How to make papier mache from pieces of newspapers. Master class on making decorative plates

Papier-mâché stands out due to its versatility and originality. In this article, we will talk about the rules for making papier-mache mass at home, as well as how to make the simplest, but very beautiful things in this way.

To make some souvenir, or just a useful thing, it is not necessary to have any specific skills or be a master potter. It is enough just to stock up on a lot of unnecessary newspapers, and you can start creating.

Let's take a closer look at how to make a mass of what is at hand. Thanks to these recommendations and videos, you can easily learn the main points of this case and understand all the complexities and nuances.

A bit of history

What is papier-mâché? This is such a kind of homogeneous mass, which is created from newspapers and other paper waste with the addition of glue or any adhesive. If you translate this name from French, then it will sound like "chewed". For the first time this mass was used in the XVI century in France. Then dolls were made from this mass, which gained incredible popularity. Papier-mache appeared on the territory of Russia only during the reign of Peter I. In industry, paper pulp began to be used at the beginning of the 19th century.

You can make a lot of interesting crafts and products from papier-mâché. Such products are very light and quite durable. Previously, the mass was used only to create dolls, but years later they began to make dishes, souvenirs, masks, toys and various elements from it. Currently, papier-mâché is widely used in theatrical art. Even models and theatrical props are made from paper pulp.

Do-it-yourself papier-mâché: techniques for creating mass

There are currently three ways creating a mass of papier-mâché with your own hands:

Preparation of material for papier-mâché

Any papier-mâché product begins with the preparation of the necessary material. The first is the paper itself. For the first time, it is recommended to use a newspaper, as it quickly soaks, and the finished product will be more durable. You can also easily work with plain paper napkins or toilet paper. The following materials can also act as the main material for the mass of papier-mâché:

  • egg packaging;
  • Cardboard;
  • Corrugated cardboard.

As the adhesive composition, ready-made glue is most often used. As a rule, this is PVA glue, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. At home, as a sticky substance, you can also use starch, flour, from which you need to make a paste. The density of such a paste will depend on experience and the type of crafts being made.

You will also need a base or mold for modeling and vegetable oil, which lubricates its surface. This is done so that the mass does not stick to the form. In addition, you will need acrylic paint or varnish for exterior design. If there is no such paint, then gouache and PVA glue can be mixed in equal amounts. Such a composition is easy to wash off the surface of the craft when it has not yet completely dried. And when the composition is completely dry, it does not smear even during the application of other layers.

How to make papier mache?

Before starting paper work, you need to make a paste. To do this, boil a small amount of water. In a separate container, mix 2-3 tablespoons of flour or starch with water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Pour the resulting composition in a thin stream into boiling water and heat until thickened. The more starch or flour, the thicker the paste will turn out. It will be much easier to prepare the glue. To do this, pour the right amount of glue into the bleaching container and add the same amount of water, while stirring thoroughly.

After that, you can start shredding paper or newspaper. This stage of work is very painstaking, but how finely the paper will be torn, further work on the future craft will depend. Small pieces of material must be poured with hot water and let it brew for several hours. After that, all the liquid is drained, and all the paper is crushed into a homogeneous mass using a mixer. . If the mass is too liquid, then you just need to throw it in a colander and squeeze it well with your hand. This technique applies to any material used.

The dust that will eventually turn out is mixed with glue to the state of plasticine. After that, the mass must be allowed to rest. If modeling is not planned immediately, then the mass can be stored in a tight plastic bag in a cool place. For those who have not yet fully understood the principle of preparing a mass of papier-mâché, the video is provided below.

To make the final product more durable, do not be lazy to make as many layers as possible. This is especially true for the manufacture of plates. It is also recommended to wear gloves during operation so that the glue does not dry on the skin, and the product will stick to the hands.

Don't be afraid to experiment using various materials. So you will gradually find something with which it will be easy for you to work constantly. The base, as mentioned earlier, must be covered with vegetable oil so that after drying it can be easily removed from it. Paper for the mass must be torn by hand, and not cut into even pieces. This is the only way to break the connection of the fibers, and the mass will become more homogeneous.

As for papier-mâché coloring, then if the product is planned to be white, then only the last two layers are made of pure white paper. In other cases, the craft can be painted in any color. If you cover the product with varnish, then it will be protected from moisture.

During operation, the work surface must be covered with film or newspapers, since the glue is then poorly washed off. Do not rush to apply the next layers without waiting for the previous ones to dry completely. You also need to start painting. only after complete drying of the product.

DIY papier-mâché crafts: master classes

And now let's get acquainted with the master classes of some do-it-yourself papier-mâché crafts. These crafts can decorate your home. They can also be given as a gift to your loved ones. And jewelry made by hand from papier-mâché will complement your look.

Master class on making papier-mâché plates

Master class on making a papier-mâché mask

Master class on making papier-mâché beads

According to this scheme, you can make with your own hands not only beads, but also bracelets, necklaces and even brooches. It remains only to show a little of your imagination.

In the previous lesson, we told you how to make a papier mache mask . Today we will talk in detail about how to make papier mache- that is, the mass from which we will sculpt our original crafts .
Papier mache translated from French means "chewed paper". It's a mixture
cardboard or paper and an adhesive element (starch, gypsum). Masks, toys, jewelry boxes, jewelry and even furniture can be created from papier-mâché mass.

Prepare a workplace: cover a large spacious table with oilcloth (which you don’t mind throwing away) or newspapers. At hand should be a flap of dry cloth to wipe the palms of the glue. before going into detail about how to make papier mache with your own hands and about what materials and tools will be required for work, let's touch on a little the issue of making crafts and some nuances.
With the help of technology
, plates, elements for interior design and much more. It is most interesting to participate in this process for children 5-10 years old. The child's mood rises, fingers develop, aesthetic perception develops. Making work from papier-mâché does not include complex actions: it is necessary to paste over the selected form with several balls of non-rigid paper. We'll have to show perseverance, spend some time to translate our plans into reality.

Immediately decide whether the form will remain inside the craft or plan to get it. In the first case, the form is lubricated with adhesive, in the second - with petroleum jelly, and the first layer of paper is applied on top.
Paper (newspaper) is torn only by hands; it is unacceptable to cut it with scissors. The first paper layer of papier mache should completely cover the shape of the papier mache craft. Then it is smeared with glue and the next layer is applied. It is better to take paper of a different color for each layer, so as not to get confused where how many balls are pasted. Keeping the order of actions form you need paste over with several layers of paper.

How to make papier mache crafts step by step? The smaller pieces to tear paper or newspaper the longer it will take to work. Large elements should be dipped in glue (to get wet), and then applied to the form. They can create folds that need to be smoothed out with your fingers right away. We do not apply glue to the mold.

There is a technology for papier mache from paper texture. Here you can let your imagination run wild and glue, for example, a balloon.

The choice of adhesive for the mass of papier mache:
For papier-mâché, the ideal option is wallpaper glue. Dilute it following the instructions on the package.
In the absence of such, cook a paste.
We dilute the starch in slightly warm water and stir until the consistency becomes similar to sour cream. Not forgetting to constantly stir, add boiling water until the substance becomes transparent and thick like jelly. Let the finished paste cool down. The liquid does not retain its qualities for a long time, for each product it must be boiled again.

Next, we will tell you in detail about how to make papier mache at home. Prepare a special mass to create amazing crafts or fancy masks very easily! You will learn how to prepare for the desktop and what materials and tools will be required for work, and you will also be able to learn the manufacturing technique do-it-yourself papier-mâché products. Making crafts from different materials is a fascinating and useful activity, and it is advisable to involve a child in the process of making crafts from a very early age (for starters, you can introduce a small child to the properties of paper and plasticine, and when the baby grows up, you can teach him to make crafts from natural materials, clay, plastic, foil, thread, etc.)

Now you can do it yourself original crafts from such wonderful material as papier mache. With papier mache you can make a product of the most bizarre shape and paint it in the brightest colors! Such craft will be a great gift to any significant event for your friends and acquaintances - be it New Year, Valentine's Day or Birthday.


Papier-mâché products have been familiar to many since childhood. How often babies fall prey to "fake" fruits made from this material and carefully placed in vases in canteens, hotels, boarding houses. It can be very difficult for parents to explain to their child that this beautiful apple is completely tasteless and serves as a kind of decoration. And this is just one particular example of the use of such accessible material.

How to make papier-mâché with your own hands?

This material consists of a paste, wallpaper or other) and paper (absolutely any, from newsprint to toilet paper). And there are two ways to create homemade masterpieces from papier-mâché. The first involves obtaining a homogeneous mass by crumpling the paper and immersing it in glue. The second is pasting strips of newspaper (wallpaper, etc.) on the finished product (figurines, plates, cups, vases) to further create a unique design. Both the first and second methods provide for the subsequent coating of the resulting object with paint. In most cases, acrylic is used, but there may be other options, such as gouache.

Papier-mâché technology

How to make a homogeneous mass of glue and paper, many remember from childhood (in Soviet art, and sometimes even general education schools, they taught this art). Paper (for example, a newspaper) should be torn into small pieces with your hands and filled with water. If possible, boil it for half an hour over low heat. Otherwise, leave to swell for an hour and a half. Then the mass is kneaded with hands, trying to achieve maximum uniformity. It is advisable to use medical gloves made of thin rubber, since both newspaper and glue have a negative effect on the skin. The resulting paper mass is squeezed out. This can be done by hand or use a strainer. And then glue is gradually added to it, getting something that looks like dough. As soon as the mass becomes obedient, it can be considered ready-made raw material for papier-mâché.

How to fashion a bracelet or beads?

Having received the material, you can begin to create the simplest product. Beginners who encounter this technology for the first time are advised to start with something simple. It can be papier-mâché Christmas decorations (it is easiest to make a ball), a bracelet or beads. In all these cases, a papier-mâché ball of the required size is first rolled up. Then, when a sufficient number of them are made, through holes are made with a needle for the fishing line and left to dry. The final, most interesting stage of creating an ornament is its coloring. You can simply cover the beads with one color, or use a thin brush to draw flowers, stars, some interesting ornament on them. It all depends on the skill and imagination of the author. After the paint dries, they are strung on a fishing line and, depending on its length, you will get beads or a papier-mâché bracelet.

How to make a plate?

Usually, a different technology is used in the manufacture of dishes. The ingredients will need the same: glue, paper (newspaper and thin white, for example, tracing paper, in approximately equal amounts), as well as paints, but you will need to act in a different way. Additionally, you will need a ceramic plate, sticking around which, you get the same one from papier-mâché. How to do things like this? Very simple. First, the newspaper is torn into small squares (2x2 or 3x3 cm). It is not recommended to use scissors, as uneven edges provide an imperceptible border between fragments. Then do the same with white paper. Glue is poured into a saucer or other dish so that it is convenient to dip the pieces into it. The plate must be greased with something greasy to make it easier to separate the finished product from it. And then a layer of newspaper pieces is glued onto it, dipping each of them in glue. This should be done so that they fit snugly against each other, forming a uniform surface. As soon as the entire plate is pasted over, white paper is applied on top according to the same principle. Thus, alternating layers, they are applied from 8 to 10. After that, the plate should dry. As a rule, this takes about a day.

Another 4-5 layers of white paper are glued onto the dried surface so that the newspaper is no longer visible through it. After another day, the ceramic plate is removed, and the finished product is pasted over on the underside with several more layers of white paper. After 24 hours, you can start coloring, after which the craft is considered complete. If desired, the plate can be coated with a transparent varnish, which will make it stronger and the pattern more resistant.

papier mache masks

There is another popular souvenir from this material. Masks are usually created from pieces of paper, but can also be molded from a pre-prepared mass. Their manufacture is considered more complex than the creation of beads or plates. So it’s not worth starting work without any experience. If it is planned to sculpt the mask from papier-mâché (how to make the substance itself is described above), then, apart from it and paints, nothing else will be needed. In this case, you just need to give it the necessary shape with your hands. To make this easier, you can use a mannequin or apply papier-mâché directly to someone's creamed face. The finished mask is dried and painted with acrylic paints as desired. Particular attention should be paid to the eye holes. If necessary, you can finally correct them with a clerical knife after drying.

If you plan to use pieces of paper, then it is advisable to pre-sculpt the base, for example, from plasticine. It should be pasted over with pieces of paper, similar to a plate. It is better to remove the plasticine base after the mask has dried. So that it can be used for its intended purpose, and not just as a souvenir, small holes are made on both sides, into which you can later insert a ribbon or elastic band.

Papier-mâché figurines

Similar souvenir products are often found in specialized stores. But if desired, figures of animals, mythical characters, dolls, flowers or fruits can be created independently. If we are talking about small souvenirs, then they are usually molded from paper-glue mass. In the case of larger objects, a mock-up is pre-made, which is covered with pieces of paper on top. Animal figurines based on the symbol of the coming year are especially popular for the Christmas holidays. This is a papier-mâché dragon, snake or horse. Undoubtedly, to create such a creation, one needs both talent and certain skills. After all, these are not ordinary balls or plates. But sometimes one desire is enough to build a funny (albeit not very similar to a real one) little animal and give it to a loved one. To make it more stable and strong, you can first make a wire frame. And only then stick it with paper pulp and decorate it.

How to store papier-mâché products?

It is well known that paper is a capricious material. It is easily destroyed by moisture, can change its properties from high or low temperatures and direct sunlight, and is easily ignited. Knowing how to make papier-mâché (from pieces of paper or a mass prepared mixed with glue), one should also understand how to properly store products. Undoubtedly, the glue itself, and the paints, and all kinds of frames used in the work make it somewhat stronger. But, papier-mâché, like ordinary paper, is afraid of dampness. Therefore, products should only be stored in a dry place. At the same time, it is desirable to prevent ultra-low and too high temperatures and open flames nearby. With proper storage, figurines, dishes and other figurines can please the owner for many years.

How to make the material more durable?

Professionals who make figurines for sale try to make them as strong and resistant to external factors as possible. To do this, pre-create a rigid frame of wire or other material. You can also add a little cement or gypsum to the mass. As a result, it will turn out not quite papier-mâché, but rather durable and easy-to-use material. That's just to work with him, you will definitely have to wear gloves.

Using technology for children's creativity

Toddlers of preschool age and older children are very fond of making things with their hands. It develops creativity and develops finger motor skills. As a rule, plasticine or clay is used as the material. But papier-mâché is just as good. After all, this is an absolutely natural safe material (especially if it is made on the basis of a paste), which children of any age will work with pleasure. Of course, the mass itself is better to cook for one of the adults. But you can sculpt from it all together: from the smallest to high school students.

Those who have never worked in this technique, but want to try themselves in this direction, need to understand some of the nuances. First, regarding materials. The paper from which papier-mâché is made can be any, but it is highly desirable that it soak well. It is best to use natural glue (paste or PVA), so that both the mass itself and the product from it are not toxic. It is best to cover the finished product with acrylic paints, since they are the most durable. If we are talking about children's creativity, it is better to take gouache. In order for the figurine or other structure to be stronger, a wire frame should be used. I fix gouache on the surface with varnish.

And you should never be upset if complex figures do not work out the first time. It’s better to start with something simpler, and with time and experience everything will come out: dolls, animals, and other figures.

The papier-mâché technique has been popular for a very long time. It is used to create different shapes and figures from the mass, where paper is used as the basis. For a long time the existence of such a technique, many different recipes have gathered, how to make mass for papier-mâché at home. In this article, we will consider options for the most popular and proven papier-mâché recipes used by professional craftsmen. To make such a mass yourself with your own hands is absolutely not difficult and not expensive.

Mass recipe for papier-mâché No. 1.

We will need:

Gray toilet paper.

Universal PVA glue (may be construction).

Linseed oil.

1. First of all, we tear the paper into small pieces and put it in a deep bowl.

2. After that, fill it with boiling water and leave it for a day. All paper must be immersed in water.

3. After the allotted time, wring out the soaked paper. For this, ordinary gauze or fabric is most often used, it can also be done using a synthetic mesh in a small hole. As a result, the mass should remain a little wet and it is better to wring it out in small portions, approximately 100-150 grams each.

4. Then grind the wrung out lumps of paper in small portions in a blender and put them in a free bowl. This is done in order to mass for papier-mâché became more homogeneous.

Fig. 1 Masks made from papier-mâché mass

5. When all the paper is ground, add universal PVA glue to it in small portions. Approximately one roll of toilet paper takes 200-250 g of glue.

6. Mix everything thoroughly and add linseed oil (1 tablespoon per 1 roll of paper), then re-knead the mass until a homogeneous consistency.

Thanks to linseed oil, the working mass will be much more plastic. From such a mass, you can create any shape. It should be borne in mind that after drying, the form decreases in size from 2% to 6%.

Fig. 2 Figures made from mass for papier-mâché

Mass recipe for papier-mâché No. 2.

We will need:

Toilet paper in grey.

Universal glue PVA.

The putty is fine-grained.

Liquid soap.

The whole sequence of actions is the same as in the first papier mache recipe. Only here, after PVA glue, we add putty (5 tablespoons per 1 roll of toilet paper) and liquid soap (1 tablespoon per roll of paper). Putty is needed in order to make the mass more plastic, and liquid soap gives additional smoothness to the resulting figures.

Fig. 3 Decorations made from papier-mâché mass

Mass recipe for papier-mâché No. 3.

We will need:

Water - 1 liter.

Dry wood glue - 500 g.

Thin paper (newspaper) - 250 g.

Natural drying oil - 100 g.

Rosin - 20 g.

Finely sifted chalk - 3 kg.

1. First of all, we soak wood glue in water and cook it until a homogeneous mass is formed, without allowing it to boil (see the ratio of water and glue on the package).

2. Then we prepare the paper. To do this, grind it into small pieces, fill it with water and cook for about an hour over low heat.

3. After that, the paper is allowed to cool to room temperature, and then it needs to be kneaded as much as possible to a homogeneous mass.

4. Then we are faced with the task of wringing out all the paper with gauze, as best as possible.

5. Add the resulting lumps in small portions to the hot glue and stir.

6. Then add drying oil and crushed rosin.

Fig. 4 More masks made from papier-mâché mass

7. We heat the entire mass for papier-mâché on fire and constantly stir until the rosin is completely dissolved.

8. The resulting mixture must be allowed to cool completely and only after that you can start kneading it into chalk.

9. To do this, pour a hill of chalk on a flat surface and make a recess in the center.

10. It is into it that we add the cooled glue in small portions.

12. For greater plasticity, add drying oil in a small amount. Weight for papier-mâché ready to go.

Fig. 5 Vase made from papier-mâché mass

Mass recipe for papier-mâché No. 4.

We will need:

Egg boxes.

Flour paste.

1. We prepare boxes for eggs (you can find interesting ideas for crafts from such boxes in). First of all, they need to be brought to a state where you can work with them. To do this, tear the boxes into small pieces and pour boiling water over them.

2. We leave it in this state for a day, after which we change the water and leave it for another day.

3. After the specified time, they should be well soaked, after which they should be squeezed well with the help of a colander.

5. To the resulting mass, we begin to add flour paste, similar in consistency to liquid sour cream, and mix everything thoroughly.

6. In the received mass for papier-mâché knead 2-3 tablespoons of flour. The mass should be soft and plastic. It is good to make masks with such a mass.

Fig. 6 Works made from mass for papier-mâché

Papier-mâché is one of the most common materials for making DIY crafts. With the help of plastic mass, you can make figures of varying complexity to decorate the interior or as a gift. Find out, how to make paper mache animal crafts that will appeal to adults and children.

You may be interested in: Papier-mâché crafts for kids

Paper Mache Animal Craft Ideas

First you need to prepare a mass for making crafts, which consists of paper, water and PVA glue. If you want to make small parts, then it is best to make papier-mâché from toilet paper, which dissolves very well and turns into a plastic mass.

Photo of an airplane made of papier-mâché

It is also important to prepare suitable forms for making original papier-mâché animal crafts. At first, you can use silicone baking molds or sand toys. Then it will be much easier for you to make a variety of figures.

Also Read: Papier Mache Crafts For Beginners

For inspiration, we offer you to look at a photo of papier-mâché animals made by the famous illustrator Javiera Donoso Romo. It is important not only to give a suitable shape to the paper pulp, but also to beautifully decorate the figures.

Photo of a papier-mâché lion

In the photo, you can see that the animal figurines of this author have a rather unusual shape and a unique author's painting, which gives them individuality.

From papier-mâché, you can make a ladybug figurine, which will be not only beautiful, but also voluminous.

Funny butterflies are made from papier-mâché. When you have more experience, you will not need to use ready-made forms. You will be able to fashion a beautiful and accurate figure from a thick mass for papier mache.

Surrealistic characters are also obtained from papier-mâché. Original crafts can be done with minimal time and effort.

How to make original paper mache animal crafts

In order to make a unique papier-mache figurine, you can use different improvised materials. For example, if you take egg trays and make a shape out of them, you can get original crafts.

Photo of papier-mâché turtle

Iron cans can be used as the basis for cartoon papier mache crafts. For the manufacture of the frame, foam is sometimes used, which is then covered with a thin layer of paper pulp.

Papier-mâché crafts master class

Blanks for animal crafts using the papier-mâché technique can be made from shampoo bottles and polystyrene foam.

Get inspired new papier mache cartoon animal ideas and try to make similar figures with your own hands. Imagine and realize your creative abilities.

Master class: papier mache cat

See photos of the finished craft:
