Nod 2 junior group winter fun. Summary of drawing lesson “Our winter fun”

Olga Shuvaikina
GCD summary: “Winter fun” for the second junior group.


consolidate the ability to answer the teacher’s questions. Learn

consider illustrations indicating children's activities.

To consolidate children's knowledge about winter activities (skiing,

sledding, playing snowballs, making a snowman).

Materials, Equipment:

subject picture “On a walk in winter”; subject pictures “Winter fun”

Methods, techniques:

Conversation, story, art. word, looking at pictures, playing.

Progress of the lesson

1 Introductory talk

Guys, it's winter now. All children, young and old, love winter. How can you go for a walk in winter to make it interesting? (Build a snowman, sledding, cleaning paths, etc.).

Well done! You know how to have fun. Do you want to see how other children have fun in winter? (yes we want to).

2 Conversation on the picture.

The teacher shows the painting “On a walk in winter.”

Look at the picture, what you see in it, tell me... Children are sledding, skiing, several children are making a snowman.)

Guys, what do you think the snow was like that day when the children were walking? (White, clean, sticky).

Why do you think it's sticky? (Because they are making a snowman).

Was the frost severe? (No).

What kind of faces do children have? (cheerful, joyful, smiling).

Are the children cold? (No, their cheeks are red, children move a lot).

What are the children's mood? (Good, cheerful, joyful).

Physical education minute.

Game; "Grey bunny."

The gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears (squatting)

Like this, like this, he moves his ears. (make “ears on the top of the head” and move the “ears”)

It's cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm his little paws,

Like this, like this, you need to warm your little paws. (rubbing pen against pen, slapping themselves on the sides).

It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump

Like this, like this, the bunny needs to jump. (they jump, turning around themselves).

The wolf scared the bunny, the gray bunny galloped away! (scatter around the group).

3 - There are a lot of winter activities. Let me now tell you different winter activities, if I say it correctly, then clap your hands:

In winter they play snowballs.

In winter they swim in the river.

In winter they ride a bicycle.

In winter they collect mushrooms.

In winter they collect berries.

In winter they go ice skating.

In winter they go sledding.

In winter they make snowmen.

In winter they go skiing.

Educator: Guys, do you hear? Who came to us?

The teacher points to a tree on which pictures of birds are attached.

Children: Birds!

Educator: Many are familiar to you, let's name them.

Children call: crow, sparrow, tit, magpie, dove.

Educator: That's right! These birds are called winter birds. Why do you think?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes. Because they stay with us for the winter. And some birds fly to warmer regions; they are called migratory.

Guys, is it easy for birds to survive winter?

Children: No. Because they have nothing to eat in winter.

Educator: Correct. What do birds eat?

Children: Seeds, grains, insects.

Educator: Of course. And we can help the birds, feed them.

5 Lesson summary

Guys, what did we talk about today? (about winter fun)

What kind of winter fun are there? (answers)

What did you like most? What was difficult?

This concludes our lesson. Well done!

Publications on the topic:

Calendar planning for the week “Winter fun, winter sports” Calendar planning of the group’s work: “Clever and smart girls” on the topic: “Winter fun, winter sports” January. III week 16.01-20.01.2017.

Open comprehensive GCD for certification “Winter Fun” of the second junior group Integrated educational areas: - Cognition - Communication - Artistic creativity - Socialization - Reading fiction.

Project "Winter Fun" in the second junior group Relevance Against the backdrop of environmental and social tension in the country, against the backdrop of the unprecedented.

Program content: To teach children how to play with toys, to promote the development of a plot-game concept, and to develop small skills.

Week of the game “Winter Fun” in the 2nd junior group.

Monday. "Russian Folk Game Day"


Didactic game “Find the matryoshka toy”

Goal: to teach children to determine and name where it is in relation to other objects, to use appropriate prepositions in speech.

Morning exercises with your toys

Goal: develop coordination of movements, increase emotional and muscle tone.

Writing a story about your toy

Goal: to teach children to write a story about their favorite toy, to expand their vocabulary with emotional and evaluative vocabulary, and to learn to coordinate nouns with adjectives.

Independent play activities with favorite toys

Goal: to enrich children’s gaming experience, to show an example of story-based actions with various toys.


The snow is fluffy, the street is white,

And a snowstorm flies, it has come to us... (winter).

Guys, today we will talk about the time of year outside. It's winter. It's cold outside, we are dressed in fur coats, jackets, warm hats, scarves, and mittens.

And who can say what kind of white blanket covered the earth? (snow).

What color is it? (white).

Let's take the snow in our hands. How do you feel? (cold).

Is the snow clean or dirty? (clean).

Snow is falling and a large pile of snow is called a snowdrift. Is there a snowdrift on our playground? (There is).

So let's play. We jump into a snowdrift. Who's next? (jumping).

Guys, pay attention, the snow in the snowdrift is fluffy and soft.

Fall from the sky in winter

And they circle above me

Light fluff

White... (snowflakes).

Let's try to catch a snowflake in our palm. Whoever catches it turns into a snowflake (the teacher hands out paper snowflakes). The players move in a crowd around the snowy building, spinning around themselves. After some time, the direction of movement changes, the round dance circles in the other direction.

Outdoor games: “We are Dymkovo horses”


Organization of a holiday concert for toys:recitation of poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” series, dance of little ducklings.

Goal: to develop children's creative abilities and expressive speech.

Didactic game:

"Dymkovo toy"

Goal: to teach children to use the ability to find a toy by description in the game; develop the ability to navigate in space.

The design of the exhibition is “Dymkovo Patterns”.


Snowflakes - little fluffs are tired on the fly -

They stopped spinning and sat down to rest.

The players stop, sit down and resume the game again. We played a little, and now we will try to draw. I have magic markers, they don’t draw on a piece of paper, but they draw on the snow. Shall we try? The teacher shows how to draw a snowflake on the snow (individual work). I drew one big snowflake, how many snowflakes did you draw? (many).

Oh, look how many snowflakes fell on our playground, but there is a hare sitting under a bush, he cannot get to our playground because there is a lot of snow here. I suggest taking shovels and collecting snow, making paths along which the bunny will find our playground and play with us. (Children's work activities).

We've worked so hard, here comes the bunny, we'll put together our work equipment and play with our friend on the playground.

Outdoor game. “The little white bunny is sitting”

White bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears

Like this, like this.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Like this, like this.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this.

Tuesday. "Colorful Ice"


Conversation about winter

What time of year? (Winter)

Goal: to consider different types of winter fun (sledding, snow modeling, skiing, skating, etc.)

Morning exercises

Goal: develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements

A clubfooted bear walks through the forest
He collects cones and sings a song.

(Children they waddle).

Bunnies scattered across the forest clearing
Jump - jump, jump - jump.
These are the bunnies.

(Children jump on two legs).

The naughty squirrel is jumping,
Tearing cones in the pine branches,
He squeezes it deftly with his paws
And he takes it to his closet.

(Children squat down and hold the bump tightly)

Quietly, quietly the snow is falling,
Snowflakes are falling
White, shaggy, light fluff.

(children perform movements after the teacher)

Drawing "It's snowing"

Goal: to continue to teach children to draw using the “dipping” method, to hold the brush correctly


Game “It’s cold for the bunny to sit”:

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Paws up, paws down,

Pull yourself up on your toes,

We put our paws on the side,

On your toes, skok-skok-skok.

And then squat down,

So that your paws don't freeze.

The bunny is good at jumping,

He jumped 10 times.

Elementary experiment with children “Transforming water into colorful pieces of ice”

Free activity of children with external materials


Didactic game Lotto “Animals”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name animals; develop memory and attention.

Didactic game Domino “Toys”

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to follow the rules of the game; develop visual perception and attention.

Didactic games at the request of children(“Big and small”, “Mosaic”, etc.)


Listen to one very beautiful poem about winter:

White fluffy snow
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.
And in the morning snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.

-Did you like this poem?
What is this poem about? (about snow, about winter) What does snow look like? (on a blanket that covers the earth and all living things). That's right, children!
Just as your mother covers you with a warm blanket before bed, so the snow covers the plants, trees, and shrubs. For them, fluffy snow in winter is a real salvation from frost and wind. The more snow in winter, the warmer it is for all plants and trees.

-And in the forest, under the snow, in a den, a clumsy bear sleeps all winter.
Let's wake up the bear so he can admire the beauty in winter!

Low mobility game "Bear".
Children stand in a circle. A bear is chosen, sits in a circle and closes its eyes.
- Like snow, snow under the tree,
- And there’s snow on the tree, snow,
- And under the hill there is snow, snow,
- And there’s snow on the hill, snow,
- And a bear sleeps under the snow
- Quiet, quiet, don't make noise!

Wednesday "Musical Kaledoscope"


How much snow has fallen

Everything around is white - white!

Snow falls on houses

Winter has come to us again!

Winter-winter comes to visit us every year.

If you look out the window, you can see her.

(Invites the children to look out the window)

What do you see outside the window? (children's answers)

That's right, everything outside the window is white, because

There is snow everywhere. What kind of snow?

(children's answers - white, fluffy, light, shiny...)

Let's go on a trip to the winter forest? We'll go there by train.

Lisa will be the train, and all of you will be the carriages.

Take your seats. Our locomotive is leaving!

(Children stand one after another, move with a stomping step to the song “Locomotive-Bukashka”, music by A. Ermolov)

Exercise "Train"

Music hands: We've arrived! So you and I found ourselves in the winter forest. Look, children, what do we see here? What is there a lot here? (trees, snow) Let's sing our favorite song about winter to the winter forest.

Song “Winter” (music and lyrics by Z. Kachaeva)

Music of hands: Do you hear what beautiful music sounds? This

snowflakes are dancing. Do you want to dance with


(children take snowflakes)

Active listening “Waltz” (music by A. Grechaninov)

Muz.ruk: There was so much snow. Let's play in the snow!

"Snowball Game" (lyrics and music by M. Kartushina)

Goal: have fun, respond emotionally to the game, coordinate movements with the text. Develop

ability to navigate in space.

Muz.ruk: We continue to walk through the winter forest, but how can we get through, everything is covered with snow. And you and I will make a path in the snow.

Poem with movements “Winter Walk”

There are snowdrifts on the way - they raise their hands up.

The kids can't get through here! - they shake their heads.

To make a path for us, they imitate

We'll dig a little. - work with shovels.

Oh, we're tired of digging. - wipe the “sweat” from the forehead,

The path must be trodden - they follow the teacher with a stomping step.

(The teacher and the children approach the snowdrift)

Educator: What is it? There's a snowdrift on our way!

What's in it? We need to take a look.

Didactic game “What lies in the snowdrift?”

Goal: - improve auditory perception, the ability to distinguish the sound of musical instruments, and name them. Learn to play them in an ensemble.

Music hand:

You and I will arrange an amazing concert, We will all play amazingly together!

Orchestra "Oh you, canopy" (Russian folk melody)

Muz.ruk: What an amazing snowdrift we came across on the way.

(The teacher approaches another snowdrift, it moves))

Music hand: Look, children, the snowdrift is moving. There's someone there.

(The teacher takes out the bear and goes out with it)

Bear: Hello, children! I really liked how fun you played! For this I want to show you a magical musical Christmas tree. She loves listening to songs! And if she likes the song, she begins to grow. Sing a song to the Christmas tree, and by the New Year's holiday it will grow bigger than dad and bigger than mom!

Music hands: Let's stand around the Christmas tree and please it


Round dance "Christmas tree"(music and lyrics by L. Vakhrusheva)

Bear: I really liked your song! And now I will go to sleep in my den. Bears need to sleep in winter. Goodbye children.

(children say goodbye to the bear, he leaves)

Music ruk: Guys, do you hear the blizzard singing its song: “Oooh! I’ll notice- oooh!” . Show how the blizzard sings.

Goal: -to develop pitch and dynamic hearing.

Phonopedic exercise “Blizzard”

A blizzard is raging outside the window: - they shake their hands at the top,

“Uh-oh! Oooh!” -they say loudly “Oooh!”

Sneaks quietly: - they slap their palms on the knees.

“Uh-oh! Oooh!” - they say quietly “Oooh!”

The blizzard is swirling, the blizzard is howling: - they shake their arms above,

“Uh-oh! Oooh!” -say loudly “Oooh!”

“Don’t go for a walk in the forest,” they threaten with their finger,

I’ll take it with me!” - they say quietly “Oooh!”

Educator: It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's go

We're on a sled.

Exercise "Sleigh"

Muz.ruk: We've arrived! Did you like our trip? Who did you meet there? What interesting things did you see?(we met a bear, a musical Christmas tree. We saw a musical snowdrift.)


Educator: Children, look how beautiful it is outside.

On the trees, on the meadow

A little white snow fell.

Guys, where is the snow?

Children: On the trees, on the roofs, on the fence.

Educator: That's right, well done guys! Everywhere is white, white, snowflakes sparkle in the sun.

(The teacher imitates the movement)

I love fluffy snow

And I catch it in the palm of my hand

Here's a snowflake

And she sat on my mitten.

I'll find her a girlfriend

It will be more fun together.

This is a snowdrift! What size is it? Big or small?

Children: Big.

Educator: Touch it, tell me what it feels like?

Children: Cold.

Educator: So what is it made of?

Children: From the snow.

Educator: What can you make from snow?

Children's answers

Outdoor game “Run to me”

Free activity of children with external materials


Preparation for the role-playing game “Hospital”:looking at pictures, talking about the work of a dentist, reading A. Garf “These are our hands.”

Role-playing game "Hospital"- at a dentist appointment.

Goal: to teach children to play out situations related to personal experience; develop the ability to take on a specific role.


Information stand - “Game in a child’s life”


Game exercise:

One, two, three, four, five-

Let's go for a walk:

On our babies

Let's put on our pants. (show us how we will put on our pants)

Leg - one, and leg - two.

To keep your ears from freezing,

Let's put on a hat.

(show us how we will put on the hat. Like this).

A warm and fluffy scarf

Let's warm up the neck.

(Show us how we will tie a warm scarf. Like this.)

Let's hide our hands in mittens

Multi-colored sisters.

Handle - one, and handle - two.

(did you hide your hands in your mittens?)

The jacket is always warm

Will warm us in the cold

(Show us how we will put on the jacket. Like this.)

They get into their sleeves

Tell me, how do children play during walks in winter?

Children's answers

Free activity of children with external materials

Sledding, ice skating downhill

Friday “Theatrical Games”


Conversation about the theater

Goal: to clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about the theater, types of theater, rules of behavior in the theater.

Morning exercises “Turnip”

Goal: to develop coordination of movements, raise the emotional and muscle tone of children.

Puppet theater show based on the fairy tale “Turnip”

Goal: to create a positive emotional mood, develop interest in theatrical activities and fairy-tale characters.


Watching snowflakes. Goal: clarifying children’s knowledge about snowfall, developing thinking and speech, nurturing aesthetic feelings, and the desire to admire the beauty of snowflakes.


How is the snow falling today?

What do snowflakes look like?

Looking at and admiring snowflakes (use a magnifying glass).

The teacher invites the children to catch a snowflake on their mitten, and then on their palm.


Where can we look at a snowflake longer: on a mitten or on a palm?

Why did the snowflake disappear on my palm?

What's left of the snowflake?

Base game “Snowflakes” (performing movements in accordance with the text)

V.: - One-two-three, turn around,

And turn into snowflakes!

The wind is blowing, blowing, (Walking and running around the site)

Blowing, blowing,

White snowflakes

It's scattered in the field.

Snowflakes, snowflakes are flying in the wind.

Snowflakes, snowflakes want to fall to the ground. (Easy running in different directions)

And the wind keeps blowing stronger and stronger,

The snowflakes are spinning faster and faster. (Turns around yourself)

Suddenly the wind died down, it became quiet all around,

Snowflakes flew into a big snowball. (Sit down next to an adult)

Ind. Job.

Children with high mobility activity: skiing exercise.

Children with low mobility activity: exercise “Sled”

V.: - There are white snowdrifts,

Well, we don't care about them.

Who knows how to have fun

He's not afraid of frost!

Base game “You, Frost, Frost” (performing movements in accordance with the text, running, developing imagination, fantasy).

You, Frost, you, Frost, (Sit down in a circle and “grow”, show “cart” with your hands

Overgrew the oak, gifts")

Overgrew the oak tree

Brought a cartload of gifts:

The snow is loose, - swing your arms from top to bottom

The winds are stormy, - movements of the arms above the head

The frost is bitter - wrap your arms around yourself

And the snowstorms are friendly, - “Whist” with your hands

There's ice on the river, so you can stamp your feet

It's cold and chilly.

You, Frost, catch up with us,

Have fun playing with us! They run away, Frost catches them, freezes them.

(The driver guesses what figure the children have drawn)

Repeat 2-3 times.

V.: Winter has its caresses,

There are wonderful days

There are skis, skates, sleds,

Mirror ice and skates!

Independent activity. The teacher offers the children sleds and ice cubes.

Labor (cultivating a desire to care for sports equipment): help the teacher clear the snow from skis, sleds, ice skates and put them away on the veranda.

Breathing exercise “Blow a snowflake”


Didactic game “Let’s teach Cockerel to behave in the theater”

Goal: to clarify and deepen children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in the theater, to remind that actors should be thanked with applause.

“Children for Parents” Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”

Goal: create a positive emotional mood, learn to portray fairy-tale characters using facial expressions, gestures and expressive speech.


Watching the snow. Goal: to develop observation and curiosity, to continue to introduce the properties of snow, to interest children in conducting experiments.

V.: -A white blanket covered the whole earth. What is this?


Why do you think the snow covered the ground?

Is it warm for the grass and bushes under the snow? Let's check it out!

Experience: We leave one glass (plastic) with water on the path, and bury the other in the snow. At the end of the walk, look where the water froze.


Q: - It is unknown where he lives, he will swoop down, bend the trees,

He whistles, there’s a shiver in the river, you mischief maker, but you won’t stop! (wind)

V.: - Listen to how the wind howls: “V-v-v.” Repeat how he blows. Are you afraid of the wind? Why? People say: “The frost is not great, but it’s not good to stand.” Even if we stand in warm jackets and fur coats, we will still freeze. What should you do to avoid freezing? (move, run, play).

Base game “Don’t wake the bear” (running, avoiding objects, changing the direction and pace of movement, dodging the driver, developing strong-willed qualities (courage, determination, self-confidence).

Games exercise “Forest guests” (learn to perform imitative movements (fox, hare, sparrows, wolf, etc., develop motor activity).

Work: carrying out instructions from the teacher, the ability to fill buckets with snow to a certain measure.

V. - We warmed up, but our dolls froze! Let's build a slide for the dolls. They will ride and also warm up.

Children shovel the snow into one place, bring it in buckets and on shovels, and compact it.

Rolling dolls down the slide.

Ind. Job.

Children with low mobility activity: “Run to me” (exercise running)

Children with high mobility activity: “Hit the target” (throwing snowballs at the target).

Independent activity: playing with snow (use shovels, buckets, planks, etc.).

Thursday “Health Day”


Conversation “To be healthy”

Goal: to form children’s ideas about the meaning of movements in human life.

Outdoor game “On a level path” and “From bump to bump”

Goal: to raise emotional and muscle tone, develop coordination of movements, practice column walking and jumping on two legs.

Physical education

"Winter Adventure"

Purpose: To practice general developmental exercises (walking, running, crawling, climbing, throwing). Develop dexterity, attention, speed of reaction, coordination of movements. Give children the joy of playing with characters.

Material and equipment:

Christmas tree;



Hare and wolf costumes;


Snowballs in a basket.

Leisure activities

Children enter the hall to cheerful music


A magpie flew past here

Brought news with me

There's a Christmas tree in the distant forest

There is a decorated one.

Let's hurry there, friends.

We can't be late.

(Children walk in a circle one after another)

Here are the snowdrifts-

We raise our knees high.

(Raise your knees high, keeping your hands on your belt)

Along the icy path

We walk slowly

(Walk on tiptoes, arms raised up)

To avoid falling into the snow

We have to hurry

(They run into the loose)

We'll put skis on our feet

And we'll drive through the snow

(squat on bent legs, imitating the movements of a skier)

We'll go around the trees

We will not shake the snow from their branches.

(they run like a snake, going around the placed racks)

On a snowy clearing

We'll find an elegant spruce.

The teacher places a Christmas tree decorated with toys in the center of the room.

General developmental exercises are performed. (Slow, quiet, calm music sounds).


There is a slender Christmas tree in the clearing

And the bright lights sparkle merrily

IP: put your hands behind your back. 1-4 - rotating your hands, raise your arms up through your sides, rise onto your toes. 5-8 - return to the starting position. (4 times)


On fluffy branches

White snow lies

The breeze will blow

And the snow will fly away.

IP: sitting on your heels, arms down

1-get on your knees, raise your arms up, look at your hands;

2-4 Slowly sit on your heels, lower your arms. (4 times)

Sticky needles.

What grows on the Christmas tree?

Sticky needles.

I.p.: sitting, legs extended, arms supported behind.

1-2 - touch the floor with the toe of your right foot to the right and left of the knee of your left leg;

3-4 with the left foot (4 times each)

Educator: Guys, what holiday did a decorated Christmas tree come to us for?

Children: Happy New Year!

Educator: correct, where does the Christmas tree live? Who else lives in the forest?

Children: Wolves, bears, hares.

There's a knock on the door and Bunny comes in. (Older child wearing a bunny hat). The outdoor game “The bunny galloped up to the children” (“Child in kindergarten No. 6, 2007, p. 55”) is played.

Educator: Thank you bunny, goodbye. Guys, the bunny jumped into his forest, and now, guys, I have a magic bell “Bell, ring the children into bears”, the children walk like bears. “Bell, ring the kids and turn them into bunny.”

Music is playing. The Wolf runs in (the role is played by a schoolboy).


Oh, and I'm cold!

Oh, and I'm hungry!

It smells like a hare at the edge of the forest,

I'll set traps here.

I'll lie by the Christmas tree -

I'll track down the stupid rabbits!

Traps won't work -

I'll catch them by the ears.

Moves the tree to the central wall. Places stands with a cord stretched at a height of 40 cm.

The basic type of movement performed is crawling under the cord.

Wolf. How clever and careful they are. I didn’t catch a single hare.

Educator. The wolf just wants to catch the hares. Well, let's drive him away, take snowballs and throw them at the wolf.

The wolf throws snowballs at the children and runs away in the end.

Educator. Now let's go along the path home.

The basic type of movements performed are walking and running between two lines.

(distance 25 cm). (Penzulaeva page, 38).

Educator. Well done my guys!

Dexterous, skillful

Friendly and brave!

You all tried your best, kids.

Get some candy.


We'll play a game with you

"The snow is spinning"

Snow, snow swirling, the street is all white! (children spin and run)

We all gathered in a circle. Spun like a snowball (spin)

A strong wind blew, our snow scattered, (children blow and run away) Guys, how can we go further, so much snow has fallen on all the paths?

Let us clear their paths. The teacher reads a poem:

Lots of snow, no place to run

There is also snow on the path

Here are the brooms and spatulas

Let's work for everyone (collective work)

Game exercise “Sliding along ice paths”


Sports leisure: “We are dexterous and brave”

(P.I.: “Train”, “Cat and Mouse”, “Traffic Light”, “Run to Me”)

Goal: to develop agility, speed, ingenuity, coordination of movements


Joint games between parents and children


Outdoor games

“Sparrows and the Fox” (running in different directions without bumping into each other)

“Hares and the wolf” (jumping on two legs with forward movement, running)

Ind. Job:

Children with low and medium mobility. activity: exercise “Who’s next” (throwing snowballs at a distance).

Children with high mobility activity: exercise “Hit the target” (throwing snowballs at a horizontal target).

Labor ( fostering a desire to help game characters): Freckle asks the children to help sweep the snow off the ice slide.

Independent activity. (Development of motor independence.)

Skating down an ice slide.

"Sledding" - sledding.

Teach children to draw a snowman. Continue to learn how to use different materials in drawing: graphite pencil, colored wax crayons, watercolor. Strengthen technical drawing skills with materials. Develop the ability to convey in a drawing your attitude towards winter games. Instill a love for a healthy lifestyle and sports.



Abstract of GCD Drawing on the topic: “Winter fun”


- To form the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of fine art and the natural world.


- Learn to distinguish and name the signs of winter.

- Develop the ability to listen and understand, develop the desire to engage in dialogue, activate and expand your vocabulary by expanding your understanding of the signs of winter (snow, white, cold)

- Develop communication and interaction between children and adults and peers. ---- Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers, cultivate emotional responsiveness.

- Develop the ability to perform movements, coordinating them with words.

Develop coordination of movements.

Means of implementation:

Toy snowman, demonstration material on the theme “Winter fun” (large illustrations), cotton wool, attributes for the outdoor game “The little gray bunny is sitting.”

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Look out the window, guys:

What a wonderful winter has come to us!

The snowball lies white and white. The trees and bushes were dressed in white hats. The sun rarely shines. The animals dressed in warm fur coats and hid in their holes. At night the trees crackle from the frost. It's cold outside, you can make snowballs and snowmen.

There is a knock on the door, the teacher goes to see who has arrived.

Educator: Now let's see who came to visit us (a toy snowman is brought in). Who is this?

Children: Snowman.

Educator: Right. But he is sad, he has no one to play with. Let's play with him!

Tell me, when can you sculpt a snowman?

Children: In winter.

Educator: What can you make a snowman from?

Children: From the snow.

Educator: Now let's color our snowman.

Outdoor game “The gray bunny is sitting”

Educator: Children, let's play the game “The Little Gray Bunny Is Sitting” with the snowman.

The teacher distributes masks to the children.

Educator: We turned into bunnies.

The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears,
Just like that, like that, and he moves his ears!

(Children squat down and use their hands to imitate how a bunny moves its ears)

It's cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm his little paws,
That's it, that's it, we need to warm our little paws!

(Children lightly clap their palms against each other. Then stand up)

It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump!
Skok - skok - skok - skok, the bunny needs to jump!

(Children jump on two legs, pressing their hands to their chest)

Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and ran away.

(Children scatter around the group)

Educator: What clever guys you are!

Now let's tell our snowman friend what we know about winter.

2. Main part.

The teacher invites the children to the easel, on which there is an illustration from the “Winter Fun” series.

Educator: Listen, I will read you an interesting poem.

Oh you, winter-winter,

You came with the frosts

She made snowdrifts for us

Ice braids.

Ran barefoot

It's fun along the paths,

Lace for us later

The windows were curtained.

We love to drive in winter

Round dance at the Christmas tree,

And sculpt snowmen,

And ride down the hill,

We love the winter chill

But despite all this, we

We sit and drink tea,

The one that smells like summer.

Educator: What time of year is shown in the picture?

Children: Winter.

Educator: Children, tell me, what else do you see in the picture?

Children: Snow, children, sleds, tree, bullfinch bird, squirrel.

Educator: What are the children doing?

Children: They build a snowman, go sledding, and feed a squirrel.

Educator: What do children use to make a snowman?

Children: From the snow.

Educator : What kind of snow is it, what color is it?

Children: Cold, white.

Breathing exercises “Let’s blow on snowflakes”

Educator: Oh, children, look how much snow our friend the snowman brought with him! Let's play and blow on snowflakes!

The teacher distributes pieces of cotton wool on the children's palms. Children blow snowflakes from their palms.

3. Conclusion.

Educator: Children, you played well with the snowman, he had fun, well done.

The snowman thanks us!

And now you and I will go for a walk and make little snowmen for our snowman friend.

Topic: “Winter games and fun” from 12/12/2016 until December 16, 2016

Target: Expanding children's understanding of winter.Formation of children's ideas about winter natural phenomena and fun.

Final event - entertainment “Winter fun with a snowman!”

Day of the week/


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration

educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers )

Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools...)

Organized partnership activities

Educational activities at regular moments

Educational areas

Monday 12/12/16


Physical development:

Physical culture

"Colored Cars"

- Walking on a gymnastic bench

Climbing under the arch without touching the floor with your hands.

P/i “Traffic lights and colored cars”

I half:

    Morning exercises: “Sunshine”, with audio recording

    Individual work « Colored mittens." (Teach children to select an object by color and size) Kolya, Taisiya, Lyosha.

    Conversation “Winter has come - the kids are having fun!”

(Expand children’s ideas about the characteristic features of winter nature, about winter fun; develop conversational speech).Looking at pictures about winter.

    Singing songs for the holiday with children “On a visit to the Christmas tree”, “Little Christmas tree”

( teach issueperform movements while singing songs).

    P/game: “The little white bunny is sitting”

(Develop the desire in children to play outdoor games)

    Walk: Watching snowflakes

(formation of skills to see the beauty of the surrounding nature)

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

    Adding illustrations on the topic “Winter. Winter fun."

    Phonograms of musical works.

    Provide equipment for a sports corner to organize the game “The Little White Bunny Is Sitting”

    Creating conditions for s/r play

    Consultations “Winter fun”, “Weekend route”.

    Involve parents to create various snow structures on the site

    Suggest a list of books to read on this topic

ISO No. 27 drawing

"Floating Clouds"

Target: developing the ability to fill a sheet of paper with tonal spots of different sizes


    Teach children the action of substituting real objects and phenomena;

    Labor activity: Clearing the playground from snow

    P/i "Hares and the Wolf", "Hunter and Hares"

(develop coordination of movements)

    Experiments with snow “Establishing the dependence of snow properties on temperature”

(Continue to introduce children to the properties of snow; develop curiosity; cultivate interest in experiments)

    Individual work Exercise "Heel"


II half:

    Hardening activities

    Reading fiction : Reading the fairy tale “Rukavichka”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”

(Continue to teach listening carefully, answering questions; developing speech; fostering a love of fairy tales)

    S/r game: “To the store for gifts.”

(Develop the ability to perform several actions with one object and transfer familiar actions from one object to another. Develop interest in various types of games)

    Finger gymnastics " Our friendly fingers »

( )

    Walk: continuation of work on morning walks

Tuesday 12/13/16


Development of musicality

-listening “Winter”

-Singing “Christmas Tree”, “Visiting the Christmas Tree”

-Dance “Pencil Kids”

Round dance "Little Christmas tree"

Individual dances.

I half:

    Morning exercises: "Happy Snowflakes"

    Individual work : D/i "Sober"and a Christmas tree"

( Continue to introduce children to geometric shapes, learn to correctly position ready-made forms, activate speech intime and after completing the task)

    Conversation on the picture: “It’s good in winter.”

(Arouse the desire of children, on their own initiative or at the request of the teacher, to talk about what is depicted in the picture, develop children’s speech; cultivate interest in winter fun)

    KGN: Game situation “Teach Bunny to use cutlery”

(work to develop a culture of behavior at the table)

    Preparing for the New Year's party

    P.i. “Be careful, I’ll freeze you.”

( cultivate a desire to play together and have fun)

    Reading the poem by S. Marshak “The snow is pouring, pouring.”

(develop a desire to listen to a poem about winter; cultivate a love for winter)

    Walk: « Observing the behavior of birds at the feeder »

( develop the ability to establish connections between the behavior of birds and changes in inanimate nature; develop observation skills)

    Labor activity

Cleaning feeders from snow and replenishing them with a variety of food.

( cultivate hard work)

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

    Offer board and printed games:"Loto" "Seasons"

    Introducing illustrations on the topic “Winter fun”.

    Creating conditions for games of children's choice

    Offer children coloring pages on the theme “Winter fun”

    Provide a variety of construction kit to develop construction skills

    Fill the book corner with winter-themed books

    Consultation: “Child’s clothes and shoes for a winter walk.”

    Remind parents about creative activitiesth competition for making New Year's toys and crafts.

RR: Speech development No. 7

Subject: “Composing a story about toys - a kitten, a bunny”

Target: development of coherent speech


    Learn to write short stories with the help of a teacher;

    Learn to form diminutive names for baby animals in units. and many more number.

    Pronunciation of pure words with the sound Y.

    Outdoor games : "Frost - red nose"

(learn to speak clearly in the game;follow the rules of the game).Games with snow. Making snowballs and playing snowballs

    Individual. Job Exercise “Hit the target with a snowball.”

(improving basic movements (throwing)


II half:

    Health-improving gymnastics after sleep

    Hardening activities

    D/i " What do we like in winter?

(Teach children to name winter fun and entertainment; cultivate interest in winter fun)

    Constructive games “Factory of Santa Claus” making a garland

(develop constructive abilities)


Wednesday 12/14/16

9.00-9.15 9.25-9.40

PR: Sensory education No. 13

Subject: "Hide the mouse"

Target: formation of sensory standards


    Develop ideas about the main colors of the spectrum;

    Develop initial forms of cooperation between children and each other;

I half:

    Morning exercises: complex "Merry Snowflakes"

    Individual work: d/i “When does this happen?”

( consolidate the concept of winter phenomenayah, activation of the dictionary on the topic)

    Conversation “When it’s freezing outside, you can freeze your nose.”

(Continue to introduce children to safety rules in winter and when handling objects. Form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle)

    Round dance game: “At the Christmas tree.”

(Teach children to perform movements according to the text; develop auditory perception; cultivate friendliness)

    Walk: "Observing looking behind trees and bushes under the snow"

(expand knowledge about trees, their various parts)

    Labor activity Modeling a birthday cake from snow.

(learn how to use a shovel correctly, develop imagination)

    Outdoor games: “Who is taller?”, “Sparrows and the cat.”

( teach to jump easily, play, strictly following the rules)

    Individual work: « White snowflakes."

( learn to move smoothly)


Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

    Choose images of snowflakes

    Offer to children l sheets of paper of different formats and colors, brushes, paints, felt-tip pensry, plasticine, forsnowflake images

    Creating conditions for games of children's choice

    Creating conditions for listening to music

    Provide crayons, colored pencils, paper for the implementation of creative ideas on the topic: “Let's decorate the house”

    Individual conversations at the request of parents

    Consultation “Outdoor games in winter with children for a walk”


Physical development:

Physical culture

"Colored Cars"

Target: development of motor skills


    Practice maintaining balance while walking on a gymnastic bench

    Learn to land on bent legs when jumping

    P/i “Traffic lights and colored cars.” Develop coordination and dexterity.

II half:

    Health-improving gymnastics after sleep

    Hardening activities

    Productive activities: drawing “Let's decorate the house mitten”

(improve the ability to correctly hold a pencil and brush during movements)

    KGN: (to develop the ability to maintain cleanliness in the playroom)

    Walk: continuation of work on morning walk

Thursday 12/15/16

9.00-9.15 9.25-9.4 0

Artistic and aesthetic development:

IZO Modeling

"Dressing up the Christmas tree"



  1. Develop speech, thinking, imagination, fantasy;

    Cultivate compassion and kindness

I half:

    Morning exercises: complex "Merry Snowflakes"

    Individual work "One-many"

(consolidate knowledge about subjectsclothes, its details, teach how to form the plural. (hat - hats, mitten - mittens, etc.)

    Conversation "On the hill in winter."

( Form basic rules of conduct while walking; develop a desire to take care of your health)

    D/i “Chest with riddles”

(practice the ability to guess riddles about winter phenomena and entertainment)

    Russian folk game "Bells"

(learn to navigate in space, create a joyful mood)

    Walk: " Weather observation"

(formation of skills to independently identify and name winter phenomena in inanimate nature)

    Labor activity:

Building a slide for dolls by slamming the snow with a shovel.

( learn to work together, get joy from what you dolabor and its results)

    Outdoor games : winter fun "Run and don't hit me"

(development of dexterity of movement)

"Snow Woman"

(development of motor activity)

    Individual work “On a straight path on one leg.”

(development of motor skills)


Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

    Provide crayons, colored pencils, paper for the implementation of creative ideas on the topic: “Zimushka - winter”

    Provide illustrations about the rules of behavior outdoors in winter

    Listening to music

    Creating conditions for games of children's choice

    Creating conditions for dramatizing a fairy tale

    Consultation: “How to make a winter walk enjoyable and useful for a child?”


Artistic and aesthetic development:

Development of musicality

Listening to "Winter"

- -singing “Christmas tree”, “Come to the Christmas tree”

Md: Christmas tree-movements dance

“Beauty Christmas tree” in pairs.

Individual dances.

II half:

    Health-improving gymnastics after sleep

    Hardening activities

    A dramatization of the fairy tale: “Zayushkina’s hut.”

(Teach children to listen to a fairy tale in a dramatized version; cultivate a love for animals)

    Working in a corner of nature: Observation"What npainted us frost on the glass"

( develop curiosity, expand and deepen knowledge about inanimate nature, develop interest in natural phenomena)

    KGN ( Continue to instill in children neatness and the habit of taking care of their appearance)

    Walk: continuation of work on morning walk

    Labor activity

Clearing paths and benches from snow.

Friday 12/16/16

9.00-9.15 9.25-9.4 0

Cognitive development:

Development of ideas about the environment No. 7

« Positive attitude towards yourself and your name"

Target: developing a positive attitude towards yourself and your name.


    Clarify ideas about the group, belonging. to her;

    Developthe ability to understand your feelings and the feelings of others; continue to develop empathy, imagination, expressiveness of speech, facial expressions and movements

    Bring upkindness, sympathy.

10.00-10.1 5

Physical development:

Physical culture on a walk


Speech development:

Read ie fiction No. 13

Diagnostics No. 3

Acting out a fairy tale Purpose: identifying the level of development of actions for constructing and using the motor model of a fairy tale

I half:

    Morning exercises: complex "Merry Snowflakes"

    Individual work “Place the snowflakes in different baskets”

(continueteach children to select objects by color, size) Zhenya, Alina, Diana

    Conversation “Frost and sun – a wonderful day!”

(Continue to introduce children to the features of winter; develop conversational speech)

    Finger gymnastics “Winter”

( develop fine motor skills, speech)

    Walk: entertainment "Winter fun"

( creating a favorable emotional state through games and play exercises in the fresh air)

    KGN (table culture)


II half:

    Health-improving gymnastics after sleep

    Hardening activities

    Cartoon showing: Smeshariki: winter series

(Create a joyful mood in children from watching a cartoon)

    Walk: continuation of work on morning walk

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

    Provide children with games aimed at developing fine motor skills.

    D/i “Make a pattern”

    Offer children New Year-themed cartoons

    Offer different types of theater to act out familiar fairy tales.

    Creating conditions for games of children's choice

    Involve children in making snowflakes from colored paper and napkins

    Announcing the theme for the next theme week

    Mobile folder: “How to help birds in winter?”

Scenario for winter entertainment “Winter Fun”

Target: creating a favorable emotional state through games and play exercises in the fresh air
-improve motor skills and abilities;
- develop dexterity, the ability to act on a signal from the teacher, attention, ingenuity;
- instill interest in fun games in the winter.
snowballs or white stuffed balls (according to the number of children),
large mitten,
candies (according to the number of children),
tape recorder with recordings of music on a winter theme.
Methods: outdoor games, competition, the use of riddles and poems about winter, a surprise moment.
Participants: presenter, Snowman, children.
Progress of entertainment:
/children go for a walk with their teacher and gather around the teacher/
It's so cold, it's so cold
My nose even turned red.
The snow whitened the houses,
It has arrived...
Leading Guys, do you like the winter season? (Yes)
Leading Share what? (you can play snowballs, make snowmen, ride down an icy mountain)
Naughty winter
Eh, naughty girl,
She freezes us
He also teases.
Naughty winter
Snow coat,
Even though it looks cold,
Tender at heart.

E. Shalamonova
Both adults and children love winter. Russian winter is famous for its frosts and cold temperatures. When walking in winter, you need to move to avoid freezing. I suggest you play.
at this time, the Snowman enters the stage to the song from the film “The Secret of the Snow Queen” “Song of the Snowman” lyrics by V. Korostylev, music by M. Minkov /
Snowman Wait, wait. What games can there be without me? You blinded me and forgot about me.
Leading Guys, we really forgot about the Snowman. Excuse us, Snowman. We will be happy to play with you.

Outdoor game "I'll freeze"

/ children line up in 2 ranks opposite each other, the Snowman stands between them in the middle. At the leader’s signal: “Don’t stand, guys, or you’ll freeze,” the children begin to run from one side to the other. At this time, the Snowman with the words “I’ll freeze you!” catches children running across. The leader gathers all the caught children around him. Then the presenter and the Snowman help the children to “unfreeze.” Children read poems about winter, while the Snowman strokes their heads. Children are considered “unfrozen” and return to the rest of the participants /

Poems about winter

A cheerful winter has come.
With skates and sleds,
With powdered skis,
With a magical old fairy tale.

I. Chernetskaya
Dandelion from snowflakes
Winter will bring it to its lips,
Just a whiff and there's a fluff
The seeds will scatter.

T. Shorygina
The snowball is fluttering, spinning,
It's white outside.
And puddles turned
In cold glass.

3. Alexandrova
White snow, fluffy,
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.

I. Surikov
Well done! You know a lot of poems about winter. But now I’ll see if you can solve the riddles.
If there is snow all around,
If the river is under ice,
So, come visit us yourself
Who came, tell me?

If there is a column of smoke,
The snow creaks underfoot,
If your cheeks, nose are cold,
What's on the street?

If there are Christmas trees in houses
In bright beads and lights,
If we dance in a circle,
What are we meeting?

(New Year)
T. Gusarova

Snowman Well done! And they guessed the winter riddles. What else could I play with you?
Leading Snowman, let's play in the snow.

Fun game “Snowball fight” / Children stand in a circle, each holding a snowball. At the presenter’s signal: “One-two! Don't yawn! And throw the snowballs quickly!” the children begin to throw snowballs at each other. You can use rhythmic music/
Snowman Have fun playing! I even felt hot.
Leading Won't you melt, Snowman?
Snowman Not really. It's freezing outside.
Leading The next task awaits us.

Competition "Who can collect the most snowballs"

/ The leader calls 2 children each. On the signal: “One-two-three! Collect as many snowballs as possible!” children begin to collect snowballs in their arms. Then they sum up the results: count the snowballs together. Whoever has more is the winner. The competition can be repeated 2-3 times /
Snowman Well done, guys! You are clever!
Leading Now let's all take a ride on the snow carousel together.

Outdoor game "Carousel" /everyone stands in a circle together, holds hands, and says the words:
Barely, barely
The carousel started spinning.
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush
Don't rush.
Stop the carousel.

Perform movements in accordance with the text: at first they walk slowly, then faster and faster, then stop. The game can be repeated. At the same time, you can move in a different direction//during the game the Snowman hides one of the mittens in his bosom/
Snowman Have fun on the snow carousel! I really liked it.
Leading Snowman, where did you lose your mitten? Was it really while he was riding the carousel?
Snowman And, really, I lost it. I don’t know where.
Leading Don't be upset. The guys and I will help you find the mitten.
run around the area, find a large mitten /
Snowman Thanks for finding the mitten. But the mitten is not an ordinary one. With a surprise.
look into the mitten, find candy, say goodbye to the Snowman and go to the group/

Finger gymnastics "Let's warm our fingers"

We collected snow by hand,

Our fingers are tired

We will rub them

We will keep them warm

To make it hotter

Knead vigorously.
