Which hand is the wedding ring placed on? Why is the ring worn on the right hand?

Wedding rings are considered a symbol of eternal love, fidelity and marriage. Few people know why a wedding ring is worn on the ring finger. There are several versions of the origin of this tradition.

From the history

Plutarch wrote that in Egypt it was customary to wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the left hand because it was closer to the heart. This finger was connected to the heart for a reason. The Egyptians knew human anatomy very well, since at that time there was a custom of opening a person’s body after death. As it turned out, it was from the ring finger on the left hand that a thin nerve ran to the very heart. That is why wedding rings began to be worn on the finger that leads to the heart.

In Russia, it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand. It is believed that there is a guardian angel behind the right shoulder, therefore, by putting a wedding ring on the finger of the right hand, the newlyweds enlist the support of higher powers.

There is a parable that explains wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger.

The Parable of the Ring Finger

Thumb means parents. The index finger is your brothers and sisters, the middle finger is you, the little finger is your children, and the ring finger is your spouse.

Place your palms together. Bend your middle fingers and connect them, and the remaining fingers of both hands should touch only the pads.

  • Try to separate your thumbs from each other. Happened? This means that sooner or later our parents will leave us.
  • Next, try to separate your index fingers from each other. Happened? This happened because your brothers and sisters will have families for which they will leave their parents' home.
  • Now tear off the pads of your little fingers. Happened? This happened because sooner or later the children will leave you and start their own families.
  • Now open your ring fingers. It is either impossible or very difficult to separate these fingers without tearing the remaining fingers apart from each other. And all because the ring finger symbolizes the partner with whom you will always go through life, touching everything.

Wedding rings are a symbol of love and marriage. It can become a talisman for your love and family. It all depends on what meaning you put into it. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.03.2015 09:26

Every loss of something valuable to a person is a special sign. There are many folk signs associated with losses. ...

Wedding rings are not only a symbol of love and fidelity, but are also mascots for the newlywed...

The wedding ring has been the most important attribute of marriage since ancient times. It is not necessary to have a magnificent wedding, buy an expensive dress and veil, but at the moment when lovers exchange rings, they perform the most sacred ritual. Why and where did this tradition come from and on which hand is the wedding ring worn?

In ancient times, this item was considered a talisman; initially it was made from hemp fibers and reeds, and a little later they began to make it from metal as a guarantee of the inviolability of family ties. Wedding rings are a symbol of purity and chastity also because they are traditionally made of a noble metal: gold. On which hand do spouses wear a wedding ring in Russia and does it depend on religion?

Time does not stand still, the world around us and the objects around us change. The changes also affected wedding rings. These are no longer simple gold stripes. The design of modern marriage symbols is improving, becoming more diverse and interesting. Today they can tell a lot about their owner and his social status. But lovers are still concerned about the question: on which hand they put the wedding ring.

In ancient times, the decision on how to wear this jewelry was made by the ruler. In some countries they used to ring the thumb. As a result, each country has formed its own tradition.


Where the population professes Christianity, the ring finger is decorated with a wedding ring. According to church canons, this item should be worn on the right hand, regardless of gender. The right hand in Orthodoxy has at all times been associated with sincerity and honesty; it is with this hand that we eat food, sign important papers, and greet each other when we meet. Christians also cross from right to left. This is how significant rings are worn in Russia and Belarus, Greece and Ukraine.


There is no tradition in Islam of exchanging rings during marriage. This ritual was adopted from Europeans. Religion does not allow men to wear gold at all; they are allowed to wear silver and copper jewelry, including those made of base metals and alloys. And women put a wedding ring on the ring finger of their right hand, just like the Orthodox.

Newlyweds can exchange rings, but only as a wedding gift. Couples who strictly adhere to Shariah law choose silver items for this occasion. Muslims wear a wedding ring mainly as decoration.


It is also customary for Catholics to indicate their marital status with a visual attribute. They suggest that this is a legacy of the ancient Egyptians, who discovered the vein of love running from the fourth finger of the left hand to the heart. And wearing a wedding ring on this finger forever connected the hearts of a couple in love through this vein. This myth has not been scientifically confirmed, but people continue to believe in it.

The right hand of Catholicism, like that of the Orthodox, is the right hand, only Catholics apply the cross from left to right. And this also partly explains wearing the ring on the left hand.

Where to wear a wedding ring

In European countries, the attribute of marriage is worn on the left hand, although women in these countries prefer to wear it on the index finger rather than the ring finger. In addition, not all Catholics prefer the left hand. Spaniards, Norwegians and Austrians wear this item on the right.

In Russia, according to established Russian traditions, the ring finger of the right hand is ringed.

On which hand do you wear an engagement ring?

In our country there are no special rules in this regard. It can be worn on any hand. Girls wear this accessory before the wedding on the same finger as the engagement finger, until the latter replaces it. It is customary not to remove the ring from engagement until marriage and take care of it.

In the West, after a wedding ceremony, it becomes a family heirloom, carefully stored and passed on from parents to children.

Married women

On which hand do women wear their wedding ring? It depends on the traditions of the country where the lovers live and on their religion.

A gold ring worn on the ring finger of the left hand does not necessarily indicate marriage. For Orthodox Christians this means widowhood. In modern Russia, a divorced woman can be recognized by the ring on her left hand. Some wear it as a pendant on a chain.

On which hand do married people wear a ring? Most often this is the ring finger. And this is not only because he is the personification of love, but also from a practical point of view it is completely justified. It is less involved in work than other fingers and decoration on it will not interfere with the owner.

Married men

Sometimes it can be difficult to get a man to wear jewelry. The wedding ring is more likely to be an exception, but they allow themselves to take it off at least occasionally. Rather, this happens due to inconvenience, and not from a desire to hide the status of a married person.

The little finger was used by ardent opponents of marriage to wear a ring. Those who considered themselves not ready for a serious relationship chose the middle finger. The lovers wore a ring on their ring finger until it was replaced by a wedding ring. It depends only on local traditions on which hand men will put the ring on.


Sometimes it happens that for one reason or another, spouses separate. Should I continue to wear my wedding ring after a divorce? After all, the symbol of fidelity has lost its value. In the case when you decide to cross out the past and start living again, it’s not worth it. And if you don’t want to part with the memories of happy days lived together, wear it. Most often, divorced people wear rings on the opposite hand.

Widows and widowers

The loss of a loved one, regardless of age, is always an irreparable loss. It's not easy to survive this. The role of the wedding ring in this tragic situation is twofold. On the one hand, it helps to cope with loss, and on the other, it is a source of memories that invariably cause pain. Widowed spouses place the ring on the opposite hand.

On which finger do widows' rings wear? Women who do not want to part with memories associated with a loved one wear both rings on the opposite hand at the same time: their own and their spouse’s. If the spouse's ring is too large in size, it is worn on a chain or on the thumb.

Hello! On which hand do they wear a wedding ring? Christians will answer, of course, on the right. But what about people of other confessions? Where this tradition came from and why rings made of precious metals are worn, we now have to find out.

History of the wedding ring

The exchange of wedding rings is a sacred ritual that has come to us from time immemorial. In ancient times, it was a talisman on the hand, and it was made from hemp and reed fibers. But amulets made from this material were short-lived.

Later they began to be made of metal. The meaning of this item has also changed. It began to be a guarantee of chastity, the inviolability of family values, and eternal fidelity.

They were called engagement rings because, having put on the rings, a man and a woman will go through life hand in hand, without parting, and the ritual before the wedding was called “betrothal.” They began to be used in wedding ceremonies from the 4th century.

Why should you wear a wedding ring? The ring shows that this person's heart is occupied. The symbol of fidelity cannot be removed. If a person does not wear this symbol, then he violates the oath of allegiance. Previously, this was considered treason, because the essence of this subject is the infinity of love, mutual support in difficult situations, honesty, cohesion, and reliability.

And the circle is an ancient symbol that has neither beginning nor end, which means it cannot be opened, and two rings mean the infinity of family life.

Why is it worn on the right hand, choosing the ring finger? The right hand is considered more important than the left. Christians cross themselves with their right hand. In Orthodoxy, there is a teaching: behind the right shoulder is located, accompanying a person from birth. It protects not only the person himself, but also his marriage.

Why on the nameless one? It is believed that from this finger a blood vessel goes straight to the heart, and love always originates in the heart. Therefore, the wedding ring is just where the thread to the heart comes from.

By the way, the word “marriage” comes from the word “to take.” A man took his wife as the most precious thing in the world.

What does the ring tell you?

In ancient Egypt, where the custom of wearing a thin hoop originated, they could judge a person’s status by where this item was located.

  • If a person wears it on his index finger, then he is in search of his other half.
  • Wearing it indicated that the man was not ready to start a family.
  • The ancient Greeks, noted for their fickleness in love, wore this item on their middle finger.
  • In China, this item was melted so that any finger could be ringed. Hieroglyphs meaning “happiness” and “longevity” were necessarily carved on it.
  • Divorced ones ring the left hand. They seem to suggest to the opposite sex that they are now completely free.
  • In India, as well as in England, during the reign of King George I, the sign of marital fidelity was worn on the thumb. Today in many countries it is the thumb that is ringed.

Why wear a wedding ring on a chain?

You can often see girls attaching this item to a chain as a decoration. For example, a guy gave me a ring, but it didn’t fit. In order not to offend her loved one, she wears it around her neck.

Athletes also often wear it on a chain during competitions or training. For weightlifters and rowers, this decoration can rub their finger.

If a man wears a wedding ring on a chain, most likely he is an athlete or this jewelry has become too small for him. In this way he wants to show that he has a girlfriend.

Europeans have long used a similar method of wearing this thing, both women and women. Women wear it to attract attention to themselves. Indeed, an unusual decoration attracts attention.

What should an engagement ring be like?

Why are these items melted from? Ancient people considered gold a symbol of the sun, and the sun - the source of life, heat, and light.

The ring should not have decorations, since a smooth surface portends a quiet life. The smoother the surface, the happier the life of the new couple.

In Europe, rich jewelry is given as a gift for engagement or betrothal, and at the wedding ceremony the bride receives a thing without a stone. Even in ancient times, it was believed that the stone breaks continuity and weakens the protective properties.

Modern girls often choose an engagement ring with a stone, especially a diamond. However, men rarely choose this item, which is burdened with various delights.

Traditions of different countries

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In countries where Orthodox Christians live, the wedding attribute is placed on the ring finger. Orthodox Christians associate the right hand with sincerity; it is with the right hand that we greet each other and hold a spoon while eating. Orthodox Christians cross themselves from right to left. This is how Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, and Greeks wear it.

How do Muslims wear wedding attribute?

There was no such tradition in Islam; they adopted it from the Europeans. Men are not allowed to adorn themselves with gold, only with silver and copper jewelry.

And women wear a wedding ring, just like Orthodox Christians. Newlyweds wear signs of fidelity only as decoration.

Who wears a ring on their left hand?

Catholics also honor a tradition that confirms their family status. But they believe that the vein of love runs to the heart from the ring finger of the left hand, so the Catholic wedding attribute flaunts on the left hand. But the main reason for wearing this is considered to be the way of placing a cross from left to right.

Not all Catholics want to see this attribute on their left hand. Spaniards, Austrians, Norwegians decorate their right hand with it.

Protestants in different countries wear it differently. But in the event of the death of a spouse, they do not wear these items at all, they simply keep them at home.

It is worth noting that the sign of marital fidelity on the right hand is worn by residents of Venezuela, Austria, and Norway. The same tradition is preserved by Germans, Poles, Georgians, and Israelis.

But the Turks, Japanese, Swedes, French, Canadians, Cubans, Mexicans, and Americans prefer the left hand; this tradition came to them from ancient times. Married American women prefer chic, massive items with expensive stones.

Widowed Turkish women change the position of the ring on their hand, and the widower puts his wedding attribute along with his wife’s jewelry and carefully keeps it.

Armenian men do not wear this jewelry at all, but women are required to wear a similar sign of fidelity. They wear jewelry made of silver or gold on the ring or index finger of the left hand.

Azerbaijanis treat family and marriage with special reverence, observing all the traditions of their people. Azerbaijani women decorate the index or ring finger of their left hand. They are not even allowed to take them off.

According to ancient traditions, the British, Swedes, Italians, French, Irish, and residents of Slovenia who profess Catholicism wear the sign of fidelity on their left hand.

In Middle Eastern countries, a ring adorns a woman’s right hand during an engagement, and on her left during a wedding. For the weak half, the engagement attribute has a large stone, for the strong half it is one ring for both rituals.

At a wedding, Jews put a “hoop” on their right hand, and then change it to their left.

If spouses belong to different religions, then they choose a compromise or each follow their own traditions.

What to do with a ring if your husband or wife dies

When people lose a loved one, there is an ambivalent attitude towards the engagement ring. On the one hand, the spouse’s gift supports him in difficult times, but on the other, just looking at him again causes unbearable mental pain.

On which finger do widows wear their wedding ring? Women treat this wedding attribute with trepidation, so they do not want to part with it.

As a sign of grief, widows put both rings on the opposite hand. This is how they honor the memory of their deceased spouse. Or they attach it to a chain. Many women try to put it on their thumb if it is large in size.

Widowers simply put it on the opposite hand. Often they take both rings to the temple and leave it as a gift. Some men melt it down, then sell it, and with this money they ask to pray for the deceased or put it for the goddess near the icons.

Finally, the hand on which the wedding ring is worn and the traditions associated with wearing the ring are very interesting. Studying them brings real pleasure, because it concerns the brightest day in the life of many people on the planet - a wedding!

The brightest and most beautiful feeling for a person is the desire to be happy and loving. A wedding is a solemn and important event; both girls and boys dream about it. I would like to remember this date forever, then you can tell your children about it in the future.

Of course, here even the most insignificant detail will play an important role, this should be taken into account. When it comes to engagement rings, they are no exception. According to the traditions of our country, those people who decide to live their lives together exchange rings; the right hand is used for this. At the same time, most foreigners, on the contrary, prefer the left hand. This has led to many wondering what the difference is if people already love each other, and equally.

To answer this question, you need to understand it in detail. But first of all, it is worth noting, according to popular belief, a person’s ring finger is associated with the heart, the manifestation of bright feelings. When choosing a hand, a lot depends on the traditions in which you live.

It is important to understand that Russian weddings can be different. Those who can afford it book a luxurious, rich wedding where the booze flows like a river. Some couples want to get married in a church; more and more often today, couples are choosing a civil ceremony. But there is a special ritual, it is always present at Russian weddings.

According to tradition, the bride and groom must exchange rings. It has been relevant for many years, all over the world. The finger remains ringless, but what kind of hand it will be depends on the customs of the country in which you live.

From Rome to Moscow

Wanting to find the answer to why the ring is worn on the right hand, many people study history. This is correct, because wearing rings after engagement is an ancient tradition that has survived to this day. The ancients were sure that a special vein runs from the ring finger to a person’s heart, connecting it to the heart. As a result, the newlyweds will be happy.

Some researchers say with confidence that the Romans clearly chose the right hand to wear a wedding ring. The left hand is associated with unreliability. The Orthodox Christian Church, as you know, adopted this custom.

The hands are different, but the essence is the same

It would seem that if people love each other and want to live their lives together, what difference does it make which hand the rings are on? In general, this is true. Everything is decided solely by the customs of different countries.

Those married people who live in Western European countries strictly use their left hand for wedding rings. During the engagement process, many couples put on one ring at all, and when the wedding comes, then another.

In simple terms, the most important thing is love and mutual understanding between spouses. Agree, it is not so important which hand will be used to wear wedding rings, what is more important is how you treat each other. Therefore, it is worth thinking about this before putting a ring on a person’s hand. After all, many couples did not exchange rings at all, and lived a happy life, and vice versa.

Wedding rings in Ancient Egypt and Russia

If we recall the traditions of Ancient Egypt, loving people always wore rings on their left hands, arguing this with bright feelings, bright and pure love.

The main reason is that in this country they opened up people's bodies when they died. As a result, it was noticed that it is from the ring finger that the nerve passes to the main organ - the heart. As a rule, the tradition of wearing a ring on the right has been preserved in our country since ancient times, and is actively observed today.
At the moment when the spouses put the rings on their right hands, this ensures that they will be there for you, both in joy and in sorrow, helping in difficult life situations.
Of course, this is an interesting question and many people spend hours studying it. One thing should be understood by all people without exception. Only where mutual respect and strong love reigns, in such married couples there will always be mutual understanding and support.


If you believe the parables, then the thumbs are the parents, forefingers, sister and brothers. The middle finger is associated with a person, the ring finger with a spouse, the little fingers are our children, the flowers of life.
Now you need to fold your palms, bending only your middle fingers. The others touch each other. At the moment when you try to tear off two fingers at a time, then, for example, you can perform this action with your thumbs with particular ease. This happens for the reason that in most cases parents leave us before their children, no matter how sad it may sound, but it is true.

The same actions will happen with the index fingers. No matter how much and ardently our brothers and sister love us, they cannot always be there. As you begin to perform such manipulations, you will notice that the ring fingers cannot be separated from each other, no matter how hard you try. This is true and pure love, however, in practice, not everyone experiences it, no matter how sad it may sound.

Time flies, but wedding rings are the most important wedding attribute, without which this celebration cannot be imagined. They are distinguished by powerful energy and act as a talisman for newlyweds. Thus, they will be able to protect loving people from difficulties. Take care of each other, love, then the guardian angel will protect you. After all, not everyone can love each other for the rest of their lives, but only then is the couple illuminated by a special, bright dream.

Family life is full of difficulties and problems. In most cases, couples do not realize this, and at the first difficulty they leave each other. It turns out that not everything is decided by wedding rings and the properties they are endowed with. If you carefully read the details of this issue, you can understand why the ring is worn on the right hand.

Vika Di August 31, 2018

For a long time young people exchange wedding rings during the wedding ceremony. At a wedding, jewelry is usually placed on a specific hand and finger. It is believed that this helps to show the desire for harmonized relationships and happiness. However, in different countries, wedding rings are worn on different hands and fingers, due to the peculiarities of religious faith.

Why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger of the right hand?

The first to wear a wedding ring in this way were the inhabitants of Ancient Rome. They were sure: in the ring finger there is a vein that connects heart and finger. Vienna was named after love. If a person put jewelry on this finger, one could immediately understand: he was busy and married. It is for this reason that the wedding ring should be on the ring finger.

Wedding ring

There is another legend that allows us to better understand the existing tradition. In this case, the legend arose thanks to the ancient Hellenes. They noted that the ring is worn on the ring finger to confirm the busyness of a person’s heart and tie it all together. If a person decorated the index finger, he was in an active search, the little finger - unpreparedness for a marital relationship.

The ancient Hellenes also believed: the presence of a ring on the middle finger confirms amazing victories on the love front.

The Christians acted wisely, because they tied the legal wearing of the ring to the ring finger of the left hand and church ritual. Since the 9th century, symbolic religious engraving of inscriptions on jewelry was allowed, but this tradition was observed only by Catholics.

It is believed that with the choice of hands everything is much simpler. The ancient Romans believed: right hand will be happier than the left one. For this reason, the wedding ring is placed on the right hand. This tradition is followed by residents of most countries of the world, including Russia, Poland, Norway, Denmark, Spain, and Portugal. Now it becomes clear on which hand wedding rings are worn in Russia and why the corresponding tradition arose.

Photo of a wedding ring on the finger of a Russian woman

Who wears wedding rings on their left hand?

The tradition of wearing a ring on left hand originated relatively recently, at the beginning of the 18th century. It is believed that women recognized the authority of their spouses, who did not receive special decorations in the past. This opinion was due to the fact that the left hand is non-dominant. For this reason, wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand means recognizing the authority of the spouse. This practice is common in English-speaking and Muslim countries, as well as in Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, the Czech Republic, and Romania.

Muslims in the 21st century wear wedding rings only on the left hand. There is a large number in the world Catholics and Muslims, which is important to remember. Many Europeans belong to the Catholic and Muslim religions. It is not surprising that in Turkey they also put a ring on the ring finger of the left hand.

In Russia, divorced women and men, widows and widowers wear wedding rings on their left hands

By this they show memory and respect for their departed or deceased spouse. People around them often understand such actions, but psychologists have a negative attitude towards such an act, since the decoration reminds a person of the past stage of life and interferes with the search for new happiness. It is advisable to discard the ring, although the memories will remain. Without an accessory, your chances of finding personal happiness will increase.

Wedding ring on a man

Married men and women wear a wedding ring only on ring finger left hand.

Is it possible for an unmarried girl to wear a ring on the ring finger of her right hand?

Girls often choose jewelry and are interested in symbolism. Sometimes the question arises whether it is right for a girl to wear a wedding ring or whether it is advisable to refuse such an act. In most cases, it is inappropriate to decorate a finger taking into account existing traditions, because such an act reduces chances of dating with potential chosen ones.

Palmists and astrologers note: each finger has a special symbolism

Each finger of the hand is under the protection of one planet or another, and therefore affects the character and habits of people. Jewelry is often worn on a specific finger and is activate the desired area, but jewelry should be simple in design and different from engagement jewelry.

Wedding ring

Many peoples believe in I will accept: a free girl should not put a ring on her ring finger, as this will lead to failure in personal relationships and celibacy. In fact, there is some truth in this, because dating will happen less often due to the fact that the other person will think about the lack of opportunities for developing the relationship.

On the other hand, the ring finger is under the beneficial influence of the Sun

Wearing a ring on this finger can promote personal self-expression, finding a partner, and gaining fame and fortune. It is believed that in order to get married, you need to wear a ring on your ring finger, but it is advisable to choose gold jewelry. It is not advisable to choose silver jewelry, as it has an energetically calming effect and makes it difficult to find a soul mate.

Hidden Jewelry cannot be given for fitting. If a girl chooses a ring that should attract her chosen one, it is forbidden to give the jewelry to other people to try on.

Wedding rings for lovers

Also, a married woman should wear a wedding ring and not give it to others. Otherwise, your personal life will be wide open, so your chances of personal happiness will decrease.

The meaning of a wedding ring on different fingers

Wedding rings are allowed to be worn on different fingers, despite existing traditions.


Symbolizes willpower, reflects the inner essence of a person. If you plan to wear a ring on your thumb, you need to be especially careful and attentive, as serious changes will occur in the near future. Decoration will also contribute to the development of will and determination. Thumb rings are often surprising, although the phenomenon remains common throughout the world. In medieval Europe, rings were often placed on the thumb and spouses could wear symbolic jewelry on different fingers to attract the necessary energy.


The index finger is a symbol of power and leadership ambitions. Decoration activates the corresponding energy. Kings could develop leadership qualities by placing a ring on a specific hand. Nowadays, only a few people do this, but sometimes people can see a symbolic decoration on their index finger.

Middle finger

The middle finger reflects a person's personality. The decoration placed in the center of the hand is a symbol of a balanced life and attracts the energy of harmony. Russians often wear it on the middle finger of their left hand, because they are Orthodox and honor religious canons. A wedding ring on the middle finger of the right hand means that the person has become divorced or widowed, and may also belong to the Muslim or Catholic religion.

Gold ring, Pushkin Jewelry Factory(price on the link)

Ring finger

The ring finger has a direct connection with the heart, which is why jewelry is most often worn on it. It is believed that this promotes positive energy in marital relationships, strengthens joint affection, helps to get closer and gives optimism. Silver jewelry is a good option, as it has the right energy. Rings are also often made of gold. To decorate jewelry, it is advisable to choose precious stones such as moonstone, jade, turquoise or amethyst.

Little finger

Pinky rings are often worn. It is believed that in this case a person wants to report something, to give a signal to the outside world. The fact is that little finger with an engagement ring is sure to attract the most attention, and it is not associated with religious or cultural traditions. The reason for wearing a wedding ring on the little finger may be the desire to strengthen a marriage through business or joint creative activity, or to show public attention to personal relationships. It is advisable to choose jewelry with moonstone, amber or citrine.

You can also find out additional facts from the video: why wedding rings are worn on the ring finger:

Married women and married men wear wedding bands not only in accordance with traditions and beliefs, but also as a sign of respect and closeness to each other.
