Set the initial row of loops in the main way. How to knit loops along the edge of the product

A set of edging along straight and concave lines.

Edge stitching technique

In straight lines, 3 loops are typed from two edge loops.

When dialing from hem for 1x1 elastic band - dial from one hem loop - one loop, and from the next - one for both edges, and one for one when knitting with an elastic band. (from the book "The ABC of knitting" by Maximova).

You can knit a specially knotted edge along which you do not need to pull the loops, but simply insert the knitting needle into the edge knots and knit further:

A set of edging along straight and concave lines. You can crochet a chain stitch along the edge of the shelf, and then pull out the loops like this:

The loops are pulled along the edge pigtail like this:


First you need to count the number of loops in the edging pigtail, along which you need to pull the loops. Usually there are fewer of them than the loops that need to be pulled out. For perfect accuracy, it is quite possible to calculate from which edge loop to pull 2 ​​sts to get the required number of loops.

Most often, the result is as follows: from the 1st and 2nd loop of the edge, pull out one loop each, as in the figure, and from the 3rd loop of the edge, pull out 2 sts. To do this, first insert the knitting needle under one slice of the edge and pull out the loop, and then under both slices of the edge, as usual, and pull out the second loop.

A set of loops for slats according to M. Maksimova

The edge loop (which is on the side) is also higher than usual, because it is two rows in height. We collect the first loop, hooking on both slices. We pass to the next loop - from it we need to get two. First, we cling in the same way as in the first loop, and we get the second by hooking on one slice of the loop. As a result, we had a chain of edge loops, for example, 2. And we scored three loops from two. Yes, you need to dial on the front side.

In the same way we collect loops for the sleeve. Only when the pattern is squares, and not convex-curved lines.

In the book of Hanna Jaks, another way is given to cast on loops from the edge of the fabric: loops are not cast on the edge, but from the gap between the edge loops and the next row of loops. Their 3 loops -3 loops, skip the fourth, etc. It turns out smoother than from the edge row.

The Italian knitting pattern is great for ribbed cuffs and hem bands, which retain their elasticity after many washes and frequent wear. Perfectly retaining shape is not the only quality of a product knitted in this way of a set of loops. The result of the Italian set with needles is very beautiful, it is often confused with the perfect-looking machine knitting.

The pattern with the Italian set of loops on the knitting needles is even and elastic. Professionals offer several ways to knit like this, which are perfect for both beginners and experienced knitters who will definitely not be bored in the process.

Italian set of loops with knitting needles - master class

What is the peculiarity of the Italian method of casting on knitting needles? First of all, there are several ways to knit loops with an Italian set, which allow you to get different options for patterns, and at the same time offer a different degree of complexity of work:

  • Italian set of loops with an auxiliary thread;
  • Italian set of loops without auxiliary thread.

Knitting loops with an auxiliary thread is considered more difficult and interesting - here three knitting needles are used, and an additional thread (or elastic thread) in a contrasting color, while knitting with an Italian set without an auxiliary thread is faster and more convenient - you only need one knitting needle and one thread. The choice is yours.

If you choose to knit in the Italian way with or without additional thread, you can get a rounded, neat elastic edge, which is often knitted in the form of ribbing 1x1, double rib and 2x2 ribbing.

An important rule to follow when using the Italian knitting method: the first five rows should be knitted with knitting needles a full length thinner than the main fabric of the gum.

With elastic edge

The Italian way of casting on knitting needles is really ideal for elastic cuffs, necklines or bottoms of knitted items like sweaters, jumpers, hats. It retains its original shape for a long time and is convenient for circular knitting.

Consider a method that helps to get the most elastic edge - italian cast on with auxiliary thread. You can call the end result a 1x1 rubber band.

For this method, we prepare the yarn of the main color and the auxiliary thread of the contrasting color. We will knit loops on two knitting needles.


With a contrasting thread, we collect half of the required number of loops on the knitting needles. This thread is no longer needed, so it can be cut so as not to interfere with further work. Next, we will knit with a thread of the main color.

First row knit with facial loops. The edge loop is also knitted, it is not necessary to remove it. This only applies to the first row. In the future, the edge loops are removed, as usual - without knitting.

Second row- purl loops.

Third row- front loops.

Knitting turn to work on fourth row. Remove edge. The next loop is purl. Then pick up the loop from the broach of the 1st row, put it on the left knitting needle and knit it with the front one. The next loop is purl again (it is already on the knitting needle). Raise the loop again from the broach of the 1st row and knit it with the front one. And so on.

Thus, you need to alternate: knit the wrong loops from the wrong ones, and the front ones from the broaches. It is convenient to raise the loops with a hook or an additional knitting needle.

The number of loops will double and reach the required calculated number. This is what knitting looks like at the end of the fourth row.

Fifth row knit the way the loops lie, i.e. purl knit with purl, and facial ones with facial ones. Formed gum 1x1.

Knit in rib 1x1 the following rows until the desired height is obtained.

Unravel the auxiliary thread and pull it out of knitting. She is no longer needed.

beautiful cruciform

A cross-shaped set of loops with knitting needles is perfect for finishing the edge of a knitted product. A denser edge made with cross-shaped loops perfectly decorates the item. This method, also called the "Bulgarian Beginning", requires a special set of loops.

Knitting pattern and work progress:

To complete this set of loops, the thread coming from the ball is folded three times, while the length of the triple thread should be approximately three times greater than the width of the part. We put the thread on the fingers of the left hand, the triple thread from the ball hangs from the thumb, and the thread coming from the ball - from the index finger. The knitting needles folded together are inserted into the loop, as shown in photo 1.

We press the threads with the index finger of the right hand to the knitting needles and form the first loop, grabbing the triple thread from the outside of the thumb of the left hand (photos 2 and 3).

We form the second loop by grabbing a triple thread from the inside of the thumb of the left hand. To do this, the position of the triple loop on the thumb of the left hand must be changed: drop the thread and immediately pick it up from the opposite side of the finger (photo 4).

Gathering loops alternately from the outside and from the inside of the thumb of the left hand (which is why the method is called cruciform), we get a series of loops that are located on the knitting needles in pairs. The cruciform typesetting on the front side is shown in photo 5.

Then each loop of the pair is knitted front or back, depending on the pattern with which the product will be made.

For gum 2x2

The Italian set of loops with knitting needles for 2x2 elastic is started to be knitted as an elastic band 1x1, supplementing later with several important manipulations.

For this set of stitches, you will need 1 pair of knitting needles with a number that will be used to knit the elastic. Form the first loop on the needle. Place the working thread on the index finger, and the end of the thread on the thumb of the left hand. The knitting needle is located in the middle.


Bring the needle under the thread on the thumb, and then grab the thread from under it on the index finger. Pull the knitting needle towards you, a loop has formed on the knitting needle, resembling a facial loop.
Pull the needle away from you and down under the thread going to the index finger and grab the thread going to the thumb from under it. A loop formed, resembling a purl.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have cast on the desired number of stitches. The penultimate dialed loop should look like a purl. To secure cast on stitches, cast on the last stitch as you would with a normal cast on. For a 1x1 rib cast on an even number of stitches, for a 2x2 rib cast on a multiple of 4 plus 2 hem stitches.

We knit the first row with a hollow elastic band. We remove the edge, and we knit the next loop with the front one behind the back wall. We remove the purl loop following it without knitting, the working thread passes before work. Repeat until the end of the row. The last, edge loop is knitted with the front loop behind the front wall.

We knit the second row of hollow gum. At the same time, the front ones are knitted behind the front wall, and the wrong ones are removed, without knitting, the thread before work.

For 2x2 rib knit the first row as follows. After the hem we knit the first front loop.

Swap the next purl stitch and the knit stitch that follows. And then we knit the front loop of the front.

If you haven’t knitted before, but really want to learn, it’s never too late to do it. Let's learn to knit.

How to cast on loops on knitting needles - a method from one thread "Air loops"

Depending on how you cast on the knitting needles, this will be the edge of the finished product: thin and hard, thick and elastic, or with a fringe.

The Air Loop method is very simple:

  • We take woolen or semi-woolen threads of medium thickness and 2 knitting needles with a diameter of 3.5-5 mm.
  • To cast on loops, we put the knitting needles together, take them in the right hand, we tie the end of the thread 1 time on the knitting needles closer to the edge.
  • The thread is in our left hand, looped over the thumb.
  • We pass both knitting needles into the loop, drop it from the finger and tighten the loop. Then we throw the loop over again and tighten it on the knitting needle. So we collect the remaining loops. The method is characterized by the fact that the edge of the product will be tightening and thin. If you have not knitted before, you can knit a sample first.
  • We scored loops, now we begin to knit.
  • We pull out one knitting needle from the typed loops (the other knitting needle remains with the loops), and we begin to knit the loops: front and back. If you alternate one facial and one purl (you can have two facial and purl) - you get an elastic band. With it, most sweaters usually begin to knit.
  • If you pick up loops on two knitting needles, and then pull one out, the loops will be loose and it will be easier to knit the first row, since it is the most difficult.

How to cast on knitting needles - a method of two threads "Double"

According to this method, it is more difficult to dial loops on knitting needles than according to the first one.

  • For it, we unwind the thread and calculate its length, depending on the width of the finished product: for 1 loop, 3.5 cm of thread will be required. For example, for a sample of 10 loops, you need 35 cm of thread, plus another 3-4 cm should be free thread.
  • We will prepare woolen or semi-woolen threads for knitting of medium thickness.
  • We take 2 knitting needles, folded together, in the right hand.
  • We mentally divide the measured thread in half (you cannot tear it off the ball).
  • We throw the middle of the thread on 2 fingers: the thumb with the index finger, of the left hand.
  • Both threads descending from two fingers are pressed with three free fingers.
  • Raise the thread between two fingers with knitting needles and pull.
  • We introduce the knitting needles with a thread on them under the thread near the thumb, grab the thread near the index finger and bring it out.
  • We throw off the yarn from the thumb, tighten the loop on the knitting needles. We have 2 loops.
  • We continue to dial loops further. To do this, we throw the thread again on the thumb (the thread was not dropped from the index finger) and then we collect 1 loop.
  • To create a loop, you need to do 5 manipulations: insert the knitting needles under the yarn on the thumb, grab the yarn near the index finger, pull it out, discard the yarn from the thumb, tighten it.
  • So we collect as many loops as we need for the front or back bar.
  • We take out one knitting needle, shift the knitting needle with the typed loops to the left hand and knit the first row with the right hand.

This method of casting on for the initial row of knitting is the most common. It is simple, allows you to cast on loops quickly enough, gives an elastic, moderately stretching edge. This set of loops of the initial row is also called universal or main. The typesetting looks different on both sides: a jagged edge on one side and a pigtail on the other. You can choose any as the front.

The main method is convenient and fast. Its only drawback is that it is difficult to determine the length of the free end of the thread by eye, and if it is not enough, you will have to dial the loops again. Therefore, we first determine the length of the free end of the thread. To do this, you need to take one of the knitting needles with which you are going to knit and wrap around the knitting needle 10 times (one turn is equal to one loop).

The loops are cast on two knitting needles, folded together so that the initial row is not tightened.

Important: the free end of the thread must be laid exactly as shown in the photo - with the end away from you. Otherwise, the formation of loops to a greater extent will not come from the ball (as needed), but from the free end of the thread, and it may not be enough.

So, the thread is placed on the palm of the left hand free end away from you, pinch it with the third, fourth and fifth fingers; circle the end of the thread with the index finger from the bottom up, and then the thumb from the bottom up and fold it together with the thread from the ball. On the index finger there is a thread coming from the ball, on the thumb - the free end of the thread. Knitting needles are inserted into the loop formed on the thumb from the outside from the bottom up, the thread is grabbed from the index finger and pulled into this loop. The knitting needles with the first loop are pulled towards them and down, the ends of the knitting needles are again inserted into the loop on the thumb and the thread is grabbed from the index finger. The sequence of actions is shown in the figure.

The initial row of loops, typed in the main way

Video lesson Set the initial row of loops in the main (universal) way

Any knitting begins with a simple technique - a set of loops on the knitting needles. There are many options for a set of loops, which, in a successful combination with a knitting pattern, will make your product especially attractive.

However, each recruiting method has its own advantages. Depending on which method you use, the edge of your product may acquire different properties. Having mastered the various typesetting techniques, you can achieve significant success in the correct design of your products and avoid unnecessary "body movements" from the very beginning.

1st way.

Traditional set, - the most common variant of a set of loops when knitting. It can be used at the beginning of knitting any product. With this method, after a set of loops, from the very first row, you can start knitting the fabric with the selected pattern.

To do this, the thread from the ball is taken in the left palm. The length of the hanging end of the thread should be approximately twice the width of the intended fabric for which loops are being cast.

Circle the thread around the thumb of the left hand clockwise and put it on the index finger. Both ends of the thread are clamped in the left palm (Fig. 1, b).

Two knitting needles, folded together, are inserted into the loop on the thumb, pick up the thread lying on the index finger, and pull it into the loop on the thumb (Fig. 1, c). After that, they drop the loop from the thumb and help these and forefingers tighten the loop formed on the knitting needle (Fig. 1, d).

Holding the resulting loop with the index finger of the right hand, lower the knitting needles down towards themselves. Then the same movements are performed as in the formation of the first loop (Fig. 1, e). There will already be two loops on the knitting needles. The following loops are performed in the same way as the second.

To prevent the lower chain from twisting around the knitting needles, each new loop is held with the index finger of the right hand.

2nd way.

In this set of loops, the edge of the fabric is obtained cordlike giving the impression of a decorative edge. This version of the set can be used when knitting mohair products - to strengthen the lower edge of the knitted fabric.

After a set of loops from the first row, you can begin to knit the fabric with the selected pattern. So, the loops of the initial row are formed from the main thread, and the lower chain is formed from a thick, triple thread.

In order to make the thread three times thicker, the main end from the ball is folded three times (Fig. 3 a).

On the fingers of the left hand, the threads are positioned so that the main one is on the index finger, the thick one is on the thumb, and the loop A is between the index and thumb (Fig. 3 b).

Two knitting needles, folded together, are inserted into loop A under the main thread (Fig. 3 c). Loop A and the main thread on the needles - the first loop of the set. Holding it with the index finger of the right hand, lower the knitting needles down towards themselves. Next, a set of loops is performed in the traditional way (Fig. 3d).

3rd way.

educated in this way, the edge stretches well, so it can be used both to start knitting, and to add a large number of loops in a row, to expand the fabric.
After a set of loops from the first row, you can start knitting the part with the selected pattern.

It is usually difficult to establish the length of the end of the thread for the set. In this embodiment, the free end of the thread is needed to form only the first loop, which is made with one knitting needle in the traditional way.
Then the knitting needle with the loop is taken in the left hand, and the free knitting needle is taken in the right. Knit a loop with facial knit and leave it on the left knitting needle (Fig. 5 a).

The newly elongated loop is also put on the left knitting needle (Fig. 5 b). There are two loops on the left needle. Knit the second stitch in st and leave it on the left needle.
The newly elongated loop is again put on the left knitting needle. And so they continue to gain the required number of loops.

4th way.

Such edge does not stretch keeps its shape well. It can be used to start knitting, and for group increase in loops, as well as for sewing buttonholes. After a set of loops from the first row, you can knit the fabric with the selected pattern.

Update:(Will be available from 03/12/2017)

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