Postcards with congratulations on the day of the meeting of graduates. Evening of meetings of classmates

What to do?

Because of the prestigious work, classmates begin to disperse to different cities, and friendship loses its strength, after which it is completely interrupted. Often, even the gathering of all graduates is not a reason to attend this event, and that is why it is necessary to properly arrange invitations for the evening of the meeting of graduates: a picture template to interest your fellow students and classmates. Of course, the easiest way would be to organize a party and then call all your classmates and invite them to a meeting, but over the phone, many can quickly find the reason why they cannot attend a meeting. In addition, it would be best to schedule such an event not one or two weeks before the meeting, but at least half a year in advance. Many may say "Why so much time", but after all, many may not live in this city, and not in this country, classmates will need to take a vacation to come or fly to the reunion.

How to properly arrange invitations?

Usually, invitations are not sent to graduates who live outside the city, since it is not always possible to find out the address of a classmate, and not many can come from another city just to see old friends. But city dwellers should send out beautiful invitations to the evening of the meeting of graduates: a picture template, while you need to arrange the invitation so that it matches the theme of the planned holiday.

The first Saturday of February is a significant day for many. This time is appointed as the day of the meeting of graduates. However, in every team there are busy, forgetful and even very modest people who need a special invitation. It is for such people that Invitizer will design and create cool invitation cards. Such a reminder will bring together a large number of classmates and classmates at the evening, and the original invitation will also leave pleasant memories of the holiday for a lifetime!

Original invitations from talented masters of Invitizer

The organization of any celebration begins with the choice of a place for its holding and the preparation of invitation cards for graduates. It can be a beautiful template with beautiful photos, pictures or a cool invitation personalized for each graduate. Invitation, composed with soul and talent, be sure to:

  • set the mood for the event;
  • will allow you to meet a large number of classmates - no one wants to ignore an exclusive invitation;
  • will cheer up a graduate who got the opportunity to meet friends and spend time in a great company;
  • will leave pleasant memories - you can keep an invitation card, as well as pleasant emotions from a meeting, all your life;
  • will enable the graduate to properly meet his classmates - everyone will know the place and time of the meeting, the proposed dress code and other "passwords".

To meet your old friends - this is precisely the probability provided not only by the event itself, but also by an invitation-reminder that a person is remembered and awaited.

Professional approach on favorable terms

The team of craftsmen works with a creative approach and obligatory regard for all the requirements of the present, therefore, it takes into account the wishes regarding:

  1. Type of invitation - electronic or any paper.
  2. Design features - an interesting template or a unique card with personalized text.
  3. Design and style.
  4. Order fulfillment deadlines - the company complies with the approved schedule, so the cards can be sent out on time and count on the fact that many will come to meet their classmates.

Only real masters with a special positive approach to life can make any day festive.

The school has reopened its doors!
I don't believe in my happiness
We're going to our favorite class!
I congratulate you on this!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, dear classmates, on our holiday! Let the Day of the meeting be one of the fun days that we had plenty of in childhood! Let all worries fade into the background today, and we will again become kind, cheerful children! Let our memories help us overcome the difficulties of adulthood!

I heartily congratulate the former schoolchildren on the Day of the meeting of graduates! Let pleasant memories of school years and unrestrained fun emerge in your memory. Let today's meeting help recharge your positive attitude for many years to come. I wish you all health and success in your adult life!

I congratulate you, dear classmate,
With the possibility that the school
Again gives us with you!

Dear our teacher! On the Day of the meeting of classmates, I want to thank you for everything you have done for us! When we were young and unintelligent, it was difficult for us to understand how important your hard work was. But now, looking back, you begin to understand that your merit is also in our success!

Graduates have a meeting day!
Tears in the eyes of the "cool"!
Remembering this evening
We had a great time at school!

How foolishly they hurried
grow up fast
How about the youth gone
We have to be sorry!

Let's not go back to school!
Let us adults now!
Just plunge into childhood
I want at least an hour!

I congratulate you
And I'll say without fools
I am grateful to fate
What is Graduation Day!

On this day, dear friend, I want to remember our joint pranks in the classroom, excitement in exams, adventures after school and, of course, first love. We went through all this together! I wish you health and happiness, my dear classmate! May everything in your life be beautiful, as it was in our carefree childhood!

On the day of the meeting of graduates, I want to remember how cheerful and carefree we were! How they knew how to make friends and have fun, but they didn’t forget about their studies! My friends, I want to wish you all the most incredible success! May everything be perfect for you both in the family and at work! May your children excel in academic achievement!

Invite on a date with childhood
Evening meeting of all graduates
And those who live in the neighborhood will come,
And those who are far away will come!

We'll all get together again
There will be one friendly class again!
And there can be no more wonderful world
Than the world of childhood that released us.

On this day, I congratulate you all
And I wish you all from the bottom of my heart
To give you all only happiness
Long-awaited adulthood!

It’s akin to New Year’s “jitters”, when the results are involuntarily summed up, debts are paid off, “eternal repairs” are completed and “old numbers are dialed by themselves” .... And who is more active and does think about what to come up with, organize, so that the meeting is fun, heartfelt and as interesting as possible.

Traditionally, the most popular moments at the evening of meeting old friends are: undertakings related to memories of the past, stories about personal achievements, various slides, clips, wall newspapers, table entertainment and fun contests.

For those who are thinking about something new and interesting, who are interested in ensuring that the long-awaited meeting with childhood friends does not turn into an ordinary friendly booze - we offer our collection original ideas for congratulations and holding an evening meeting classmates, which we managed to come up with ourselves or borrow (and creatively rework) from talented Internet authors.

1. The idea of ​​​​an original congratulations to classmates.

Nowadays, the very first association with is, of course, beloved by everyone, the site Of course, with its appearance in our lives, we, even by the will of fate, having left for another part of the world, do not feel lonely and cut off from our native roots and old friends. So why not use its colossal possibilities when organizing surprises and congratulations to classmates?! What could it be?

On the personal pages of your friends, without any tedious questioning, you can find out everything about the personal life, successes and achievements of your classmates, then, based on this information, you can:

Announce funny statistics of overall victories at the party;

Surprise, without asking anyone for photos, arrange a fun collage from the photos copied there (enhancing the effect with Photoshop);

Mount a slideshow on the topic: "What we were - what we have become":

Arrange the awarding of nominations (again, related to the personal and professional achievements of classmates)

Organize a video greeting from those who definitely will not be able to come or come to this meeting.

Videos congratulations from those who will not be at the party, you can edit in advance. To do this, you need to ask them to write it down and immediately send it to you. Even better, if you add to the warm words of congratulations, a musical gift "With the world line by line" . How to arrange it? Let them record on video how they sing the lines of your favorite school song, all different (i.e. break the text into lines and distribute between them), then these lines need to be glued together, make a single clip and, unexpectedly (ask all participants to keep this surprise in secret), turn on this congratulation at the evening ... (a couple of tears of joy and delight are guaranteed!).

2. Ideas for congratulating classmates at the table.

Memories and conversations about the past obscure the central place at any meeting of classmates, but you can “start” this nostalgic chain of memories at the evening in some original way. One of the tricks: to use the idea of ​​​​the ageless board game "Questions and Answers", only by beating it, as "School Lie Detector" .

The essence of the game. One of the classmates draws out a card with a question, reads it out and says to whom he wants to ask it, he (who received the question) first reads out the answer from the card that he pulls out, then he can comment on whether it really happened or not, and the friends sitting next to , will not let you lie. And so, until the questions run out or until the need for the game disappears (perhaps further spontaneous memories will take their course).

Nominations. Arrange for everyone present Moment of Glory" or handing out the Oscars and walking the red carpet, you can call it whatever you like. The main thing is to come up with your own nomination for each, which will characterize him, and prepare the appropriate medal.

You can take as a basis, adjusting for yourself.

(One of the options for the Questions and Answers and Classmates Presentation cards can be viewed at. Here, they are written specifically for the reunion evening, the list of questions and answers offered there and the presentation option can be added or changed to better suit your particular companies).

Toasting you can also beat it, for example, put a funny hat on your hands, asking the DJ (or organize it yourself), suddenly stop the music, whoever the music stops with a hat in his hands says congratulations or a toast. Or arrange a small nostalgic confession with a glass in hand called "I'll never…". The conditions are simple: everyone in turn gets up and remembers something from his childhood, youth, school life (prank, stupidity, touching episode) that is unlikely to happen to him in these mature years, then drinks, for what it is in his life it was .. At the end of the game, you can turn on the song "This never happens again."

3. Surprises and gifts for classmates.

As a rule, there is no special prize fund for the purchase of gifts at such meetings, so the best option would be to arrange a win-win lottery with minor comic gifts. You can also prepare gifts with your own hands, for example, prepare large hearts from cardboard (according to the number of classmates), on which everyone will write a wish or compliment to everyone - that's ready gift "From the heart" . Taking such a heart as a keepsake is much more pleasant than any souvenir. If there are teachers at the evening, then do not forget to prepare such hearts for them, as well as flowers, kind words and congratulations.

"Heat" of school walls. As a decoration, of course, you can make, in the old fashioned way, a “wall newspaper” or a funny collage, or you can beat the decoration on the walls as something meaningful and symbolic:

Remember the expression that "children are the flowers of life" and "demonstrate" it. Mount a large flower bed poster on the wall, prepare a lot of red and blue flowers (with double-sided tape at the bottom) and have everyone attach red (if he or she had a girl) and blue flowers (if a boy) to the flower bed, prudently prepare also yellow flowers (in case of grandchildren). Then, against the background of this flower bed, arrange a photo session and once again count who and how many were born together.

You can also recall one of the parting words, which, for sure, sounded at every graduation party, that "all roads, the whole world" are open before you, etc. So, bring with you a map of the world and a lot of flags on pins and needles, also fix it on the wall and let everyone mark where he has been over the years - it will turn out to be an impressive sight, and call it, for example, "The whole world is at our feet"

The evening of the meeting of graduates - classmates is a wonderful opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of your childhood for a few hours and, having prepared a couple of surprises for your friends, you will please not only them, but also yourself, because it will decorate the evening, make it brighter and more sincere.

Each of us is no longer a child. We have matured, everyone has their own way, but we will never forget a wonderful time - this is school time. You always want to return to that happy and carefree time, where you are still small, and there are still many interesting and unexplored paths ahead. We went through a lot together - we explored the world, learned by copying from each other, fooled around, made friends, grew up and fell in love. It is immutable in our memory. I wish you the same childish and carefree joy, lightness, purposeful decisions and great happiness in the present. Let what has not yet been achieved, be sure to move towards you.

Someone with a mustache, someone with small bellies, instead of funny braids with hairstyles on their heads, with smart faces and almost all with gray hair on their hair - these are my dear classmates. It's good that we've gathered here, putting aside all our affairs for later, temporarily resigning our duties as responsible parents. Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, bogged down in the quagmire of life, we forget about everything and only such meetings give us the opportunity to remember the carefree school years and dreams that were destined to come true or not. My dear classmates, God grant you all endless happiness and good health for many years to come. Live positively, always smile and let the news from you that reach us always be kind and wonderful.

Today is the day of our meeting - the day of the meeting of graduates, guys who left the walls of their native school and set off on the path of adulthood. I think that each of us very often recalls ringing changes and funny school stories that instantly cheer us up and return us to our youth. I want to wish everyone to try not to miss our meetings, always remember our golden time and happy carefree time.

Friends, today we are already adults, independent individuals, but not so long ago we all sat at our desks and timidly waited for a change! Let this meeting briefly return us to childhood, but the fun time of study will always remain in our memory. We wish teachers health, patience and strength to bring up more than one generation!

Dear friends! How joyful it is in our souls from our meeting. Let us have matured and become more important, but at this table every year we will always remain the same perky boys and girls who once shared seats at their desks, learned something new together, experienced, rejoiced, fell in love. Everyone has their own path in life, and I want to wish that we all have it easy, happy, full of only good events and people, and that every year, when we get together, we always have something to tell each other and something to rejoice about together!

Alumni Reunion Day is a bright event. These are memories of school pranks and strong friendships, the first teacher and the first call, important exams and an exciting graduation. This is a chance to meet classmates and tell news about yourself. Congratulations on this great opportunity!

So again, after a while, we got together, changed externally and internally, but in the soul we are still the same. I wish that everyone achieves their goals, becomes what they wanted, did not change their childhood dreams. Let school memories take pride of place in our piggy bank of memory. I wish that the spark of childhood always burns in our hearts and illuminates everything around in dark times.

A beautiful bright day has come, the day of meetings of graduates. Today you can immerse yourself in happy school years and warm memories, regain your youth for a moment and become the same mischievous boys and girls who sat at the same desk and ran along the same corridors. Do not pay attention to wrinkles and gray hair, do not compare yourself with solid bellies and statuses, just return to your childhood on this day and become as happy as in your wonderful school years.

There is joy and inspiration in my heart, because we saw each other again, guys. Congratulations to all on the successes achieved and dreams come true. On the day of the meeting of graduates, I want to wish everyone to always go forward and achieve ever new heights, so that at our next meeting there will be something to talk about. All the best to you guys and much happiness.

Today old friends got together again! To talk about life and tell who is capable of what, what he has achieved, tell about his life, find out what's new with friends and remember the days of old! I would like to wish everyone a successful life path, so that only true friends and sympathetic people meet on it, everything that is conceived is embodied and reality, and what is dreamed of comes true. And let the spark of those pleasant joint memories of long-standing events always burn in all your hearts. I wish you all peace, kindness, warmth, happy days and fabulous nights, healthy parents and successful children.
