What is the smell in urine. Why does urine smell like fish? Possible diseases and treatment

Of course, one would hardly expect urine to have a pleasant odor as a body waste fluid, but an unusual pungent odor cannot go unnoticed. The reasons for the pungent smell of urine in a woman are varied, they include both safe factors that the woman herself can provoke, and some diseases that involve cooperation with a doctor. In any case, we are talking about a deviation from the norm. What are the main causes of bad smelling urine in women?

Normal physiological secretions of a healthy person are characterized by a yellowish (golden) color and transparency. They, like most normal natural body odors, are not fragrant. However, urine that is cloudy and smelly in women may indicate certain changes in the body. First of all, it is a signal of the need for fluid supplementation - hydration of the body.

If, along with the smell, other deviations from the norm appear - color changes, pain in the lower abdomen and when urinating, fever, etc., it is advisable to immediately visit a doctor!

Easily Explained Causes of Bad Urine Smell

Often a woman herself provokes the manifestation of this unpleasant symptom. It may have a connection, in particular, with nutrition. Urine with an odor in women is sometimes the result of some lifestyle mistakes:

  • coffee - immediately after drinking a cup of coffee, it is excreted from the body, which is manifested by a short "smell";
  • multivitamins - a strong smell of urine in women can result from taking vitamin preparations, especially B vitamins; sometimes multivitamin preparations are able to color it in a more saturated color;
  • analgesics - causes of pharmacy smell of urine in women may include the use of certain painkillers and antibiotics;
  • alcohol – pungent-smelling urine is often a “side effect” of drinking alcohol;
  • aromatic foods - garlic and other aromatic foods (onion, black currant...) are reflected in the appearance of an unpleasant problem;
  • the exclusion of hormonal contraceptives after prolonged use is also often the reason why urine in women has an unpleasant odor.

In case of changes that persist even after adjusting the diet and drinking regimen, it is recommended to consult a specialist - perhaps the cause is a metabolic disorder.


Along with the smell, you should pay attention to the color, which may also indicate a pathology:

  • from to brownish-green - jaundice, elevated bilirubin - impaired liver function or biliary disease;
  • color from pink to - urinary tract infections, glomerulonephritis, renal failure;
  • color from pink to reddish without turbidity - inflammation of the muscles, injuries, burns, hemolytic anemia;
  • yellow or - indicates the removal of excess carotenoids, vitamin B2, the elimination of the sulfonamide antibiotic Sulfasalazine;
  • reddish-brown color - can cause the antibiotic Metronidazole;
  • whitish turbidity - the presence of protein.

Pathological causes of the appearance of a strong smell of urine

The problem should not immediately cause alarm or panic. With urine, various substances are excreted from the body, such as proteins, salts or ions. What does the smell of urine in women mean? It is an indicator of what foods or drinks have been consumed by her before. The composition of food or drink is naturally reflected in physiological secretions, which is not something exceptional.

In addition to the above factors that cause smelly urine in women, the causes of the problem can be more serious and include some diseases.

In diseases of the liver or kidneys, metabolites are found in the urine. Violation of liver function is accompanied by unpleasant odors caused by sulfur-containing amino acids.

Danger alert!

Sometimes the causes of smelly urine in women are due to the presence of pathogenic bacteria, which is a sign of an infection, usually in the kidneys. Inflammation of the kidneys, both acute and chronic, is manifested by frequent urination and discomfort during urination. Sometimes body temperature also rises. A medical examination is necessary, because. in particular, jade can lead to kidney failure!

If the bad smell of urine in women is associated with pain, burning and difficulty urinating, there is a high probability that bacterial inflammation occurs, suggesting the need to see a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The next risk factor is bacterial infections of the lower urinary tract, especially when bacteria that multiply over a longer period produce an increased amount of odorous bacterial products. In such cases, there is a discharge with the smell of urine in women.

Often the culprit of this kind of inflammation is E. coli (Escherichia coli). This bacterium usually lives in the digestive tract, but in women, due to anatomical features, it easily reaches the urinary tract, causing dangerous inflammation. Treatment consists of the use of antibiotics.

If the unpleasant smell of urine in women in the morning is most intense, this is directly related to its concentration, for example, with insufficient fluid intake. One of the reasons is excessive consumption of fatty foods. However, such a symptom may be a sign of one of the serious diseases that affect the digestive or excretory system and, therefore, this signal should not be underestimated.

The sweet, strong smell of urine in a woman is most often a symptom of a metabolic disorder. As a rule, this problem is present in phenylketonuria, a hereditary disease, which consists in a violation of the metabolic processes of aromatic acids. Phenylalanine is converted in the body to tyrosine, which accumulates in fluids. This disease is very serious and is characterized by excessive belching, sometimes vomiting, and impaired motor function. Very often, the disease manifests itself in infancy.

The smell of acetone in the urine

The composition of urine also depends on a number of other metabolic disorders, such as diabetes. The smell of acetone in the urine in women occurs when it is poorly compensated.

Type 1 diabetes is one of the most serious causes of acetone-smelling urine in women. This symptom is caused by ketones (particularly acetone). There is also a specific smell from the mouth.

Type 1 diabetes can be accidentally discovered by a doctor during a routine examination in a patient without any obvious symptoms. However, most often, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • feeling tired;
  • night sweats;
  • weight loss;
  • mental changes;
  • stomach ache.

The classic symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination with a large volume of urine, followed by dehydration and thirst.

Ammonia smelling urine in women

The smell of ammonia in the urine of women is quite natural, but it should not be very expressive.

Urine with the smell of ammonia in women indicates insufficient fluid intake.

With an increase in respiration and possibly an increase in perspiration, there is a significant loss of fluid, which must be replenished soon. After compensating for dehydration and adjusting the drinking regimen, the ammonia smell disappears.

The smell of fish

Urine with the smell of fish in women can have quite serious causes. This symptom is accompanied by diseases of the lungs (including tuberculosis), bronchi, and also the large intestine. If this symptom appears, a visit to the doctor is necessary to conduct research and prescribe treatment.

Hydrogen sulfide smell

Hydrogen sulfide indicates the presence of pus! In the case of a constant and intense expression of this symptom, a dangerous illness or infection may occur. Do not underestimate it - consult a specialist!

The smell of urine during early pregnancy does not necessarily indicate pathology. As a rule, this is a symptom that accompanies the upcoming changes in the body. But, at the same time, the smell of urine during pregnancy, as in any other case, can be a sign of an infection, for example, the bladder. It will not be superfluous to contact a doctor who will help solve the problem.

A change in smell and color, turbidity of urine, as a rule, indicates an excess of certain substances. These symptoms can also be caused by the presence of pus from current urinary tract, ovarian, or uterine infections. Such changes should not be ignored - this will help to diagnose the disease in a timely manner (if present) and begin treatment.

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Urine is a biological fluid through which the body gets rid of decay products, toxins and toxic substances. The urine of a person who does not have any health problems does not have a pronounced odor or foreign inclusions, has transparency and various yellow shades. Deviation from the norms is a direct indicator of violations of the functioning of internal systems and organs.

A change in the smell of urine in women can be the first alarming symptom of serious diseases and pathologies. In some cases, this may be the result of taking medications or certain types of food. However, in the vast majority of situations, urine with a pungent odor is a sign of serious problems, which must be identified and eliminated as soon as possible.

A portion of fresh urine from a healthy person does not smell, the appearance of ammonia vapors, which are a natural product of waste products, is acceptable. For an exception, one can name the appearance of the smell of food eaten the day before, consumed drinks that have pronounced aromas. This refers to the number of norms, is not considered as a pathology.


A negative change in the smell of urine in the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity may occur due to the influence of a wide range of predisposing factors. These can be divided into two broad subgroups, each separately includes pathological, physiological or natural causes.

Factors classified as variants of the norms of physiology do not have a negative impact on the state, activity of the body, leading to the appearance of individual signs, which include the smell of urine in women. Pathological causes should be given as primary symptoms that may indicate the development of diseases, pathologies.

What does the unpleasant odor present in the biological fluid, separated during the act of urination, indicate? The issue should be considered in detail, since this aspect is one of the fundamental ones for an objective assessment of the state of health.

Physiological causes

Unpleasant smell of urine in women can be caused by a number of natural factors. Then there are no reasons for concern, but it is recommended to track the dynamics of the further state. Physiological aspects include:

  • If urine began to change for the worse, an unpleasant synthetic smell appeared, which is concentrated mainly on linen and does not appear directly when visiting the toilet, it makes sense to pay attention to the quality of clothing. Underpants, hygiene products made from cheap materials, can give urine a pungent stench that gets stronger by the end of the day.
  • To become the cause of a pungent odor in urine in women, various kinds of medications can be taken, which include iodine-containing drugs, vitamins. An unpleasant strange odor may persist for several days after the course of treatment is completed.
  • Food eaten the day before can affect the quality of urine. A sharp pungent odor may be due to the use of garlic, sauerkraut, sour milk, spices, lactic acid products, large amounts of meat, heavy, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, strong coffee.
  • Violation of personal hygiene standards, expressed in the lack of proper care for the genital area - there is a bad smell from the body in the intimate area.
  • Changes and disturbances in the hormonal background that occur with age, after conception, during the menstrual period can cause changes in the quality of urine. If urine smells strongly, it is recommended to visit a specialist to exclude the occurrence of pathologies and diseases.

Since we are talking about the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, it is impossible not to mention the predilection of many ladies for following strict diets. The unpleasant smell of urine, the causes of which were discussed above, in women may be due to following a specific diet based on the consumption of large amounts of protein foods.

Pathological causes

The pungent smell of urine indicates the development of pathologies, diseases, and is the first wake-up call that should not be ignored. Depending on which version of the amber has urine, you can suspect deviations and health problems. If the smell of urine has changed, this may indicate a number of the following problems:

  1. Acetone. If the urine smells of a substance, this is a consequence of a violation of protein metabolism, it can indicate the development of a number of the following pathologies: severe dehydration of the body, fever, general intoxication due to the use of large amounts of alcohol, a number of prohibited drugs, potent drugs, heavy metal poisoning, damage to the digestive organs tract malignant or benign neoplasms.
  2. Ammonia. The substance is produced by the human body in small quantities. The answer to the question why it smells strong is simple - there is a high probability of serious violations, failures in the activity of the organs of the excretory system.
  3. A sweet smell, fetid amber can talk about the development of tumor-like formations. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of a clinical sign in the morning after waking up. The sweet smell of urine is one of the main signs of urolithiasis.
  4. A fishy or mouse smell indicates the development of diseases associated with inflammatory processes, dysbacteriosis of the organs of the reproductive system. It is important to see a specialist to diagnose the condition if the urine is cloudy. The sign indicates the local prevalence of pathological processes.
  5. The smelly, sour smell of urine, the amber of rotten eggs is a consequence of the abuse of drinks containing alcohol, the occurrence of fistulas in the tissues of the bladder, colon.
  6. Moldy smell from urine. Such a pathology is a consequence of a violation of metabolic, enzymatic processes in the liver tissues, as a result of which the quality and composition of all variants of the biological fluids of the body are disturbed, changed.

Regardless of the specifics, features of amber, you should pay attention to the duration of the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. The strong smell of urine in women, if it was noticed once, and not on an ongoing basis, is the result of changes, hormonal imbalances that the female body undergoes more often than the male one. If the amber that caused anxiety was noted once, there is virtually no reason for worry.

Urine tends to be updated, thereby reflecting the state of the body. If negative manifestations have been noticed more than once, you should pay close attention to your own health. It is possible to make a diagnosis in case of violation of the composition and quality of urine only after determining the cause, and treatment is prescribed taking into account the symptomatic manifestations of existing pathologies or diseases.

Body odor

Separately, one should consider the unpleasant for the patient, his immediate environment, the phenomenon of amber of urine emanating from the body. Why does a person smell like urine? If we discard such options as non-observance of the basic rules, personal hygiene standards, it is quite possible to say that the patient suffers from uridrosis. A particularly specific unpleasant odor is expressed in people with excessive sweating.

The disease is associated with a violation of metabolic processes, the result of which is the excretion of an excess amount of nitrogenous substances from the body with sweat, followed by their deposition on the skin of the armpits, in the groin area, and other places where sweat glands are located in abundance. The result of the pathology is a sharp unpleasant stench of urine emanating from a person.

The condition should be treated without fail, fetid amber is the tip of the iceberg, the lack of adequate therapy can cause serious consequences. As for the methods of eliminating symptoms, they currently do not exist. It is almost impossible to get rid of the stench through the use of deodorant or perfumes, they give a temporary result, and when mixed with sweat, they increase the unpleasant fragrance at times.

To eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon, water procedures should be carried out several times throughout the day. It is recommended to use an antiperspirant that has no fragrance, this measure will help reduce the intensity of sweating and the appearance of an unpleasant repulsive amber. It is important to choose an antiperspirant taking into account the characteristics of the skin, irritation, redness of the skin will lead to the appearance of a strong amber.

Diagnostic procedures

It is worth going through diagnostic procedures that will help determine the factors that have a negative impact on the composition and quality of urine in women. Common procedures are, for example, the following:

  • Conducted in the laboratory directed, general analyzes of urine, hemolymph.
  • Taking a cervical smear.
  • Ultrasound examination of organs located in the pelvic area.

As additional options, if the above methods are not reliable enough, research options such as PCR, bacterial culture, and computed tomography can be used.

Treatment Methods

If the urine has an uncharacteristic aroma, it has become cloudy, changed yellow, acquired a suspicious structure, this is not due to the influence of physiological causes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A universal remedy that could help if urine smells bad simply does not exist. This is due to the multifactorial nature of the reasons that can have a direct impact on the composition and quality of urine. Several common therapies aimed at eliminating the pathology should be considered:

  1. Hormonal disorders caused by age-related, menopausal or other changes are eliminated by taking appropriate drugs that help restore the balance of certain substances in the body.
  2. Against the background of the development of inflammatory processes, diseases caused by viruses and bacteria, antibiotics, antibacterial and immunomodulating agents are required.
  3. If urine stinks due to a violation of the natural microflora of internal organs, the use of drugs is required - prebiotics, agents that help eliminate factors that have had a direct impact on the development of pathology.

Of course, the list of treatment methods that can be used against the background of such an unpleasant symptom as the sharp aroma of urine is much wider, as well as the list of reasons leading to its occurrence.

Folk remedies

If the reason why urine smells has been identified, it does not have pathological prerequisites, for example, a pungent odor is the result of the use of drugs, food, and other harmless reasons, it is recommended to pay attention to traditional medicine recipes that will help cope with an unpleasant phenomenon.

  • Apple juice. A simple, tasty remedy will help remove toxins from the organs of the digestive tract, excretory system, saturate the body with important substances it needs. It is important to remember that only freshly squeezed juice can benefit, which should be consumed daily.
  • If urine smells strongly in women, it is recommended to regularly take a delicious compote of rose hips. The drink helps to saturate the body with an important substance for it - vitamin C, helps to remove toxins, toxins, decay products. To prepare a drink, it is enough to brew a small handful of fruits with hot water, boil, and soak for a couple of hours. You can drink the drink separately, adding honey, sugar to it, or in combination with ordinary black tea, which does not detract from its beneficial properties.
  • Tea made from dried blackcurrant leaves is no less effective. To prepare a drink, pour a handful of raw materials with boiling water, insist. Drink it alone or in combination with the usual black tea.

Not every modern woman pays attention to the fragrance, the color of urine, until the unpleasant amber becomes pronounced. Namely, the quality of the biological fluid is the primary indicator of the activity of internal systems, organs, the correct functioning of the body. The slightest malfunctions of the body are reflected in the composition, smell of urine. For the timely detection of pathologies, the implementation of adequate therapeutic measures, it is important to know whether the quality of the fluid corresponds to the norms or has deviations.

As urologists say: “Each time we press the toilet flush, we delete important information about our own health.” And this is not a joke, because when visiting the toilet, we don’t even think about what color our urine is today and what it might mean.

But it's no secret that when he turns to a doctor with a complaint about his health, he first of all asks the patient to take a urine test. This is understandable, because the color of urine, its smell, consistency and level of transparency are important indicators of health that can tell a lot about the state of the body. Even without considering the chemical composition, by appearance alone, a urologist can suspect an existing disease!

In this article, we will talk about what the color of urine should be in a healthy person, and what internal processes are indicated by a change in the color of this biological fluid.

Let's say right away that urine is a multicomponent biological fluid, which consists of 95% water. The remaining 5% are organic substances - urea, creatine and purine acid, as well as pigments and mineral salts - phosphates, sulfates and chlorides. When imbalanced, each of these substances can affect the color, odor, or consistency of urine.

In this regard, a transparent, light yellow color of urine indicates the good health of its owner and normal water metabolism. This color is provided by the normal production of urochrome - a yellow pigment, which is an indicator of the proper functioning of the kidneys.

If we drink a lot of water, the yellow pigment can dilute, causing the urine to become clearer. On the contrary, if we drink too little water and other liquids, dehydration gradually develops. This can be indicated by a rich yellow color of urine. But what other colors of this biological fluid say about, we will describe in detail below.

What can the color of urine indicate

1. Cloudy or brown urine

If your urine turns brown or cloudy, it may indicate the development of a urinary tract infection, as well as the appearance of kidney stones. If it is still an infection, in addition to the characteristic color, the urine will have a pungent smell of ammonia, or even a slight sweet smell. All these odors indicate the activity of pathogenic bacteria in the body.

In addition, frequent urge to urinate, pain and cramps in the lower abdomen, as well as a small amount of urine will indicate a urinary tract infection. In any of these cases, it is worth visiting a urologist and taking tests for the presence of infectious agents.

If it really turns out that there is an infection in your body, following the advice of a doctor, start taking antibiotics. Self-medication and attempts to eliminate bacteria with folk remedies, as a rule, do not lead to anything good and only delay the start of treatment. Remember, folk remedies can supplement the main treatment, but only under the supervision of a specialist.

Some people notice cloudy urine in themselves, which they are in no hurry to inform the doctor about, as they consider this problem to be trifling. In fact, this is an alarming symptom that indicates an excess of certain minerals, in particular, an increased content of calcium or phosphorus in the body. And this is a dangerous condition that leads to brittle bones.

Moreover, if during urination, in addition to a cloudy color, you notice increased foaming of urine, this may indicate a high protein content in the body or problems with the kidneys. If the problem does not disappear for several days, hurry up to report it to the doctor.

2. Red urine

Very often, a person is frightened by noticing the red or pink color of urine during urination. This symptom does not always indicate problems with the body. For example, a rose-red color may appear several hours after eating blackberries, rhubarb, or beets. True, after a day the color of this biological fluid should return to normal.

If this does not happen, everything is much more serious. Redness may appear due to the ingress of blood particles into the urine, and this situation hints at an infectious disease or the appearance of kidney stones. In some cases, red urine is the first sign of tumor development in the kidneys or bladder. In men, red urine may appear due to problems with the prostate gland.

Of the other reasons for this change in the color of urine, doctors distinguish mercury poisoning. By the way, medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis can stain urine red. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor with such a symptom and find out everything before the onset of unpleasant consequences.

3. Orange urine

If your urine has a slightly orange tint, there is basically nothing to worry about. As a rule, this indicates moderate dehydration of the body. Just start drinking more liquids and the symptom will immediately disappear. Other non-dangerous causes of this condition include eating carrots, pumpkins and parsley, that is, foods containing orange pigments - carotenoids. Some dietary supplements that contain these pigments can also change the color of urine to yellow-orange.

However, if you have a rich orange color in your urine that is not related to diet or medication, it makes sense to see a doctor. This symptom may indicate problems with the liver or bile ducts. For example, elevated bilirubin due to inflammation of the liver or blockage of the bile ducts, at the first stages, manifest themselves precisely by changing the color of urine.

In fact, orange-colored urine is one of the symptoms of jaundice, which means it indicates problems with the liver. Therefore, if you notice a change in the color of urine against the background of pale feces, as well as yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and skin, visit a doctor as soon as possible.

4. Brown urine

Dark brown urine is a fairly common phenomenon that does not always indicate health problems. Often this symptom appears as a result of eating legumes, aloe vera or rhubarb. Changes the color of urine and the use of certain medications, in particular, muscle relaxants, laxatives and antimalarial drugs.

Some diseases are also characterized by a change in the color of urine to brown. In particular, a similar color may hint at certain diseases of the liver or kidneys, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as acute hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, or even oncology of this organ. If such symptoms are caused by a disease, then in most cases it is provoked by the ingress of a large amount of bilirubin into the urine.

Sometimes, brown urine is the first sign of porphyria, a rare genetic disease associated with a high content of porphyrins in the body and their increased excretion in the urine. Finally, this symptom may appear in people with a rare condition called rhabdomyliosis. In this category of people, urine turns brown due to the rapid destruction of muscle tissue cells.

5. Green urine

Normal urine is yellow, and most often tends to change color from clear to dark yellow. And if you suddenly have a greenish tint in your urine, there is a reason to take a closer look at your own body. True, you should not immediately panic. Sometimes, large amounts of consumed asparagus, green beer, or other foods that have green food coloring in their composition stain urine in this color. Some medicines can also color urine green. And even diarrhea, at times, manifests itself in this way.

According to doctors, in rare cases, the green color of urine appears due to an intestinal infection, for example, when the body is damaged by proteins. Some bacterial lesions of the urinary system can also provoke the appearance of green urine, which means that with such a symptom you should not postpone going to the doctor.

6. Neon yellow urine

Sometimes the body happens and completely inexplicable things. Having visited the toilet, a person suddenly notices a bright, neon-yellow color of his urine. In fact, everything is explained quite simply. Such an unusual color may indicate the use of B vitamins, especially cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). Don't worry about it. As soon as you stop taking the vitamin complex, the color of your urine will quickly return to normal.

7. Blue urine

It seems strange, but some people may notice a bluish tinge to their urine. As with a greenish tint, a blue color can appear when eating foods that contain a large amount of blue dye. Medicines containing such a dye can also make urine blue.

However, the bluish tint of this body fluid may appear for health reasons. So, in some individuals, hypercalcemia is found, i.e. excess calcium in the body. In this case, the bluish tint of urine just indicates an imbalance of this microelement.

8. Colorless urine

Quite often, a person notices that his urine has become too transparent and even colorless, like water. This suggests that you are drinking too much water. In other cases, the transparency of urine leads to the use of diuretics or the abuse of alcohol, which also has diuretic properties. Such cases should not cause alarm, because giving up alcohol and drugs, as well as limiting water intake, you will notice how the urine has turned yellow again.

However, if you experience frequent urge to urinate, which is accompanied by a clear urine, and this continues for a long time, immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms can manifest themselves as diabetes mellitus.

What can the smell of urine mean?

In addition to the characteristic color, the smell of urine can also tell about the state of health. In the normal state, the smell of this biological fluid, although specific, does not irritate the sense of smell. If the smell is too harsh, or has characteristic shades, there is a reason to worry about your own health. Here are a few urine odors to look out for.

1. Mouse smell

A specific mouse smell from urine may indicate the development of such a dangerous disease as phenylketonuria. This dangerous disease associated with a change in the composition of blood and urine against the background of excessive accumulation of phenylalanine in the blood leads to toxic damage to the body. If you do not pay attention to the unpleasant smell of urine in a timely manner and do not sound the alarm, you may encounter dystrophy of the central nervous system.

2. The smell of acetone

The appearance of a sharp smell of acetone during urination indicates the need to contact a urologist and take a blood test for sugar. The fact is that a similar symptom hints at the development of diabetes. But even if everything is in order with the sugar level, such a specific smell may indicate a violation of kidney function. When this symptom manifests itself in the morning, most likely, there are congestion in the urine.

Another reason for the smell of acetone, which does not change throughout the day, may be an infection. In this case, in addition to the characteristic odor, the patient experiences pain during urination, and particles of blood can be noticed in the urine. Moreover, if the urine began to acquire a pungent smell of rot, most likely the patient has cystitis or urethritis. If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor and start treatment.

Sometimes pregnant women complain about the smell of acetone. In them, a similar phenomenon usually occurs with insufficient fluid intake. A sedentary lifestyle is another reason for the implicit smell of acetone in the urine. In any of these cases, it is enough to increase the amount of fluid consumed and increase physical activity so that the unpleasant odor quickly disappears.

3. The smell of rotten fish

If the urine suddenly acquired the smell of rotten fish, it is likely that the concentration of the substance trimethylamine in the body is to blame, due to which such an unpleasant odor comes from the body, as well as from the waste products of the body. But this problem lies in the violation of the production of liver enzymes, and if you do not start to eliminate it in a timely manner, it will lead to toxic damage to the body and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. We also add that there is no specific treatment for this disease, and therefore people with such a problem need a special diet that excludes the use of eggs, fish, meat and legumes, i.e. products that can transform into trimethylamine.

4. Vinegar smell of urine

Feeling a sour vinegar smell from urine, hurry to the doctor and get tested. Such an alarming symptom clearly hints at dysbacteriosis or gastritis. If the appearance of such a smell is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and the appearance of blood in the urine, the patient probably developed a stomach ulcer.

5. Bitter smell of urine

A bitter smell usually occurs when certain foods are consumed. These can be liquids or solids that contain flavorings that give the urine its odor. In any case, having noticed an unpleasant smell emanating from urine, it is better to check your body by passing all the necessary tests.

6. Bad smell after intercourse

If a woman finds an unpleasant smell of urine after intercourse, this may indicate her uncleanliness and lack of vaginal hygiene. Usually this symptom occurs in women who are promiscuous. If everything is in order with hygiene, such a smell can be one of the symptoms of sexual infections (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis or trichomoniasis).

7. The smell of iodine, burnt sugar or rubber

Representatives of the weaker sex who have crossed the 50-year milestone usually complain about such specific smells. This category of people develop so-called age-related diseases, which sometimes manifest themselves as smells of rubber, iodine or burnt sugar. By the way, if your urine smells like rubber or rubber, get tested immediately, because the cause of this symptom may be a brain disease.

8. Pungent smell of urine

Urine usually does not have a strong smell, but in the morning it smells sharper than in the afternoon or evening. This is a completely normal phenomenon associated with increased secretion of female and male hormones - estrogen and testosterone. In addition, in men, the pungent smell of urine appears the next day after heavy drinking of beer.

So, we looked at all sorts of colors and smells of urine, which can indicate both dietary features and problems with the body. Knowing this, you can analyze your own condition and seek help from a doctor. And timely detection of diseases is the key to a quick and successful recovery!
Take care of yourself!

Urine in women smells barely noticeable. Therefore, an increase in aroma or the appearance of a stench from urine is a sign of an unhealthy urinary tract or a metabolic disorder.

The smell of urine in women is normally weakly noticeable, with a slight hint of ammonia. If it becomes sharp or changes its character, you need to think about the state of health. There are various factors (diseases or metabolic disorders) that provoke an unpleasant odor in urine. If this symptom and other signs of pathologies of the genitourinary system appear, it is time for a woman to see a gynecologist in order to diagnose and begin treatment.

Causes of Bad Smell

The excretory system provides detoxification of the body. Together with urine, it removes from the body excess salts, metabolites of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism (it is especially important to get rid of toxic ammonia in a timely manner), as well as products of drug processing and alcohol. With such a wide variety of chemicals, urine has a faint ammonia odor. It may increase slightly if you drink little water or consume large amounts of animal protein.

The unpleasant smell of urine in women indicates diseases of the genitourinary, digestive or endocrine systems. And also it often occurs with an unbalanced diet, the use of certain medications, alcohol, smoking. Under the influence of various factors, the smell will be different, so the most common shades and their causes should be described separately.

Acetone smell

A small amount of acetone is always formed in the body, for example, during the destruction of carbohydrates or fats. The compound is excreted by the kidneys.

But some of the diseases listed below provoke increased production of acetone, because of this, the urine acquires a characteristic odor:

  • diabetes;
  • cachexia (severe depletion of the body due to anorexia, oncology and other factors);
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • eclampsia;
  • frequent and prolonged vomiting;
  • cancer of the esophagus or stomach.

Increased production of acetone is associated with an increase in the concentration of free ketone bodies circulating in the blood and lymph. Their excess is life-threatening, since the compounds negatively affect the functioning of the brain, heart and liver.

Ammonia smell

Ammonia is one of the products of protein metabolism, which should normally be present in the urine, but in a small amount. We can hardly smell it. This substance is toxic, but highly soluble in water, so the body removes it through the kidneys.

Ammonia pungent urine odor in a woman may appear due to such reasons:

  • dehydration;
  • abuse of drugs based on iron and calcium;
  • excess animal protein in the diet;
  • inflammatory processes in the excretory system;
  • stagnation of urine (for example, in the morning after a long sleep, the smell of urine is more pronounced);
  • liver disease.

If the change in the smell of urine was due to dehydration or diet, then it will quickly return to normal when the woman starts drinking more water and limits the protein in the diet. When it is bright for more than 3 days, then this is an occasion to think about health.

The smell of eggs

Sometimes urine smells like rotten eggs (hydrogen sulfide) - this is due to the penetration of representatives of the natural microflora into the excretory system, for example, Escherichia coli. This happens against the background of chronic pyelonephritis or rectal cancer, less often this leads to insufficient hygiene and acute urethritis.

An unpleasant smell is provoked by the waste products of bacteria. Because of them, impurities of pus appear in the urine, it becomes cloudy.

Sometimes urine can give a little eggs due to the use of foods rich in sulfur (asparagus, cabbage, greens, and others). In such cases, there is no pungent odor, and after 6-12 hours it completely disappears. You can speed up this process by drinking more water, green tea, or fresh diluted juices.

Mold smell

Dark urine with a specific smell of mold is one of the symptoms of congenital liver disease. It is associated with the low activity of its enzymes and the inability of the body to absorb phenylalanine. This amino acid accumulates in the tissues and fluids (blood, lymph, saliva, sweat and urine) of the body.

A specific odor may not appear if the patient follows a strict diet low in phenylalanine and uses enzyme preparations.

Treatment is permanent, it can only restrain the further development of the disease and prevent deterioration of health. If a strange aroma appears, you should immediately contact a therapist to adjust the diet and the drug component of therapy.

A constant excess of phenylalanine in the body leads to pathologies of the central nervous system, the brain suffers greatly. Due to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, urinary incontinence, sleepwalking and other abnormalities appear.

Associated symptoms

Sometimes in a healthy woman, urine has an uncharacteristic aroma, but this is not associated with pathologies or nutrition, but is the norm for her. The reasons for the smell of urine in a woman should be paid special attention when accompanying symptoms appear:

  • pain or burning when urinating;
  • change in the nature of vaginal discharge;
  • fetid odor from the vagina;
  • indigestion;
  • urinary incontinence, insomnia, sleepwalking, convulsions and other disorders in the autonomic system;
  • impurities of blood and pus in urine;
  • pain or discomfort in the bladder, a feeling of fullness, frequent urge to urinate;
  • change in the nature of menstruation (delay or shortening of the cycle, soreness, abundance of blood);
  • urine odor changed 7-12 days after unprotected intercourse.

With these symptoms, you need to contact a gynecologist or therapist. They will conduct an examination and, if necessary, send to another specialist. The diagnostic complex includes various procedures: biochemical, quantitative analysis of blood and urine, X-ray and ultrasound of the bladder, if necessary, then MRI is performed.


Therapy should be started immediately after detecting an unpleasant smell of urine and other symptoms. Some diseases lead to serious pathologies of the excretory, reproductive and nervous systems. A woman needs to be treated comprehensively, eliminating not only the uncharacteristic aroma of urine, but also its cause.

For bacterial and fungal infections of the genitourinary system, oral antibiotics are prescribed to help kill pathogens. From the stagnation of fluid in the bladder or edema, the doctor will select diuretics (synthetic drugs or). They will remove excess fluid from the body.

In addition to drug therapy, the doctor makes a diet that is optimal for a particular disease. For example, in violation of the metabolism of phenylalanine, it is necessary to minimize the content of animal protein, dairy products, eggs and chocolate in the diet.

Treatment of most pathologies of the urinary system requires increased water intake. The fluid will help clear the kidneys and urinary tract faster.

Herbal teas with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects (chamomile, St. It is also important to follow the rules of intimate hygiene: washing with special care products, showering after each bowel movement, regular replacement of underwear and sanitary pads.

The unpleasant smell of urine with different shades occurs due to diseases of the genitourinary, digestive, endocrine and other systems. Depending on the “flavor”, you can preliminarily make a diagnosis, but it is necessary to undergo an examination to prescribe therapy.

Normally, when urinating, a person does not feel a strong aroma of urine. Usually it is weakly expressed. However, if there are health problems, the urine can acquire a strong odor. It is important to notice problems in time, take into account the accompanying symptoms and consult a specialist.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

What is considered normal?

Urine from a healthy woman has a slight smell of ammonia. It is greatly enhanced at the time of contact of urine with oxygen. That is why urine smells much stronger after standing for a while even in closed containers. However, if a pungent odor occurs directly during the process of urination, this may indicate pathological changes. It is necessary to find out the causes of what happened and start treatment if the unpleasant odor arose as a result of pathological changes.

Physiological causes

Urine has a complex chemical composition. It directly depends on the nutrition of a woman. Particular attention should be paid to the fluids used. Doctors divide all the physiological causes of this phenomenon into 3 groups. The occurrence of a sharp unpleasant odor of urine can lead to:

  1. The use of a large number of marinades, salty, smoked, spicy. Products with a specific smell have a similar effect. In particular, the list includes onions and garlic. They lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor not only from the mouth, but also during urination.
  2. Taking medicines or vitamins. Medications can give urine a bright hue. Often it turns yellow or acquires a greenish color. This phenomenon is imperceptible when it comes to B vitamins. If there is no other deviation, and the woman’s tests are normal, the specific color and smell will disappear immediately after the medication is stopped.
  3. Dehydration. If a person consumes an insufficient amount of water for normal life, the density of urine increases. In this case, a change in color and smell occurs. Most often, a deviation from the norm is observed in the morning. Dehydration can occur as a result of excessive night sweats, after a long stay in the heat or alcohol abuse. The color also undergoes pathological changes. Urine becomes dark and cloudy. It should be borne in mind that dehydration is included in the list of physiological factors only if it is not associated with serious illness. If dehydration is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, a burning sensation in the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as other alarming symptoms, this may indicate the development of the disease.
  4. Prolonged fasting can also affect the smell of urine. It also changes in pregnant women. This happens as a result of a hormonal imbalance. During the course of menstruation, a specific change in smell is observed. The first portion of urine excreted in the morning smells the most.

Pathological causes

If a woman notices an unpleasant smell of urine in herself, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. She is able to report a pathology that could provoke a problem. Most often, an unpleasant odor is the result of the following diseases:

  1. Diseases of the liver. Pathology leads to an increase in the level of bilirubin in urine. This in turn causes a change in smell.
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases. This is due to the fact that the organs of the genitourinary system are in close proximity to each other. Faced with an unpleasant odor, it is worth visiting a gynecologist. A woman may be diagnosed with chlamydia. After 2 weeks from the onset of infection, it leads to a change in the smell of urine. Another reason for this phenomenon is mycoplasmosis. It can cause inflammation of the reproductive system and kidneys.
  3. . The smell of urine of patients with this disease resembles acetone or sour apples. Symptoms cannot be ignored. The resulting complications can lead to diabetic coma.
  4. In the rectum, suppurative or gangrenous processes occur.
  5. There is a serious metabolic disorder. Specialists include in this group of diseases a pathology in which the urine smells like maple syrup, in which there is a smell of mold, and trimethylaminuria, which leads to the smell of rotten fish.
  6. Pathology of the urinary system. It is noteworthy that the change in the smell of urine begins to occur long before the first symptom appears. Urine may acquire a sharp odor with urethritis or. The first pathology is an inflammatory lesion of the urethra. In the second, inflammation is localized in the bladder. The symptom also occurs when. In this case, the tubular system of the kidneys is damaged. Less commonly, a strong smell of urine is accompanied by a disease in which the renal pelvis is affected.

The list is not exhaustive. Trichomoniasis has similar symptoms. And during it there is inflammation of the cervix and vagina.

Odor and discharge from the vagina

Due to the fact that the urethra and vagina are very close, women are not able to determine what exactly smells - urine or discharge. If leucorrhea with the smell of ammonia appears, this may indicate insufficient hygiene of the genital organs, the development of incontinence or. In this case, the underwear continues to smell like urine even some time after the woman has taken a shower.

To get rid of the problem, you need to eliminate its root cause. The smell will then go away on its own. However, there are situations in which this is not possible. So, during pregnancy, temporary incontinence often occurs. In this case, experts recommend using special urological pads to eliminate external inconvenience.

Many sexually transmitted infections do not have any symptoms. It is possible to detect them only after the woman turns to a specialist due to the occurrence of an unpleasant smell of urine and vaginal discharge.

Associated symptoms

If a woman is faced with a sharp unpleasant odor of urine, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. It is necessary to immediately visit a specialist if, in addition to an unpleasant odor, there is:

  • the appearance of blood clots, pus or white flakes in the urine;
  • a woman constantly feels that her bladder is full;
  • symptoms of dehydration are observed;
  • urine has changed color or become cloudy;
  • the number of urination has become more frequent, but the total volume of excreted fluid is insignificant;
  • the nature of the vaginal discharge has changed and a pungent odor has appeared.

Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​​​the location of the organs of the genitourinary system should also alert. In particular, you should pay attention to the appearance of pain in the lumbar region, groin and lower abdomen.

Who to contact?

In 90% of cases, changes in the smell and color of urine signal the onset of the development of pathology. For this reason, it is important to contact a specialist in time. First of all, you need to visit a therapist. He will perform a general examination. This includes a blood and urine test. Additionally, a general survey will be conducted. Based on the patient's words, the specialist will draw up a general picture of the woman's condition and make an assumption about the possible causes of this phenomenon. Then the therapist will give a referral for examination to other specialists. It can refer to:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • cardiologist.

A woman is necessarily sent to a gynecologist. Action must be taken in order to exclude problems with the genitourinary system. These are the most common causes of bad breath. If the patient is a girl, whose age is 3-4 years and older, the examination is also carried out. The action must be carried out in order to exclude mechanical trauma to the genital organs, the presence of malformations of their development, as well as genitourinary infections. Doctors say that the unpleasant smell of urine in girls can occur due to improper selection of underwear, as well as non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Statistics show that some parents neglect the need to teach their child elementary norms. This causes inflammatory diseases. Many of them are accompanied by a strong smell of urine.

Diagnostic methods

To prescribe treatment, the doctor must accurately determine the causes of the pungent smell of urine. For this, diagnostic studies are prescribed. The doctor may prescribe

  • urinalysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • glucose analysis;
  • referral for gynecological and urological examinations;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and urinary system;
  • smear from the urethra and cervix.

If the information obtained as a result of the study is not enough, the doctor may resort to the help of additional diagnostic methods. In particular, the gynecologist will send diagnostics for PCR. It is necessary to exclude sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, bakposev of discharge from the urethra and vagina can be performed.

The urologist prescribes urine culture, MRI or CT. The latest studies are performed if the specialist has a suspicion of the tumor nature of the disease.

A scatologist or surgeon is referred for an endoscopic bowel examination or colonoscopy. The oncologist directs for a biopsy when a neoplasm is detected on ultrasound or MRI, regardless of the alleged genesis.

Treatment of the disease

Therapy directly depends on the diagnosis. If bacterial infections of the reproductive organs or urinary system are detected, antibiotics are prescribed. They can be broad-spectrum drugs or narrowly targeted. The last drugs are prescribed strictly according to the results of bacterial culture of the discharge. The following antibiotics are often used:

  • Acipol or.

    A neoplasm in the kidneys or bladder, as well as paraproctitis, require serious treatment. Surgery may be performed. If a carcinoma is detected, in addition to the operation, chemotherapy and radio irradiation are carried out.

    If no diseases have been identified, the fight against bad breath may consist in revising the usual way of life. It is necessary to observe proper nutrition and carefully monitor personal hygiene. It is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty and sweet foods. At the same time, the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits should increase. Seasonings and spices should be discarded. Under the ban fall flavor enhancers, which include flavorings and dyes. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.
