Beware: fiance is a scammer! New schemes of "love" swindlers. Real stories of women who were ruined by marriage scammers Stories about marriage scammers

Vorobyov, in a frozen pose, looked at the family photo and could not believe what was happening. No, it can't be, it's some kind of terrible dream. What is happening is some kind of obsession. After all, it was all the best: beloved native wife, happiness from the appearance of such a desired baby.
After the divorce, he could not recover for a long time, it was a burden for him to return to an empty cold apartment. Neither relatives nor friends made him happy. It seemed that his whole life collapsed like a house of cards. He often contemplated suicide, waking up in a cold sweat from nightmares.
When he came to his senses after a divorce, he studied the art of a pickup truck, began to get acquainted on the Internet and change his new acquaintances like gloves. In order not to waste money, he invited a new girl for a walk in his new beautiful area. “We have everything here,” Vorobyov proudly told another girl, “If you want, ride a bike, if you want, ski. We have all the conditions.
Another girl listened to Vorobyov, blinking her eyes, wondering to herself how well she could get a job in this area in a new house, and such a kind gallant husband would support her. Such walks were especially impressive for visiting regional girls living in a rented apartment or huddled with relatives in cramped quarters in an old apartment. Such girls were ready to do anything already on the first evening, just to stake out a bread place, write out a ticket to a new beautiful life, and even if a puncture happens, have fun and leave Vorobyov as an alternate airfield, you never know what.
Having slept with another girl, Vorobyov drove her to the right place, escorted her to the bus stop, or he could simply ask to get ready and escorted her to the door. Further along his well-established system, he kissed, said "let's call" and went to work, where he boasted of another victory.
The fact that he did not really satisfy any girl, he did not even guess. He thought he was a cool macho. The girls either did not speak so as not to offend him, or merged, realizing that happiness with such Vorobyov is a rather risky and failed project, it is worth looking for a more worthy life partner. If the next "bride" began to impose itself and even download rights, Vorobyov did not have to insult her by phone and send her away, after which the girl merged herself. But there were those who could not believe what was happening, and then such another bride could not stand it and began to throw tantrums and write rude SMS, because she had her own clear plans for him. .
And there were also girls who could not understand why he treated him so and suffered, simply not knowing the whole story with his ex-wife and not realizing that Vorobyov was taking revenge on them for how his ex-wife Irina treated him.
Irina was a very pretty girl who was looked at by guys. She came to enter the big city from a small village with a ridiculously ridiculous name. The big city stunned the provincial young lady, and she realized that life can be completely different and the world is not her gloomy gray village with eternally drunk men.
Having trimmed herself in the regional city, she realized that there are a dime a dozen such pretty and pretty girls here, and many, unlike her, also have wealthy parents, and for such she is just a "village". And she did not want to return to her backwoods without prospects at all.
Then she figured that the only chance to escape from her native village is a university - to get married successfully. But having met several guys, she realized that not everyone would look after her, fulfill her desires, and even more so, take her to the registry office. It was here that she met Alexei - a kind, handsome guy, brought up in matriarchy by an imperious mother, ready at any moment to fulfill her every whim.
She only laughed to herself, seeing how Aleksey was shy, clumsily trying to look after her, looking at her with loving puppy eyes and ready to take her to the registry office even now. Well, Irina thought, so be it, I will marry him, but I will always have time to get a divorce and marry again. In order to finally subdue the naive Alexei, Irina used the woman's trick, as old as the world, to say that she was pregnant, and then stage a miscarriage. With someone like Alexei, this method went “with a bang” and it was possible to use this method further so that Vorobyov continued to pamper, carry and idolize his “poor” girl.
Everything went according to plan. A gorgeous bride in a beautiful dress, a wedding, a new life for newlyweds who have their whole life ahead of them. She realized that Alexei’s relatives didn’t like it, but she didn’t give a damn about her domineering mother-in-law, and even more so about her father-in-law, who was beaten up by her wife. Now she is Alexei's mistress. Now he is in her hands a rag that will always obey her, support her, fulfilling all her needs and desires. Vorobyov turned out to be a wonderful husband. One thing is bad, in bed is not very good. But this is not a problem, there will be enough men for her age. With her pretty face, finding a lover is not a problem, and the neighbor has his eyes on her.
When Vorobyov earned an apartment, she, already being the mistress of her city apartment, praised herself for not missing her chance, getting out of her native outback. It remains to give birth, and she will get rid of Vorobyov at the first opportunity. Vorobyov was sick and tired of her, but the situation without a child was precarious. In the event of a divorce, she will also lose her own apartment and maintenance. She performed her marital duty with Vorobyov out of habit and because she had to, there was nowhere to go, and for satisfaction she visited a pretty neighbor. Naive Alexei did not even guess what was going on in his wife's head. He idolized her and even in difficult times, when money ran out and his wife made scandals, he fulfilled all her desires. Irina did not want to deny herself new clothes, salons and other women's joys, just as she did not want to work herself. The wife increasingly reproached Vorobyov, but he endured and tried to solve all the problems. Irina's pregnancy was not easy, but even here Alexei did everything possible to ensure that Irina received the vitamins she and the child needed. He paid for a separate room in the maternity hospital, with a face drunk with happiness, fussed about her and the baby.
From the outside, their family life seemed perfect. But the more Vorobyov caved in to his wife, the more he became disgusting to her. She could no longer pretend that she loved him, especially since motherhood for her, a spoiled girl, turned out to be more of a burden than a joy. She did not even suspect how difficult it would be, and the idea arose in her pretty head to get rid of Vorobyov at the first opportunity, but wringing him out properly. Both the apartment and the business should remain with her, period. It is possible to achieve a goal with such a naive sucker as Alexei, by manipulating a child. It remains to wait for the right moment and do everything the way only she needs.
Irina did not think that the girl would grow up without a father. She grew up without a father and nothing. She thought only of herself, of her new prosperous city life, already free from her unloved husband. Living in her city apartment, receiving business income and alimony from her ex-husband, having a lover not one, but another, and she will always have time to marry again with such an appearance.
Vorobyov remembered the divorce in a blur. He was ready to leave his daughter everything he had. The thought that he would live separately from his family, and even more so with his beloved daughter, constantly tormented his soul. During the divorce, Aleksey lost his family, property, business and, along with the loss of the meaning of life, acquired the obligation to pay alimony tribute, the expenditure of which he had no right to control.
After the divorce, Alexei broke free from the chain, began to change women one after another. Then a crazy idea came to him. Vorobyov did not see anything bad if one of the women presented him with his child. He already imagined how he would visit and help a woman with his child, in return receiving joy and gratitude. He did not even imagine what a shame and deceit it would turn out to be. After a difficult divorce, his ex-wife forbade him to see his daughter. At that moment, he didn’t want to live at all and sex with unloved strange women without protection, and as it seemed to him, the future desired child on the side became something like an antidepressant for him.
Two women with an interval of several months told Vorobyov that they were pregnant from him. Since that time, life has flowed very quickly. Aleksey was torn between work and new mothers, ran around the shops to buy vitamins, food, and then diapers, sliders, baby food, jumping-walkers, toys. There was no time for depression. When the kids grew up, he tried to discern his familiar features in them and was very surprised that not one kid was not like him. A hunch came to him. He didn't sleep for several nights. When he resolutely notified the women that he wanted to do a DNA test, he met with a negative reaction with refusal, reproaches and tantrums. His guesses were confirmed. It was another terrible blow.
Thinking about female meanness and insidiousness, Vorobyov drove along the highway to his relatives. All of a sudden, a truck swerved into the oncoming lane. To avoid a collision, Vorobyov began to slow down and try to pull over to the side of the road. A sharp departure from the impact to the right, to the side of the road did not work, because the speed was too high. The car went into a ditch. My whole life flashed before my eyes in an instant. Alexei saw episodes of recent years like in a movie: a painful divorce, longing for his wife and daughter, an endless series of easily accessible strange women. Especially clearly he saw the face of the painted red-haired Tatyana and the cunning hamster face of Svetlana, who "rejoiced" him that "he would become a dad."
How long Vorobyov was unconscious, he could not determine. Alexei felt an unbearable dull pain in his head, there was a mist in his eyes. He tried to move his arms and legs, but his body would not obey. For a moment, he was very scared. After the divorce, he was severely depressed and contemplated suicide. But right now, more than ever in his life, he desperately wanted to live. At this terrible moment, he saw a blurry bright red spot on the car mat below him. "Blood" - thought Vorobyov.
It was impossible to scare Alexei with blood, since childhood he had been boxing and the sight of blood reminded him of the ring and the intoxicating feeling of victory. Instinctively, he reached out to the red spot. The hand obeyed, but instead of a puddle, the finger stuck into a hard red object. "Strange," thought Vorobyov. "What is this?" Bringing the object to his eyes, he saw a red button. "Where?" - thought Vorobyov and groaned from a guess. His green eyes came to mind clearly. When the women presented him with children, he decided that this was his new real life and trampled into the dirt all that good and kind that he had with his beloved girl in a red coat, with relatives and friends. A stingy tear rolled down Vorobyov's unshaven cheek and fell on the rug in the place where the button had previously been. Vorobyov heard the sound of a siren, which was getting louder. "Ambulance," thought Vorobyov, and lost consciousness.
Vorobyov woke up in a hospital room. The first thing he saw was the serious, kind eyes of an elderly doctor: “Yes, you were born in a shirt, young man, you got off lightly.”
In the hospital, a young pretty nurse, Lenochka, took care of Alexei. At first, Vorobyov was shy and felt uncomfortable. Then he talked to her and became friends. Every morning he looked forward to the appearance of a smiling Lenochka, like a ray of sunshine in a dark room. So he got a new meaning of life. After some time, he got used to and fell in love with Lenochka so much that he did not know how he would continue to live without this angel.
After being discharged, Alexei found out when her shift would end, arrived in a car with flowers, and was very nervous waiting for her. When he saw her coming out, he came up with trembling hands, handed her flowers, offered to give her a ride home. He looked hopefully into her kind blue eyes and realized that a new happy life had begun for him.


Today, a large number of single men and women are unsuccessfully trying to find "their soul mate" in the metropolis. Desperate to meet real love, many are looking for a panacea on the Internet. But in the virtual space, a sweet and very dangerous trap awaits them.

My friend named Natalya almost got into it. When she called me with the good news that she had finally found her one and only, I was sincerely happy for her.

His name is Chris Keel and he is from New Zealand. Far, of course. But love knows no bounds! – said a friend.

Deception strategy

It turned out that a man in the prime of life saw Natasha's photo on the Internet. He sent a friend request, which the woman confirmed without hesitation. After some time, a letter came from Chris, in which he admitted that he really liked Natalya, and offered to chat on Skype. At first, the lady was surprised at such unexpected attention to her person. Although she looked good, but still, she was far from her first youth. But, the woman decided, what the hell is not joking, what if it was fate, and decided to send her email address and phone number to the persistent foreigner.

That same evening, Chris got in touch. However, outwardly, he seemed to Natasha not at all the stocky, dark-haired man who was captured in the photo he had sent earlier. A tall, grey-haired, imposing man was looking at her from the computer screen. When she told him about this, he was very offended and even accused the woman of probably mixing something up, since apparently she has a lot of acquaintances of men on the Internet.

He told her that his wife was Russian, died a few years ago and now he is completely alone and wants to marry again. And it was Natalya who seemed to him the very one and only, about which he had dreamed all his life.

Chris also admitted that he lives in a large spacious house, is engaged in the gold business

A few years ago he came to Astana and he really liked our sincere and friendly people. And then, as if by the way, he asked about Natalie's financial situation.

The woman also decided to show that she was not a beggar, she lived alone in her own large apartment and made good money.

Then Chris began to literally bombard his beloved with letters, in which he assured that he was a very faithful and decent person and meeting her was a real gift of fate.

Chris's numerous letters began with a caring question about what she ate for breakfast, lunch or dinner (depending on the time of day), and ended with assurances of eternal love in poetic form. Moreover, the messages were interspersed with numerous phrases, such as “The Lord will generously bless you!”, “The Almighty is praying for you!”, From which it could be concluded that the elderly lover is a deeply religious person. Romeo tortured the woman with the question whether she loved him as passionately as he did. Tired of romanticism and religious verbosity, Lena admitted that, in fact, she does not spend days on end in prayer, but leads a secular lifestyle, and she does not yet feel special love for Chris. After such a revelation, the tone of the letters changed dramatically and became more modern and businesslike. The man, without false modesty, said that he was previously the director of a large firm, graduated from Oxford, but is now retired and longs for a change in his personal life.

Mr. Keel said that he wanted to come to Kazakhstan in the near future in order to get to know each other better. The lady's plans were, on the contrary, to see firsthand how a foreigner lives, especially since her distant relative also lives in New Zealand and she has long dreamed of visiting her. She straightforwardly told the applicant for her hand and heart about this. What was Natalia's astonishment when Chris said that his main place of residence is Salt Lake City (USA), and in New Zealand he is ... on vacation. Then the man is going to go to Ganna, no more no less than to meet with ... a former UN secretary, who, as Keel assured, is his friend and partner.

At first, Natalya was slightly shocked by such stunning information, but then she thought, what if, in fact, her new admirer is a bird of such a high flight.

But the last letter from a foreigner completely forced the woman to plunge into a deep trance. Mr. Keel said that he travels a lot and now does not intend to store his gold bars in England, as he does not trust this company. In the same time

he hopes for the help of Natasha, to whom he is going to send ... 90 kg of gold, while promising to pay good interest for storage

At the end of the letter, Chris left an email address to which she must apply in order for the bars to be sent to her.

Police Commentary

Suspecting something was wrong, we turned to the police for clarification.

- Marriage swindlers, unfortunately, are not uncommon today, and they are operating with might and main on the Internet, - says the official representative of the Department of Internal Affairs of Almaty, Police Major Saltanat Azirbek. - Do not believe too much that an Internet acquaintance who has suddenly inflamed with passionate love for you really counts on a relationship. Perhaps he only burns with a desire to use you. Swindlers can act in different roles. Moreover, year by year the methods of their "divorce" are becoming more sophisticated. The first thing a marriage swindler is interested in is what you own, which happened to Natalya. Therefore, she did not need to tell immediately about her property. But as soon as this happened, it is better to try to change the situation by extracting a few negative points. For example, tell the newly-made Romeo that your apartment was bought on credit or that it does not belong to you at all. If a person is really sincere towards you, this will not scare him off, but for a swindler it will become “shock therapy”.

There is no such definition as a “marriage swindler” in Kazakhstani legislation, but he can be held criminally liable under the articles “Fraud”, “Taking possession of another's property” and “Breach of trust”. But the fact is that victims often give away their property voluntarily, and this fact makes it difficult to punish the fraudster.

Regarding this story of Natasha, there can be many scenarios for the development of events with the storage of gold. You need to understand that no one will ever give her anything for free. For example, by clicking on the site specified in the letter, she can “pick up” viruses, with the help of which an attacker downloads her personal data from a computer and can easily use it. Or if she signs an agreement with a company storing gold, no one will send her the bars, of course. And then they will blackmail her, forcing her to pay for the allegedly received gold, which she has not seen in her eyes.

“Citizens who have suffered from marriage Internet swindlers have already applied to the Department of Internal Affairs,” Azirbek added. “But it is rather difficult to investigate such cases, especially if they concern foreigners. After all, they can be written from fictitious Internet addresses or obtained fraudulently. Nevertheless, we are ready to accept Natalia's statement to the police, to which she will attach letters from Chris Keel and investigate this case.

Start a career as a polygamist without marvelous,
dappled gray suit was impossible.
In addition, it was necessary to have at least ten
rubles for representation and seduction.
You could, of course, get married on a camping trip.
green suit, because man's strength and
Bender's beauty was completely irresistible
for provincial margaritas for marriage, but
it would be, as Ostap said: “Low
grade. Not a clean job."

© I. Ilf, E. Petrov, "12 chairs"

In principle, a marriage swindler is the male analogue of a dynamite. He is looking for a person who needs something, and throws him at the money. A man really wants to fuck - there is a risk of running into a dynamite. My aunt is already unbearable to get married - and marriage swindlers are right there ...

Frequent visitors to the psychotherapist's office are victims of marriage swindlers who, as a result of pleasant communication with a "promising and best" man, have lost a lot or almost everything. And now they need help to survive the recent humiliation, remove the romantic veil from their eyes and - most importantly - learn to trust other people again, without risking again falling into the bait of a scammer.

When asked why they didn’t come earlier and sort out the rapidly developing relationship that you weren’t able to reasonably control, there was only one answer: “I thought that I myself was smart enough to understand everything and figure out the swindler.” The result is the loss of tens, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of rubles, and often an apartment.

I understand that not everyone is ready to go for a consultation with a specialist. There are many reasons for this, so I want to give some tips on how to avoid the terrible fate of the victim of a marriage swindler.

Especially often the victims of marriage scams are people looking for a partner on the Internet. Communication through websites and social networks greatly facilitates the task of a marriage swindler - to please the future victim already in absentia and often fall in love with himself, without the risk of being exposed when communicating face to face. When such a meeting occurs, the victim no longer critically perceives those signs that can give out a marriage swindler at the beginning of communication.

It’s worth saying right away that I deliberately say “marriage swindler”, since 99% of women who turn to psychologists for advice are women who are “lucky” to get into the networks of “bandits out of love”. Men are embarrassed to ask for help and rely on the fact that they themselves will be able to understand everything, and having become a victim of a marriage swindler, they are afraid to confess. Therefore, my advice is more addressed to women.

So, first: how to recognize a marriage swindler?

It often appears as a person of a profession, covered with a halo of romance and mystery - a scout, a prominent lawyer, an employee of a serious government agency, a sea captain, etc. This allows not to talk about the work, referring to secrecy, that is, the possibility of verification by the future victim is excluded, and on the other hand, it gives additional charm. Another option is a big businessman who does not want publicity when looking for a life partner. And only he will reveal the secret to you, as he is sure of your joint future. But - does not open!

Never introduce the future victim to friends and relatives. There can be incredibly many reasons - an orphan, everyone is in exile, he is depressed and does not want to see anyone, and so on. Interestingly, the more absurd the reason, the easier future victims will believe in it.

Avoids being photographed, or does everything to be unlike himself in the photo.

Almost at the very beginning of your acquaintance, he quietly finds out your financial situation.

Seeks to get to your house as quickly as possible and gain a foothold there. If you don’t want to let him in, demonstrative resentment and misunderstanding are used, how can you not trust HIM, who is so correct and inviting to family life. After all, you want to marry him, then why don't you take this step towards?

In the next meetings, he begins to “forget” his credit card, phone, receives an unexpected fine in the absence of a wallet. Thus, finding out your willingness to part with your own money for him.

Very often sends you an expensive gift through the delivery service, "forgetting" to pay for the delivery itself. In this case, you need to pay for shipping in advance.

Of course, these are not all signs. There are many more specific behaviors that signal danger. But these are the most common.

Now the second: how not to get hooked?

Always be critical of stories of success and secret work. A man who is really interested in you will always find a way to confirm all his posts and regalia (in addition, if a person is actually an illegal intelligence agent, then he has a legend with a rather ordinary occupation that does not attract attention; say, a system administrator or a gynecologist - approx.) .

Never and under no circumstances will a real fan of yours forget his money, his phone, or lose all his cash before entering a restaurant. Do not agree to pay for it ever and under no circumstances!

Wanting to visit you is not a problem. But first, honey, show me your nest. We are not in a hurry, we will wait and still we will be the first to see your home.

Most importantly, never, under any circumstances, borrow, donate, don’t give free money to unfamiliar men. And he is just a stranger. A couple of months of communication is not a period. And do not forget that he has relatives, friends, partners, etc. Think about why he asks you? No real man will stoop to such a request!

Listen to feedback about your new companion from your family and friends, especially if many are negative. You can see it from the side, and now you are in the clouds and mentally listening to Mendelssohn's march (or Wagnerian Treulich gefuhrt if Mendelssohn does not suit you for racial reasons - approx.

When communicating with one pretty girl on a dating site, she gave out the phrase: "You are strange, you are probably a marriage swindler" and after that the communication quickly faded away.

Willy-nilly, I had to wonder who the marriage swindlers really are?

I read a lot of material on the topic on the Internet. As I managed to find out, if I really was a marriage swindler, it would not have occurred to a girl to come to such a conclusion, the reasons are:

A marriage swindler would have turned the poor girl's head so that doubtful thoughts would not have entered her head;

The girl lived on a small salary, her residence permit in our city was temporary (she extended it every six months with the help of distant relatives), she rented a room for two with a friend at work, her parents were sick old people living on a meager pension earned at the state farm, in a house rickety from time to time .. She is not an object, even for a novice swindler ...

So who are these marriage swindlers? The phrase itself has been familiar to us since Soviet times (they were, of course, earlier, from time immemorial) according to official newspaper chronicles.

A particular flourishing of this type of fraud in our country fell on the years of the collapse of the USSR and rampant "democracy".

General characteristics of a marriage swindler.

Marriage swindler - a man of men! The fact is that, no matter how base the swindler may be, he adores and idolizes women. He understands them, he sympathizes with them, he knows how to listen to them, it gives him great pleasure to look after them, and he knows how to do it elegantly and at the same time naturally like no other. He will never forget to open (and hold!) the door in front of a lady, give her a coat (and help her put it on), lend a hand on the stairs or on a difficult section of the road, help get into the car ... In a word, the dream of any self-respecting woman.

A marriage swindler is sincere, he really enjoys courting a woman! How can a woman in this situation feel the catch?

Marriage swindlers themselves sincerely believe that they did not rob their victims, but “took a payment for warmth and affection”, for the attention that they will never receive from ordinary men. By the way, we, who consider ourselves normal, law-abiding men, create fertile ground for scammers with our callous, dismissive attitude!

What is the harm to a woman?

The ultimate interest of a swindler is mercantile. Sex serves only as a means of prey and a pleasant addition. Particularly unfortunate ladies lose all their acquired fortune (if the swindler is a station wagon and also acts as an apartment scammer, etc.), lose large sums of money, jewelry, expensive antiques - everything that can be carried away, transferred to your account and is easy to successfully sell or hide up to better times.

Where do scammers find their victims?

Yes, wherever you can think of, and even where you can not - this audience is surprisingly resourceful in making money and the pleasures that accompany it. The press described a case when a swindler managed to meet his “beloved” in ... a women's toilet! Therefore, it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, there are as many methods and ways of dating marriage swindlers as you like, and they can be found in nightclubs, in transport, in a supermarket, on a playground and even in ... a cemetery! Recently, due to the massive popularity of dating sites, scammers are increasingly using the Internet.

How does a marriage scam work?

First of all, he must arrange the lady to him. Get her financial information. If the potential victim "finances sing romances", interest is abruptly lost, the scammer disappears, appears in another place and starts all over again.

If the woman approaches, the second stage begins. In this case, the swindler must necessarily get into the victim's house. And not only to come to visit - he needs to move there for a while, lull the woman's vigilance and, having robbed her to the skin, disappear without a trace.

What takes women by the soul?

He makes a woman feel that she is a woman. That she is loved and desired. She is the one and only. But the fraudster would not be a marriage swindler if he did not know the psychology of women even deeper. Women are attracted by elements of heroism, mystery, understatement. Therefore, scammers often present themselves as secret intelligence agents, sea captains, employees of secret design bureaus, retired assistants to overthrown oligarchs, etc. This type of activity, extensive connections, and power can supposedly help a woman in solving her problems, including mercantile ones. What has been said is effective for any woman, representative of any country. Russian women have their own specific kind of weakness, peculiar only to them - compassion. This is what our domestic marriage swindlers most often use. Those. in Russia, women who suffer most often are kind, sincere and compassionate.

Geography of the scammer.

Marriage swindlers, as a rule, act far from their permanent residences, from their relatives and past "victims". This is most often "moved from another city", "on a business trip", "came to visit a sick relative", "I work abroad", "on earnings", etc. A more or less experienced swindler will never appear in the same place where he committed the last crime.

Consequences for the female victim

We talked about financial and material losses above. But as practice shows, in most cases, ladies suffer not because of the loss of money and jewelry, but because of the loss of the dream of their whole life - their men! man... For them now it's like a drug. Often women end up in psychiatric hospitals because of hopelessness.

Can a marriage swindler be "pinned down" for life?

No and no again! Just on this, most of their victims "pierced"! No one has ever succeeded in re-educating such types and making exemplary husbands out of them. So don't try.

But there is a caveat. Sooner or later our rascal will grow old or become sick and infirm. If he is lucky for the last time in his life, then he will find shelter with some compassionate lonely woman. The funny thing is, she won't even know she has the lifelong dream of other women! Well, which of him is Casanova or Don Juan, if he cannot not only take care of a woman, but also carry his excrement to the latrine?

How can a woman protect herself from fraud?

The advice is the same that any mother who loves her daughter gives - do not get acquainted with anyone, anywhere! Do not trust the first person you meet, no matter how attractive, pleasant, mysterious and promising he looks, no matter how compassionate he may be!

Marriage scammer on a dating site

The story of a woman who miraculously timely uncovered a marriage swindler acting through dating sites. The story is told in her name and from her words. She is registered on our forum, but asked not to disclose her name - you never know what?

By registering on dating sites, each of the women pursues their own goals. Most are trying to find their soul mate, sincerely believing that somewhere on the vast expanses of the Internet, the one and only one is waiting for her. There are those who have their own clear goal - to catch a wealthy romantic man in their nets. They hope that after a good dose of affectionate words, their admirer will be ready to throw his fortune at their feet. And there are those who, by registering on dating sites, tritely want to dispel the boredom of either undeveloped family relationships or loneliness. Such, as a rule, do not have hopes for a real meeting, they just value communication, which is not enough in life.

Imagine my surprise when one "beautiful" day I received an email with a link to this site, which announced a new message for me. Having entered there, the surprise increased - a certain Anthony Razino, an Italian, wrote to me. Very handsome and well-to-do, culturally, without any rudeness and vulgarity, he asked for my e-mail address, since it would be much more convenient for him to write letters to me. My heart, I will not hide, skipped a beat. What if this is the only chance that falls one in a million? Because I have nothing to lose. And I answered him. Well, that's where it all started! Every day warm polite letters, words that he found his, the only one. First, let's move on to you, then dear, then dear, and as a crown - my dear. I rejoiced, can such a significant person from Italy really need me, who has his own house in the suburbs of Milan, his own restaurant, and at the same time there is nothing repulsive to me either in appearance or in correspondence by correspondence?

My 12 year old daughter joyfully shared with me dreams and joyful surprise. Some little worm inside me squeaked - DON'T BELIEVE, DON'T BELIEVE! But can a single woman caressed with warm words, showered with a heap of sweet compliments, pay attention to this? Unfortunately no. We want to believe in fairy tales, as in childhood. And if the realities of life do not allow this, then near the computer monitor, alone with her soul, a woman abstracts from real life and becomes a naive little girl, firmly believing in what she herself wants to believe.

After a week of such daily correspondence, having informed me in advance of his departure on business to Naples, my precious Italian informed me that he had sent me a gift through the delivery service. My delight knew no bounds, although the worm of doubt still gnawed at me from the inside. And a day later, an SMS with the following content comes to the mobile phone number: "A package from Anthony Razino has been sent to your address. Your login .... invoice number...." from the "jat-express" service. Something alerted me in this message, and I decided to delve into the Internet. And then I discover that such a delivery service simply does not exist! There is a serious worldwide delivery service for JET-EXPRESS parcels, but there is no JAT-EXPRESS! One letter difference. Another day later, a message came to the email address: "... to receive the parcel, you must pay courier services in the amount of 1200 rubles ..." But I was already having fun because I did not fall for the bait of this scammer. And it was terribly insulting that I could even believe in such a beautiful romantic story. The banal saying FREE CHEESE IS ONLY IN THE MOUSETRAP, every time brings us back to earth if we fall into the hands of some scammers.

It's a shame that because of such adventurers who squeeze money out of people, playing on their feelings, we are losing faith in the beautiful, bright feeling of love. And, as the prima donna Alla Borisovna sang in the well-known song: "How can one live without love in the world?"
