Why during pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen. Causes of pulling pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Pregnancy for a woman is a special period in her life. It is not surprising that any sensation of pain in the abdomen is perceived with special attention and anxiety.

After all, pain can signal that in female body not everything is fine.

Every woman wants to give birth healthy child. And in the event of pain in the abdomen, her excitement is understandable. Reasons for the appearance pain during gestation are different.

They can appear from the weight gain of the pregnant woman, from the food she eats, but there are other problems. Why does a woman have a pain in her lower abdomen, that's today's topic of conversation.

Why can a pregnant woman experience pain in the lower abdomen

If the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy, this may be a signal of an infection in the bladder or a violation of the digestive system.

It is important for a pregnant woman to take all necessary measures in time, as abortion may occur.

If the pain in the lower abdomen from acute turns into cramping, begins to repeat at certain intervals, with a noticeable frequency, urgently call ambulance.

Only after the diagnosis of ultrasound can you find out the nature of stabbing pains in the lower abdomen in pregnant women.

These symptoms may indicate increased tone in the uterus, detachment fruiting egg or placenta.

Thanks to ultrasound, you can see the condition of the fetus, after which the doctor will be able to find the right tactics treatment. Pregnancy requires special attention.

At a later period of pregnancy, cardiotocography is usually used, it allows you to find out about the condition of the unborn child and see cramping uterine contractions.

Why pulls the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman

  1. If the lower abdomen hurts when early dates, this may indicate the beginning of the onset of pregnancy. The pain sensations of a woman at these moments resemble pain during menstrual cycle. In the uterus, there are processes of enhanced hemodynamics. This is due to the rush of blood to the area of ​​the uterus. Such symptoms do not give any complications during pregnancy. But the consultation of the supervising physician should be mandatory in order to foresee undesirable consequences.
  2. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen at this time may not be a cause for alarm. Since this is a normal process, it is associated with a growing child. During the entire pregnancy, the ligaments that are responsible for the correct location of the uterus and play a role in supporting it experience strong tension. And the closer to childbirth, the greater the weight of the child, the more the ligaments are loaded.
  3. Due to the strong tension of the ligaments, pain occurs. They can increase or decrease as the movements are made, from elementary coughs and sneezes. This pain is quickly passing, it is sharp and palpable. Pain in the lower abdomen can appear from strong physical exertion. In this regard, during this period they need to be reduced.
  4. As a result of pain in the lower abdomen, old diseases associated with gynecology can serve. This pain is inherent in diseases of the ovaries or other diseases of the genitourinary system. To prevent development inflammatory process try to address this problem to a specialist. After examination, he will prescribe a safe, but effective method treatment.
  5. At the same time, it is impossible to exclude the violations associated with the processes of digestion, which are quite common during this period, frequent constipation that cause pain in the lower abdomen.
  6. During pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen can give an attack of appendicitis, intestinal obstruction and pancreatitis. If a pregnant woman has a pain in the lower abdomen with the presence of nausea, vomiting, fever, do not waste time, this situation is quite serious, urgently call an ambulance.
  7. A pregnant woman should not listen to anyone's advice: knowledgeable girlfriends, grandmothers, take as a basis information on treatment read on the Internet. In no case should you take medication to relieve pain on your own! Any wrong move self-treatment made during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage and other serious consequences related to the health of the woman and child.
  8. It can hurt in the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman from contracting muscles in the uterus. This process usually takes place on last dates pregnancy and if at these moments you put your hand on your stomach, you can feel that it becomes harder. The process is natural and not life threatening.
  9. The cause of pain in the lower abdomen in pregnant women can often be improper and poor-quality nutrition. Excessive consumption of food causes additional stress in the intestines. During pregnancy, he already experiences uncomfortable state from being squeezed by the uterus. If it hurts for this reason, usually the pain is fast and stops when the process of digestion in the body ends. In order not to experience such pain, women should monitor their diet and try not to overeat and drink liquid (within reason!).
  10. Types of spontaneous abortions can be different. And perhaps the pain that arose in the lower abdomen appeared in connection with the termination of pregnancy. Waiting for things to get better is dangerous, agree to better discuss the plan further action with a specialist. Of course, not every pain is a signal of spontaneous abortion or about another possible problem with health. But delivered on time medical assistance help to keep the pregnancy and solve a possibly serious problem.

Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen in the first stages of pregnancy in women

In the first stages of pregnancy, a woman experiences a strong feeling of nausea. When vomiting occurs, flatulence and spasm in the intestines usually occur.

This does not pose a danger to the course of pregnancy and to the mother herself. But if this process intensifies, then a problem may arise. In this situation, mandatory control and consultation of a specialist.

In the early stages, not all women experience pain and discomfort. But with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, due to an increase in the abdomen, it will not be possible to avoid these unpleasant moments.

All women get acquainted with the feeling that "the stomach pulls." The baby grows and develops inside the mother, which leads to an increase in the size of the uterus.

If the pregnant woman went in for sports and she has elastic muscles in the anterior part of the abdominal wall, then they can cope with and support a growing belly.

Over time, if a woman becomes pregnant again, these muscles will be weakened after the first birth, which usually results in a sagging belly.

If a woman has narrow hips then she feels that her stomach seems to be pulling down. To make it easier for mom to endure pregnancy, doctors recommend getting a special pull-up bandage.

Thanks to the bandage, a woman will avoid stretching pain that comes from a strong load of stretched ligaments that help hold the uterus.

Drawing pain may occur in the abdomen due to scarring from previous operations from the removal of the appendix, caesarean section and other surgical interventions.

During the passage of pregnancy, every woman experiences a feeling of discomfort and pain. And this is not surprising, since inside the mother's body develops new life, which, together with her mother, goes through certain stages of development.

In the body of a woman, a change in the position of the internal organs occurs, the organs of the small pelvis are moved apart, the muscle and ligaments.

It has been noted that most often pain is experienced by pregnant women who have had menstruation with pain. Every pregnant woman should know that during the period of gestation, it is necessary to be attentive to the intensity of pain.

In any case, if something is alarming, it is better to play it safe and seek advice from a leading specialist.

It is considered normal if pulling pain occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. But this applies to the norm only when it does not pull in the abdomen all the time.

Stitching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen appear with hypertonicity of the uterus. If it hurts slightly, try to lie down, relax and calm down.

If the pain with discharge increases, call an ambulance immediately.

Due to the decrease in work gastrointestinal tract during this period, there is stagnation of feces, accumulation of gases, constipation. All these phenomena lead to stabbing pains in the intestines.

With sensations of stabbing and at the same time cramping pain in the right hypochondrium, we can talk about inflammation occurring in gallbladder(cholecystitis).

In the first few weeks of pregnancy pulling sensation in the abdomen is due to the attachment of the embryo to the fallopian tube. This process can only be in one of the pipes.

And a pulling pain can be in the place where the embryo is attached. The pain is intense and may be constant. This is a dangerous ectopic pregnancy and a visit to the doctor should be immediate!

At correct pregnancy, without complications, drawing discomfort not so noticeable. The woman usually feels well and can lead usual image life. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen in the last stages of pregnancy.

IN recent weeks pregnancy, it is difficult for women to get out of bed, it is difficult to move, the bottom hurts.

The presence of pulling pain in the last weeks in the lower abdomen indicates that labor may soon begin. This pulling pain is reminiscent of prenatal contractions.

Discomfort, a feeling of pain in the lower abdomen in the last weeks of a pregnant woman is caused by an increase in the size of the uterus. Since its size from the moment of conception of the child has become more than five hundred times.

At this time, the uterus rises high and is located under chest, in connection with this, it becomes difficult for a woman to breathe if the child pushes, literally, under the heart.

When the child moves inside it, the nerve endings are infringed, squeezed internal organs. This causes pain in the abdomen.

At this time, contractions begin before childbirth. training character. Thus, preparations are underway for the main birth.

Usually the pain occurs at the top of the uterus and gradually descends to its lower part, this process is accompanied by its contraction.

Such preparation of the body is necessary for the future labor activity. This is normal. At this time, it is better to stay at home and not go on a long journey.

During pregnancy, it is better to be less in in public places to avoid contracting the flu and other viral infections, it is forbidden to get sick during this period. Use this time to prepare for the hospital.

If the training of contractions has become permanent, they have become more frequent, and become painful and abrupt, childbirth may begin.

The onset of labor confirms strong pain in the abdomen, excretion amniotic fluid. If it hurts a lot, contact an ambulance immediately!

Sometimes in the last stages of pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen may indicate a kidney stone, pancreatitis, an attack of appendicitis.

The physician must take into account long term pregnancy and prescribe appropriate treatment. If the situation is serious, a caesarean section will be performed. The birth of a child earlier due date not dangerous at this point.

This article is for informational and educational purposes only. No information on the Internet can replace live communication with a doctor. Pregnancy is a crucial period in the life of every woman.

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The stomach becomes the main object of attention for expectant mothers. If it pulls in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, any pregnant woman will feel uncomfortable.

Pains are different - their character, intensity, localization, concomitant symptoms. They may not always be called pathological causes. Conventionally, they are divided into physiological and pathological. Let's find out what they can be connected with.

For the first time, the feeling that the lower abdomen is pulling during pregnancy may appear as early as a week after conception. At this moment, the fetal egg is introduced into the endometrium of the uterus, causing microscopic damage to the vessels and mucous membrane of the organ. A woman may not even know that pregnancy has come - she begins to show her presence at about 5 weeks.

You can also explain why it pulls the lower abdomen in the first days and weeks of pregnancy. hormonal changes who began the process of stretching the ligaments of the uterus. And from the second trimester, approximately from the twelfth week of pregnancy, pulling pain can be caused by a change in the center of gravity of the body, intensive growth of the fetus and its pressure on nearby organs. In the third trimester, physiological pain causes.

It should be borne in mind that the nature of the pain should not be pronounced and intensifying. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor to find out why the lower abdomen is pulling during pregnancy.

Pathological pain

The reasons explaining why the lower abdomen is pulled during pregnancy may be factors associated with pathological conditions, the development of complications:

  • The lower abdomen can pull during pregnancy against the background. In this case, the woman notes discomfort and cramping pains in the abdomen, often with bloody, which is later dates can talk about or already started miscarriage.
  • Severe abdominal pain around week 8 may be a symptom. This pathological condition is accompanied by bleeding, pain, and a general deterioration in the woman's well-being. The situation is urgent and needs urgent help.
  • The pain may be associated with an active unborn child, which is not always a variant of the norm. Intensive tremors of the baby may indicate that he is experiencing problems associated with such pathological conditions as, etc.

Non obstetric pain

Sometimes the reasons explaining why the lower abdomen is pulled during a normal pregnancy are not obstetric. They are not related to gynecology, but at the same time they require at least attentive attitude, because they are also dangerous to the health of the mother and child.

Let's list them:

  • Pathologies of the urinary system . With rapid and extremely painful urination caused by most expectant mothers. Inflammatory lesion Bladder may cause intrauterine infection fetus and premature onset of labor. To avoid these problems, you need to contact a urologist.
  • Complications from the digestive organs . During the bearing of a baby, a woman may become aggravated diseases chronic nature or new ones appear, these include intestinal disorders, etc. Changes affecting hormonal background women, as well as the growth of the uterus, can lead to permanent constipation and pain in the intestines associated with excessive gas formation. In this case, a woman experiences pulling and arching pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, most often on the left. With these complaints, you need to contact your doctor, who will help not only adjust the diet, but also, if necessary, choose safe drugs to normalize digestion.
  • Surgical pathologies . No one is safe from them, including women in position. The feeling that pulls in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can occur at any time, both in the first trimester, for example, at 11-12 weeks, and after 28. The problem may be intestinal obstruction or peritonitis, while the pain spreads to the entire peritoneum, has sharp character and is accompanied by vomiting, lack of appetite, severe weakness and fever. Urgent surgical intervention is needed.
  • Muscles and ligaments abdominals strongly stretched under the pressure of a growing uterus . It also increases the load on the ligaments that support it. Against this background, the pelvic organs are displaced, which can cause minor aching pains in the lower abdomen. At the same time, there is a divergence pelvic bones shortly before childbirth, which can provoke a moderate feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.

Drawing pains at the beginning of pregnancy

If the lower abdomen is pulled in early pregnancy, it is necessary to determine the type of pain. It can be caused by physiological and pathological causes.

Physiological pains are associated with sensations that arose after conception - the lower abdomen can pull at 3 and 4 weeks of pregnancy due to implantation gestational sac. Discomfort in the abdomen can be caused by tension in the muscles of the press, problems with the digestive tract, an increase in the uterus. The pain, as a rule, is mild, that is, the woman has a feeling that the stomach did not hurt, but it was slightly sipping.

As noted above, pathological pain in the early stages of pregnancy can be associated with such threatening conditions as ectopic pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage, placental abruption, while the lower abdomen strongly pulls and hurts.

Drawing pains at the end of pregnancy

If pain appears in the later stages, this can be explained by the following reasons:

  • Digestive problems associated with overeating, flatulence, pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines and.
  • High blood pressure to the connecting device. It increases simultaneously with the growth of the child, uterus and abdomen. Pain and a feeling that pulls in the lower abdomen, caused by sprains during pregnancy, in the later stages can be aggravated in a pregnant woman due to sudden movements, such as sneezing.
  • Excessive tension in the abdominal muscles.
  • Gynecological diseases, infectious and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Pathological causes - pancreatitis and intestinal obstruction. Fortunately, the pulling pains that occur in the lower abdomen during pregnancy for these reasons appear very rarely.

Pain due to ectopic pregnancy

We mentioned this reason above. Now let's look at it in more detail.

This pathological condition is due to the implantation of the embryo outside the uterine cavity. An ectopic pregnancy can be diagnosed with an ultrasound. The situation when the lower abdomen is pulled appears at the very beginning of pregnancy, this is especially felt at 5 and 6 weeks.

Unpleasant sensations are concentrated outside the body of the uterus and have an acute growing type. At this time, the embryo continues its growth and development, stretching the organ in which it is fixed - in 98% of cases this is the fallopian tube. This cannot continue indefinitely, and after a few weeks the pregnancy is terminated. This usually occurs at the 8th week of pregnancy, while the lower abdomen does not just pull on the right or left, depending on the location of the torn fallopian tube: the pains are acute cutting in nature, the woman experiences pain shock and massive bleeding.

It is important to prevent the development of this situation, since such a condition threatens the life and health of a woman, and besides, it is fraught in the future, since the damaged pipe cannot be restored.

Dangerous causes of pain

The threat of miscarriage is always accompanied by sensations in which the lower abdomen is pulled in the first and subsequent weeks of pregnancy. This pain is often accompanied by the appearance of blood from the genitals. Hospitalization of the expectant mother and treatment in a hospital is necessary. With timely treatment to the doctor, the fetus can be saved.

Another dangerous state- detachment of the placenta. It is accompanied by sudden sharp pain and profuse bleeding. The condition also requires hospitalization. The causes of placental abruption can be preeclampsia, arterial hypertension, injuries and intense physical exercise from the second trimester of pregnancy.

How to get rid of pain?

If the lower abdomen is pulled at the beginning or end of pregnancy (up to 41 weeks), this is not an independent disease, but a sign of a probable pathology. Treatment is necessary if the examination of a woman reveals threats to carrying a pregnancy.

  • On initial stage placental abruption, a woman is shown complete rest and bed rest. Of the medicines, antispasmodic (No-shpa), hemostatic (Vikasol), iron-containing drugs (Ferrum Lek) are prescribed.
  • To solve problems in the work of the intestines, it is recommended to follow a diet with the exception of products that increase gas formation (peas, cabbage, etc.), and the principles of fractional nutrition.
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system are eliminated with the help of antibiotics (Sumamed, Zitrolid), antispasmodics (Papaverin, Drotaverin) and uroantiseptics (Furadonin, Palin).
  • How to avoid pain in the lower abdomen?

    To prevent the occurrence of pain during pregnancy, you must follow some simple recommendations:

    • avoid overwork and stress;
    • walk more in the fresh air;
    • wear special;
    • Take regular warm, relaxing showers or baths.

    Helps improve bowel function fractional nutrition, the introduction of vegetable fiber into the diet, sufficient fluid intake.

    Regular doctor visits antenatal clinic and conducting planned ones from 12-13 weeks will allow you to get rid of fears about what pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy - after that there will be no cause for alarm.

    Useful video about ectopic pregnancy as one of the causes of pulling pains in the lower abdomen

    The stomach pulls a little during pregnancy in almost all women, and sometimes pregnant women face this not the most pleasant feeling at a fairly early date. The feeling of pulling the lower abdomen during pregnancy is especially frightening for expectant mothers.

    We have all heard that pulling pains, especially in early pregnancy, can mean a threatened miscarriage. But experienced doctor never jump to conclusions.

    The causes of this vague pain are many and varied, let's see why it happens and when to panic. Where do pulling pains in the lower abdomen come from during pregnancy?

    The sources of pain can be divided into those that are associated with the child, and those that do not affect him and the obstetric situation as a whole.

    The second group of reasons is not at all dangerous.

    Why does the stomach pull during pregnancy obstetric reasons?

    This sensation is generated by the contracting muscles of the uterus, and, putting a hand on the stomach in the later stages, you can feel how it turns to stone. Hard belly and uterine tone - this can be dangerous for the baby.

    But much more often, the causes are not at all dangerous, and they are different on different terms pregnancy. Many pulling pains in the lower abdomen are even regarded as a sign of pregnancy.

    Signs of pregnancy, pulling the stomach?

    2 strips on a pregnancy test and a pulling pain in the abdomen are so common that these sensations are regarded as the first signs of pregnancy.

    Why does the stomach pull during pregnancy in the first weeks?

    Responsibility for the baby that lives in my mother's "belly" makes a pregnant woman listen with special care to own feelings and the slightest manifestation of pain or discomfort causes a real panic - how is my baby? Is everything okay with him? Is there a threat comfortable existence?

    Early pregnancy, stomach pulling, causes

    In the early period, the stomach usually feels like it feels like before menstruation, these vague sensations can cause anxiety regarding the risk of termination of pregnancy. This fear is natural and is justified if, at the same time, pink or brown discharge, it is possible that the baby is really in danger.

    Why does the lower abdomen pull normally during early pregnancy?

    These pains are associated with a rush of blood to the uterus, an increase in blood circulation here. In most cases, they are physiological and can be regarded as signs of pregnancy, pulling the stomach along dangerous reason, but still a consultation with a gynecologist in the presence of these complaints is necessary.

    Despite the fact that the symptom, when the lower abdomen is pulled, is regarded by the majority as a sign of pregnancy, this can speak not only of the norm, but also of the pathology.

    Normally, it pulls in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy, not only due to a rush of blood to the uterus, but also due to swelling and stretching of the uterine ligaments. They need to have time to stretch after the rapidly growing uterus, while discomfort may occur. Pulling the stomach at the beginning of pregnancy is not normal all the time, just lie down and relax in order to discomfort passed.

    When should you be concerned?

    If you have early pregnancy, your stomach is pulling, and at the same time, the discomfort does not go away even lying down, it is not removed by a no-shpy pill, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. In this case, the pulling pain increases rapidly and is also accompanied by spotting. There is only one advice - do not endure a single extra minute, call an ambulance.

    In the first weeks of pregnancy, the stomach pulls in some cases due to the fact that the embryo has attached itself in the wrong place, for example, in the fallopian tube. This is an ectopic pregnancy. Since only one tube, right or left, is affected, it pulls to the left or right of the lower abdomen. It is important that these pains are intense and permanent. That is, if normally in the first trimester of pregnancy the stomach pulls almost imperceptibly, you can continue to go about your business, being distracted from these sensations, with ectopic pain it is intrusive and interferes with life. Fallopian tube rupture ectopic pregnancy dangerous with massive bleeding, and even the death of the mother, therefore, the earlier the diagnosis is made, the better for you. If you're pregnant early and feel like your stomach is twitching, visit your doctor as soon as possible and be 100 percent sure that the diagnosis of a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy is ruled out. Agree, than to guess and suffer - is everything all right with me, is my stomach pulling during pregnancy is normal - it’s easier and safer to go through a simple medical examination, including ultrasound, and dissipate own fears while continuing to enjoy your interesting position, which, unfortunately, does not always spoil us with perfect well-being.

    If at the beginning of pregnancy the lower abdomen is pulled, and you notice any spotting (pink, brown, pale, it doesn’t matter), you need to see a doctor immediately, this happens with an ectopic, missed pregnancy, and with a threat of miscarriage.

    The stomach pulls during pregnancy, not only for obstetric reasons, there may be other problems that are not related to the ongoing pregnancy. Sometimes the pain comes from physiological reasons not associated with the fetus and uterus. The point is that at early toxicosis bowel function is often severely impaired, vomiting and nausea, flatulence are common, and intestinal cramps may well bother you. These reasons pulling pains are non-obstetric and are not dangerous to the health of the baby and mother, of course, only if they do not grow and become very pronounced.

    Pulling the stomach at the end of pregnancy, the norm or pathology?

    Even if you manage to avoid discomfort in the early stages, with the growth of the abdomen, you will inevitably find out if the stomach is pulling during pregnancy and how it happens. All women have to deal with this.

    The growth of the uterus and the increase in the weight of the child stretches the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, if you have a first pregnancy and they are elastic enough, they will cope with maintaining the tummy for a long time, and you will only feel that they are pulling the abdominal muscles. During pregnancy with a second, third child, muscle tone is weakened, and this can cause the tummy to sag, this is especially noticeable if a pregnant woman narrow pelvis, and it feels like a sagging stomach pulls down.

    A little later, when the pregnant uterus increases significantly and acquires an impressive weight, discomfort can be caused by stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus. In this case, the pregnant woman will feel that her abdominal muscles are pulled, as it were, there may be pain on the sides of the uterus, which disappears when changing positions.

    Just in case, every expectant mother needs to know the signs of such a formidable condition as premature detachment of the placenta, which can happen at a later date. For premature detachment the placenta is also characterized by a situation where during pregnancy it pulls the lower abdomen. Most often, this may cause the appearance of bloody discharge - from very meager to abundant. Take care of yourself - any brown, dark, or scarlet spotting, whether or not the stomach is pulling, requires immediate medical attention.

    Sometimes the stomach pulls a little during pregnancy due to a scar on the uterus after a previous caesarean section or an existing other postoperative suture, for example, after a previous appendicitis operation.

    The last few weeks have brought discomfort to literally everyone. The baby is already very big, so it is difficult for you to get out of bed, you cannot sit for a long time, the baby rests on the ribs and pulls the top of the abdomen, pulls the stomach even when walking. The pregnancy is coming to an end, and in recent weeks you may encounter such a phenomenon as the harbingers of childbirth. If you are 37-40 weeks old, regularly pulling your stomach, and it looks like contractions - soon to give birth. Good luck to you.

    When it pulls in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, it makes you worry future mother. Of course, such pains can be a sign of any pathology of pregnancy: low placentation, fetal presentation, and others. Or it may be that pain in the lower abdomen is just a symptom of pregnancy. The child grows, changes occur in the mother's body - this can be a sign of minor pain.

    In this article, we will consider the causes that can cause pain in a pregnant woman.

    Reasons for pulling the lower abdomen during pregnancy

    First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the period at which the pain in the lower abdomen occurred. In early and late pregnancy, the causes may be different.

    Such reasons can be divided into: related to pregnancy and the child, not related (pain and pathology of the stomach, appendicitis ...).

    • Pain during the first months of pregnancy can be normal. The fact is that pulling pain is a sign of pregnancy, which is explained by the appearance of a new organism. The woman's body is being rebuilt, preparing to become a mother, which is the reason for the appearance of pulling pains. But, do not ignore such pain, it is better to consult a doctor (just in case).
    • Pain in the lower abdomen can be the result of malnutrition, indigestion and increased gas formation.
    • Physical stress and overwork can also cause pain.
    • The appearance of pain can be explained by old problems with the organs of the genitourinary system and ovaries.

    Causes of pain in the lower abdomen in late pregnancy may be different.

    • Pressure of the uterus on the intestines (due to the growth of the fetus).
    • Sprain of the ligaments that support the uterus. Such pain can occur with sudden movements, sneezing and changing positions.
    • Exacerbation of diseases such as: intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, pancreatitis.
    • Problems related to gynecology.
    • Risk of miscarriage. At the same time, the pains are aching and give to the lower back (by nature they resemble contractions). As a rule, such pain does not stop and may be accompanied by bleeding. But you shouldn't get too upset. In such situations, you will be put on hold.

    However, if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms, consult a doctor. It is better to play it safe by checking the condition of the baby and how it develops.

    What should you watch out for pain during pregnancy:

    • Incessant pain.
    • Intense pain that is permanent. These pains do not allow a normal life, constantly making themselves felt. These symptoms can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. Consult a doctor to rule out this diagnosis (diagnosis can be established using ultrasound).
    • Pain accompanied by bleeding.
    • Allocations brown shade may also cause immediate medical attention.
    • If the pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting or fever.

    What to do?

    When you feel pulling pains in the lower abdomen, characterized by additional symptoms(listed in the chapter above), you must do the following:

    • Lie down, calm down and raise your legs up.
    • Go to an appointment with your therapist (if you can go yourself - the pain does not cause much discomfort).

    Call an ambulance if the pain is severe (with blood). Such symptoms can be a threat of premature birth.

    In addition, you must follow some rules during pregnancy:

    • Lead healthy lifestyle life. Eat right by including more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eat less foods that cause excessive gas production (containing fiber).
    • Move more and go outdoors.
    • Do not overexert yourself, you do not need to wash floors for hours, hang clothes and curtains (raising your arms high is not what a pregnant woman needs).
    • For any pain, you need to lie down and relax, raising your legs on a pillow.

    In general, regardless of the nature of the pain during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor. If the pain is persistent (does not stop) and is accompanied by spotting, call an ambulance.

