Drawn ballerina snowflakes. Original decoration for the New Year: paper ballerina with snowflake

    I also liked the idea of ​​a ballerina snowflake, it looks somehow unusual and original. To be honest, I didn’t immediately understand why ballerinas suddenly became so popular on New Year’s, but then I remembered that there is such a ballet - The Nutcracker, based on Hoffmann’s New Year’s fairy tale, and there is wonderful music by P.I. Tchaikovsky and there are ballerinas, and waltzes , and many other interesting things. And there is this cartoon - old and very beautiful, I would even make a stencil like this:

    But, to be honest, I know from my own experience that stencils made from regular paper quickly become limp. We once printed a stencil of New Year’s bells on a printer, then fiddled around for a long time, cut it all out, the drawing turned out, but the stencil went limp very quickly. Now I prefer to buy stencils in stores for artists; they are a little expensive, but they last a long time.

    You can also make stencils of ballerina snowflakes if you have the time and desire, just take thicker paper or something special for this purpose. Manufacturing details can be found on this website.

    It’s not difficult at all if you have a sample in front of your eyes. It is better to sketch the figure itself or download a ready-made drawing and cut it out. And then you cut out any snowflake, make a slit in the middle and put it on the ballerina figurine.

    And it’s even more interesting if you wear fabric tutus instead of paper snowflake skirts. Just cut out a snowflake from organza or not a snowflake, but a circle and also put on a skirt like a doll.

    If the ballerina is cut out of semi-cardboard, from a rigid base, then she will not wrinkle and will keep her shape, and a light robe will create the effect of flight.

    But look how it looks in reality, what a light snowflake-ballerina figurine.

    You can either take a ready-made stencil for a ballerina snowflake or make it yourself. On the Internet you can find a sufficient number, of different sizes and in different poses. You need to print and cut along the outline. Decorate the skirt with a snowflake or even fabric. It’s even very easy to make such a ballerina snowflake

    Template for snowflake ballerina

    Option for a ready-made ballerina snowflake

    There is nothing difficult in cutting out snowflakes; it can be done even with children.

    First, we decide on the templates and sizes of the ballerinas, print them on a printer and cut them out, or draw them ourselves and cut them out too.

    Then we find patterns of openwork snowflakes. Now there are a lot of them on the Internet, you can choose for every taste. Snowflakes must be cut out from white or colored sheets of A4 paper folded 1/8 or 1/16. We draw a snowflake and carefully cut it out with a stationery knife, then unfold it.

    These snowflakes differ from all others in that they have a wide central hole. We still need to put it on the ballerina.

    We will get snowflakes like this.

    Anyone can make a ballerina snowflake.

    • We make a ballerina template from thick cardboard. For example, like this:

    • Cut out a beautiful snowflake.
    • We connect it so that we get a ballerina like this:

    You can decorate your apartment or office for the New Year with these snowflakes.

    This craft has been floating around the internet for several years now. People are finishing the details. In addition to the first stencils of ballerinas invented by the author, there are already other ballerinas.

    How to make a ballerina snowflake. Here is a stencil for a children's craft. The child can cut it out of paper himself. Next, all that remains is to glue the snowflake.

    Snowflakes-ballerinas look very beautiful. You can make a ballerina separately using a stencil and cut out a snowflake separately. And then combine them.

    Or you can immediately make a ready-made ballerina snowflake using a stencil. Here are some of the stencils.





    Such ballerinas look very beautiful on the window.

    Personally, I print such complex snowflakes onto paper and then simply cut them out. There is nothing complicated here.

    These are the templates:

    Or you can put snowflakes on ballerinas and it will turn out like this:

    In fact, making your own snowflake ballerina stencil is not at all difficult.

As a New Year's decoration for a room or a Christmas tree, you can make original snowflakes - ballerinas with your own hands.

The craft consists of two parts: a silhouette figurine and a tutu in the form.

It’s not difficult to make; this type of creativity is suitable for activities with children. You can organize work with several kids by preparing different templates for cutting in advance and printing them.
Tools and materials you will need for work:

paper glue;
white cardboard (double-sided);
colored cardboard;
white and/or multi-colored napkins;
thread or fishing line;
ballerina template or tracing paper for creating it;
protractor for cutting out snowflakes;
nail scissors or stationery knife.

If children are involved in the work, scissors should be used with rounded ends.

To make a decoration in the form of a ballerina, you need a figurine template for cutting. You can simply print it on a printer and then transfer it to cardboard. It should be double-sided, since the figure will spin at the slightest air movement and both sides will be visible. You can also take colored cardboard in pastel shades or plain paper, pre-gluing it in several layers.

Paper ballerina: we have provided cutting templates below.

The main thing is that the figurine is already in a tutu skirt, onto which it will be convenient to attach the top, light and airy snowflake.
The dancers are approximately 25 cm in height with their arms raised. If the room you plan to decorate is small, you can make the figures more miniature. The easiest way to do this is to copy the picture into Word and resize it. The printer settings also have a function such as changing the sheet size for printing.

Advice! When printing a silhouette on a printer, it is best to set the minimum toner consumption. This will help save money and hide flaws when cutting.

You can draw a ballerina yourself or invite your child to do it. It may not turn out perfect, but it will be very soulful and homely. Let the parents make one figurine and the baby another, so that they can exchange gifts later.

If it is not possible to print the template, you can use tracing paper or even edible tissue paper. To do this, you need to lean the tracing paper against the monitor, having first enlarged one of the figures in the photo below to the desired size. Using light movements, outline the outline of the figure. For this purpose, it is better to take a soft pencil, marked B or 2B. And the line will be visible and nothing will threaten the monitor.

Then the silhouette is cut out, adhering to the inside of the drawn outline, so that there are no pencil marks left on the finished figure. It will look neater this way. There is no need to finish drawing the face or other details. This will deprive the ballerina of lightness.

Let's start making an air pack. It can be made in the shape of a real snowflake, that is, hexagonal. For this:
take a square piece of paper and fold it in half;
there is a central point on the fold of the sheet;
using a protractor, it is marked into 3 equal parts of 60° each;
rays are deposited from the center through marked points;
the rectangle is folded along the drawn lines, as shown in the diagram, then in half again;
straighten the edges of the paper with scissors.

After the workpiece is folded, you need to draw a drawing of the future snowflake with a pencil and carefully cut it out. If time permits, the finished skirt can be placed under a heavy book to straighten out the folds.
In the center of the snowflake, you must make a cutout, which will help you put the skirt on the dancer. It could be just a large round hole or an asterisk with thin rays. For convenience and to avoid crushing the ballerina, you can make slits on one or both sides, and then glue them with a narrow piece of tape.

Advice! The more complex the pattern on the snowflake pack, the more airy the finished figurine will look. A skirt made from several napkins of different colors looks very beautiful.

Several figurines of ballerinas can be used to decorate a chandelier or attach to the top of a doorway. They are suspended using long white threads or very thin fishing lines. The mount can be glued to the figure’s head with glue or tape, but it is better to pierce a small hole with a needle and tie it. It turns out to be a kind of “mobile”.
Ballerinas begin to “dance” every time someone passes by or there is a draft.

Using the paper ballerina cutting template shown below, you can make entire garlands of aerial ballerinas.

The algorithm of actions is the same, only this figure needs to be cut out, first folded in half so that its hands are closed. Then you can thread tinsel through them and the garland is ready.

Advice! The easiest way is to cut out the ballerina from the first picture. To carefully cut out the remaining dancers, you should use nail scissors or a stationery knife. Particular attention should be paid to the fingers and the curve of the ballerina’s neck.

The skirt can be further decorated. To do this, you need to apply a thin layer of glue on it, and then sprinkle it with glitter.

A ballerina in a fabric skirt will look charming. For this, tulle is useful, preferably of medium hardness.
you need to cut the selected fabric into a rectangular shape, its width is 10 cm, its length is about 40 cm;
then, using a needle and thread, you need to gather the future pack on one side with frequent small stitches;
putting the skirt on the dancer, you need to tighten it with threads;
distribute the folds evenly, carefully tie the ends of the threads into a bow.

Any fabric that holds its shape but is not too stiff is suitable for making a skirt. For example, lace, nylon ribbons, chiffon, taffeta. For lack of anything better, you can even make it from an ordinary bandage. Beads, small beads, rhinestones, and sequins are used as decoration. You can trim the edges of the pack with curly scissors or simple, but original ones.

You can also watch a video on how to make a paper ballerina:

A short skirt looks best. The longer it is, the more bulky the ballerina looks.

You can decorate the interior with ballerinas in fabric tutus not only for the New Year holidays, but, for example, on March 8 or on a girl’s birthday.

To make the New Year's snowflakes shown in the photo, we will need A4 paper (cutting snowflakes from smaller sheets is extremely difficult, since the templates contain very thin and elegant patterns), a pen or pencil, scissors and the desire to create.

Folding snowflakes according to patterns

Take a blank sheet of paper, mark the cutting line so that you get a square, and use scissors to cut off the excess paper.

Before the New Year, I want to decorate my house and do it somehow unusual. The best option for original decoration may be to use homemade accessories. For example, if you make snowflakes with your own hands and hang them throughout the house, the festive mood is guaranteed for a long time.

Paper snowflakes are made from white or colored paper, and you can hang them on a Christmas tree, as a garland or just as a pendant.

Snowflakes can be single or collected from several different ones. The ballerina in a snowflake skirt, gracefully dancing on a thin thread, looks especially original.

Such pendants, descending from the ceiling, can be made not only double, but also triple, and even more. It all depends on the size of the finished snowflakes, the length of the thread and the place where they will hang. For example, you can hang such garlands of short length above your desktop so that they do not interfere. And along the curtains you can make a composition of snowflakes from ceiling to floor.

To cut out a snowflake, you need to take a sheet of A4 paper. It is folded diagonally and the excess strip of paper is trimmed to form a perfect square. The square must be folded diagonally several times so that the fold lines are clearly visible. The corner from which the snowflake will then be cut is folded as shown in the figure. You can cut out any pattern that suits your imagination.

Such a snowflake can become a beautiful and unusual skirt for a ballerina. By making several different snowflakes, you can dress each ballerina in her own individual outfit.

Ballerinas can also be different, for example, a girl balancing on one leg.

Or a gracefully curved dancer with her arms raised up. This figure is convenient to use because you can stretch a thread between its hands and hang it in the right place.

Another option for a ballerina to diversify the garland with different girls.

Each figure can be carefully transferred to a sheet of paper or printed out from existing templates. Ballerinas can be of any size, but it is most convenient to place them on an A5 sheet, then two girls will fit on a landscape page.

You can cut out identical ballerinas with a simplified design. This option will look good on a garland. However, it is better for girls to make skirts from different snowflakes, otherwise completely identical models will look boring.

If you make ballerinas from multi-colored paper, this will add brightness and expressiveness to the decoration. And you can hang them on ordinary rain, preferably not very thick, but long, so that at least 6-8 ballerinas can fit on it.

If you hang such a garland along a wall, curtain or on a Christmas tree, the room will sparkle with new colors, and New Year’s magic will be felt all around. To make the ballerina symmetrical, you only need to cut out its half on a sheet of paper folded in half. The skirt, which is part of the girl, is needed so that the snowflake skirt does not fall off.

You can cut out the snowflakes themselves by folding the sheet into a corner, as usual. To do this, you also need to take a square as a basis. Small scissors and a little mischief and imagination will help you cut out funny and beautiful patterns from paper.

To put an openwork skirt on a ballerina, you need to keep it folded in half, then it will fit into even the smallest hole in the center of a snowflake. And then you can beautifully straighten both the ballerina and the snowflake.

For convenience, you can print a ballerina template, as shown in the figure. Although drawing it by hand and cutting it out will also be a very simple task.

You should not limit yourself in decorating your home only to purchased blanks and garlands. A little imagination and effort, and the house will plunge into the magical atmosphere of the New Year holiday.

Ballerina- a symbol of sophistication and grace. The dance itself is about 400 years old. It originated in Italy, but developed mainly in France. Initially, ballerinas performed at courts, entertaining the nobility during the Renaissance. Then, dance began to accompany operas. Ballet was identified as a separate art form only a couple of centuries ago.

The classic suit appeared even later. The usual short tutu, pointe shoes, tight top - a set from the end of the 19th century. It can not only be sewn, but also cut and folded from. Let's learn how to do this right now. Naturally, we will create not only the outfit, but also the ballerina as a whole.

How to make a ballerina out of paper?

Ballerinas are associated with ease. The ease with which the dancers perform the most complex steps makes one think about her. When girls stand on pointe shoes, they seem to be lifted off the ground, which also symbolizes lightness.

In addition, the standard of choreographic schools is thin-boned and thin ladies; others are not accepted. Such airiness is reminiscent of snowflakes, like the white tutus of ballerinas. Therefore, figurines of dancers are often used as Christmas tree decorations and winter interiors.

The result of the work is visible. It remains to do something similar. The work always consists of two stages. The first is making the dancer's body. The second stage is creating a pack. How to make a paper skirt for a ballerina does not raise any questions.

Everyone can cut out snowflakes. The problem may be the dancer's outline. Not everyone knows how to draw people. However, there are simplified schemes that almost everyone can do. One of them is demonstrated in the following video:

How to make a ballerina snowflake out of paper, if you couldn’t draw the simplest outline? Templates will come to the rescue. There are tons of them on the Internet. You just need to choose the one that suits you and print it.

All that remains is to cut it out and put the pack on it. If desired, the template is painted or sprayed with glitter. This gives the craft a shine and adds a festive atmosphere to the house.

In question, how to make a ballerina out of paper,templates are also important when there is a lack of time. If you need to decorate a room in an hour, it is better not to disdain the preparations, even if you have artistic abilities.

By the way, you don’t have to cut the skirts yourself either. In stores there are openwork napkins and ready-made snowflakes from. Fine arts teacher Ekaterina Kravchenko will tell you how to use them.

Ekaterina offered two versions of the skirt, one of which was knee-length. However, in the history of ballet there were also long costumes. Modern choreographers also use them in some performances. A full-length tutu makes the image of the dancer close to the image of a princess, a royal person. If you follow the following instructions, she will visit your home. Let's call her the Snow Queen.

Let’s sum up the winter theme with a contrasting sentence. The ballerina's tutu can also be black. In dark colors, some also perform the silhouette of a dancer. It turns out to be a kind of black swan from the ballet of the same name. In 2010, a psychological thriller starring Natalie Portman was also named this way.

The picture was favored by critics. But black paper ballerinas earn praise from designers. Dark figures are an easy way to add mystery to any interior.

How to make a paper ballerina using additional materials

In question, how to make a paper ballerina skirt, not only the color is non-standard, but also the choice of material. The word “paper” brings to mind ordinary stationery sheets, albums, and Whatman paper. By the way, napkins are also paper. She often finds a place on the table, but rarely in creativity. Let's fix the situation. The author of the next video will tell you how.

As you can see, the dancer’s body also does not have to be made of cardboard, or paper in general. Wire figures are more durable and more voluminous. But, there are times when a planar composition is needed. We are talking about postcards and decorative panels for walls.

In this case, refer to the instructions “ how to make a paper ballerina step by step» the section “how to make a skirt for a dancer from fabric” is added. Textiles are another material suitable for crafts. Here are examples of finished images:

Such compositions can decorate any girl’s room, dance class or art gallery. A tutu can also be made from yarn, threads of beads, tinsel. The latter is ideal if decided make a paper ballerina for the New Year.

How to make a ballerina out of paper - video, accessible to everyone. But the grace and stretch of dancers remains just a dream for many. Psychologists say that if you surround yourself with beautiful things, you involuntarily begin to look up to them, hold them and behave differently.

So, learn your lesson, how to make a paper ballerina with your own hands means getting closer to the desired ideal. Decorate your home with graceful figures and thereby enhance your own grace.

The passion for ballet is worthy of kings. For centuries, they not only watched dance performances, but also participated in them. Thus, Louis the 13th played one of the main roles in Cassandra and several supporting roles in other productions. And ballet, as you remember, originated at court, among aristocrats.
