Energy cleansing methods. Human energetic structure: replenishing energy through meditation

A person cannot exist separately from the surrounding space; he will always be in a state of close interaction with the world. Such contact can sometimes lead to unexpected results. For example, a person begins to get sick. And the manifestation of the disease is just the tip of the iceberg, it is a kind of signal that the harmony of relationships with the outside world and with oneself is broken. Therefore, in order to maintain your health for as long as possible, you need to learn to maintain a balance between external conditions and internal processes of the body.

How to do it? We know that human illnesses and problems can be viewed at different levels: physical and energetic. The physical level is the human body and the psychological problems that he is aware of, and the energy level is the subtle substances of the person himself, his soul and problems that are hidden deep in the subconscious.

All the causes of our diseases are much deeper, at the energy or information level. These structures control the functioning of the brain and other organs in the human body. They are responsible for the coherence and integrity of the body as a whole, prepare it for external changes, and control the development of the psyche.

There is both direct and feedback between a person’s energy and his body. Changes in the human body change its energy, and vice versa - an imbalance in the human information field entails changes in the body and psyche.

If a person is sick, suffers and experiences difficulties, then his energy suffers, since changes in the physical body spread like waves at the energy level. And if we begin to heal the body, then soon the energy improves. But this situation also works in the opposite direction, if we begin to restore our information field, then our body at the physical level returns to normal, our mood improves, and psychological problems are resolved.

We must not forget that when healing the body and energy, changes at “neighboring” levels do not appear immediately, but after some time. The result is given only by parallel healing of the body and soul.

You should not think that a person who is engaged in spiritual practices and has absolutely no interest in his body will be healthy. Conversely, someone who diligently maintains their body through sports and diets, but completely ignores the needs of their soul, will sooner or later face problems on the energy level. Nobody has canceled physiology and anatomy, and you need to take care of your body constantly.

So why do we get sick? Each person has his own ideal health program, which is recorded at high levels of the soul. For better understanding, this program can be compared to the light of the sun. If a person’s information structures are pure, then this light passes through unhindered, but if some kind of darkness appears, then the light is refracted and distorted, it can no longer reach the person, and he, in turn, begins to get sick. All diseases appear initially in information structures and only then move to the physical level. Therefore, by purifying our energy, we eliminate the causes of diseases and do not allow them to break through to our body.

But how can we do this if we are talking about something that we cannot see and cannot feel - the information field? There is an exit. There are many approaches to working with human energy - this includes cleaning the chakras, energy-informational cleansing of the family, and much more. But there are simple and effective ways in which a person can improve his energy health on his own.

The first thing you should pay attention to in this case is replenishing your own energy and saturating it. Then follows the correction of energy information structures.

Energizing from the environment

The exercises below can also be done in cases where you are simply tired, feel weak and mentally exhausted.

Fueled by the sun

First option. This recharging is best done in cloudless weather, but even if the sky is overcast, energy can also be obtained through the clouds. Stand facing the sun and extend your arms, palms up. Close your eyes. Imagine the sun's rays entering your hands and spreading warmth throughout your body, filling it with a golden glow. Stand like this until you feel a tingling sensation in your palms and a pleasant warmth in your body.

Mentally thank the sun for energy and vitality.

Second option. It is better to do this exercise in sunny weather. Stand facing the sun and extend your arms, palms up. Squint your eyes and take a few glances through your eyelashes at the sun. There is no need to look at the sun with open eyes for a long time; you can get a burn to the cornea. Imagine that the sun's rays penetrate your body through your eyes and hands. Close your eyes and try to feel how the rays of the sun move inside the body, from the eyes they go to the center of the head, and then down to the limbs. Feel those rays that enter the shoulders through the palms and rush towards each other, meeting at the center of the neck, then one stream rises to the head and fills it, and the second goes to the body and legs and illuminates it with its magical light. It is very important to feel this warmth within yourself.

Third option. For this exercise, it is important to find a sunny place. Stand so that you are completely covered by even light. Now imagine that it completely penetrates you. When you feel warmth in your body, feel a hot, iridescent stream of light inside you. It emits energy that fills you completely, comes out and forms a bright yellow luminous shell around your body, increasing in size. Imagine that this shell around you has the shape of an oval, it is smooth and shiny, filled with warm yellow light.

Enjoy what's on display and thank the sun.

Feeding with candle flame

First option. Place your left hand over the flame of a candle, preferably a church candle, so that it does not burn your palm, but warms it. Imagine how the light from the fire penetrates your hand, rises to the chest area, and fills your entire body with gentle light. Repeat this with your right hand. It will only take you a few minutes to feel a surge of strength and warmth throughout your body.

Second option. Light a candle and look at it. Imagine how the light and warmth from the flame fills your entire body and it begins to glow from the inside. Feel this inner glow.

This exercise should be performed for 10–15 minutes.

Third option. Light a candle, take a comfortable position, relax. Hold your right palm over the flame and imagine that you are scooping the flame with your palm, as if drawing water. Get the feeling that you have already drawn enough energy, then imagine that a bright golden ball is forming in your palm. Place your hand with the ball behind your back at the level of your tailbone and imagine that you are launching this ball directly into your tailbone, from where it will begin its movement up the spine. Mentally follow its progress, feeling how it shares its energy with the spine and it begins to glow with a bright golden light. This light will flood the entire body from the inside. As the ball moves up, its glow will weaken and it will deflate. Mentally bringing it to the top of your head, release it out and up. Such replenishment allows you to very quickly and thoroughly replenish a person’s own energy reserves even in the most difficult life situations.

Fourth option. Light a candle. Place your palms on both sides of the flame at a distance of 10–15 cm. Start breathing evenly and deeply. Imagine that with each inhalation the energy of the flame enters the palms, and with each exhalation it is sent directly to the solar plexus. This exercise should be performed no more than 5 minutes for 5 days.

Recharge with the flow of cosmic energy

First option. Stand up straight and take a relaxed position. Relax and close your eyes. Imagine that a powerful energy flow enters the top of your head from above, from Space, and it glows with a bright, warm light. Begin to breathe slowly and deeply, imagining that with each new breath the flow descends lower and lower along your spine, warming everything from the inside, and goes into the ground. Feel this warmth and enjoy it.

After taking several such inhalations and exhalations, you will feel how your body is charged with strength.

Second option. Take the same pose as in the first option, and now imagine that a powerful luminous energy flow descends on you from space and envelops your entire body from the outside. Imagine yourself in the beam of a bright spotlight and feel this sensation. After a while, you will begin to feel pressure on your shoulders and neck, the blood will pulsate in your veins, and you will feel as if you are growing, straightening and expanding from the inside. You may sway from side to side. There will be a feeling of some force flowing into your body. This means that replenishment from space occurred. Stay like this for a few more minutes, but not for long. Be sure to thank the cosmos.

Do this exercise daily for 1-2 minutes and you will feel changes in your condition.

Donor plants

Plants by their nature are strong energy donors, but not all of them; there are those that can draw negative energy from the human body and not replenish positive energy. Oak, pine, acacia, maple, birch and rowan are considered good donors. It is worth choosing large and beautiful trees, especially those that stand alone - their energy is extremely strong. You must remember that trees in an urban area, near highways, will not suit you. It's better to go to the forest or park.

The main thing is to find exactly your tree, and here you need to be guided by your inner feelings: whether you like it or not. The steps for this exercise are simple - you can approach the plant and place your palms on the trunk. You can hug him or lean your back against him. You can sit under the crown. Mentally ask the tree for help, listen to yourself and the tree. What does it tell you? According to help? If you experience any unpleasant sensations, then this is not your option and you should look for another one. You can communicate with trees for no more than an hour, so as not to get an “overdose,” and be sure to thank them after the session and say goodbye in order to separate the energy fields, yours and the plants.

If after all this you feel a surge of strength and joy, your energy has been replenished.

Such communication can be repeated after 3-4 days, but it is better to choose one tree for yourself and feed from it constantly. Such procedures are best done 1–2 hours after sunrise and 1–2 hours before sunset.

Cleansing from energy pollution

Energy pollution is nothing more than a clot or lump of negative energy that has invaded human information structures. It is manifested by negative emotions, worries and irritation. They become the damaging factor that breaks through a person’s energy field, destroying it from exhaustion. The physical body suffers from such pollution from the outside, all sorts of tensions appear, the mood worsens, and the person begins to get sick often.

This condition is popularly called the evil eye or damage. If the evil eye is fresh, the person feels slightly unwell, but if it is an old one, which has passed into a latent form, the blues appear, the body suffers from numerous muscle tensions, life is no longer pleasing with its bright colors.

There are ways to get rid of the evil eye, and there are many of them. They are easy to do and accessible to everyone.

Cleansing with water

First option. If you feel that you have recently received the evil eye and you know the reason for it - and it could be tram rudeness, the envy of girlfriends, an unpleasant conversation with work colleagues - in this case a contrast shower will help. Stand under the streams of warm water and remember this situation and your feelings, then suddenly turn on the cold water and imagine how these streams wash away all the negative energy. Then turn on the warm water again and check your feelings: if negative emotions remain, repeat the procedure. The shower should be contrast, and the inclusion of cold water should be abrupt. Relief will not be long in coming.

Second option. Take a cool shower and, standing under its streams, imagine that you are under a powerful waterfall. Before this, you can watch a picture of a waterfall or a video. You need to imagine that powerful jets knock out clots of negativity from your body and it flows with water into the ground in muddy streams. It is important to achieve a feeling of purity and transparency in the body.

Third option. If you did not track the moment of receiving the evil eye and it took an old form, it is worth doing the following procedure. Pour cool water into a bowl and throw in a handful of table salt. Lower your legs, the water should reach your ankles. Relax and determine where, in what part of your body, the tension or tension is located. Try to remember the situation when you could have received it, analyze it. Imagine that all the negative energy is slowly leaving the area of ​​the clamp into the salt water. Salt absorbs and neutralizes everything.

The procedure should be carried out for 10 minutes, and you will feel relief. At these moments, it is important to vividly and figuratively imagine how all the bad things are leaving your body.

It is then better to pour the water into the toilet and rinse the basin with running water.

Cleansing with Breathing

First option. Take a comfortable position lying or sitting. Focus on the area where you feel a lot of tension. Imagine that there is a pump inside you in the chest area. Take a slow breath through your nose and imagine that the pump is also slowly drawing in negativity from the area of ​​tension. Then exhale sharply through your mouth, feeling how this energy goes deep into the earth. Take as many of these inhalations and sharp exhalations as possible until you feel relief.

Second option. Use your imagination. Imagine an unpleasant situation in every detail. It may be painful, but through the pain there will be relief. As you do this, focus on the area of ​​your body that responds with tension. This means that there is an accumulation of negative energy there. Begin to inhale slowly through your nose, imagining how you are carefully drawing out this energy from the source, then exhale sharply through your mouth, with each such exhalation the negative image fades and dissolves. You can breathe on a candle flame or a fire. It is important to clearly and clearly see how the image fades and negative emotions fade away. Repeat until a feeling of relaxation appears in the area of ​​the clamp.

Purification by the flow of cosmic energy

First option. You need to find a place in the house where you are most comfortable. Stand up straight, free and relaxed. Free your head from thoughts and imagine that the cosmic flow is descending on you. Concentrate your attention on it and don’t think about anything. After a while, you will begin to sway left and right with an increase in the amplitude of the oscillations. Trust in these movements, but don't do them consciously. Listen to your body, it won't lie. Your arms may sway and your vertebrae may crack, and you imagine at this moment that all the negative clots of energy are going out of you into the ground, and you are mentally throwing them off of yourself. Relief will not be long in coming.

Second option. Stand up straight, take a comfortable position. Imagine that roots grow from your soles and go deep into the ground. Raise your arms above your head and bring your palms towards each other, but do not clench them. There should be an energetic contact between them. Relax and stand in this position for several minutes, imagining your body floating in the flow of energy. A warm wave covers your arms, falls lower, onto your forearms, shoulders, head, neck, torso, spine, buttocks, thighs, legs, feet and rushes into the ground. She, going into the ground, washes away all the negativity. Following this comes a wave of lightness and transparency of the body. Lower your arms, stretch, shake your hands. Check how firmly you stand on the ground; your feet should be completely planted. Get the feeling of your feet being pulled to the floor; they seem to be on magnets and cannot be lifted. Now mentally throw the roots deep into the ground. An indicator of the correctness of the exercise is a feeling of lightness and joy in the body. If you do this procedure regularly, you can achieve a significant improvement in your energy.

Cleansing with a piece of paper

First option. Hold a blank sheet of paper between your palms. Begin to breathe slowly and deeply, feeling how streams of energy move through your hands to a sheet of paper. Imagine that all the negativity remains on this sheet. Do this until you feel a sensation of pushing between your palms. After this, the paper sheet must be burned.

You will feel all the painful experiences gone and you will feel better.

Second option. For this exercise you need to take a blank sheet of paper, a pen, colored pencils, markers, brushes and paints - everything you can use to draw. Place it all in front of you and take a relaxed position. Imagine a negative situation in every detail. Then quickly open your eyes and start drawing whatever you can. There is no need to think about the plot, color and composition. Draw, even if it turns out to be scribbles and scribbles. It is important to feel at this moment how you are transferring the negative from yourself to paper. Draw until relief occurs, and then you need to burn your drawing and wash your hands thoroughly.

Cleansing from energy information viruses (programs)

In addition to the evil eye or energy-informational pollution, there is also energy-informational programming - popularly called damage. The difference between damage and the evil eye is that it is already a kind of destructive program written in the human energy-information field. You can receive such a program in early childhood and suffer from its effects throughout your life. It's a kind of virus.

We have already written how to detect the evil eye, based on the feeling of discomfort and muscle tension. The action of the virus is similar to a certain sequence of actions that a person performs in one or another similar situation. He cannot go beyond his programmed behavior.

In the life of every person, there have probably been situations when he did not behave the way he really wanted: he did not say those words that were stuck inside and never came out, or he walked away from the conflict, driving the resentment deeper. And this does not come from the cowardice and weakness of the person himself. This sets in a certain state of unfreedom, in which he cannot behave adequately, since at this moment the behavior is controlled by a virus, or a destructive program recorded in the subconscious. From childhood, a person was taught that it is better to remain silent, that there is no point in objecting or arguing. And, being already an adult, he cannot help himself and win an argument or conduct decent negotiations. And there are many such programs. Someone got into a car accident and is now afraid to drive, someone was deceived and stopped trusting people. It is imperative to get rid of such viruses; they do not allow you to develop, defend your opinion and achieve results.

The symptoms of such pollution are similar. A person ceases to be himself, he is tormented by internal lack of freedom and the inability to get out of the situation with dignity, to resolve it in his favor. He runs in a vicious circle. Health deteriorates, tension appears in the body, and the emotional background is disturbed.

And there are ways to get rid of such viruses.

Cleansing with Forgiveness Techniques

Resentment is an insidious enemy. People carry grievances within themselves for years and thereby destroy themselves from the inside.

You need to understand when to start eliminating the virus. If everything is fine with you and you feel good, then you shouldn’t bring up the past. If symptoms appear, a situation that has already been experienced more than once has developed, then the virus is ready to be destroyed. The most important thing at this moment is to learn to forgive and let go with a light heart.

Firstly, when experiencing an offense, you need to clearly understand who you are offended by in this situation. To yourself, to your boss, colleague, friend, etc. And forgiveness should not be formal, it should be true - from the bottom of the heart, it is at this moment that the program is erased from a person’s information structures. Otherwise, if you harbor a grudge, then only you suffer from it, and not the offender. It’s as if you are attached to it with invisible threads and you feed it yourself. You waste a lot of your mental strength, experiencing the same situation over and over again, although you could have already started searching for your own happiness.

Sometimes it seems to people that they have already forgiven, but at the same time they walk around dejected, sad, with a stone in their soul. This means that the resentment has not gone away, it lurks inside and does not allow you to live and develop.

For true forgiveness, it is not enough to say the word “I forgive.” It is better to carry out the following procedure.

Take a comfortable position and relax. Start breathing slowly and deeply. Imagine that in front of you is a large screen on which, like in a movie, a negative situation is unfolding. Look at her from a distance, as if from the audience. And now the painful moment - mentally transport yourself to this situation in order to find yourself inside the scene you are living. Remember and acknowledge the hurt you experienced. Let's say you are offended by a certain person, then strengthen the effect of it by being offended as much as possible, experiencing your feelings over and over again. And most importantly, give free rein to your emotions. You may feel like crying, waving your arms, screaming, whatever. Don't hold back. This way you let go of the grudge.

After the emotions have subsided, imagine the offender again and look at him from the outside. Imagine how dark fibers are stretching from you to it, and try to cut them off, chop them off or anneal them. Any mental manipulation to remove negative structures will do. It is important to see that they have broken and nothing binds you anymore. Now you can tell him that you forgive him. If these words sound sincere and you feel relief, then the cleansing process was successful. If there are still doubts inside, it is worth repeating the procedure until the offender on your imaginary screen decreases in size and disappears completely.

Now it’s worth looking to see if you have other grievances. Maybe you are offended at yourself. Then you urgently need to force yourself to experience the offense as strongly as possible, to be truly, strongly and openly offended at yourself. When the emotional reaction subsides, tell yourself that you forgive yourself and accept yourself as you are, because you have the right to be that way. Do this until you feel relief. In your later life, this virus will disappear and you will stop being offended by yourself.

Balloon method

Take a regular inflatable ball and a needle. Inflate the balloon and take it in one hand, the needle in the other. Start remembering the unpleasant episode and concentrating on it. As soon as the reaction to negativity escalates, quickly puncture the ball. It is important not to prepare for this puncture in advance. It should happen spontaneously and unexpectedly for you. The reaction will be quite powerful. An unexpected sound will release energy, and it, in turn, will push out an alien energy-informational formation.

Cleansing using reprogramming technique

We already know that a virus is a kind of program written on a person’s subconscious, it provokes him to undesirable actions and does not allow him to develop freely. But any program can be replaced by another program that is more suitable. And there are simple techniques for this.

Substitution method

Take a comfortable and relaxed position. Calm your breathing. Imagine that you are sitting in front of a large screen on which an unpleasant scene for you is played out in great detail, where you do not behave the way you want. Now imagine a small screen in the lower right corner, where the same scene is played out according to your scenario. You see yourself as completely different, a winner, you behave in this situation the way you want, you easily solve the problem. You give a worthy rebuff to the offender. But this screen is still small, the image on it is unclear and blurry. Now take a deep breath and, with a sharp exhalation, make a short sound - “Ha!” or “Wow!” At the same time, always with sound, enlarge the small screen in your imagination so that it takes the place of the previous one, replacing the image with a new and bright one. Repeat this at a fast pace a few more times. It is important that you experience only positive emotions from the main image. Repeat until the negativity disappears.

Cleansing with radiance technique

Take a comfortable position and relax. Close your eyes and begin to breathe evenly and deeply. Imagine a winter landscape. You are sitting in a sleigh, dressed warmly, you feel calm and good, the clean frosty air is invigorating, and the sun is shining brightly. You breathe in its glow, it fills you from the inside.

Suddenly, right in front of you, an ice wall begins to grow from the ground, it grows higher and thicker. This wall is your internal barrier that prevents you from enjoying life. It contains all your problems, sorrows and sorrows. Look at it carefully, how tall and transparent it is. Now raise your gaze to the sun, it shines brightly and gently. You see that the wall begins to melt under the sun's rays. Imagine very clearly how it melts, how the ice becomes thinner and cracks. How streams of water go into the ground. Along with the melting of the ice, your discomfort, your sorrows and anxieties go away. In your imagination, achieve the complete melting of this wall. Now you are free, all paths are open to you. There are clean snowy expanses around you, gentle and fast dogs are harnessed to the sleigh. You can race wherever you want. A new and happy life begins for you.

Open your eyes, stretch and stretch your muscles.

This pleasant relaxation can be done regularly.

Cleansing by burning

It takes place in two stages.

First stage. Find a place where you won't be disturbed. Take a comfortable position, light a candle in front of you. Take a small piece of paper and a pen. Look closely at the candle. Turn your mind's eye to your body and find an area of ​​high tension. Mentally bring a candle flame inside this clamp and illuminate it. Start to remember what this tension is connected with, it is important not to miss the feelings that you experienced at that moment. Now, on a piece of paper, list all the emotions that you experienced. These can be short words and phrases expressing fear, resentment from something, disappointment, irritation at something, etc. There is no need to worry about literacy, write what comes to mind. Now roll the paper into a tube and burn it over a candle flame.

Second phase. Close your eyes and remember when you have experienced similar emotions, in what life situations. It is important to return to childhood and adolescence, to the origins of the prescribed energy programs. It is quite possible that these were the words of your parents, who dictated their point of view to you and did not allow you to openly express your feelings, thus instilling an energy-informational virus in you. And now, as an adult, you experience problems when you need to confess your feelings, but nothing happens. Mark your experiences on a piece of paper, roll it into a tube and burn it over a candle flame. Try to pay attention to the area of ​​tension and mentally burn out all the negativity from there, just as a sheet of paper burns out. It is important to concentrate on these actions and repeat until you feel better and this situation does not let you go.

“Peaceful separation” technique

Take a comfortable position and relax. Close your eyes and think about what quality in yourself you want to get rid of. It could be resentment, anger, hatred, laziness, irritability or envy. Start with one, the most relevant at the moment, which is significantly ruining your life.

Breathe deeply and evenly. Imagine that you are in a deep forest and may encounter danger. Danger in this case is that very hated quality. It is important at this moment to avoid two common stereotypes of behavior when encountering danger. In one case, people run away from problems, hide and try not to notice them, in the other, they attack themselves and try to defeat them by force. These tactics are doomed to failure, since there is only one way to deal with the problem - establish contact, sort things out, then leave peacefully.

Let's return to the walk through the wild forest. You are making your way through the thicket, and suddenly a wild animal comes onto the path in front of you. This is your problem. Look at this beast very carefully. Who is this and what does he look like? How does he feel about you? You understand that you have no chance of escaping from a predator, he is stronger and faster and will definitely catch up with you. You also can't attack him, you don't have a weapon, and he has big fangs and sharp claws. There is only one possibility - to find a common language and come to an agreement.

It is important to clearly imagine what problem this animal represents. For example, it is anger, and you see it in the form of a tiger. He growls and bares his teeth. Explain to him that he is a part of you, so he has no reason to attack you. Tell your anger: “You are me. I am you". Realize that this is true. In fact, you yourself fed your anger, you nurtured it and cherished it, and now it is preparing to attack you. This tiger lives inside you, so show him that you are of the same blood and that you are related to each other, and for this, show him your anger in the same way as you showed it in a recent situation. Don’t be shy in your emotions, show the tiger yourself in all your glory. Convince him that you are one with him, you are relatives. Give vent to all the negativity.

You will probably be sincerely surprised that such a monster sits inside you and that your true human essence, which was created for love and goodness, has been so distorted. Tell the tiger that you no longer hold a grudge against him. You ask him for forgiveness for keeping him to yourself for so long, now you are ready to let him go and give him freedom. Be sure to ask him for forgiveness. Explain to him that you do not consider him an enemy and it is better for you to disperse peacefully. When you feel that the tiger is no longer growling at you, that he is peaceful and friendly, tell him: “And now I am no longer you, and you are no longer me. Now I am me, and you are you. We are parting. I release you with kindness and forgiveness. Leave". Make sure the tiger leaves and you stay. Now you are free from your problem. Do this until you feel relief.

All the methods given are such that, if performed correctly, they help immediately. But do not forget that this will be a one-time relief, and if you want a noticeable transformation in your life, then you need to practice constantly and regularly. The results will not keep you waiting - your character will improve, your strength will increase, fatigue, apathy and despondency will go away. Health will begin to improve. You need to be persistent - and everything will work out!

Altai. Beluga Vibrations

The White Mountain was called Uch-Ayry and was the ancestral mountain of the Altai tribes.The White Mountain has stood for billions of years; it knows many miracles and phenomena. The White Mountain attracts with the magnet of inexplicable knowledge. Everyone strives to touch her snow, as if trying to look into the transparent magical depths of her soul. Mysticism, miracle, mystery, a substance filled with intelligence that enters your “I” and frightens the physical nature of a person.

The Belukha is a projection of Orion's Belt on Earth. The world's peak was Maha Meru - the North Pole of the Earth. The axis was rotated so that the northern point was Belukha and the constellation Orion stood above it. The constellation White Maralukha rotated around the axis of the central star of the Belt. In very ancient images she is shown rotating - like Three Maralukhi in a circle of Light. It was this constellation that sent the energy of sattvic forces to the heart of the Eurasian continent. And this silver string is still palpable and visible through the Eye of Dangma.

Orion is now rising to its zenith. The axis of the world is moving towards North America. The position of the sky from the times of early Atlantis is returning.

At the foot of Belukha and in the nearby Yarlu Valley there are strong energy fields. The mountain is a conductor of light energy, a connecting thread between the Earth and the Cosmos. Here is the “navel of the Earth”, energetically connected with the Cosmos, giving people a charge of vigor and health, opening up new knowledge.

The presence of some kind of mysticism at these peaks absorbs the vivid sensations, and this is not at all accidental. The valley is located in the very center of the concentration of maximum pressure of air masses in Eurasia. And it is here, amazingly, that the flows of the continent’s winds, spinning clockwise, form a spiral that is very reminiscent of the sacred sign of the Buddhists - the swastika of the power of Yang, the power of light and sky. The heart of this whole whirlwind is Belukha. It was not without reason that Nicholas Roerich looked for the sacred stone of Chintamani and the mystical country of Shambhala in these places. According to legend, he found everything he was trying to find.

Belukha is part of the Earth, it, like other mountains, consists of “flesh and blood”. Many mountains have snow-capped peaks and a pyramidal shape. This is no coincidence. The Earth's mountains are antennas that receive cosmic energy and, by changing its vibrations, make them more accessible to people.

On the surface of Belukha there are three pyramids - these are three antennas directed into space. But, unlike many mountains, they are also directed to Worlds that people do not see. The worlds are invisible, parallel worlds, and from there it also takes energy. Other mountains only take on comic energy. Belukha is both cosmic energy and energy from a parallel world, including the Fiery World.

Why, unlike other mountains, can Belukha receive exceptional vibrations?

In ancient times, Belukha was configured in a special way by very high spiritually developed personalities, as a huge instrument located on Earth, aimed at the future of the Earth. Great Messengers, great Teachers - they were here on Earth.

Here the continuity and unity of the past, present and future is acutely felt. Behind the legend, as if it were an otherworldly world, there is a reality that is directly related to Cosmic evolution, there is an eternal law that by giving, we receive.

The beluga whale has been associated with Orion's belt for millennia, and the whole world looks at this constellation. And the holy stone, which appeared from the sky as a “messenger” from distant worlds, as a gift from the constellation Orion. The legend identifies three specific stars that sent the stone to the world. These three stars are the stars of Orion’s belt, which were previously called, as N.K. Roerich writes, “Three Magi”.

Gift of Orion (stone of happiness, Chintomani) - according to Hindu and Tibetan legends, a wonderful stone that came (fell) to earth from the distant constellation Orion and contains a powerful force that helps people.

Asian legends describe in great detail how this unusual stone came to Earth. The story is told about a white horse that came down from the mountains to save humanity and on its saddle rested a bowl of Chintamani, the Greatest Treasure of the World.

It was in Orion's belt, next to the star Zeta, that a dark gas and dust nebula was discovered, its outline very similar to the head of a horse. It's called "Horse's Head".

The constellation Orion is some kind of boiling “heavenly cauldron”, where even in the present era worlds are born and stars are created. The constellation Orion is truly the most "restless" place in the sky, and here, although at an extremely slow pace by human standards, great cosmic events take place!

In Belukha there is a clot of energy of neither earthly nor human origin. This is not ordinary energy, it is spiritual, psychic energy, which has enormous power to influence all living things around it. Thanks to this energy, many people can enter a state of samadhi in the caves of Belukha, in certain places where she “allows” them to enter. Her energy helps people most effectively leave this incarnation when the time comes. Thanks to this energy, intelligent and highly spiritually developed beings get in touch.

All thanks to the extraordinary energy that exists in the heart of the mountain, which is why people are so drawn there. They feel it inside themselves, they feel that the mountain carries energy for their soul.

The beluga whale is a tool for communication beyond the human mind, the Spiritual Mind with humans, animals, and nature. Her energy has a very beneficial effect on the world around her. But it is especially involved in humans. The foothills of Belukha, from where it is clearly visible and where people spend the longest time, are exposed to the unusual energy inherent inside the mountain.

The tuning of human souls to qualitatively new and strong vibrations is happening and will continue to happen. And precisely, by influencing people with consciously directed Spiritual Cosmic energy, which will be given through such Planetary instruments as Mount Belukha.

How does Mount Belukha affect a person?

The beluga whale is a natural tool for influencing people. Every person can perceive the vibrations inherent in grief. Feeling their positive influence on himself, he begins to listen to them, and when he begins to listen to them, he begins to catch them - this is exactly the work with the help of which the reconfiguration of the person himself begins.

Self-tuning occurs, the vibrations of the mountain are tuned to awaken a person. When he becomes more receptive to the nature around him, he begins to tune in to its vibrations within himself. This leads to purification, an increase in energy centers, and the discovery of unusual abilities that he did not suspect about. First of all, intuition and healing. Abilities for any type of creativity suddenly develop unexpectedly, especially in people who are prepared.

People who have already developed a mental level receive a strong additional transformation here, and it doesn’t matter how long a person spends near the mountain. One day is enough for him to feel its vibrations, and then these vibrations will accompany him for the rest of his life, if, of course, he was tuned in to them. Even if he didn’t even come very close to her, if, at the level of intuition, he felt something unusual in her, then he would begin the rapid opening and development of all Subtle bodies, including the Fiery body.

Belukha is the key that opens the locks of the souls (in the broad sense of the word) of people who want this. During the time spent in the mountain area, discomfort is felt in the organs associated with the 1st and 2nd centers (legs, genitourinary system, lower intestine).

The fact is that thanks to these vibrations, people begin to intensify the clearing of small and large energy channels of all organs, blood vessels - into energy centers. The entire human body is energetically cleansed. And all this energy dirt collects in the first two chakras. Sometimes in the third chakra. The first and second chakras are responsible for communication with the Earth (the upper centers are responsible for communication with the Cosmos). The beluga whale is part of the Earth, but at the same time, it has unusual energy and helps a person in the process of cleansing these centers, which contributes to the healing of the human physical body and more.

Many people who do not know how to cleanse themselves energetically experience various negative emotional outbursts that cause conflicts and quarrels. Diseases of organs belonging to the 1st and 2nd centers are aggravated. This is a natural phenomenon and everything goes away when a person returns home and then recovery begins. This is one of the moments that people experience after visiting these places, but often do not realize it, attributing all healing only to the source.

Near Belukha, first of all, energy cleansing takes place. In addition, the soul is strongly nourished, thanks to the specific properties of the mountain’s energy.

There is an overwhelming desire to express words of love and gratitude for the meeting with Belukha. Because she appeared in all her splendor with open tops. For opening up to us on the physical and subtle planes! There a person experiences severe emotional shock!

The energies of Belukha are the energies of the spiritual Cosmos. The Earth, as a planet, has never been left unattended. And the Guardians of the Earth have always tried, during periods of transition, to find people who are able to calmly pass through fairly high vibrations, psycho-energetic ones, and be able to receive information and transmit it further to people. Just as Mount Belukha is a receiver and transmitter of information to the whole Earth, so many people are receivers and transmitters of information to all people who want to hear it.

Belukha is associated with parallel worlds. All that exist near the Earth, including the Fiery World. The Fiery World is located near the Earth, it is not tied to any of the energy zones of the Earth, and does not hover above them. What was initially created in him was then projected into the Material World.

The radius of Beluga's active influence on humans is from 100 to 500 km. There is no clear line between good here and bad there. But the local impact on people who are drawn to the mountain and are familiar with it occurs anywhere in the world. Naturally, this refers only to psychic energy. And as a transmitter of ordinary cosmic energy, Belukha actively works for the whole earth.

Belukha has many guardians, energy protectors who protect the secrets associated with the mountain. Those secrets that the time has not yet come for people to learn, since they can be used for evil by an immature mind. The time will come and the people of the future, who are at a level of spiritual development that is safe for the life of the planet, will receive them.

The beluga whale is both the keeper and charger of the “saddle,” which is surrounded by three pyramids. These three pyramids receive cosmic energy and transmit it throughout the earth. Charging with cosmic energy occurs constantly, and cosmic energy is converted into the energy of new vibrations, very close to spiritual vibrations.

There are more and more people capable of receiving new vibration energies. Some, starting their spiritual path out of curiosity, eventually understand how important it is for them, as growing spiritual individuals, and consciously continue their improvement of the physical body. Many spiritual changes in a person occur due to some kind of illness

The beluga whale is a natural guide; people work with it at the level of intuition. And there are also human conductors of cosmic knowledge - messengers of the Fiery World, especially those who were born in Altai and whose mental world was transformed from birth. Knowledge was placed in it, which should then be implemented in life on the physical plane. They received knowledge that they could not have taken from the earthly store!

They lay down certain skills if they see the possibility of these people perceiving them, thereby accelerating spiritual progress on earth. Since this person, having come to earth, in most cases, suddenly opens up, perhaps in an unexpected perspective, and then begins to implement the idea of ​​​​spiritual enlightenment, the idea of ​​​​spiritual transformation of himself and those around him. Many phenomena of the earthly order are programmed in the Fiery World, and then projected in the Physical,

Belukha gives off some special vibrations and she attracts people to her like a magnet. The energy of this mountain extends to the entire Earth, but at the foot the feeling of its influence is strongest. Anyone who comes to her begins to feel a surge of energy, vigor of extraordinary strength. His own body changes, and so does his need for physical food. And all these changes are brought by Mount Belukha, it is a ground-based source of energy of the future (not ordinary energy), and this future is emerging today. In the future, people's need for physical food will decrease significantly (but the physical body will not suffer, but will be transformed) and there will be a need to feed on energy of the same quality that comes from this amazing mountain today.

The Mountain harmonizes a person, influencing his Subtle bodies; it works with everyone selectively. If a person is not ready to accept her energies, it is impossible to come into contact with her. You can take another aspect of this phenomenon - those who are not ready are simply closed to the divine flow emanating from this mountain. His heart chakra is closed and silent. Belukha’s energy flows around such a person; no interaction with a person is possible. Sometimes, even in the foothills, Belukha does not allow those in whom evil is developed. Therefore, not everyone can come here, even to Rakhmanovskie Keys - a place of Power with a softer influence.

You need to be with the White Mountain, live, as with a high Teacher, and the key to the secrets will be given to the one who turns out to be more patient and assiduous. Something inexplicably lofty is persistently present in the consciousness of those living next to this queen of the Altai Mountains.

Worship of Mount Belukha has been going on for thousands of years. Belukha is not an ordinary mountain and many different human destinies are associated with it. This connection is both good and bad for people. She can't say, "Don't climb to my top!" But she always gives a sign: “Don’t come near me!” If a person does not understand this, then he goes towards his death. Each person has his own destiny, and the mountain is trying to tell people another option. And if a person hears this hint, he remains alive. If the warning is not heeded, they die. And there are many more people who die in the harsh spurs of Belukha than is commonly thought.

The mountain has no secrets from people, but not all people can receive the information coming from it.

It is best to look at the mountain and periodically photograph the clouds. It seems to me that certain information also passes through the clouds, which can then be deciphered.

Today I will tell everyone how to feed on the Energy of the Higher Cosmos. There is a very simple exercise for this, which I conventionally call “trolleybus”.

It is best to do it barefoot. For the exercise, choose a flat wall without a plinth and stand with your back to it, so that the walls touch your heel, calf, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head. Slowly raise your hands up, while addressing the Higher Cosmos with the words: "Supreme White Cosmic Powers! Please give me as much White, Pure Cosmic Energy as I need.". If you have high sensitivity, then you can feel the Energy of the Higher Cosmos flowing down your hands. Stay like this for as long as you like, then smoothly lower your hands and in your free exercise thank the Higher Cosmos for the energy sent to you. This exercise can be done regularly, regardless of your gender, age and health status. For bedridden patients, this can be done lying on their back, with their arms raised up perpendicular to the body.

Recharge with Fire Elemental Energy

Dear Brothers and Sisters! I have already written to you about the method of replenishing the Energy of the Higher Cosmos. And now - about recharging with the energy of Fire. The energy of Fire can be fed from a fire, a candle, a gas stove, the Sun, the Center of the Earth, lightning. If you choose a fire, then it’s enough to just sit by the fire with pure thoughts and look at the flames. Only the fire must be clean. It is not advisable to gain energy from a fire in which garbage is burned. Jumping over a fire is also useful, especially on the night of Ivan Kupala. They usually jump over a fire barefoot. For safety reasons, you should not wear flammable synthetic clothing. And the best thing is to jump over a fire completely naked. Do not drink alcohol before this!

I am writing about recharging the energy of Fire from a candle. For this, of course, you will need a candle. It must be lit with pure thoughts, and then with your left hand you can make quick grasping movements, as if taking the flame, lightly touching it. If you do it moderately quickly, you will not get burned, and you will receive the Energy of God’s Fire in full. The main thing is pure thoughts and no fear. In the same way, you can take energy from a gas burner, mentally realizing that gas is a Gift from God. At the same time, you can remember about Gazprom and feed off the financial energy of this natural monopoly. This does not make Gazprom poorer, since monetary energy tends to be cloned, and by regularly making such replenishments, you will notice an improvement in your financial situation. By the way, replenishing the energy of Fire is one of the best remedies for treating a cold. The next thing is the most interesting thing - the socket!

Power supply from an outlet

And now, dear Brothers and Sisters, as promised - Rosette! Is it possible to get energy from an outlet? Yes! And very simple and safe! To do this, it is best to choose a socket in the wall with a horizontal arrangement of holes - they are like two eyes looking at you, and in the middle there is usually also a screw, like a nose. Sit comfortably in front of the outlet and calmly look into its “eyes.” Feel that all the power plants in Russia are working for you, thermal, hydro, nuclear... Feel this strength and power, let it into yourself. Feel the cash flows, clone them and put them into your budget! Do this regularly and you will be strong, resilient, and successful! Limitation: This meditation can only be performed if there is no debt for electricity.

Recharge with Thunderstorm Energy

Another way to replenish the energy of fire is to replenish the energy of a thunderstorm! Everything is very simple! As thunder strikes, stretch out your hands towards the thundercloud and say: "The Power of Heaven, yes, in my protection! The Power of Heaven, yes, help me! Mila Heaven, yes, in protection for my children! The Strength of Heaven, yes, help my children! The Power of Heaven, oh, give me (us)".../ask Heaven for what you want/... Desires asked from a thunderstorm usually come true. Zeus the Thunderer and Elijah the Prophet help us in this.

What kind of fire can you not get energy from?

Undoubtedly, I do not recommend feeding on the energy of the fire of war, fires, natural disasters and catastrophes. Even if it's on TV or in the movies. Fueled by such energy, you can attract these troubles to yourself. But there are also exceptions. For example, if you are a Warrior, and you need to raise your morale and patriotic spirit, then feeding the energy of the military exploits of your Brothers and previous generations will only bring you benefit.

As we know, every person has a large supply of energy, it is not surprising that there are those who want to use it.

You probably know that in addition to the physical body, people also have a bioenergetic shell. It is an invisible semblance of a cocoon, inside of which the energy body itself is located. This force field acts as a kind of shield that protects the subtle body. This entire structure consists entirely of circulating energy.

It is very important that its quantity is sufficient, since the loss of even a small volume entails the occurrence of various kinds of diseases or problems in any area of ​​life. That is why a person needs to constantly replenish his energy supply and try not to waste it.

Usually, in order to saturate the energy body, people use all sorts of techniques that allow them to nourish themselves with the help of force flows from the surrounding world. This method is quite difficult to perform and requires some knowledge, as well as work on yourself.

For this reason, many resort to a simpler and more accessible method - replenishing energy at the expense of another person; such people are called energy vampires. This category has many branches and is quite multifaceted; we will talk about all types of energy vampires a little lower in the corresponding section.

Separately, it should be noted another group of people who are engaged in collecting energy, and do it consciously. These include dark magicians, sorcerers, and witches. A representative of each of these directions does similar things for a specific purpose, and often the magician himself does not need someone else’s energy, he simply redirects it.

Bioenergy vampire

The most numerous and most common category. Even those people who have nothing to do with esotericism and bioenergy know about the existence of vampires. As a rule, a person himself is not even aware of who he is.

The essence of the method by which these people pump energy out of those around them is quite simple. In order to gain access to the energy circulating in the energy body, the vampire needs to break through the protective power cocoon that we mentioned above. This is almost impossible to do without special esoteric knowledge, so the energy vampire follows the simplest path, because this method comes to mind on an intuitive level.

To break through the cocoon, it is necessary to disrupt the stability of the energy centers that form it. As you know, chakras react extremely poorly to any kind of stress and negative influences. It is for this reason that the vampire begins to psychologically burden his victim and does this exactly until the moment the person loses his internal balance.

There are two classes of energy vampires: active and passive.

Active Vampires

The first ones are quite easy to recognize, since they practically shout about it, and literally. An active vampire behaves aggressively and provokes his victim into conflict in every possible way. All his fighting ardor comes to naught as soon as a person loses his composure and loses his temper. It is at this moment that the energy of another person is recharged.

After this, the vampire’s mood improves dramatically, he begins to feel much better and literally becomes a different person. Such a sharp change in mood is the main indicator that allows you to quickly detect an energy fluke. And protect yourself from it once and for all.

Passive vampires

The second type - a passive vampire - acts a little more cunningly. These are the people who constantly complain, talk about how bad everything is for them, how often they get sick, and so on. These people are purposefully trying to bring all this negativity inside of you.

As soon as you start putting yourself in the shoes of such a person, the trap slams shut. You may not understand this, but subconsciously at this moment you begin to experience the same emotions as a person who actually has similar problems.

When this happens, the integrity of the aura is disrupted and unhindered transmission occurs, the result of which is your devastated bioenergy.

If you have an acquaintance or friend who is always complaining, and after a short conversation you are ready to do so, then you can be sure that this person is a passive energy vampire.

Do older people waste energy?

Undoubtedly, it is true that for them this represents a kind of necessity. We all know that old age is associated with the onset of many diseases, as well as the process of general withering. This occurs because the elderly person's energy weakens until it is completely exhausted, which marks death.

Old people most often use both the passive and active methods of vampirism. You can easily remember many such cases from life. For example, angry old women who scream at the top of their voices over any trifle, as if they are deliberately trying to provoke a serious conflict. Or constant conversations about illnesses, politics and poverty - this set of topics for conversation has already become a kind of constant attribute of old people.

An interesting fact is that you have probably noticed more than once that as soon as older people have grandchildren, they get along with them very quickly and try to spend as much time together as possible.

This happens because young children have an excess of energy; it literally spills out of them. An old person, on the contrary, really needs it, which is why this combination works extremely harmoniously.

You should not leave children with grandparents for too long. In order to exude energy, it must first be accumulated, and if constant drainage occurs, then this is simply not feasible.

Although children have a lot of bioenergy, its supply is not endless, but an elderly person will constantly absorb it. It's like trying to fill a colander with water - sooner or later it will be empty anyway and all this gigantic volume that you poured into it will simply evaporate. That is why the answer to the question whether old people take away energy is affirmative.

Do sick people lose energy?

Now let's talk about how sick people take away our energy. This phenomenon really exists and is almost impossible to influence. But first, one more topic should be covered, without mentioning which it would be impossible to conduct a qualitative analysis of the situation with a sick energy vampire.

When the conversation turns to seriously ill people, then naturally we are talking about the influence of such a person on his family. He cannot pump energy out of strangers, otherwise the doctors would not be able to stand even one day in the hospital, because there are more than enough sick people there who crave energy.

Any family is a complex system where energy circulates in each member, both individually and between them. If the biofield of one person in the house weakens, then all his other relatives try to fill this gap using their own energy. What happens when we get sick? Our aura weakens, and our bioenergy simply disappears. The patient’s body frantically begins to search for a means of replenishment, and the biofield of relatives immediately provides this opportunity.

This situation is somewhat similar to the case in which there is an old energy vampire, but here things are even worse, especially when we are talking about terminally ill patients.

The appetites of such a vampire are truly colossal, since he requires energy not only to fill himself completely, but also to heal from illness.

Of course, even a large number of people cannot give such a volume, it is simply unrealistic, so the energy that the patient sucks out simply goes nowhere. Such a detailed description, it seems to me, can forever dispel any doubts regarding the question of whether people are vampires who take energy. There are quite a lot. We will talk about how to protect ourselves from them at the end of the article.

Creatures that feed on human energy

The second case, by the way, is much more dangerous and harmful to health, since then the entity feeds directly from the host’s energy body and thereby causes irreparable harm to him.

These are the entities that feed on human energy:

  • Demons- move a person to take some action. The energy that is expended in this case is absorbed almost all by themselves;
  • Lyarva– they wait for the moment when a person begins to experience pleasure from something, and then they become more active, since at this time an energetic disturbance occurs;
  • Devils– provoke aggressive behavior and can also cause unreasonable fears;
  • Succubi– force a person to lead an immoral lifestyle, which is associated with promiscuity;
  • Sylphs– they are introduced into dreams and change them, since a person does not realize that this is unreal, he experiences the same emotions as if this were happening in reality;
  • Populated entities– they are introduced into the human biofield for only one purpose, which is precisely to deplete the energy reserve of the carrier. A distinctive feature is that this cannot be done without the personal consent of the victim, which is why attackers usually use all sorts of tricks, or achieve results in roundabout ways - they influence close relatives and inject the essence into them, and not into the victim.

How people vampirize energy: dark witchcraft

Energy vampires often cause harm to others without realizing it. Now we will talk about those people who pump out energy consciously and constantly.

Dark magicians

The first group is dark magicians. Most often, esotericists take this slippery path because of banal laziness. For example, there may be a need to help a person who is openly jealous of someone else's luck.

Instead of doing quality work with this person and diagnosing the cause of constant failures, the dark magician borrows positive energy from the person the client envies. Naturally, at this moment the victim begins a series of problems, and his whole life goes downhill.

The same situation applies to cases of “treatment”. Instead of truly healing a person and establishing his energy supply from the surrounding world, the magician simply takes the energy of several people and pumps it into the patient. Victims of such energy robbery begin to get sick and experience serious health problems.


Sorcerers most often use energy draining as a means to get rid of a specific person. The most common method is in which the sorcerer attaches his astral projection to the victim with a program to pump out energy. This eternally hungry creature is firmly attached to the human cocoon and does not leave him behind until it has pumped out absolutely everything.

Less often, sorcerers suck energy directly; this method is less popular because it requires constant employment.


Witches require a lot of energy to perform their rituals. They are often quite creative and begin to work with large numbers of people, claiming to be healers. When people come to see such a person, he not only does not receive any help, but also returns home devastated.

Quite often, witches have a psychological effect on their victims, forcing them to return more and more often. Such pumping can be systematic and sometimes lasts for many years.

Usually the process of collecting energy occurs through the hands, when the witch asks to show her palms, and then places her own on them.

It is at this moment that it is recharged, so you should use such services with caution or eliminate them altogether.

Collecting energy from a person, how to protect yourself

We will look at several rules that will not only keep your energy intact, but also protect you from any outside influence.

  • If you understand that a person is an energy vampire, then try to avoid him by any means. You can simply not answer his calls, interrupt communication at the moment when he is trying to somehow influence you, and so on. In cases where breaking contacts is impossible, then remain calm and aloof during moments of his hysterics or complaints. As soon as the vampire notices that his game does not penetrate you, he will immediately stop trying to break through your psycho-emotional barrier;
  • Nature has endowed us with innate methods of protection - cross your arms over your chest or cross your legs. This pose makes you as closed as possible energetically, so you won’t be able to break through into the cocoon of energy vampire;
  • Maintain harmony within yourself first. Remember that a person who is calm inside creates such a stable force field around himself that it is simply impossible to influence him. There are many different teachings whose representatives promote such peace of mind, for example, the Freemasons. Only the weak vampire the energy of other people; they are unable to influence a person who is as strong as a stone inside;
  • If we are talking about entities, then various bioenergy sessions will help you here. For example, cosmoenergetics copes with this task quite successfully, in addition, there are many means that can strengthen the protective shell and make it immune to the suction of foreign creatures;
  • The same sessions can also help in the fight against targeted external influences. Many of them, by the way, allow you to reflect the negative impact back on the sender. And one more point that needs to be highlighted: you have already read how a witch takes energy from a person, so think several times before going to someone dubious. It is quite possible that instead of achieving any goal, you will only get disappointment and an even greater pile of problems.

These exercises are designed to cleanse your Inner World of energy and informational dirt. The fingers and toes are used to inhale and exhale.

Finger massage

It is better to start massaging your fingers with your little fingers. The fingers are connected to two energy centers in the head: the center of vision and the center of receiving information. By massaging your fingers in the following sequence: little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, thumb, you activate the energy centers and, as a result, That is, it is better to see and process information more actively.

Rub and squeeze your fingers until they become warm. After that mentally Immerse your hands in a bowl of warm energy solution. Breathing through dirty fingers is difficult and sometimes impossible. Therefore you need mentally Wash your fingers, both outside and inside.

Let's not forget about the legs. Mentally create a special bowl with solution in which you will wash your feet. Place special emphasis this time on your fingers. Make sure the energy solution slides in and out of your fingers easily. Clean hands and feet are the path to good health. We must not allow energy and information dirt to enter our Inner World through our fingers and toes.

Training concentration

The essence of the exercise is that you mentally move along your fingertips. Start practicing from your fingers. We focused on the tips of the little fingers - and red dots appeared on the tips. Then attention was transferred to the tips of the ring fingers. And we saw that orange dots lit up at the tips.

Don't try to stay in one position for a long time. A second is enough for concentration. So, you can already feel the tips of your middle fingers. And you see green dots on them. Blue dots will appear on the tips of your index fingers, and purple dots will appear on your thumbs.

The dots on the fingertips may have a different color. But not black. Walk your thoughts along the tips of your fingers several times. As a result of the activation of the points, you will feel the energetic activation of your fingers. Do the concentration exercise with your toes as well. Let luminous points appear on your fingertips. Thus, you have prepared your fingers and toes for energy breathing.

Energy Breathing

Now you begin to “breathe” through your fingers. As you inhale, you draw the energies of the environment into your hands through your little fingers. As you exhale, through the little fingers, the energies from work will be released into the environment. Do two inhale-exhale cycles for each finger.

You may feel that the energies are only reaching the wrist joint. But they can go higher. And to the elbow joint, and to the neck. Moreover, through breathing exercises you can energetically clear your head. In this case, you inhale and exhale with ten fingers at once. When you inhale, the energies of the environment pass through your arms and neck and enter your head. When exhaling, energetic dirt and waste energies are discharged into the environment through the neck and arms.

Let's not forget about the legs. Now you inhale and exhale one by one through each toe, starting with your little toes and moving up your big toes. The cycle ends when you inhale and exhale through all ten toes. You breathe in the energies of the environment. These energies may also include the universal energy of love. In this case, the process of energy cleansing becomes more powerful.

Depending on the degree of cleanliness of your feet, energy flows will rise higher and higher. Through energetic breathing you can energetically cleanse all the spaces in your lower abdomen. Practice shows that dirt can accumulate there, which provokes malfunctions of the reproductive system.

Practice and result

Don't get carried away with exercise beyond measure. Stop immediately if you feel even slightly dizzy. This is a reaction to a surge of energy, it is similar to how your head starts to hurt in the forest from fresh air.

Dizziness is very easy to relieve. You have to imagine that you are standing barefoot on black, cold ground. The cold comes from the ground into your feet.

For those who want to practice actively further, you can complicate the exercise. You inhale through your fingers and exhale through your toes. As a result, you will connect the channels of the arms and legs with each other.

How long do you need to practice to feel the results? Some people will feel relief immediately. Some will need a longer time, for example a week.

Try to do these exercises every day to stay in purity and harmony. After all, everyone wants to have enough strength to love and create.
