Oil massage. Oil massage and massage oils

Indian oil massage according to Ayurveda.

A woman needs a massage, like air. How and why do it yourself?

Indian women regularly give themselves such a massage as abhyanga. They are taught this from childhood, explaining this procedure as a necessary ritual of beauty and health.

With abhyanga, a deep oiling of the whole organism occurs: the skin, joints, bones and internal organs. In the body, everything begins to live, work, the processes of self-healing and healing are launched. (By the way, it is worth noting that for men's health, this procedure is also useful, especially for the joints.
This type of massage has an infinite number of advantages, the positive effect is measured in countless results.
This method of massage was common before the Vedic period and was even used as a form of treatment.

First of all, for a woman, abhyanga reveals femininity, softness. After two to three months of regular self-massage, gait and manners change. A woman becomes like a cat, smooth, graceful and light.

- The quality of life improves.
- The skin becomes soft and velvety, elastic and toned.
- Increases the body's resistance to disease.
- Eliminates stress.
- Improves blood circulation.
- The energy of the body is increased.
- Feelings of peace and joy.
And many, many more other benefits.

Of course, in the centers of Ayurveda, abhunga massage, with the right skill of real experts, gives an amazing effect and result. And at least once it is worth trying such a massage in the original.

But you can and should try at home. So, we do abhyanga on our own:

Best in the morning or evening. After a shower, but followed by taking it if there is discomfort on the skin from oils.

Light candles, dim the lights, turn on relaxing music. Pour a small amount of slightly warmed sesame oil into a small container. The amount that you need will be clear after the first procedure. Sesame oil is sold in Ayurvedic stores, even edible oil is suitable, which is even better. It is sesame oil that is considered the most versatile oil for all Doshas - constitutions according to Ayurveda.

Dip your palm in the oil, spread it on both hands and start from the head. The massage is performed strictly from the top of the body down, in the bends of the joints circular movements are made in a clockwise direction.
Perform a head and face massage. Massage your neck, shoulders (clockwise), gradually lower yourself down. Imagine bones, joints and organs being oiled. Imagine your skin being healed.
Feel how you are filled with warmth and energy. Don't miss any parts of the body, especially focusing on the curves of the arms and legs.

Sesame oil has a warming effect, you can feel the heat spread, so make sure the room is well ventilated. Now you need to lie down for about 15 minutes, after which you can wash off the oil in the shower.

The skin is the largest organ in our body. The skin is the point through which the physical contact of a person with the outside world takes place. That is why it is so important to keep the skin moisturized, nourished with oil self-massage, which is traditionally performed in the morning before taking a shower.

Thus, abhyanga allows you to cleanse the skin of toxins accumulated during the night.
It is recommended to take any natural oil as a basis, for example, coconut, sesame, olive, almond.
For the self-massage procedure, it is necessary to use oil heated in a water bath and massage it into the skin all over the body with gentle movements.

After applying the oil, rest for 10-15 minutes, allowing the oil to do its work. The longer the oil is on the skin, the deeper it will be absorbed. Take a relaxing warm bath or shower.
If your schedule and lifestyle do not allow you to do Abhyanga daily, try to devote to this process at least three or four times a week.

The main benefits of regular self-massage with oil:

1) Stimulation of blood circulation

2) Toning effect on muscles

3) Calming effect on the nervous system

4) Lubrication of the joints

5) Increased mental alertness

6) Soft, smooth skin

7) Endurance All Day

8) Deep sleep

To describe Indian oil massage, a special term "marma" is required. Marmas are small areas or points located on the body at the level of the skin, the flow of energy in which was restored to normal thanks to a combination of warm oil and the touch of experienced hands of a massage therapist.

The effect of Indian oil massage abhyanga:

  • relaxes and helps a tired body to recuperate;
  • prolongs the youth of the body - skin, joints, muscles;
  • relieves eye fatigue, increasing visual acuity;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • improves sleep;
  • beneficial effect on the body's defenses;
  • normalizes the hormonal background;
  • helps to cope with tension and stress.

In the Indian massage technique, movements such as stroking and pressure are used.

The force of impact and technique is selected for each individual and depends on the constitution of the body:

  • asthenic, lean build - light movements, soothing;
  • normasthenic, medium - invigorating, medium depth, with rubbing;
  • hypersthenic, overweight - deeply penetrating, active massage with tweaks.


Before use, the oil mixture is heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature and applied in different quantities - a few drops on each part of the body or poured in a thin stream as needed. Indian Ayurvedic massage is performed using vegetable oils. It can be a pure fatty oil or a composition of several fatty oils with the addition of essential oils.

In ancient times, along with oil, talc or pea flour was used if the skin is very oily. Now there are high-quality cosmetic powders specifically for this purpose with beneficial substances in the composition - plant and mineral components that care for oily and rash-prone skin.

Sensitive, irritated skin also does not take much oil, it needs a moderate amount or replacement with a cosmetic gel. After the procedures, the skin becomes soft, velvety, moist, healthier thanks to the valuable properties of oils and the healing effect of manual massage. Most often, olive or sesame oil is used, sometimes cocoa or coconut oil.


This practice can be used as part of a larger full body massage, or used alone for quick relaxation and rejuvenation. Massaging some points of the head is a means of correcting well-being in case of overwork, emotional overload, tension, unstable mood.

The description of the technique includes light circular movements and pressure. So, a point in the area where the fontanel is located in newborns should be vigorously rubbed in a circle with a few drops of facial oil (lighter than for the body, for example, peach or grape seeds). It is enough to press the point behind the ears slightly to stimulate the marma lying there.

Indian facial massage perfectly relieves accumulated fatigue and irritation, and its side effect is contour and skin tightening, which often interests women much more than the balance of invisible energies.

To quickly “pull up” the face, three tricks are enough.

Lubricate your fingers with cosmetic facial oil and follow these steps:

  • If you feel that the skin of your face has warmed up and tingles a little, and also felt a change in your emotional state (accumulated irritation came out, it became easier in your soul, your face seemed to brighten) - then everything is done as it should. "Scissors" from the index and middle fingers with pressure, draw along the line from the chin to each ear 3-4 times;
  • with your index finger, lightly press on the hole above the upper lip for 5 seconds, repeat 3-4 more times;
  • with ring fingers, press a point in the middle of the zygomatic bone, count to 5 and draw a line to the temples, slightly shifting the skin and tissues up and to the sides, repeat twice more.

Daily treatments for the whole body or just the head in 10-14 days will return you to both good health and your natural freshness and beauty.

Do not forget that this practice also exists in the form of self-massage, so you can learn its simple techniques and pamper yourself at your own time and at home. We wish you pleasant sensations and excellent mood after such a procedure!

Where do we start? With the choice of oil of course!

We select the oil according to the leading dosha. With a mixed constitution, we pay attention to the season (winter is Vata, spring and autumn are Kapha, summer is Pitta). It is allowed to mix oils suitable for each of the doshas in equal proportions.

The quality of the oil should be given special attention, because the skin is an intestine turned inside out. Everything we put on our skin goes into the bloodstream. High-quality, natural oils are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.

For vata dosha, sesame, almond, wheat germ oil is most suitable. You can add a few drops of essential oils of orange, bergamot, geranium, jasmine.

For pita dosha, we choose coconut, sunflower, olive, although the latter is difficult to absorb and least effective. Enhance the effect of a few drops of essential oils with a cooling effect, such as mint, vetiver, coriander, lavender.

If kapha dosha needs balance, mustard, corn, camelina, sesame oil will help. Pure or with the addition of essential oils such as sage, basil, ginger, fenugreek, rosemary.

If you do not know your Ayurvedic constitution, you can take one of the many dosha tests on the Internet.

Oil massage is best done in the morning before showering.

Pour 30-40 ml of oil into a bottle (I use glass pharmacy jars, but you can buy small travel bottles in cosmetic stores) and heat in a water bath or just under hot water. The oil should be warm, not hot (no more than 40-50 degrees).

At the same time, ubtan can be diluted with water. Ubtan is a powder that consists of flour, ground herbs and spices. Ubtan is intended for washing off oil after oiling. They can also wash hands instead of soap, use as a scrub, mask. In addition to cleansing, ubtan performs a nutritional function. Grain and legume flour deeply nourishes the skin, saturates it with micro and macro elements. Ubtans are also different for different doshas. Powder (approximately 1 tablespoon) is diluted with warm, almost hot water and placed nearby.

How to do

If there is no time for full oiling, but you need to quickly balance a specific dosha, you can oil the zones and points that are suitable for each type of constitution:

  • to correct excess vata dosha: ears, crown of the head, back, lower abdomen, feet and legs up to the knees.
  • to correct excess pita dosha: the crown of the head, forehead, heart area, feet and legs to the knees.
  • for the correction of kapha dosha: the lung area (excluding the heart area), the sinuses, the forehead line above the eyebrows can be oiled for respiratory diseases in case of accumulation of mucus in these areas, feet and legs to the knees.

On business trips and during flights, if you are very tired and need to quickly put yourself in order, and you are too lazy to do an oil massage, you can simply pour about 50 ml of oil into the bathroom and lie down in it for 15-20 minutes.

Oil massage can be done every day or at least several times a week.

Ayurvedic massage, abhyanda, especially in winter with sesame oil, penetrates all seven tissues (sheaths that surround us). It is very rare for oil to penetrate to this depth.

It calms the energy at the bone level. Many people know that we have seven tissues ... one of the deepest is bones, bone tissue, bone marrow and so on. So when you use an oil massage, it calms your nervous system so much that your bones become different.

In India, this is known to this day. Apply in relation to children right from birth. This means that they do it every day. You may notice when Indian dances are performed, the bodies of the dancers seem to have no bones. The secret is that they do the oiling regularly.

It is also very beneficial to massage with oil for the head. First, it is very good for hair. Secondly, it is very pacifying person. Women who are very nervous just need to do this every day.

Specifically, what happens when oiling:

Increases the tone of muscles and the whole body


Improves joint lubrication

Accelerates the reaction of the mind, ingenuity

Improves excretion of waste products from the body

Softens the skin, makes it smoother

Increases stamina and performance throughout the day

Improves sleep, makes it deeper

Improves blood circulation, especially near nerve endings

Now for the morning cleanse.

Remember these simple actions, and let this be your new habit.

1. As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water at room temperature

2. Go to the toilet

3. Clean the tongue, there are special cleanings for the tongue

4. Brush your teeth

5. Take a tablespoon of sesame oil in your mouth, rinse for 10 minutes

6. Start oiling from the head with coconut (sesame) oil, the entire oiling procedure should take 10 minutes.

7. Warm up under warm water, try not to heat your head

8. Wash off the oil from the body. Soap (peeled oatmeal flour + water)

9. After a shower, for those who want, you can carry out a hardening procedure

10. Drink half a glass of hot herbal tea or water

Oil massage - Ayurvedic oil massage for beauty and youth This massage can be done both independently and with the help of a partner (partner). I recommend using oils - olive, almond or made from grape seeds. For a relaxing effect (and also as an aromatherapy), add a few drops of lavender oil.

Before starting the massage, thoroughly warm the oil and palms by vigorously rubbing them together. Repeat each of the stages of massage up to 5 times.

1. Place your hands on either side of your face at the base of your neck; then slowly stroke upward towards the forehead.

2. Massage the area under the chin with caressing movements. Hands move alternately up, making sliding pats.

3. Place your thumbs in the middle of your forehead, then slowly move them towards the temples.

4. With the edges of the palms, touching the forehead only with the little fingers, gently rub the skin of the face between the eyebrows (performing, as it were, sawing movements).

5. Place your middle fingers under your browbones. Push lightly upwards.
Repeat the manipulations, moving towards the temples, but without going beyond the outer edges of the eyebrows.
In this technique, be extremely careful not to stretch the skin, which is especially vulnerable in these places.

6. Perform smooth, slow circular motions around the chin.

7. Find the chewing muscles on the face on both sides and try to relax them by performing circular movements around them with your fingertips.

8. Gently massage the earlobes and the skin behind them (this will help get rid of circles under the eyes). At the end, close your eyes with your palms, transferring the warmth of your hands to them and try to relax all the muscles for a few minutes.

Oil is the basis of Indian massage

From time to time, each of us has a desire to “reboot”. Indian massage in this case is a wonderful solution. The basic means of Ayurvedic massage is oil. Only natural oils are taken as a basis, often raw-pressed:

  • olive
  • coconut
  • sesame
  • corn
  • ghee butter
  • mustard oil, etc.

Coconut oil used in Indian massage becomes clear and liquid when heated.

Indian massage is done strictly according to the doshas. Sesame oil is more suitable for people with Vata dosha, as their skin is often dry and irritated. Sunflower or coconut oil is suggested for pita dosha, as it cools their constantly heated nature. Massage with corn oil is recommended for kapha people - by warming up the muscles and activating blood circulation, it gives a fresh impetus to life. If necessary, natural essential oils are added to the base:

  • incense
  • jasmine
  • lemongrass
  • sandalwood
  • lavender
  • ylang-ylang
  • mint, etc.

Herbs + Indian massage = health of mind and body

With the help of lavender, those who have been prescribed an Indian massage relieve stress and tension, mint and eucalyptus increase attentiveness, thanks to citrus fruits the mood is lifted, and with vanilla awakens sensuality. To improve the skin and joints, herbs are sometimes added to the oil base:

  • bringaraj
  • sage
  • calendula
  • Melissa
  • rosemary, etc.

In Indian massage, only natural ingredients are used - they are quickly absorbed by the skin.

An individual mix is ​​not made by chance - before the Indian massage procedure, the specialist determines the client's dosha (vata, kapha or pitta) and, based on the data obtained, mixes the ingredients. Some oils cool the skin and muscles, others warm up. Those that speed up the flow of blood in one person will not work in another.

Abhyanga has been known to mankind for about five thousand years.

Indian massage - ritual of health

The massage therapist must be well versed in Ayurveda and in the subtle energy channels of the human body. In the delicate process of abhyanga, work is not so much with the body as with the soul and mind. Indian massage has a positive effect not only on the removal of toxins. Patients note that migraines go away, muscle clamps are weakened, subcutaneous fat is reduced, excess fluid is removed, and skin irritations and dryness are eliminated.

Indian foot massage will never be forgotten by those who have had it at least once

In a room with pleasant music and a comfortable atmosphere, the massage therapist squeezes out excess fluid from under the skin with soft and smooth rotational movements. Pouring oil on the surface of the body, he goes through all the important areas, from top to toe.

The direction of movement in Indian massage is very important: from the lower back to the head, from the head to the lower back, from the lower back to the heels, from the heels to the lower back. Thus, blood circulation is accelerated and the energy channels of the nadis are activated.

At the Indian massage specialist you will not find plastic and synthetic accessories

It is believed that consciousness is tightly intertwined with points on the body and with the correct execution of abhyanga, blocks, prejudices, anger, aggression and resentment go away. Indeed, after an Indian massage, many note relaxation, a feeling of inner and outer purity, the absence of obsessive thoughts and lightness in the body.

A course of Indian facial massage - and only a memory will remain from wrinkles

Indian massage technique

In abhyanga, massage is performed with the pads of the fingers, "scissors", i.e. index and middle fingers, very often in four hands. Much attention is paid to the head, neck, feet. Minimize pressure on sensitive areas. The main movements are stroking, rubbing and squeezing. The emphasis in Indian massage is on the muscles, skin and marmas - invisible points of interweaving of energy channels in the body.

Our hands are worthy of such pleasure as an Indian massage.

In addition to the classic Indian abhyanga massage, there are other, narrower techniques. For example, Shirodhara. An unusual, but very pleasant procedure, in which oil is poured on the forehead in a thin stream for a long time.

Minimum set for Indian massage

Champi massage is an Indian head massage in which the temples are rubbed to relieve migraines and increase concentration. Compression, tapping and pressure on the entire surface of the head are used to relieve fatigue from the neck, eyes, facial muscles and dispel negative thoughts. Even the hair is often oiled.

Simultaneous Indian massage for two is carried out not only for newlyweds

Marma massage is an oil massage with 107 special points called marma. When prana freely enters the body, circulates in it and exits, a person becomes healthy, full of strength and inspiration.

Marma massage is best done by an Indian specialist

Snehana - internal massage. Oddly enough, Indian oil massage can be not only external. Oiling the internal organs with the use of vegetable and animal oils treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins, and stimulates the internal organs.

At the 1996 Olympics, massage was recognized as a primary medical treatment.

Udvarthana is a pleasant spa treatment that begins with an Indian oil massage followed by a body wrap with a natural herbal tincture. For some time the client "rests" - the skin absorbs the healing decoction. Then the massage is resumed. In diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, joint injuries, with improper bone adhesions after fractures, as well as muscle pain, Indian massage is recommended with warm bags of herbs soaked in oil - kizhi.

Interior in abhyanga is as important as touch, aromas, music and air temperature

Nasyam Indian massage is recommended for chronic diseases of the nasal cavity and respiratory tract. The nose is instilled with medicated oils. They slowly and gently pass through the sinuses, enter the throat and warm it from the inside, relieving inflammation. Before performing nasyam, you should consult an Ayurvedic doctor.

An ancient way to restore the body - Indian massage with warm herbal bags

Indian massage: pros and cons

Indian massage is incredibly beneficial. And, to everyone. Abhyanga is universal, it is not tied to territory, religion, creed. This is a magical process, after which a "second birth" is felt. However, if you decide on an Indian massage, you need to be very careful and be sure to warn the massage therapist if you have:

  • oncological diseases
  • allergy to oils or herbs
  • skin diseases
  • tumors
  • injuries and fractures
  • undergone complex surgeries
  • hypotension or hypertension
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system

Before signing up for an Indian massage, you should consult a doctor

Can I do Indian massage on my own? Yes! Unlike most types of massage, where there is only a mechanical effect, abhyanga heals on a subtle level. Acting through the skin on the internal organs, on the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, it awakens the body to work with the help of the forces of nature.

As mentioned above, this massage perfectly tones and tightens the skin, relieves stress and tension. In addition, this procedure has a special effect on the joints. Gentle forward movements cannot harm the bone tissue, but they warm it up perfectly, which is so useful for osteoporosis, osteochondrosis and arthritis. The oils used in Indian massage sessions perfectly prevent premature skin aging, in some cases eliminate cellulite and small stretch marks. Such relaxation procedures are highly recommended for people whose lifestyle can be called sedentary, whose work requires resistance to stress and full dedication of their own strength. If you suffer from weak, lifeless hair or hair loss, then an oil head massage will be very useful, which perfectly stimulates blood circulation, nourishes the hair follicles and makes your hair well-groomed and obedient. In addition, massaging the head perfectly eliminates headaches.

Description of Indian Ayurvedic massage technique

The session should take place in a cozy warm room. It is great if there is a relaxing musical accompaniment that will help you tune in to a meditative mood. Ayurvedic massage should be performed on a soft mat or mattress.

Of the oils, sandalwood, sesame, olive are perfect.

The procedure should begin with massaging the feet, gradually rising higher in the head. Pressing should be done with your fingers, if the muscle is voluminous (for example, on the hips or buttocks), then you can press with your elbow. Ankles and hands need to be moved with rotational movements. Areas with thin skin (on the wrist, neck) lightly pinch.

With an Indian head massage, we first massage the shoulders, then the neck, gradually rising to the head itself. The movements should be directed against the growth of the hair, this way you will allow the oil to penetrate the hair follicles.

The total duration of an Indian full body massage session is approximately two hours. Do not be surprised if after this procedure you feel sleepy and generally relaxed.

This type of Ayurvedic massage is recommended to be done at least once a week. With regular attendance of these sessions, you will noticeably improve your health, activity, become more cheerful and self-confident. It is not so difficult to learn this business, and therefore you can also please your loved ones with this massage.

For a more detailed execution technique, you can check out this video:

Thais claim that their massage help get rid of from all problems especially for fatigue and headaches.

Over the millennia, Thai massage masters have accumulated such a rich experience of communicating with the human body that after a massage session they can easily diagnose their patient's health problems.

There she was enriched by Indian methods of reflexology and yoga and turned into a separate concept - "Thai massage", unique conglomeration of ancient knowledge and skills.

The modern practice of Thai massage is a whole system of healing and a powerful healing practice at the same time. In other words, Thai massage is not only heals He still heals. From yoga, Thai massage took a set of body positions and meditative practices, from Ayurveda he learned how to influence energy channels with herbs and oils.

Buddhism has made Thai massage a spiritual practice. The Thais themselves brought natural tact and delicacy to communication with the human body, as well as characteristic massage movements. This is how Thai massage turned out - energetic, spiritual, healing, delivering great pleasure, bringing relief and healing to the body and spirit.

Consider six reasons do thai massage

  1. The whole body is clamped, the neck crackles, the lower back ache. (Thai massage remove muscle clamps, delicately stretch the muscles, increase the mobility of the joints).
  2. Fatigue, drowsiness, apathy. (Thai massage will help normalize the energy of the body, restore vigor and lightness, normalizes sleep relieve chronic fatigue syndrome).
  3. Problems with the stool, reduced metabolism. (Massage sessions normalize the work of internal organs, “wake up” your intestines).
  4. Migraine, dizziness. (The tone of the blood vessels will increase, blood circulation will improve spasms and headaches will stop).
  5. Overweight, swollen figure, flabby body. (Thai massage will solve this problem, and at the same time strengthen, rejuvenate your body).
  6. Reduced immunity, prone to colds. (Thai massage is an excellent prevention against all diseases, increases vitality).

Feeling of harmony with the surrounding world, a state of peace, self-confidence, a philosophical attitude to the problems of today - this is the result of a proper Thai massage.

Important: Alena Zernovitskaya, a well-known blogger, shared her AUTHOR'S recipe for a youth face mask, which she has been using for more than 5 years!

Read full

But there are times when this massage can do more harm than good. Consider contraindications for Thai massage:

  1. Acute heart failure.
  2. Malignant and benign formations.
  3. Dermatitis, sunburn, open wounds.
  4. Alcoholic, drug intoxication.
  5. Pregnancy at any time.
  6. Phlebeurysm.
  7. Osteoporosis, joint disease , fractures.
  8. Elevated temperature, infection.

Attention! Some Thai massage techniques are painful and quite hard. Therefore, objectively assess your physical condition before a Thai massage session.

Types of Thai massage

Traditional Thai massage is not at all like European:

  1. The patient is dressed throughout the session.
  2. More often he lies on the floor, on the mat, and not on the massage table.
  3. During the massage do not apply no oil, no tools. Only fingers and hands, and also feet, elbows, knees, legs and sometimes the buttocks of a massage therapist.

It turns out that the Thai masseur works with the whole body. By changing its position, it moves the center of gravity to the patient's body, making gentle pressure, kneading, and gentle stretching. No sharp blows or jolts.

The classic Thai massage begins with the feet. First, the feet are washed in scented water, which in itself already relaxes and sets the patient in a positive way.

At the beginning of the session, the patient lies on his back. The masseur works out special points on the feet, which are responsible for relaxing the whole body and preparing it for more intense exposure.

The massage begins with pressure along the meridians of the energy channels. Then gymnastic yoga exercises are connected - classic twists and stretches. The session ends with a massage of the upper body - shoulders, neck, head. A facial massage completes the treatment, giving him fresh, relaxed look.

And although there is a well-established system of Thai classical massage, the master can still deviate from it. The thing is individual features the physical condition of the client. The masseur will work out the problematic muscle groups more carefully, focusing on them. For each patient, their own massage technique, different techniques are selected.

After a session of classic Thai massage, the patient feels a surge of strength and lightness in the whole body, which then turn into a pleasant relaxation. Flexible body, movable joints, reduce back pain, good mood, fresh, rejuvenated skin- that's what you expect from a classic Thai massage. And these expectations, if you are in the hands of a good master, are justified.

Back massage

This type of massage is used especially popular in people with sedentary work. Back massage can be performed both as part of a traditional Thai massage, that is, without oil and in clothes, and with the use of massage oil.

Warm up the whole body, focusing on the back. First, the massage therapist works on the sacrum and buttocks, after which he moves to the lower back and back.

Attention! During a back massage, pressure is applied not to the spine itself, but to the area around it.

Hand and foot massage

Foot massage is one of the of the most pleasant species massage. Suitable for hikers and those with problem feet.

There are several versions of foot massage. In one of them, sticks are involved in the massage. They press on certain points.

The main part is done by hand - knead, smooth. In the other (relax version), the entire massage is done exclusively with the hands. Pressing with chopsticks can cause discomfort from the habit. But the final the result is worth it!

Leg massage is done up to the knee. Before the session feet are washed. Aromatic substances are added to the water. Feet are scrubbed. During massage, oils and ointments with a cooling effect are used.

At the end of the procedure, the patient receives light, young, rested legs. And besides this, general well-being, good sleep and normalization of blood pressure. On a note: there are about 60 active points on the human foot

During hand massage, the patient lies on his back. Light pressure the massage therapist goes over the entire arm, excluding the elbow. Then the hand is shaken and the brush is engaged. Attention - every finger! They work with the palm, pressing on certain points with the thumb.

Head massage

Massage of the head and collar area - for owners of sedentary work. Often this type of massage comes as a bonus to any other type of Thai massage. Like a foot massage. But for those who need to work out the head and neck area properly, a serious one-hour session is shown. Special attention- the base of the skull, the place of accumulation of nerves.

As a result of the quality work of the massage therapist, you can count on a striking effect - rejuvenated skin, the disappearance of dark circles under the eyes, a forgotten migraine, a mobile neck, a proud posture, healthy sleep.

Face massage

Thai facial massage involves not so much massage as cream handling. and other cosmetic products for the face. The skin is preliminarily cleansed, scrubbed, washed, after which a cream is applied.

The massage itself takes a very short time. After it, a mask is applied, held for 20 minutes, washed off and a finishing cream is applied. This concludes the facial massage. In general, the procedure takes less than an hour, but it costs more than a traditional Thai massage.

Oil massage

Oil Thai massage – no less pleasant than a foot and leg massage. It is good for those who are not shown the twists and power moves typical of traditional Thai massage.

Oil massage is always performed smoothly and gently - full relax. It is highly likely that you will fall asleep right during the session. This is what residents of megacities who are in daily and chronic stress need.

An oil massage usually starts with you choosing the oil that the massage therapist will work with. Delicate rose, soothing lavender, fragrant jasmine, soothing coconut? You decide. Also, at the request of the client, oil massage can be added aromatherapy effect- Apply essential oils.

Advice! Since the massage is oil, you need to think about the clothes in which you will go to the session. Give preference to free items made from natural fabrics.

There are several variations of Thai oil massage. One of them - the whole body is literally doused with oil, after which they begin to rub it smooth movements. Another option is to “oil” the body in parts, in turn - an arm, a leg, a back ...

The effect of oil massage lies primarily in its cosmetic effect - in improving the structure of the skin. It becomes more elastic, elastic. Also, this type of massage gives mental and spiritual calm, powerful rejuvenating effect, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, hormonal systems.

Massage with herbal bags

Just like oil massage, this massage refers to relaxing view massage using aroma and phytotherapy.

It is performed with canvas bags filled with aromatic herbs (ginger, lime, different types of mint, turmeric, camphor).

The pouches are preheated with steam to allow the herbs to develop their healing properties. While the bags are hot, the massage is done very smoothly and gently. As they cool down, the effect on the body - pressure - by the massage therapist increases.

There are many variations of massage with herbal bags - on the dressed body and on the open, with and without oils, on the floor, mat and on the table. In any case, after an hour of such pleasure, the body becomes younger, relieves the burden of fatigue, relieve back and joint pain, all internal processes of the body are awakened and activated.

Stone massage

Massage hot stones. This is not quite a Thai massage, it came from Tibet. Stone therapy was born there. The massage uses smooth and flat stones, volcanic rocks. Before the session, they are heated in hot water.

In addition to stones, aroma oils. According to different methods, stones can be laid out all over the body, or they are massaged, or both alternate.

As usual in Thai massage, the session starts from the feet. Then - the turn of the back, arms, chest, abdomen, face. In conclusion, you can "cleanse the chakras" by applying multi-colored semi-precious stones to them.

Thai stone massage - procedure very pleasant and relaxing, and therefore it is recommended to do it in the evening, closer to bedtime. This type of massage is indicated for chronic stress. It strengthens the immune system, helps to calm down and relieve tension, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Attention! Thai stone massage, unlike the American one, is carried out only with warm stones.

Slim massage

Massage for weight loss and body shaping. It is carried out on a naked body. The massage therapist rubs a special cream (based on red pepper or ginger) into the problem areas of the client, warming up and removing excess fluid from the body. This massage is done quite intensively, and therefore discomfort may occur. But it is worth being patient in order to feel the result later.

After an hour of such a massage, you will feel as if you have been working out in the gym. Even the next day after the session, they can remain feeling of mild muscle fatigue. There are "truncated versions" of slim massage, when one problem area is worked out. A session of this massage lasts half an hour.

Advice! Slim massage has a long-lasting effect. The kilograms left behind will not return, unless, of course, you follow the right diet and continue to take care of yourself.

Yoga massage

This type of massage is an integral part of Thai classical massage, which includes yoga elements. Yoga massage is done on the floor on special mats. The patient is dressed.

From the outside, the whole action resembles yoga, only one massage therapist works. His client is passive. The movements of the massage therapist are smooth, soft - he presses, kneads, twists, stretches. The essence of yoga massage is not to eliminate the consequences of the disease, as in European massage, but to find the cause of the disease and help body get rid of her.

Preparing for a massage session

Thai massage is sacrament, spiritual practice. Both parties need to prepare for it - both the massage therapist and his patient.

With the help of meditation, the master enters the state of metta - caring assistance to the client, readiness put your soul into your work.

He adjusts his breathing to match the patient's. During the session, the massage therapist and his patient should be calm and friendly.

The client, depending on the type of massage, puts on a white suit made of natural fabrics, is located on the floor on a special mat. Before a massage session, you need to remove your watch, jewelry. Nothing should get in the way and distract from the upcoming pleasure.

Before many types of massage the client wash their feet in warm water with lime juice and flower petals. Depending on the type of massage, there may be herbal bags, stones, devices for warming them, special sticks, creams and oils in the room.

In the room where the massage takes place, the lights are dimmed, a pleasant meditative melody plays. Incense, exuding aroma, includes aromatherapy in the work. Everything should be set up for enjoyment, relax and soothe.

Technique and techniques of Thai massage

At the heart of any massage is touch. In Thai massage, touch carries not only pleasure, but also healing power.

Stage 1 - diagnostics. The master tests the body, assessing the patient's condition. At this stage, a decision is made which areas will be given special attention, which massage techniques will be given preference.

Stage 2 - preparation. Relaxing procedures inhaling incense, rubbing the body with essential oils.

Stage 3 - tactics. The “tao” session turns to “an-mo” - light strokes are replaced by intense kneading of the muscles.

Stage 4 - the main massage. Focus on the muscles that are in good shape. They are stretched. At this stage, the basic techniques of yoga are used, which allow you to influence the deep skeletal muscles, which cannot be reached by a conventional classical massage.

Stage 5 is the final one. A facial massage ends the session. It relieves the remnants of tension and smoothes mimic wrinkles.

Typically, a Thai massage session lasts an hour. During this time, the body has time completely relax. But the duration of the session can be increased if necessary up to 3 hours. It depends on the condition of the patient's body.
To achieve a result, it is necessary at least 10 sessions Thai massage. Better - 15. Only in this case the body will have time to restore its energy channels.
Frequency of holding sessions depends on the type of massage. Relaxing views are usually done once a day. Traditional and slim massage can be less frequent - 2-3 times a week.

The effectiveness of Thai massage

In addition to being a very pleasant procedure, it is also useful. Any Thai massage stimulates blood flow to the tissues, improving the functioning of all internal organs and muscles. The body becomes flexible, pain disappears.

Thai massage activates the work of energy channels, bringing the nervous system in order, blood pressure normalizes. It stimulates the production of endorphins - hormones of joy.

Therefore, it is not surprising if, in the hands of an experienced master, you lose your sense of reality, declaring: “And let the whole world wait!” In a cloud of lavender aroma, the burden of worries and worries will leave you. And the easy rejuvenated body will return you a clean, clear mind, and you will understand that life is beautiful!

We invite you to watch a video on how to do Thai foot massage:

This is a unique Thai anti-stress and cosmetic technique.

Thai oil massage is a pleasant and particularly effective wellness treatment.

This type of massage acts not only relaxing, but also due to the fact that enhanced blood supply is carried out, all the nutrients of the oils are distributed by blood from the skin throughout the body.

In oil massage, all movements are smooth and soft, there are no "power" techniques.

The secret lies in the technique of the master and in the implementation of a long-term effect on the desired points of the body, together with nourishing oils.

This procedure from the outside may be perceived as a simple kneading of the skin and rubbing in oil, but in reality, deep knowledge is used to perform Thai massage.
Thai oil massage lasts about 2 hours. This time is enough for a thorough study and nourishment with valuable nutrients of all biologically active points, muscles, joints, tendons, as well as the scalp and face.
It is impossible to imagine traditional Thai massage separately from the use of oil, because without oils made on the basis of natural ingredients, the effect of massage is significantly reduced.

It is in Thai oil massage that the increased blood flow to the skin is used to advantage in order to deliver all the valuable nourishing components from the massage oil deep into the skin.

Due to the fact that the hands glide well over the oil, the massage is very soft and the harmonization of the nervous system is very effective, there is a deep rest, release from blocks, programs and the consequences of stress.

The well-known scientific truth “All diseases are from the nerves” was supported by serious research, therefore, as a result of massage, we have a good mood, a high level of creative, creative energy and simply an increase in vitality. When stress goes away, a person begins to see ways to solve problems, he is less irritated and more pleasant in communication, he is calmer at the wheel and in the family.
With the help of oil massage, insomnia and depression are successfully treated, recovery from illnesses and fatigue from the road are underway.

There is also a wonderful cosmetic effect. The skin is rejuvenated, becomes elastic and elastic.
All nutrients are actively absorbed by the skin and serve as the basis for the production of its own elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Do not forget about the aromatherapy effect of massage oil.
Many people worry that the oil can stain clothes. This is not happening. Firstly, it is special and quickly absorbed into the skin, and secondly, the master “dries” the body with a towel at the end, after which no residue remains.

Not labor-intensive, but very pleasant and useful for the health and balance of the nervous system, a technique that will be equally in demand both in an elite spa and in a small office for “home” clients.
The ability to choose the right oil and how to properly prepare it for use.
Energy lines of influence, techniques and sequence.
Features of the construction of the oil massage procedure.
Indications and contraindications for massage.
Introduction to Thai massage oils.

Approximately 2000 years ago, the Indian king had a doctor. History has not preserved the name of the ruler, but people still remember the healer. It was Jivaka Kumarbhashi - he was one of the first to create the Thai massage technique. Today, the procedure is done not only in Thailand - it has conquered the whole world.

What is the exclusivity of Thai massage?

This technique is based on the principle of activation of energy points and channels of the human body.

Thanks to this, the activation of vital energy occurs:

  • blood circulation is stimulated;
  • the body becomes flexible, plastic;
  • muscles relax.

Important! The philosophy of this technique implies not only the restoration of bodily energy, but also spiritual.

There are two types of massage:

  1. Royal - This type of Thai technique does not use traditional stretching methods. The masseur keeps a distance of one foot from the body of the person being massaged and moves around the patient only on his knees. No special devices are used, the session is carried out exclusively by hand.
  2. General (classic type of exposure) is the most common. It is allowed to use devices, and not just the hands and feet of the massage therapist. The procedure can be carried out by one master, or two at once. Most often, the classic type of manipulation is performed by a male massage therapist.

Varieties of impact

There are two types of influence:

  1. Pressure. With their help, you can adjust the depth of influence on the underlying tissues. If you use a wide surface of the palm or foot, the impact will not be as deep as the elbow joint or thumb. It is usually customary to start exposure with a light intensity, gradually bringing it to a stronger one.
  2. Manipulation. They are used to tone the muscles, warm up the joints, get rid of osteochondrosis, and relieve the symptoms of arthrosis. The essence of the impact lies in the fact that the specialist moves the patient's limbs, cervical region and parts of the back, stretching them according to the Thai massage technique.

Pressure in Thai massage is performed by different parts of the body.

Thematic material:

  • Russian massage
  • Oriental massage
  • Finnish massage
  • Swedish massage


It is held strictly horizontally to the line of the patient's body. In the process of pressure on the tissues, they can be stretched, which improves lymph flow and blood circulation.

Important! Pressing can be done with two fingers with a “stepping” movement of one finger relative to the other - this movement is carried out along the lines of the energy channels of the human body


During pressing, the main emphasis is on the area that is located closer to the wrist, the pressure itself is very deep. This method is used on large muscles:

  • back;
  • buttocks;
  • hips.

You can work with one palm, or two at once, placing them overlapping one another or wrist to wrist.

Elbow joint

In this case, the pressure exerted on the body increases by increasing the pressing force. In order not to deliver unpleasant pain to the patient during this type of massage, the specialist works out the densest muscles of the body - the gluteal and femoral ones. If a person feels pain, the forearm area is used instead of the elbow.


This type of massage is used when the master needs to use his hands to stretch the joints. In this case, the specialist presses his knee on the desired area, focusing on stretching. With proper manipulation, the patient has a complete relaxation of the body, an improvement in the functioning of the circulatory system, and the outflow of excess fluid.


The impact area of ​​the leg is large enough, so the hips are worked out using only the middle part of the foot, and the buttocks - with the heel area, or the area where the phalanges of the fingers are located. The pressure is deep enough, suitable for thick wide muscles.

In certain cases, pressure with two feet of the massage therapist occurs in a standing position on the person being massaged. This is the deepest effect, so it must be used carefully.


The master sits on certain parts of the patient's body and the impact occurs on a large area and with the entire weight of the massage therapist. At this time, the hands of the master can perform the stretching technique.

Types of various manipulation actions:

  • Stretching. The meaning of massage is to increase the normal physiological amplitude of muscle movement. When performing, you must act carefully so as not to cause injury to a person.
  • Raising. It consists in lifting certain parts of the patient's body by the massage therapist.
  • Shaking. Rhythmic wave-like movements are made with a short amplitude of action on certain parts of the body.
  • Rotational. Smooth circular movements of the body part around the axial joint are carried out, it is used for arms and legs.
  • Pulling with pushing. Simultaneous stretching with the help of the hands of one part of the patient's body with repulsion of the other - with the feet of the massage therapist.

Traditional types of massage

Thai massage is very diverse. The following types are distinguished.


The execution technique consists of a standard set of movements: twisting, rubbing, kneading, stroking. The duration of the session depends on its features and typing, taking into account the main health problems of the patient.

In work, the massage therapist uses the fingers and palms of the hands, forearms, elbows, knees, feet. There is practically no clear description of the session - the masters improvise in the application of various techniques, based on the state of the patient's muscle clamps.

Important! The main feature is that in order to effectively work out the muscles, the massaged person needs to relax them as much as possible, then point pressure will not bring discomfort.

The entire session takes place over clothing that is comfortable for the patient. It can be cotton pants and a loose-fitting T-shirt. The whole procedure is performed on the floor, where a dense floor mat is preliminarily laid. A person who has undergone such therapy feels cheerful, rested, energy flows freely move through the body, muscle and joint pains disappear.

Foot massaging

This type of influence can be of two types. A light relaxing foot massage is carried out with your hands, warming up the muscles. The full effect begins with the use of a special device - bamboo sticks.

Thematic material:

  • Acupressure foot massage

Hands do, basically, point pressure. And not every person is ready for this massage, because for some it seems painful. But, later the body will obey you, many problems, illnesses and bad thoughts will simply disappear.

Muscles are worked from the feet to the knee. Before the session, you need to undergo a hygienic washing procedure - any type of massaging should be carried out only on a clean body. After all the necessary manipulations, an aromatic bath with a foot scrub is offered. This procedure entails not only a cleansing character, but also improves the appearance of the feet.

With oil

Relaxing aromatherapy type of oil massage does not involve stretching and pressure. The specifics of massaging is as follows: aromatic oil is applied to a naked clean body, its amount should be such that the master does not cause tangible physical pain during manipulations. On the contrary, the process should relax due to sliding and smooth movements.

Most often, aroma massage is done on the back. Excess oil that has not had time to be absorbed is removed with a towel at the end of the procedure.

Patients who have undergone oil massage claim that inner peace and a sense of relaxation come almost instantly. Everything is so smooth that during the process it is quite possible to fall asleep.

Collar area and head, neck

Sometimes the master can capture the study and shoulders. Massaging is carried out carefully so as not to harm the patient, since there is a vital vasomotor center in the neck area.

The benefits of the technique become noticeable immediately after the session: the amplitude of neck mobility increases, muscle blocks that prevent free blood flow are removed, headaches, swelling of the face, blue circles in the infraorbital region disappear.

Slim massage

The set of actions in this case is aimed at losing weight and fighting cellulite. Basically, this type of massage is used by women who want to have a flat tummy and clear contours of the hips, without the "orange peel".

The characteristic of the procedure involves the use of special anti-cellulite warming creams, which include hot pepper extract and various herbs.

In the process of therapy, the abdomen, hips, back, lower back, buttocks are worked out. Movements are made on a naked body, patting and kneading, without elements of yoga.

The effect of the procedure is the improvement of blood and lymph circulation, the breakdown of fat deposits, puffiness disappears, the tone and elasticity of muscles and skin tissue increase.

Tok Sen

The main goal of Tok Sen therapy is the manual study of the spine and back muscles, aimed at eliminating clamps. After all, if there are no obstacles in the spinal column, then the energy flows smoothly and smoothly through the body. The type of impact can be called therapeutic, for which the master uses special tools - hammers and sticks.

Slight tapping along the spinal column creates subtle energy vibrations in the body that awaken the strength of the spirit, calm the psychological state of a person.

Tok Sen massage has a well-deserved popularity, as the results of the procedure are much superior to other exposure techniques. And even yoga massage is inferior to it in effectiveness. It helps to recover from long illnesses, activates the immune system, speeds up the metabolic processes.

Bags of herbs

The impact takes place on the floor, the patient is placed on a special mat, and light pressure is applied with tissue bags containing steamed medicinal and aromatic herbs.

In one session, massage and aromatherapy are combined, and the skin is under the influence of a herbal compress.

While the bag of grass is hot, pressing is done with light, short movements, as it cools, they become stronger. As a result, a good muscle tone appears, and the skin becomes soft as silk.

Indications and contraindications

This massage is recommended in the following cases:

  • a state of fatigue, stress, a decrease in the general tone of the body;
  • rehabilitation after injuries;
  • preparation for sports events;
  • violation of posture;
  • spasms and clamps of muscles, nerve endings;
  • prolonged, not passing headache caused by circulatory disorders in the collar region;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • cellulite, body shaping, skin tone maintenance.

Undesirable use of massage movements according to the Thai system in such situations:

  • pregnancy;
  • gynecological diseases - endometriosis, fibroids;
  • infectious, viral, fungal, atopic skin diseases;
  • neoplasms of various etiologies - moles, large hemangiomas;
  • mental illness, acute psychoses, epilepsy;
  • thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, trophic ulcers, violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • mental illness, psychosis, neuropsychic overexcitation, epilepsy;
  • arterial hypertension (permissible pressure is 140 to 90 beats per second);
  • age-related osteoporosis.


A specialist in a massage parlor adheres to the following sequence of actions.

  1. The patient is asked to take a shower.
  2. The session involves the study of problem areas and is divided into massaging: the abdomen, forearms, hands, shoulder girdle, back, collar area and head, sides.
  3. The final stage of the procedure, which includes relaxation, stroking.

Session duration

The exposure time is determined by the condition of the problem areas of the body that need to be worked out. After all, the masters are guided by the general condition of the patient. Therefore, the duration of the session depends on the type of massage and the technique of its implementation.

Peculiarity! On average, a session lasts at least one hour, but if during this period the specialist does not have time to complete all the main zones, the therapy may take two hours.

The art of Thai massage continues to evolve. His technique is improving, the number of adherents and followers is growing. For those who wish to learn this art, there are many options for schools. One of these is the “Robert Ilinskas Massage School”, which trains professional specialists.

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Hot oil massage with aroma oils This is a true pleasure for the soul and body! Fragrant oil in the caring hands of the master creates a feeling of inner warmth, eliminating tension, depression, stress and fatigue.

During the period of autumn and winter colds, an oil session massage gives deep relaxation and restoration of vitality, in the period of spring and summer, the massage moisturizes well and carefully takes care of your skin, making it more radiant and silky. Aroma massage promotes deep relaxation and rest from everyday worries and fuss, harmonizes the internal space of the body, balances energy, strengthens and rejuvenates all tissues and body systems. Oil massage relieves fatigue, nervous tension, calms, relieves insomnia, stimulates the immune system and digestion. This type of massage is very soft, pleasant and painless. almost completely eliminates acupressure effects.

Your body will be filled with a feeling of inner warmth, which will help you cope with rainy days with ease, while maintaining a feeling of lightness and flexibility in your body.

If you want warmth and affection, something pleasant and relaxing, then oil massage is what you need!

The massage technique consists of smooth sliding movements, accompanied by pleasant pressure and light rubbing. The master uses natural aroma oils. At the same time, massage brings deep hydration, nourishment and toning of the skin of the whole body.

The magical effect of massage extends to the entire body: from the tips of the fingers and toes, ending with the head and face. The combination of Thai traditional massage techniques with ancient practices of influencing energy channels and acupressure points favors the relaxation of the entire body, filling the body with lightness and warmth.

This type of Thai massage combines the techniques of classical massage and acupressure using aroma oils and elements of manual therapy. Unforgettable spa massage, during which the whole body is worked out step by step: feet, legs, waist, back, abdomen, arms, shoulders, neck, head and face. All movements are smooth and soft, bringing calm.

Oil massage has recently gained popularity, as there are more and more of us who are passionate about, or rather, their healing properties. It is today. And oil massage has been known for a long time. Thousands of years ago it was used in ancient Egypt, India, and indeed in all countries of the East. Exactly where the culture of oil massage was developed, women retained the freshness of the skin, the flexibility of the body even at the age of 70. Essential oils have always had a high price, and some were worth more than gold, so they were a privilege.

Oil massage improves health and prolongs life, as well as strengthens memory and the power of thought - this was believed in antiquity. And indeed it is!

Any vegetable oil contains components valuable for humans, which are absorbed through the pores during the massage. As you know, the best oil for massage is oil made by cold pressing from seeds. For massage, you should use only natural oils, you can not use mineral oils or artificial substitutes for natural oils. Synthetic and mineral oils contain various chemical additives and preservatives that can be harmful. And besides this, these oils cover the body with a thin film, as a result of which the access of oxygen to the skin cells is closed, that is, the cells do not breathe.

What are the benefits of oil massage?

Regular oil massage calms the nervous system, stimulates digestion and hormonal metabolism, improves sleep, strengthens the subcutaneous and muscle tissue, as well as immunity, restores the balance of all body systems and delays old age! Massage has a particularly beneficial effect on dry skin, giving it a healthy glow and elasticity.

During the massage, the best sliding of the hands in contact with the skin is ensured. The massage therapist's hands, as it were, are immersed in the body, while significantly less pain and more effective effect on muscle tissue.

If you have dry skin, then massage can be done more often, and if you have oily skin, then oil massage should not be abused, although it will not hurt you in the bath either.

If you are healthy, then massage can be done once a week, it is better to combine it with a visit to the bath.

In other cases, you should consult your doctor.
What oils can be used for massage?

Olive oil, sunflower, mustard, corn, sesame, coconut, almond, peach, avocado, grape seed oil.

Essential oils are used as additives and to improve the properties of the oil composition: sandalwood, rose, eucalyptus, sage, lavender and many others.

Depending on the season, you can use different recipes for the oil composition.

For example, in the fall, it is better to prepare an oil composition based on sesame oil. You can add almond oil, jasmine, sandalwood or rose essential oil to it.

Sesame oil- 2 cups, almond oil - 1 teaspoon, wheat germ oil - 1 teaspoon, jasmine or rose oil - 5-10 drops.

In winter, the most effective composition is based on olive and sesame oil, with the addition of oil from germinated wheat.

Olive oil- 0.5 cups, sesame oil - 0.5 cups, wheat germ oil - 1 tablespoon, sandalwood or rose essential oil - 5-10 drops.

In spring, the best effect will be from almond and sesame oil with the addition of pumpkin.

Almond oil- 0.5 cups, sesame oil - 0.5 cups, pumpkin seed oil - 1 tablespoon, jasmine oil - 5-10 drops.

In summer, it is advisable to use coconut oil or corn oil, adding wheat germ oil, as well as rose or sandalwood oil to it.

Coconut oil- 0.5 cup, wheat germ oil - 1 teaspoon, rose or sandalwood essential oil - 5-10 drops.

Other recipes are also possible. Combining oils should only be done if you know their properties.

Olive oil
Useful for muscle pain, swelling of the joints. This oil helps skin cells absorb UV and thus improves tanning. This should be borne in mind by those who do not want a tan. Olive oil is somewhat sticky and heavy, so it's best used in blends.

Sunflower oil
This oil is also too heavy and is best used in blends with other oils. Helps with joint diseases.

Corn oil
Useful for skin diseases and bruises. Its value is in the high content of vitamin E. It is also used as a base with the addition of other oils and medicinal herbal formulations.

Coconut oil
The advantage of this oil is that it quickly absorbs into the skin. It is very light, does not form a film, cools the body, helps in the treatment of inflammation, swelling, relieves nervous tension, improves skin structure. This oil is used in many compositions of massage mixtures.

Sesame oil
The heavy, viscous oil is used in many formulas to treat dry, cracked skin and prevent skin aging. It also relieves swelling, muscle pain, and is good for hair.

Almond oil
The oil relieves swelling, fatigue, strengthens the nervous system and muscles, rejuvenates the skin. Very effective remedy for strengthening and growth of hair. Oil is expensive, so it is used mainly in massage mixtures.

Wheat germ oil
Very fatty oil, so it is used in small amounts in the mixture, and in its pure form - for massage with very dry skin. The oil improves elasticity and prevents skin aging.

Palm oil
The oil is quickly absorbed into the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, so it is mainly used for cosmetic massage. This oil is best used by those with normal skin.

Peach oil
The oil is very effective against wrinkles, suitable for all skin types. Since it is absorbed slowly, it is convenient to use it for massage. It provides a good glide of the massage therapist's hands on the skin.

Grape seed oil
The oil has the ability to retain moisture in the skin cells, which provides the skin with elasticity. Grape seed oil should not be used unrefined!

avocado oil
It is quickly absorbed into the skin, so it is used in a mixture with other oils. The oil is good for the skin, as it smoothes out wrinkles.

Some people may have an individual intolerance to one or another oil, and not all oils are compatible with each other, so you should not make rash compositions. Be careful!

oil massage video
