The main types of natural fur. Types of natural fur coats

But before you buy something, it will not be superfluous to find out what types of fur coats exist today.

Global fashion gravitates toward democratic trends: down jackets and coats have become must-haves in a winter wardrobe. But the luxury and status of a natural fur coat will never fade.

Types of fur for fur coats: original solutions

For tailoring elegant models, more than two dozen types of fur for fur coats are used today. They are divided not only by the ability to warm in winter weather, but also by the unspoken scale of elitism adopted throughout the world. The rating is headed by really expensive and rare species, such as ermine or chinchilla.

Their value is affected not only by the reputation of "royal" furs, which they possess, although they were indeed used in their outfits by crowned persons. The exclusivity of fur is also affected by the fact that chinchilla and ermine are very difficult to breed in artificial conditions.

After all, it is no secret to anyone that today almost all fur animals are bred on special farms, and a hundred years ago they were hunted. This state of affairs affects the price - now not only the crowned lady can afford a fur coat.

The possibilities of selection allow you to create completely new and original types of fur with new qualities and colors. So beloved by all mink today is presented in a whole range of colors and shades. From pure whites and blues that are not found in the wild, to gradient colored natural shades of brown.

The development of selection has led to the fact that fur, even the most delicate to the touch, today is characterized by increased wear resistance. And the assurances of a quality manufacturer that the model will serve you for at least a decade, has every reason.

Types of fur coats, which today are presented for every taste, appeared on the fashionable Olympus due to a variety of circumstances. So, for example, the raccoon, which has always been considered "male" and by no means an elite fur, rapidly became fashionable with the onset of an automobile boom in America in the mid-20s of the last century. Cars then were mostly open, without the possibility of heating, and raccoon fur became a forced decision. Ladies motorists immediately fell in love with him and made him literally cult.

Thanks to Hollywood divas, fox fur, both classic “fire” and black-brown, has come into fashion and remains forever - it has not left trends for more than half a century. It’s hard to imagine, but the mink was not popular with fashionistas until the 70s of the last century, its finest hour came due to the fact that they learned to breed the animal in captivity.

World fashion has never known such a variety of proposals as today.

The types of fur for fur coats in these photos are only a small part of the current offers:

Types of natural fur coats and photos of youth trends

Fur fashion lives according to its own laws and offers us the most diverse types of natural fur coats. There are options that literally become a symbol of their own status, such as models from sable or chinchilla.

This is an unconditional classic, and it looks best in traditional styles. There are frankly democratic fur options: muton, astrakhan fur, beaver, rabbit and many others. It is these materials that are the ideal solution for embodying the most daring original design ideas.

This approach is especially important in youth trends, in which the individuality of the image is valued above status. These types of fur coats made of natural fur allow you to create an intriguing image and are most adapted to everyday ensembles. Rare for mass production (and not necessarily expensive furs) fall into this category. Such, for example, as "korsak" or Asian fox. Spectacular fawn color and delicate fluffy texture allow you to create original trendy fur coats.

The absolute favorites of the most famous designers today are types of fur coats made of natural long-haired goat fur, with an original texture and a very affordable price.

Feminine and even glamorous styles allow you to create a squirrel and columns - a distant relative of the marten and mink. They are especially good in flared and voluminous oversized models.

See how diverse the types of fur coats are in these photos:

The wolf and raccoon have always been considered "male" furs. But designers could not ignore their luxurious textures and such models of defiantly simple shortened styles are unrivaled today.

A short-haired mouton, a beaver, a rex rabbit of the original color is an excellent source material for creating models in the style of minimalism. It allows you to work perfectly with volume and silhouette, and create absolutely stylish and trendy styles.

It is extremely difficult to surprise someone with the same super popular mink today, and besides, it is extremely impractical to use too expensive models every day. In addition, expensive furs have one, but a significant drawback - they visually add age.

But there is a great way to emphasize your own individuality - to reconsider stereotypes and pay tribute to fresh trends, when the cost of a model is sometimes “encrypted” in original silhouette finds.

Such as in the photo types of fur coats made of natural fur, allow you to take a fresh look at your own image:

Types of mink fur for fur coats from different countries

A few decades ago, the mink was supplied in a single and standard version - exclusively in dark shades and classic styles. It was the possibility of selection and types of mink fur for fur coats that made it possible to create completely new trends.

Today there are at least 15 shades of mink alone. Light shades are considered the most rare and elite, in particular, various tones of white, cream and ivory. In any ensemble, such a model will always look elegant and very elegant.

A colossal rarity even at the best world auctions - the skins of the "Violet" shade of a silvery-blue hue with a slight gray tint. Among the total volume of furs offered for sale, such a skin turns out to be only one in a hundred.

It is worth noting that the skins are never artificially dyed, all colors are the result of the work of breeders. The same approach is appreciated for any skins of light shades. In rare cases, in order to achieve a uniform tone, manufacturers resort to gentle bleaching, which does not affect the quality.

New technologies allow you to get the most fantastic shades - from the color of champagne and caramel to golden hazel. Also, the result of the selection was the appearance of fur, which is called "krestovka", it is very similar to chinchilla - and translates models made from it into the "luxury" category.

Among the dark shades, the colors of the skins of natural North American Blackglama and BlackNAFA, saturated shades of black, are considered to be reference.

Slightly less highly valued at the world's best auctions is the Scandinavian Scanblak in deep dark tones of brown and black. it is invariably in demand in the annual collections from leading fashion houses. The list of expensive and impeccably high-quality breeds is closed by the so-called “Russian” fur, which is distinguished by spectacular color transitions and a play of shades.

It is no coincidence that the types of minks for fur coats are distinguished by country of origin. On the market today are furs from Scandinavia (mostly Finland), as well as the United States and Canada. Geography does not leave an imprint on the quality, skins of the "premium" class and models from them are selected strictly and carefully. However, they differ in structure.

Skins from America and Canada are distinguished by a shorter and stiff outer pile, and Scandinavian fur is famous for its long and delicate underfur. The origin of the skins must be indicated in the certificate for the product, and you can check it by running your hand along and across the growth of the pile. The length of the pile affects the strength and durability of the product itself directly. The longest models will serve flawlessly with a hard outer pile.

In the photo below - types of mink coats worthy of special attention:

Types and types of mink coats of various processing

Not only selection, but also methods of processing skins have significantly expanded the list of types of mink coats. Especially popular and in demand today are haircuts, plucking and laser processing. It’s worth clarifying right away that skins processed by any of these methods become less wear-resistant. This feature is compensated by the fact that, as a rule, edgy models are sewn from them, designed not for 10-15 years, but for several seasons. For fans of the classics and truly precious varieties of furs, models made from raw skins remain the best option.

It is worth considering that various methods of processing skins invariably affect their value. It is possible to properly cut, pluck, and even more so, treat the skin with a laser only in conditions of large-scale production. When shearing and plucking, the hard outer pile is removed, and the length of the underfur is evened out. The velvety and delicate structure takes on a completely new look, professionals call it "polished". These skins are great for creating models with clear and precise silhouette lines, such as fitted coats.

Laser processing gives a more rigid pile structure, since during processing it is simply fired and thereby leveled. In any case, these types of processing allow the use of dyeing or toning skins, which is especially appreciated when creating avant-garde models. At the same time, the leather fabric is also dyed, by this sign one can distinguish a quality product.

In today's trends, fluffy and "shorn" models are presented absolutely equally. Very interesting effects are obtained by combining sheared skins taken as a basis and fluffy ones, which are used to create luxurious collars, cuffs or hoods.

In many ways, the types and types of mink coats determines the way they are assembled. The most respectable result is obtained by the so-called "plate method", when the skins are collected in large blocks of uniform color and size. Models of a straight silhouette are especially good in this design.

But for flared styles, such as the classic "trapeze", the vertical assembly method is best suited - it allows you to emphasize the texture of the fur, and thanks to the style - its luxury.

A fashionable technique that is used to create “”, “dress” or “kimono” styles that are very relevant in youth trends is the transverse assembly of skins. It greatly enriches the color and texture solution and perfectly emphasizes rare, especially pastel shades of fur.

A natural fur coat is more of a status thing than protection from the cold. A warm jacket or coat can easily cope with the latter. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of a fur coat as responsibly as men approach the choice of a new car (for them, this is also a status thing). That is, it is important not only to choose a style, color and clarify the price, but also to make sure that the fur of the product is really natural and well dressed.

Where to start?

When the decision to buy a fur coat is made, you need to answer several important questions:

  • Where to buy? It is best to purchase this expensive product in a specialized salon or store. Study customer reviews about the outlet, make sure that the salon has been operating for more than a year and has managed to earn a certain reputation. A respectable store necessarily gives a guarantee for the product for a period of one year (as a rule). If during this time some shortcomings have appeared, you can exchange fur coats or get your money back. In the case of a purchase on the market, even if the product falls apart on the same day, it will be difficult to correct the situation.
  • When to wear? For trips in the car, a short fur coat is suitable, and for long walks in the fresh air, you need something more authentic.
  • Question price. The longer the coat lasts, the more you will have to pay for it. Fur differs not only in appearance and quality of dressing, the time of wearing the product will depend on the “pedigree” of the skin. The longest-lived fur coats are made from otters. Further in descending order: beaver, raccoon, mink, astrakhan fur, coypu, muskrat. Worst of all in the sock are rabbit, hare and goat fur.

Selection rules

It is important to know that there is a division into "summer" and "winter" fur. In winter, animals have a thick undercoat, which is why responsible producers choose only "winter" fur.

There is also the fur of wild animals and those grown in nurseries. "Wild" fur is much more valuable. For example, a fur coat made from Argentine nutria (only wild animals are used) will be more expensive than a similar product from another country.

Be sure to pay attention to the core (this is the reverse side of the skin). In a good-quality product, there is always access to the wrong side of the fur plate and its quality can be determined. Mezdra must be light, almost white. A yellowish tint indicates that the fur is old and will quickly lose its appearance. In addition, a well-dressed skin will always be soft and supple. If the mezdra "rattles" - leave the product in the store.

Feel free to smell the fur coat - any unpleasant smell (for example, the smell of rancid fat) should make you refuse to buy.

Examine the photos, do not be too lazy to visit several different salons, talk with sellers, find out expert reviews - all this will help you make the right choice.

Artificial or natural?

The chemical industry does not stand still, and it is often difficult to determine whether you have fake fur or real fur. However, there are still differences:

  • Natural fur shines brighter, softer to the touch, lighter in weight, has a more saturated color and thick pile.
  • When deformed (twisted, compressed), the natural skin quickly returns to its original shape.
  • Try to lift approximately the same style products of artificial and natural origin. The difference in weight will be immediately noticeable - animal fur is much lighter.
  • There is another way to identify faux fur, but it is somewhat risky: you need to pull out a few hairs from some inconspicuous place in the product and set them on fire. Faux fur will give a characteristic smell of burnt plastic, melt and harden when cooled. Natural fur will leave the smell of burnt hair and crumble into ashes. Unfortunately, sellers are not very fond of such experiments.

  • A safer method for determining the buyer and the product is to move the pile apart and carefully examine the base. If you notice a fabric that looks a bit like knitwear - faux fur. Natural grows in small bunches, they can be considered.

But even the last two tests do not give a full guarantee. The most reliable way is to carefully read the label on the product. The manufacturer, who has nothing to hide, without fail indicates from what raw materials the fur coat is sewn. Of course, you can trust the labels only in trusted stores. And you will have to pay more for calm nerves.

How is the fur of different animals different?

Visually, it is easy to determine the difference, for example, between arctic fox and karakul. But what if, by eye, especially for a non-specialist, the products are similar? Carefully study the hairs: they differ not only in color, but also in length, density and tactile sensations.

  • How to recognize a mink coat - the fur is elastic, all the hairs are of the same length, they fit snugly to the mezra, the hairs are laid “hair to hair”, the total length of the fur is small. The shiny and smooth surface of the fur and the presence of a thick undercoat mean good dressing and the use of "winter" fur. Such a product can please the hostess for ten years.

  • The rabbit has a very pleasant, soft to the touch fur. The definition of "gentle" is well suited to it. A rabbit fur coat is cheaper than the rest, sometimes significantly. But it will serve no more than a couple of seasons.
  • Mouton is a sheepskin processed in a special way. Thanks to processing, a product made from this fur can last up to ten years without losing its appearance, it is not afraid of moisture and keeps heat well. You can recognize a fur coat from a muton by evenly trimmed, dense, well-smoothed, rather short fur. This material allows you to very boldly experiment with coloring. As a rule, Mouton products are not too expensive, but models can be very effective.
  • The fur of the black-brown fox is beautiful and wears very well. Silver fox hair is easy to identify - it is painted in three colors that pass into each other. The gray at the base fades to a white middle and a black tip. This is a very valuable fur, it is voluminous and soft, with a thick undercoat.
  • The not very common fox fur can be recognized by its two-tone coloration. It looks like a silver fox, but much cheaper. Unscrupulous sellers sometimes give out a fox for a silver fox (they are distant relatives).
  • The nutria fur should not be confused with the more expensive beaver. Outwardly, they are a bit similar, but the beaver is much fluffier, while the nutria has almost no undercoat. Beaver fur has a bright sheen and elasticity.

In many countries, the attitude towards furs is a constantly discussed issue. The debate about this is even more heated than about politics. The observed trend is interesting. Supporters of the complete rejection of fur in the wardrobe prevail in countries with a relatively mild climate. Russian climatic conditions form other desires. A natural fur coat for residents of most of the country is an urgent need.

Consumer properties of fur

Buying a fur coat is a significant event. I want to buy a beautiful, comfortable, light and warm product. It is desirable that it be worn longer without losing its appearance. The quality of fur is determined by many factors that ordinary consumers do not always have an idea about.


The choice of a fur coat is an important matter

Of primary importance are the characteristics of the hairline and the condition of the skin of the skins. The length of the hairline varies significantly:

  • the fur of wolves and raccoons is 90 mm;
  • moles, gophers - 15 mm;
  • foxes, arctic foxes, beavers and otters - from 50 mm to 90 mm;
  • mink, marten, sable, nutria - from 25 mm to 50 mm;
  • ermine, marmots - from 15 to 25 mm.

Fur Density

For future owners of fur coats, an important indicator is density. It informs about the number of hairs per square centimeter.

  • The thickest fur is otters, beavers, arctic foxes, white hares. It contains up to 20,000 hairs per unit area.
  • There are 12,000 to 20,000 hairs per 1 cm² of sable, hare, rabbit, and muskrat fur.
  • The average density of fur in a fox, wolf, marten, squirrel. It ranges from 6000 to 12000 units.
  • Furs of a badger, marmot, astrakhan fur, sheepskin (from 2000 to 6000) belong to the rare-haired ones.
  • The smallest density, barely reaching 2000, has gopher fur, all kinds of hamsters, bears.


Many ladies dream of buying fluffy fur coats. The volume is created by the specific features of the hairline.

  • The fur is the most lush in Arctic foxes and foxes.
  • It is followed by marten and sable in terms of splendor.
  • Mink and muskrat have medium splendor.
  • The fur of moles, gophers and seals cannot be called magnificent.


The hairline of any animal has a wax coating, the composition of which determines the ability to reflect light rays. The most beautiful is the silky sheen, characteristic of high-quality minks and other expensive furs. Many people like the glassy sheen of nutria or the dullness of mutons.

Shine is an important indicator of the quality of fur

Heat resistance

The aesthetic properties of a fur coat should not overshadow its heat resistance. Beauty, of course, requires some kind of sacrifice, but they should be minimal.

  • The warmest fur coats from foxes, foxes, beavers, sheepskins.
  • The coldest furs are in gophers, moles, hamsters.

All other popular types of furs occupy an intermediate position in the heat resistance rating.


A fur coat in many regions is an everyday item in the wardrobe. In the long winter period, the fairer sex will have to wear a fur product every day. Equally important is the mass of the coat.

  • The fur of the wolf and lynx has a very large weight.
  • Slightly less heavy are products from otters, beavers, sheepskin.
  • The average weight of nutria, mink, rabbits.
  • Fur coats made of gophers, moles, and hares weigh almost nothing.


Wearability of fur coats is of great importance for potential buyers. All of them have a tangible price. Not every lady can plan such purchases or count on gifts often.

  • The furs of otters, beavers and seals do not wear out the longest.
  • In second place in the wear resistance rating are mink, muskrat, astrakhan fur.
  • Sable, marten, sheepskin are characterized by somewhat less wear.
  • The fur of hares, ground squirrels, moles and hamsters closes the rating list.

Experts say that with the modern pace of life of most women, the wear resistance of fur coats in practice is much less than stated. In the conditions of everyday wear in big cities with their environmental load, long trips in cars or public transport, the fur of many fur coats loses its attractiveness 2 times faster than planned by the manufacturers.

Of great importance in ensuring the consumer properties of fur coats are the conditions for keeping animals, the composition of feed. It is also impossible to count on good quality if the technology of processing and dressing of fur is not followed.

Overview of materials popular on the domestic market

Russian consumers are offered more than 100 types of furs and furs obtained in hunting farms, obtained from fur farms, supplied from agricultural or domestic animals.


Sable fur coat

Sable has been an elite fur for several centuries. It is presented in several colors: from sandy to dark brown. A look with a dark base and grayish-blue ends of the hairline is considered especially refined.

The fur of an animal is highly dependent on its habitat (ridge):

  • Barguzin individuals have a beautiful color and silkiness.
  • Good quality fur in Yakut animals.
  • Representatives of Kamchatka are gaining popularity. According to the results of recent fairs, it became obvious that its price already exceeds the cost of the Barguzin sable.
  • Also increased in price, ahead of the price of the fur of the Yenisei animals, Amur sable.

Uninformed buyers may mistake marten or kidus skins (a product of crossing sable with marten) for sable fur.


The marten has a less lush, soft, silky coat than all types of sables. The appearance of marten fur is highly dependent on the place of residence of the animals:

  • Furs from the northern regions, the Kuban, the Caucasus and Central Asia are represented on the domestic market.
  • You can see on sale products made from marten fur brought from Canada. It is distinguished by its large weight, washed out color, and is often called Canadian sable.


On the market of fur products, fox skins are presented in large quantities - both free and caged individuals.

  • The most expensive fur of red animals with a variety of red shades.
  • Red furs with grayish hues are less valued.

The fur of the animals of the Urals, Siberia and the North is distinguished by pomp and silkiness. The further south the habitats of animals are located, the coarser the appearance of their fur.

  • Furs of steppe free foxes are supplied from Central Asia and Kazakhstan. They are all shades of grey.
  • Animals in the Lower Volga region are painted in sandy colors with a reddish or gray color.
  • For experimental model products, the hairline of animals after mutations is sometimes used. These are creative products of a high price category.

The fur of cellular animals has excellent qualities. It differs:

  • long, elastic hairline;
  • uniform, varied color - platinum, silver-black, snow-white.


A special place in the group of fur products is occupied by mink coats. These are always expensive, fashion products.

It is useful to know that the skins of males are large, high hairline. They cost more.

The quality of the mink differs markedly in individuals of different ridges.

  • In animals that are hunted, the fur is black with blue down, dark or light shades of brown.
  • Commercial minks are mined in Siberia, the North and the Caucasus.
  • Animals grown in cages have uniformly high, soft fur. They have a long beautiful tail. On average, individuals kept in cages are larger than free animals. Perhaps the good conditions of detention, the lack of the need to obtain food, affect.

Through the efforts of breeders based on the American mink, a huge number of types have been created.

  • Russian animals are adapted to the action of moisture. Their fur is much warmer, a little more shaggy than that of the American progenitors.
  • There are many fur coats made from Scandinavian mink fur on the domestic market. It is also well suited to Russian climatic conditions.

The fur of animals grown in cages can have different colors. Experts have 17 groups of colors, each of which has many shades. Prices for the fur of cellular animals are largely determined by fashion and demand. They can differ significantly with quite comparable quality.

It is important to know that some manufacturers can dye mink fur, “forgetting” to inform the buyer about this. Often this is how an imitation of expensive, dark fur is obtained from not very beautiful light fur.

Dyed mink should cost less than untreated mink. Even the most professional dyeing involves the treatment of fur with chemicals. The quality of the fur cannot improve from this.

Through the efforts of designers, types of plucked and sheared minks have been obtained. They are peculiar, they can have unique interesting ornaments. This production is focused on fans of non-standard products.

arctic fox

Arctic foxes have a long, thick, beautiful hairline. Prey is supplied by white furs. Several types of blue animals are bred in nurseries.

  • The most beautiful white fur is among the polar foxes of Yakutia. It costs a lot.
  • Less silkiness in the animals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  • Not very lush, small skins of milky color have Pechora foxes.
  • Amazing shades of blue in animals grown in cages. Through the efforts of breeders, thick, lush varieties of furs have been obtained. They are constantly put up at auctions, have high prices.

In different parts of our vast country, very different furs are popular. Taste is formed from generation to generation, largely due to the peculiarities of the climate in each particular place. The solvency of buyers in this region is of great importance.

When buying a fur coat, you should definitely look at the product certificate. You must be able to access the back of the fur. Professional, reputable manufacturers never sew the lining tightly. Inspection of the wrong side of the fur allows you to evaluate the size of the skins, the quality of the seams and dressing. If the lining is firmly sewn everywhere and the seller categorically refuses to rip it up, apparently, the price of the fur coat is too high and does not correspond to its quality.

None of the winter clothes decorates a girl like a fur coat. Not a single coat or sheepskin coat can compare with a fur coat in terms of beauty and thermal characteristics.

The modern fashion industry offers a huge number of models of fur coats from any type of fur, which in turn is divided into budget and exclusive.

Fur types

Mink coats. The leading producers are the USA, Canada, Russia and Norway. In nature, there are more than 5000 natural shades of this fur. Of all the varieties of this animal, the Scandinavian mink can be called the most popular. Its value lies in the presence of a down and an outer pile of medium length. Lavender and Aleutian steel mink can boast the most beautiful shades of fur.

Nutria fur coats. Such a fur coat will warm you even in the most severe frosts. Its advantages include good performance and water-repellent properties. The fur of a mink coat shines beautifully and shimmers in the sun.

Mouton coats. Mouton is a sheepskin finished with a special technology, as a result of which the fur becomes soft and smooth. According to its properties, the muton is practical and wear-resistant. An additional advantage is its price. For only 20-25 thousand rubles, you can buy a fur coat below the knee. This is a great investment in your wardrobe.

Today, many online stores offer many models and styles of outerwear made from this type of fur. In addition, their color palette ranges from pastel to bright and saturated. There are plenty to choose from. As you can see, being fashionable and beautiful is not expensive.

Fur coats of their exotic fur

Lama fur coat. distinguished by their beauty and appearance. The hair of this animal is long and soft to the touch. The characteristics of fur include its wear resistance and thermal insulation.

Reed cat fur coat. The exotic coloring of this feline animal remains the ultimate dream of many fashionistas. can be called a bold outfit for those who like to be in the spotlight.

Weasel coat. In appearance, exotic weasel fur practically does not differ from mink or marten. Unfortunately, weasel fur does not have high heat-shielding properties, so you can wear clothes made from this fur only when it is slightly frosty outside.

Leopard coat. Leopard hair products are always handmade. The lining is French lace. A leopard fur coat is very expensive, but this clothing is light, delicate, beautiful and pleasant to the touch. In this outfit, every girl will look like a socialite.

Lynx coat. characterized by tenderness, softness and thick underfur. Its unusualness also lies in the fact that it can play in different shades. Extravagant outfit suitable for going out.

Collar models

The simplest and most common types of collars are the turn-down collar and the stand-up collar. Perhaps the most successful and sought-after model is the English collar, which looks win-win on both fur coats and jackets.

Another option for collars on a fur coat is a boat collar. Fur coats below the knee length look beautiful with an apache collar.

Hood Models

In total, there are three main types of fur coat hoods. Everything else is their variations.:

  • Hood-helmet;
  • Hood with drape;
  • Hood collar.

Whichever model you choose, the hood can always be used for its intended purpose. When it's freezing cold or windy, you can put on a hood to keep your head and neck warm.


A fur coat is bought for more than one season, based on this, we can conclude that coat model must be successful so that a woman can wear it for several seasons and look fashionable and stylish at the same time.

There are such models of fur coats:

  • Cocoon
  • Shirt
  • Fur coat under the belt
  • Butterfly
  • Prado
  • Autolady
  • french
  • fitted
  • Chanel
  • Bat.

All fur coats are divided into three types:

  1. Classic elongated fur coats;
  2. Shortened models;
  3. Exclusive styles.


Fur coats up to the middle of the thigh are especially popular with young fashionistas. Fur coats to the knee prefer to wear adult successful women. Models of sleeveless fur coats are in demand among both.

Natural or artificial fur?

The fur coat can be sewn from both natural and artificial fur. Today, faux fur is no less in demand than real fur. Modern fur coats made of synthetic materials look as stylish as those made from natural ones. In addition, it has other advantages over natural furs.

Artificial pile is cheaper and it is almost as warm as natural. In addition, for animal protection reasons, some women prefer artificial material.

It is for this reason that you can see many collections of fur coats made of artificial material on the catwalks. It is difficult to distinguish it from the real one, however, in terms of its qualities, it is in many ways inferior to natural furs.

Exclusive styles of fur coats

Since the fur coat itself is already a luxurious outfit, even the simplest cut product without additional decor will look luxurious when compared with other outerwear. In the collection of famous fashion houses you can always find an exclusive style of a fur coat.

If you are looking for an exclusive fur coat model, look to expensive fur clothing brands, for example, check out the Italian Vito Ponti collection. Today in fashion. At the same time, not only colors, fabrics of different textures, but also furs are combined. The combination of several styles into one was no exception.

Exclusive models of fur coats are distinguished by their originality. A fur coat can be stolen with a sleeve, the length of which can be shortened, ¾, or the sleeve may be completely absent. The collar and hem of the fur coat can be finished with a different type of fur. For example, the collar can be trimmed with long fluffy fur, and the hem of the fur coat can be made of medium-length pile.

Where to buy a fur coat?

Fur outfit can be bought:

  • in the fur salon,
  • on the market,
  • at the fur fair
  • factory,
  • abroad alone,
  • go on an organized fur tour,
  • in the online store.

In addition, you can buy a fur coat in the season, in late autumn and winter, or at times that begin at the end of winter.

Having decided to buy a fur coat, you should know that in autumn and winter its cost will be high, because at this time they are in great demand.

A fur coat can be bought in installments without overpayments. Such a purchase will be profitable, especially if you buy a fur coat in installments during sales.

  1. Firstly, you will buy it 40-50% cheaper than if you bought it in winter.
  2. Secondly, you will pay the cost of the fur coat within 12-24 months.

Having bought a fur coat in this way, you will not even feel waste. The only disadvantage of such a purchase is the inability to pick up a fur coat from the store until you pay for it in full.

Issue price

The cost of a fur coat is determined by many parameters. Pricing is influenced by what fur it is sewn from, its length, and the relevance of the model.

The place of purchase also plays an important role. So, if the country of origin of your fur coat is Russia, then such a thing will cost less than the one brought from Europe. In turn, a European fur coat, although it costs an order of magnitude higher than a Russian-made fur coat, will differ in quality and appearance.

Do not forget about the brand, the popularity of which can increase the cost of a fur coat several times.

- a type of outerwear made of natural or artificial fur. Worn in cold weather.

The name of this piece of clothing indicates Arabic roots. The Arabs called the word "jubba" warm clothes with long sleeves, decorated with marten and sable fur. The skins of these animals were bought mainly in Russia.


A fur coat can be called, perhaps, the most ancient piece of clothing - it is known for certain that the inhabitants of primitive tribes wrapped themselves in the skins of dead animals. From these skins, both capes, and loincloths, and hats were formed. And in the cold season, ancient people wrapped themselves from head to toe in fur, because of its excellent heating properties. Gradually, mankind learned to dress skins, dye them and sew them together.

In the 1st century AD, the standard-bearers of the Roman legions covered their helmets with bear fur and lion manes. Despite the inconvenience and heaviness of such a “decor”, it was believed that in battle it would give animal power to its owner.

The Celts and the inhabitants of the Germanic settlements in Western Europe began to cut and sew fur skins, creating a semblance of clothing, but then it was rather fur tunics that were made, and not fur coats in the form that we know now.

In the 7th-9th century AD, Arab craftsmen began to decorate the clothes of their noble citizens with fur. The success of the new fashion led to the fact that the skins of fur-bearing animals became a kind of currency (not only in Asian countries, but also in Rus').

Fur-lined cloaks were also worn by women of the early Middle Ages.

The prototype of a modern fur coat first appears in the 13th century, in the expanses of Mongolia, where in winter it was very cold in the steppes and a strong frosty wind raged. The warriors of Genghis Khan put on two fur coats at once for additional warmth, and one was turned inside out with fur to the body.

In the tundra zone, a shortened version of the fur coat appeared, warming, but not restricting movement while riding a sled. In the same region, “malitsa” (men's outerwear made of deer skin, below the knee length, with a hood, without a cut) and “sokuy” (traditional men's clothing of the peoples of the North, with a hood, blind cut, made of cloth or fur) were very common. ). To fix the seams, the skins were stitched with strips of leather with an ornament, which at the same time also served as a talisman against evil spirits and evil spirits. In Rus', such clothing was called "casing" and "sheepskin coat".

In the northern part of China, fur coats also appeared, mainly from goat, monkey or dog fur. Aristocrats could afford a sable fur coat, and karakul was considered the most expensive fur.

In the East and Europe, fur was mainly used to decorate clothes and emphasize the social status of nobles, since climatic conditions did not require special warming. People of noble origin were especially fond of fur vests, in which they appeared both in public places and at home. In particular, in Venice in the 16th century, the velvet outerwear of noble people was turned off with expensive fur. In Western Europe of that time, shaubs were distributed - an item of outerwear for men, similar in appearance to having a fur collar. In the 18th century, frock coats trimmed with fur, often with fur lining, entered the men's fashion of the European continent. However, by the 19th century, a trend was re-emerging in Western fashion to decorate outerwear with fur.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Paul Poiret, returning from a trip to Russia, created a collection dedicated to Russian national clothes, which included a fur coat in the style of a Russian fur coat.

The popularity of this type of clothing was facilitated by numerous appearances in fur coats of movie stars of the early to mid-20th century: Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, Elizabeth Taylor, etc.

In the 60s, Paco Rabanne added mink capes to his collections. A decade later, he presented in his collections a series of fox fur coats dyed in unnatural colors, later, in the 80s, silver fox fur coats came into fashion.

Fur coat in Russia

Russia has long been considered a "fur" power, supplying furs and furs to the countries of Asia and Europe. Within the country itself, fur was also highly valued, in some cases acting as a currency. Fur was considered a valuable gift and an important part of the dowry of wealthy brides.

The peasantry in Rus' wore fur coats made of hare and sheepskin, wealthy people preferred this type of clothing with fox, sable, fox fur.

The fur coat was especially widespread in the XV-XVII centuries. This type of clothing was open, widening downwards, with long wide sleeves and a turn-down collar. The top of the fur coat of noble people, as a rule, was covered with expensive fabric - brocade, satin, velvet, etc. Cords were used as fasteners. Boyars and wealthy people of noble origin could afford to have a lot of luxurious fur coats, sometimes putting on several at once. Fur coats were trimmed with fur or cotton wool inside, and there was often a slit behind this piece of clothing. In winter, the peasantry dressed in shearling sheepskin coats (without decoration with cloth). In general, this type of clothing was popular in all walks of life.

In poor families, they sewed a "casing" - a fur coat of 8-9 tanned sheepskins, up to the heels. As a rule, in a poor family, the casing was one for all.

Working with fur

Fur is treated with chemicals such as salt tablets, alum, acids, soda ash, cornstarch, lanolin, degreasers and, less commonly, bleaches, dyes, and toners, as the fur is sometimes dyed (and in some cases sheared) .

It has been proven that long-term work in such production is not very good for the lungs.

Fight with fur lovers

“A fur coat is a cemetery. A real woman won't wear a graveyard."

Brigitte Bardot

Not a single piece of clothing causes such a wave of protests as a fur coat. Many defiantly refuse to use leather and fur in their work, out of pity for animals. Particularly radical activists of some anti-fur movements, such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - People for the ethical treatment of animals), often attack celebrities who dare to appear in public in a fur coat and douse the product with paint. The same organization launched the campaign "I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur" ("I'd rather stay naked than put on fur"), in which celebrities who have refused to wear fur take part: Paul McCartney, Tommy Lee, Shirley Manson, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Jenna Jameson, Famke Janssen, Kim Basinger and others.

Types of fur coats

In the history of this type of clothing at different times, the most popular were:

Doha- a very long fur coat, historically from the skin of a foal or calf, with the fur on the outside. It was so long and voluminous that it was worn over a large amount of clothes, and also did not fasten, but was wrapped around. In the north of Russia, it was sewn from wolf, dog, fox fur.

Sheepskin coat- a spacious long fur coat with fur inside, but with a large fur collar. Worn over other clothes. In the 20th century, a shortened knee-length fur coat, often fitted, began to be called that.

Romanov fur coat- made from the skins of sheep of the Romanov breed with straight and very thick wool. Such fur coats were embossed on the side, the edges of the pockets and the cuff. According to the embossed pattern, embroidery with wool could be placed.

Today, among the variety of models presented on the fur market, the following stand out:

  • a classic fur coat, having a length of 100 to 130 cm, can be straight, flared and trapezoidal, with or without a hood;
  • jacket - a straight-cut fur coat, from 90 to 130 cm long, with a belt, a hood (or, in its absence, with a collar), quite often such models have side cuts;
  • short fur coat - a fur product above the knee;
  • fur jacket - a short fur coat with a length of 60 to 80 cm, ideal for motorists, has a variety of cuts, can be with or without a hood;
  • swinger (coat) - from 100 to 110 cm long, trapezoidal, flared;
  • Cleopatra - a fur coat with a trapezoidal cut, from 100 to 130 cm long, from below it is decorated with wavy fur inserts resembling a frill;
  • bell - a flared fur coat to the knees or slightly lower, shaped like a flower, after which it was named, made with a different type of collar and sleeve, with or without a hood;
  • ballet flat - a shorter version of the "bell coat" - from 80 to 100 cm, a flared back is also a distinctive feature;
  • butterfly - a model of a trapezoidal shape with a length of 80 to 105 cm, the sleeves of such a fur coat resemble the wings of a butterfly, as a rule, the model has either a hood or a rounded collar.

Storage conditions

A fur coat is best stored in a closet with enough space to prevent the fur from wrinkling. It should be remembered that the fur coat is stored exclusively on a hanger: its various folding or folding is unacceptable - the pile in the places of the folds will be taken, and it will be very problematic to give it its original position. Also, when storing this type of clothing, it should be borne in mind that the fur absorbs various odors very well.

Rain and sleet can have a negative effect on a fur coat. The exception is, perhaps, products made from beaver, otter or mink fur, but you should not abuse walking in such fur coats in wet weather. A piece of clothing that has fallen into the rain should be hung on a hanger, shaking off excess moisture. It is also advisable to go through the pile with a soft brush. It is strictly forbidden to dry a fur coat over a heater, battery or gas, as well as under the influence of sunlight.

It will be much more useful for fur cold weather with low air humidity.

In the warm season, it is best to store a fur coat in a case that will protect the fur from dust, moths and deformation. However, it should be borne in mind that for the shine and silkiness of the fur, air circulation plays an important role: if it is absent, the fur will fade and become brittle. During storage, it is also recommended to periodically remove the fur coat from the cover and ventilate it.

To date, there are many means to help scare away moths from a fur coat. The smells of lavender and tobacco also contribute to the effective fight against moths.

In Rus', during the reception of foreign ambassadors and delegations - even in the summer - the tsar and the boyars put on fur coats to show their importance and status.

The first fur coats made of artificial fur appeared on sale in the USSR in 1964.

Sable is considered the most expensive material for making a fur coat: at the beginning of the 20th century, the cost of a fur coat from such fur could approach the cost of a house. Today, the skins of the Barguzin sable have the highest value.
