Why does a kitten's eyes water and what to do about it? What makes a British cat's eyes watery?

The British cat is the most common breed among purebred cat lovers. Like all pets, she requires special care and attention. Pedigree cats are more susceptible to various ailments than anyone else. One of these is the problem of watery eyes.

Why do British cats have watery eyes? There can be many reasons. Let's look at everything in order.


Feature of the breed

British cats (especially at a young age) have flattened faces. This can lead to blockage of the tear ducts - this is what causes the effect of watery eyes. This can also lead to the cat wheezing.


This is the most common answer to the question why a cat’s eyes are watery. Here, again, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian and prescribe anti-allergenic drugs. At home, if your cat is very anxious, you can give her a quarter of suprastin along with her food.

Fluorescent lamps

Cat's eyes are very delicate, so when exposed to bright indoor lighting using fluorescent lamps, a British cat may develop some kind of acute conjunctivitis. The solution is to change the lighting in the room, and also put drops in the cat’s eyes.


A reaction to dust is a type of allergy. But drugs won't help here. To alleviate the suffering of the animal, drip special drops, and also be sure to monitor the amount of dust in the room. By reducing its amount to a minimum, you will help your Briton.

Intestinal problems

Having considered all the causes of watery eyes in British cats, draw conclusions and be sure to help your pet.

The eyes are one of the most vulnerable organs from birth. The problem can occur not only in children, but also in older cats. There can be several causes of watery eyes in kittens; often this is a sign of some disease. If you notice this problem in your pet, you need to take him to the vet. Why do the kitten’s eyes water, what to do in this case and how to help him? Only a specialist can accurately answer these questions.

Cats, if they are healthy, generally do not have excessive tearfulness or discharge from the eyes. There may be several reasons why a cat's eyes are watery:

What else to pay attention to

In addition to tearfulness, the owner may observe swelling in his pet's eyes, discharge from them, or dried crusts. The animal may be lethargic and hide from the light. If it is tormented, it rubs its eyes with its paws, which can injure them even more. The owner should also be alert to dullness of the eyes, changes in their color, excessive bulging or, conversely, hollowness. It is recommended to show the animal to a veterinarian at the first symptoms in order to begin treatment on time and avoid serious complications.

Diagnosis and treatment

What to do if a kitten has watery eyes, how to treat it? As soon as the owner notices increased tearfulness in his pet, he can rinse his eyes with boiled water or tea. The veterinarian can find out the reason for this phenomenon by talking with the owner and based on the results of some tests. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is sometimes necessary to take a swab from the conjunctival sac for analysis. If worms are suspected, an animal's stool sample is taken for examination.

If a kitten has watery eyes and conjunctivitis is detected, you can rinse with a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, or chamomile decoction. It should be taken into account that it is necessary to rinse not only the diseased eye, but also the healthy one, to prevent the disease. There should be a separate cotton swab for washing for each eye. For the bacterial form of the disease, you can use medicinal ointments, which are applied up to 3 times a day.

If the eye is injured, before contacting a doctor, the owner can rinse the pet with saline solution and then treat it with 1% tetracycline ointment. If the eye is swollen or increased in size after an injury, the cornea should not be allowed to dry out. To do this, you need to drip clean warm water into it every 5 minutes. If a foreign body has entered the organ, the doctor injects the animal with an anesthetic before removing it. Then the eyelid is turned outward and the procedure is performed using tweezers.

If the cause of increased tearing is a disease such as ulcerative blepharitis, then some areas of the eyelids will need to be cauterized, after which they will be lubricated with antibiotic ointment. Entropion of the eyelids will have to be treated surgically; to prevent suppuration, the eyelids are treated with an antiseptic.

To prevent your pet from experiencing increased tearfulness in one eye or two at once, the owner can worry about this by carrying out simple preventive measures. From an early age, little kittens need help and daily care for their eyes. You can wash them simply with boiled water or tea, or use the special “Diamond Eyes” preparation. This remedy should be instilled twice a day, 2 drops in each eye. In order for the eyes to be as open as possible, the kitten must be held by the scruff of the neck with its head raised up. After instillation, be sure to lightly wipe the eyes with a clean cotton pad so that the kitten does not scratch them.

It is useful for a healthy kitten or adult cat to wipe their eyes once a day with a clean cloth soaked in water. This will relieve them from souring and dry crusts that may appear after sleep. Wiping should be done carefully, without pressing, from the outer corner to the inner. Decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, calendula, sage or St. John's wort, are also good for this procedure.

Daily care for your pet's eyes should be carried out before each use of medications prescribed by a doctor. If washing and prescribed treatment for several days does not give a visible positive effect, you must contact the veterinary clinic again.

The doctor will tell you how to treat the animal, the dosage and duration of medication use in each individual case. The owner can only provide first aid to his pet to alleviate his suffering. You must be attentive to the health of your pet.

Cats have always been considered unpretentious and strong animals. But several centuries of breeding them and keeping them at home have made these pets as tender and sickly as people. Particularly sensitive organs in cats are the eyes. They are often susceptible to injury and infection. Therefore, many owners are interested: if a cat’s eye is festering, what should be done to help her?

When should a pet be treated?

Sometimes a healthy cat will discharge fluid or even pus. This can occur after prolonged sleep, inappropriate food, or an allergy to household chemicals or perfumes. The eyes of a British cat often fester due to the structural features of the muzzle and the shortened tear duct. If it happens sporadically and goes away after washing, then there is nothing to worry about. But you should consult a doctor if you notice the following symptoms:

  • the cat is restless and rubs its eyes with its paws;
  • or has become cloudy;
  • the animal refuses food and hides in a dark place;
  • the cat has a fever or has started vomiting and diarrhea;
  • pus flows heavily and the muzzle around the eyes is wet all the time;
  • the animal's eyelids stick together and swell;
  • Due to the constant flow of pus, fur on the face began to come out.

A cat's eye is festering - what to do?

Every owner should know how to provide first aid to their pet. After all, many are accompanied by itching or pain, and the animal suffers. Often a cat cannot open her eyelids due to the released pus. The owner’s task in this case is to carefully wash the pet’s eyes. To do this, take a warm solution of furatsilin or boric acid. A decoction of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula or tea leaves are also suitable. Dampen a cotton swab and gently squeeze it over your cat's eye. It is advisable that someone hold her at this time.

You can gently, without pressing, wipe off the pus by moving the swab from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Try not to touch the eyeball to avoid injuring it. Do not use cotton swabs or very hot solution for rinsing. Try to carry out the procedure when the cat is not very excited and does not break out, otherwise you can injure it.

How can you treat your pet yourself?

Have you noticed that your cat's eye is festering? You need to know what to do to help the animal. If the cat feels well, there is not much pus released and its behavior has not changed, it is possible to begin treating the animal yourself. Wash your cat's eyes several times a day and apply special drops. For example, Tsiprovet, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy, helps a lot.

If suppuration occurs due to mechanical damage or a foreign body entering the eye, try drip- ing levomecithin drops or “Iris” after rinsing. If you do not have veterinary drugs, you can use Albucid or 1% tetracycline eye ointment, which is placed under the lower eyelid, and then gently massage the eye.

To wash your cat's eyes, purchase a special lotion for "Phytoelita" that best treats various diseases. Do not forget about immunostimulating drugs and vitamins, as well as a balanced diet.

But if a cat’s eyes fester for a long time, a doctor should prescribe treatment. Indeed, often this condition can be caused by various infectious or viral diseases or injuries. Therefore, before carrying out treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of suppuration. And only after this the veterinarian will prescribe medications, often antibacterial or antiviral.

Why do my cat's eyes fester?

What treatment does the doctor prescribe?

After carrying out the necessary tests, the veterinarian prescribes medications that will cure exactly the disease that caused the suppuration. For example, without eliminating the cause of the allergic reaction, it is useless to wash the cat’s eyes and drip them; pus will still appear. And if suppuration is caused by toxoplasmosis or chlamydia, antibiotic therapy is necessary.

For local treatment, the following drugs are most often prescribed: "Bars", "Iris", "Mizofen", "Neoconjunctivet" or "Anandin". You can also rinse your eyes from pus with special solutions purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. It is best to use Lakrimin or Medkinos.

How to protect your cat from eye diseases

Eye diseases are very dangerous because they can lead to vision loss. Many of them take a very long time to cure and require frequent washing and instillation, which is unpleasant for the cat and causes problems for the owners. Therefore, it is easier to warn them. To do this, watch your pet’s diet, wash the eyes daily with hygienic solutions or just boiled water, trim the cat’s claws and play with it more carefully so as not to injure the eyes. It is necessary to support the immune system with vitamins and carry out deworming and vaccination on time. Then you won’t have to worry about the question: the cat’s eye is festering - what to do?

If you suddenly find that your little British kitten's eyes are watery, then you shouldn't be too upset. This is a fairly common problem. It is necessary to understand this problem. So, we note the most basic reasons why a British kitten’s eyes become watery:

  • Worms in the kitten's body.

Anthelmintics are the first treatment vets use when they notice tearing in Britons. You may also be advised to get tested, but you should never refuse, because not all problems are visible outwardly even to qualified specialists.

  • Closed tear ducts.

This feature is due to the breed of British cats. The flattening of a kitten's muzzle can provoke a narrowing of the tear ducts (if you understand medical terms, this is due to the special structure of the cranial-maxillary bones). The absence of fever and a normal appetite in the kitten will allow you to be calm.

  • Allergy.

Often allergic reactions are associated with inappropriate feed composition.

  • Reaction to fluorescent light.

It is indeed a proven fact that cats can have watery eyes in rooms with fluorescent lamps.

  • A banal reaction to house dust.

The protruding membrane on the eyes of British cats can cause allergic reactions to dust, so do not be lazy to do wet cleaning to keep your kitten healthy. And this will also benefit your household, because people are increasingly becoming allergic to house dust.

  • Incorrect feeding.

If you choose the wrong food for your kitten, then in addition to indigestion and stomach problems, you can lead to an inflammatory process in its intestines. Be careful and careful, because this is fraught with consequences.

Having ruled out all of the above causes of tearing, still try to give the kitten anthelmintic drugs and then use these little instructions.

We test all the products on ourselves before we give them to the kitten. Yes, that’s right, if you don’t have any abnormal reactions, then this remedy will be suitable for a kitten. Also, be sure to thoroughly understand the problem, is it really tearing or is it rotting eyes?

If you have determined for sure that this is a simple discharge of tears from the eyes, which is typical for little Britons, then try to carry out comprehensive first aid for your little “fluffy”.

Simple remedies

  1. If the tears are not very profuse, then try rinsing with just water or tea.
  2. Brew your kitten a decoction of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort or calendula herbs. Moreover, the following features must be taken into account:
  • sage is used to eliminate dryness that can occur in the morning in the British;
  • chamomile fights well against conjunctivitis, primary suppurations (i.e. not advanced);
  • calendula will be useful if the kitten has an allergic reaction to something;
  • The microbial and viral environment is best killed by decoctions of St. John's wort; the remedy is quite effective and accessible to everyone.

Treatment with herbal decoctions should be carried out as follows: wash your hands thoroughly, take a clean cotton swab and start wiping the eyes from the outer corner to the inner, then take a new swab and repeat the procedure until the problem is completely eliminated.

Treatment with veterinary drugs

  1. Use a solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin (1:10), albucid or sodium sulfacyl. Side effect: The fur around the eyes may darken from the medications.
  2. If you apply tetracycline ointment at night, the improvements will be clearly visible. Place tampons with ointment behind your eyelids. This way you will get rid of the infection.
  3. On the shelves of veterinary pharmacies you can also find products such as “Iris” and drops based on chloramphenicol.
  4. Your kitten can also benefit from Diamond Eyes drops. The basis of this drug helps to help with your problem in the shortest possible time.
  5. Hygienic lotions such as “Phytoelite” can replace herbal decoctions; their principle of action is similar, you just don’t need to spend time preparing them.

One of the most common problems in pets is watery eyes. Both ordinary cats and purebred cats suffer from this equally. Therefore, the question arises, why does a British kitten have watery eyes? There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, so you need to figure out what exactly the problem is with your baby, and only then do something.

Causes of watery eyes

This problem is very common among all pets, so don’t panic if you suddenly notice that your British kitten’s eyes are watering. First, let's try to find out the cause of this symptom.

The first thing veterinarians do when they are contacted because of tears in a British cat is to prescribe anti-worm medications to furry patients, even when it has not yet been established why the cat’s eyes began to leak. This measure helps in many cases, in addition, this therapy cannot harm if the cause of the Briton’s illness is different.

2. Blocked tear ducts

When asked why a British cat has watery eyes, you may be answered: your Brit has blocked tear ducts. This feature is characteristic of this breed, as well as of the Scottish cat. The special shape of the muzzle with a narrowing at the bridge of the nose can provoke the effect of watery eyes.

If the problem is serious, you should seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible. Tearing may become more difficult as the tissue begins to fester. This problem is much more serious than just when a Briton’s eyes water after sleep.

If you notice purulent discharge, fever, or lack of appetite in your pet, you should definitely seek help from a veterinarian.

3. Allergic reaction

The reasons why British people have watery eyes can actually be different, and one of them is allergies. Allergies are often caused by food. Remember on what day your kitten's eyes began to water, and this will help you determine the cause of the allergy.

4. Poor nutrition

The British are true aristocrats, so their body is very sensitive to bad things, including bad things. If you decide to get a kitten of this particular breed, ask the breeder or veterinarian what to feed your British pet.

The first thing to do is consult a veterinarian. © shutterstock

You can provide first aid yourself:

During rinsing, you must wash your hands thoroughly, you can use both cotton wool and cotton pads; while rinsing, pass the cotton from one corner of the eye to the other, changing a piece of cotton after each time.


You can treat a kitten with folk remedies, but they are not always effective. Therefore, if you have not noticed a visible effect after a course of rinsing, try some proven medications.

  • At night, tetracycline ointment is placed behind the kittens' eyelids.
  • Lightly dissolve potassium permanganate or furatsilin in water and use for rinsing.
  • The product "Iris" contains chloramphenicol, so it perfectly fights irritation and allergies.
  • “Diamond Eyes” is an excellent remedy for treating watery eyes in a kitten based on taurine and succinic acid. Helps combat mucous membrane irritation in animals.
  • If your cat’s eyes are watery, herbal-based “Phytoelita” lotion can be substituted.
