Why do my nipples itch so much? Itchy nipples - treatment

Many women, both very young and those who already have children or even grandchildren, are concerned about the problem of itchy breasts, and they often ask the question “why do my nipples itch?” This can happen to a girl who has not yet given birth, a pregnant woman, a breastfeeding woman, or a woman who has already given birth a long time ago.

Few of them know how to get rid of unpleasant itching and why it occurs in the first place. But such a manifestation can be both the norm and the cause of a serious illness that cannot be left to chance.

Causes of delicate itching

Of course, any woman should understand that it is extremely difficult to independently determine the provoking factor. Of course, for this you need to see a doctor. However, you shouldn’t run to him at the first opportunity either. You can try to determine the root cause of the itching and try to eliminate it. And if nothing works out or other alarming symptoms appear, then a trip to a specialist is simply inevitable. So, let's look at the possible causes of itching.

1. Allergic reaction.

Quite often, itching can be caused by a simple allergy. This may be an allergy to the fabric of the underwear the woman is wearing. After all, often manufacturers of lingerie, in pursuit of the beauty of the style of a particular set, forget about its quality. If the fabric of your underwear is not natural, then it is quite possible that it is the main irritant of the nipples.

An allergy can also occur to the powder you use to wash your clothes. It is especially necessary to carefully monitor the powder that is used for laundry items. It is ideal to rinse it at the end of the wash (twice if necessary).

Allergies can also occur from medications, prescribed antibiotics, or even cosmetics (such as skin cream or shower gel).

2. Areolas itch before menstruation.

It is on the eve of menstruation that nipples tend to dry out due to an increase in the hormone progesterone. And as a result, itching, because... The skin of the nipples is already very thin. This is felt especially strongly in the cold season.

Therefore, before critical days, women need to drink plenty of fluids and, if necessary, additionally moisturize the skin of the nipples.

3. If your chest itches (nipples) during pregnancy or after childbirth in a nursing mother.

Very often during this period, itching is, although not very pleasant, but the norm. The mammary glands begin to actively produce milk, the breasts increase in size, and the skin stretches and begins to itch.

It is important not to comb it under any circumstances. And if you can’t stand it anymore, you can apply a hypoallergenic stretch mark cream to the itchy area.

Such itching, by the way, can be one of the first signs of conceiving a baby. So if you haven't taken a pregnancy test yet and your areolas are itchy, it makes sense to take one.

During this period, hair may grow on the stomach and chest - they also cause mild itching.

4. Dermatitis.

Unpleasant inflammatory skin lesions, which can occur for various reasons, require an appointment with a dermatologist. It will help identify the true cause of itching and prescribe proper therapy.

For example, urticaria, known to many of us, is nothing more than dermatitis of allergic origin. But in this case, it will manifest itself not only in itching of the nipples, but also in the appearance of blisters. They are similar to those that appear upon contact with nettles, hence the name.

5. Thrush.

Another reason why breastfeeding mothers may have itchy nipples is thrush. In this case, itching is not the only sign of the disease. A woman's areolas may swell slightly, become covered with scales or blisters, and her breasts may hurt, either slightly or quite severely. As with hives, a woman will need medical help. This time, a gynecologist.

What and how to help?

Breasts are not just a beautiful element of the female body. It is also the organ with which every mother feeds her newborn baby with her milk. That is why the issue of female breast health is very important.

If you feel discomfort, here's what to do: need to pay attention:

a) underwear should be only natural, without artificial fibers (wear cotton bras);

b) choose hypoallergenic powders and rinses; if necessary, change the brand and manufacturer;

c) try to experiment and find out if you are allergic to detergents or cosmetics;

d) if you are taking any medications, stop taking them for 1 day and look at the reaction - perhaps they caused the allergy;

e) it is considered useful to wipe the chest with chamomile decoction (only if there are no microcracks on the chest);

f) if itching is accompanied by other symptoms (swelling, pain, burning, blisters), you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is the doctor who will be able to absolutely determine the provocateur of the itching and prescribe the correct treatment. If a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, then, as a rule, these will not be pills that can harm the baby, but ointments that are applied topically.

Be mindful of your breasts. It is the key to good and proper nutrition for your unborn baby and your health in general.

Breasts are one of the most pronounced signs of female attractiveness. If you find that your nipples are itching, a specialist will help diagnose the cause. Such itching can appear at any age, both in girls and mature women.

This symptom should not be underestimated, as it can signal a serious illness.
By observing your body, you can try to independently understand why the nipples on your chest itch, but self-medication is not recommended.

Why do women's nipples itch?

Itchy skin is always an unpleasant process, causing discomfort, unpleasant sensation, irritation and nervousness. The breast is also subject to negative external and internal influences.

Therefore, if you want to understand why your nipples itch, then you need to consider the most common causes of this symptom. In some cases, this symptom may appear due to:

  • improper hygiene;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  • an incorrectly selected bra.

It should not be ruled out that severe itching in the nipple area can occur due to inflammatory processes in the body and various diseases. In addition to the appearance of itching on the nipples, redness and the formation of heterogeneous tubercles may appear.

First of all, a woman should observe during what periods the burning and itching of the nipple appears, because these can be physiological processes, for example, during menstruation.

If you cannot determine the cause of the itching on your own, it is recommended that you consult a mammologist who will help eliminate the unpleasant condition and determine the source of the problem.

Hormonal reasons

One of the common causes of itchy nipples is hormonal changes in the body.

During puberty, breast size increases, which inevitably causes the breast skin to stretch. This is the most common reason why girls have itchy nipples. However, this reason should not cause severe pain and burning.

Hormonal changes usually cause mild and intermittent itching that stops periodically.

This symptom is not accompanied by the appearance of changes on the skin in the form of pigmented or red spots.


If you experience itching on your nipples before your period, this situation should not cause concern. This is a harmless symptom that is caused by natural changes in a woman’s body.

An increase in androgen levels causes slight itching in the nipple area during menstruation. To alleviate this symptom, experts recommend drinking enough water during the day, at least 2 liters per day.

The additional amount of fluid will effectively improve the elasticity of the skin, and the itching of the nipples will become less.

If your nipples itch during menstruation, the discomfort can be reduced by using a moisturizer for the décolleté and chest area. It will reduce skin flaking and soothe redness.

But if the itching appeared before menstruation and after its end the situation remains unchanged, then it is worth thinking about the possibility that there is an inflammatory process in the body.


During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes and the appearance of certain symptoms usually causes concern. Many people ask gynecologists why a woman’s nipples itch in the first months of pregnancy.

The reason for this symptom lies in changes in hormonal levels and the appearance of milk. Microcracks form on the skin of the nipples, which cause pain. Under no circumstances should you scratch the skin, as this can cause infection.


If the nipples on the breast itch during lactation, the most common cause is improper attachment of the baby. The appearance of microcracks, peeling, and skin damage will be inevitable.

The woman will experience pain when feeding the baby, and afterwards there will be itching and a burning sensation.

Proper attachment to the breast will ensure a normal flow of milk and protect against the appearance of mastitis. In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor skin hygiene in the chest area.

Breast diseases

There are often cases when a woman on her own cannot understand why her nipples itch and hurt, and this symptom only gets worse every day. In this case, it should be concluded that itching is an indicator of the presence of a disease.

Why the nipple itches can be answered by a mammologist after a visual examination and prescribing a series of laboratory tests for the patient.

Dermatitis eczema

Swelling and rashes may appear on the delicate skin of the breast due to dysfunction of the nervous system or dysfunction of the endocrine system. Itching of the nipples of varying intensity can bother patients.

If not treated promptly, eczema will begin to form. If treatment is ignored, this disease will be very similar to breast cancer, so it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist when symptoms appear. The first and most important indicator of this disease is that both breasts itch at the same time.


Many infectious diseases can be accompanied by chest pain, itching and burning. A specialist can diagnose acne, psoriasis, thrush, urticaria, scabies and other types of infectious diseases.

Each type requires specific therapy, so if your nipples itch and moisturizer and hygiene procedures do not help, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

Modern medications will help you quickly get rid of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Mammary cancer

The presence of certain symptoms should seriously alert a woman. If a lump is observed during palpation, the chest hurts, bloody discharge appears, and itching in the nipples does not stop, then there is a possibility that breast cancer may be detected during diagnosis.

It can be treated at an early stage, so it is important to detect the disease in a timely manner.

Paget's cancer

The symptoms of this disease are similar to many others, and at first they usually do not cause concern in women. Among the most frequently occurring symptoms are: peeling of the skin of the nipple, redness, irritation, and the nipples are constantly itchy.

These symptoms may disappear completely and appear a little later, but in a very complex form.


A girl may have an itchy papilla if she has an allergic reaction to:

  • insect bites;
  • medicines;
  • cosmetics;
  • Food;
  • washing powders.

As a treatment, you can use antiallergic drugs and try to eliminate the allergen.

If these methods do not help, then you need to consult a doctor who, based on laboratory tests, will make an accurate diagnosis.


When wearing a bra made of synthetic fabrics that do not allow air to pass through, discomfort may occur. In this case, it is recommended that a woman prefer underwear made from natural fabrics.

A tan

If a woman prefers to sunbathe topless, this can cause itching in the nipple area. To avoid discomfort, it is recommended to use sunscreen and use moisturizing cosmetics after showering.

Nervous itch

When a difficult stage occurs in life, which is associated with stress and depression, this can affect the condition of the skin, including the chest area.

If the areola itches due to a nervous disorder, then sedatives can reduce unpleasant symptoms, but they should only be prescribed by a specialist.

Other reasons

If your nipples are very itchy and this symptom does not go away, then you should consult a doctor, since relief of the patient’s condition depends on how quickly a diagnosis is made and therapy is prescribed. Itching in the chest area can manifest itself as a reaction to the appearance of a disease in the body or to external irritating factors.

How to get rid of the problem

If you notice redness, swelling, burning or pain in the chest area, it is recommended that you first consult a specialist. He will tell you what to do if your nipple itches. A quick response to such a symptom will avoid more serious problems.

The specialist must determine whether one nipple is itching or whether both are itchy, since symptoms manifest differently for different diseases in the body. Soreness in the area around the nipples can be associated with very harmless factors, but it is recommended to rule out serious diseases such as eczema or cancer at an early stage.

Itchy nipples can bother a woman or a man for no apparent reason. Therefore, you should not immediately consider this symptom as a harbinger of the development of a dangerous pathology. Usually, a discomforting state is provoked by completely banal factors that do not pose a threat to life.

If you have any doubts about your health, you just need to consult a doctor. He will examine the problem area and tell you exactly what causes the itching in the nipple or on its surface.

Article outline:

Causes of itchy nipples

The main factors that can lead to the appearance of itching in the nipple area are divided into several groups.

Hormonal disorders

The nipples begin to itch due to hormonal changes in the body. This discomfort especially often worries young girls during periods of breast growth. This process causes stretching of the mammary gland tissue, which leads to itching.

Women often complain of itching in the nipple area during the following periods:

Women should take care of their breast health in advance. At the first sign of itching, it is advisable to start regularly lubricating it with special moisturizing creams that prevent cracking of the skin. The mammary glands especially need such care during the cold season.


Nipples often itch and hurt due to various diseases that negatively affect the mammary glands or skin. Such pathologies include:

In order to recognize breast disease in time, women should carefully monitor their appearance and immediately contact a specialist at the slightest change.

Other factors

Sometimes nipples itch due to the adverse effects of external factors on them. Discomfort can be caused by:

Usually a woman herself can understand why she is bothered by itching in such a piquant place. If the cause of the discomfort is not serious, you can cope with it yourself.

If a man's nipple itches

If a man's nipple itches, there is a high probability that he is sick. Often this problem occurs against the background of a common allergic reaction, which can be easily managed with the help of a traditional medicine with an antihistamine effect. If the reason is more serious, the man should consult a specialist.

In men, the nipple may suddenly begin to itch due to the following diseases:

  • Hormonal disorders (breast growth, malfunction of the testicles, adrenal glands, pituitary gland);
  • Infectious pathologies;
  • Malignant tumor in the mammary gland.

Regardless of why the skin in the area of ​​the right or left nipple begins to itch, a man should visit a doctor. This will help him make sure that his body is not in danger. If a specialist identifies a pathology, he will offer adequate treatment to eliminate the disease and its symptoms.

When is treatment required?

If all external factors that could cause itching on the chest and nipples have been excluded, but the discomfort remains and even becomes more pronounced, then you need to urgently contact a specialist. A good reason to visit a doctor is also:

  • Change in skin tone on the chest;
  • Enlargement of the right or left breast;
  • Changing the appearance and shape of the nipples;
  • Unnatural discharge from the nipples;
  • Unreasonable deterioration in general health.

The doctor will ask the woman to undergo a diagnostic examination and take several tests. Based on the results obtained and a personal examination of the problem area, he will make a diagnosis. Afterwards, the patient will be prescribed treatment, which should help suppress itching and other signs of the disease.

Which doctor should I contact?

If your nipples are itchy or other problems with your breasts are observed, you should contact a mammologist. This is a specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases related to the mammary glands.


Itchy nipples cannot be called a separate disease. It is a symptom of a disorder that is developing in the body. That is why it is very important to first find out the reason that led to itching in women or men. After this, you can safely begin treatment.

In most cases, if one nipple or both are itchy, no special treatment is required.

To alleviate the condition, it is enough to eliminate the factor that led to it. For example, a woman should stop wearing a bra made of synthetic fabric that is too tight, or stop using inappropriate skin care products on the skin in the breast area.

It won't hurt to start applying moisturizer to dry nipples. It should not contain harmful substances.


Traditional medicine suggests women use moisturizers for itchy nipples. They should contain a substance such as lanolin. Pharmacies also sell a huge number of antipruritic ointments, which may well be suitable for such problems.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe the patient a topical agent, which is a hormonal drug. If an infection is present, treatment with an antiseptic or antifungal medication in the form of a cream or ointment will be required.

If an allergic reaction is detected, it may be necessary to take a drug with an antihistamine effect. Diazolin and Tavegil cope best with itching.

Any medications that can soothe the skin on itchy nipples should be taken only after a doctor's permission.

Otherwise, medications can cause side effects and further worsen the woman’s general condition. This is especially true in cases where treatment is required for a pregnant patient. Under no circumstances should she take any medications without the consent of her doctor, as they can become a threat to the baby’s life.

A medicine such as Bellargal will help prevent the development of itching in the nipple area before menstruation, if a woman is predisposed to it. The medication should not be taken by those diagnosed with kidney disease, hypertension or angina pectoris.

Traditional methods

Medicinal herbs help reduce itching of the nipples. Experts in the field of traditional medicine recommend using plants that have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antihistamine properties. No less useful are herbs that help improve metabolism.

Traditional medicine helps to achieve noticeable results if the patient uses several remedies simultaneously to treat itching in the nipple area. Worth a try:

You need to be very careful when choosing herbs to treat itching. After all, some of them, for example, celandine and string, contain toxic substances. Therefore, they need to be used in limited quantities.

Homeopathic method

  • "Calendula";
  • "Propolis";
  • "Aesculus."

These medications are completely harmless to health and are available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Self-medication for itching in the nipple area is rarely justified. To avoid complications of the condition and increased discomfort, it is worth making an appointment with a competent specialist. A diagnostic examination of the mammary glands will identify the cause of the disorder and eliminate it in the safest way for the patient. The doctor will also tell you about the rules of breast care, which, if followed, will help avoid relapse.

Attention, TODAY only!

It is believed that if you strictly follow the signs, you can not only avoid serious misfortunes, but also attract good luck, love or wealth to yourself and in this way learn to manage your own life.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Itchy nipple: sign

The female breast is one of the main parts of the body. And it's not just about physical attractiveness or gender differences. It is with her that the child receives mother’s milk, relatives bow their heads to the breast, and behind her is the person’s heart, his soul. So it is not surprising that this organ is endowed with special magical powers, and folk signs have not bypassed it. What is this sign, both nipples itch, and how to interpret the appearance of a mole on the most intimate part of the body?

If the right one itches

According to folk signs, a woman’s right nipple itches in anticipation of an early meeting with her lover. And how soon this meeting will take place depends on how much it itches. In another interpretation, the right nipple itches is a sign of a spouse’s betrayal. And for an older woman, it foretells a change in the weather. In addition, you should be careful when communicating with strangers. This will help avoid possible quarrels and conflict situations.

If the left one itches

If the left nipple itches, the signs concern the other half. The left breast is located closer to the heart, and everything that happens to it speaks of heart torment. Your nipple is itching - a sure sign that your significant other is thinking about you and misses you.

Moles on the chest and superstitions

Towards motherhood

You should not neglect such a sign as the appearance of a mole on the areola. It is believed that a mole on the nipple is a sign of imminent motherhood. Moreover, this is not just a sign of a new addition to the family. A child born after the sign will certainly grow up successful and rich.

Happily or explosively?

People born with a mole on the left are unlikely to experience happiness in their personal lives. And if a woman or man has a mole on the right side since birth, this indicates their passionate temperament and ardent disposition. But, despite their love for the attention of the opposite sex, they remain faithful in marriage. Such people can also count on a successful future and a strong family.

About health

As for health, Thai esotericists see the situation not so rosy. A mole on the right nipple promises joint diseases, injury, and disability. If the mark is located on the left chest, then you should pay attention to the heart due to the high likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases.

In fact, most of these signs are just superstitions. And, as practice shows, there is no real relationship between the appearance of a mole and further events. And the changes that happen in life are happy accidents.

Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts suggested below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

The chest area of ​​men and women is sensitive both physiologically and energetically. If the itching is not associated with skin diseases or other ailments, you can turn to folk signs and get an answer to why your left nipple itches. The interpretation for girls is associated with a pleasant future, for example, meeting with friends, and for men it promises success in a love relationship or a quick pleasant meeting with a future wife.

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    General interpretations

    Folk omens interpret itching in the nipple area as follows:

    • if the right side is ticklish, it is necessary to avoid conflicts with the older generation, otherwise it will lead to trouble;
    • if the left nipple itches, the opposite sex will show signs of attention;
    • if it’s ticklish in the middle of the chest, old friends will come to visit and the feast will be fun.
    • For women

      A large number of superstitions are associated with a woman’s breasts, since girls are more often interested in this kind of predictions.

      Itching of the right breast predicts unpleasant turns of fate: the other half began to look at other girls. If an alarming symptom is repeated three times in a row, this is a sign of betrayal on the part of the man.

      If a girl’s right nipple itches, this means a quick date with her loved one. This meeting will be remembered for a long time and will bring passion into the relationship.

      The interpretation of itching of the left breast depends on the time of day:

      • in the afternoon: an interesting proposal from a man of a love nature will soon arrive;
      • at night: the relationship you are in is not serious.

      In the absence of a partner, the sign is interpreted as financial profit in the near future. Moreover, they expect the budget to be replenished from a stranger.

      People often say that if the left nipple itches, then the man from the past is unable to forget the girl and will soon make himself known again.

      There is a belief that when the left breast itches, the brunette thinks about the girl.

      For men

      Signs apply not only to women, but also to men. The stronger sex has its own interpretation of itching in the chest area:

  1. 1. The right breast itches means real luck. If before this things were not going well, then soon everything will definitely get better.
  2. 2. The right nipple begins to itch due to a reminder of unfinished business. You need to deal with them, then a white streak will come in life.
  3. 3. Left breast - if there is a need to add variety to interpersonal relationships.
  4. 4. Itching of the left nipple means interest of the opposite sex. The girl is looking for a meeting and hopes for a quick date and favor. This part of the body is associated with the emotional sphere of a person.
  5. 5. Itching of both nipples indicates problems in a love relationship. The crisis must be overcome as quickly as possible to preserve the union.
