Panel flower meadow. Panel made of fabric and yarn “Blossoming meadow”

Panel made of fabric and yarn “Blossoming meadow”. Master class with step-by-step photos

Guest Ksenia Aleksandrovna, physical education teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “School No. 53”, Oktyabrsky village, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region.

- development of creative abilities, imagination, taste.
- develop creative abilities;
- cultivate patience and accuracy;
- form aesthetic taste.
This master class is intended for children in grades 5-8, teachers, parents and creative people. This panel will be a wonderful interior decoration and a good gift for any occasion.
Necessary materials:
- sewing machine
- yarn (different colors)
- fabric (different colors)
- frame covered with burlap
- candle
- Moment glue
- scissors
- pencil
- templates No. 1, No. 2
- buttons
- needle and thread

Panel (French panneau from Latin pannus - piece of fabric)- a pictorial work of a decorative nature, usually intended to permanently fill some sections of the wall (wall panel).
1) In order to get a bright and interesting panel, we need to prepare individual details and decorations. First, we cut out several circles from different fabrics of different sizes (template No. 1).

2) Then we burn the edges of the fabric on a candle flame so that the edges become wavy.

3) Collect all the circles from largest to smallest.

Sew it together.

Add a button. The flower preparation is ready.

4) Now we need grass. We will make it from fabric. You will need a sewing machine. On the fabric we draw blades of grass of different sizes and follow the line of the drawing with a zigzag seam.

Then we cut out the finished parts along the edge of the seam. This is what we should get. The more varied the color of the fabric, the brighter the finished picture will be.

5) We already have most of the blanks ready and, therefore, you can try laying out the resulting drawing on white paper. This way it will be clear and visible what is missing for our panel.

6) We begin to compile our picture. Using Moment glue we glue yarn of different shades and shapes to the burlap base.

7) Then we sew the finished blades of grass with large stitches in the middle. Thread color may vary.

8) Next, you can glue more yarn in several places (empty places will be visible). We distribute the flowers over the entire surface of the panel and sew them on.

You can also simply pin them with needles and change their position from time to time.

You can add more flowers without foliage. It looks even more unusual this way.

Or you can make flowers of a different shape. For this you will need template No. 2. We transfer the details of the template onto the fabric.

Sew the edges of the flower using a machine using a zigzag stitch and cut along the edge. We burn the middle of the circles with candles and collect them into a small flower.

Such a flower can be added to our panel...

, Elementary School

Chapter: paper plastic.

Form of work: production of collective creative work.

Purpose of the lesson: consolidate skills and abilities in working with paper; learn to work independently in groups; cultivate love for native nature; develop observation and interest in the world around you.


1. Organizational moment

Organization of the workplace.

2. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson

- Hello guys!
In previous lessons, we learned how to work with strips of paper: prepare paper for work, cut strips from paper, select the width and length of the strip, connect paper parts with glue.
Today we will work together on the “Flower Meadow” panel. To do this, we will divide into 3 groups and make several flower meadows. At the end of the lesson, we will determine which group created the best meadow of flowers.

3. Introductory part of the lesson

There are a great many flowers in the world. Each flower has its own unique aroma, its own special shape, its own set of colors. Flowers decorate our lives, we admire their beauty.
There are songs and poems about flowers.
Let's see what flowers we can find in a blooming meadow.

(Presentation .Slide 1)


The sun dropped
Golden ray.
The dandelion has grown
The first one is young.
He has a wonderful
Golden color
From the big sun
Small portrait.

Slide 2. "Bell"

What is the bell about?
Ringing in the meadow?
Reply to this
I can't help you.
But I think this:
It will ring in the morning
And they hear the flowers -
It's time to wake up

Slide 3 . "Cornflower"

Near the dacha, on the expanse,
At the bend of the river
Scattered in the collective farm field
Blue cornflowers.
I made a wreath out of them,
Like poems from blue lines,
I danced ballet in it.

Slide 4. "Chamomile"

You go out for a walk in the field -
You can meet me.
My petals are so tender
So thin and snow-white,
The middle is yellow
Looks like a fashionable hat.
So as not to spoil the beauty,
Everyone needs to take care of flowers!

We will decorate our clearing with snow-white daisies.

4. Practical part of the lesson

To make chamomile we will need:

– white, yellow and green paper;
- scissors
- glue stick;

Safety precautions when working with scissors and glue.

  1. Do not play with scissors, do not bring them to your face.
  2. Pass the scissors ringwise forward.
  3. Use glue and scissors only for their intended purpose.

Chamomile technology.

1. Cut strips of white paper for the petals - 8 pieces (width - 1 cm, length - 10 cm)
2. Cut out 1 circle for the core of a yellow flower – diameter – 2 cm.
3. Take a strip of 3/10 cm of green color, fold it in half and cut out a leaf for a chamomile.

5. Physical education minute

Watching the video “Flowers”

Elena Chervyakova

In our kindergarten we are preparing an exhibition of drawings on a summer theme. I have 4-5 year old boys in my group and I decided to do this with them teamwork in mixed media « Flower glade» .


1. Teach children techniques working with napkins(crumpling into a tight lump, learn how to make an applique by gluing lumps.

2. Continue learning how to create a beautiful composition.

3. Encourage children's creative initiative.

4. Fix the names and appearance of the fields colors: chamomile, bellflower, pansy, poppy.

5. Strengthen friendly relationships between children, show the benefits teamwork, cultivate a sense of mutual assistance.

6. Strengthen the small muscles of the arms, exercise in the correct distribution of muscle load.

7. Cultivate perseverance and accuracy.

I cut it myself colorful napkins into squares, and the children diligently rolled them into lumps. We did this both in a group and on a walk...

A pencil drawing was made on a sheet of whatman paper and a light background was applied using a toothbrush and paint.

And the painstaking work began gluing work...

This is what we got in in the end:

Ours to all the guys flower meadow I liked it very much and now they are waiting for the opening of the exhibition and the evaluation of their parents.

Tatiana Igoshina

It is a multifunctional didactic aid, which is advisable to use for the development of sensory abilities of children 2-4 years old in direct educational activities, as well as in independent activities of children. Through a series of games, children develop the skills of classifying and seriating objects by color, size, orientation in space, quantity and counting.

Sensory development(Latin sunser - sensation) is the development of perceptions, ideas about objects, phenomena and objects of the surrounding world.

There are five sensory systems through which a person experiences the world: vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

Of particular importance at present is the issue of early childhood development. The main activity of children of primary preschool age is play, during which their attention, memory, imagination, thinking, discipline, dexterity, fine motor skills, etc. are developed. The sensory education system is based on the following provisions formed by psychologists (N.M. Shchelovanov, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Venger, A.M. Fonarev, S.L. Novoselova): a child is born with relatively developed sense organs, but he is incapable of perceiving the objects around him in their integrity and constancy.

The importance of a child’s sensory development for his future life confronts the theory and practice of preschool education with the task of developing and implementing the most effective means and methods of sensory education in kindergarten. The main direction of sensory education should be, according to L.A. Wenger, in equipping the child with sensory culture. In life, a child encounters a variety of forms and other properties of objects, in particular toys and household items. Every child, even without targeted upbringing, perceives all this in one way or another. But if assimilation occurs spontaneously, without the reasonable pedagogical guidance of adults, it often turns out to be superficial and incomplete. This is where sensory education comes to the rescue - a consistent, systematic introduction of the child to the sensory culture of humanity.

Children in the second or third year of life should identify color, shape and size as the main characteristics of objects, accumulate ideas about the main varieties of color and shape and the relationship between two objects in size.

In the second or third year of life, children must learn to identify color, shape and size as special characteristics of objects, to accumulate ideas about the main varieties of color and shape and about the relationship between two objects in size.

Starting from the fourth year of life, children form sensory standards: stable ideas about color, geometric shapes, and relationships in size between several objects, enshrined in speech.

Simultaneously with the formation of standards, it is necessary to teach children how to examine objects: grouping them by color and shape around standard samples, sequential inspection and description of the shape, and performing increasingly complex visual actions.

Sensory education, aimed at developing a full perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for knowledge of the world, the first stage of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, physical, and aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and touches the environment.

The federal state educational standard for preschool education defines the tasks of cognitive development:

Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;

Formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness;

Development of imagination and creative activity, etc.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, the focus of our attention is the orientation of the educational process towards the cognitive capabilities of a preschooler and their implementation. It is necessary to organize interaction with the child in such a way that it is aimed at developing cognitive interest, cognitive independence and initiative.

Didactic manual “Flower Glade” meets these requirements and corresponds to the primary preschool age of children. Can be used both in a subgroup form (up to 4 people) and in an individual form.

Cognitive development, in accordance with the stated nomination, presupposes the cognitive activity of a preschooler. And in order to support cognitive activity, it is necessary to rely on the cognitive interest of children. Cognitive interest is a selective focus on the knowledge of objects, phenomena, events of the surrounding world, activating the mental processes and activities of a person, his cognitive capabilities.

Purpose of using the touch panel:

Formation of sensory culture in children of primary preschool age.

The leading type of activity and the basis for the development of a child under 3 years of age is object-based play. With children of this age, games and activities are conducted in which the assimilation of any material occurs unnoticed by the children, in practical activities. Consequently, the main thing at that age is the enrichment of sensory experience necessary for a full perception of the surrounding world, and, first of all, the replenishment of ideas about the properties of objects: their color, shape, size of surrounding objects, position in space, etc.

Therefore, when organizing interaction with children using the didactic manual “Flower Glade”, I put and I solve the following problems:

Create conditions for enriching and accumulating children’s sensory experience during object-based play activities through games with didactic material;

To develop the ability to navigate the various properties of objects (color, size, shape, quantity).

To cultivate primary volitional character traits in the process of mastering purposeful actions with objects (the ability not to be distracted from the task at hand, to bring it to completion, to strive to obtain a positive result, etc.);

Enrich the subject-developmental environment of the group with a didactic manual on the sensory development of children.

Necessary materials:

Plastic bottles (cut out flowers);

Caps for bottles of other sizes (we provide a selection system for the child);

Paint of different colors: yellow, red, blue, green, orange, white;

Sheet of plywood or chipboard (“Polyana”);

Furniture stapler with staples (we attach flowers to a painted sheet of plywood);

Universal glue and decorative corners (design around the perimeter of the “Glade”);

Container (basket) for the remaining core lids.

Expected results:


To develop children's interest in educational games;

To instill in children a desire to engage.

To foster independence and initiative in children.


Teach children to perceive and imagine objects and phenomena, analyze them, compare them by color, shape, size and quantity, generalize through didactic games.


To develop in children the ability to determine the properties and characteristics of the objects that make up the “Flower Meadow”.

To develop in children the ability to use sensory standards and methods of examining objects;

Develop attention and perseverance in children.

Options for using the teaching aid:

Didactic games to develop tactile sensations, to consolidate the concepts of size, color and quantity:

1. “Flower meadow.” Children are invited to get acquainted with the clearing, look at the flowers, touch them with their hands, twirl the cores - the caps of the flowers, take another core cap they like from the basket (container) and decorate the flower with it (the child makes his own choice, the teacher observes).

2. “Identify by touch” (find caps and flowers that differ in one characteristic: more - less).

3. “Find a pair” (the child is asked to touch and visually find pairs of identical objects by color and size).

4. “Which figure is the odd one out?” (definition of an extra figure in a row of four core-lids, propose to explain the principle of exclusion).

5. “Multi-colored mugs” (offer to attach the mug-lids to a suitable flower).

6. "What color?" (distribute the core-lids from the basket by color in accordance with the color of the flowers and attach the lids that match the flower) - a complicated task.

7. Game “Find your butterfly flower” (with additional material): children learn to determine the name of various flowers; work on the ability to differentiate different colors based on visual sensations, that is, develop visual perception).

8. Game “Counting together”:

How to teach a child to count? The easiest way is to count everything you see. But it is very important that the child does not get bored. In our case, together with the children we count the number of flowers in the meadow. Next, after mastering counting, you can count the number of flowers of a certain color. For example, the teacher is green, and the child is red. Children really like various rhymes, so you can accompany them with the following words:

"One two three four five!

Red, blue,

Yellow and white.

One two three four five!

We will collect flowers (children screw on the lids that match the color of the flower).

We will decorate them!

Put on the hearts!

Limiting ourselves to this listing of didactic games, it is important to note that each game provides exercises useful for the mental development of children and their upbringing. The role of didactic games in sensory education is very great. A didactic game helps a child learn how the world around him works and broaden his horizons. Didactic games perform a function - control over the state of sensory development of children.

Thus, we can confidently say that the leading form of sensory education is didactic games. Only with a certain system of conducting didactic games can sensory development be achieved. The process of using this didactic manual takes place in joint activities with children, but also stimulates pupils to act independently (the teacher explains the rules of the game and exercises, helps the child hear and understand the necessary actions, then the child continues the game independently, develops imagination and speech, fine motor skills and independence. Children's initiative is supported and the rules of the game can always be changed and supplemented).

Panel made of fabric and yarn “Blossoming meadow”. Master class with step-by-step photos

Guest Ksenia Aleksandrovna, physical education teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “School No. 53”, Oktyabrsky village, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region.

- development of creative abilities, imagination, taste.
- develop creative abilities;
- cultivate patience and accuracy;
- form aesthetic taste.
This master class is intended for children in grades 5-8, teachers, parents and creative people. This panel will be a wonderful interior decoration and a good gift for any occasion.
Necessary materials:
- sewing machine
- yarn (different colors)
- fabric (different colors)
- frame covered with burlap
- candle
- Moment glue
- scissors
- pencil
- templates No. 1, No. 2
- buttons
- needle and thread

Panel (French panneau from Latin pannus - piece of fabric)- a pictorial work of a decorative nature, usually intended to permanently fill some sections of the wall (wall panel).
1) In order to get a bright and interesting panel, we need to prepare individual details and decorations. First, we cut out several circles from different fabrics of different sizes (template No. 1).

2) Then we burn the edges of the fabric on a candle flame so that the edges become wavy.

3) Collect all the circles from largest to smallest.

Sew it together.

Add a button. The flower preparation is ready.

4) Now we need grass. We will make it from fabric. You will need a sewing machine. On the fabric we draw blades of grass of different sizes and follow the line of the drawing with a zigzag seam.

Then we cut out the finished parts along the edge of the seam. This is what we should get. The more varied the color of the fabric, the brighter the finished picture will be.

5) We already have most of the blanks ready and, therefore, you can try laying out the resulting drawing on white paper. This way it will be clear and visible what is missing for our panel.

6) We begin to compile our picture. Using Moment glue we glue yarn of different shades and shapes to the burlap base.

7) Then we sew the finished blades of grass with large stitches in the middle. Thread color may vary.

8) Next, you can glue more yarn in several places (empty places will be visible). We distribute the flowers over the entire surface of the panel and sew them on.

You can also simply pin them with needles and change their position from time to time.

You can add more flowers without foliage. It looks even more unusual this way.

Or you can make flowers of a different shape. For this you will need template No. 2. We transfer the details of the template onto the fabric.

Sew the edges of the flower using a machine using a zigzag stitch and cut along the edge. We burn the middle of the circles with candles and collect them into a small flower.

Such a flower can be added to our panel...

...or make something new...
