature.
Recently I discovered for myself an amazing store in our city "Stones of the Urals", where I purchased several booklets and stones. Each stone is responsible for a certain state of the Soul.

Take a look at the stones: carnelian and jade- they are your assistants from fatigue and for health! You can order an amulet in the jewelry workshop, or you can bring your stone to the workshop and ask to make a pendant for the chain. Now there is such an opportunity, as well as ordering your own stone instead of stones in an earring. If you feel tired and tired, just close your eyes and hold on to your stone.

Stones - protectors, so called a row of stones. They are designed to protect your energy and strength. Here, too, I cannot fail to give my example from life. When I first came to work, a colleague advised me to immediately purchase a brooch with stones in the jewelry department so that they stand out brightly against any clothing. She noticed that I just had chronic fatigue, lethargy and bruises under my eyes. I am still grateful to her that she suggested this method to me ten years ago. My work was connected with people, always in the spotlight and the brooch took away the "negative" energy of different people.

It really became easier for me, I don’t even know why, but now I am also an ardent fan of various brooches, stones, silver earrings.
You have probably heard that there are such stones, who give to loved ones?
They say that if this stone suddenly darkened, you have been spoiled or jinxed. There are people among the crowd who, unwittingly, have the power to take energy from others. Such people like to make trouble in the queues at the clinic, at the post office - wherever they are - they feel good everywhere, especially in a crowd of other people.

Such stones - knowledgeable people call - the defenders of energy and your biofield. It is no longer a secret that we have this field - a long-proven theory by psychoenergetics and psychologists. People who often get sick are called psychosomatics - they receive constantly negative energy from others and cannot understand why. Now psychologists are in great demand to help restore your well-being, and one of the “fetishes” that they offer is cute little things like stones in jewelry.

The stones that may be under your feet also have a certain power. Perhaps that is why people who like to run barefoot on the rocks by the river are less likely to get sick and they are happy! On the sea, where there are pebbles, running barefoot is a real pleasure. In our area, namely Bashkiria, stones are found everywhere. And more often I even see how some just lie underfoot - they are not called precious just because there are a lot of them, but they are invaluable for connoisseurs. Yes, at least take chalcedony, nondescript in appearance, but what a chic if you look closely! Its properties have not yet been fully studied, but experience and many years of testing indicate that it is from depression and chronic fatigue.
A rock Pyrite- for those who have vision problems.
What about aventurine? Health, vitality and endurance

Where to start - what stones will be useful to you?

Even if you just get carried away collecting stones - this is a very pleasant experience. From my own experience I will say what I like: time to collect stones! Very often I see on sale in the form of fridge magnets - take it. Ask the seller for the names of these stones, because at one fair I bought an expensive stone for only 50 rubles - it was decorated in the form of a keychain. Apparently those who made stones into a trinket did not quite know its value.
Stones are also divided into "good" and "unkind" (otherwise they are called empty). Someone believes that each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a certain stone, all this is a lie! Each stone should be in a person's collection. When it seems to you that the earth is slipping away from under your feet, touch the stones of your collection - be sure to purchase - jade, chalcedony, turquoise, zircon (often found in earrings, for example, from the Skazka company), beryl, garnet. Also beautiful in the form of brooches and earrings - Agate, Aventurine, Amazonite.

Stones are not just decoration - stones are a gift of Nature to man!

Stones that will help you protect yourself from negative influences


One of the most powerful protective stones. It is used as a talisman against the evil eye, damage and even curses. To protect yourself from negative influences, you need to have an obsidian product with you, a rosary is ideal for this. However, it is not necessary to wear obsidian as a decoration. An obsidian pyramid on your desktop or in your bag will also protect you. Obsidian is a stone of mediums and magicians, as it contributes to the development of the gift of clairvoyance. It is taken to make those very magic balls that help to see the future. Therefore, it must be used with caution, as the stone may be too strong for a person. If you do not plan to develop clairvoyant abilities, it may be worth choosing another stone for protection.

Black tourmaline - schorl

Sherl is a powerful energy amulet. Its natural protective properties are aimed at rejecting negative energy, warning of impending danger from envious people and ill-wishers, as well as neutralizing curses, evil eye and damage. The stone protects from energy vampires, and any negative manifestations from others will be signaled by a feeling of cold. The stone does not have to be worn in the form of jewelry. Enough to keep in your purse, pocket or home on a shelf.

Strong life amulet. The stone protects the owner from sudden death, accidents and major losses. A talisman with onyx is especially necessary for people whose profession implies the presence of danger. Onyx is an excellent means of protection against the action of various magical rituals. The wearer of the stone is not threatened with damage, love spells and evil eye. The gem has the power to remove divination and the cast spell. Best of all, it manifests its magical properties if worn on the middle finger.

smoky quartz

Dissipate the negative energy of space, neutralizing the negative magical effect. Rauchtopaz or smoky quartz is able to purify the subtle body, directing energy to the chakras, where it is most lacking. In ancient India, it was believed that the stone frees the wearer from negative energy. That is why it is recommended to wear it to people practicing magic, healing practices or medicine man. It helps by dispelling negative emotions, concentrating only “good” energy. This stone is also able to effectively resist black magic - love spells, lapels, corruption and any other black magic work.

Since ancient times, it has served people as a protector from dark forces, the strongest amulet against damage and the evil eye. It creates an invisible barrier to any negative energy, absorbing any of its manifestations. The stone surrounds with protection from the evil eye, negative attacks, takes the energy of evil onto itself. With him it is easy to overcome hostility, intrigues of enemies. White and black agate have the strongest protective functions, but the constant wearing of black agate can provoke dreary feelings and, ultimately, depression. Therefore, white agate is preferable for protection. This stone can even be used for children as a protection against the evil eye and other negative energy.

Amethyst is known for its ability to attract wealth, but few people know that amethyst is a wonderful protective stone. Green, purple or black amethyst is a talisman-protection against extraneous anger, rage and anger. It is also an amulet that saves its owner from drunkenness. It is recommended to wear a stone in a ring, which should be worn on the ring finger.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of fakes on the Russian market. Be careful. After all, artificial analogues do not have the properties of natural stones.

In the modern world, it has long been known that there is an energy of stones that can have a positive or negative effect on the human body and the space surrounding it.

General information

The use of stones for healing or some other effect on a person goes back to ancient times. Even then, people believed that they could heal the body and soul, as well as help to find love or wealth. In any case, to exert any influence on the fate of a person. For this, amulets were created from stones and always carried with them.

Various minerals, precious and semi-precious, were used for rituals and ceremonies. Especially often shamans and healers used it. People believed that the energy of the stones would help to summon a spirit or rain. In our time, there is also the practice of a conspiracy of stones.

Recently, the craze for astrology, almost every person knows his stone by zodiac sign.

Also in ancient times, stones very often meant belonging to a genus or class. If the stone was precious, then this, of course, indicated that the person was rich or noble. The lower class people simply couldn't afford it.

What kind of stones are

They can be distinguished by their value, namely, precious and semi-precious stones.

The former include emerald, sapphires of different colors, ruby, topaz, aquamarine and others.

The latter include jasper, jade, malachite, pomegranate, moonstone, turquoise and others.

Each of the stones has its own energy and ways of using it, not only as decoration, but also for treatment.

How can you use the energy of stones

In fact, stone treatment is very popular not only at the present time, its roots go far into the past. How can they be used?

  • They are well suited for cleansing the subtle field of a person, influencing him with their energy, only a stone should be chosen for this.
  • With their help, both the restoration of the physical gross body and healing on the subtle plane are possible. This includes the impact of the energy of stones on the chakras, channels in the human body, as well as various types of massage with their help. Also recently, stone therapy has become very popular, when special minerals are selected that affect a person with the help of temperature and energy.
  • Meditations with stones are very effective, which purify the deeper layers of consciousness.
  • Separately, it should be said about the possibility of influencing the room where a person lives. Stones are able to cleanse the space of negative energy, if it is present in the house.

Lithotherapy - what is it?

Lithotherapy is the name in the modern world of the impact of minerals on humans. The energy of the stones in this practice is very important. Therefore, each of them must be used for a specific organ (if we are talking about the physical body), otherwise there may be no effect.

There are many ways to use minerals, it all depends on their properties. Some can only be used externally, some can be used internally. You can wear them or drink some water infused on the stone.

Properties and features of some stones

Consider how some stones, properties, photos of them affect a person. To begin with, it should be noted that for treatment, minerals can be conditionally divided into those that have a greater effect on the physical body, and those that work more successfully with the subtle body.

Alexandrite. A very strong stone. It affects the subtle nature more. Wearing this stone can drive away any troubles, as well as help resolve troubles. However, this mineral is not recommended for people with great inner strength.

If we talk about the therapeutic effect, then the circulatory system is most susceptible to alexandrite.

This mineral is a rare variety of chrysoberyl. The name of the stones of this breed comes from a high-ranking person. Namely, from Tsarevich Alexander, during whose time this mineral was found.

Malachite. This is an ancient and wonderful stone. Many legends and fairy tales are associated with it (the notorious “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”). The magic of this stone was appreciated by the priests of ancient Egypt, as well as alchemists. It was used as a talisman in ancient Rome, they made dishes from it to understand the language of animals in Rus'.

For medicinal purposes, malachite is used for any skin and lung diseases.

Charoite. A very interesting stone. Its main property is the preservation of the family hearth, as well as the manifestation of tolerance and love. The color of this mineral speaks of a great influence on the spiritual world of the one who possesses it.

Charoite has many medicinal properties. This is the strengthening of the immune and nervous systems, a positive effect on the bone apparatus and more.

The name of the stones of this breed comes from the Yakut river Chara. It was there that this mineral was first found.

Emerald. This stone has long been considered the best for the treatment of eye diseases. It is very useful for health in general, and with regular wear, it is possible to renew the body, increase life expectancy.

It is also used for its magical properties. For example, such as predicting the future. In general, the emerald is very connected with the otherworldly and subtle world. Because of this, he is very popular among sorcerers and magicians.

Stones and astrology

The energy of stones is also used in astrology. For each sign, there is one or even several minerals that are suitable and have a positive effect. However, when choosing a stone, it is advisable to take into account all factors, especially if it should become your talisman or amulet.

For example, you need to like the selected mineral. Choose from the list the one that fits the required characteristics. You need to fall in love with a stone, then it will bring good luck.

In addition to the zodiac correspondence, you also need to pay attention to the month of birth. All stones have great power at certain times of the year and even the day of the week. You should also pay attention to the connection of the mineral with the planet.

In order not to be mistaken, it is advisable to contact an experienced astrologer who will help you choose a stone according to the exact date of birth. Minerals can also be combined in order to achieve different goals. For example, stone treatment or attracting wealth, luck, love into your life.

Crystals and gems hold special healing and spiritual properties. It has long been believed that when you wear a stone that matches your birth month, zodiac sign and birth number, you can feel its healing properties enhanced. Wearing a stone that doesn't match your birth month helps improve your aura and energy levels. It can also help you feel in alignment with your soul purpose.

When you wear your stone or use the stone in rituals and healing work, the stone is said to be enhanced in power and much more effective.

You can also tap into the healing potential of each stone, whichever month you are born in, wear and use the appropriate stone for months.

Here are the stones for each month and how you can use the amazing energy of your stone.

January - Pomegranate

Garnet is a powerful red stone known to help activate and strengthen the root chakra. The word pomegranate comes from "seed" because it represents the power and strength of new life and new beginnings. The pomegranate also symbolizes truth, faith and safety while traveling. Garnet is a powerful stone for grounding and for connecting with your “roots”. Garnet is the perfect stone to wear if you need to pull yourself together when you're limp. It is also a good stone to wear when you are getting ready to start something new or build a new foundation that will become the foundation, the roots of your new life. Pomegranate can also help to release from the ancestral karma and purify from the negative consequences in past lives. It is the perfect stone for January, and since it is the first month of the calendar year, it encourages new beginnings and fresh starts.

February - Amethyst

Amethyst is one of the most powerful stones due to its ability to activate and open the third eye. Amethyst also carries the vibration of peace, tranquility and protection. It is an ideal stone for healers, empaths, and the light. Amethyst also has the ability to help connect you to the divine realms and guide you to your angels and spirit guides. This is a great stone to use if you want to enhance your psychic abilities in a gentle and safe way.

Amethyst crystals can also help protect your home from negative energy and also helps to maintain a positive mindset. They can decorate window sills. They are ideal for use in any type of ritual and in all types of healing work.

March - Aquamarine

Aquamarine has long been used to protect sailors from trouble at sea. Aquamarine also symbolizes healing and eases tensions in romantic relationships. Aquamarine also inspires courage and helps you feel spiritually pure. It can also be used to assist in self-expression and creativity. This is the perfect stone to use in rituals and when you need help expressing yourself. Whether you're a writer or looking for inspiration, Aquamarine can help you communicate clearly and with confidence.

April - Diamond

Diamonds are considered one of the most expensive gemstones in the world. Due to their rarity and price, you can also replace them with zircon or the Herkimer diamond. These are also suitable stones for those born in April. Diamonds symbolize purity, eternity and courage. Diamonds also help increase strength and resilience and can help you overcome any tough obstacles.

Diamond is an energy booster, has the ability to boost the energy of the people who surround it. When used in combination with other healing crystals, the effects of diamonds can be extremely powerful. Diamond is an excellent stone to use in healing, rituals and ceremonies. It helps to strengthen the natural immunity and tone of the body.

May - Emerald

This pungent green stone is associated with fertility, love, heart awakening and rebirth. In ancient times, the Emerald was dedicated to the planet Venus, which rules love, beauty, money and intuition.

Emeralds are strong stones in all matters of the heart. They help stimulate the heart and can also help heal a broken heart. Emeralds also help spark creative ideas and turn your dreams into reality.

Emeralds have a high degree of magnetism and attract whatever you desire. They can be used to attract a lover or even a job you're craving to get. It is believed that when you wear an emerald, no one can say no to you!

Since they are rare and expensive, you can also replace the emerald with green agate.

June - Pearl

Pearl symbolizes purity. In ancient times, it was believed that pearls are hardened tears of joy of the goddess of love, Aphrodite.

Pearls also help create stable, loving relationships and can also calm anger or frustration energy. Pearls can also relieve digestive disorders associated with stress and anxiety.

Since this stone is from the sea, pearls can enhance the influence of the moon to be used in moon and fertility rituals. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear pearls for nervous and mentally unstable people. Pearl contains high creative energy and is a good choice for artists, writers and musicians. Pearls can also help stimulate a healthy period and a healthy pregnancy. You can also replace pearls with Moonstone.

July - Ruby

Ruby symbolizes harmony, peace and power. Its brilliant red color is also associated with the root chakra and can help stimulate energy grounding. Ruby also has a high protective function and helps to ward off negative energy.

Ruby also stimulates sexual desire and feelings of passion. It is also extremely beneficial for the body and is excellent for use in conditions that affect the blood.

Ruby is ideal to use at a time when your energy has been depleted or when you are looking to bring passion back into your life.

August - Peridot

This beautiful green stone symbolizes strength, strength and purification. Peridot has long been used to help ward off negative energies, corruption, and black magic.

Peridot is also an excellent stone for encouraging positive thinking and increasing mental clarity and productivity. It is also an excellent stone to use when restoring the energy of the heart after a rupture or injury. Peridot also helps to reduce feelings of fear, awakens courage and strength. This is an excellent stone for healers, shamans and those who work in the medical field. Peridot is also great for kids and can help ward off bad dreams or feelings of fear.

September - Sapphire

Sapphire symbolizes wisdom, fidelity and healing. Sapphire is also used to improve connections and to strengthen the throat chakra. If you need to unburden yourself or tell the truth, take a sapphire with you, it can help.

Because sapphires are quite expensive, you can replace this stone with lapis lazuli, which has very similar healing properties.

Sapphires help you see the truth through illusions, act as a natural lie detector and allow you to be more sensitive and understand people's motives. Sapphires reveal the truth and can help you communicate with angels and spirit guides with greater accuracy.

October - Opal

Opals are extremely powerful stones that contain many properties, including loyalty, trust, love, healing, protection, and strength. Opals have different properties depending on the color and where they are found. Opals carry a lot of energy, so it's best to choose the opal that works best for you based on your intuition. Opals are also highly protective and help ward off negative energy and bad moods.

Opal is the ideal stone to use in any type of ritual due to its advanced healing powers. It is also a great stone for those looking to overcome psychological trauma or depressive thoughts.

This versatile stone relieves PMS and helps manage fertility. It is also the perfect stone to wear to job interviews, large gatherings, or auditions.

November - Topaz

This beautiful stone works to enhance feelings of love, affection, and power. It also helps support creative ideas and a clear mind. Topaz is a stone for those who are just starting to meditate, as it can also help clear and release thoughts. It is also great for teachers and students as it encourages open-minded learning.

Topaz comes in a variety of colors, so trust your intuition when choosing the stone that's right for you. Topaz is the perfect stone to use when you need help but don't know how to receive it. Topaz can help you feel at peace with what life brings to you. It can also help you regain strength and courage after failure.

Topaz is also great for showing wealth and abundance. If topaz is too expensive to buy, you can replace it with citrine.

December - Turquoise

Turquoise is a stone associated with wealth, success and protection. Turquoise can help induce happy thoughts and positive energy. It can also help to relax the mind and give a feeling of peace and tranquility.

Turquoise is believed to help improve your intuitive and empathic abilities and may make you more sensitive to psychic energy. It is also a protective stone. Turquoise will change color slightly in the presence of negative energy in order to warn and protect the people around it.

Turquoise is considered a healing stone and is excellent for use in cleansing and release rituals. It is also a great stone to use when you have reached the end of a chapter in your life.

Additions for using your stone:

  • Natural stones work best, which means artificial or lab-created stones will not have the same abilities. This is especially true for pearls that are sold in different colors that do not exist in nature, these are pearls grown in laboratory conditions.
  • Anyone can wear or use these stones at any time, but using your stone will enhance its properties and the stone will resonate with your energy.
  • While it is recommended to wear your own stone, you can also wear other stones in the respective month if you would like to experience the amplification of other energies at this stage.
  • You may find that wearing the stone all the time can lead to too much energy, even making you feel overwhelmed. If so, take a break from wearing the stone or use this energy for its intended purpose.
  • There are many substitutes you can use for the above stones, the most important thing is that the stone resonates with you.
  • Determining whether a stone resonates with you or not is very easy, a stone that suits you energetically will be very attractive to you, and one that is best avoided will cause irritation and disgust.
