Wishes of smart people. Smart birthday greetings

Tag him if you're interested
And have a feast with your friends.

On this day I wish you
Success, joy, goodness,
Prosperity without end
And limitless warmth!

Smart birthday greetings for a man

We won't judge by age
According to the number of years that have passed!
If you are still full of vigor -
This means there is no place for old age!

Let a smile light up your face,
Even if gray hair is like snow!
Age is, by God, a mistake,
If a person is young at heart!

Beautiful smart birthday greetings for a woman

Today the sun is shining brightly,
Lovely flowers are blooming -
Nature's wonderful gifts.
Today you came into the world!

May every day be filled
Love, joy, goodness!
And may your soul be in happiness
Year after year and day after day!

Clever verse-congratulations on your birthday

Another year has passed,
And you became wiser and older,
Let only good things await
You in our difficult life!

May the years bring only happiness,
At work and at home, in the family,
And let life show its participation
To your destiny, birthday boy!

A short, smart birthday greeting

Let what has not yet come true come true,
To live a long, easy and beautiful life,
May your life be beautiful, bright,
And we will never stop loving you!

Original smart birthday greetings

Years fly by silently
Like a caravan of birds of heaven,
And time rushes by unnoticed -
Don't be sad over trifles.

Don't be sad when you notice the changes,
When you find an extra wrinkle.
New days come to replace days,
And every age is good in its own way.

Smart birthday greetings to a friend

Let life be full of events,
And on your birthday there are a lot of gifts waiting for you,
And from love there will be no way to sleep,
And every day things are getting better!

Let there be unearthly happiness,
Health to the strong, daring,
Let the family live in prosperity,
And the children sleep sweetly in their crib!

Smart Birthday Poem Congratulations

It doesn’t matter how old you are,
You are both young and wise at heart!
So let your years be
They are incredibly generous with gifts to you!

Let everything turn out as I dreamed in my youth,
May your health never fail you
Let despondency and fatigue pass
And good luck always awaits you in everything!

Smart birthday greetings to the birthday boy

Eastern wisdom says:
Only he will conquer his age,
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
He will pour more glasses,

And he won’t drink for a year,
That they flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future.

And the more fully and often you drink,
The more years you can live!

Smart Happy Birthday Greetings

Greet a wonderful day with a smile,
That the door opened to a wonderful world.
Tag him if you're interested
And have a feast with your friends.

On this day I wish you
Success, joy, goodness,
Prosperity without end
And limitless warmth!

Smart birthday greetings in prose

Happy Birthday! You are a wonderful person - sympathetic, kind, brave! I wish you to remain like this throughout your life, and then Lady Luck will be your faithful companion for many years, Her Majesty Love will always live in your heart, and Her Highness Happiness will never leave you!

Happy Birthday greetings in verse

Happy Birthday!!!
What can I say - wish from the bottom of my heart?
Success, happiness, fame or well-deserved reward,
Peaceful, long years of work,

Dreams and dreams come true,
But everything is temporary - it comes and goes...
And therefore I believe that it is reasonable to desire only the eternal!!!
Live in harmony, live with your soul!

Love and win by loving!
Let grief pass you by!
May God be with you always!

Cool smart birthday greetings to a friend

Today is your birthday,
And I want to wish:
May you be healthy, strong,
Never lose heart.

May good luck accompany you
And love comes into the house.
Let your soul not cry,
Joy to you in everything.

And, of course, respect
From colleagues and friends,
Endless luck
Bright and happy days!

For some reason, on our birthday, we so love to sum up life’s results and make plans... Well, well! We can only congratulate you on the holiday and wish you to always achieve your goals as a winner crowned with happiness!

May your birthday be filled with sunshine and warm heartfelt wishes. Let your life be like a rainbow - every day becomes a new, bright, happy streak. Happy holiday to you!

They say how you spend your birthday will be the same for the rest of the year. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, on this bright holiday. And I wish that all plans come true one after another. So that there are never gloomy days in your life. And the sun generously pampered you with its rays and warmed your soul. Let only good people meet on your way and add something good to your life. And even if you get lost and don’t know what to do, never give up, but raise your head to heaven and ask your Guardian Angel for help. Believe in miracles and they will come into your life. So celebrate your holiday with a great mood and a smile on your face. And believe that success will definitely come into your life, and take your friend luck with you. Happiness to you on this day, a whole carriage. And many pleasant surprises!

What is more eloquent than all words? Actions. They are the ones who speak about true feelings and thoughts; they are stronger than words and are the criterion of truth. What do actions say? That we, the guests, put aside urgent matters, cleaned up the parade, polished our shoes, put on formal dresses, took the bus, then the metro and came here to congratulate the “newborn”. And this means that he is dear to us. Let's raise our glasses for him, for his good health!

Happy birthday! Your age is simply wonderful, it’s time to paint a family portrait! Masculinity is blossoming, wisdom is in the eyes... it seems that if you turn off the light, they will light up like a tiger’s! Do you believe in omens? Everyone who has gathered for your holiday has a premonition... that something wonderful, extraordinary awaits you! And also... anticipation... that the birthday cake is very tasty...

Today there are a lot of compliments and congratulations for you, a lot of gifts and flowers, because you are celebrating the most important holiday of your life - your birthday. Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on such a wonderful date. I wish you good health, great joy, simple human happiness, a little bit of everything. Let your experience, your wisdom always be an example for me. All the best to you, peaceful skies above your head, joy and fun. May the Lord always protect you from failures.

Today you are celebrating your birthday. Please accept my sincere congratulations and wishes. May every day give you only pleasant moments, may luck open doors for you. We wish you good health, personal happiness, a lot of joy and fun. May your life be pure, like spring water, may your path of life be bright and clean. May hope, faith and love always accompany you. May a good angel protect your destiny from all failures. Be happy.

On your birthday let's say: let
Your life will be without boredom,
Sadness will disappear forever -
You are a jack of all trades!
We set you as an example to everyone!
Family Man You are the most faithful!
You man is simply class!
The kindest and most sincere!
No one will surpass you
Hundreds of new achievements!
And luck awaits in everything,
After all, in business you are simply a genius!

Don't believe it's a birthday
I took a precious year from my life.
Gives you spring blossoms,
The sound of rain, snowflakes round dance,
He will add experience and knowledge,
Wisdom, good luck and goodness
And he will fulfill all your wishes,
If the time has come for them.
Don't you believe that with every birthday,
Old age is approaching creakingly.
Youth will return and one day
You will suddenly see yourself in your son.

New ideas, beginnings, discoveries,
The happiest, most successful events,
Always only wonderful impressions,
Joyful, bright pictures and moments!
Everything in life will turn out the way you wanted,
There will always be courage and courage in the heart!
And from my heart on this day I wish
Happiness, success, good luck! Congratulations!

We wish you great happiness,
Family joy, warmth,
Let bad weather not affect you,
May the sun always shine on you.

Let life be the way you want it to be
in the most wondrous dreams,
Let there be love in your heart forever,
and there is spring in my soul.

Let the one you love
everyone else will be happier
And may your dreams come true
so many of them.

Health, happiness and love are not everything,
whatever you could want.
Keep your friends, forgive them all their sins -
It's so easy to lose friends in life!

We wish you happiness and a little sadness,
We wish our friends not to upset you,
So that pain and grief do not meet,
So that the joys and jokes do not end,
So that there is spring in the midst of winter and summer,
So that there is a lot, a lot of light.
And let everything planned come true,
After all, this is why it was worth being born!

You have become a little older and wiser.
Only a year has passed since the last name day,
But you have matured by 10 years.
We know that you have become stronger, more beautiful -
You have many advantages.
But remember the main thing - FAMILY:
You have WE
You can rely on us.
Happy birthday!

May your life become fuller,
And every day you become wiser.
Let youth not fade for a long time,
And life is more fun.
Let there be joy and fun,
After all, this is the only thing we live for.
And we say:
"Happy Birthday!
Have a bright and happy day!"

Happy Birthday!
And I wish that you always
There was joy in my heart
May the years pass with benefit.

About health and happiness
You can drop a few words.
To avoid bad weather
And the path was cloudless.

Someone will say - impossible
Live a life without sorrows.
Yes, it's probably difficult
You just need to love it a lot.

There is no recipe for longevity
However, everyone dreams about him.
Health in life for many years
We wish you with all our hearts.
It doesn't matter to you
If you strive for a goal big
Always stay young
Never grow old at heart.

I dreamed of expressing more than once
All that you mean to me
I was looking for unique phrases,
I was looking for words that are so rich,
But speech is not subject to feelings,
And I accepted it as inevitable,
What I can’t put into words
Inexhaustible tenderness.

We congratulate you all
Today with a random date!
We wish that your life
She was happy and at ease!
You look good in any dress -
After all, a proud posture,
Intelligence, femininity, your soul -
Diamond, and everything else – cut!
And we want you
It remained like this for many years,
So that all your dreams come true,
So that everything would be, and not seem...
So that there is happiness and love,
Health, joy - everything according to estimate,
To feel everything again and again,
That it’s not in vain that you live in the world!

Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask -
Remember the simple rules,
And carry it through your life
Always dignity and strength!
I also want to tell you
That anything can happen in life,
But the main thing is not to lose heart,
And life is easy and prosperous!

Happy birthday,
I wish you a lot of happiness,
And good luck always
Was your companion!

Easy, right paths,
Faithful, devoted friends,
The house is always full,
And health is very important!

At work every day
I went through it without any problems.
And always your wallet
Was full of money for future use!

I wish you: incredible sensations,
Comfort, joy, aspirations,
Worthy victories in life,
Do not know barriers and bitter troubles!
Have: Siberian health,
There is a wide expanse of souls,
To: goodness, luck, laughter
They combined everything into “success”!

Happy birthday!
And with all our hearts we wish,
Be cheerful, pretty,
Young and energetic.
Never grieve
Sleep tight, tight at night,
To have such power
To always remain sweet -
For the legal spouse,
And maybe a friend can do something else.
May your health be good
Your home will not forget happiness,
Lots of joy, warmth,
May fate be kind
So that youth does not become sluggish,
So that old age does not know.

Let wisdom enter your heart... In the heart is the seat of our conscience, this guardian angel. If our heart condemns us...(1 John 3:20).

Crazy December has died down, January has quietly swirled with snowflakes, Christmas and Epiphany have echoed warmly in your soul, and you can calm down for a while. But in Model Library No. 10 of Ufa they again returned to the Christmas theme and held a literary hour dedicated to the image of an angel. It's nice to return to the joyful moments of the past: New Year holidays, the Christmas tree, gifts, Santa Claus, meetings and the anticipation of magic. The occasion for the event was a historical view of Christmas and the work of the Russian writer Leonid Andreev “Angel”. We forget to look back at the work of our predecessors, to draw inspiration from the springs of domestic creators of the eternal and beautiful. Russian writers loved spiritual reading and knew the Holy Scriptures. In their works they often used plots, symbols, images, and themes taken from the Bible. One of the “eternal” themes is the earthly and heavenly; one of the eternal images of works of art is the image of an Angel.

Ninth-graders from Education Center No. 10 became listeners and active participants in the literary hour. The leitmotif of the event was the image of an angel. The word "angel" means messenger. An angel is someone whom the Lord can send with an assignment and who will exactly fulfill that assignment.

Library staff presented a presentation “The Image of an Angel in Literature and Painting.” In the form of a lively conversation, ninth grade students discussed, to put it more precisely, the parameters of an angel. Angels have a mind that surpasses the mind of man. Angels are endowed with free will. In a pictorial format, these are examples of beauty and purity. But, not having an earthly material body, angels do not obey the earthly laws of time and space.

Dasha Andreeva, Emir Nigmatullin and Kirill Pyankov presented their vision of the topic. It is gratifying that today’s schoolchildren are correctly oriented in determining the physical and spiritual principles in a person. In support, a literary example was given, which was taken from life. For the first time, the story “Angel” by Leonid Andreev appeared in the newspaper “Courier” on December 25, 1899 with a dedication to Alexandra Mikhailovna Veligorskaya (1881-1906), who became Andreev’s wife in 1902. 3. N. Patskovskaya, a relative of Andreev, recalled: “We had this Christmas tree, and at the top there was a wax angel; Leonid kept looking at it, then he took it for himself (my mother gave it to him), and when he went to bed, he put it on a hot bed, and he, of course, melted. He was 8 years old at that time."

The children listened to excerpts from the story with great attention. In the story, the author brought out as a hero a boy from a poor family, a high school student, who already in his youth experienced grief, misfortune and hopelessness, childish anger and disappointment. The wax angel from the Christmas tree allowed him to look deep into his soul, experience joy and inexplicable delight, and feel hope for happiness. The meeting participants agreed that a guardian angel is given to every person to protect them from sin and guide them on the path of salvation. This bright angel is always with us, from birth. He rejoices when we succeed in virtue.

"Angel" gave the title to a collection of Andreev's stories, translated into English by G. Bernstein in 1915. In 2008, the story was filmed.

He found himself in modern life, as if the years 1899 and 2008 stood side by side. History does its work, living conditions and life circumstances change, but love and kindness, human empathy and compassion, beauty and spiritual joy remain unchanged.

We love to wish each other something. Parents especially wish their children a lot. Children wish significantly less for their parents, but this is also a lot. Wishes reveal the essence of relationships. Let's talk about this now. So what do we wish for each other? It turns out that this is a difficult question.

The majority wishes well, though not always sincerely, but in large quantities. Listen to toasts at some anniversary - so many wishes! You think: if suddenly all the wishes come true, what will a person do with all this?..

But it happens that they wish for evil. Now many have become believers and therefore are afraid to wish bad things openly and do it somehow on the sly or carefully justify their negative wishes. But we will not take them into account, since in fact there are not so many such people. Let's talk about good wishes. Not everything is so simple - and this area requires knowledge and deep awareness.

A thought is material, and a word even more so. It is not for nothing that it is said that in the beginning of everything there was the Word. And even weak believers know that with the power of thought and words you can create a lot. There are scientifically proven examples of people moving objects with the power of thought. And slander, conspiracies, damage and evil eyes are also reality. Many have experienced it themselves, and others themselves have used various magical techniques. Most people no longer need to be convinced that the power of thought and speech is of great importance. Therefore, you need to be more attentive to these phenomena, because wishes are a thought expressed in a word.

It is also known that how we think is how we live. That is, how we think, what we think about, is what manifests itself in life. Moreover, the deepest innermost thoughts, supported by the strongest emotions, are fulfilled; they are the ones that are realized. Look: what happens in your life is in the depths of our subconscious, our thoughts and feelings.

What does the depth and sincerity of thoughts depend on? It depends on how much these thoughts are lived by a person, how much they are implemented in his life, how deeply his beliefs have become. If a person thinks one thing, says another, and does a third, then his words are really worthless - they will not come true.

Parents always wish their children well, and usually in abundance. So why do children often show all this not in the quantities that their parents want? And the quality of the “good” shown is often completely opposite to what is desired.

Where is the amount of health and happiness that the parents wished for? After all, they do it sincerely and invest deep feelings. Why do children suffer? Why doesn't happiness fill their lives?

At some point, I felt in these wishes not just unreality, but even a hidden danger. In response, I even began to tell my mother when she wished me something: “Thank you, Mom, I don’t need to wish for anything. I have everything!" And so that she would not be offended, I decided to understand my feelings more deeply.

It turned out that there was complete confusion in the wishes. That is why wishes differ so greatly from reality.

There’s a lot of garbage in my head, there’s so much that’s not there! Naturally, in such a husk it is difficult to form a strong thought, it is impossible to concentrate it, and therefore there will be no realization.

You need to get your head in order. Everyone knows about this, but how to do it? It turns out that once you have sorted out your wishes, you can take a serious step in this direction. Even reading this chapter will help streamline your thoughts somewhat.

Organizing your thoughts not only increases their concentration and strength, but also significantly reduces energy loss. After all, all this mental and verbal husk takes away a lot of energy from a person. If a man wished for something empty, he lost his energy and gave nothing to others. That’s basically how they exchange husks: “How are you?” - "Fine". - “Well, happy.” - "And the same for you".

You can only give to others what you have yourself! This is the basic rule of giving.

And a wish is a mental and verbal gift. If it is wisely executed, it turns out to be much more important than the most expensive gift. After all, a wish can change a person’s entire life and even have an impact on several generations!

Let's continue the conversation about wishing happiness. Undoubtedly, with a wish you can attract the forces and energies of Heaven, Earth, Space and all planes. But this will happen when a person understands the very mechanism of this effect.

And if not? If his consciousness is at the level of “sleep, eat and earn extra money” and his idea of ​​happiness is quite limited? What kind of happiness can such a person wish for someone who has a different level of consciousness, different criteria? And what forces can he use in his wishes? Therefore, sometimes you want them to not want anything - it will be better that way.

A lot also depends on the purity of the wishes: sincerity, love, respect for the one you wish for. This is perhaps the main thing. That is, it is important what energies the wish is filled with. You can not have something, but wish it from such depth, showing such a great feeling of love and respect, that what you want will come true - and not only for the one who is wished, but also for the one who wishes!

The basic law of evolution applies here: Be-Act-Have. Namely: be happy at the moment yourself (if you wish happiness for another), feel this happiness and act - speak, wish the best, and you will have it, then happiness will come to both. This is probably where the belief came from: give to others what you would like to have yourself.

A wise wish gives amazing results: it comes true both for the one who is wished and for the one who wishes.

Here the magic of thought and word works flawlessly. (This also explains the phenomenon when someone who wishes harm to someone receives the same thing as a boomerang, as in the proverb: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you yourself will fall into it.”)

How often are we in such a state that we can sincerely give to others what we ourselves have not had before? Yes, so that it appears! This is the “aerobatics” of life, great skill, the victory of wisdom and love. In other cases, you still need to balance your wishes and capabilities.

For example, parents wish their children happiness, but they themselves are divorced and their happiness is incomplete. Or they want love, but they themselves experienced love only in their youth, and their attitude towards sex is primitive or even negative. What is love without intimate relationships? Therefore, their wishes for love and happiness will not be at all what children really need.

Based on their worldview, parents most often lay down their own programs in their wishes, which diverge from the worldview of their children and often interfere with their lives.

So it turns out that parents wish their children love, happiness, health, but they themselves do not have all this. Consequently, their wishes are empty, unsubstantiated words. Therefore, children do not gain anything good from these “gifts”.

So what does it mean to not want? Of course, wish, but very wisely! After my thoughts on this topic, my mother and I discussed for a long time what she could wish for me? And in the end they came to the conclusion that they could wish me health, love for nature and for God. And it’s better for her not to touch other areas, because her awareness does not cover the scope of all my activities.

My mother loves nature very much, she has been in contact with the earth all her life, so the wish from her lips to love nature and the earth is very effective.

But all parents can want health, regardless of how they feel.

After all, it is parents who transmit ancestral energies and heredity to their children, so wishes for health from their lips will always be the most effective. And if parents are actively involved in their own health and rejuvenation, then their message becomes enormously powerful.

But wishing health to everyone is unreasonable. Diseases are given to people so that they do not stand still, so that they consciously develop. Wishing health to a person who doesn’t care about himself means sending energy into the sand. They themselves lost energy and did not help the person.

Maybe it would be better for him to wish to be the master of his life? Or wisdom, or self-love, or spiritual awakening? This will certainly be more effective. And for a person who is trying to find the causes of his illness and strives to get rid of it, wishes of health can be very helpful. Wisdom and more wisdom! Through these “little things” the disease, like a life lesson, is revealed.

After such reasoning, I became even more interested in the topic of wishes, and my mother and I began to explore this topic further. So we understood what she could wish for one of her grandchildren, whom she loves very much and worries about him beyond measure. One must desire hard work, which he lacks, but she already knows what work is. And a grandmother can also wish her grandson a sense of responsibility, which the older generation knows very well. And also generosity - this quality is very evident in her. As a result, everything turned out great - she wishes her grandson what he especially needs and what she knows well, and, therefore, the power of the wish will be great.

And now, when the grandmother remembers her grandson, she mentally conveys these wishes to him and lets go of the situation. There is no need to worry, no need to be upset, your head is free, your nerves are calm, and good messages are sent to your grandson. And my own thinking is streamlined, the fullness of thoughts increases, and efficiency increases. This is how wisdom is realized.

The above approach to wishes gives an amazing result! In this way, you can help a person develop certain qualities and develop in the right direction.

In addition, wise wishes allow you to restore order in your own mind. Usually there is a whole storeroom of various mental rubbish: some unnecessary memories, grievances, experiences, other thoughts and emotions. All this makes it difficult to choose the most suitable wish and give it greater power so that it comes true.

If you sort out the wishes addressed to each of your loved ones, whom you often think about, then a lot will change in the lives of all these people and for the wisher himself. At first, perhaps you should write down these wishes for each of your relatives and learn them.

Notes from the book “The Chains of Motherly Love” by Anatoly Nekrasov

Happy Birthday! Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything! I wish you never to stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving only for the best!

Happy birthday! May life be a continuous flow of happy days and wonderful moments. I wish you to look back only with good memories, to look forward with confidence in your own abilities and good hope, and in the present to always remain a wonderful person with a loving heart and an open soul.

Happy Birthday! We wish you health, good luck, love, luck, peace, kindness, smiles, prosperity. May all your dreams come true. May your life be long and smooth, full of bright and memorable events!

Happy Birthday! May happiness accompany you every step of the way, may your health be protected under any circumstances, may luck and luck become your reliable companions in life. I wish you inspiration in everything, a positive mood and the fulfillment of all plans.

Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you not to get sick, not to be sad, to smile a lot, to shine with happiness, to only get prettier over the years, to believe in the best and in a dream that will undoubtedly come true. Let luck be your guide; golden mountains of prosperity and sweet dreams open before you. Let magical moments illuminate your gaze, love will always be there and give you only pleasure.

Happy Birthday! I wish you fun, a taste for life, pleasant little things, bright moments, fulfillment of desires, success in business and endeavors, good luck in everything. May your mood on this day be serene and sunny, like a warm spring day! And problems and troubles will forever disappear from the path of life... And in honor of this bright holiday, let your deepest desire come true. Happiness, love and understanding with loved ones.

Happy Birthday! Good luck to you in all your endeavors, fulfillment of your desires, always a bright and good mood, self-confidence and progress towards your goals. And also excellent health, more smiles both on holidays and on weekdays, and may every day be filled with happiness and warmth.

Happy Birthday! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, your loved ones to give you attention, joy, warmth and affection, your friends to surround you with sincere understanding and support, your colleagues to respect and value you. Let everything that seemed impossible come true, and let the most desired things happen!

Happy Birthday! In addition to the standard wishes - happiness, health and all the best - I wish that all your dreams come true, that every day brings many pleasant surprises, that you are surrounded only by kind and necessary people. And also luck. Good luck in everything and always. And so that every business started ends successfully!

Happy Birthday to You! I wish you a wonderful and amazing life, an ocean of crazy love, endless happy time, only good health and good mood.
