Is it possible to learn extrasensory perception for an ordinary person. Exercises for the development of psychic abilities

Everyone has the beginnings of extrasensory abilities. The suggested exercises will help develop them.

90% of the inhabitants of our planet mistakenly believe that psychic abilities It is a gift that only the elect receive. The remaining 10%, those who practice working with subtle energies are sure of the opposite. Every person has the beginnings of special abilities. You just need to learn how to use them.

How to develop psychic abilities

Each person has a unique set of "tools" for communicating with the universe. Our task is to identify our strengths and learn how to manage them. You can start with simple exercises.

1) Meditation. It all starts with the ability to focus on the problem. The more focused you are, the more likely it is that the subconscious mind will prompt the correct answer.

2) Foresight. The level of psychic abilities is increased by such simple exercises like trying to guess the time, next bus number, caller name and so on.

3) Visualization. Visualization exercises help to capture and correctly interpret the received signals. Drawing, modeling, designing teach to clothe the images that have come in a specific form.

4) Look and see. Each person and any inanimate object has a special biofield that can be seen with inner vision. This simple exercise will help. Put any object on a plain background and examine it without fixing your eyes on it. With proper training, you will see a thin outline of energy framing the object of observation.

5) Stimulation of prophetic dreams. Before you go to bed, ask yourself what will happen tomorrow. The answers will come in a dream.

6) Body practices- the ability to work with hands, to feel the aura - they help well in healing and working with psychological problems. You can start by trying to feel your own aura. We connect the palms and slowly spread them apart. Then we return to the starting position. Gradually, you will learn to determine the boundaries of your aura "by touch" by tingling, warmth, pressure in the palms.

The result of such exercises are skills that will improve your life, tune in "on the same wavelength" with the Universe. However, in order to reach the next level, to help not only yourself, but also those around you, you should practice under the guidance of experienced craftsmen. After all, extrasensory abilities are not only special power but also a special responsibility with which one must learn to live.

The ability to read the thoughts of others, to predict events, the ability to move objects without touching them, has always aroused, if not admiration, then at least interest in all people. These supernatural abilities are given to the chosen ones by nature. They should not be treated as a curse or, conversely, divine gift. They should be perceived as features of a person's perception, thanks to which he is able to capture everything that is inaccessible to ordinary people.

Every person has extrasensory abilities, but not everyone can discover and develop them in themselves. About that, we will try to tell you.

In order to develop unique skills in yourself, it will take effort, as well as the implementation special exercises thanks to which you can learn to control your abilities.

Exercise 1.

The first exercise trains the skill of perceiving the human aura with the help of hands. Sit on a chair or armchair keeping your back straight and in vertical position. Sit in this position for several minutes, while you need to completely relax and, as it were, disconnect from everything around you. After that, spread your palms 30 centimeters apart, keeping parallel between them. Very slowly begin to bring your palms together until they meet in front of you. When this happens, also slowly return your palms to a 30-centimeter distance.

By doing this exercise regularly, you will very soon be able to learn to determine the boundaries of the human aura or biofield with the help of your hands.

Exercise 2.

The second exercise is aimed at developing the strength of your gaze. Draw a black circle on a white sheet of paper, the diameter of which will be equal to three centimeters. Place it at eye level at a distance of 90 centimeters from them. For a minute - without looking up, look at him. Hang the sheet 90 cm to the left and try to look at it with an "oblique" look. After another minute - shift your object of observation by 90 cm to the right relative to the original center and look with the same gaze for another minute. Every next workout increase the time of fixing the gaze, gradually bringing it up to 5 minutes.

Exercise 3

Anyone who has thought about how to learn psychic abilities, I would like to learn how, with the help of intuition, you can learn about the feelings of another person. To achieve this, you will need the ability to "reincarnate" in the one whose thoughts you are interested in. To do this, you must be imbued with the consciousness that you have actually turned into a different person. This will help you understand his thoughts and actions, as well as predict where they may lead. By practicing this skill, you will be able to achieve such heights as the ability to look at the world from the perspective of another person.

Exercise 4

The fourth exercise is designed to teach you to predict some events from dreams. Every time you go to bed, focus on what you would like to know about. It is very important that you fully give your mind to the issue that interests you, which, by the way, is quite problematic. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to find out the numbers of the winning ticket of the next lottery draw in this way, but you are guaranteed to learn something in advance.

If you are determined to discover a gift in yourself - try to spend as much time as possible in the bosom of nature. Try to be in the forest, in the park as often as possible. Learn to enjoy sunsets and starry sky, master the science of meditation and spend your classes outdoors.

Modern television is filled with many programs related to supernatural people, and this is what raises questions among many viewers - is it possible to develop a sixth sense in oneself, or is the gift given from above? Are there exercises to develop psychic abilities? How to see a psychic in yourself? How to determine Let's try to understand such complex issues.

A psychic is a person with supersensitivity. All people receive information from the outside world with the help of logical reasoning and, of course, for some people, information itself arises in the head. It is these people that almost every person can call, you just have to make maximum efforts to your desire.
AT modern world there are many different books and teaching aids aimed at developing extrasensory abilities. What specifically needs to be done in order to learn extrasensory perception and develop unusual abilities in oneself?

To begin with, it is necessary to understand what kind of information the information that arises in the brain can be. It can be in the nature of pictures, all kinds of visions, some claim to hear otherworldly voices, and even smell. And sometimes it happens that a person is simply sure that this is exactly the case, this phenomenon can be called self-consciousness.

It should be clearly distinguished and not confused with extrasensory perception with hallucinations or imagination. Any information that has arisen in your brain should not be fictitious, but only reliable. All people have psychic instinct from birth, but it should be developed. If this is not done gradually, abilities will disappear under the influence of others, for example, logical abilities. In order to develop your abilities and explore your supersensibility, here are some tips and tricks that will undoubtedly help you see a psychic in yourself!

Developing Psychic Abilities: Energizing

In order to reveal psychic abilities in yourself, you need to learn how to relax, as well as recharge your energy to the maximum. Yoga can be a great place to start, it is great for getting rid of negative emotions and thoughts. It is best to receive a charge of energy from the Earth and the Sun. Taking their energy, you need to clearly understand how it is carried out, to feel how it spreads throughout the body.

Developing Psychic Abilities: Filling the Vessel of Desires

It is possible to manage your life and perform. To do this, draw a circle and divide it into equal 8 parts. In each of these parts, you should write one wish, sign your name, date and 2 phrases on top: "Hurting no one" and "From a higher source." With your eyes closed, speak aloud your desires that you have written down in your desire vessel. At the end of the ritual, ask higher consciousness helped you and pushed you to the fulfillment of desires.

Having hidden your vessel of desires, do not forget to read aloud everything that was written in it as often as possible. You will soon notice that your Higher Consciousness helps and pushes you to right decisions in certain matters, thanks to which desires begin to slowly come true.

Psychic Development: Dream Diary

Developing extrasensory perception requires effort and practice. You should not think about the meaning of your dream, you should not analyze it either. Just describe. Put a piece of paper and a pencil near your bed so that you always have the opportunity to write down your dream, because in the morning you can forget it. It is in dreams that many people discover their psychic abilities.

Learning to be extrasensory, of course, you need to read a lot of specific literature and, if possible, pass some tests in order to reveal your extrasensory profile. But still, when you feel that your thoughts are able to materialize, that you can predict a lot, it is worth thinking about in which direction to direct your extrasensory abilities. You should be careful, listening to your sixth sense, and having new opportunities, do not forget about morals, customs, values ​​and honesty.

Every person has psychic abilities, but for many they are hidden in the depths of their souls. Remember unique cases from your life. You were able to guess when the bus would arrive or found the right object in an unknown city. Develop these abilities, be patient, train and become a real psychic.

Developing psychic abilities - general rules

In order to become a psychic, consider the following nuances:

  • do not tell anyone about training and your desire;
  • clean up internal energy. Get rid of negative thoughts, achieve harmony through meditation;
  • do the exercises below every day. If you get sick, stop exercising. Energy work can have a negative effect on recovery;
  • use psychic abilities only for the benefit of people or they will disappear;
  • read a lot of thematic literature, draw knowledge.

We develop extrasensory abilities - we learn to feel our aura

All people are surrounded energy field. Learn to feel your aura to become a psychic. To do this, do the following exercise daily:

  • sit in the middle of the room on a chair. Keep your back straight;
  • relax and do not think about anything for five minutes;
  • raise your hands forward and spread them to the sides to the maximum with palms up;
  • bring your hands together slowly. Bring your palms closer to each other until they touch.

Your task is to learn to feel the boundaries of your biofield. If you perform the exercise every day, you will feel warmth, elasticity and energy. If you learn to clearly feel your aura, you will be able to see the biofield of other people. Use the exercise mentally while communicating with another person. Try to tune in to the wave of the interlocutor, feel his mood.

We develop extrasensory abilities - we learn to influence with a glance

Master this amazing extrasensory ability and you will be able to influence a person with your eyes. This exercise will help:

  • draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm on paper and paint over it with a dark felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • hang the drawing on the wall in the room at a distance of about 90 cm from you;
  • look closely at the drawing for a minute and move on the wall to left side. Look at the filled circle all the time;
  • move the drawing to right side and look closely at the circle for another minute.

Keep your eyes on the drawing longer every day and increase this time to 5 minutes. Reach positive result You can influence people with your eyes.

Developing extrasensory abilities - useful exercises

There are other exercises that will help develop psychic abilities:

  • exercises for intuition. Write down constantly your expectations and thoughts and then check whether they coincided with reality. Try to look at the world through the eyes of another person, without mixing your thoughts. Responsible for intuition left hemisphere brain. If you are right-handed, develop the left hemisphere, and if you are left-handed, vice versa. Your task is to learn how to write with a hand that is uncomfortable to write with;
  • photo exercise. Take two photos. One with a living person, and the other with a dead person. Close your eyes and focus on the photo. Place your palm on one of the photographs and feel the energy emanating from it. Repeat steps with another picture. Feelings of living and dead energy must be different;
  • pay attention to your dreams. If you often have dreams that come true in reality - you have psychic abilities;
  • vessel exercises. Take any transparent vessel without patterns. Put it on the table and sit in front of it in silence. Look at the vessel and think about a problem that is bothering you or mentally ask a question. Concentrate on the subject, do not be distracted, and after a while you can see some kind of image. It will become an answer or a prediction. Nothing will come of it right away, constant training is needed.

Keep a diary and write down your achievements. If all else fails, sign up for extrasensory courses. But do not run into charlatans. Believe in your abilities, drive away fears and everything will definitely work out.

Each person is capable of much, but not everyone knows what he can. The article tells about what opportunities we have, how to develop psychic abilities in ourselves and describes some practices for achieving them.

Psychic abilities attract many people who come into contact with esotericism. thousands ordinary people also dream of opening clairvoyance or the third eye, but most of them have no idea what great effort and great responsibility are placed on the one who is given this ability.

Determining your capabilities

So is it possible to develop premonition, intuition and such a mysterious phenomenon as telepathy? All that is known as extrasensory abilities is the heritage of man, which was given to him by nature.

After all, extrasensory perception is not the machinations of demonic forces and not a divine blessing, but the ability to capture the vibrations of the bioenergy fields of the earth in a range that is inaccessible to the majority.

Each person can develop paranormal talents in himself by expanding the spectrum of perception.

What can be learned

  1. Astral vision (third eye)- allows you to see the Subtle World (creatures, energy, what is happening) in real time.
  2. inner vision- this is an ability that is realized in the form of a screen in front of the eyes. There is a request for certain information to the Higher Forces and the answer is displayed on the screen as an illustration (for example, about past lives).
  3. Clairaudience- this is the ability to hear music, sounds, creatures of the Subtle World.
  4. Connection with the Higher Powers or an open information channel - the ability to receive ready-made answers from the Forces above in the form of thoughts, ready ideas, complex images.

How to develop your psychic abilities

Of course, there are pitfalls on the way to the development of extrasensory perception. So, the following conditions must be met:

  • The presence of adequate motives and understanding of goals. Why do you need special abilities and why would the Higher Forces give them to you? Your answers are required to Higher Forces be persuasive.
  • Availability of energy for the implementation of abilities. You will need a constant set of energy - the regularity of physical, spiritual and energy training (gym, the correct rhythm of life, meditation). And the absence of high costs: emotional breakdowns, stress and other energy overruns.
  • Absence bad habits . Complete renunciation of smoking and alcohol, which destroy subtle bodies capable of accumulating working energy.
  • spiritual purity(absence of karmic prohibitions). The person who used past life his magical talents for other purposes or for evil, in this life he receives a ban on the disclosure of abilities.
  • healthy eating. Often, as a condition for the discovery of abilities, there is a refusal to eat meat.

Unusual abilities are inherent in a person from birth to a certain extent. Children are psychics, parents train them in other qualities: logical, mental.

For children, the suppression of their extrasensory perception begins, so it lives in us in a half-strangled state. However, it can be released.

Practical exercises

Do not be under the delusion that everything will turn out quickly and the first time. It will take a lot of practice, since there are many exercises.

Here is a list of the most important of them:

  • perception of the aura with the help of hands;
  • development of the power of sight;
  • stimulation of prophetic dreams;
  • development of intuition;
  • aura vision.

Most easy way for our subconscious - manipulation of the subtle plane with the help of hands. Thus, it is easiest to start studying the basics of bioenergy with the development tactile sensations thin plan.

Each exercise should begin with warming up the hands. You need to rub your palms against each other, rub the back side, as if washing your hands.

The palms should warm up on all sides. When they warm up, then you can move on to the exercises. So let's take a closer look at each of them.

Aura perception with hands

  1. You need to sit on a chair so that your back remains straight.
  2. You should completely relax, not thinking about anything and sit quietly for a few minutes.
  3. Then spread your palms at a distance of about 30 cm, while keeping them parallel. Then very slowly bring them together until the palms touch.
  4. Then, just as slowly, you need to return your hands to their original position.

After a few trainings, you can learn to catch the boundaries of the biofield (aura) with your palms. This sensation manifests itself in the form of elasticity or warmth.

Development of the power of the gaze

  1. On a sheet of paper you need to draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm, painting it with black.
  2. The sheet must be fixed on the wall, so that the distance from the eyes to it is 90 cm.
  3. For a minute, without stopping, you need to look at the circle, then move the sheet 90 cm to the left and again hold an oblique look at it for a minute.
  4. Next, the sheet is moved 90 cm to the right of its original position, and repeat this procedure.

You need to train daily, gradually increasing the period of fixing your gaze to five minutes. By achieving this result, you may notice that your gaze affects those around you.

To completely subdue the will of another person, you need the ability to focus your eyes for a full 15 minutes.

Stimulation of prophetic dreams

The essence of this method lies in the fact that, going to bed, you give yourself a certain setting, for example, to see tomorrow.

Although at first glance it is too simple, in reality, giving the command means falling asleep with a single thought. It should be about what you want to know. This can take months of regular training.

Please note that this method should be used in selfish purposes let's say try to figure out the number lottery ticket, useless. But it is quite possible to see some excerpts from the events of the next day.

Development of intuition

The purpose of the exercise is to learn to intuitively recognize the emotions of other people. To do this, you need to “reincarnate” in them, not just imagining yourself in their place, but actually imbued with the consciousness that special person- it is you.

You must turn off all internal judgments about the object from your experience, and after some time you will be able to see the world through the eyes of that person.

aura vision

Do not forget that psychic abilities bring with them a colossal responsibility and a certain test!

A person who is not prepared spiritually and psychologically can end badly, up to insanity, and destroy the fate of not only himself, but his loved ones, unknowingly contacting negative energies and lose everything as a result.

Therefore, you should not try to discover paranormal talents alone, but trust the guidance of an experienced mentor, spiritual healer or teacher of high moral character.
