“Cognitive development” (famp) Senior correctional group Lexical topic “Insects. Summary of educational activities on cognitive development (famp) in the senior group Cognitive development direction of famp in the senior group

Notes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the senior group of kindergarten. Developed taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of Education.

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“Constract of OOD on cognitive development (FEMP) in the senior group”

Calendar-thematic plan for solving the problem: Formation of elementary mathematical concepts of preschoolers.

Educational objectives.

Cognitive development: 1. Review numbers: formation, spelling, composition.

2. Strengthen quantitative and ordinal counting skills.

Speech development: develop coherent explanatory speech when commenting on your actions.

Social and communicative development: develop the ability to actively interact in pairs and groups, solving a common problem, develop the ability to evaluate one’s own work, and fairly evaluate the work of a friend.

Physical development: encourage children to independently conduct familiar physical exercises.

Materials and equipment: 5 circles of 2 colors, numbers 1-5, “magic bags” (1 per pair of children), workbooks, a stand for displaying material, colored pencils.

Activities of a teacher

Children's activities

Subject development environment

Expected results

Formation and writing of numbers 1-5. Count to 5.

Game "Day-Night". The toy is exhibited.

Who is our guest? How many guests? Show the card with the number.

Let's play the day-night game. At the command of night, we close our eyes.

Night! (another toy is displayed).

Same with toys up to 5.

Game "Magic Bag".

Children give answers and complete tasks

Children count toys and show the corresponding card with a number.

Children work in pairs, determine the number of objects by touch, each determines whether their neighbor's count is correct.

Demonstration toys, cards with numbers for children.

Bags with homogeneous small objects.

The score and the digital designation of the number are fixed.

Counting skills are strengthened based on tactile-motor sensations.

Physical education lesson “1,2,3,4,5!” (see Peterson p. 126)

Children perform movements in accordance with the text

Motor activity is ensured.

Recording and composition of numbers 1-5.

Work in workbooks exercise 1 page 1 The teacher analyzes several tasks.

Children answer questions and give detailed explanations. They independently complete the task to the end, explain their solution, compare it with the example, and if the solution is correct, give themselves a “+” sign. The accuracy of the self-test is checked in pairs.

The ability to correlate numbers with numbers, the ability to analyze, and give self-assessment is consolidated.

Game "Magic Houses".

The composition of the number is modeled on the board using colored circles

Children work with handouts, make up various options, explain their actions

Demonstration, distributing circles of different colors.

The composition of numbers 1-5 is fixed.

Physical education with fingers (Peterson p. 127)

Children imitate movements in accordance with the words.

Physical activity is ensured

Consolidating the composition of numbers 2-5.

Work in notebooks. Controls 2.3 page 1

The teacher analyzes several tasks.

Children complete tasks in workbooks, peer-checking in pairs.

Task 3 is performed in the form of a competition.

Workbooks, colored pencils.

Ideas about the composition of numbers 2-5 are fixed.

Results of the lesson.

Exchange of impressions. Explanation of homework assignment. Active children and best answers are marked.

Children share their difficulties and note what they liked.

A positive emotional response to OOD was evoked.

Abstract of GCD

by NGO "Cognitive Development" FEMP

(mathematical development)

in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

"Magic Journey"

Target: Continue to form elementary mathematical concepts.


Educational: Improve counting skills within 10. Compare objects by length. Improve knowledge about geometric shapes. Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Reinforce knowledge about the sequence of days of the week and parts of the day. Develop cooperation skills in the classroom, develop self-esteem skills.

Educational: To develop children's attention, logical thinking, imagination, curiosity, and mutual assistance.

Educational: Cultivate a cognitive interest in mathematics.

Integration of educational areas:Cognitive development,social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

Preliminary work with children:Guessing riddles, individual lessons, didactic game “Week”, game exercise “Complete the Draw”.

Demo material:Petals of seven colors, trailers of different lengths, flower vases, flowers, a ball, a chest.

Handout:sets of geometric shapes, envelopes with a set of numbers, cards for graphic dictation, an envelope with a set of Tsvetikov-Semitsvetikov.

GCD move

Children and their teacher stand in a circle.

The sun rose a long time ago,

He looked into our window.

Gathered all the friends in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

We'll go right now

Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle,

And we will all return to our place.

Let's smile, wink,

Let's go travel.

Children perform exercises in accordance with the text.

Educator: Today I invite you to go on a journey. And the journey will not be simple, but magical. Far, far away there is a magical country, an extraordinary flower grows there, it can fulfill any wish. What kind of flower do you think this is?

Children: This is Tsvetik-Semitsvetik.

Educator: That's right, Tsvetik-Semitsvetik. One day a mischievous wind burst into that country and scattered the petals of a magical flower. Would you like to have such a flower? (Children's answers).

Let us then hit the road and collect all the petals of the magic flower. But the path will not be easy. Are you ready (children's answers)

I see that you are ready to travel.

We need to hit the road.

Gain some wisdom, some sense,

Find all the petals,

To make a wish.

And what we will go on - guess the riddle.

The brothers are ready to visit,

Caught on each other

And they rushed off on a long journey,

They just left the beep.

Children: This is a train.

Educator: That's right, it's a train. Let's get our train ready and hit the road. Here are the carriages in front of you, they need to be arranged from shortest to longest.

How many cars does the train have in total?

What is the order of blue?

What color is the carriage between red and yellow?

What is the order of the green carriage?

Educator: Well done, children! You completed the task. Now it's time to hit the road.

Look left and right

Name what you see!

Anything can happen along the way

You have to be careful.

We will succeed,

It will be great!

Educator: Oh, look, here is the first petal. What colour is he?

Children: The petal is red.

The trailers are funny

They run, run, run.

Their round wheels

Everything is knock, yes, knock, yes.

Breathing exercises.Children make the sound - tu-tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Educator : Look what a beautiful flower meadow. I suggest you pick three flowers and put in vases the same number of flowers as the number written on the vase.

(Children collect flowers and put them in vases, notice an orange petal among the flowers)

Children: Look, here's another petal - orange.

Educator: Great guys, we already have two petals.

There's a swamp on the way

The guys can't get through here!

We need to build a bridge

So that we can get there.

Didactic game “Bridge of geometric shapes”

Children continue the logical chain of geometric shapes. Each person is given sets of geometric shapes that the children need to sort out. Children place their narrow bridges side by side to create a wide bridge. Each child has his own version of the logical chain.

Children build a bridge and find a third one - yellow petal.

Educator: Children, the wind is starting to blow again.

Wind, wind, blow harder to make it more fun

Come on, wind, don’t yawn, it’s better to play with us.

Ball game “Throw - catch, name quickly”

The teacher throws a ball to the children and asks a question.

We sleep at night and do exercises….(in the morning)

The sun is shining during the day. And the moon... (at night)

When do your moms and dads come home from work? (In the evening)

We have dinner in the evening and sleep... (at night)

What day of the week is it today? (Wednesday)

What day of the week was yesterday? (Tuesday)

What is the first day of work called? (Monday)

What are the days off called? (Saturday Sunday)

Educator: Children, look, while we were playing, the wind brought us another petal. What colour is he?

Children: Green petal.

Educator: Oh, hear, someone is arguing. Yes, these are bunnies, each of them has a number and they need to stand in order. They can't figure it out.

Children, can you help them? (Children's answers)

Each child receives an envelope with a set of bunnies with numbers from 1 to 10 and they are laid out in order on the table.

Get to work, guys, quickly -

In one of the envelopes the children find another petal. blue color.

Educator: Children, who can count how many petals we have already found?

Children: We found five petals.

Educator: How many petals does Tsvetik - Seven-Tsvetik have?

Children: Tsvetik - Semitsvetik has only seven petals.

Educator: So how many more petals do we need to find?

Children: We need to find two more petals.

Educator: Let's go further to a magical land.

Look how fun it is in this clearing, how many animals, birds and insects there are.

There are ideas and tasks, games, jokes, everything for you!

We wish you good luck - good luck to your work!

Mathematical riddles.

With your nose in the air

The hare was carrying six carrots,

Stumbled and fell -

I lost two carrots.

How many carrots does the hare have left? (4)

Nine bees arrive in the garden

One of them sat down on the flowerbed,

Everyone else is through the garden

They hurry to their apiary.

So how many bees are flying out of the garden?

Three bunnies, five hedgehogs

They go to kindergarten together.

How many kids are there in the garden?(8)

Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

Five crows sat on the roof,

Two more flew to them,

Answer quickly and boldly:

How many of them arrived? (7)

Educator: And here is another petal. He flew to this clearing. What color is he?

Children: Blue petal.

Educator: Children, how many petals are we still missing?

Children: We are missing one petal, purple.

Educator: Children, look, there’s another chest here. How can we open it?

Children: You need to find the key and open the chest.

What a miracle, miracles:

One hand and two hands!

Here is the right palm,

Here is the left palm!

And I’ll tell you without hiding -

Everyone needs hands, friends.

Graphic dictation “Key”

8 cells to the right, 2 - up, 4 - right, 5 - down, 4 - left, 2 - up, 4 - left, 3 - down, 1 - left, 1 - up, 1 - left, 1 - down, 1 - left, 3 – up, 1 – left, 1 – up.

Educator: Now we have found the key, we can open the chest.

Children open the chest and find the last one there. purple petal.

They put all the petals together into Tsvetik - Seven Tsvetik.

Educator : So we found all the petals. Look, there’s another envelope in the chest here, what could it be there?

Children take out an envelope and find a magic flower for each child.Now each of you has a Tsvetik - Semitsvetik, you can make your deepest wishes.

Educator: Children, did you enjoy our trip? (Children's answers)

What did you enjoy most about your trip? (Children's answers)

What task was the most difficult for you? (Children's answers)

Thank you. You know so much, you were attentive, smart, and helped each other, which is why you coped so well with all the tasks that we encountered during the trip. I think you will always try so hard.

Goal: learn to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction of numbers within 10; introduce children to the structure of the task.
Develop the ability to highlight in a task:
To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week and seasons.
Refine your knowledge of forward and backward counting
Formative :
Ability to work in a team and provide complete answers.
logical thinking;
Educational :
Develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently.

Vocabulary work:
To promote the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to express, and give reasons for one’s statements.

Methodical techniques:
Gaming (use of surprise moments)
Visual (use of illustrations)
Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children)

Preliminary work:
Guessing riddles. Conducting didactic games “seasons”, “days of the week”.
Magnetic board. Numbers. Math set. Ball.

(the teacher attracts the children’s attention by showing an envelope, the children approach the teacher and stand in a semicircle on the carpet)

Educator: Guys, this morning when I came to kindergarten, I found this letter. Buratino wrote it to us, do you want to know what’s in it?
Educator: Reading the letter: “Dear guys! Please help me! The evil cat Basilio and the fox Alice locked me in the room and will not give me my golden key, which I carried to Papa Carlo. They will let me go when I solve the most difficult problems and answer the most difficult questions! Guys, I don't know how to solve them! Help me please!"
Educator: Shall we help Pinocchio?
Children: children's preliminary answers. (Yes!)
Educator: A task consists of a condition, a question, a solution and an answer. The problem statement must always contain at least two numbers.
Educator: Here is your first task No. 1:<<Решить задачу>>.
Here's the task: “There were 6 apples on the plate, they put another apple. How many apples were there on the plate? What did I just read to you?
Children: children's preliminary answers (task)
Educator: What else is there in this task?
Children: children's preliminary answers (there is a condition and two numbers)
Educator: What two numbers?
Children: children's preliminary answers (six and one)
Educator: Right. There is a condition in this problem. What is a condition? This is a short story. What is the condition for this task?
Children: children's preliminary answers (There were 6 apples on the plate, they put another one).
Educator: Right. What a great fellow you are. What else is on task?
Educator: What is the question in this task?
Children: children's preliminary answers (how many apples were in the plate)
Educator: Right. The question must correspond to the meaning of the problem. Which one of you will repeat the entire task?
Children: children's preliminary answers (there were 6 apples on the plate, they put another apple. How many apples were there in total on the plate)
Educator: Let's solve this problem. So how many apples were on the plate?
Children: children's preliminary answers (seven)
Educator: Remind me what happens in a problem.
Children: children's preliminary answers (condition)
Educator: What is a condition?
Children: children's preliminary answers (this is a short story)
Educator: What should be in the condition?
Children: children's preliminary answers (two numbers)
Educator: What else should be included in the task?
Children: children's preliminary answers (question)

(The teacher suggests writing down the problem and solving it on the board)

Educator: Here's another task for you #2. 7 tits were sitting on a branch. 2 tits flew away. How many tits are left sitting on the branch?
Educator: Is there a condition in this problem?
Educator: Name it.
Children: children's preliminary answers (7 tits were sitting on a branch. 2 tits flew away)
Educator: Is there a question in this problem?
Children: children's preliminary answers (yes)
Educator: Name it.
Children: children's preliminary answers (How many tits are left sitting on the branch?)
Educator: Now solve the problem.
Children: children's preliminary answers (five)

(the teacher suggests sitting down at the tables and laying out this problem in a number series)

Educator: Well done!

(the teacher invites everyone to stand up and see what task is in the second envelope)

Educator: It’s called “Don’t Yawn, Answer Questions Quickly!” (for this we’ll take a ball)
1. What day of the week is it today?
2. How many days are there in a week?
3. Name them.
4. What day comes after Thursday?
5. What day comes before Wednesday?
6. What is the name of the fifth day of the week?
7. What are the “weekend” days of the week called?
8. What time of year is it now?
9. Name the winter months.
10. What month is it now?
Children: children's preliminary answers to these questions
Educator: Well done! We completed the task!
Educator: Let's open the third envelope. And here are the numbers.
You know what numbers are.
Children: children's preliminary answers (Yes! - these are the signs we use to denote numbers)
Educator: There are only 10 numbers. Now let's play with these numbers.

Game “Get in order!”

Rule of the game:
While the music is playing, the children take one number at a time. At the command “Get in order!”, the children must line up in order.
-number 3, name your neighbors, etc.
Educator: And now I offer you a game in reverse. To do this, we need to repeat the countdown.
Educator: Well done! Did a really good job with the numbers!


Educator: Now you have completed all the tasks! What new did we learn today, what tasks did we complete?
Children: children's preliminary answers

(An answer letter is included in the group)

"Guys! Thank you very much! The cat Basilio and the fox Alice let me go and returned the golden key. I promise you to learn a lot, because I want to be like you: to know and be able to do a lot! Goodbye!"

Educator: Well done boys! I'm glad it worked out for you!

Marina Sovkova

Target: consolidation of mathematical knowledge and skills through games - a journey through fairy tales.


1. Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 5.

2. Learn to answer questions correctly: “How many in total?”, “Which one?”, “Which place?”.

3. Reinforce the concepts: right, left, right, left, to the right side, to the left side.

4. Fix the name of the colors - blue, red, yellow, green, white.

5. To consolidate elementary ideas about the sequence of parts of the day (morning - afternoon - evening - night).

6. Develop intelligence, attention, memory and logical thinking.

7. Cultivate an interest in mathematics, a desire to help heroes in difficult situations, a desire to study.

Preliminary work: count to 5 and back, correctly answer the questions: “How many in total?”, “Which one is it?”, “In which place?”; improve the ability to determine spatial direction relative to oneself: forward, backward, left, right, left, right.

Materials and equipment: multimedia projector, fairy tale presentation, stones with numbers from 1 to 5 according to the number of children, a key cut into three parts.

Organizing time. Communicative exercise “Hello”

Educator: Children enter the group to the music and stand in a semicircle.

I came here in the morning

Hello my friends.

Hello sun and earth

I am Marina Andreevna

(children take turns saying their names)


Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello and give them a good mood (we blow our smiles off our palms).

Children, do you like listening to fairy tales? Wouldn’t you like to get into a fairy tale and help our heroes? Fine. Today I want to tell you a fairy tale. The fairy tale is not simple, magical, with mathematical tasks. And in order to get into a fairy tale, you need to close your eyes and say the magic words “1, 2, 3, spin around, find yourself in a fairy tale.” We open our eyes. We kids are standing near the palace. Come in and sit on the chairs. The fairy tale begins.

Once upon a time there lived a king. And he had a beautiful daughter. Once the king left on his royal business, but his daughter remained at home. She went out into the garden for a walk, and then an evil wizard swooped in, picked up the princess and carried her off to a distant kingdom. Ivan Tsarevich went to look for her. A day goes by, two days go by. Approaches the hut on chicken legs. And Baba Yaga lives there. Ivan Tsarevich told about his misfortune. Baba Yaga promised to help if Ivan Tsarevich completed her task. Shall we help Ivan the Tsarevich?

Listen carefully to the riddles of Baba Yaga:

and on the slide there is an image of 5 vegetables: cabbage, onion, tomato, pepper and cucumber.

Educator: “Children, what do you see?”

Children: "Vegetables."

I’m asking my two children which ones exactly.

Educator: “Let’s count how many vegetables grow in the garden, go and count.”

...counts: “One, two, three, four, five.”

Educator: “Now let’s count differently, so as to find out which vegetable is counted.”

It turns out that he counts: “First, second, third...”

Educator: “What is the third vegetable?”

… : "Tomato".

I call and ask: “What vegetable is second, fourth, fifth?”

... answers: “Onion, pepper, cucumber.”

Guys, look, Baba Yaga has swapped the vegetables and offers to play the game “What has changed?”

“Which is the cucumber now?”

“Which tomato?”


Educator: So what vegetables do we put in the basket?

Educator: We completed Baba Yaga’s task. Well done!

Baba Yaga gave a ball that will help us find the castle in which our princess is languishing. And Ivan the Tsarevich went further. The ball rolled and brought Ivan Tsarevich into a fairy-tale forest.

So Ivan Tsarevich and I found ourselves in a fairytale forest. And there the forest inhabitants meet. They asked Tsarevich Ivan riddles. Can we help you guess?

The sun is rising bright

The cockerel sings in the garden

Our children are waking up

They are going to kindergarten. (Morning)

Sun in the sky

Shines brightly

We're going for a walk

We sing songs happily. (Day)

The sun is radiant

The village behind the houses

We came from a walk

It's time for dinner! (evening)

Stars are shining in the sky

The trickles in the river say

The moon is looking through our window

He tells our children to sleep. (Night)

Well done guys, you solved the riddles quickly! And now the animals invite us to relax a little and dance. Do you agree?

Physical education minute

“If life is fun.” Repeat the movements after me. (Movements are performed to the music).

I will help you, Ivan the Tsarevich, get the ball, but first complete my tasks.

Educator: Let's help Ivan Tsarevich complete the task.

Educational game “At the bottom of the sea”

Find the fish that swims to the right?

Find the fish that swims to the left?

Find all the fish that swim to the right? Where do the remaining fish go?

Find all the sea creatures that swim to the left?

We completed the task. Now the mermaid is very happy.

The mermaid found a ball at the bottom of the sea, gave it to Ivan Tsarevich, and he moved on.

Educator: Children. Look! you see, there is a castle in front of us. Here is the entrance to the castle. The door to the castle, behind which the princess is hidden, is covered with stones. To enter the castle you need to dismantle the stones. There are pebbles in front of you, you need to lay out a number line from 1 to 5 from left to right. Everyone got ready and started working.

Show a pebble with a number greater than 4 by 1 (5);

Smallest number (1) :

A number that is less than 3 by 1 (2);

Number following number 2(3)

Educator: Well done, we cleared the door to the castle of stones. But we can’t enter, we need to complete one more task, if we do everything correctly, the door will open. Ivan Tsarevich dropped the crystal key to the ground, and it broke into pieces and was lost.

Guys, in order to collect the key, we need to find all the pieces. (Collect the key)

teacher: Well done. They helped Ivan the prince free the princess.


And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Close and repeat after me “One, two, three, turn around, find yourself in the group!”

Guys, look, there is some kind of envelope on my table. Let's see what's in it.

Letter: Guys, thank you for helping Ivan Tsarevich free me. And Ivan Tsarevich and I are sending you our portraits as souvenirs.

So we ended up in a group,

They helped our heroes.

We learned a lot

And all the tasks were completed!

Now it's time for us all to say goodbye.

And tell everyone:

See you again!

We wish everyone great happiness

Love, good luck and victories!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group (FEMP) “Happy Journey” Cognitive development. Summary of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the second junior group “Happy Journey”.

Synopsis of direct educational activities on cognitive development (FEMP) “Journey in search of treasure” Summary of direct educational activities on cognitive development (FEMP) Topic: “Journey in search of treasure” for secondary.

Abstract of educational activities for cognitive development (construction, FEMP) in the senior speech therapy group Topic: “Mysterious Bridge” Purpose: to exercise children in constructing bridges using diagrams; task: - to strengthen children’s recognition skills.

Abstract of educational activities on cognitive development using ICT in the senior group “The city in which I live” ABSTRACT Summary of GCD for the thematic block “I live in Serpukhov”, is carried out in senior preschool age using a laptop and.

OD summary on cognitive development in the senior group “Journey to the Islands” Program content: Objectives: Educational: Exercise children in direct counting, within 10. Teach ordinal counting, answer correctly.

Summary of an open lesson on cognitive development (FEMP) “Geometric shapes” in the senior group PREPARED AND CONDUCTED BY: TEACHER Rygun Elena Vladimirovna. Direct educational activity: “Journey to the country of Geometry.”

Abstract on cognitive development (FEMP) “Orientation in time. Journey by the crocodile Gena" Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution, child development center - kindergarten No. 63, Sochi Abstract of continuous.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development (FEMP) in the senior group Goal: Development of children’s cognitive interests, formation of cognitive actions and development of creative activity. Priority educational.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development and speech development in the senior group “Journey to the autumn forest” Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about autumn. Objectives: Educational: to consolidate the ability to identify the distinctive features of autumn, mushrooms.

Summary of a lesson on speech development using ICT in the senior group based on the fairy tale “The Winged, the Hairy and the Oily” SPEECH DEVELOPMENT IN THE SENIOR GROUP ON THE TOPIC: LEXICO - GRAMMAR EXERCISES. READING THE FAIRY TALE “WINGED, HAIRY AND OILY” IN FORM.

Image library:

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 90 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children in the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg.


Group teacher: Gusarova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna St. Petersburg 2015


  1. Develop interest and love for native nature.
  2. To consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals and plants of their native land.



  1. Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10, name adjacent numbers of a given number,
  2. Develop forward and backward counting skills.
  3. Learn to find a certain number of objects corresponding to the number.
  4. Strengthen the ability to solve simple arithmetic problems using logical thinking.
  5. Continue learning to name and distinguish geometric shapes.


  1. Develop cognitive interest;
  2. Develop logical thinking, perception, attention, the ability to analyze and compare objects by properties, generalize;
  3. Develop independence;
  4. Develop independent work skills;
  5. Draw conclusions and conclusions.


  1. Cultivate interest in mathematical and cognitive activities;
  2. Foster a desire to help others who find themselves in difficult situations;
  3. Foster friendly relationships between children and the habit of studying together.

Integrated educational areas:

  1. "Cognitive development (FEMP and Familiarization with the surrounding world)»
  2. "Social and communicative development"
  3. "Speech development"
  4. "Artistic and aesthetic development"
  5. "Physical development"

Technologies used:

  1. Health saving technology
  2. Pedagogical technology based on activation and intensification of students’ activities (gaming technology)
  3. Pedagogical technologies based on personal orientation of the pedagogical process (cooperative learning)
  4. Technology of using game methods in teaching (business, role-playing and other types of educational games)
  5. Modern pedagogical technologies
  6. Information and communication technologies

Methodical techniques:

  1. Questions,
  2. Problematic situation
  3. Exercises,
  4. Games,
  5. Tasks,
  6. Puzzles,
  7. Review of slides.


  1. Slides of wild animals and plants;
  2. Schemes of geometric shapes;
  3. Handout,
  4. Picture of a bear (split),
  5. Balloon with a letter,
  6. Signs symbols: "Rules of behavior in the forest" ,
  7. Papers measuring 8*8cm for each child, 3 pieces,
  8. Scissors.
  9. Two stripes: 1) long and narrow;
  10. short and wide

Form of implementation: joint activity


Our head remembers important actions and smart words. Children pat themselves on the head.

We listen carefully... They bring their hands to their ears.

We'll definitely watch it. They bring their hands to their eyes.

We don’t interrupt adults... They threaten with their index finger.

We gain a lot of knowledge. Clench and unclench the fingers on both hands.

There is a balloon hanging in the group, and an envelope is tied to a string.


Guys, look, what is this? (the envelope is not signed). It's a strange envelope, nothing written on it.

Let's open the envelope and see what's there (the teacher opens the envelope; in the envelope there is a cut picture and a letter).

Guys, look, there is a cut picture in the envelope, let’s collect it now and then maybe we’ll find out who it’s from (children collect pictures, the picture shows Big Mama Bear).

Everything is clear, which means the letter came to us from Big Mama Bear. Now we can read it with you.

(The teacher reads the letter).

“Hello dear guys! I'm Big Mama Bear. I am in grief, my little son Umka the bear cub decided to feast on honey from Mother Bee, who lives in a magical forest, without asking, and climbed into her hive. She caught him and locked him, and in order to save the bear cub, I ask you to help me. Guys, in order for my son to return to me, you must pass all the tests of Mother Bee and cope with the tasks that she has prepared for you. The tasks will be difficult but interesting; By completing them, you will thereby help the bear cub return home. Are you ready for the test?

Children's answer: Yes

Educator: Let's help Big Mama Bear save her little son Umka the bear.

Children's answer: Yes

Educator: Then we go to save Umka the bear cub in the magical forest. It’s not easy to get to it, so we’ll become geese-swans and fly. Where are your wings? Flap your wings more energetically to reach faster. (children imitate the flight of swans)

Let's scream like swans: "Kurly-kurly-kurly"

(children imitate the cry of swans)

So we flew over a meadow, now over a river, over a field, a small village and, finally, a forest appeared ahead. Finally got there!

I warn you that you need to be very careful in the forest. We sit down on the edge of the forest and now we can turn into children again. Look, did you lose anyone along the way?

Children's answer? No


But before we go into the forest and start completing Mother Bee's tasks, what do we need to remember?

Children's answers: (rules of behavior in nature)

Educator: And signs - symbols-cards - will help us with this.

Didactic game: "Rules of behavior in nature" or "Take care of the living" (working with signs and symbols - cards)

(the presenter shows the picture to the children, and they must explain what situation is depicted in it and how to avoid it)

  1. picture: Don't destroy birds' nests (1)
  2. card: Don't destroy anthills (2)
  3. card: Don't make noise in the forest (8)
  4. card: Do not leave or bury garbage in the forest. (10)
  5. card: Don't carve messages on trees. (12)
  6. card: Do not offend forest insects. (4)
  7. card: Don't pick rare flowers. (6)
  8. card: Do not uproot mushrooms and berry bushes (14)
  9. card: Do not spoil inedible mushrooms. (13)
  10. card: Do not take animals from the forest. (3)

Child: If you come to the forest for a walk, breathe in the fresh air, run, jump, and play, just don’t forget that you can’t make noise in the forest, even sing very loudly. You are just a guest in the forest, here

The owner is the oak and the elk. Take care of their peace, because they are not our enemies.

Educator: But now, you can hit the road.

1 task: "Long short"

Educator: Guys, look at the two paths in front of us. One path leads into the forest to Mother Bee’s hive, and the other into the swamp to Leshy.

Guys, please look carefully at these paths and tell me what length they are?

Children's answer: A short path and a long path

Educator: How wide are they?

Children's answers: One is wide and the other is narrow.

Educator: - Guys, which path do you think we can use to get to Mother Bee’s hive in the forest?

Children's answer: Along the path, which is short and wide.

Educator: That's right, guys, let's go along the short, wide path. So we entered the forest.

Educator: Guys, how many of you know what the forest is called?

Children's answer: The forest is called the green ocean of the Earth, a priceless gift of nature.

Forests are the real lungs of our planet.

Educator: Well done.

Physical education minute: "Forest Dwellers"

Good forest, old forest (spread your arms wide to the sides)

Full of fabulous wonders! (turns left and right with arms outstretched)

We're going for a walk now (walking)

And we invite you with us!

They are waiting for you at the forest edge (sit down)

Birds, mice and little animals (rise slowly, turns left and right, arms to the sides)

Mouse, mouse (soft springy step, back slightly bent forward)

Gray coat ("paws" in front of the chest)

The mouse walks quietly

He carries a grain into the hole.

And the bear was following the mouse (arms bent at the elbows, palms connected below the waist)

How did he start to cry? (feet shoulder-width apart, stepping from foot to foot)

“Uh-oh! Ooh! (swinging the body from side to side)

I’m waddling!”

And the happy bunnies (palms pressed to the head and jump on two legs)

Long-eared guys (moving forward)

Jump and jump, jump and jump,

Through the field beyond the woods.

Birds in nests (flapping their wings)

Woke up, smiled, (chirp and jump lightly)

They perked up: “Chick-chirp,

Hello friends!

We fly higher than everyone else!”

Hello, good old forest (waving hand, turning left and right with arms outstretched)

Full of fabulous wonders!

Task 2: "Natural areas: Forests of Russia"

Educator: Guys, look, the forest is beautiful and diverse. How many of you know what kind of forest we ended up in, what is it called?

Children's answer: This is a mixed forest.

Educator: Correct. Why do you think so?

Children's answer: Because tall spruce, pine, birch, aspen, rowan, and larch grow in the mixed forest.

Educator: Correct. Well done.

Educator: What else grows in this forest?

Children's answer: Berries - Blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, cranberries, strawberries.

Mushrooms - boletus, boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric...

Educator: Well done and they answered this question correctly

Educator: Guys, when asked what animals live, geometric shapes will help you and me in this forest.

Task 3: "Put the animal out" (working with geometric shapes)

Educator: Guys, who got what animal?

Children's answer: Bear, wolf, squirrel, hare.

Educator: You have completed this task, but in order for us to leave, we need to complete one more task here.

Task 4: "The Fourth Wheel"

(there are pictures with animals on the board)

Educator: Guys, please name the extra animal and explain why you decided so:

Cow – wolf – fox – bear.

Wolf - fox - rooster - hare.

Fox – bear – wolf – walrus.

Task 5: "Say the number"

Educator: (Psycho-gymnastics)

And now, guys, we are going to a magical clearing, where you and I will have to complete tasks from Mother Bee. The road to it runs through a dark, dark forest.

You walk in a circle, one after another, there is a wide stream in front of you, carefully step over it so as not to get your feet wet;

now you have to go up the hill, lift your legs high, okay;

and now the branches are scratching your face, push the branches apart with your hands;

and the last obstacle - you enter the very thicket, squat lower, lower so that the branches do not get into your eyes, the branches become less and less, we rise slowly and here you are in a magical clearing.

Educator: Guys, here we are in a magical clearing, where many numbers live, they love to walk around their clearing, but trouble happened, some of them went for a walk and got lost. You and I need to help them get back - this will be our next task from Mother Bee.

4,5,6, 7, …, 9

1,2, …, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, …, 10

7,6,5,…, 3, …, 1

(children answer questions using cards with numbers)

Educator: Well done! All numbers were returned to their places.

Educator: Guys, I hear the numbers arguing among themselves, everyone thinks that she is the first, let’s put things in order in this clearing and put the numbers in order from 1 to 10. (the numbers on the board are in disarray)

The child completes the task.

Educator: Well done! Let's check.

(children count)

Educator: You have completed this task, let’s move on to the next task from Mother Bee, which is located in this clearing.

Task 6: Game: "How many"

Educator: Guys, you will need to lay out the same number of items as indicated on the card with the number. and find and name the previous and next digit to your number on the card, (if the answer is correct, move on to the next task)

(cards with numbers: 2, 7, 5, 9, 3, 6.

Educator: You have completed these tasks, let's move on.

Task 7: "Math Problem" (according to the table at the board)

Educator: Guys, before starting this task, let’s remember what a task is, what it consists of, and the algorithm for solving the problem.

1) The task is a small story with numbers.

2) The task must have a condition and a question.

The condition states what is known and reports data.

And the question tells you what needs to be found, what is not known. (How many)

1. Dad is a wolf and his 2 wolf cubs decided to go for a walk. Count how many animals went for a walk. (3)

(Children at the blackboard make up a simple arithmetic equation and say the answer to the problem).

2. Dad the hedgehog and his hedgehogs collected 2 porcini mushrooms and 3 boletus mushrooms for lunch during a walk. Count how many mushrooms the hedgehogs collected. (5)

3. So the wolf has plans for friends

Invite to the anniversary.

I invited two bear cubs,

Three hares and five squirrels.

Count quickly

How many friends does a wolf have? (answer 10).

Educator: You have completed this task, let's move on.

Task 8: Game: "Fold a square"

Educator: Guys, for this game you and I will need three squares of paper measuring 8*8 cm for each child, and scissors.

Now listen carefully to the task itself.

Task: Take the first square, fold it so that you get 2 triangles. Cut along the fold line.

Fold the second square to make 4 triangles. Cut along the fold lines.

The third square is 8 triangles. Cut it.

Lay out the triangles on the table so that you get three squares again.

Make sure that the square is larger than the triangles.

Educator: So we completed all the tasks that Mother Bee prepared for us and thereby saved and returned the little bear Umka to his mother Ursa Major.

Guys, it's time for us to go home.

Close your eyes. 1,2,3!

Well, here we are at home!

Guys, did you enjoy our trip?

Children's answer: Yes

Educator: Who did we save today?

Children's answer: Little Bear Umku

Educator: Well done.

Educator: How did we do it?

Children's answers: We completed the tasks that Mother Bee prepared for us.

Educator: Well done!

The little bear returned to his mother (slide show).
