Accrual of points. What are pension points

As a result of large-scale reforms in the pension insurance system in the Russian Federation in 2015, such a concept as an individual pension point or coefficient, abbreviated as IPC, arose.

Today, the number of points determines a citizen’s right to receive an insurance pension. How is the process of calculating them carried out and what is the cost of a pension point? More on this later.

Why is IPC needed?

Pension point is a special coefficient introduced for assessments of each year of a citizen’s work activity. Points are awarded for insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation made by the policyholder of the future pensioner. This means that you can only receive points if you are officially employed.

Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” defines the IPC as a parameter reflecting the rights of a pensioner, taking into account other factors:

  • age of the pension recipient;
  • the amount of contributions transferred by the policyholder to the account in the personalized accounting system.
For information! The policyholder is the employer, or the recipient of the payments himself, if he was an individual entrepreneur or carries out other activities that require independent payment of contributions.

The IPC is one of the values ​​in the formula for calculating insurance payments to a pensioner, which encourages future recipients of benefits to monitor the timely and complete receipt of insurance contributions to the account in the Pension Fund. This is precisely the main purpose of the new pension payment parameter.

According to the Government, the IPC is capable of ensuring the transition of many employers to a more honest organization of tax reporting, due to which citizens will no longer receive income in a hidden form.

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How much does an IPC cost?

The size of a citizen’s pension payments after retirement largely depends on the number of accumulated points. Incoming insurance premiums are transferred to the IPC at the current rate, after which, at the final stage, the points are again converted into rubles.

Therefore, the cost of the pension coefficient:

  1. strictly regulated by law;
  2. subject to changes taking into account inflation.

From the moment this parameter came into force, one point was equal to an amount of 64.1 rubles. As a result of all indexations carried out in 2019, the coefficient was equal to 87.24 rubles.

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How is the coefficient indexed?

Due to Due to rising consumer prices, annual indexation applies not only to various pension benefits, but also to the pension score itself. According to Dmitry Medvedev, the size of the IPC will respond to the inflation index annually, in accordance with the release of individual Government resolutions.

The inflation chart looks like this:

  • January 1 - planned indexation in full for inflation of the past year of insurance payments;
  • April 1 - additional indexation of social pensions.

In 2016, the indexation schedule was slightly disrupted. In addition, the inflation index was not applied in full. In 2019-2020, the IPC was increased in accordance with the schedule. In the future, the Government promises not to violate the indexation plan.

Indexation date01.01.2015 01.02.2016 01.01.2017 01.01.2018 01.01.2019 01.01.2020
IPC cost71,41 74,27 78,28 78,58 81,49 87,24

Attention! In 2019, the IPC was increased by 7.05%, which corresponds to the inflation rate of 2018.

How to find out the number of accumulated points

It is not difficult today to receive official notification of the size of the individual pension coefficient; there are several ways to do this:

  • request an extract from your personal account on the Pension Fund website or in person at a Fund branch;
  • get the necessary information on the government services website or at the MFC, if there is one in the city.

The statement will show not only the accumulated points, but also the amount of savings and the amount of insurance coverage of the applicant.

In addition to these methods, there is another one - independent calculation of the individual coefficient.

Calculation of individual coefficient

The number of accumulated points is determined for each year during which transfers were made to the Pension Fund for the citizen.

According to the calculation formula, the total amount of insurance premiums made is divided by the maximum amount contributory annual income of the future pensioner.

Formula for calculating insurance points:

IPC = SV / MV * 10,

IPC - individual pension coefficient;

SV - the amount of contributions made by the policyholder;

MV - the maximum possible tax base.

The latter indicator is established annually and enshrined at the legislative level. In 2019, the maximum annual salary for calculating the pension coefficient was 876000 rub.

Important! The limit also applies to the number of points earned. So, even if a citizen’s annual income is 1,000,000 rubles. , the coefficient will not rise above the established one.

How many IPCs are required to assign a pension?

In 2019-2020, to qualify, you must score at least 18.6 IPC points. Every year this figure changes upward. By 2025 it will reach 30 points.

If the citizen’s IPC amount is insufficient, he will be denied payments. This also applies to early retirement.

How to bypass rejection when accumulating insufficient points

An individual coefficient, the value of which does not correspond to the established minimum value, will serve as a reason for refusing to charge an insurance premium. To avoid this, it is worth taking some measures.

What will help you legally avoid refusal:

  • official employment, no breaks in work experience;
  • high wages, completely legal income;
  • deferment of early retirement or old-age pension.

Duration and a high salary will help you accumulate more points, which means they will help increase the amount of future payments.

The deferment of retirement is also awarded additional IPC. The maximum allowable period for deferring a pension is 10 years, and the individual coefficient is allowed to increase by 2.3 times.

The state also charges IPC for certain types of activities other than labor.

Due to recent changes in pension legislation, many people still have an open question about how to calculate pension points. When talking about the size of the insurance pension, a special formula is used where you need to know how many points you have. They are calculated on the basis of contributions, as well as a certain period of retirement.

The age benefit is calculated by multiplying the ratio by the value available on the day payments begin. A fixed component is added to the accrued figure. This pension is paid regardless of the funded part.


If we talk about what pension points are and how they are calculated, it should be noted that they include units that are formed based on a person’s work activity and depending on salary. To receive it, currently you need not only a certain work experience, which must be at least fifteen years, but also a minimum number of years.

The accrued value has been gradually increasing since 2015, starting from 6.6. Every year the indicator increases by 2.4 until the level of the individual pension coefficient reaches 30. This will happen in 2025.

Why are they used?

The number of pension points affects what insurance payment an elderly person will receive. The size is calculated using the following formula:

  • old age insurance pension = coefficient * cost of 1 point on the appointed day.

The same formula is used to calculate pensions based on the onset of disability and the loss of a breadwinner.


The method of calculation is determined in the relevant law. In this case, the following formula is used:

  • number on the day when the pension is assigned = the sum of individual coefficients multiplied by the increasing coefficient.


The indicator of the value of points before January 1, 2015 = the sum of the ratio of the size of the insurance part calculated by age, labor - for the onset of disability or loss of a breadwinner until 12/31/2014 to the score estimate as of 01/01/2015 and the ratio of the coefficient by which the insurance pension is calculated for the onset of disability to the coefficient, in connection with which the insurance payment is formed for age, disability and loss of a breadwinner.

To calculate your pension accruals after 2015, you should divide the sum of points from 2015 and the sum of the coefficients for each year by the coefficients for receiving payments for age, disability and loss of a survivor.

It turns out that after the 2015 annual milestone, points depend on what pension contributions the employer makes. This is how the state seeks to encourage workers to seek white wages.

Also interesting in the calculation is the NP coefficient (equal to 1.8), which is used to calculate pension points for a whole year for a time such as:

  • urgent service;
  • service in law enforcement, fire, drug control, and in the criminal punishment system;
  • caring for a disabled person of the 1st group, a person over 80 years old, a disabled child;
  • military spouses living with their spouses, where they did not have the opportunity to work, but not more than 5 years;
  • residence abroad of spouses sent to consular organizations and on diplomatic missions;
  • In terms of how these coefficients are calculated when caring for a child of 1.5 years, not more than 6 years in total, the following indicators have been introduced:

– 1.8 – for the 1st child up to 1.5 years old;

– 3.6 – for the 2nd child up to 1.5 years old;

– 5.4 – for the 3rd or 4th child up to 1.5 years old.

Maximum value

Important! The law sets a maximum number of points. The size is influenced by the year (during the transition period until 2025 they are gradually transferred upward), as well as whether the funded part is accrued or not. For example, to calculate pension points in 2019, you need to take into account the fact that for those who pay contributions, they can be up to 5.26, and for those who do not make these payments, it can be 8.26. But from 2025, for those who pay contributions, the pension point can reach 6.25, and for the rest - 10.00.

In addition, the law introduced increasing coefficients. For insurance benefits for old age and survivors, they are used for:

  • first appointment;
  • refusal of the old-age pension and further restoration or reappointment;
  • receipt upon the loss of a breadwinner who does not apply for an old-age pension after the corresponding right has been transferred to him.

Point cost

The law provides for indexation of both the point unit and the fixed part. So, from the first of February the index increases for the previous year, and from the first of April the difference between the salary index for the year and the adjustment coefficient taking into account the rise in prices for the previous year is calculated. For example, one pension point from April 1 of this year is equal to 78.58 rubles.

If a person does not reach the minimum points by retirement age, he is not paid an insurance pension.

Pensioners may have a question about how, according to the law, points received during the Soviet era are currently counted. Those who are wondering how to calculate these pension points should contact the Pension Fund branch at their place of registration. Then the employee will determine what accruals he will have before and since 2002. For the calculation, a special formula is used that takes into account the length of service during the Soviet period.

At the same time, citizens should know that the entire capital of pensions from 1991 to 2002 increases by 10% automatically. This is done regardless of proof of work experience. This ruling is not difficult to explain. After all, it was a difficult time in the country, and it was quite difficult to document activities.

However, due to the fact that the innovation was adopted only in 2015, pension points for Soviet service are not awarded. However, despite this, some pensioners still managed to count their money. Of course, the resulting increase was not the greatest. But even if this size increases, it will certainly be pleasant for older citizens who are on a well-deserved retirement.

Pension savings of employed persons are divided into two parts: savings and fixed. Each person decides for himself whether he will receive a fixed payment, or send all funds to form the funded part of the pension. The form by which the volume of savings is calculated includes several elements. One of them is pension points. They will be discussed in this article.


The size of the insurance pension is influenced by:

  • the amount of insurance contributions transferred to the budget;
  • taxpayer age;
  • presence of a disability group, dependents;
  • accommodation;
  • moment of retirement (early or not);
  • formation of savings.

In 2017, persons who permanently reside in the Russian Federation and receive a pension as of December 31, 2016 are provided with a one-time payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. This amount is paid without filing an application and is not subject to personal income tax.

Pension calculation

The pension amount is calculated using the formula:

Pension = P x C x K + FV x K, where:

  • P is the sum of all individual coefficients.
  • C is the monetary expression of one coefficient (point).
  • K - increasing indices for insurance and fixed payments.
  • FV - approved payment.

Let's take a closer look at each of these parameters.

Individual coefficient

The pension point is an indicator that evaluates each year of official work activity, taking into account insurance contributions. When calculating the pension for 2016, the sum of all accumulated points is taken into account. If a person retired before 01/01/2015, then the calculation algorithm differs from the standard one:

SP = MF / S, where:

  • SP - insurance pension.
  • SCH - insurance pension as of 12/31/14 without a fixed payment and a funded part.
  • C - the cost of one point as of 01.01. 15 (64.1 rub.).

The sum of all points accumulated after 01.01. 15 = SV / MV x 10, where:

  • SV - contributions for the formation of insurance benefits, paid at a rate of 10 or 16%.
  • MV - contributions from the maximum salary.

How are pension points calculated?

When calculating, coefficients for individual periods included in For example, the period of caring for a child after he reaches 1.5 years are taken into account. The sum of these coefficients is added to the already calculated points. These periods are taken into account only if they are not taken into account when calculating a disability or survivor's pension.

The number of pension points that can be accumulated per year is limited by law and is constantly increasing (until 2021). The maximum number of coefficients differs for those who decided to form the funded part of the payment (5.16 for 2017) and for those who refused it (8.26 for 2017).

The cost of the coefficient increases annually (01.02) by at least the price growth index. Every year, from April 1, new values ​​of the coefficients of the Federal Law “On the Pension Fund Budget” are established for the planning year. As of 02/01/16, the cost of one point is 74.27 rubles.


Consider the points using the formula:

B = (S/M) x 10, where:

  • S - the amount of contributions transferred to the formation of a pension in the Pension Fund from annual earnings.
  • M - the amount of contributions from the maximum salary, paid at a rate of 16%.

Employee salary - 30 thousand rubles. per month, i.e. 360 thousand rubles/year. The maximum base is 720 thousand rubles:

720 x 0.16 = 115.2 thousand rubles. - maximum contribution amount.

We will calculate pension points under the following conditions:

  • the employee chose only an insurance pension;
  • the employee chose a mixed insurance model.

Option 1. The amount of contributions at the 16% tariff is 57.6 thousand rubles. (360 x 0.16).

B = (57.6/115.2) x 0.1 = 5.

Option 2. The amount of contributions at the 10% tariff is 36 thousand rubles. (360 x 0.1).

B = (36/115.2)*0.1 = 3.125.

Fixed payment

It is set at a fixed rate in relation to the insurance pension. The payment amount is indexed every year. As of 02/01/16 it is 4.56 thousand rubles. The increased payment amount is provided for:

  • disabled people of group I;
  • citizens over 80 years of age;
  • persons who worked or lived in the Far North;
  • citizens supporting disabled persons.

Indexation is not carried out for working pensioners.

In cases of appointment later than the right to receive it or refusal to receive a pension, an increasing coefficient for the fixed payment is applied.

Special cases

Some life stages count towards work experience. For example, conscription service, child care. During such periods, a person usually does not work, but he is awarded a certain number of points. If a person continues to work, then he himself chooses: to count points calculated from earnings, or to use those guaranteed by the state.

Pension score for socially significant periods:

  • 1.8 - for a year of caring for a person over 80 years old, a disabled person or a year of leave to care for the first child;
  • 3.6 - for a year of caring for a second child;
  • 5.4 - for a year of caring for a third and subsequent child.

How is experience determined?

A citizen can confirm his employment before 2002 by providing a work book. Since 2003, it was introduced that all information that organizations transmitted about their employees was recorded in the Pension Fund of Russia database on a personal account.

The insurance period earned before 01/01/15 will also be recalculated into a pension point. First, pension rights as of 01.01 are determined. 2002. The pension amount is then calculated based on the average salary for 2 years before retirement or for five consecutive years. Since 2002, pension rights are determined based on the amount of contributions paid. In 2010, they were revalued by 10% of the pension capital. An additional 1% is charged for each year of service. Until 2014, the amount of accumulated pension capital is annually indexed by a certain coefficient. The resulting amount of savings is divided by the cost of one coefficient. This is how the total number of points is determined.

It is quite difficult to carry out such calculations on your own. All information about the taxpayer is stored in the pension “file”. Therefore, when calculating the amount of your pension, it is better to rely on the calculator presented on the Pension Fund website.

How to do this?

You need to go to the Pension Fund website in “Electronic Services” and become favored in the “Personal Account”. Here you can see the already accrued pension points and calculate their number for the current year based on salary data.

Young employees can use a calculator to estimate the approximate size of their pension if they plan to serve in the army or have a child. Elderly people can see how the amount of their payment will change if they “stay” at work. If pensions are issued late, both parts of the payment are indexed to the bonus coefficient. But “recycling” for more than 10 years is pointless. The pension increases only during the first ten days.

In 2014, the government suspended the formation of savings. All funds were used for current payments. This time-out was necessary to survive the crisis in the Pension Fund and to “reformat” the work of non-state pension funds, whose services are already used by more than 22 million people. The Ministry of Labor still insists on introducing a voluntary format for formation. But depriving the country's economy of "long-term" money can lead to a serious economic crisis.

New rules

Since 2017, an old-age pension is granted under the following conditions:

  • experience is at least 8 years (by 2024 - 15 years);
  • pension score not lower than 11.4 (annual increase by 2.4 to 30);
  • the citizen has reached 60 years of age (man) or 55 years of age (woman).

The retirement age for persons holding public office in 2017 is 60.5 and 55.5 years, with subsequent annual increases to 65 and 63 years.

Article 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen, regardless of gender, age, type of activity and other third-party factors, the right to receive various social benefits. These include old age pension benefits. In accordance with the current provisions of the law, such a pension can be a labor pension, assigned to an employee upon reaching a certain age and developing the required length of service, and a social pension, which is awarded to people who have not officially worked or are unable to confirm their work experience. The social pension is significantly less than the labor pension, and the right to receive it begins five years later.

Since 2014, as a result of another legislative experiment, the Russian Government adopted a new model for accruing and calculating pensions, now using pension points. What is it, what is it for and how to find out your number of points - see below.

What are pension points?

Since specialists from the Russian Pension Fund have not yet been able to give a clear definition of a pension point, we should dwell on the most general description of the concept. The pension point, or point for a pension, is the ratio of the official salary received by the employee for a conditional period to the maximum established in the country.

Thus, the pension point is not a real or fixed conditional value; its equivalent value changes (increasingly, from year to year), and theoretically this process is unlimited. The nominal increase in wages correlates with inflation, and as long as it is positive, the value of the pension point will also increase. Thus, immediately after the start of the pension reform (in 2015), one point was equal to 64 rubles 10 kopecks; in 2018 - already 81 rubles 49 kopecks.

Important: officially, instead of the term “pension point”, a more complex one is used - “individual pension coefficient (IPC)”. These concepts are completely interchangeable, but sometimes the individual pension coefficient is also called the sum of all points accumulated by a citizen by the time of retirement. In the text below, only the first, more familiar option will be used.

Before moving on to the procedure for accruing pension points, it is necessary to clarify what role pension points play in the formation of corresponding labor payments. Dealing with this is no more difficult than in - and maybe even easier.

Old-age pensions are, as already mentioned, of several types:

  1. Social. They are assigned to citizens who have not worked anywhere, have not worked long enough and have not accumulated the required length of service (and now the required number of pension points), or for some reason cannot confirm their length of service - for example, due to the loss of employment documents. The amount of such benefits is minimal and amounts to 4982 rubles 90 kopecks for 2018. Every year it is adjusted (taking into account inflation) upward, but it is impossible to expect that in the current paradigm of social relations the size of the social pension will ever reach a decent level. The right to receive benefits begins five years later than the retirement pension: at 65 for men and 60 for women. Pension points are not used to calculate social pensions.
  2. Insurance. It is precisely in order to calculate the size of the insurance pension that individual pension coefficients are used. Payments are based on mandatory monthly contributions by the employer to the Pension Fund (22% of the employee’s nominal salary). In accordance with the original model of pension reform, an option was also provided with mandatory contributions in the amount of 16% of the salary, but currently the legislator has frozen his own proposal until at least 2020.
  3. Cumulative. They are also formed without taking into account pension points, on a voluntary basis, on the basis of 6% of monthly earnings paid by the employee to the Pension Fund of Russia or non-state pension funds. In this case, the insurance part of the pension would account for 16% of contributions, however, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, now the formation of the funded part of the pension has been suspended, and the existing amounts, as the legislator assures, have been used to pay insurance pensions.

As you can see, pension points are used only in one case out of three: when calculating the insurance part of the pension. But even here, not everything is so simple: in order to receive the right to receive benefits, a citizen must not only accumulate a certain amount of points, but also meet other requirements.

There are three conditions for receiving a labor pension:

  1. A citizen has reached a certain age. For men this is generally 60 years, for women - 55 years. The retirement age is likely to be increased in the near future; How many years and how smoothly the process will take place is still unknown. Some categories of citizens, in particular military personnel and law enforcement officials, have the right to early retirement - at the age of 45 or even earlier. On the other hand, for one of the busiest sections of society, civil servants, from January 1, 2017, the corresponding age was increased to 65 years and 63 years for men and women, respectively. The growth will proceed at a leisurely pace - 6 months every year; it can be assumed that the same speed will be determined (if amendments to Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 are adopted) for working citizens.
  2. Availability of work experience. In accordance with Article 35 of the mentioned document, by 2024 the duration of such mandatory experience will be 15 years. Currently, transitional provisions are in effect: for example, in 2017 a citizen had to gain 8 years of experience, and in 2018 - already 9 years. Continuity of experience does not matter: it is only important to work out the required amount of time. It goes without saying that only official length of service is taken into account, which can be proven by entries in the work book (the simplest method) or on the basis of official documentation: orders for employment, transfer, dismissal, and so on.
  3. Availability of a sufficient number of individual pension coefficients, or points. In accordance with the same article of the above-mentioned law, by 2025 (the year the pension reform ends), a working citizen will need to score 30 points to assign payments. Now the same transitional principle applies: in 2017 it was required to have a total of at least 11.4 points, and in 2018 - already 13.8 points. After 2025, the legislator promises not to revise the minimum number of points, however, as practice shows, it is unwise to rely too much on its guarantees.

How are pension points calculated?

Pension points, or individual pension coefficients, are awarded for each period (calendar year); their amount, accordingly, depends on the total length of the employee’s work experience.

In accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 400-FZ, which has been mentioned many times before, the number of pension points accumulated over the year can be calculated using a simple formula.

Bg = (Zg / Zmg)× 10, Where

  • Zg- a citizen’s salary for the year, taken before deduction of personal income tax;
  • ZMG- the maximum annual salary established at the legislative level, from which contributions for the formation of an insurance pension are deducted.

The last component is worth talking about in more detail - it is needed to limit the number of points that a citizen can earn during the year. Its size is revised at the same frequency; You can find out the current one on the Internet, at the same time getting an idea of ​​how. The website of the Russian Pension Fund shows the value of the maximum taxable monthly salary for 2018: 85,083 rubles; therefore, its annual volume will be 1,020,996 rubles or, if slightly rounded up, 1,021,000 rubles. It is this amount that you should focus on when calculating the number of pension points for 2018.

Let's look at an example. Let the average monthly salary of a worker before personal income tax be 50,000 rubles. Accordingly, in a year he will receive (50,000 × 12) 600,000 rubles. Then, based on the above formula, we can conclude that in 2018 a citizen will accumulate (600,000 / 1,021,000 × 10) 5.88 points. This amount, together with the individual pension coefficients accumulated earlier and later, will form the basis of the employee’s future pension.

Concerned about maintaining workers' interest in changes in domestic law, the legislator went further, not only introducing a point system, but also setting an upper annual limit on accumulated coefficients. In other words, a citizen, no matter how hard he works and no matter how much he receives for it, does not have the opportunity to score more points in a year than are prescribed by law.

To get an idea of ​​the dynamics of the planned changes in the system of formation of insurance pensions, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the following data:

  • in 2015, a citizen could retire with 6 years of work experience and a total of 6.6 points (the maximum one could get in a year was 7.39 points);
  • in 2016 - already having 7 years and 9 points with an upper limit of 7.83 points;
  • in 2017 - 8 years and 11.4 points (annual maximum - 8.26 points);
  • in 2018 - 9 years and 13.8 points (annual maximum - 8.70 points);
  • in 2019 you will need to have 10 years of experience and 16.2 points (annual maximum - 9.13 points);
  • in 2020 - 11 years and 18.6 points (annual maximum - 9.57 points);
  • in 2021 - 12 years and 21 points (annual maximum - 10 points and, when returning to the formation of the funded part of the pension, 6.25 points, respectively);
  • in 2022 - 13 years and 23.4 points (annual maximum - 10 points and 6.25 points, respectively);
  • in 2023 - 14 years and 25.8 points (annual maximum - 10 points and 6.25 points, respectively);
  • in 2024 - 15 years and 28.5 points (annual maximum - 10 points and 6.25 points, respectively);
  • in 2025 - 15 years and 30 points (annual maximum - 10 points and 6.25 points, respectively).

Important: although there are no plans to increase after 2025 the minimum number of points or total length of service required to assign a labor pension, Russian legislation, known for its changeability, may surprise working citizens more than once again - for example, by a transition from a point system to some other model of pension formation . It is impossible to predict this; All that remains is to observe further innovations and draw appropriate conclusions.

In certain situations, when a person cannot work due to circumstances beyond his control, he retains the right to receive individual pension coefficients. Such cases include:

  1. Serving in the Russian Armed Forces upon conscription (for male citizens aged 18 to 27 years). 1.8 points are awarded per year.
  2. Caring for the first child under 1 year of age (usually for mothers, although fathers can also accumulate points) - 1.8 points.
  3. Caring for a second child under 1 year of age - 3.6 points.
  4. Caring for the third and subsequent children under the age of 1 year - 5.4 points for each.
  5. Caring for a child with a disability - 1.8 points for each year.
  6. Caring for a citizen with a group 1 disability - 1.8 points for each year.
  7. Caring for an elderly relative (over 80 years old) - 1.8 points for each year.
  8. Own temporary incapacity for work (disability) - 1.8 points for each year.
  9. Staying registered with the Employment Center - 1.8 points for each year.

Points received in these circumstances can be summed up both with each other and with individual pension coefficients accumulated during the period of working activity. It should be taken into account that each case giving the right to accrue “extraordinary” points must be documented: with the help of certificates, extracts and any other relevant papers.

How to calculate pension based on points?

As you know, the formation of funded pensions has been suspended since 2015 and at least until 2020, so there is no point in calculating this estimated component of the labor pension, especially if we take into account that individual pension coefficients are not used to calculate it.

But the insurance part of the future benefit can be easily calculated using a simple formula.

Ps = Bs× Sat + Fs, Where

  • Bs- the total number of points accumulated by the time of retirement;
  • Sat- the equivalent cost of one point established by the Government, regardless of the time difference in their receipt;
  • Fs- a fixed component equal to the amount of social benefits (in 2018 - 4982 rubles 90 kopecks; reviewed and indexed every year in accordance with the official inflation rate).

Let's look at an example. Let a citizen who has accumulated 50 pension points during his work retire in 2018. Then, taking into account the current equivalent value of a pension point of 81 rubles 49 kopecks and the previously indicated size of the fixed component, he will be able to receive monthly: 50 × 81.49 + 4982.90, that is, 9057 rubles 40 kopecks.

Advice: for citizens who worked before 2015, the equivalent number of pension points is calculated. The calculations in this case are quite complex and not always understandable to the Pension Fund employees themselves, so instead of doing the calculations yourself, it makes sense to use a convenient calculator posted on the official website of the government structure.

How can I find out how many points I have accumulated?

You can find out about your current number of pension points in three ways:

  1. Calculating it personally. A long and complex process that takes a lot of time and does not always end in obtaining the correct result. In addition, the calculated amount is of an estimated nature: when assigning a labor pension, Pension Fund employees will rely on their calculations, and not on the considerations of the citizen who came to them. Nevertheless, if you have free time and a penchant for mathematical exercises, independently calculating your future insurance pension can be an exciting activity - especially taking into account the possible revision of the current benefit generation model.
  2. By submitting an application to your local Pension Fund office. There is no need to motivate your desire to know the number of points: just express it and, having patience, wait until the employee provides an answer. Typically, processing a request does not take much time; It is much more difficult to write the application correctly and wait for your turn.
  3. Using a convenient calculator on the official website of the Russian Pension Fund. This is the fastest and easiest way: a citizen only needs to have a computer or laptop connected to the Internet and remember the most important details of his biography. Below we will talk in more detail about this option.

To find out the total number of points on the Pension Fund website, the future recipient of the benefit should:

  • Follow the link The visitor will be automatically redirected to the page of his region - a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Although the system error does not play any role in the calculation of individual pension coefficients, it can be corrected by using the drop-down menu on the right in the upper segment of the screen.
  • The easiest way to go to the “Pension Calculator” is to use the “Citizen’s Personal Account” link on the main page.

  • There is no need to log in to the site: the visitor will just have to click on the link on the new “Pension Calculator” page.

  • On the page that opens, you can, as mentioned earlier, calculate your pension points for the current year. To do this, you should enter your average monthly salary in the upper electronic form, which has one field, before deducting personal income tax from it, and then click on the “Calculate” button located next to it.

  • The result will be displayed just below; you can make sure that it completely coincides with the calculated data given in one of the previous sections.

  • Now you can go down the page and proceed to filling out the main form. In its first part, the user must indicate:
    • what gender is he?
    • what year was he born;
    • the number of planned and existing children, as well as the duration (expected or actual) of caring for each of them in years.

  • The second part of the same electronic form should include:
    • duration (estimated or real) of care for persons with disabilities of the first group, children with disabilities, elderly relatives over 80 years of age;
    • the number of years during which a citizen agrees not to apply for a labor pension after he reaches the age that gives him the right to do so;
    • type of employment: employee, self-employed, or both.

  • In the third part of the table, the site visitor must indicate his approximate total work experience at the time of filling out the form and the official average monthly salary, and then click the “Calculate” button.

  • Upon completion of processing the request, the system will display the following information in a pop-up window:
    • total number of pension points (IPC);
    • the amount of the monthly benefit in rubles;
    • total length of service of the employee.

Important: on the same page, moving a little further down, the visitor will be able to familiarize himself with the above-mentioned current values ​​of social benefits, the maximum salary subject to insurance contributions and the equivalent value of the pension point.

How to increase the number of pension points?

As already mentioned, to retire today it is not enough to reach a certain age or develop a specified length of service; a third condition is also necessary - a significant number of pension points.

If there are not enough of them or the worker wants to receive more IPC, the easiest way to collect the required amount is to continue working without contacting the Pension Fund for a benefit. Each “extra” year means several additional points, and therefore, the later a citizen goes on vacation, the more theoretically he will subsequently receive.

The following incentive scheme continues to operate in 2018:

  1. For one year of deferment:
    • the coefficient of increase in the fixed amount of payments is 1.056 (if there is a right to early leave for vacation - 1.036);
    • the coefficient of increase in accumulated pension points is 1.07 (if there is a right to early retirement - 1.046).
  2. For two years of deferment:
    • the coefficient of increase in the fixed amount of payments is 1.12 (if there is a right to early leave for vacation - 1.07);
    • the coefficient of increase in accumulated pension points is 1.15 (if there is a right to early retirement - 1.10).
  3. For three years of deferment:
    • the coefficient of increase in the fixed amount of payments is 1.19 (if there is a right to early retirement leave - 1.07);
    • the coefficient of increase in accumulated pension points is 1.24 (if there is a right to early retirement - 1.16).
  4. For four years of deferment:
    • the coefficient of increase in the fixed amount of payments is 1.27 (if there is a right to early leave for vacation - 1.16);
    • the coefficient of increase in accumulated pension points is 1.34 (if there is a right to early retirement - 1.22).
  5. For five years of deferment:
    • the coefficient of increase in the fixed amount of payments is 1.36 (if there is a right to early retirement leave - 1.21);
    • the coefficient of increase in accumulated pension points is 1.45 (if there is a right to early retirement - 1.29).
  6. For six years of deferment:
    • the coefficient of increase in the fixed amount of payments is 1.46 (if there is a right to early leave for vacation - 1.26);
    • the coefficient of increase in accumulated pension points is 1.59 (if there is a right to early retirement - 1.37).
  7. For seven years of deferment:
    • the coefficient of increase in the fixed amount of payments is 1.58 (if there is a right to early leave for vacation - 1.32);
    • the coefficient of increase in accumulated pension points is 1.74 (if there is a right to early retirement - 1.45).
  8. For eight years of deferment:
    • the coefficient of increase in the fixed amount of payments is 1.73 (if there is a right to early leave for vacation - 1.38);
    • the coefficient of increase in accumulated pension points is 1.90 (if there is a right to early retirement - 1.52).
  9. For nine years of deferment:
    • the coefficient of increase in the fixed amount of payments is 1.90 (if there is a right to early retirement leave - 1.45);
    • the coefficient of increase in accumulated pension points is 2.09 (if there is a right to early retirement - 1.60).
  10. For ten or more years of deferment:
    • the coefficient of increase in the fixed amount of payments is 2.11 (if there is a right to early leave for vacation - 1.53);
    • the coefficient of increase in accumulated pension points is 2.32 (if there is a right to early retirement - 1.68).

However, it is not always a matter of imperfection. Quite often, as the practice of appeals to higher authorities and judicial authorities shows, pension fund employees incorrectly calculate the number of individual coefficients accumulated by a person, which can lead to a refusal to grant benefits. You shouldn’t immediately make desperate decisions and stay at work for a few more years: it’s better to check the accuracy of the calculations using the method described above, if necessary, recalculate manually, and then submit an application for recalculation of points to the head of the local branch of the Pension Fund.

If, even though the applicant is obviously right, his request is not granted, you can safely file an application in court - if there is evidence, the case will be won without any particular difficulties.

Let's sum it up

The pension point, or individual coefficient, is the ratio of the employee’s annual salary to the maximum salary subject to insurance contributions. In order to obtain the right to a labor pension, a citizen must collect a certain number of such points; in 2018 it is 13.8 coefficients. In addition, points are awarded for military service upon conscription, caring for children, elderly relatives and for a number of other reasons.

A worker can find out the amount of accumulated points by submitting an application to a branch of the Pension Fund or filling out an electronic form on the structure’s website. If the number of IPCs is not enough for retirement or a citizen wants to accumulate more of them, he can work for several more years, receiving as a reward increasing coefficients for the fixed part and the points at his disposal.


A pension is a payment provided by the state to citizens who have reached old age. This type of compensation can be received by people who have sufficient experience for this and beneficiaries. For example, they can be received due to disability or loss of a breadwinner. After the reform, the state made changes to the calculation of these payments. Only the calculation of pensions for those born before 1967 remained the same.

How is the pension calculated today?

For citizens over 50 years of age, the calculation of pensions for those born before 1967 is carried out in a special way. The amount consists of a mandatory fixed state part and an insurance part. The value will depend on the following factors:

  1. person's age;
  2. number of years worked, profession;
  3. on the amount of salary received.

The procedure for calculating pensions for those born before 1967 depends on the following factors:

  1. Is the person a participant in the co-financing program? Co-financing is state support in the form of additional charges to old-age compensation, allowing a citizen to increase personal contributions to his future funded share. Several parties can participate in co-financing: the citizen himself, the state (this is voluntary and is carried out on the basis of an application), the employer (this is not mandatory, but many enterprises consider this an additional motivation as part of the social package provided to them)
  2. Does the citizen make regular payments towards the funded portion of future compensation?

Regulatory framework

The calculation of pensions for those born before 1967 is regulated by federal legislation 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. This law deals with aspects of calculating the insurance part. The following types of insurance pensions are provided: old-age insurance, disability insurance, accidental insurance. The regulatory framework also includes Federal Law 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions”, in which you can also get acquainted with aspects of pension payments.

General procedure for calculating pension payments

In order for a citizen to count on receiving benefits under the insurance part, the future pensioner must meet the following conditions:

  1. Men can count on compensation at the age of 60, women - at the age of 55 (some categories of people can apply for old-age compensation before this age).
  2. Insurance experience must be at least 15 years.
  3. The individual coefficients by which the IPC pension can be calculated are important. For each period of work experience, a person is awarded a certain point (coefficient). Their total must be at least 30.

If you need to calculate a pension for those born before 1967, each condition must be considered separately. Old-age labor compensation is assigned to people who have reached the age of 60 years for men and 55 years for women. There are certain categories of citizens who can count on early retirement and a well-deserved rest. These include:

  1. citizens who worked in certain conditions (harmful, etc.);
  2. having certain specialties and positions;
  3. having a certain length of service, labor or insurance.

These include:

  • persons who worked in underground structures or in workshops with elevated temperatures, under particularly difficult working conditions;
  • women who worked at high intensity or operated heavy equipment;
  • railway workers;
  • geological prospectors, search engines;
  • working sea and river vessels;
  • miners;
  • aviation industry workers;
  • rescuers;
  • teachers;
  • doctors working with the population.
  • mothers of many children with five children, or two or more;
  • visually impaired or injured as a result of hostilities.

Early compensation includes a preferential type of pension, which can be received by the following groups of citizens:

  1. If their activity involved heavy physical labor or work in unfavorable conditions.
  2. If the work was carried out in the conditions of the Far North or in an area equivalent to the same.
  3. If the working conditions included a certain deadline, after which, regardless of age, it was time to retire.

People raising children alone can count on the insurance share. If the sole breadwinner had a certain period of work, then the insurance share is also calculated. To apply for any type of old-age benefits, you need to confirm that the breadwinner is absent or has died by providing a death certificate or a court decision declaring missing.

Work experience

The second condition for receiving insurance benefits is the insurance period. These are the periods of time during which a person made contributions to the Pension Fund. There are two types of insurance experience:

  1. ordinary- this is a type of length of service when contributions to the Pension Fund are made by citizens working under normal working conditions;
  2. special– unlike usual, this experience characterizes the type of work in special (for example, harmful or dangerous) conditions.

Work experience until January 1, 2002

Calculation of length of service until January 1, 2002 is carried out in calendar order according to the actual duration of each period. Confirmation of the fact of work, military service or the period of child care, and for calculating the insurance portion, will be documents of personal storage. What a person must submit to the fund:

  1. work book;
  2. employment contracts;
  3. salary certificates for five consecutive years of work until 01/01/2002;
  4. military ID;
  5. child's birth certificate;
  6. marriage certificate.

Only if these documents are available in the fund can he count on the timely assignment of a pension in the established amount. To record the time worked, since 2002, an individual personal account with a permanent insurance number must be opened in the Pension Fund for each insured citizen. In it, government employees are required to reflect:

  • data on periods of labor activity;
  • information on wages up to 01/01/2002;
  • amounts accrued and paid by the employer or personally insured person of insurance premiums.

Recording of hours worked since 2002

Information on periods of work and wages before 2002 in the Pension Fund is provided by the employer in 2003-2004. If during these periods the person did not work or the employer provided incomplete or unreliable information, then the fund will not have the necessary information. If the insured person doubts that all the information has been provided, then you can always contact and provide the missing information about length of service and salary until 2002. The following periods are included in the length of service:

  1. army, service in the police department;
  2. service in bodies and institutions of the criminal correctional system;
  3. receiving social benefits for temporary disability (maternity leave);
  4. child care up to 1.5 years;
  5. registration for unemployment;
  6. reassignment of a civil servant for employment in another area;
  7. participation in community service;
  8. exile or stay in prison or colony;
  9. caring for a disabled person;
  10. when a citizen reaches 80 years of age.

What periods are included in the length of service?

Based on the law, the minimum insurance period increases every month. In 2015 it was 6 years, in 2019 it will be 9 years, and in 2025 it will be 15 years. If, upon reaching old age, the minimum number of years of work has not been completed, then old-age insurance compensation will not be accrued. The insurance period is determined by entries in the work book showing the period of official employment of the employee.

If an employee’s work book is lost or some records are missing, the following documents will confirm the length of service:

  1. employment contracts;
  2. certificates issued to the employee at previous places of work;
  3. extracts from orders (for example, orders for hiring and dismissal);
  4. employee personal accounts;
  5. payroll statements.

Since 2019, innovations have come into effect for calculating pensions for those born before 1967 using new formulas. According to the law, people with 35 years of work experience are entitled to receive additional payment. And for those who have worked (officially) for more than forty years (40 years for women, 45 for men), when they retire, the state will pay an even larger bonus.

The third condition for receiving insurance benefits is individual coefficients. This is the number of points earned over 12 months or those periods that are included in the length of service. These coefficients are calculated depending on a person’s salary, subject to his official employment. The higher the salary, the higher the coefficients. The main condition is that before retirement the coefficients should not be less than 30.

Based on the Law “On Insurance Pensions”, increasing requirements for the minimum pension coefficient have been established. If, from January 1, 2015, old-age insurance compensation is assigned with a coefficient of at least 6.6, then with a subsequent increase in the coefficient annually by 2.4 by 2025, its maximum amount will be 30.

All periods will be included in the length of service if they included labor activity lasting at least one working day, during which deductions to the Pension Fund took place. Scheme for increasing the coefficient in the table:

Year of retirement

Minimum coefficient

from 2025 and later

Pension for those born before 1967

The Russian government is actively pursuing pension reform in 2019. The pension calculation for those born before 1967 consists of three parts. This:

  1. base share;
  2. Cumulative share;
  3. insurance

Base part

Basic is a fixed compensation that every person who has reached old age receives, regardless of length of service. From January 1, 2002, the final base rate was set at 450 rubles per month. This amount is due to all citizens who have reached old age and have worked for more than 5 years. Its size is affected by a person's age.

Cumulative part of pension provision

This share is available only to those citizens who were born before 1967 and are participants in the OPS. It is formed if in the period from 2002 to 2004. The employer paid monthly insurance premiums for the funded share of labor activity in the amount of 6% of wages. It is formed on a voluntary basis for participants in the State Pension Co-financing Program and persons who allocated funds from maternity (family) capital to. The total amount going to the savings share should not exceed 463,000 rubles per year.

Based on the federal decree, paragraph 11 of Art. 31 “On investing funds to finance the funded part of labor benefits in the Russian Federation”, insured persons born before 1967, who have entered into an agreement on compulsory pension insurance and who have applied to transfer to a non-state fund (NPF), submit an application for refusal to finance the funded fund part and direction to finance the insurance part in the amount of 6 percent of the individual part of the insurance premium tariff.

Citizens can find out about their savings in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by writing an application in the prescribed form. Payments of state support, in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not subject to taxation and are not taken into account in calculations of personal income tax, with the exception of payments if the individual has voluntary insurance of the funded part.

Insurance pension

It includes all work experience accumulated by 2002, the amount of wages and a special coefficient. Let us analyze the methodology for calculating the insurance share, which should be calculated according to the following algorithm:

  • SP = PB * CB * PK1 + FV * PK2, where:
    • SP is the amount of funds calculated to pay the insurance benefit;
    • PB – points accumulated over time;
    • Central Bank – the price for 1 point established at the time of calculation;
    • PC1 and PC2 are increasing bonus coefficients for retirement at a later period;
    • FV – fixed amount

Procedure for applying for a pension

Find out about the procedure, how to apply for a pension, where to apply, and what papers are needed for this. It is recommended to start processing the payment in advance in order to have time to fully prepare the paperwork. With a complete package, you must contact the authorized body for the calculation and payment of benefits. There are step-by-step instructions for calculating payments and submitting documents to the Pension Fund. A complete list of documents is given below.

Deadlines for submitting documents

The second step is submitting documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. After collecting at any time after reaching old age (for women the age should be 55, for men - 60 years or more), you must contact the Pension Fund of your region to assign and calculate the amount of payments. Then the calculation of payments for those born before 1967 begins from the date of submission of the application with a complete set of documents.

Where to apply

If the Pension Fund requests additional information, the specialist accepting the documents does not have the right to refuse to submit the application. The applicant must provide the missing information within 3 months. If the deadlines are met, compensation will be accrued from the day the application is submitted. If the deadline is missed, the full package of documents will need to be submitted again, and the date of application for payment assignment will be changed. The application to the fund must be considered within 10 days from the date of submission of the full package of papers.

After calculating the payment, the moment of its receipt is important. If all documents are completed correctly and submitted on time, the amount will be calculated and issued within the 10th day. If the pensioner submitted bank card or account details, then the payment is made to it on the 10th day, and there is no need to apply anywhere. When receiving money by mail, there may be a delay of 1-3 days for the postal service to process the new application. If the amount is less than the subsistence minimum (it is 10-11 thousand rubles), contact the Pension Fund.

The last step applies to those citizens who continue to work after retirement. Payments are recalculated for them. It is necessary to submit to the Pension Fund a certificate from the place of employment about the accrued wages for the year and insurance compensations made, fill out and submit the corresponding application to the fund employee. It will be reviewed within 10 days. Each person chooses for himself whether to work or immediately after reaching old age to retire.

What documents need to be provided

The first step is preparing documents. There is the following list of papers:

  1. passport for Russian citizens or residence permit for citizens of foreign countries;
  2. all forms about studies and education;
  3. in the original and copies - work book;
  4. If necessary, certificates from the employer may be required;
  5. insurance certificate (SNILS);
  6. marriage certificate;
  7. a certificate confirming the place of residence and existing family composition;
  8. copies of dependents' identification documents;
  9. a certificate of the average salary of the employee at his last place of work;
  10. details of the banking institution that will deliver payments;
  11. application to the Pension Fund;
  12. certificate of average monthly salary up to 01/01/2002 for 60 consecutive months;
  13. a certificate stating that no other type of payment has been assigned to the person.

How to calculate your pension

Every person who retires can calculate their pension independently, knowing the formulas and parameters for calculating it. It is possible to make an online calculation, and there are also calculators available. If you can’t make the calculation yourself, you have the opportunity to contact the Pension Fund to learn how to calculate or request information about future income.

General formula

The formula for calculation will look like this:

  • P = PV + LF + MF, where
    • FV – fixed share (basic);
    • LF – cumulative fraction;
    • SP – insurance share.

The procedure for determining the insurance part

The fixed share is set by the state. Each citizen has his own savings share. Therefore, we need to know how the insurance share is calculated. There is a calculation principle for this:

  • SCh = PC/T, where:
    • SCh – insurance part;
    • PC – pension capital;
    • T – estimated time that compensation will be paid, measured in months

From this formula we do not know the value of pension capital, which must be calculated in a new way. The capital consists of the values ​​of the conditional pension capital (CPC) and the estimated payment (RP). Calculated using the formula:

  • RP = SK * ZR / ZP * SZP, where:
    • SC is the coefficient for length of service. It is equal to 0.55 (for men with 25 years of experience, women with 20 years of experience). For each year worked beyond the length of service, 0.01 is accrued, although this figure should not be more than 0.75.
    • Salary/salary is the ratio of wages to the average earnings in the country. Its level should not be more than 1.2.
    • SWP - the average salary is calculated by the Pension Fund in the amount of 1,671 rubles.

After calculating the estimated payment, you can find out the amount of conditional capital:

  • UPC = RP – BC / T, where RP is the estimated compensation, BC is the base part, T is the estimated time of payment, measured in months.

To calculate the insurance part, we only need to know the value of PC1, which can only be found in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR). When you know all the data, you will be able to calculate the insurance share, and ultimately calculate what benefit you can count on when you retire. Every year the state increases pensions. This is affected by indexation and inflation. Indexation is an increase in the amount of payments that is made annually.

Calculation example

Citizen Sidorov Ivan Sergeevich, born in 1956, can retire in 2016. The citizen’s work experience is 29 years. His salary was 1,700 rubles per month. It is necessary to consider the calculation of pensions step by step:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to calculate the experience coefficient. For 25 years of experience, the coefficient is 0.55, for each subsequent year there is an increase of 0.01. The citizen's final rate will be 0.59 points.
  2. Divide the salary by the average salary, that is, 1700:1671 = 1.02.
  3. Substitute these numbers into the formula (see above) and find the pension capital indicator: 1.02 x 1671 x 0.60 - 450 (fixed payment in 2002) x 228 (approximate number of months of compensation) = 130564.66. This is how capital is calculated for 2002.
  4. Every year the government indexes pensions, because of this it is necessary to multiply the resulting number by the total coefficient: 130564.66 x 5.6148 = 733094.45 - this is the size of Ivan Sergeevich’s pension capital by 2019.
  5. A small allowance is made for the post-Soviet period of work from 1991 to 2002, it is equal to 0.1 of the amount of capital and amounts to 73,309.45.
  6. To all these allowances, you need to add the amount of compensation collected on the personal account, which the employer has paid since 2002. According to the Pension Fund, they amount to 856,342.10 rubles. Principle of calculation: add up all these numbers: 733094.45 + 73309.45 + 856342.10 = 1662746.00.
  7. Divide the amount received by the approximate period of benefit payment, so you will determine the benefit (228 months): 1662746.00: 228 = 7292.75.
  8. Multiply the individual pension coefficient (for contributions it was 106.393) and the cost of the point (in 2019 it was 78.28). You will receive an additional insurance portion: RUB 8,328.44.
  9. How to reduce an adult's temperature
