Description of basic characteristics in l2. Rules for tattooing


Each race has a certain set of characteristics - STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, MEN - basic characteristics that affect the character's performance.

Unlike character stats, base stats remain the same throughout the game. They can only be changed with the help of set bonuses and with the help of tattoos. Changing basic characteristics with the help of tattoos will be discussed.

Tattoos are applied by Tattoo Maker NPCs, which can be found in any magic/regular store (marked as Magic or Grocery on the map) in any city.

Tattoos are made from dyes (Dye). In order to get a tattoo, you need to bring 10 identical paints to Tattoo Maker and pay some money for the work - 10% of the cost of the paints + tax in the city. Well, when getting a tattoo, choose a place for the tattoo - a heart on the butt or a skull on the shoulder.

There are 2 types of tattoo inks - Regular (Dye of “name”) and Improved (Greater Dye of “name”). Regular paints can be bought in the same store where Tattoo Maker is sold, from sellers. Improved paints are not sold in regular stores - they can be knocked out of monsters or bought from the Trader of Mammon in the Necropolises.

Characters up to level 20 and receiving their first profession cannot get tattoos. Characters from level 20 to 40 and with the first profession can get 2 tattoos only from Regular inks. After level 40 and 2nd profession, a character can make 3 tattoos using only Improved inks.

Tattoos you don't like can be removed from Tattoo Maker. At the same time, you get back half of the inks that went into making the tattoo. Tattoo removal service is also paid. So think in advance and consult with experienced friends about what tattoo is best for your character.

Upon reaching level 40 and a second profession, if the character had tattoos, they become inactive. They will have to be washed off, and new ones will have to be applied - corresponding to the status of your character.

A little advice. There are 2 types of tattoo sets - for PvM (for exploration), and for PvP (for battles with other players). For some classes, the difference between the sets is not so noticeable, which is why the eternal debate arises on the topic “Which is better for X class.” In fact, the best set is the one that best suits your playstyle. If you are a PvP fan, feel free to apply the PvP set, but if you prefer to place monsters in packs solo or in a group, apply the PvM set.


  • STR (Strength) - (Strength) Increases physical damage.
  • DEX (Dexterity) - (Dexterity) Increases attack speed, attack speed with physical skills, accuracy, dodge, critical strike chance for physical skills, chance of passing dagger class skills, chance of shield activation and movement speed.
  • CON (Constitution) - (Constitution) Increases maximum HP and CP, HP regeneration rate, maximum carry weight, lung capacity (when moving underwater), resistance to stun, resistance to poison and bleeding.
  • INT (Intelligence) - (Intelligence) Increases damage from magical skills and the chance of passing curses and debuffs.
  • WIT (Wit) - (Wit) Increases the chance of a critical hit with magic, spell casting speed, resistance to hold, resistance to curses and debuffs.
  • MEN (Mental Strength) - (Mentality) Increases magical defense, maximum amount MP, MP recovery rate, resistance to curses and debuffs. Reduces the chance of a spell being interrupted by damage.

Rules for tattooing

Now it's time to talk about the rules of tattooing. In addition to the already described restrictions on the character’s level and profession, there are several more basic rules.

If you looked at the list existing paints, then we noticed that any tattoo other than “+” gives “-”. Moreover, some paints will give you more "-" than plus - these are the most bad paints. The most good colors- these are those for which “+” are equal to “-” (+1/-1, +2/-2, +3/-3, +4/-4), but they also cost more and are much more difficult to get.

A tattoo cannot raise a base stat by more than +5. That is, 2 tattoos applied +3 and +4 will still give a bonus of +5, not +7. You can further increase the parameter with set bonuses. For example, a +4 STR/-4 CON tattoo and a Plated Leather Set (+4 STR) will give +8 STR/-4 CON. It is recommended to make tattoos that will balance the losses from the set due to parameters that are unnecessary for this class.

You can lower your base stat using a tattoo unlimitedly, but it will never drop to 0. The maximum "-" is -18, but if the base stat was 16, it will become 1

Character restrictions

Character combination Who can use
STR, CON, and DEXAll classes
INT and MENWizard, Sorcerer, Necromancer, Warlock, Elven Wizard, Spellsinger, Elemental Summoner, Dark Wizard, Spellhowler, Phantom Summoner
INT and WITWizard, Sorcerer, Necromancer, Warlock, Elven Wizard, Spellsinger, Elemental Summoner, Dark Wizard, Spellhowler, Phantom Summoner,

Each character in Lineage 2 has a set of basic characteristics. There are 6 basic characteristics in total. Basic characteristics depend on the character's race and class. Basic characteristics do not increase with character level, but they can be changed using various items or tattoos.

Tattoos affect the character's base stats. Each city has an NPC Tattoo Master (Symbol Maker), who can apply or remove tattoos. Tattoo removal is a paid service. To apply, you will need 10 identical cans of tattoo ink. When a tattoo is removed, 5 identical cans of ink will be returned to the character.

Characteristic Influence
Increases physical damage. Physical crit. damage
Increases attack speed, attack speed with physical skills, accuracy, dodge, critical strike chance, chance of passing dagger skills, chance of shield activation and movement speed.
Increases maximum HP and CP, HP regeneration rate, maximum carry weight, lung capacity (when moving underwater), resistance to stun, poison and bleeding.
Increases damage from magical skills and the chance of passing curses and debuffs. Magic crit damage.
Increases the chance of a critical hit with magic, the speed of casting spells, resistance to holding, resistance to curses and debuffs.
Magic Resistance, Max. MP, MP recovery rate, probability of canceling magic by damage, affects resistance to conditions (impact of curses, madness (fear, silence), paralysis, reduction of HP, magic that reduces MP, slowdown of HP recovery, slowdown of time until skills are repeated, reduction of healing power)

What are Paints?

Paints are items for making tattoos. Tattoos have meanings of + and - changes in basic characteristics. There are regular paints and new paints. Regular paints can be used by characters with the first profession. New paints can only be used by characters with a second profession.

How to get a tattoo?

Characters level 20 and above have a special slot for tattoos in their inventory. Characters who have not completed the quest to obtain their first profession cannot apply tattoos. After completing the quest to change profession, characters can get 2 tattoos. After changing their second profession, characters can get 3 tattoos. After receiving a second profession, all previously applied tattoos cease to be effective.

To get a tattoo, you need to contact a Tattoo Master. You need to bring him 10 colors the right type and a small application fee.

A tattoo cannot raise a base stat by more than +5. That is, 2 tattoos applied +3 and +4 will still give a bonus of +5, not +7. You can lower the basic characteristics with the help of tattoos unlimitedly, but it will never drop to 0. The maximum “-” is -18, but if the basic characteristic was equal to 16, then it will become equal to 1.

Character combination Who can use
STR, DEX, CON All classes
INT, MEN Mage, Lord of Fire, Necromancer, Warlock, Light Mage, Spell Singer, Follower of the Elements, Dark Mage, Wind Summoner, Follower of Darkness
INT, WIT Mage, Lord of Fire, Necromancer, Warlock, Light Mage, Spell Singer, Elemental Follower, Dark Mage, Wind Summoner, Follower of Darkness, Warrior, Knight, Paladin, Rogue, Gladiator, Spearman, Avenger, Treasure Seeker, Marksman, Light Knight, Knight Evas, Minstrel, Pathfinder, Silver Ranger, Dark Knight, Assassin, Shilen Knight, Death Dancer, Voidwalker, Wraith Ranger, Raider, Monk, Destroyer, Hermit, Gatherer, Artisan, Bounty Hunter, Blacksmith
WIT, MEN Mage, Lord of Fire, Necromancer, Warlock, Light Mage, Spell Singer, Elemental Follower, Dark Mage, Wind Summoner, Dark Follower, Cleric, Bishop, Preacher, Oracle of Eva, Sage of Eva, Oracle of Shilen, Sage of Shilen, Shaman, High Shaman, Voice of Fate

Paints and Tattoos.

Certain things in Lineage II can change the core ability values ​​(STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, MEN) of your character.


Paints serve as components for making tattoos. Paints have +, or - scores for the core values ​​of the ability. There are regular paints and high quality paints. Regular inks can be used as components for making tattoos after the first profession, but not after completing the second. High quality Paints can only be used by players who have completed their second profession.


Players level 20 or higher have slots where they can use tattoos. Players who still haven't completed their first profession cannot use tattoos. After completing the first profession, they can use two tattoos. After the second profession, they will be able to equip another one, for a total of three. In addition, tattoos that were made before the second profession lose their effect after the player completes the second profession.
If players have enough ink and wants to get a tattoo, he must talk to the Symbol Maker. Symbol Maker will charge a fee to create a tattoo for a player. The tattoo consumes ink used as a component.
The number of tattoos cannot exceed a maximum of +5. For example, if two tattoos cause STR to increase by +3 and +4 respectively, full magnification STR cannot exceed +5.
Some restrictions apply to certain types of tattoos, as shown in the table below.

Tattoo removal.

To remove a tattoo, the player must talk to Symbol Maker. Removing a tattoo costs a fee, but half of the ink used to cut out the corresponding tattoo will be returned to inventory.

More about Tattoos:

Each race has a certain set of characteristics - STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, MEN - basic characteristics that affect the character's performance. Full description characteristics and indicators, as well as their influence on the character, you can see in the Races and Classes section.

Unlike character stats, basic stats remain unchanged throughout the game. They can only be changed with set bonuses and tattoos. Changing basic characteristics with the help of tattoos will be discussed.

Tattoos are applied by the NPC Symbol Maker, which can be found in any magic/regular store (marked as Magic or Grocery on the map) in any city.

Tattoos are made from dyes (Dye). In order to get a tattoo, you need to bring Symbol Maker 10 identical inks and pay some money for the work - 10% of the cost of the inks + tax in the city. Well, when getting a tattoo, choose a place for the tattoo - a heart on the butt or a skull on the shoulder :)

There are 2 types of tattoo inks - Dye of<название>) and Improved (Greater Dye of<название>). Regular paints can be purchased from vendors in the same store where Symbol Maker is located. Improved paints are not sold in regular stores - they can be knocked out of monsters or purchased from the Trader of Mammon in the Necropolises.

Characters up to level 20 and receiving their first profession cannot get tattoos. Characters from level 20 to 40 and with the first profession can get 2 tattoos only from Regular inks. After level 40 and profession 2, a character can make 3 tattoos using only Improved inks.

Tattoos you don't like can be removed with Symbol Maker. At the same time, you get back half of the inks that were used to make the tattoo. Tattoo removal service is also paid. So think in advance and consult with experienced friends about what tattoo is best for your character.

Upon receiving level 40 and a second profession, if the character had tattoos, they become inactive. They will have to be washed off, and new ones will have to be applied - corresponding to the status of your character.

A little advice. There are 2 types of tattoo sets - for PvM (for exploration), and for PvP (for battles with other players). For some classes, the difference between the sets is not so noticeable, which is why the eternal debate arises on the topic “Which is better for X class.” In fact, the best set is the one that best suits your playing style. If you are a PvP fan, feel free to apply the PvP set, but if you prefer to place monsters in packs solo or in a group, apply the PvM set.

Applied tauties change the basic characteristics of the character. You can find out what specific parameters can be changed with the help of tattoos if you look at the list of inks.


Now it's time to talk about the rules of tattooing. In addition to the already described restrictions on the character’s level and profession, there are several more basic rules.

If you looked at the list of existing paints, you will notice that any tattoo other than “+” gives “-“. Moreover, some paints will give you more “-“ than plus - these are the worst paints. The best paints are those for which “+” is equal to “-” (+1/-1, +2/-2, +3/-3, +4/-4), but they also cost more and it’s difficult to get them much more difficult.

A tattoo cannot raise a base stat by more than +5. That is, 2 tattoos applied +3 and +4 will still give a bonus of +5, not +7. You can further increase the parameter with set bonuses. For example, Tattoo +4STR/-4CON and Plated Leather Set (+4STR) will give +8STR/-4CON. It is recommended to make tattoos that will balance the losses from the set due to parameters that are unnecessary for this class.

You can lower your base stat using a tattoo unlimitedly, but it will never drop to 0. The maximum “-” is -18, but if the base stat was 16, it will become 1.

Warriors are not allowed to have -MEN or +MEN tattoos. Healers are not allowed to have -INT or +INT tattoos. Magicians are allowed to make any tattoos.

STR(Strength) Increases physical damage
CON(Physique) Increases Max HP and CP, HP Recovery Rate, Weight Limit, Underwater Breathing, Shock Resistance, Bleed Resistance.
DEX(Dexterity) Increases physical attack speed, movement speed, accuracy, evasion, critical hit chance, fatal hit chance with dagger skill, chance to block a blow with a shield.
WIT(Wits) Increases spell casting speed, chance of magical critical hits, and bonus experience recovery upon resurrection.
INT(Intelligence) Increases magic attack and chance of passing curses.
MEN(Wisdom) Increases magic defense, MP, MP recovery rate, poison and curse resistance. Reducing the chance of spell interruption.
HP(Life Units) Shows the maximum number of HP.
MP(Magic Units) Shows the maximum number of MP.
P.Atk(Physical Attack) Shows how much damage you deal physically
P.Def(Physical Defense) Shows how much damage you reflect physically
M.Atk(Magic Attack) Shows how much damage you deal with magic
M.Def(Magic Defense) Shows how much damage you reflect with magic
P.Aspd(Physical Attack Speed) Shows how fast you attack physically.
M.Aspd(Mag. Attack Speed) Shows how fast you attack with magic.
Accuracy(Accuracy) How often you physically damage the target
Critical(Criticality) How often you score a critical hit physically
Evasion(Evasion) How often do you dodge an enemy's attack?
Movement(Movement speed) How fast you walk/run
Load(Weight Capacity) How much weight you can carry

Basic stats

STR (Strength) - STRENGTH
Affects: P.Atk/Melee damage, skills like Curse:weakness

HF(Human Fighter) +19%
HM(Human Mage) -10%
EF(Elf Fighter) +13%
EM(Elf Mage) -11%
DEF(Dark Elf Fighter) +22%
DEM(Dark Elf Mage) -8%
OF(Orc Fighter) +20%
OM(Ofc Mage) -2%
DwF(Dwarf) +18%

CON(Constitution) - BUILD
Affects: Life, allowable weight, life regeneration, resistance to stun skills like Shield Stun

HF(Human Fighter) +58%
HM(Human Mage) +24%
EF(Elf Fighter) +42%
EM(Elf Mage) +20%
DEF(Dark Elf Fighter) +34%
DEM(Dark Elf Mage) +19%
OF(Orc Fighter) +67%
OM(Ofc Mage) +32%
DwF(Dwarf) +62%

DEX(Dexterity) - AGILITY
Affects: Accuracy, Crits, Attack speed, Movement speed, Evasion (Dodge), skills like Dryad Root

HF(Human Fighter) +10%
HM(Human Mage) +1%
EF(Elf Fighter) +15%
EM(Elf Mage) +4%
DEF(Dark Elf Fighter) +14%
DEM(Dark Elf Mage) +3%
OF(Orc Fighter) +6%
OM(Ofc Mage) +4%
DwF(Dwarf) +9%

INT(Intelligence) - INTELLIGENCE
Affects: M.Atk, magic damage, passing debuffs

HF(Human Fighter) -19%
HM(Human Mage) +21%
EF(Elf Fighter) -15%
EM(Elf Mage) +12%
DEF(Dark Elf Fighter) -12%
DEM(Dark Elf Mage) +28%
OF(Orc Fighter) -23%
OM(Ofc Mage) -1%
DwF(Dwarf) -20%

MEN(Mentality) - MENTALITY
Affects: Mana regeneration, magical protection, resistance to debuffs, skills like Poison

HF(Human Fighter) +28%
HM(Human Mage) +48%
EF(Elf Fighter) +30%
EM(Elf Mage) +49%
DEF(Dark Elf Fighter) +30%
DEM(Dark Elf Mage) +45%
OF(Orc Fighter) +31%
OM(Ofc Mage) +52%
DwF(Dwarf) +31%

Affects: Casting speed, magic critical chance, skills like Sleep

HF(Human Fighter) -36%
HM(Human Mage) 0%
EF(Elf Fighter) -25%
EM(Elf Mage) +16%
DEF(Dark Elf Fighter) -32%
DEM(Dark Elf Mage) -5%
OF(Orc Fighter) -32%
OM(Ofc Mage) -22%
DwF(Dwarf) -39%

Level modifier (ML) - percentage equal to [Level - 11]
For example, a level 30 enchant has ML = 19% (30-11), and a level 1 enchant has ML = -10% (1-11).

Maximum lives and maximum mana (Max HP, Max MP)
Determined by class, level, constitution (for lives) and mentality (manna).
There is no point in giving the formula; look at the table in the example for each class.

P.Atk - physical attack. Determines how much Damage you will inflict on a Persian or mob with P.Def equal to 64.
[Weapon P.Atk]*[level modifier]*

F.Defense - physical protection. Determines how much damage you can absorb (withstand) with your armor
[F.Protect your armor]*[level modifier]

Accuracy (Accuracy) - hit/miss ratio. The higher the better.
(*6)+[Level]+[Weapon modifier]
Blunts, Dual Fists (Clubs, brass knuckles) +4.75
Bows, Polearms (Bows, Peaks) -3.75
Others (Swords, daggers, etc.) - no modifier
(SQRT - square root)

Crits - a chance to inflict a Crit. The bigger, the better. Normal Crit equals double damage. Skills like Critical Power can increase the multiplier.
[Agility Modifier]*[Weapon Critical Modifier]
Daggers, Bows (daggers, bows) = 120
Blunts = 40
Others (brass knuckles, pikes, etc.) = 80

Attack Speed ​​- Determines how fast you hit with your weapon. The change in weapon speed is linear. Those. attack speed 500 is twice the attack speed 250. With the exception of Bows, which have a reload time equal to half the attack speed of the bow.
[agility modifier]*[weapon speed]
Daggers (daggers) = 433
Polearms, Two handed swords, two handed blunts (Pikes, two-handed swords and two-handed clubs) = 325
Bows = 293 (real 146)
Others (duals, clubs, etc.) = 379

M.Atk - magic attack. Determines how much damage you, with your weapon and your spell, will inflict on a Persian or mob.
[M.Atk of your weapon]*[level modifier]^2*[intelligence modifier]^2
(^2 - squaring)

M.Defense - magical protection. Determines how much damage you and your jewelry can absorb.
[sum of M. Protect your entire jewelry]*[level modifier]*[mentality modifier]

Evasion (Dodge) - a chance to dodge a blow. The higher the better. Shields reduce evasion, but increase block chance.

Speed ​​- determines running speed. There is no point in giving the formula as with lives. Scheduled for each class.
HF(Human Fighter) 88 126
HM(Human Mage) 78 121
EF(Elf Fighter) 103 143
EM(Elf Mage) 88 126
DEF(Dark Elf Fighter) 96 139
DEM(Dark Elf Mage) 87 125
OF(Orc Fighter) 74 124
OM(Ofc Mage) 72 125
DwF(Dwarf) 87 125
The first number is for walking, the second is for running.

Casting speed determines how quickly you cast spells. The change in speed is linear, just like with weapons.
166.5*[agility modifier]

Allowable weight - determines the weight that a person can carry. With loading comes penalties. For example, at 50% load, the regeneration of life and mana slows down.
52000*[physique modifier]

Physical Attack Damage:
[P.Atk attacker]*70/[P.Def. defending]
May vary subject to a random modifier +/- 5%, and in the case of Crit. (knuckles and daggers have a lower damage modifier, and clubs have a higher one)

Magic attack damage:
(SQRT[attacker's M.Atk / defender's M.Def])*[spell power]*91

This is short to say. Prima is true under C1, but I don’t think anything has changed much.
If anyone can correct it, please don't hesitate.

STR(STR) - physical attack
DEX (DEX) - attack speed, running speed, physical crit chance, dodge, accuracy, chance of blocking with a shield
CON (CON) - maximum HP and CP, HP regen rate, maximum carry weight, resistance to poison, bleeding and stun attacks, breathing under water
INT - magic attack, chance of passing curses (debuffs)
WIT(WIS) - magic attack speed, magic crit chance
MEN (SPIRIT) - magical protection, maximum MP, MP regen rate, resistance to curses, chance of cast interruption

Phys. Atk. - physical attack power
Phys. Def. - protection from physical attacks
Accuracy - is responsible for the chance of hitting the enemy
Chance Crit. Attack. - chance of a critical hit, taken from a thousand. Those. According to the picture, out of a thousand, 44 hits will be critical.
Speed Atk. - physical attack speed.

Mag. Atk. - magic attack power
Mag. Def. - defence from magical attacks
Dodge - chance to dodge a physical attack
Speed ​​- running speed
Speed Magic - magic attack speed

Characteristics are divided into two groups - physical and magical. Which ones where I think you can guess. You can change parameters only within each of the groups. Those. You won’t get a tattoo +dex -wiz.

There are 2 types of tattoo inks - Regular and Improved. Ordinary paints can be bought in the same store where the Tattoo Master is located, from sellers. Improved paints are not sold in regular stores - they can be knocked out of monsters or bought from the Mamon Vendor in the Necropolises.
*regular - sold in retail stores. They change the parameters unevenly - +1\-2 +3\-5, etc. The improved ones - I don’t know how they were translated here - change the parameters clearly, +2\-2, +4\-4, etc.

Characters up to level 20 and receiving their first profession cannot get tattoos. Characters from level 20 to 40 and with the first profession can get 2 tattoos only from cheap inks that do not change the parameters much. After level 40 and 2nd profession, a character can get 3 tattoos from more expensive inks, we translated them as New Paint. In the description of each bottle of paint it is written what level it can be made from.

Tattoos you don't like can be removed by a Tattoo Artist. At the same time, you get back half of the inks that were used to make the tattoo. Tattoo removal service is also paid. So think in advance and consult with experienced friends about what tattoo is best for your character.

Upon receiving level 40 and a second profession, if the character had tattoos, they become inactive. They will have to be washed off, and new ones will have to be applied - corresponding to the status of your character.

Rules for tattooing

Now it's time to talk about the rules of tattooing. In addition to the already described restrictions on the character’s level and profession, there are several more basic rules.

A tattoo cannot raise a base stat by more than +5. That is, 2 tattoos applied +3 and +4 will still give a bonus of +5, not +7. You can further increase the parameter with set bonuses. For example, a tattoo +4STR/-4CON and a Plated Leather Set (how was it translated? I don’t remember point blank) (+4STR) will give +8STR/-4CON. It is recommended to make tattoos that will balance the losses from the set due to parameters that are unnecessary for this class.

You can lower your base stat using a tattoo unlimitedly, but it will never drop to 0. The maximum "-" is -18, but if the base stat was 16, it will become 1.

Warriors are not allowed to have -MEN or +MEN tattoos. Healers are not allowed to have -INT or +INT tattoos. Magicians are allowed to make any tattoos.
